Stamford Town Halls
Stamford Government Center Dedication
Brief History of the Town Halls of Stamford, CT
Estelle Feinstein and Renee Kahn
on the occasion of the dedication of the Stamford
Government Center.
Meeting house, town house, town hall, city hall, municipal building, government
center--the home of the Stamford community has had many names and taken many
forms. Over the last three-and-one-half centuries, controversy over the location,
cost, and style of the successive town halls has erupted frequently. In the
end each of the town halls has served the needs and matched the spirit of the
For almost a
century after the founding of Stamford in 1641, political issues vied with
religious issues
for the attention
of the citizens at town meetings.
The "meeting house," a small, wooden building of about 30 feet square
erected at what became the junction of Atlantic and Main Streets, was effectively
the first "town hall" as well as the first church building. When
the administration of political and ecclesiastical affairs was separated in
1731, however, the issue of constructing a separate structure, solely for the
conduct of the public business, arose. Records of the town meetings indicate
that a succession of "town houses" were erected during the eighteenth
century. Each building was a modest, simple, wooden structure that served an
agriculturally-oriented village of several thousand. Each was probably destroyed
by fire, in an era when fire-fighting apparatus was primitive and a fire department
was lacking.
In 1742, after
two years of bickering, the first town house, a building 37-by-20 feet in
was constructed
on Main Street, just behind the meeting
house. Four decades later the town meeting authorized a two-story structure
which could also be utilized for "keeping a school therein when not in
actual use by said town. " Still another town house was erected in 1797
and stood for about 20 years.
At the beginnings of the
second quarter of the nineteenth century, as the forces of Jacksonian Democracy,
and as new forms of transportation--inter-city
roads, canals, railroads--transformed the
nation, Stamford town meetings were conducted in the open air or in churches.
Fortunately the town, rebounding from the loss of territory to Darien and New
Canaan, secured the services of Thomas B. Dixon to plan its next town hall.
Dixon, who was just beginning his career as an architect-builder, designed
a rectangular structure of two stories, 34-by-42 feet, topped by a gabled roof
and based on a hand-hewn timber frame joined with pegs. Although we have no
record, he may have included Federal or Greek Revival details.
Located on Atlantic Street
not far from today's Landmark Square, the building served as the
community's center till 1867. By then the structure had become clearly inadequate
for a town of almost 10,000 people. The building was moved to River Street
and converted into a house. (It did not escape the ultimate fate of other town
houses, and, in 1986 it was destroyed by fire. A few pieces of the pegged timber
frame have been salvaged for the sake of posterity.)
By 1870 Stamford
and the United States had entered the roaring industrial era. One year earlier
Yale & Towne Company had begun large-scale production
of the celebrated Yale lock and key. The issue of a new town hall raised a
storm of discussion in the town meetings and in the press. This time the public
voted for a truly impressive building of three stories--"the ground
floor for stores or business purposes for the town, the second story for a
Court Room, offices and storage . . . and the third story for a Town Hall." The
structure was an imposing red brick edifice, with granite trim, mansard roof,
and proud clock tower and cupola. Standing at the hub of the community of Stamford
at Atlantic and Main Streets, it was a monumental conglomeration of Second
Empire and Victorian Gothic architectural elements.
On November
7, 1871, it opened its doors to an enthusiastic audience who filed into the
top floor" concert room" to see and hear a lecture by John B. Gough on "Lights
and Shadows of London Life." Despite the brick and masonry, however, a maverick
gas jet flame set off a blaze one frigid evening in February 1904 that could
not be contained. The fire fighters and the public watched helplessly as all
but the shell of the structure was consumed by the flames.
The twentieth
century had arrived; the United States was taking its place among the Great
Powers; and
Stamford was a thriving city of 19,000. It could not remain long without
government center. The next year architects Edgar Josselyn and Nathan Mellen
were called on to design a town hall for the new era. In Beaux Arts style,
the new building, now universally known and loved as "the Old Town Hall,” was
placed diagonally on the site of the traditional center of the community. Limestone-faced
and topped with a massive clock tower, the two-and-a-half story structure provided
space for the mayor, a growing list of city officials and a mountain of records.
At one point its basement even served as the local jailhouse.
The nation and
the city after World War II, however, were far more complex than they had
been at the beginnings
of the
century. The Beaux Arts building
could not meet the increasing demands for municipal services and offices. The
first attempt at a solution was the purchase of the five-story HELCO office
building at the lower end of Atlantic Street. The offices of the Mayor and
board of representatives and other boards were moved into the new "City
Hall" or "Municipal Office Building," constructed originally
in 1927. The Town Clerk, the Judge of Probate and the Registrars of Voters
remained in the "Old Town Hall," while other officials were located
in other buildings on and off Atlantic Street.
Such a dispersal of government ill-suited a modern city of over 100,000 population.
Post-war Stamford was transformed by the process of urban renewal and by the
arrival of a host of corporate headquarters. In 1986 the hydra-headed problem
was solved at one stroke by the purchase of the sleek aluminum, glass, and
steel office building, constructed but not tenanted by GTE, on the corner of
Tresser and Washington Boulevards.
Designed by the firm of Hellmuth,
Obata and Kassabaum, under senior architect Jerry A. Davis, the 250,000-square-foot,
ten-story, aquamarine and white edifice
provides an elegant home for Stamford for
decades to come. Named the Stamford Government Center, the newest town hall
of Stamford is a genuine match for the complex needs and large spirit of its
The Old Town Hall,
The New Old Town Hall, Built in 1905
Photo Selection of the Month: Summer 2001
Stamford Town Halls
Stamford Government