Record Groups
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Registration Sheet July 2000
This Record Group consists of blueprints, drawings and sketches of site surveys of personal and commercial properties in Stamford, Connecticut. In most cases, these plans are based on surveyors' measurements and, in the instance, the surveyor and the date of the survey are indicated. Often site surveys were conducted on property to be sold or transferred as part of the distribution of an estate. Where known, this information is provided in the listing.
The site surveys in this Record Group are organized by survey date within Block # within Section, as defined in the official Stamford Block Map dated December 16, 1927, copy of which may be found in the Stamford Historical Society Research Library Map Collection and in the Stamford Town Clerk's office.
The Section/Block Number designations, as identified in this reference, are unchanged to the present day.
arranged and compiled by Frank J. D'Amico
The Stamford Historical Society
July 22, 2000
List of Records
Section 1 |
Block 366 |
TITLE - Map Showing Subdivision Of Property Of Executrans International Inc., Stamford & Greenwich, Conn.
LOCATION - Palmer's Hill; Hillcrest Avenue
SURVEYOR - Paul G. Kotosky for E. J. Frattaroli & Co., surveyors
LOCATION - Palmer's Hill; Hillcrest Avenue
DATE - April 30, 1973 |
Block 377 |
TITLE - Preliminary Plan Proposed For Irene A. Grant - Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Campbell Drive off Scofieldtown Road
SURVEYOR - Edward J. Frattaroli
DATE - November 7, 1966 |
Block 384 |
TITLE - Property Surveyed For John P. Cox, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Lakeside Drive and Quarry Road
SURVEYOR - L. Bromfield, Engineer
DATE - April 20, 1960 |
Block 384 |
TITLE - Map Showing Subdivision of Property Owned By John P. Cox, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Lakeside Drive and Quarry Road (North Stamford Reservoir)
SURVEYOR - Andrew G. Viggiano, L. S. 7918
DATE - October 4, 1972 |
Block 397 |
TITLE - Map Showing Section No.3 Of Mountain Wood Heights Subdivided For Winter Realty Corp., Stamford, Conn.
(attached is also a print of section No. 1)
LOCATION - Heather Drive and Mountain Wood Road
SURVEYOR - Robert L. Redniss
DATE - August 19, 1963 |
Block 399 |
TITLE - (untitled)
LOCATION - Long Ridge Road
SURVEYOR - L. Bromfield Jr., Engineer
DATE - January 13, 1933 |
Block 400 |
TITLE - Property Conveyed By Charles H. Mathews
To The Estate Of Henry O. Havemeyer, Deceased, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Farms Road at Mianus River and Grist Mill Pond
SURVEYOR - W. B. Pierce, Civil Engineer
DATE - May 20, 1922 |
Block 400 |
TITLE - Map Showing Division Between Thomas Brush, Michael Waring And James White Of Long Ridge, Stamford, Conn., Lands Purchased By Them From John Holly And Nathan Selleck(hand drawn as of 1718)
LOCATION - Colony line and Mianus River
SURVEYOR - Robert W. Carder
DATE - June 21, 1966 (Lines revised by Jeanne Majdalany, February 15, 1977) |
Block 402 |
TITLE - Map Showing Property Owned By Mary H. Gilmore On The Southerly Side Of Rock Rimmon Road In The Town Of Stamford, Connecticut
LOCATION - Rock Rimmon Road
SURVEYOR - L. Bromfield Jr., Engineer
February 21, 1933 |
Block 404 |
TITLE - Map Of Property Of Walter E. Houghton, Long Ridge, Town Of Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Rock Rimmon Road at Bonnie Brae Road
SURVEYOR - W. B. Pierce, Civil Engineer
DATE - November 1906 |
Section 2 |
Block 319 |
TITLE - The Property Of E. K. Woodbury At Springdale, Conn.
LOCATION - Hyde Street and Cushing Street at Hope Street
SURVEYOR - surveyed and divided into lots by E. K. Woodbury, signed and sealed in the presence of Edwin Scofield Jr., Justice of the Peace, and David P. Carey
DATE - May 7, 1870 |
Block 328 |
TITLE - Map Of Land Of Estate Of Joseph D. Warren, dec'd, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Klondike Avenue and Garibaldi Avenue
SURVEYOR - compiled from surveys by W. B. Pierce and from field measurements compiled by Albert B. Tracy, Civil Engineer
DATE - December 14, 1926 |
Section 3 |
Blocks 69 & 74 |
TITLE - Map Of Property Belonging To The Estate Of William Pendergast (dec'd) Situated In Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Pacific Street, Canal Street, Chapel Street, Meadow Street, Broadway and the railroad
SURVEYOR - George Schley, C.E.
DATE - September 23, 1896 |
Block 73 |
TITLE - Property Of Vito Racanielo, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Pacific Street at Bond Street
SURVEYOR - W. B. Pierce, Civil Engineer
DATE - October 31, 1921 |
Block 73 |
TITLE - Property Of Vito Racanielo At Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - same as above, including adjoining lots
SURVEYOR - W. B. Pierce, Civil Engineer
DATE - February 16, 1922 (two copies) |
Block 216 |
TITLE - Sketch Showing A Portion Of Old Bedford Road, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - from City Line to Bedford Street, bisecting the property of Henneberger and Jevne
SURVEYOR - W. B. Pierce, Civil Engineer
DATE - June 28, 1920 (three copies) |
Block 216 |
TITLE - Property Of Henneberger And Jevne, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Old Bedford Road
SURVEYOR - W. B. Pierce, Civil Engineer
DATE - June 28, 1920 (two copies) |
Block 216 |
TITLE - Map Of Property Of William K. Knox, Old Bedford Road, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Old Bedford Road, encompassed by plots owned by Henneberger and Jevne
SURVEYOR - W. B. Pierce, Civil Engineer
DATE - December 10, 1920 |
Block 218 |
TITLE - Property Of Nunzieto Tamburri, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Revonah Avenue and Urban Street
SURVEYOR - W. B. Pierce, Civil Engineer
DATE - November 30, 1922 (three copies) |
Block 218 |
TITLE - (untitled, fragment)
LOCATION - Bedford and Urban Streets
SURVEYOR - (unsigned)
DATE - (undated) |
Block 218 |
TITLE - (untitled)
LOCATION - Revonah Avenue; Urban and Chester Streets
SURVEYOR - Harold A. Parsons, C.E.
DATE - May 1916 |
Block 219 |
TITLE - Map Of Revonah Manor, Stamford, Conn. (H. Henneberger, Henry M. Jevne - Owners)
(showing subdivision of property into individual lots)
LOCATION - Bedford, Fifth, Urban and Chester Streets and Strawberry Hill Avenue
SURVEYOR - Harold A. Parsons, C. E.
DATE - April 1909 (eleven copies) |
Block 223 |
TITLE - Property Of Grace C. Dater, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Strawberry Hill Avenue
SURVEYOR - W. B. Pierce, Civil Engineer
DATE - February 1912 (two copies) |
Block 223 |
TITLE - Map Showing Property Surveyed For The Stamford Historical Society, Inc. Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Bedford and North Streets
SURVEYOR - Robert L. Redniss
DATE - March 4, 1968 |
Block 224 |
TITLE - Map Of Plots At Stamford, Conn. Owned By H. Henneberger And Henry M. Jevne
(also includes subset of lots 3 and 7)
LOCATION - Old North Stamford Road And Summer Street
SURVEYOR - Harold A. Parsons, C.E.
DATE - October 1911 (two copies) |
Block 224 |
TITLE - (untitled)
LOCATION - subset of Henneberger - Jevne property showing a portion of lot 2 adjacent to lots 3 and 7
SURVEYOR - Harold A. Parsons, C.E.
DATE - July 1917 |
Block 224 |
TITLE - Map Showing Property Conveyed By Messrs. Henneberger & Jevne To Edward N. Fast, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - this is that portion of lot 2 referred to in the previous entry
SURVEYOR - W. B. Pierce, Civil Engineer
DATE - August 29, 1917 |
Block 225 |
TITLE - Map Of Property Owned By Paul Lockwood
LOCATION - subset of Henneberger & Jevne property referred to above and represents that portion of lot 6 adjacent to Old North Stamford Road
SURVEYOR - Harold A. Parsons C.E.
DATE - September 1925 (two copies) |
Block 262 |
TITLE - Map Showing Property Of Edwin Asthenia Contracted To Be Conveyed To Abram Spelke, September 15, 1922
LOCATION - Linden Avenue
(Note - there is no Linden Avenue in the Stamford Block Map. This record entry assumes the site in question is Linden Place which today is known as Linden Street)
SURVEYOR - L. Bromfield Jr., Engineer
DATE - September 15, 1922 (three copies) |
Block 273 |
TITLE - Map Of Property Al Stamford, Conn. Owned By Est. Maurice J. O'Neill, dec'd
LOCATION - West Broad Street at Stephen Street
SURVEYOR - Harold A. Parsons, C.E.
DATE - July 29,1937 (three copies) |
Section 4 |
Block 184 |
TITLE - Map Of Property Of Abram Spelke, Main Street, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Main Street between Quintard Terrace and Crystal Street
SURVEYOR - Webb & Swenson, Engr's & Surveyors
DATE - October 25, 1923 |
Block 224 |
TITLE - (untitled) shows property of H. Lowell Borrow (Burow) and proposed property of Helen Borrow (Burow)
LOCATION - North Stamford Avenue at Town of Stamford Line
SURVEYOR - Herbert Unnever
DATE - March 16, 1931 |
Block 300 |
TITLE - Map Of Site For Glenbrook School - Formerly Property Of Helen W. Smith, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Monroe Park, Glenbrook Terrace, Oscar Street
SURVEYOR - L Bromfield Jr., Engineer
DATE - June 5, 1925 |
Block 308 |
TITLE - Map Of Property Prepared For W. R. MacCumber, Inc., Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Lenox Avenue, Midland Avenue, Noroton River and the N.Y., N.H., and H. RR Co.
(refer to maps no. 1379 and no. 4199 in Stamford Land and Records)
SURVEYOR - William M. Walsh
DATE - December 15, 1953 |
Section 5 |
Block undetermined |
TITLE - Property Of George Brown, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - State Street
SURVEYOR - Albert B. Tracy
DATE - April 14, 1937 (two copies) |
Blocks 4 & 5 |
TITLE - (untitled fragment, locates various properties belonging to the Morewood Realty CO.)
LOCATION - Willow, State, South, Guernsey and Atlantic Streets
SURVEYOR - (unidentified
DATE - (undated) |
Block 5 |
TITLE - Property Of Morewood Realty Company, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Guernsey Avenue
SURVEYOR - A. B. Tracy of the W. B. Pierce Co., Engr's
DATE - November 20, 1930 |
Block 18 |
TITLE - (untitled, hand drawn sketch)
LOCATION - West Henry Street and South Street
SURVEYOR - (unidentified)
DATE - (undated) |
Block 19 |
TITLE - (untitled, shows property of Max H. Merstein and Samuel Gruber, and the. Rippowam Development Co.)
LOCATION - State Street, South Street, Richmond Hill Avenue
SURVEYOR - (unidentified)
DATE - (undated) |
Section 6 |
Block 25 |
TITLE - Property Of Louis Kanter, Jefferson Street, Stamford, Conn.
LOCATION - Jefferson Street and East Meadow Street
SURVEYOR - A. B. Tracy, Civil Engineer
DATE - November 5, 1926 |
Block 25 |
TITLE - Map Of A Tract Of Land Al Waterside Containing Al-RO-R2 Protracted From A Scale Of Two Chains To The Inch Sold By Samuel Anniss To Dr. Bethiel Kieth, Stamford
LOCATION - Waterside; east side of Stamford Harbor
SURVEYOR - Elbert White
DATE - February 22, 1866 |
Block 150 |
TITLE - (untitled; hand drawn sketch - property of John Muzzio Est., Wm. L H. Weed Jr., formerly Walter Smith, and Jaggers Creek
LOCATION - Seaview Avenue
SURVEYOR - (unidentified)
DATE - (undated, two copies) |
The location of the following sites could not be determined because the surveys lack necessary references such as street identifications.
TITLE - Plot Plan. Alternative To Cottage At Stamford, Conn. For Cot H. Henneberger
LOCATION - (undetermined; may be at the location of other Henneberger property in Section 3, Block 221)
SURVEYOR - (illegible) Achts, 70 East 45 Street N.Y. City
DATE - (undated)
TITLE - Map Showing Property Of Audry B. Perry In The Town Of Stamford. Conn.
LOCATION - Newfield Road
SURVEYOR - Paul Nash, C.E.
DATE - May 1927
This Record Group also contains a special set of artistically presented maps, hand-drawn by W. B. Pierce C.E., showing various sites owned by the Stamford Water Company. The maps are dated February 24,1894.
Property of the Stamford Water Company at Trinity Lake
Property of the Stamford Water Company at Cox's Dam
Property of the Stamford Water Company at Mead Pond
The Woolen Mill Property of the Stamford Water Company at Stamford (Main Street, Mill River, Mill River Street)
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