Downtown Stamford Urban Renewal
When downtown Stamford was redeveloped in the late 1960s – meaning, a lot of structures were torn down – The Stamford Urban Redevelopment Commission (URC) documented photographically all buildings slated for demolition, as required by law. As a result, there exists a treasure trove of heretofore unpublished photographs. Two years ago, the URC graciously agreed to having those photos scanned and catalogued by The Stamford Historical Society and The Historic Neighborhood Preservation Program. Ron Marcus (SHS) and Colin Skidmore (HNPP) spent almost every Monday for over two years at the URC’s office, scanning and recording. Thanks to their devoted work, and courtesy of The City of Stamford, Connecticut, Urban
Redevelopment Commission, the images will be accessible to a larger audience once the still ongoing cataloguing is complete.
Who can identify these people?
League of Women Voters Papers, Inventories Collextion, IC13:
Photo Selection of the Month
Over a period of time we will show groups of the photos by theme.