Obituaries of Noted Stamfordites
John St. John
Stamford Advocate, Thursday Evening July 13, 1893
(transcript, the copy is too poor to be scanned)
The death is announced to-day of John St. John. The sad event occurred this morning at the late home of the deceased, Bedford Street, west side of Bedford Park. The deceased was well advanced in years, and for some time has been in retirement from active business on account of a growing feebleness of health caused chiefly by infirmities incident to old age.
His name is one which has for the space of nearly half a century more or less prominently, and always honorably, identified with the growth and progress of the [building] business and related trades and generally with the history of the last fifty years of the village of Stamford. He served in public positions, especially as a member of the Borough Board, and at one time as Chairman of the Committee on Fire Department, manifested an uncommon and helpful interest in the affairs of the department, during what may be called the infancy of its development.
In business affairs he was the originator and long time head of the large lumber and timber concern of St. John & Hoyt, now Hoyt, Getman & Judd, and of its related enterprise the St. John Wood-working Company, organized in 1885. The first-named concern was begun early in the fifties. Its original style was Fox & St. John, the senior partner being the late Richmond Fox. It did business in a brick building and adjacent yards, where the Lounsbury & Soule shoe factory now stands, on Broad Street near Center School.
On the death of Mr. Fox in 1867, the firm became known as St. John & Hoyt, Harvey Hoyt having joined. Ten years later the business was removed to the neighborhood of the shipping docks at the head of the new canal, and here it has grown to its present extensive proportions. Mr. Judd joined the concern in 1878, which then became St. John, Hoyt & Co., and so remained until Mr. Hoyt retired in 1888, and Mr. Getman entered the firm as at present organized.
Mr. St. John's death will be sincerely lamented. Not only by his immediate family and friends, but by the large number of his fellow citizens with whom he has had social and business relations during the course of his long career as an active figure in the industrial and business affairs of his town. The time and place of the funeral services will be announced in tomorrow's paper.
Editor's Note: No age or date of birth was given.
The St. John Wood-working Company (Picturesque Stamford,1892)