Picturesque Stamford,
Mercantile Affairs, etc., pp. 273–275
C.O. Miller

C.O. MILLER commenced business in a small store on Main Street opposite the Town Hall, September, 1868. He removed September 1870, to a new and larger store on Washington Place, where he continued until the erection of the fine building on Atlantic Square, in 1882, now occupied by him. His increasing business demanding more room, it has been necessary to enlarge the building several times during the past few years. The main floor of the store covers the space of 35 x150 feet, which, together with the basement and second floor are occupied for his business of dry goods, fancy goods, carpets, shades, etc. The interior of the store is finished in ash, and the improved facilities for doing business such as are found in the larger cities have been introduced. The business which his been built up by Mr. Miller is surpassed by but few other establishments of the kind in the State.

The store at Atlantic Square
(editor's note: 53 Atlantic Street)
The C.O. Miller Company, Photo Selection of the Month, February 2002
Philosophy and Photographs in a Store, 1912
The Development of a Big Store, 1916
Completing Fifty Years in Business, 1917.
The Remarkable Half Century Success of Mr. C. O. Miller as Evinced in the Astonishing Development
and Present Prominence of The Miller Store.
The C.O. Miller Department Store at 15 Bank Street, Photo Selection of the Month, May 2008
Picturesque Stamford, 1892
Research Library
917.46 Stamford G