The Stamford Historical Society Presents
Pride and Patriotism: Stamford’s Role in World War II
Online Edition
Robert Brinckerhoff
Robert Brinkerhoff served two tours of duty on the Aleutians and took care of the “Attu Cow.”
“Some time ago we displayed the Adak COW. Now comes a letter from Robert Brinkerhoff (54th Fighter Squadron) in a photo of him with the ATTU COW. It is marked 1945 and here's part of what he wrote, “…After the battle of Attu was over…in my spare time I joined a local band playing drums…One day the Col. of the squadron…told me I was getting a different assignment. He made a deal with a Navy group…to get the cow they had brought up from the states…A tent was set up near a hanger, to keep her. My job was to milk her twice a day and divide the milk between the officers day room and the enlisted mens dayroom…" Picture indicates Attu cow and Adak cow were not the same.” (1998 Reunions in the Aleutians)

from photocopy, Courtesy of Eleanor Brinckerhoff
The Battle of the Aleutian Islands
Stamford Service Rolls
Exhibit Photos
Opening Day