Stamford Historical Society
Book Corner
Stamford History
Museum Book Store
Connecticut History
Of interest to photo history, textile and antique furniture buffs
Young History Readers
Civil War
The Stamford Historical Society is pleased to recommend selected books
of Connecticut and Stamford History.
Some may be out of print. Some are available in our bookstore in the lobby. Some may be viewed in the Marcus Research Library.
Robert A. Becker
Reform, and the Politics of American Taxation, 1763-1783
Estelle Feinstein
Stamford from Puritan to Patriot: The shaping of a Connecticut Community, 1641-1774
Noah Webster Hoyt
War Diaries of Noah Webster Hoyt: 28th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers
Jeanne Majdalany, Edith M. Wicks
Early Settlement of Stamford Ct 1641-1700
Elijah B. Huntington
of Stamford Connecticut 1641-1868 : Including Darien Until
Tony Pavia
American Town Goes to War
Anthony G. White
Architecture of Stamford, Connecticut : a selected
The Marcus Research Library book holdings are cataloged in the Ferguson Library's online catalog. Adding data is still a work in progress, but users may go to the catalog for their research before visiting the society's research library.
How to proceed: Go to the Online Catalog, and
click on advanced search. Type in your search item and then scroll down to the bottom of the page where you find this box:

(this is a screen print only)
Click on "All libraries" and scroll to "Stamford Historical Society," then hit the search button.
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