Luders Marine Construction Co. Stamford, CT – Yachts
Images from an undated brochure

The Luders 16 Story
In the early nineteen thirties, the Fishers Island Yacht Club was casting about for a class to use for the junior sailors. A. E. Luders, Sr. and Jr. were chosen to design and build this new one-design class. The "Luders Gang" was well known as active racers and innovative designers of racing boats (they even went on to design several America's Cup contenders). The Luders decided that rather than produce a "chunky little boat" similar to many others used by juniors, they would design a miniature version of the then modern International Rule Sloop (such as the Six Meter). About fifteen L16s were built in 1934, and they were raced at Fishers Island until a hurricane decimated the fleet later in the decade. The surviving boats scattered, but interest in the class grew as more and more people saw the sleek little boats.
Bill Luders
American Eagle
Brewers Yacht Haven Marina
Bibliography of Stamford
Luders, A. E. (Bill), (1) [84]
Luders Marine Construction, (7) [4], [5], [27], [44], [84], [171], [267]
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