The Stamford Historical Society: Inventoried Collection
Inventory of
the Papers of
The League of Women Voters of Stamford
Content, Box 29
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1. Transportation Planning and Reports
- Letter from Susan Hill, Legislative Action Chair, and Eileen Berets, Vice
President to The Editor, Stamford Advocate re The Stamford LWV is writing
to commend the Advocate editorial staff on its July 8 editorial regarding
the need for traffic planning in Stamford. July 21, 1977.
- Clipping – LWV endorses traffic planning; it’s
just too important to put off. The Advocate, July 30, 1977. Reprint of
above letter to the Advocate.
- Title IV. Chapter 49. Department of Traffic and Parking.
- Southwestern Regional Planning Agency newsletter. August 1977.
- CT LWV State Board Report. Tips for Transportation Testimony at Public Hearings.
September 1977.
- Substitute House Bill No. 5770. Special Act No. 78-55. An Act Concerning
a Study of the Inter-Related Traffic Systems in Southwestern Connecticut.
February 1970.
- Transportation Plan for the South Western Region. Summary of Conclusions
and Recommendations. Draft (For Discussion Purposes Only). Prepared By: The
South Western Regional Planning Agency. December 7, 1977.
- Letter from Gregory T. Haugan, Deputy Director, Northeast Corridor Project
to J. A. Caywood, Project Director, DeLeuw, Cather/Parsons re requesting
your organization work with Transportation Plaza Associates to develop a
suitable joint transportation and commercial development plan for the existing
Stamford station. March 14, 1978.
- Letter from John J. Morrison, chairman, Finance Subcommittee on Bonding,
State of CT, House of Reps, to James F. Shugrue, Commissioner, Dept. of Transportation
re it is my intention to recommend the boxing of HB-5098 entitled, The Northeast
Corridor Rail Improvement Project to the Finance Committee. April 3, 1978.
- Northeast Corridor
Improvement Project. Executive Summary – Final
Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement. US Dept. of Transportation.
Federal Railroad Administration. June 1978.
- Memo to LL Transportation, Natural Resource or Action Chairmen from Marilyn
Boehm, State Transportation Chairman re CT Public Transportation Authority
Hearings. September 1978.
- Transportation Testimony. State Board Report. September 1978.
- A Key Public
Issue – Professional
Traffic Management in Stamford. Who is Working on a Solution? Prepared
by SACIA. 1979.
- Transportation Language. A Glossary of Terms. Citizen/Government Transportation
Planning Center. Windsor, CT. 1979.
- Transportation Services. Goal. To provide an integrated, efficient and economical
transportation system of modes which provide choice, mobility convenience,
safety and meets the needs of all citizens, including transit-dependent and
handicapped. 1979.
- Memo from Mary Jean from House of Reps to Eileen re Stewart is co-sponsoring
the Senate version of this Bill next week. Copy of Bill attached: To amend
the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 in order to
eliminate certain matching requirements in funding of Station and fencing
improvements in the Northeast Corridor. 1979.
- Greater Southwestern
Connecticut Regional Transportation Study. The Journey to Work. This is
a program to make the journey to work trip easier for greater southwestern
Connecticut’s commuters…Harris For the CT Department
of Transportation. February 1979.
- Rail Freight Issues in Connecticut. March 1979.
- LWV State Board Report. September 1979. US DOT wants Citizen Participation.
- Clippings:
- Rich has second thoughts on garage; calls it disaster. The Advocate.
- City receives federal grant for a transportation study.
- City to interview finalists for traffic director position. The Advocate.
September 6, 1977.
- State threatening
to take City’s road project funds. July 7, 1977.
- Parking Authority to pay Bedford St. garage. July 1977.
- Better traffic lights seen. The Advocate. October 19, 1978.
- Funds OK’d
to fix Poughkeepsie rail bridge. The Advocate. October 18, 1978.
- City left out as feds again talk about railroad station development. The
Advocate. March 30, 1978.
- New transportation plan sets regional guidelines. The Advocate. February
28, 1978.
2. Energy, Coastal Management, Environmental, Pollution
Protection 1973-1978
- Why Does Connecticut Need A Program to Study Airborne Carcinogens and Other
Toxic Materials and Limit Their Emissions? Department of Environmental Protection.
- Land Acquisition by The State of Connecticut. Report of the Program Review
Committee. Connecticut General Assembly. September 1973.
- LWV of CT Memo to Local League Presidents and Land Use Chairmen, from Anne
Sayigh, re State Land Use Consensus. March 21, 1975.
- 1976 Achievements Connecticut Citizen Action Group, Connecticut Citizen
Research Group.
- LWV of CT State
Board Report. Concurrence on Connecticut’s CAM Program.
August 1976.
- LWV of CT Energy Action Kit. Fission Energy: Electric Power from Splitting
Uranium. August 1976.
- LWV of CT E.Q.
Action Kit. Action Calendar for “Bottle Bill” Campaign.
August 1976.
- Committee on
Master Plan Update report to the Board – 10/19/76
- Corporate Communicators – list
of names and addresses.
- Coastal Management Mailing List
- Coastal Leagues
- Comment on “Options and Recommendations for Connecticut’s Coastal
Area Management Program” – Planning Report #20 prepared for Stamford
League of Women Voters by Florence Reissig.
- What You Should Know About the Rate Hike. CT Citizen Action Group.
- Rate Hike Backed for N-Facility. The Hartford Courant. April 30, 1977.
- League of Women
Voters – Gasoline
Conservation Fact Sheet.
- Fact Sheet – League of Women Voters Energy Committee – Conservation.
- Energy Dilemmas. League of Women Voters Education Fund. 1977.
- Land’s End – Newsletter
of the Connecticut Coastal Area Management Program. No. 3 February/March.
- Land’s End – Newsletter
of the Connecticut Coastal Area Management Program. Public Hearings on
CAM Bill.
- Publications of the Connecticut Coastal Area Management ( CAM) Program.
Dept. of Environmental Protection. Hartford, CT. March 1977.
- Minutes of
the Coastal Area Management Advisory Board Meeting – National
Marine Fisheries Service Biological Laboratory, Milford, Ct. March 2, 1977.
- Susan Hill, Stamford LWV Environmental Committee Testimony. March 10, 1977.
- Clipping – Want
control of utility land sales. The Advocate. March 11, 1977.
- Letter from John B. Thompson, Deputy Transportation Commissioner Bureau
of Public Transportation, State of CT, Dept. of Transportation to Ms. Sandy
Fisher, c/o Stamford LWV re enclosed you will find copies of the General
Statutes of CT which cover land acquisition and condemnation proceeding.
March 1977.
- State of CT, Dept of Environmental Protection, Coastal Area Management Program.
Coastal Area Management Advisory Board Meeting. Roland Clement, Chairman.
March 1977.
- Minutes of the Coastal Area Management Advisory Board Meeting. CT Dept.
of Transportation Offices. April 27, 1977.
- Energy Fact
Sheet – 1977
CT Energy Advisory Board Report.
- State of Connecticut – Dept.
of Environmental Protection. DEP Sponsors Dredging Workshops.
- Interim Program for the Disposal of Dredged Material in Long Island Sound:
A Summary. State of NY, State of CT. April 1977.
- State of CT, Dept of Environmental Protection, Coastal Area Management Program.
Coa stal Area Management Advisory Board Meeting. Roland Clement, Chairman.
May 1977.
- Fact Sheet – on May 20, Northeast Utilities asked the Public Utility
Control Authority to grant the larges rate increase request in Connecticut
history – $90 million. 1977.
- New Rates Resulting from Settlement by Northeast Utilities. May 1, 1977.
- Land’s End – Newsletter of the CT Coastal Area Management Program.
CAM Holds Public Workshops. No. 4. May – June 1977.
- Environmental
Sciences School Essay Prize – May 1977. Polychlorinated
Biphenyls. The Passage of a Lethal Compound Through America’s Biological
and Political Systems (And, “How America Balanced Lives Saved Through
Diminished Fireris Against Increased Mortality in Peregrine Falcons”.)
Simon Lews. Environmental Sciences 3. Advisor: M.J.M.
- LWV of CT Education Fund. Letter from Muriel Lightfoot, CAP Coordinator
to Dear Citizen. June 1977.
- Coastal Area
Management – Special Announcement. “Offshore, OnShore”,
a 60 minute documentary covering the basic issues in oil and gas development.
July 1977.
- Memo from Muriel Lightfoot, CAP Coordinator, LWV of CT Education Fund to
Cap Chairperson re CAM Handbooks. July 29, 1977.
- Letter from Charles Bernstein, CT Citizen Action Group to Mrs. Hill re here
is some information on the new Northeast Utilities rate hike request. August
- Letter from
Mary Ann Dickinson, Public Coordinator, State of CT, Dept. of Environmental
Protection. Coastal Area Management Program. To Dear Coastal League Members
re enclosed are 25 copies of the Citizen’s Handbook
to Coastal Area Management. August 1977.
- A Citizen’s
Handbook to Coastal Area Management. Prepared by the Long Island Sound
Taskforce, under the supervision of the CT Coastal Area Management Program,
Dept of Environmental Protection.
- Land’s End – Newsletter
of the CT Coastal Area Management Program. No. 5. September 1977.
- Land’s End – Newsletter
of the CT Coastal Area Management Program. No. 6. December-January 1977-1978.
- Connecticut ’s Coastal Area Management Proposal: The logic behind
the Law. A special report presented as a public service by: The Oceanic Society
and its regional chapter, The Long Island Sound Task Force. By Thomas J.
O’Meara and Thomas C. Jackson. 1978.
- Letter from Thom Serrani, 144 th District, State of CT, House of Reps re
enclosed is the legislation for Coastal Area Management as it stands to date.
February 12, 1978. Raised Committee Bill No. 5547 attached.
- Letter from Florence Reissig to Susan Hill re CAM legislation testimony,
March 8, 1978.
- Comment on “Options and Recommendations for Connecticut’s Coastal
Area Management Program” – Planning Report #20 by Florence Reissig.
- LWV of CT – Testimony Before the Environment Committee – Testimony
#14-78. March 10, 1978.
- Letter from
Rob Gelblum, Consumer Center Coordinator, Connecticut Citizen Action Group
to Susan Hul re Enclosed is a copy of the “Plain Language” bill.
July 18, 1978.
- Connecticut
Voter – September
1977. Vol. 39 No. 1.
- Coastal Management Focus. The Coastal Zone Management Act. June 1977.
- Connecticut
Voter – June
1977. Vol. 38 No. 8.
- Clippings:
- Plans reviewed for coastal controls. The Advocate. December 6, 1977.
- Legislators shun a federal threat on auto pollution checks in state. July
8, 1977.
- Serrani hails
action taken for protecting environment. The Advocate. June 15, 1977.
- Strada: Coastal plan a threat to zoning. The Advocate.
- A Delicate Balance: Coastal Protection and Local Rights. The New York Times.
March 5, 1978.
John B. Hansen – Notes 1977-1978. Binder
of materials.
- Publications
Chairman – List
of Responsibilities.
- Board of Directors
1977-1978 – Stamford LWV – list
of members, telephone numbers, addresses and function within the league.
- Calendar for 1977-1978 Stamford LWV.
- Stamford Budget Calendar.
- National Board members, addresses and phone numbers.
- Agenda for and Notice of Stamford LWV Board Meeting. September 20.
- Side I – Concurrence by Board on CT’s
Coastal Area Management Program.
- Side II – That with Which we are asked to Concur: Concurrence Statement – CT’s
Coastal Area Management Program.
- Minutes of
Stamford LWV Executive Board – September 8 and July 20.
- Minutes of
Executive Board – March 8.
- Minutes of
Stamford LWV Board Meeting – February 21.
- Notice of Meeting
and Agenda Thereof – Stamford LWV Board – March
- Minutes of
the Stamford LWV Board – March 21.
- Stamford LWV
Board – Notice
of Meeting and Agenda for Same. April 18.
- Stamford LWV Board Meeting April 18.
- 21 st Annual Convention of the Stamford LWV held on May 9, 1978.
- Stamford LWV
Board of Directors – Notice of Meeting and Agenda. May
- List of LWV Publications, their price and quantity (on hand?).
- LWV of Stamford. Financial Position for period ending August 31, 1977.
- Board Responsibilities of That Which is Expected of You.
- Board
of Directors 1977-78 Stamford LWV list of names, addresses and phone numbers
and position within LWV.
- Parliamentary Procedure
- League Lingo
- Non Partisanship Policy
- The Committee
- By-Laws of the LWV of Stamford, Inc., as Amended May 18, 1976.
- Publication
- In-League – Guidelines
for League Boards. May 1975 LWV of the U.S.
- Publications:
- Simplified
Parliamentary Procedure Based on Robert’s Rules of Order.
April 1976.
- 1977 – Publications
Catalog LWV of CT
- Members and the Public Catalog. Spring 1977. LWV.
- LWV of CT – Order
Form for State Publications.
- For Leaders – to be used with the spring 1977 catalog for members.
Classified Ads for State and Local League Publications. Spring 1977 – LWV.
- Treasurer’s Annual Report and Proposed Budget – 76-77
Budget, Actual and Proposed 77-78.
- Stamford LWV
Annual Convention –1978
- They Represent
Us – Stamford,
CT 1978.
- National Board
Report – A Guide for Local and State Board Planning – January
1978 No. 6.
to Table of Contents
