Stamford Historical Society Photo
The Photographic Archives at the Stamford Historical Society hold over 10,000 images, dating back to Civil War times. The photographs provide a rich pictorial history of the growth and development of Stamford; its people, industries, government, and communities. The collection embraces visual images in a wide variety of formats. In addition to early and modern prints, there are daguerreotypes, tintypes, ambrotypes, stereographs, postcards, carte de visite and cabinet cards, films and glass plate negatives, and 35 mm slides.
The diversity of collection has made it an excellent resource for researchers, historians, educators, publishers, students, authors, film makers, graphic designers, interior decorators, businesses, and others.
The Photo Archives have a long history of voluteers. The Virginia T. Davis Stamford Historical Society Distinguished Service Award 2000 was presented to Chet Buttery. Chet was instrumental in organizing the photo collection when the Society moved into the current headquarters.
The Photo Archivist's Selection of the Month is an ongoing online feature!
The Department is currently without an archivist or assistant archivist and help is urgently needed! Volunteer position descriptions.
to the Collection
The collection has
grown out of generous donations from local families and photographers, and
continues to grow as new contributions are made. New contributions are accepted
gratefully, but selectively.
Aside from
vintage photos from your family's attic, we are looking for photos dated post
WWII, especially, but by no means exclusively, for the following:
- general photos between 1945 and 1966.
Research requests show an almost total lack of photos of any kind from this time frame.
A recurrent request, aside from street scenes, are photos of Stamford High School.
- photos 1966 up to today
- photos of WWII, Korea and Vietnam Veterans
- postcards
1950 and later
- digital scans
If you want to donate photos, postcards, or scans, please call for an appointment at (203)
or e-mail us at
Finding Your
Only photographs
of Stamford are archived. They are filed by subject
category. Because
many of the photos are fragile, they cannot be directly accessed by the public. Staff will retrieve them for you for viewing.
Also Available
for Research
The Stamford
Historical Society houses several books containing photographs of Stamford.
If you are looking for a picture of your house, you might try the survey done
by Renee Kahn and Virginia Davis on significant architecture in Stamford, and
our Historic House Survey on homes before 1820.
There are three photo
books by Carl Lobozza, Pictures from the Past, Journey through
Time, and the Changing Face of Stamford. A newer publication is Images of Stamford. Browsing these
books might reveal the image you are looking for. These books may be found
in the Marcus Research Library.
To Obtain Images
from the Collection
Details and photographic
reproduction fees
The Marcus Resarch Library is open Tuesday through Saturday from Noon until 4 PM.
For the Photo Archive, please call for an appointment, or e-mail to
Can you identify these photos?
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