The Stamford Historical Society: Index of Vertical Files
Revised September 2009
The Vertical Files in the Marcus Research Library are organized
in file drawers,
by category and subject.
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Abate to Arthur |
BIOGRAPHY Abate, Ernest
BIOGRAPHY Achorn, Stanley E. – Pilot Log (1948)
BIOGRAPHY Adams, Nathaniel E.
BIOGRAPHY Addison, Chester A.
BIOGRAPHY Aiken, Catherine
BIOGRAPHY Alexander, Douglas
BIOGRAPHY Alexander, Helen
BIOGRAPHY Alexander, Mary Louise
BIOGRAPHY Altschul, Frank and Helen |
BIOGRAPHY Ammentorp, Annette
BIOGRAPHY Anable, Anthony
BIOGRAPHY Anable, Gloria
BIOGRAPHY Anderson, Amos
BIOGRAPHY Anderson, Maxwell
BIOGRAPHY Arnold, Margaret
BIOGRAPHY Arnold, Paul Dean
BIOGRAPHY Arnow, William
BIOGRAPHY Arthur, Revington |
Bacon to Blodgett |
BIOGRAPHY Bacon, Josephine
BIOGRAPHY Baer, Arthur (Bugs)
BIOGRAPHY Bailey, Whitman
BIOGRAPHY Baker, Rachel
BIOGRAPHY Barger, Raymond G.
BIOGRAPHY Bargh, Samuel J.
BIOGRAPHY Barker, Alice
BIOGRAPHY Barker, Charles L.
BIOGRAPHY Barlow, Aaron (1750–1800) Orderly Book
BIOGRAPHY Barlow, Lester P.
BIOGRAPHY Barnes, R. Bowling
BIOGRAPHY Barrett, George T.
BIOGRAPHY Bartram, Frieda
BIOGRAPHY Baxter, Rev. William L.
BIOGRAPHY Behre, Edward J.
BIOGRAPHY Bennett, Ruth F.
BIOGRAPHY Berges, William J. (Tailor)
BIOGRAPHY Bigelow, Edward F., Dr.
BIOGRAPHY Biggs, Thomas J., M.D. (See Sound View Hospital)
BIOGRAPHY Birren, Faber
BIOGRAPHY Bishop, George Washington, Inventor
BIOGRAPHY Black, Edithe
BIOGRAPHY Blackshear, Theophilus
BIOGRAPHY Black, Robert D.
BIOGRAPHY Bliss, Grace Lester
BIOGRAPHY Blodgett, Helen |
Bogardus to Buttery |
BIOGRAPHY Bogardus, James (1800–1874).
BIOGRAPHY Bolster, Richard
BIOGRAPHY Bond, Nina Lee
BIOGRAPHY Booth, Alice Brown
BIOGRAPHY Booth, Sydney Barton
BIOGRAPHY Borglum, Gutzon 1
BIOGRAPHY Borglum, Gutzon 2
BIOGRAPHY Borglum, Gutzon 3
BIOGRAPHY Bourglay, Jules – “The Leather Man”
BIOGRAPHY Bouton, Eliza Ann St. John (1870–1873) (Diary)
BIOGRAPHY Bove, Joan Gelb
BIOGRAPHY Bowen, Margaret (Mrs. Charles)
BIOGRAPHY Boyle, Michael H.
BIOGRAPHY Brennan, William H.
BIOGRAPHY Brenner, Morris
BIOGRAPHY Brewster–Walker, Sandi J.
BIOGRAPHY Brinckerhoff, J.E. |
BIOGRAPHY Broadhurst, Richard
BIOGRAPHY Bromley, J. Robert
BIOGRAPHY Bromley, Helen Jean, Dr.
BIOGRAPHY Broun, Heywood
BIOGRAPHY Brown, John (1782–1841) – Postmaster
BIOGRAPHY Brown, John M. (1856–1915)
BIOGRAPHY Brown, William
BIOGRAPHY Buckley, William F., Jr.
BIOGRAPHY Bunce, Ruth N. (Mrs. Alan)
BIOGRAPHY Burdick, Arthur J.
BIOGRAPHY Burns, Rosemary H.
BIOGRAPHY Bush, Samuel (1760–1827)
BIOGRAPHY Butler, Joseph T.
BIOGRAPHY Buttery, Margaret |
Cal to Czescik |
BIOGRAPHY Calle, Christopher & Paul
BIOGRAPHY Camhi, Ellen
BIOGRAPHY Campbell, Rev. Donald Fisher
BIOGRAPHY Canaday, Rachel B.
BIOGRAPHY Carter, Galen A.
BIOGRAPHY Carwin, Joseph, Dr.
BIOGRAPHY Catino, Salvadore
BIOGRAPHY Chadeayne, M. Kathryn
BIOGRAPHY Chidester, Keith
BIOGRAPHY Clapes, Louis A. (Mayor)
BIOGRAPHY Cloonan, John J., Dr.
BIOGRAPHY Close, George R. (1915–1951)
BIOGRAPHY Cognetta, Nicholas
BIOGRAPHY Collins, John
BIOGRAPHY Colucci, Joseph |
BIOGRAPHY Connell, Edward A.
BIOGRAPHY Connolly, Jerome
BIOGRAPHY Considine, John T. (Chief of Police)
BIOGRAPHY Cook, Berdel Alfred (1923-1951)
BIOGRAPHY Couch, Thomas (d.1817) Orderly Book
BIOGRAPHY Cowan, Oscar H.
BIOGRAPHY Crandall, Charles Henry (1858–1923) see also Record Group RG–6
BIOGRAPHY Crane, Albert
BIOGRAPHY Crane, James E.
BIOGRAPHY Cummings, Homer Stille (1870–1956)
BIOGRAPHY Cushing, Raymond
BIOGRAPHY Czescik, Edward S. |
Dahl to Downing |
BIOGRAPHY Daskam, Walter D.
BIOGRAPHY Dater, Alfred W., Jr.
BIOGRAPHY Dater, Lois R.
BIOGRAPHY Daugherty, James
BIOGRAPHY Davis, Darwin N., Sr.
BIOGRAPHY David, Louis
BIOGRAPHY Davidoff, Harry
BIOGRAPHY Davis, Robert
BIOGRAPHY Davis, Sussie H.
BIOGRAPHY Davis, Virginia (Davis, Robert, Mrs.)
BIOGRAPHY de Vos, Maria
BIOGRAPHY DeForest, John
BIOGRAPHY DeForest, Ralph |
BIOGRAPHY Delmar, Kenny
BIOGRAPHY Denton, Richard
BIOGRAPHY DeWaters, Lillian
BIOGRAPHY Dibble, Ebenezer
BIOGRAPHY Dichter, Melvin
BIOGRAPHY Dippel, Clara P.
BIOGRAPHY Ditrichstein, Leo (Playwright/Actor)
BIOGRAPHY Dixon, Handy
BIOGRAPHY Dixon, Thomas P.
BIOGRAPHY Doolan, Daniel
BIOGRAPHY Downey, Agnes C.
BIOGRAPHY Downing, Flora M. |
Eckhard to Frohman |
BIOGRAPHY Eckhard, Henry L.
BIOGRAPHY Edgerton, Edna (Mrs. Malcolm. J.)
BIOGRAPHY Elder, George
BIOGRAPHY Emery, Albert H.
BIOGRAPHY Esposito, Stanley (Mayor)
BIOGRAPHY Fahey, Joseph F., Jr.,
BIOGRAPHY Farlow, Nora J. W.
BIOGRAPHY Farrell, Jeanne
BIOGRAPHY Farrington, Doris
BIOGRAPHY Faulkner, Herbert Waldron
BIOGRAPHY Fay, Charles Edey
BIOGRAPHY Feinstein, Estelle
BIOGRAPHY Ferguson, Henry and Samuel |
BIOGRAPHY Ferguson, John
BIOGRAPHY Ferguson, Walton
BIOGRAPHY Ferris, Joshua B.
BIOGRAPHY Ferris, Theodore (1847–1933)
BIOGRAPHY Fessenden, Samuel
BIOGRAPHY Field, Edwin
BIOGRAPHY Fielding, Temple
BIOGRAPHY Finley, Frank P.
BIOGRAPHY Finkel, Michael
BIOGRAPHY Forman, Barbara
BIOGRAPHY Forman, James
BIOGRAPHY Franchina, Charles A.
BIOGRAPHY Franchina, Joseph
BIOGRAPHY Franklin, Floyd
BIOGRAPHY Frohman, Daniel |
Gabor to Gurley |
BIOGRAPHY Gabor, Dennis
BIOGRAPHY Gallagher, Wilhemina
BIOGRAPHY Gardiner, Rockwell (Rocky)
BIOGRAPHY George, Ethel Todd
BIOGRAPHY Gerardi, Amelia
BIOGRAPHY Gerardi, Joseph
BIOGRAPHY Gershman, Elizabeth G. (Bettie)
BIOGRAPHY Gilbert, Benjamin D.
BIOGRAPHY Gilbert, Madeline (wife of Benjamin D. Gilbert)
BIOGRAPHY Gildemeister, Clara
BIOGRAPHY Gildemeister, Walter
BIOGRAPHY Gillespie, Doris
BIOGRAPHY Gillespie, Edward T. W. (1841–1923)
BIOGRAPHY Gillespie, Kingsley A. (1895–1984) |
BIOGRAPHY Givens, Amos
BIOGRAPHY Givens, Webster C.
BIOGRAPHY Goings, Russell L.
BIOGRAPHY Goldblatt, Charlotte
BIOGRAPHY Goldman, Alex (Rabbi)
BIOGRAPHY Goldmark Peter C.
BIOGRAPHY Goldstein, Sandra
BIOGRAPHY Goodman, Benny
BIOGRAPHY Gorn, Martin
BIOGRAPHY Graven, Jack
BIOGRAPHY Graves, William W.
BIOGRAPHY Greeney, Joseph (Letters)
BIOGRAPHY Gregory, W. H., Dr.
BIOGRAPHY Gurley, Frank B. |
Hall to Huxford |
BIOGRAPHY Halliday, Robert Mather
BIOGRAPHY Harper, Cornelius
BIOGRAPHY Hart, Nathaniel
BIOGRAPHY Havee, Theophile W. M.
BIOGRAPHY Haviland, W. P.
BIOGRAPHY Havemeyer, Henry O.
BIOGRAPHY Hayden, Barbara – Irish Culture
BIOGRAPHY Healey, James
BIOGRAPHY Hedges, Andrew Jackson
BIOGRAPHY Heinz, Bernard
BIOGRAPHY Helms, Arthur
BIOGRAPHY Hendricks, William (Photographer)
BIOGRAPHY Hendrickson, Judson C.
BIOGRAPHY Higgins, Lisetta N. (Mrs. Max Higgins)
BIOGRAPHY Hill, George W.
Hilliard, Mary P.
BIOGRAPHY Hirt, Robert C. |
BIOGRAPHY Holly, Flora Mai
BIOGRAPHY Holly, William Henry
BIOGRAPHY Holman, Libby Reynolds – "Treetops"
BIOGRAPHY Hornaday, William Temple
BIOGRAPHY Houdini, Harry (Erich Weiss)
BIOGRAPHY Howland, A.C. (Artist)
BIOGRAPHY Hoyt, Charles Q.
BIOGRAPHY Hoyt, Epinetus
BIOGRAPHY Hoyt, James Henry
BIOGRAPHY Hoyt, Jonathan
BIOGRAPHY Humphrey, David
BIOGRAPHY Hungeford, Harry (M.D.)
BIOGRAPHY Hunt, Edward J.
BIOGRAPHY Hunt, Richard Morris (Architect)
BIOGRAPHY Huntington, E. B. (Elijah Baldwin)
BIOGRAPHY Huxford, Frederick |
Ihm to Junger |
BIOGRAPHY Ingersoll, Simon
BIOGRAPHY Inslee, Gage
BIOGRAPHY Jaeger, Alan
BIOGRAPHY Jansen, Joseph A.
BIOGRAPHY Jarrett, Virginia (Mrs. Paul)
BIOGRAPHY Jarvik, Robert (Doctor)
BIOGRAPHY Jarvis, Munson
BIOGRAPHY Jarvis, Samuel (1720–1780) – 1
BIOGRAPHY Jarvis, Samuel (1720–1780) – 2
BIOGRAPHY Jepsen, George
Johnson, Bernard
BIOGRAPHY Johnson, Verlette Nicholson
BIOGRAPHY Jones, Robert M.
BIOGRAPHY Jones, Jerome
BIOGRAPHY June, Harold
BIOGRAPHY June, Ruth Mary
BIOGRAPHY Junger, John J. |
Kahn to Kurz |
BIOGRAPHY Kane, Martin T.
BIOGRAPHY Karbowski, Eugene
BIOGRAPHY Karp, Henry and Ruth
BIOGRAPHY Karukas, Gus
BIOGRAPHY Keating, John, Sr.
BIOGRAPHY Kemp, Dorothy Taylor
BIOGRAPHY Kessler, Valentine N., Jr.
BIOGRAPHY Ketcham, Alan H. |
BIOGRAPHY Ketcham, Grace
BIOGRAPHY Kimball, Eleanor Selleck (1905–1968)
BIOGRAPHY King, Georgianna Nicholson
BIOGRAPHY King, Rev. Martin Luther
BIOGRAPHY Kingsbury, Elliot
BIOGRAPHY Knowles, James
BIOGRAPHY Kowalski, Ron
BIOGRAPHY Kung Pin Mei, Ignatius (Cardinal)
BIOGRAPHY , Kurz, Charles |
Laitman to Lynn |
Laitman, Marilyn
BIOGRAPHY Lang, Marion
BIOGRAPHY Larson, Hannah, N.
BIOGRAPHY Latham, John C.
BIOGRAPHY Learned, Arthur Garfield & Leila Sprague
BIOGRAPHY Lenz, Frederick T., Jr.
BIOGRAPHY Lerner, Alan
BIOGRAPHY Levine, Adam
BIOGRAPHY Levine, Donald I.
BIOGRAPHY Levine, Jacklyn (Mrs. Stanley H. Levine
Lewis, Wilbur E. (Papers)
BIOGRAPHY Lichack, Elwood |
BIOGRAPHY Lieberman, Joseph – 1
BIOGRAPHY Lieberman, Joseph – 2
BIOGRAPHY Lewis, Wilbur E. Papers
BIOGRAPHY LiVolsi, Joseph
BIOGRAPHY Lloyd, Christopher
BIOGRAPHY Lobozza, Carl M.
BIOGRAPHY Lockwood, Charles Davenport (1877–1949)
BIOGRAPHY Lodato, Philip
BIOGRAPHy Long, Jim (Postmaster)
BIOGRAPHY Long, William J. – “Nature Fakers” Controversy
BIOGRAPHY Lowden, Elmer W.
BIOGRAPHY Lyman, Laura E. Diary (1866–1867)
BIOGRAPHY Lynn, Harold S. |
MacCumber to Murphy |
BIOGRAPHY MacCumber, Pauline
BIOGRAPHY MacKaye, Benton
BIOGRAPHY Macklin, William (Lathon Wider Community Center)
BIOGRAPHY Macurdy, John
BIOGRAPHY MacVeigh, Earle R.
BIOGRAPHY Majdalany, Jeanne
BIOGRAPHY Malloy,Dannel (Mayor)
BIOGRAPHY Manoharan, Dr. Lalitha
BIOGRAPHY Marcus, Ronald
BIOGRAPHY Marshall, Gertrude (Pat)
BIOGRAPHY Massell, Len – "On The Square"
BIOGRAPHY Mather, Frederick G.
BIOGRAPHY Matteis, Benigno
BIOGRAPHY McDonald, Ann (Board of Representatives)
BIOGRAPHY McInerney, Daniel
BIOGRAPHY McTammany, John (1845–1915)
BIOGRAPHY Mead, Esther
BIOGRAPHY Mecca, Gregg D.
BIOGRAPHY Mercede, Frank
BIOGRAPHY Merritt, Katherine
BIOGRAPHY Merritt, Schuyler |
BIOGRAPHY Miller, Charles O.
BIOGRAPHY Miller, Florence (Papers)
BIOGRAPHY Miller, Frances Elizabeth (née Hoyt) (Mrs. C. O. Miller)
BIOGRAPHY Miller, Mary F. (Mrs. C.O. Miller)
BIOGRAPHY Miller, Wilbur
BIOGRAPHY Milne, Alexander
BIOGRAPHY Mincks, Henry
BIOGRAPHY Minor, William T. – Governor (1815–1889)
BIOGRAPHY Monjo, Ferdinand, Jr.
BIOGRAPHY Montgomery, Giles N.
BIOGRAPHY Moon, Glenn W.
BIOGRAPHY Moore, Charles E.
BIOGRAPHY Moriarty, John (Deputy Chief of Police)
This link will take you to grandson Patrick Moriarty's profile and short bio. Click on "Publications" above the bio text and the next page will have a link to the memoir, "Sons of Stamford."
BIOGRAPHY Morrell, Samuel
BIOGRAPHY Mottahedeh, Mildred R.
BIOGRAPHY Muller, Edouard, Dr. (Nestlé Company)
BIOGRAPHY - Murphy, Katherine T. |
Nagurney to Otto |
BIOGRAPHY Nagurney, Michael J.
BIOGRAPHY Nakian, Reuben
BIOGRAPHY Nemoitin, Bernard O., Dr.
BIOGRAPHY Nemoitin, Jacob, Dr.
BIOGRAPHY Neumann, Vera
BIOGRAPHY Nichols, Elizabeth
BIOGRAPHY Nojima, Junzo (Junior) |
BIOGRAPHY O'Meara, Mary E. & Frances A.
BIOGRAPHY O’Meara, Walter (Bud)
BIOGRAPHY O'Neill, Brian F.
BIOGRAPHY O'Neill, W. Jerold
BIOGRAPHY Olson, Virginia
BIOGRAPHY Opper, Frederick Burr
BIOGRAPHY Otto, Robert W. |
Palmer to Quintard |
BIOGRAPHY Palmer, Delos
BIOGRAPHY Parker, Toni Trent
BIOGRAPHY Peebles, Charlotte W.
BIOGRAPHY Pendery, Joyce
BIOGRAPHY Perrine, Van Dearing
BIOGRAPHY Pershing, George Orr
BIOGRAPHY Pettit, Florence
BIOGRAPHY Philip, Rosavelle Gardner, M.D. - James F., M.D.
BIOGRAPHY Phillips, Charles H. (Mrs. Ella Frances)
BIOGRAPHY Phillips, Alfred Norton (Mayor)
BIOGRAPHY Phyfe, Duncan
BIOGRAPHY Physioc, Willis - Artist |
BIOGRAPHY Pia, Tony "Old Sergt."
BIOGRAPHY Pierson, Sam
BIOGRAPHY Pinchot, Susan
BIOGRAPHY Pitney, Arthur H.
BIOGRAPHY Pitt, William H.
BIOGRAPHY Pont Briant, Lois
BIOGRAPHY Porter, Louis H.
BIOGRAPHY Preziosi, Anniello, Dr.
BIOGRAPHY Prior, Phillip W.
BIOGRAPHY Quigley, Thomas F.J. (Mayor)
BIOGRAPHY Quintard, George W. |
Radner to Ryle |
Radner, Gilda
BIOGRAPHY Ralston, Florence
BIOGRAPHY Ramsay, Mrs. John
BIOGRAPHY Ransohof, Babette
BIOGRAPHY Rawls, Cotton
BIOGRAPHY Raymond, Alexander Gillespie
BIOGRAPHY Raymond, James “Rock Spring”
BIOGRAPHY Redfern, Mundy
BIOGRAPHY Reed, Isaac (b. 1746)
BIOGRAPHY Reynolds, Jack
BIOGRAPHY Rice, Johnnie
BIOGRAPHY Rich, Frank D.
BIOGRAPHY Rich, Robert
BIOGRAPHY Rider, Harold E.
BIOGRAPHY Robinson, Jackie
BIOGRAPHY Robinson, Richard
BIOGRAPHY Robustelli, Andrew (Andy) |
Rogers, George
BIOGRAPHY Rogers, John
BIOGRAPHY Rogers, Moses
BIOGRAPHY Roosevelt, Emily Hubbard
BIOGRAPHY Root, Stella Q., (M.D.)
BIOGRAPHY Rose, George (Medal of Honor – Boxer Rebellion)
BIOGRAPHY Rosenbaum, Harry (Stamford Weekly Mail)
BIOGRAPHY Rosenthal, Richard L.
BIOGRAPHY Ross, Harold
BIOGRAPHY Rowell, Charles E.
BIOGRAPHY Rowland, Stanley James
BIOGRAPHY Russell, Don (Rustici)
BIOGRAPHY Rutledge, Catherine
BIOGRAPHY Rybnick, Gerald J.
BIOGRAPHY - Ryle, Ann B. |
Saunders to Sweet |
Saunders, John
BIOGRAPHY Scalzi, John
BIOGRAPHY Scanlon, Asa W.
BIOGRAPHY Schavoir, Frederick
BIOGRAPHY Schlegel, Evangeline M.
BIOGRAPHY Schmidt, Julius
BIOGRAPHY Schmidt, Susie (Koment)
BIOGRAPHY Scofield, Ann Augusta
BIOGRAPHY Scofield, Edwin L.
BIOGRAPHY Scofield, Lester and Lillian
BIOGRAPHY Scofield, Walter K.
BIOGRAPHY Seeley, Louise
BIOGRAPHY Serrani, Thomas (Mayor)
BIOGRAPHY Shapiro, Joseph M.
BIOGRAPHY Shapiro, Paul
BIOGRAPHY Shaskin, Sam
BIOGRAPHY Sheldon, Ralph
BIOGRAPHY Sherman, Edith
BIOGRAPHY Sherwood, Herbert F.
BIOGRAPHY Shore, Sig (Movie Producer)
BIOGRAPHY Skiddy, William (Capt.)
BIOGRAPHY Smith, H. Woody
BIOGRAPHY Smith, Helen B.
BIOGRAPHY Smith, Horace
BIOGRAPHY Smith, James D. (Commodore)
BIOGRAPHY Smith, Sarah Frances see also Record Group RG–4
BIOGRAPHY Speer, Walter L.
BIOGRAPHY Spelke, Abram
BIOGRAPHY St. John, Selleck
BIOGRAPHY Stark, Julia Didiana
BIOGRAPHY Stebbins, Ada Y.
BIOGRAPHY Steinberger, Sidney
BIOGRAPHY Stern, Robert A. M.
BIOGRAPHY Stevens, Andrew
BIOGRAPHY Stevens, Emma
BIOGRAPHY Stevens, Henry, Mrs. – Letters 1
BIOGRAPHY Stevens, Henry, Mrs. – Letters 2
BIOGRAPHY Story, Thomas Quaker – Visit in Stamford (c.1700)
BIOGRAPHY Studwell, A.T.
BIOGRAPHY Sweet, Oscar (Ozzie) |
Talbot to Vuono |
BIOGRAPHY Talbott, Raymond Burton
BIOGRAPHY Tarzia, Joseph
BIOGRAPHY Taylor, Jeremiah, Rev. (Civil War)
BIOGRAPHY Tobin, Richard (Judge)
BIOGRAPHY Toner, Joseph V.
BIOGRAPHY Topping, Thomas J.
BIOGRAPHY Towne, Constance
BIOGRAPHY Towne, Frederick
BIOGRAPHY Towne, Henry R.
BIOGRAPHY Tresser, Michael
BIOGRAPHY Towne, Robert D.
BIOGRAPHY Tresser, Michael
BIOGRAPHY Truglia, Christel |
BIOGRAPHY Tuminski, Edward T.
BIOGRAPHY Tunney, Gene
BIOGRAPHY Vacca, Evelyn F.
BIOGRAPHY Vaccaro, Carmine
BIOGRAPHY Vail, Richard H. (Reverend)
BIOGRAPHY Valentine, Bobby
BIOGRAPHY Vera (Salaff, Vera)
BIOGRAPHY Vickers, Edmund D.
BIOGRAPHY Vinton, General David H.
BIOGRAPHY Vitti, Joseph J.
BIOGRAPHY Vuono, Charles D. & Joseph J.
BIOGRAPHY Vuono, Mary C. |
Wachter to Woodbury |
BIOGRAPHY Wachter, Walter
BIOGRAPHY Wakeman, F. B.
BIOGRAPHY Walker, Mort
BIOGRAPHY Wallack, Lester
BIOGRAPHY Ward, Charles H.
BIOGRAPHY Wardwell, Frederick Schuyler
BIOGRAPHY Wardwell, Mrs. Frederic
BIOGRAPHY Waring, George Edwin
BIOGRAPHY Washington, George (In Stamford)
BIOGRAPHY Waterbury, Beryl C.
BIOGRAPHY Waterbury, David
BIOGRAPHY Waters, Edith (Blockman)
BIOGRAPHY Webb, Sara Mead
BIOGRAPHY Webb, William H.
BIOGRAPHY Weed, Charles Clark
BIOGRAPHY Weed, Jarvis (Papers)
BIOGRAPHY Weir, James A.
BIOGRAPHY Weltscheff, Lydia
BIOGRAPHY Westerberg, Alice M. (Major)
BIOGRAPHY Wheeler, Walter H., Jr.
BIOGRAPHY Wheeler, Walter H., III – (Josephine)
BIOGRAPHY White, David Henry
BIOGRAPHY Whitman, Florence
BIOGRAPHY Wicks, Edith Mellny
BIOGRAPHY Wiekes, Thomas
BIOGRAPHY Wiegand, Ernest (Prof.)
BIOGRAPHY Wilensky, Julius (Mayor)
BIOGRAPHY Wilkerson, Cathy
BIOGRAPHY Willard, Everett C.
BIOGRAPHY Williams, Adele
BIOGRAPHY Wise, Homer Lee
BIOGRAPHY Wolcott, Alexander
BIOGRAPHY Wood, Clayton Lester
BIOGRAPHY Woodbury, Dorothy (Mrs. Norman)
BIOGRAPHY Woodbury, Norman |
Yale to Zweig |
BIOGRAPHY Yale, Linus, Jr.
BIOGRAPHY Yerwood, Joyce
BIOGRAPHY Yudain, Harold
BIOGRAPHY Yudain, Theodore
BIOGRAPHY Zagat, Cornelia Ernst (1910–1988)
BIOGRAPHY Zweig, Friderike |
Vertical File Index
