Stamford Historical Society
Book Corner
Museum Bookstore
The Museum Book Store has
a number of titles for sale.
Please call 203-329-1183 for current availability
Hours: Thursday & Friday, 11:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m.
Vintage Postcards $1.00
Trinkets that make good gifts (bookmark and pendant, depicting Hoyt Barnum House)
The Shop Downstairs is open Fridays & Saturdays 12 noon-3:00 p.m.
updated July 2010
Estelle F. Feinstein
Stamford in the Gilded Age
Stamford Historical Society 1973
$5.00 |
Fireside Cooks & Black Kettle Recipes
by Doris E. Farrington
$5.00 |
Stamford Past & Present, 1641–1976
The Commemorative Publication
of the Stamford Bicentennial Committee
$10.00 |
Stamford Revolutionary War Damage
by Ronald Marcus
Pequot Press 1968, 1969
Stamford, Connecticut - A Bibliography
ISBN 1886054134
an annotated, indexed compilation of books, pamphlets, special
editions of newspapers, atlas, articles in periodicals, and motion picture
film, containing information relating to the history of Stamford, Connecticut.
by Ronald Marcus
Stamford Historical Society 1995, 2004
Online Edition
The Changing Face of Stamford
by Carl Lobozza
Stamford Historical Society 1978
Anson Dickinson:
The Celebrated Miniature Painter,
by Mona Leitheiser Dearborn
ISBN 094074884X
Connecticut Historical Society
Cooking with Fire
ISBN 096388501
Fairfield Historical Society
Six Wars at a Time: The Life of Gutzon Borglum, Sculptor of Mt. Rushmore
by Howard Shaff and Audrey Karl Shaff
Booklets, Pamphlets & Exhibition Catalogs Books
Elizabeth Clawson
(Stamford Witch Trial)
by Ronald Marcus
Stamford Historical Society, 1976
Fire! Fire!
History of Stamford Fire Fighting, Paid & Volunteer
Stamford Historical Society, 1991
Fort Stamford
by Ronald Marcus
Stamford Historical Society, 1973
Strength in Diversity
by Russell Bastedo
Stamford Historical Society, 1988
Abe Lincoln Grows Up
by Carl Sandburg
Norwalk Potters
by Andrew L. & Kate Barber Winton
Tea and Sympathy
Post-Revolutionary Ceramic in the Stamford Historical Society
Perfect in her Place
Woman at Work in Industrial America
Deborah Warner
Connecticut History Books
Stamford History Books
Of interest to photo history, textile and antique furniture buffs
Young History Readers
Civil War Books
Marcus Research Library book information
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