The Stamford Historical Society: Inventoried Collection
Inventory of
the Papers of
The League of Women Voters of Stamford
Content, Box 37, 5. through 10.
Research requests may be sent to
Research Fees
1. through 4.
11. through 21.
5. Units – 1973 – January – Solid
Waste Consensus
- Environmental
Quality Consensus questionnaire.
- LWV of the
US – Environmental Quality – Consensus Questions on Future
Federal Role in Solid Waste Management.
- 6 pages
of hand-written notes on Solid Waste.
- Consensus
on Solid Waste from Evening Unite – January 10, 1973.
- Consensus
Questions – pros and cons.
- Consensus
Questions – Background arguments, favored positions.
6. Local Information – Sewers & Harbors
- Letter from
L.M. Klashman, Regional Director, U.S. Department of the Interior, Federal
Water Pollution Control Administration to John J. Curry, Director State
Water Resources Commission, Hartford, CT re we have completed a preliminary
evaluation of the water quality in Stamford Harbor. June 17, 1968.
- Letter from
John J. Curry, Director, State of Connecticut Water Resources Commission
to Stamford Mayor Bruno E. Giordano re the Water Resources Commission
voted to forward to the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
a revised and complete document which we hope they will approve as the
final Water Quality Standards for the State. July 26, 1968.
- Mailing
list for material about water quality hearing June 7, 1967.
- Conversation
notes with Mr. Norman Wagner, September 28, 1966.
- Clipping – L.I.
Sound Pollution Doubles in 10 Years. New York Times. Information
on Sewage Treatment Facilities and Pollution Control – Stamford,
- Clipping – Wagner
Asks Probe of Sound Pollution. The Advocate. June 11, 1966.
- Clipping – Calls
Harbor Indescribably Dirty, City Treatment Plant Inadequate. The Advocate.
June 14, 1966.
- Environmental
Health in Stamford. Stamford Community Council, Inc. December 1960. 16
pages. Pages
51 – 55. Water Supply and Sewerage System.
- Connecticut
State Department of Health – Explanation Sheet. June 9, 1966.
- Typed excerpts
from Water Quality Criteria, 2 nd Ed. Ed. B McKee, jack Edward and Wolf,
Harold W. 1963. The Resources Agency of Calif. State Water Quality Control
Board. Publication #3-A.
- Article
IV – Use of Public Sewers.
- U. Monn
questionnaire on Water and Sewage and Waste Disposal. V. Birk by 6-6-66.
- Stamford
Sewage Treatment Plant – 2 paragraphs.
- LWV of CT – Questionnaire
on sewage and municipal water. To be returned to the State Office by
March 1, 1966.
- Clipping – Sewer
Pipes Cause of Overflow Into Harbor, Sanitarian Reports. The Advocate.
August 24, 1973.
7. Chemicals
- Letter from
Stewart B. McKinney, M.C., U.S. House of Representatives to Mrs. Dorothy
Tesshon re Thank you for requesting copies of the bill banning DES (The
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act – HR 8841) and
the FDA Amendment. September 17, 1975.
- Letter from
Abby M. Gross, Coordinating Chairman, United Nations Association of the
USA to Dear Friend re On May 12 the UNA-USA of Southwest Fairfield County
is having its fifth annual Community Earthwatch at the Greenwich Library
Auditorium on Chemicals – Environmental and Occupational Hazards
to Health. March 8, 1976.
- Letter from
Stewart B. McKinney, M.C., U.S. House of Representatives to Mrs. Dorothy
Tesshon re Knowing your interest in H.R. 8841, a bill to extend funding
for the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, I thought
that I would take this opportunity to outline the provisions of this
measure as it passed the House earlier this month. October 29, 1975.
- Letter
from Lola Meyers to Mrs. Robert Huffman, LWV re I think the story of
phosphates would be of interest to your organization. April 1, 1974.
- A Reader’s
Digest Reprint. Behind the Great Phosphate Flap by Jesse L. Steinfeld,
M.D. November 1973.
- Fact and
Foam in the Row Over Phosphates by William Simon Rukeyser. Reprinted
for the information of the Soap and Detergent Associates. 1971 Time Inc.
- Clippings:
- Cyclamate
study leaves slight doubt. The Advocate. January 14, 1976.
- Kepone
pesticide safeguards ordered. January 13, 1976.
- New
study says cancer caused by food coloring. January 12, 1976.
- F.D.A.
Chief Suspicious of Estrogens. New York Times. January 22, 1976.
- Whittling
the E.P.A. September 25, 1975.
8. Foreign Trade
- Booklet – Interstate
Commerce Commission – Ex Parte No. MC-85. Transportation of “Waste” Products
for Reuse and Recycling (General Motor Carrier Licensing). Served November
4, 1971.
- 3 hand-written
pages On Trade.
- Global Perspectives
in Education – Programs of the Center for War/Peace Studies.
- U.S. Arms
Control and Disarmament Agency – Publication 99. Salt II – Glossary
of Terms.
- Invitation
Brochure to join Americans for Middle East Understanding, Inc.
- Clipping – Moscow’s
Costly Victory. January 5.
- Clipping – Foreign
Policy’s Missing Link: Right at Home.
- One typed
page on Sri Lanka.
- The Quest
for Arms Control: Why and How.
9. Land Use
- Department
of Environmental Protection Information and Education – Technical
Assistance from the Department of Environmental Protection; Technical
Assistance Available Outside DEP; Courses and Conferences for Commissions
and Local Decision Makers.
- Conservation
Commission Aids.
- Reprint – Substitute
for Senate Bill No. 419. Public Act no. 695. An Act Concerning the Preservation
of Wetlands and Tidal Marsh and Estuarine Systems.
- LWV of Stamford – Local
Consensus Positions and Progress Report – October 1974.
- Agency’s
Observation and Findings. (See Sections 7.1.a through 7.1.f inclusive
of the Inland Wetland Regulations and Section 22a-41 of the Connecticut
General Statutes).
- LWV of the
US – Committee Guide – Implementing the National Position
on Land Use. 1975.
- Clipping – Wetlands
map. The Advocate. August 5, 1975.
- Concerning
An Act Requiring Municipalities to Regulate Run-Off and Drainage of Natural
Waters Occurring from Development or Redevelopment Within the Municipality.
Jocelyn T. Shaw, President, Mill River Wetland Committee, Inc. Fairfield,
CT. February 10, 1975.
- Sou’wester.
South Western Regional Planning Agency. The Future of Water Company Land.
February 1976. Number 3.
- Group for
America’s South Fork. A Local Program to Preserve Farmland. Vol.
4, No. 1. Spring, 1976.
- 9 hand-written
index cards on Growth Limitation Time Bombs, Growth Policy and Goals.
- Letter
from Roberts M. Fish, Vice Chairman, Environmental Protection Board,
Stamford, CT to Dorothy Tessohn, Chairman, Environmental Quality, LWV
re I was sorry not to have had the pleasure of meeting you at the panel
discussion on Tuesday. Attached is a copy of my “remarks”.
January 16, 1976.
- Advantages
and Disadvantages of Sanitary Landfill.
- Legal Control
of Environmental Pollution in Japan by Kiyoji Murata.
- Form letter
from Abraham Ribicoff, US Senate re The moment I saw the headline “Island
Refinery Proposed Off Old Saybrook” my thoughts flashed back to
front-page stories on other grand designs for Long Island Sound like
the “bridge” and the “jetport”. June 14, 1974.
- For Your
Information – Bring to Land use Units This Month! Re: The Connecticut
State Plan of Conservation and Development.
- Connecticut
Voter – Land Use Consensus. April 1975.
- LWV Education
Fund Memorandum to State and Local Presidents from Marion Nichol, Land
Use Chairman re Land Use Letter, Issue #1, “Our National Forests:
Can They Meet Future Needs?” April 29, 1975.
- Land Use
Letter. Our National Forests: Can They Meet Future Needs? LWV of the
US. April 1975.
- Land Use
Letter. One-fifth of Our Nation’s Land: Leftovers or National Resource?
May 1975.
- Clippings:
- Wilcox
opposes gravel pits fill. August 28, 1975.
- Toward
a Viable Penn Central. Letter to the editor from Jervis Langdon, Jr.,
President, Penn Central Transportation Co. September 25, 1975.
- Regional
transit plan sees outlay of $28 billion. September 29, 1975.
- Planning
board told of City needs; Service road project fails to win approval
of reps board zoning unit.
- Acting
Interior Chief Faces 2 Decisions. The New York Times. August 14, 1975.
- Under New
Rules, What Was a Farm May No Longer Be. August 13.
- DDT Ban
Reduces Level in Humans. August 12.
- Long Island
Sound. The Advocate. August 4, 1975.
- EPB orders
natural resources study.
- Residents
of Rockland Donate Land for Park. The New York Times. January 14, 1976.
- Housing
Near Colorado Nuclear Plant Stirs Fears of Possible Health Hazards. The
New York Times. January 11, 1976.
- Tanker
Storage Approved By Maine Environment Unit. The New York Times.
- New River
Reflections. Letter to the Editor by John Hodel. January 18, 1976.
- Absence
of EPA study may scuttle park plans. The Advocate. January 14, 1976.
- 3 boards
confer on Sleepy Hollow Park. January 13, 1976.
- Box culvert
planned for Toilsome Brook. January 15, 1976.
- Study Upgrades
Value of Tidal Marshes. January 8, 1976.
- Judge is
Removed over Dumping Ban; Federal Judge Who Was Ousted in the Reserve
Mining Case. The New York Times. January 8, 1976.
- Alaska:
What the Pipeline Has Brought. Letter to the Editor by Jim Kowalsky,
Alaska Field Representative. December 23, 1975.
- Darien
to buy shore tract, may sell for development. The Advocate. October 21,
- Pollution
Tests at a Montana Power Plant Raise Questions About the Enforcement
of Clean-Air Laws. The New York Times. December 14, 1975.
- 600,000
Gallons of Oil Spilled at Prudhoe Bay. The New York Times. December 18,
- Interior
Chief and White House Budget Office Clash Over Funds for Park Lands.
The New York Times. December 17, 1975.
- Sales of
California Offshore Oil Leases Start Today. The New York Times. December
11, 1975.
- Ohio Zoning
Dispute. October 15, 1975.
- Coal Study
in Montana Scored; Conflict of Interest is Charged. The New York Times.
January 7, 1976.
- Surface-Mined
Land: Reclamation, U.S. Style. Letter to the Editor by William W. Corbitt,
Asst. Vice President, Public Affairs, American Electric Power Service
Corp. January 8, 1976.
- Brook dredging
cited in light city flood damage. September 29, 1975.
- Westport
Defeats a Change in Zoning Laws That Would Allow Apartment Buildings
for the First Time. The New York Times. September 25, 1975.
- Zoning
Bill Would Push Housing on Smaller Scale. The New York Times. September
24, 1975.
- Death of
Lake Studied to Pinpoint Man’s Role. The New York Times. September
25, 1975.
- Bias claim
against New Canaan zoning refilled in court; town seeks dismissal. The
Advocate. September 29, 1975.
- NC zoners
back off plan to ease new construction. October 2, 1975.
- The Altschul
donation. The Advocate. June 20, 1975.
- New Canaan
Land Trust gets gifts and members. June 28, 1975.
- Leasing
Coal, Oil is Difficult As Finding It. The New York Times. August 31,
- In wake
of six-year study Cooperation said key to Sound future. The Advocate.
July 29, 1975.
- Slurb and
Sprawl. July 13, 1975.
- 600 Suggestions
Offered for Improving L.I. Sound. The New York Times. July 29, 1975.
- West Side
Highway Plan Faces Hurdles That May Kill It. The New York Times. July
15, 1975.
- North Carolina
Gains Support in Opposing River Power Project. The New York Times. September
14, 1975.
- Artifacts
May Block Carolina Power Project. The New York Times. September 3, 1975.
- Grass Seed
Farms Fight Curb on Burning. The New York Times. August 7, 1975.
- Suits on
Offshore Oil Being Prepared by Some States. The New York Times. August
7, 1975.
- Ecologist
slams lack of national policy on Sound’s environment. The Advocate.
August 8, 1975.
- Bills for
Land Regulation Are Adopted by 17 States.
- Stamford
LWV Minutes of Special Board Meeting January 5, 1978. To discuss amendment
to Zoning Regulations – Residential Design District.
- Memo from
Wayne L. Tyson to Members, Board of Directors, Stamford LWV re Designed
Residential Zoning Regulations. January 4, 1978.
- Preliminary
Thoughts on Designed Residential Zoning Regulations by Wayne L. Tyson.
- Draft:
Testimony on Proposed Designed Residential District, An Amendment of
Stamford’s Zoning Regulations.
- Should
Stamford, CT Consider Redistricting? Stamford LWV. 1976.
- Information
Package – Zoning Board. City of Stamford, CT. Comprehensive Re-Zoning
Neighborhood Zoning Workshops. February 1984.
- Zoning
Regulations – City of Stamford, CT. As adopted November 30, 1951
With Subsequent Amendments. July 12, 1974.
- Letter
from Harry Bennett of Harry Bennett & Associates, Inc. to Mr. Robert
Lewis re Widening of Long Ridge Road in Connection with Xerox. February
8, 1974.
- The Fair
Housing Act Amendments H.R. 5200. April 16, 1980.
10. Water
- The Federal
Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. Highlights. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. January 1973.
- Clipping – Finance
Chief Joins Protest Against Water Co. Rate Hike. The Advocate. September
4, 1973.
- LWV of the
US. National Current Agenda – Water Resources. Annual Report 4/1/67 – 3/31/68.
- New England
Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission. Map of Byram River, Mianus
River, Rippowam River, Five Mile River, Silvermine River Basin Classifications.
- Classification
of Connecticut’s Interstate Streams as Officially Approved by the
New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission.
- State of Connecticut.
Water Resources Commission. Water Quality Standards for Interstate and
Intrastate Waters and the Criteria Used as proposed by Water Resources
Commission for consideration at Public Hearings June 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1967.
- Booklet – First
Things First. A strategy against water pollution. U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. September 1974.
- LWV of the
US. Guide for Leagues Taking Action under the National Water Resources
Position. September 30, 1969.
- Environmental
Update on Water. The Municipal Construction Grant Program: Problems and
Prospects. Pub. No. 612. December 1975. LWV Education Fund.
- Environmental
Update on Water. Controlling Hazardous Pollutants: In the Ocean. Pub. No.
571. April 1975. LWV Education Fund.
- Environmental
Update on Water. Controlling Hazardous Pollutants: In Inland Waters. Pub.
No. 591. June 1975. LWV Education Fund.
- Clipping – U.S.
Appeals Court Bars Navy From Dumping Spoils in Sound. Norwich Bulletin.
September 11, 1975.
- Letter from
Mrs. James Wood, Jr., Environmental Chairman, Stamford LWV to Congressman
Stewart B. McKinney re Thank you for your support for the Federal Clean
Elections Act. October 26, 1974.
- Letter from
Mrs. James Wood, Jr., Environmental Chairman, Stamford LWV to Bettejane
Karnes re I have already contacted the DEP re survey of polluted effluent
from industrial plants in Stamford. June 13, 1974.
- Letters from
Mrs. James Woods, Jr., Environmental Chairman, Stamford LWV to Mr. Bob
Moore, DEP, Mr. Dick Barlow, DEP and Mr. Richard Chase, DEP re sewage emissions
regulations. May – August 1974.
- LWV Education
Fund Memorandum to Local, State and ILO Presidents, from Gwen Murphree,
Chairman, Energy Task Force, re Energy Kit, Including Community Guide.
June 10, 1975.
- Letter from
Mrs. James Woods, Jr., Environmental Chairman, Stamford LWV to Ms. Jeannette
Semon, Bureau of Sanitation re I have read with interest the article about
your work and would like to know if the LWV could assist you. Article attached – Damage
from Industrial Wastes Feared in Sewer Plant Operation. January 24, 1974.
The Advocate.
- Time for Action.
To: EQ Chairpersons. From: Muriel Lightfoot, EQ State Board. Re: National
Commission on Water Quality.
- Form letter
from Muriel Lightfoot, E.Q. Chairperson to Connecticut River Basin Leagues
asking if they have or have not received a mailing from the Inter League
Committee – CT River Basin asking for Concurrence on the “Effect
of Power Plants – Power Plant Sitting.”
- Clippings:
- Something fish
in water research findings. The Advocate. January 16, 1976.
- Water Co. asked
to give specific plans on plant. The Advocate. May 1, 1975.
- Advertisement
by the Stamford Water Company re Springtime clean time. The Advocate. May
1, 1975.
- U.S. Health
Official Asks Immediate Ban on Hudson Pollutant. September 9, 1975.
- Proposed E.P.A.
Rule on Chemical Spills is Denounced as a “Cave-In” to Industry.
The New York Times. January 13, 1976.
- Pollution no
health threat since harbor swimming not allowed, says Gofstein. August
28, 1975.
- Army preparing
new sludge dumping plan. The Advocate. August 5, 1975.
- E.P.A. Plans
Cuts on Water Control. The New York Times. January 22.
- Pollution Patrol.
An ‘Environmental Cop’ Helps Keep Waters Near Pittsburgh Clean.
The Wall Street Journal. August 7, 1975.
- State Says
Some Striped Bass and Salmon Pose a Toxic Peril. The New York Times. August
8, 1975.
- Stamford Harbor.
The Advocate. October 1, 1975.
- Time and the
Rivers. January 12, 1976.
- Harbor pollution
count found extremely high. The Advocate. August 4, 1 975.
- Town of the
Poisoned Sea. The New York Times. July 7, 1975.
- Wetlands map
inaccuracy cited. The Advocate. July 29, 1975.
- Freedom of
Beach – The New York Times. July 13, 1975.
through 4.
11. through 21.
to Table of Contents
