The Stamford Historical Society: Inventoried Collection
Inventory of
the Papers of
The League of Women Voters of Stamford
Content, Box 22
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1. Assorted Publications and Reports on Government,
Voting, Citizens, History and Statistics.
- U.S. Government Regulation of International Business. The Italian Center.
Stamford, Connecticut. September 1977.
- Tell it to Washington. A Guide for Citizen Action including Congressional
Directory. 1977-78.
- Don’t be ½ a
Voter. Join a Party. Be Where the Real Action is. LWV of CT. March 1971.
- On Election Day Where Will you be? LWV of CT Education Fund.
- The UN Today. July 1967.
- It’s
Your Country; do Something about it. Vote. 1970.
- How Good a Citizen are You? A Public Affairs Program of SACIA.
- This is
Your General Assembly. 1971, 1972, The LWV of CT.
- Government…Politics…and
you. Are You a 3-Level Citizen? A Public Affairs Program of SACIA.
- Yours is the loudest and strongest voice. Write your representatives in
Washington, Hartford, Your Town. The LWV of CT.
- Connecticut General Assembly of 1971.
- Crisis in Connecticut – A
Realistic Look at State Taxes. LWV of CT. March 1971.
- Civic Watchdogs
in High Heels. A Reader’s Digest Reprint. April 1957.
- Publications. LWV of CT. June 1971.
- Publications. LWV of CT. May 1970.
- 1970 Voters Handbook for Connecticut.
- Speaking Out for Good Government. A profile of the LWV of CT. August 1971.
- The Politics of Trade. LWV of the U.S. 1971.
- The Power is in Your Vote. LWV of CT.
- 1976 Voters Handbook for Connecticut.
- Connecticut: The Story of Your State Government by Virginia Adams. August
- Nuclear Power in Connecticut. Fact Book 1977. Northeast Utilities.
- The National Voter. Energy Unemployment and the Economy QED. Spring 1975.
- Why a Department of Peace by Frederick L. Schuman. 1969.
- Usted y su maquina para votar. Guia para votantes en Connecticut.
- Connecticut in Focus. LWV of CT. June 1970.
- Administrative Obstacles to Voting. A report of the LWV Education Fund.
- We’ve Come a Long Way. A history of the LWV of Connecticut – 1921-1953
by Adelaide Morgan Hirsche. May 1953.
- Follow That Man. Greenwich LWV. 1970.
- The Structure
of Connecticut’s
State Government. Connecticut Public Expenditure Council, Inc.
LWV – University of Connecticut Course “Politics
- Clipping – UConn, League to Co-Sponsor ‘Politics 64’.
The Advocate. September 1964.
- Politics 1964. Danbury, Hartford, Middletown, New London, Stamford, Westport.
- Letter from Thomas F. Cummings, Jr. Assistant Director, Uconn to Mrs. Langstaff
re supply of Politics 1965 brochures. September 1964.
- Letter from
Mrs. E. Kennedy Langstaff, President LWV of Stamford to Mr. Paul H. Durrie,
Director of Adult Education Stamford Public Schools re thanking him for
efforts in promoting “Politics 1964”. September 1964.
- Letter from Paul H. Durrie, Director of Adult Education Stamford Public
Schools to Mrs. E. Kennedy Langstaff re promoting Politics 1964.
- Letters from Thomas F. Cummings, Jr. Assistant Director Uconn to Mrs. E.
Kennedy Langstaff re progress note on the 1964 program. August 1964, June
1964, and April 1964.
- Letter from
Elizabeth K. Roper, President LWV of CT to Mrs. E. Kennedy Langstaff re
request to have LWV of CT co-sponsor a lecture course entitle Politics
64. March 1964.
- Politics ’64
Coordinating Committee list.
President’s File 1974 “This is Stamford”
- Focus on
Fairfield 1974-75. LWV of Fairfield.
- Focus on
Westport 1971. LWV of Westport.
- This is
Stamford: 1975 and 1974 Production Information.
Map of Stamford.
table of contents. July 1974.
- Chart of
Stamford Boards and Politicians.
- Assorted
graphic mockups for This is Stamford cover.
- Sample proof
pages from United Publishing (George Cohen).
4. Housing Code Publications, Ordinances, Booklets
and Letters 1969-1973.
- Call to Action. Housing Code Amendment. March 1973.
- Coalition of Neighborhood Associations. February 1973.
- Letter from
The Stamford Real Estate Owners Association, Inc. to Mr. George V.
Connors, President of the Board of Reps requesting that the Board of
Reps considers the re-enactment of “Ordinance 65.” January 1973.
- Letter from
Daniel P. Kolesar, Director, Operations Div. Dept of Housing and Urban
Development to Mayor Julius M. Wilensky, City of Stamford re HUD’s
policy statement regarding acceptable code standards. December 1972.
- Letter from Ralph M. Gofstein, Director of Health, City of Stamford, to
William M. Ivler, Executive Director, The Stamford Real Estate Owners Association,
Inc. re proposed minimum housing standards ordinance. August 1972.
- Letter from The Stamford Real Estate Owners Association, Inc. to Director
Ralph Gofstein, City of Stamford Health Department re proposed minimum housing
standards ordinance. August 1972.
- Letters from William Ivler, The Stamford Real Estate Owners Association,
Inc. to Member of the Board re proposed minimum housing standards ordinance.
July 1972.
- Letter from William Ivler, The Stamford Real Estate Owners Association,
Inc. to Member of the Board re proposed new minimum housing standards (new
ordinance 65) and proposed sewer connection charges. June 1972.
- Letter from Mrs. Jerome Connolly, President LWV of Stamford to Dear Representative.
July 1970.
- Vote on Housing
Code – Single
Home Exemption.
- Low and Moderate Income Housing in Connecticut. September 1971.
- Ordinance No.
246 Supplemental – Repealing Previous Ordinance No.
65, Enacted August 30, 1957 Pertaining to “Minimum Housing Standards” For
the City of Stamford, and Replacing Aforementioned Provisions as Chapter
18 of the Stamford City Code. 1957.
- Current Review Human Resources. November 1969.
5. Stamford Fair Housing Committee 1966.
- Trends in Housing. National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing,
Inc. Sept-Oct. 1974.
- Housing Conditions Stamford, CT published by The LWV. 1964.
- Stamford Fair Housing Committee Application for Membership. December 1966.
- Letter from Charles J. Sargent, Jr. Chairman, Temporary Membership Committee,
Stamford Fair Housing Committee to Mrs. E. Kennedy Langstaff re inviting
LWV to apply for membership. November 1966.
- Bylaws – Stamford
Fair Housing Committee. October 1966.
- Poster – Support Equal Housing Opportunity – 4th
Anniversary U.S. Fair Housing Law. U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development.
April 1972.
LWV Housing Units – 1965, 1968-1971
- Masterplan Units. October 26, 27, 28, 1971.
- Housing in Stamford. Presented to Jr. League. October 1970.
- Notes on Meeting with Dave Bick, consultant on Master Plan.
- Outline of
How to Look at a Master Plan – given by Jan Goldstein.
- Planning Unit – An Examination of Basic Policies for the Master Plan
of Stamford, Conn., Schwartz, Fichtner, Bick & Assoc.
- Master Speech: Proposed Housing Locations. 1970.
- Planning and
Housing Unit – Dec. 2, 3, 4, 1969.
- Housing Report.
Unit II Nov. 19, 20, & 21.
- Housing Units. April 20, 21, 22, 1965.
Governor’s Task Force on Housing 1960-1971.
- Governor’s Task Force on Housing – List
of names and addresses by region.
- Report of the Housing Committee. LWV of Stamford. June 1960.
- National Board Report, May 1968. Human Resources.
- National Board Report, May 1969. Human Resources.
- A Housing Primer for Illinois Leagues. A Sometime Guide. July 1970.
- League of Women Voters of the U.S. Housing Supply: A Checklist for Analysis
and Action. April 1970.
- Presentation of Proposed Human Resources Item by Mrs. Richard G. Miller,
Chairman Human Resources Committee. May 4-8, 1970.
- Committee Guide – The LWV of the U.S. Human Resources – No.
1. October 1970.
- Memorandum – The
LWV of the U.S. National Board Report, November 1970.
- League of WV of CT. State Board Report, Spring 1971. Human Resources.
- Committee Guide.
The LWV of the U.S. Human Resources – No. 5. April
- LWV of CT. To Local Leagues from Human Resources Committee. Human Resources
- National Board Report. Guide for Local and State Board Planning. June 1971.
- Governor’s
Task Force on Housing. LWV of CT. October 1971.
8. Housing Local Non-Profit. 1969-1971
- St. John Towers Fact Sheet.
- Glenbrook Road Site Housing Site Development Plan. December 1969.
- Clippings:
- Trinity Corp. Closing. The Advocate. May 1970.
- District Board Approves Two Sites for Non-Profit Housing. January 1970.
- Fear St. John’s
Towers May Become All Black. March 1970.
- Bank in City Buys $20,000 of SDC Bonds. The Advocate. February 1970.
- City Board Approves Tax Abatement.
- Mayor Lists Progress on Housing Units. March 1970.
- Clairol Buys $15,000 City Home Bonds. March 1970.
- Photo of Mayor Julius M. Wilensky, Mrs. Dwight Marshall, James Terrell,
and T. Carter Dodd. The Advocate. March 1970.
- Weicker In Support of Housing. The Advocate. April 1970.
- Trinity Set For Closing in Land Deal. The Advocate. April 1970.
- Trinity Corp. Asks to Act Independent. October 1970.
- Photo – Glenbrook Road Housing – Mayor
Julius Wilensky, Robert McDonald, Harry Kleinert, Sydney C. Kweskin. The
Advocate. June 1970.
- Human Rights Board Probes Eviction of Residents on Willow St. Extension.
June 1970.
- Zelinsky Vote ‘Nay’ on
Two Housing Sites. June 1970.
- SACAPO Offers Full Support in Housing Area. June 1970.
- Housing Problem Idea Demands Priority: Handy. The Advocate. June 1970.
- Construction of Housing Near Start. June 1970.
- City of Relocate Welfare Families Living in Hotels. June 1970.
- Mayor Allays Area Housing Site Concern. June 1970.
- CTE Attacks
Stop Gap Housing Practices, Substandard Rental Units. The Advocate. June
- Petitioners, Mayor Urge Buying Site. June 1970.
- Housing Sites Draw Support from Chamber. June 1970.
- SDC Proposes Modified Town House Units on Site. The Advocate. July 1970.
- Rent Agent
for ‘Towers’ Active
Soon. The Advocate. June 1970.
- City Receives State Grant of $838,898 for Housing. June 1970.
- Long Ridge Rd. Housing Site Prospect Downzoned. The Advocate. July 1970.
- Housing Opponents Prohibit Press From Meeting Held to Air Protests. July
- HSDA Plans to Investigate More Sites. July 1970.
- Strada Backs Proposal for East Side Housing. July 1970.
- Mayor Asks Small Tract be Donated. July 1970.
- CTE, NAACP ask Board: Take Housing Initiative. April 1970.
- St. John’s
Towers Near Completion. April 1970.
- City Receives Tax Abatements Totaling $62,275. April 1970.
- Mayor Signs Tax Agreement for Housing. April 1970.
- Higher Income
Families May be Eligible for St. John’s. The Advocate.
September 1970.
- Housing Project Design Reported 50% Completed. October 1970.
- Former Supt.,
Management Feud on Friendship House ‘Over-Income’.
The Advocate. October 1970.
- Mortgaging for King Apartments Completed. December 1970.
- Strawberry Hill Site Proposed for Housing. December 1970.
- Morgan St. Site Urged for Housing by Mayor. November 1970.
- Housing Speed Urged to Avoid Fund Loss. The Advocate. December 1970.
- CONA Seeks Moratorium on Subsidized Housing. November 1970.
- Horner Hits Confusion on Housing Need. The Advocate. November 1970.
- Mayor Raps Board on Housing. The Advocate. November 1970.
- The Small Homeowner won a Battle this past week.
- Roos on Site. November 1970.
- New Site Envisioned by Housing Chairman. November 1970.
- City Representative
Guroian Criticizes Mayor’s Housing Bid. The Advocate.
December 1970.
- Tower Said Open Soon. December 1970.
- Site Approval Requested. January 1971.
- New Hope’s
Housing Said Near Start. The Advocate. December 1970.
- Quick Site Action Asked of Planners. December 1970.
- Housing Sites
Draws Planners’ Disapproval.
December 1970.
- City Housing Sites Receive Informal Okay. December 1970.
- Housing Choice Draws Praise, Raps. January 1971.
- Housing Agency Seeks $350,000 For City Areas. January 1971.
- HSDA Hopes to Win Court Fight on Site.
- Anti-Housing Tactics Said Rough, Tough. January 1971.
- CONA Asks Board Grant No New Tax Abatements. January 1971.
- Housing Costs seen Continuing to Rise.
- No Easing for Loans. The New York Times.
- Mayflower Garden Apartment Tenants Get Eviction Order. September 1969.
- Program to Spur Housing for Poor. New York Times.
- Weicker’s
Renewal Housing Plan Voted. October 1969.
- Panel Outlines
Scope of City’s Housing Crisis. October 1969.
- Ghettos Are
Aided by Insurers’ Loans.
- Friendship House Financial Ills Solved by Tax Abatement Law. June 1969.
- Feasibility Application Filed for Ludlow St. Housing Project.
- Hibben Says City May Acquire Sites for Housing at no Cost. July 1969.
- Cooke Says
St. John’s
Towers Could be All-Black Occupancy. December 1969.
- Study Shows Technology Alone Can Not Reduce Housing Costs. July 1969.
- Mayor Queries Approval for 24, 36 Housing Units. December 1969.
- SDC Developing Housing Site, Seeks Director. April 1969.
- 200-Unit New Hope Apartment Projects Gets FHA Green Light. May 1969.
- Mayor Reports Coleman Towers Work Progress..
- Housing Groups Join Workshop on Development. April 1969.
- HUD Approves Funds for New Hope Apartments. December 1969.
- $1.2 Million Grant Set Aside by FHA for Trinity Corp. December 1969.
- Quick Approval Urged for Two Housing Sites. December 1969.
- Finance Board Defers Vote on Housing Sites. November 1969.
- New Hope Corp. Gets $1.9 Million Grant for Non-Profit Housing. The Advocate.
May 1968.
- FHA Approves New Apartments on Stillwater. October 1968.
- Board Approves Tax Abatement for New Hope. September 1968.
- Development Corp. Is Purchasing Tract for Housing Project. June 1968.
- Site Found for 40-Unit Housing Plan. May 1968.
- Ordinance for Tax Abatements on Non-Profit Housing Passed/Two Properties
Acquired Last Month by URC/CDAP, Housing Sites Agency Gets Approval/Brown
Rejected by Board for Rights Position/District Board Asks United Oil to Alter
Suit. The Advocate. June 1968.
9. Housing
Units 1972, Background Information
- When the Melting
Pot Doesn’t Melt by Nathan Glazer. New York Times
Magazine. January 1972.
- The Bulletin.
LWV of Stamford, CT. January 1972 League Calendar – Housing
- Churchmen in Cattleland by Mary Ann Gehres. Presbyterian Life. November
- Data on moderate income housing. March 1, 1971, Stamford, CT.
- Houses for
sale – newspaper listings – January
1971. Stamford Advocate.
- LWV of the US. Statement on The Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970
(S. 3639) filed with the Senate Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Development
of the Committee on Banking and Currency. July 1970.
- Guide to Federal
Low-& Moderate-Income Housing & Community
Development Programs. Prepared by The National Urban Coalition. March 1970.
- Stamford Development Corp. Income Limits for Federally Assisted Housing
Developments in the City of Stamford, CT. 1970.
- Some Questions Commonly Asked about Pilot Programs.
- Questions 6
through 8 (pages 12 – 21) regarding housing.
- Financing of Public and Non-Profit Housing.
- Clippings:
- Photo of housing development in New Springfield, Staten Island. The New
York Times. October 1971.
- Housing the
Poor – Life Insurers’ Program
to Fund Big Projects Hits Plenty of Snags. The Wall Street Journal. July
- Housing in Southeast Bronx Under Continuing Pressure. The New York Times.
January 1972.
- Agency Rule on Zone Changes.
- Panel Advises Michigan Take Land-Use Initiative. The Advocate. Per
- Perspectives – When
the Chips are Down. Stamford Weekly Mail and Stamford Shopper. January
Housing Background Material – 1970’s
- Planning in
the 70’s.
LWV of the US.
- LWV of CT. To Local League Presidents, Human Resource Chairmen, State HR
Committee. From Kit Northup, HR Director. June 1970.
- LWV of CT.
State Board Report – Winter 1970. Massachusetts’ Anti-Snob
Zoning Law.
- Individual
L iberties in the Administration of Justice. Connecticut ’s
Choice: Reform or Repression. October 1971.
- LWV of CT.
To Presidents, Legislative Chairmen, HR Chairmen. From Phyllis Connolly,
Director of Housing & Education
H.R. March 1972.
- Clippings:
- Low-Income Housing in Dyke Park?
- Site Unit Asks $66,746 to Aid Housing Program.
- Stricter Housing Code in Offing?
- Census Lists Increase in Housing, Population.
- U.S. Report Finds Fraud in Housing. The New York Times. January 1971.
- Revised Housing Code Pushed by Gofstein. The Advocate. January 1971.
- Integration Held Housing Aid Goal. The New York Times. January 1971.
- Anti-Housing Tactics Said Rough, Tough. The Advocate. January 1971.
- $281,623 Housing Grant Heads Here.
- Better Housing Needed for 6,809, Mayor Says. December 1970.
- Housing Site Supported; Hearing Slated Thursday. The Advocate. November
- CONA Backs Cove Rd. Senior Citizens Project. November 1970.
- Renewal Funds, Housing Vital. January 1971.
- Rich Plans Apartments On Site Next to Center. December 1970.
- The Welfare Tragedy. The New York Times. January 1971.
to Table of Contents
