Stamford Historical Society Presents
Law & Order: The
History of the Stamford Police Department 1830-1956
a 2004 Exhibit and more
Issued on
the Occasion of the
of the Stamford, Conn., Police Force
Monday, April Nine, Nineteen Seventeen
For the Benefit of the Pension Fund
Marcus Research
Police Sergeants
William F. Nevins was appointed patrolman by Warden Charles H.
Leeds, July 10, 1893, when Stamford had the borough form of government. On
May 14, 1894, he was reappointed by Mayor Charles H. Leeds. He was appointed
sergeant of police, August 14, 1905, by Mayor Homer S. Cummings.
Nevins is the veteran of the police force and about his career as policeman
could be written pages of stirring exploits. A more daring policeman never
wore uniform. Many of the important arrests in the police department were
credited to Mr. Nevins. He wears today as a memento of one a handsome watch
presented him by the Stamford National Bank in recognition of his service
in the arrest of Louis Vaneskefski, March 3, 1902, after the latter had
short-changed the cashier of the bank out of $210.
Sergeant Nevins
was born in Stamford, June 9,1859.
Sergeant Walter P. Williams is also a native of Stamford. He was born January
23, 1869. He was appointed patrolman, April 24, 1899, and was assigned
to duty at headquarters. He has been a headquarters man ever since. having
been appointed sergeant of police, August 14, 1905, by Mayor Cummings.
In the old days the headquarters or houseman had considerable police duty
to perform, apart from keeping the records. Before he was relieved of this
sort of work, Sergeant Williams made a number of important arrests, notably
that of Herbert O. Taylor, a man who had stolen diamonds of considerable
value in Englewood, N. J.
Michael Greaney became a patrolman September 1, 1905, having
been appointed by Mayor Cummings. He was advanced to the post of sergeant,
December 22, 1913. Sergeant Greaney was Mayor Austin's appointee and
the mayor had the satisfaction of casting the vote that gave him the
place, the councilmanic vote on confirmation having been tie. Mayor Austin's
confidence in Sergeant Greaney was well placed. He has proved himself
worthy in every way of the appointment and is a credit to the department.
Sergeant Greaney was born in Ireland, February 3, 1867.