The Stamford Historical Society: Inventoried Collection
Inventory of
the Papers of
The League of Women Voters of Stamford
Content, Box 5
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1. Education Committee Reports - LWV Stamford
- “A Study of the Guidance Program in The Stamford Public Schools,” March 1971
- “Know Your High School - Stamford Connecticut,” 1975 –1976
- “Goals and Aims of Our Public Schools,” August 1973
- “Vocational Education in Stamford,” August 1970
- “Vocational Education in Stamford,” August 1970, Revised February 1971
Legislative Developments and LWV CT Position on Education - Finance,
- Letters, publications, addresses to state education boards. Fact sheets,
consensus on education finance, taxes. League position on education finance.
- Booklets:
- “Financing Public Elementary and Secondary School Education in Connecticut:
Some Approaches to the Problem of How to Distribute State Aid to Education,” by
Dorothy C. Goodwin, January 1961
- “Local Public School Expenses and State Aid in Connecticut,” School
Years 1972- 73 through 1976-77 by Connecticut Public Expenditure Council,
3. Human Resources - Educational - Local Integration
- “An
Analysis of DeFacto Segregation in Stamford's Public Elementary
Schools and Suggestions for Community Action” June 1966
- Stamford
Citizens Committee for Integration of Public Schools – Minutes
November 1965
- Calendar
of Action - Capital Budget - Operating Budget
- League of
Women Voters of the United States “School Survey Guide” June
- Education
Programs for the Disadvantaged in Stamford November 1966
- Committee
on Training and Employment (C.T.E.) programs Serving the Disadvantaged
- Budget Testimony
draft “The Time for Integration is Now” April
- “Progress
of Three-Phase Redistricting Plan” May
- “Community
Attitudes Towards School Desegregation” (Judy's draft)
September 1970 – 3 pages.
- Letter to
Dr. Joseph Porter from Ellen Camhi November 1970
- Integration
of Stamford, Connecticut Elementary schools January 1971
- Letter to
Board of Education from Mrs. Alfred Camhi March 1971
- Qualitative
Review - Public Schools Cafeteria May 1971 by Mrs. Ellen Camhi.
- Letter to
Mrs. Herbert Spirer from Helen A. Tobin December 1971
- “Resolution
Concerning Equal Educational Opportunity and a Total Desegregation Plan
for the Elementary Schools” January 1972
- “Instructional
Program” written
by The Instructional Committee of the Task Force May 1972
- Stamford
Board of Education. An Analysis of Issues Confronting Urban
School Systems” May 1972
- Parent Teachers
Association (PTA) Council - Elementary School PTA President's meeting
June 1972
- Background
Information, Stamford Elementary School Integration Plan. March 1971.
- Stamford
Public Schools “The Advisory Task Force to the Board of Education” 1972
- Young Women's
Christian Association (YWCA) Race Relations Committee – Community
Workshop on Desegregation June 1972
- “A
Look at Stamford's Elementary Schools 1971 – 1972.” Researched
by: National Council of Jewish Women – Education Committee. 11
- “Members
of LWV Back Integration”.
The Advocate. June 9, 1972.
- Not in
Statement on “Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments
of 1967” August 1967
Background Information on “Employment and Educational Programs
for FY 1969” March 1968
Background Material on the “Elementary and Secondary Education
Amendments of 1967" June 1967
- “Time
for Action" LWV US Re: “Elementary and Secondary Education
Amendments of 1967” - Letters to all US Senators; Response to
J. Connolly from Abraham Ribicoff July 1967 and from Thomas J. Dodd
August 1967
- LWV of
the US “Support of Elementary and Secondary Education Act.” Before
the Education Subcommittee of the Senate Labor & Public Welfare
Committee by Mrs. Richard G. Miller, Human Resources Chairman, the
LWV of the U.S. June 1969.
- Time
for Action LWV of CT, “Grants for Education of Educationally
Deprived Children” May 1969
- LWV of
the United States “Report From the Hill” – Education
Bill Scheduled for House Debate Week of March 31. March 1969
- LWV of
Connecticut “Education" February
1969 Re: Special Education and Aid to Disadvantaged.
- League
of Women Voters of the United States Statement in Support of the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act Before the House Education
and Labor Committee by Mrs. Bruce B. Benson, President of the LWV
of the U.S. February 1969
- League
of Women Voters of Connecticut “Teacher Training” February
- League
of Women Voters of Connecticut “Education” January 1969
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