Picturesque Stamford, 1892
WHEN the project of celebrating
the 250th Anniversary of the town was first considered, the publishers conceived
the Idea of the present volume, as something which they hoped might be made
an appropriate "Souvenir" or memorial of the event. In more definitely
arranging its materials and form, they adopted the plan substantially as
executed in the following pages. Besides the obvious appropriateness of devoting
a very considerable part of a work designed as a souvenir of an historical
event to a record of the years intervening between the Town's first settlement
and the great anniversary to be celebrated, the publishers were mindful of
the fact that practically no history of Stamford has been available for the
information of a large majority of the present dwellers in the Town, Huntington's
valuable work being out of print for many years. While the present Sketch
makes no pretension to take the place of that more elaborate and comprehensive
history of the Town and its people, it can hardly fail to contribute something
of interest and value to the study of a subject which, it must be assumed,
is one of great interest to every intelligent person associated with the
Town of Stamford, whether by ancestry, citizenship or sojourn, and a subject,
moreover, concerning which the easily accessible information extant is certainly
The task presented to
the writer of our Historical Sketch was to produce in a given, limited space
a connected and condensed narrative record of the Town's history from the
time of its first settlement in 1641 to the celebration of its 250th anniversary
in 1892. In designing the work, with a view to its place as one feature merely,
though a considerable one, in a memorial volume, and with a view also to
the necessary limitation of the space which could be allotted to it, the
writer resolved to make it as serviceable a contribution to local history
as was possible for him in the circumstances indicated. To this end it was
determined to develop with special care those features of the Town's earlier
and later history which have been less fully reported by Huntington and other
writers, and to embody in synoptical narrative such phases and incidents
of our local annals as are recorded with sufficient detail in works already
extant. Such was the general plan of procedure to which the writer addressed
himself. How well, or ill, or indifferently, the work has been done, must
be left for the intelligent, and we trust lenient, reader to judge.
In the researches incident
to the preparation of our Sketch, the best available authorities have been
consulted. Huntington's History of Stamford supplied much material of value.
Other sources of information drawn upon are many and various, and are indicated
in the text. A very considerable proportion, however, of the most characteristic
and illuminative facts and incidents concerning life and times in the village
in the eighteenth century, rests upon the authority of original documents,
especially upon the Town's own official records in the custody of the Town
The second of the two
principal parts into which the literary plan of the work is divided, consists,
first and especially, of detailed histories of the leading churches, written,
for the most part, as will appear from the several signatures, by the men
best qualified for the work. These important and valuable chapters of local
history are followed by a well-considered study of our public school system,
contributed by the gentlemen who so ably fill the positions of Chairman and
Secretary of the present School Board, Articles, more or less elaborate,
follow upon the private schools of the Town; upon its leading manufacturing
industries; its fraternal and benevolent organizations; its social bodies;
its marine commerce and yachting interests; and, in conclusion, an extended
chapter upon the general mercantile traffic and affairs of the Town at the
present time—the whole, with its numerous array of portraits and other pictorial
embellishment, forming a very complete representation of the multiform concerns
of the community, and of the men who make Stamford what it is to-day.
To the work as a whole
we may be permitted to refer with less diffidence than concerning that portion
of it to which we sustain the relation of both author and publishers. We
know of no city or town in the State for which a work of this character has
been produced on a plan so sumptuous, artistically and typographically; and
that the printing in all its departments has been exclusively performed in
Stamford, is a fact which may be recorded here with propriety.
It is the earnest desire
of the publishers that the results of their labors, and of those associated
with them, as embodied in this volume, may contribute some measure of enduring
influence towards awakening and imbuing with a more active and earnest vitality
a spirit of just pride in the place of their birth, or the home of their
choice, on the part of the people of Stamford. From such a spirit will spring
the best hope of present prosperity and future progress through all forms
of enterprise which require the cordial and united action of the people,
especially of the legal voters of the Town and Borough. The past history
of the Town—the circumstances of its origin; the struggles and achievements
of its pioneer people; the doings of its sturdy yeomanry in the French and
Indian wars; the peculiarly interesting and even dramatic story of its part
in the War for Independence, and the equal gallantry its loyal sons and soldiers
displayed in the War for the Union, make up a record that may well stir the
just pride, not only of those associated with the Town by hereditary descent,
but of all of every land and race who share the privileges of its citizenship
and who call it their home. If the present work contributes in any appreciable
degree to the revival and diffusion of a sentiment so excellent in itself,
it cannot fail to promote, in corresponding measure, every scheme of improvement
and wise progress which common pride in the town and common devotion to its
interests will from time to time induce its citizens to undertake.
Research Library
917.46 Stamford G
Charles W. Alphonse - Mercantile Affairs, etc, p. 291
Louis S. Begent and Albert Lynch - Mercantile Affairs, etc, p. 283
Andrew J. Bell - Mercantile Affairs, etc., p. 277
Citizens Savings Bank - Financial Institutions, p 224
The Davenport & Treacy Company, p. 244 ff
John Day Ferguson - Historical Sketch, p. 134
Samuel Fessenden - Historical Sketch, pp 147, 148
The Ferguson Library, Educational Institution, pp 193, 194
First National Bank - Financial Institutions, pp 222-224
Daniel Hanrahan - Mercantile Affairs, etc, p. 282
Hotels - Mercantile Affairs, etc., pp 278, 279
Hoyt, Getman & Judd - Manufacturing Industries, pp 238-241
Lyman Hoyt's Son & Co. - Mercantile Affairs,etc., pp 274ff |
Marine Commerce and Yachting, p. 205 Merrill Business College - Educational Institutions, pp 191, 192
C.O. Miller - Mercantile Affairs, pp 273–275
Henry Lockwood - Mercantile Affairs, etc., p. 285 James H. Olmstead - Physicians and Lawyers, p. 265 Patent Swimming-Baths at EnnistonPark, p. 213 Erastus E. Scofield - Mercantile Affairs, etc., p. 301 The St. John Wood-Working Company - Manufacturing Industries, pp. 241-242 Stamford Baptist Church - Churches, p. 176 ff. Stamford Foundry
Company - Manufacturing
Industries, p. 242 The Stamford Savings Bank - Financial Institutions, pp 217-220
The Townhall
- Various excerpts |
