The Stamford Historical Society: Index of Vertical Files
Revised September 2009
The Vertical Files in the Marcus Research Library are organized
in file drawers,
by category and subject.
Research requests may be sent to
Research Fees
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | UVW | XYZ
A-B | C | D-F | G-L | M | N-P | R | S | T-W
A to B |
Antiquarian & Landmarks
Society, Inc. of Connecticut Newsletter
PERIODICALS Artifacts – American Indian Archaeological Institute
PERIODICALS Bicentennial Council of the Thirteen Original States Fund, Inc.
PERIODICALS Bicentennial Council of the Thirteen Original States
PERIODICALS Bicentennial Gazette - Connecticut.
PERIODICALS Building Research Institute Journal (1964)
PERIODICALS Business Digest, Fairfield County
PERIODICALS Business Educator |
C |
PERIODICALS Connecticut Humanities
PERIODICALS Connecticut Gazette, published by The Stamford Trust Company.
PERIODICALS Connecticut Health Bulletin - Connecticut State Department of
PERIODICALS Connecticut Heritage
PERIODICALS Connecticut Industry
PERIODICALS Connecticut Occupational Therapy Society
PERIODICALS Connecticut State Library (Newsletter)
PERIODICALS Connecticut Travels April 1980
PERIODICALS Conserve Neighborhoods National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Newsletter
PERIODICALS COPAR Coop. Co-President Archt. Records Newsletter |
D to F |
PERIODICALS Deming Digest (Real Estate)
PERIODICALS Essay Proof Journal
PERIODICALS Fairfield County Economy
PERIODICALS Fairfield County Guide
PERIODICALS Fairfield County Jewish Reporter
PERIODICALS Fairfield County Magazine
PERIODICALS Fairfield County Report
PERIODICALS Fairfield County Scouter - Boy Scouts of America |
G to L |
PERIODICALS Gurley's Monthly (Real
PERIODICALS Harvest – The University of Connecticut Library
PERIODICALS Humanities Magazine of The National Endowment for the Humanities
PERIODICALS ICCROM International Centre For The Study & The Preservation
& Restoration Of Cultural Property.
PERIODICALS Keeping Posted
PERIODICALS Living in Stamford
PERIODICALS Lowa Hudson Conference - Newsletter |
M |
PERIODICALS Manifesto – The Journal
of American Art
PERIODICALS Mark – The Magazine of Southwestern Fairfield County
PERIODICALS Mianus News Mianus Coalition Newsletter
PERIODICALS Military Collector & Historian – Company of Military Historians
PERIODICALS Museum Archivist – Newsletter of the Museum Section, Society
of American Archivists.
PERIODICALS Museum Computer Network Newsletter – Spectra |
N to P |
PERIODICALS National Alliance of
Historic Preservations – Local Pres. – National Park Service
PERIODICALS National Geographic Magazine – September 1938
PERIODICALS New York Historical Society Annual Report
PERIODICALS Northeast Document Conservation Center Newsletter
PERIODICALS Notes & News – Connecticut Historical Society
PERIODICALS Pinnacle – Connecticut Real Estate |
R |
PERIODICALS Railway Pass & Guide – American Railroadiana Historical
PERIODICALS Registrars Committee American Association of Museums Newsletter
PERIODICALS Revolutionary Times The Fifth Connecticut Regiment
PERIODICALS Rivers – A Publication of Connecticut's River Management Program
PERIODICALS Rudder – Ads for Stamford Foundry Company & Luders Marine
Construction Company |
S |
Shoreliner Magazine of The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad
PERIODICALS SPNEA NEWS – Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities
PERIODICALS Stamford – The Magazine of the Stamford Council of the Arts
PERIODICALS Stamford Banker, The – Stamford Chapter A 1 B
PERIODICALS Stamford Community Events Calender
PERIODICALS Stamford Democratic Newsletter
PERIODICALS Stamford Forum |
T to W |
Textile Conservation Workshop Newsletter
PERIODICALS Wall Street Journal (special Stamford issue)
PERIODICALS Weekly Marketeer
PERIODICALS Westconn Manifest – National Railway Historical Society, Inc.
PERIODICALS Williamstown Art Conservation Center – Building Research Institute
Journal , October 1964 |
PERIODICALS A-B | C | D-F | G-L | M | N-P | R | S | T-W
Vertical File Index
