The Stamford
Historical Society
Presents the
Virginia T. Davis,
Stamford Historical Society
Distinguished Service Award to
Chet Buttery
21 September 2000
Address by Ron Marcus, Librarian
Good afternoon. It is a pleasure for me
to present this year's Virginia
T. Davis, Stamford Historical
Society Distinguished Service Award to an individual who is most
certainly deserving of it.
This award is given in memory of a
wonderful person, whose devotion to the City of Stamford through this
organization was summed up in an Advocate editorial which said: “She believed that a community's sense of its own history
gave it a solidity and depth that it otherwise would not have. She
was right in thinking so.”
Our year 2000 recipient
is a
remarkable member whose total number of volunteer hours, if known,
would have to be counted in the tens of thousands. He grew up in
Stamford and attended its public schools. Upon America's entry in
WWII he immediately wanted to enlist in the military, but his father
placed a priority on education. Upon graduating from Stamford High
School in 1944, he enlisted in the Marine Corps at the age of
seventeen, and served in the Pacific until 1946. Shortly after his
return to Stamford, he began working for the telephone company,
remaining with them for thirty-five years. Having resided in
Belltown, he began volunteering at the Belltown Fire Department in
1951. Eventually he served as Assistant Chief and interim Chief for a
two month period. Because of his interest in the history of
firefighting, he joined the Stamford Historical Society and became an
active member of the Library Committee. Upon the death of Lois Dater
he assumed responsibility of the Society's photo archives, chairing
this position for a number of years. During this time he introduced
the preliminary process of preparing photographs for
In 1991, as part of Stamford's 350th
anniversary, he was a dynamic force behind the Society's major
exhibit «Fire! Fire! A History of Stamford Firefighting, Paid
and Volunteer». In conjunction with this, a commemorative
booklet was published, which contains a history of all of the
Stamford fire companies and the Stamford Firefighters Burn
Today he is still a member of the
Library Committee, contributing time to the photo archives with his
wife, Ann, during the warm weather. Winter finds them in
Earlier I referred to him serving in the
Marine Corps during WWII. His recollections and thoughts about this
are included in Stamford High School Principal Tony Pavia's book «An American Town Goes To War». Though our
Award recipient may be modest about it, those who have worked with
him I am sure would agree that he is indeed representative of those
found in Tom Brokaw's bestseller «The Greatest
It now gives me great pleasure in presenting
this year's award to Chester W. Buttery!
Photos © Stamford Historical Society
WWII Exhibit: Chet Buttery
Oral History Project
Volunteer Opportunities