The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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317. |
Frederick Tallmadge Towne : a memorial, 1872-1906. New York, New York: Privately printed; 1906; 115 pp., fascism., port., 24 cm.
Notes: Contents: Frederick T. Towne, by his father.-- School days, by H. U. King.-- College life, by W. Bancroft.-- In youth and manhood, by H. N. Covell.-- In the works, by S. Merritt.-- As an employer, by W. C. Allen.-- In the N. F. Ass'n, by O. P. Letchworth.-- In the social relations, by J. R. Barbour.-- In church relations, by C. M. Addison.-- In abounding life, by C. L. Reid. Title page reads: "FREDERICK / TALLMADGE / TOWNE / A MEMORIAL / 1872: 1906 / / NEW YORK: PRIVATELY PRINTED / M CM VI [1906]." Imprint on reverse of title page reads "THE MATTHEWS-NORTHRUP / WORKS / BUFFALO CLEVELAND AND NEW YORK / [printers' mark of The Matthews-Northrop Works]." Location: Ct, CtHi, CtMW, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtY, DLC, ICU, InLP, MH-BA, MiD, MsHaU, NBPu, NcD, NIC, NN, OKentU, PU. Abstract: "L'ENVOI
When a life of exceptional activity and usefulness has closed, it is fitting that some record of it should be made, that its helpful influence may be broadened and perpetuated. When, in addition, that life has created profound attachments, and has left a deep and lasting impress, it is natural that those who came within its scope should desire to testify to these facts, and to express their gratitude for its blessing. In this spirit this memorial volume has been compiled by some of those who knew and loved Frederick Tallmadge Towne. May, 1906." p. (1).
Magazine of American history with notes and queries, p. 555. |
1. |
Abraham, Judith F. First Baptist Church to Friends Meeting House: the evolution of a site. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University; 1988; 51 pp., typescript, illus., maps, bibliography, 28 cm.
Notes: Historical archaeology paper.
Location: CtSHi.
Abstract: "Sometimes what is in the present is in the past; sometimes not. In a quiet sector of Stamford that was known as the Bangall District, on a rustic half-acre, is a simple 100 year-old building set within old stone wall boundaries. The old structure with its two front doors looks like a Friends Meeting House. While it is now, it wasn't originally. In fact, the site gives no easily visible evidence of the oldest structure that was on it: the first Baptist church in Stamford. The present structure was a one-room schoolhouse that was moved to the site. This paper will try to recount the changes at the site from 1771 through the present which have been uncovered thus far." Judith F. Abraham, p. 1. (Reproduced with permission of the author.) |
318. |
Abrahamson, Robert Henry. "Gastric Malignancy: A comparative study of the etiology, diagnosis, and therapy of 707 cases". Connecticut State Medical Journal. 1953 Aug; Vol. 17 (No. 8)pp. 658-663; ISSN: 0096-0179.
Notes: Published by: Connecticut State Medical Society, New Haven , Connecticut . Robert Henry Abrahamson, M.D., C.M., was an Attending Surgeon, Stamford Hospital .
Location: Ct, CtNbC, CtSHi, CtU, DLC. Parks (No. 8555).
Abstract: Statistics presented were gathered at the Stamford Hospital , Stamford , Connecticut , from 1940-1950.
"From the Stamford Hospital Tumor Clinic, Stamford , Connecticut . Portions of this material were presented at the International Surgical Congress, Vienna , Austria , May 1952. " |
2. |
Aceti, Diana M. "Passage To India - In a Connecticut retail center, theatrical flair enhances an authentic atmosphere". Restaurant and Hotel Design. 1985 Jan-1985 Feb 28; Vol. 7 (No. 1).pp. 70-73; ISSN: 0191-345X Other ISSN for latter issues: 0745-4929.
Notes: Published by Restaurant Business, Inc., New York, New York.
Location: AzFU, AzTeS, CLobS, CLU, CoDR, CoFS, CtSHi, CU, DeU, DHU, DLC, FTS, FU, IaAS, ICarbS, IMacoW, InLP, IU, KWiU, KMK, LU, MiDW, MiU, MnSU, MnU, MoU, MsHaU, OCl, ODa, OKentU, OkS, Or, OrP, OrU, PPi, Pst, RP, ScU, TxDa, TxDN, TxHU, TxLT, ViBlbV. White (p. 2).
Abstract: "Shoppers in the fashionable new mall at the Stamford, Connecticut Town Center opened Christmas, 1983, (March 18, 1982 - R. M.) are in for a surprise. Regally secluded in a corner of the center's seventh floor is Shamiana Restaurant, a veritable passage to India. Thanks to the talented efforts of designers Gordon Micunis and Jay Kobrin of Gordon Micunis Designs, Inc., Stamford, the mystery and intrigue begins as soon as you step into this artfully planned space. No, they've never been to India. More important to their aesthetic choices was `the challenge of creating an environment that offered the illusion of India - taking into consideration how the American public perceives India.' .... The resulting look is an effective blend of authentic artifacts and contemporary American pieces that suggest the feeling of India. At the entranceway, one's eye is drawn through hanging brass lanterns and mirrored reflections to the focal point of the room: a huge elegant woven tent draped over a grouping of formal tables and plush banquettes. Since Shamiana literally translates as `festive tent,' Micunis and Kobrin sought to reproduce a colonnaded garden with the vibrantly-colored tent, made from pieces woven together from Shamiana owner Rashid Munshi's family collection. The deep red banquettes surrounding the four sides of the mirrored column (a structural column that was enlarged to achieve this palatial effect) suggests the presence of garden benches, luxuriously finished with washable suede seats and textured tapestry backs. .... Gordon Micunis and Jay Kobrin have succeeded in bringing a taste of India to the bustling, modern cluster of fine shops in the Stamford Town Center." Diana M. Aceti, pp. 70, 72. (Copyright 1985 by Restaurant - Hotel Design, New York, New York. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
3. |
Acme Publishing And Engraving Company. Four cities and towns of Connecticut, illustrated : historical, biographical and commercial : a record of the development of these cities and towns : their progress in commerce, manufacturers, revenue and municipal life, with sketches of their leading official, business and professional men. New York, New York: Acme Publishing And Engraving Company; 1890; 118, (2) pp., illus., ports., 32 cm.
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 87-102.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtBhl, CtDab, CtS, CtSHi. Parks (No.1902).
Abstract: "The aim and object of this work is to present in attractive form the salient features of certain communities and to place on record the factors and men whose force and characteristics have a material bearing upon both the present and future conditions of these communities. A succinct resume of the past history of these places is also added to give the work a wider scope and value." Acme Publishing And Engraving Company, p. 3. |
4. |
Advocate, The. Stamford - 350. Stamford, Connecticut: The Advocate; 1991 Jun 30; 144 pp., paper covers, illus. color & b/w., ports., advts., 33 cm.
Notes: Illustrated lining-papers. Project director: Stacy Schneider / Designer: Deena Murphy / Copy editor: Melanie Webb
Location: CtHamd, CtNowa, CtS, CtSHi, CtSU.
Abstract: "In 1641, Stamford was founded when 29 families arrived at the Rippowam plantation after leaving Wethersfield because of a religious dispute. In 1866, Samuel and Henry Ferguson were lost at sea for 43 days off the Hawaiian Islands. In 1915, Edith Waters taught in a one-room schoolhouse, which has since been demolished to make way for Laurel Reservoir. These are just a sampling of the people, places and events that have given Stamford its rich past. This special section, commemorating the city's 350th birthday, is meant to capture just that. Of course, not every organization or person that makes up Stamford's past and present could be mentioned. But the section gives readers an overview of how Stamford came to be the community it is today." Editor's Note, p. 6. Supplement of The Advocate, Sunday, June 30, 1991. (Copyright 1991 by The Advocate. Used with permission of the publisher.) |
5. |
Advocate, The & Ferguson Library The. Stamford : 350 Years, 1641-1991. (Stamford, Connecticut): The Advocate and The Ferguson Library; 1991;xxiv, 151 pp., illus. color & b/w., ports., table of contents, bibliography, map, d.w., 32 cm.(Robert Atwan, Kenneth H. Brief Barry Hoffman). ISBN: 0681929987.
Notes: Imprint on reverse of title page reads: Produced by William S. Konecky and Associates. Book design and typography by Studio 31. Manufactured in Hong Kong.
Location: CtB, CtGre, CtHamd, CtNbC, CtNowa, CtOg, CtS, CtSHi, CtSU, DLC.
Abstract: See: Index for Stamford : 350 Years, 1641-1991, compiled by members of The Ferguson Library staff, The Ferguson Library, Stamford, Connecticut, 1991.
Location: CtS, CtSHi. Table of Contents lists: "Stamford ... A Reminiscence" by William F. Buckley, Jr. / "A Popular History Of Stamford" by Don Russell and Mike Barlow / "Stamford: A Photographic Essay" by William Hubbell / "The Story Of The Advocate" by Don Russell / "The Ferguson Library: 110 Years Young and Still Growing" by Ernest A. DiMattia, Jr. / "How This Book Came About" by Barry Hoffman / "A Selected Bibliography" "This book is based on the straightforward notion that people ought to be aware of their surroundings. Such awareness makes life more interesting, lends a certain sense of continuity and helps us see events in the proper perspective. Human nature being what it is, however, we often find ourselves taking for granted that which has become comfortable and familiar. One purpose of this book is to remind us that Stamford actually is a very beautiful city - an uncommonly rare mixture of corporate, residential and maritime neighborhoods rubbing shoulders on a patch of real estate less than 40 miles square. The cover photograph really tells the story: Stamford is a city of boats, buildings and homes. It most certainly is not just another homogenous suburban bedroom community. It's a wonderful collection of communities, each with its own distinct flavor and accent. Too often, in our haste to get to daily chores, we forget that we live in a unique place. Ideally, this book will allow the reader to view Stamford through fresh eyes. We hope the brief history we've written will engender a feeling of connection with Stamford's past. And perhaps, knowing where the city came from will give the reader a better notion of where the city is going. The other purpose of this book is to celebrate Stamford's 350th anniversary. In this regard, we are carrying on a sturdy tradition at The Advocate, which printed special publications to mark the city's 250th and 300th anniversaries. We weren't about to let that tradition slip - to forget such a birthday would be unforgivable." Barry Hoffman, p. 149. "Stamford lives, and there are those, myself included, determined to live with it as long as life lasts." William F. Buckley, Jr., p. xxii. (Copyright 1991 by The Advocate and The Ferguson Library. Used with permission of the publishers.) |
6. |
Agassiz Association. "Clearing House for Nature's Food Supplies". Guide To Nature. 1913 May; Vol. 6 (No. 1).pp. x-iv.
Notes: Published by The Agassiz Association, Sound Beach, Connecticut. Includes interior photographs.
Location: CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "The business was brought to its present high standard by the well-known efficiency and thorough knowledge of the proper method of obtaining and distributing nature supplies, and by the genial personality of Mr. E. B. Hoit, who, for several decades has been as agreeable as any human can be. In recent years he has been efficiently aided by Mr. A. B. Chichester and Mr. Walter W. Brush, who now chiefly carry the responsibility and the work of managing the business. Mr. Hoit has well earned the privilege of devoting less time to this special pursuit, while he devotes more time from a limited amount of leisure, in the care of other commercial interests." Guide To Nature, p. xiv. |
7. |
Agassiz Association. "Completing Fifty Years in Business. - The Remarkable Half Century Success of Mr. C. O. Miller as Evinced in the Astonishing Development and Present Prominence of the Miller Store". Guide To Nature. 1917 Nov; Vol. 10 (No. 6). pp. 162-171.
Notes: Published by The Agassiz Association, Sound Beach, Connecticut. Includes interior photographs.
Location: CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "In September, 1868, C. O. Miller at the age of twenty years began business for himself on Main Street in a small store, opposite the Town Hall. He removed in September, 1870, to a new and larger stand on Washington Place, where he continued until the erection of the fine building on Atlantic Square, in 1882, now occupied by The C. O. Miller Company. His increasing business demanding more room, it was necessary to enlarge the building several times prior to the incorporation of the company. The original space was thirty-five by one hundred and twenty feet with the first floor and basement in use. This later was broadened and extended at the rear and the entire building occupied. In February, 1907, Mr. Miller incorporated the business under the name of The C. O. Miller Company, C. O. Miller, President, and C. O. Miller, Jr., Treasurer, who together with F. E. DeCamp and O. H. Couch form the Board of Directors." Guide To Nature, p. 164. |
8. |
Agassiz Association. "Dr. Bigelow, our naturalist. - A visit to the laboratory on Grove St. - Remarkable work done under restricted conditions - Various forms of life under investigation - The Agassiz Association should give its president a larger experimenting field.". Guide To Nature. 1908 Sep; Vol. 1 (No. 6).pp. 225-227.
Notes: "From The Stamford Bulletin, Stamford, Conn." Published by The Agassiz Association, Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "It can be safely and sanely stated that one of the most remarkable nooks in our city to-day is to be found on (113) Grove Street, the home of our well-known townsman, Dr. Edward F. Bigelow, whose reputation as a nature student, nature lecturer and interpreter of nature has gone far and wide. It is by no means strange that many people visit the place, and examine with deep interest the work that is done under conditions so contracted and confined. This, however, is explained by coming in contact with the man, the good genius of the place, one might almost style him wizard, in contemplating what he has evolved from his congested surroundings." Guide To Nature, p. 225. |
9. |
Agassiz Association. "Epoch Making Age of Haying". Guide To Nature. 1914 Sep; Vol. 7 (No. 4). pp.135-141.
Notes: Published by The Agassiz Association, Sound Beach, Connecticut. Includes photographs.
Location: CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "Footnote: The illustrations were taken at the Town Farm because it is only there that one can find the type of veteran so familiar in the hayfield of fifty years ago. Haying was then an event. It was a cooperative bee to which came all the old and young, chiefly the old. Those that worked at no other time worked in haying time. Nowadays all this is changed. The picturesquesness is absent. A hayfield with hay tenders and loading machines, lacks the interest and the savor of the hayfield as it was fifty years ago. But in the hayfield at the Town Farm in Stamford, one may find the type of man that gathered around every great farm as a hanger-on. A half dozen such would not do a fair day's work of one man, yet the farmer felt that he must have a big gang at haying time, he must draft into the service every one able to carry a rake or a fork, even if he did little with it." Guide To Nature, pp. 140-141. |
10. |
Agassiz Association. "Exponent Of Efficiency And Service - Stamford Has Lost one of Her Most Prominent and Loyal Citizens in the Death of the Honorable Edwin L. Scofield". Guide To Nature. 1918 Feb; Vol. 10 (No. 9). pp. 257-258.
Notes: Published by The Agassiz Association, Sound Beach, Connecticut.
Location: CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "From the address by the Reverend A. G. Walton at the funeral: 'Mr. Scofield had a deep interest in all social movements and philanthropies. The hospital on the hill, of which we are so justly proud, is there largely through his efforts. It is common knowledge that it was the confidence which Judge Clason had in Mr. Scofield, and his advice, that caused that noble citizen to give generously that the hospital might be built. Through many years Mr. Scofield has closely identified himself with the hospital.' "Guide To Nature, p. 258. |
11. |
Agassiz Association. "Furnishing Homes Near to Nature; The Undertaking Department". Guide To Nature. 1913 Feb; Vol. 5 (No. 10). pp. ix-x.
Notes: Published by The Agassiz Association, Sound Beach, Connecticut. Includes interior photographs.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "…the long existent store of Lyman Hoyt's Son & Company, of Stamford, Connecticut. No longer does Mr. Hoyt or his son preside. Years ago they passed into the unknown, but the work continues, increasing and improving under the skilled management of the brothers, Charles H. and William H. Martin. …The world praises an efficient teacher whether that teaching is in the school-room or by books. There is praise for the efficient physician or surgeon; there is praise of the highest kind for the one who can inspire to a holy life; but why limit our praises to those who minister to life? Yet while we shower words of praise upon almost everybody who serves the living, we have few for those who serve the dead. There are many in this world who can get along without a lawyer or doctor, teacher or preacher, or even a naturalist, but no one can long postpone the call of the undertaker. Let him come in for his share of commendation. If it is meritorious to provide even a temporary home for a living friend, it is even more praiseworthy to provide a permanent home for that friend when he leaves us. Prominent in service of this kind are the Messrs. Martin. Hundreds have expressed their appreciation with tears and hearty hand grasp in the privacy of stricken homes. Then why not let us put it on record in public print that none the less than those to help us to live well is one who cares for us after what we call living?" Guide To Nature, pp. ix-x. |
12. |
Agassiz Association. "Judge John Clason is Dead". Guide To Nature. 1917 Nov; Vol.10 (No. 6).pp. 189-192.
Notes: Published by The Agassiz Association, Sound Beach, Connecticut. Includes a portrait of Judge John Clason.
Location: Ct, CtHT, CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "In the death, on October 10th, of Judge John Clason in his ninety-third year, The Agassiz Association lost a Sustaining and Honorary Member and a good friend. The local papers have told in detail of his long and honored career. It is enough for us to state that he celebrated the ninety-second anniversary of his birth on September 8th and at that time was enjoying fairly good health although somewhat weakened by an attack of illness the year before. For a man of his years he was astonishingly active. A local paper thus characterizes him: `Rugged in health, abrupt in speech, kind-hearted and loyal, the memory of this old bachelor-farmer who loved and served his native town, will not soon be forgotten.' He stood high in public esteem and in his earlier life was for several years Judge of Probate and a member of the Legislature. He was the founder of the Stamford Hospital and a contributor to various causes, the whole ambition of his life evidently being to do good for someone, to make someone happy." Guide To Nature, pp. 189-191. |
13. |
Agassiz Association. "Turning Stone Walls into Roads". Guide To Nature. 1914 Aug; Vol. 7 (No. 3).pp. 90-94.
Notes: This article is cited in Springdale Remembered - The History of a Section of Stamford, Connecticut, by Rosemary H. Burns (1982), pp. 95, 201. Published by The Agassiz Association, Sound Beach, Connecticut. Includes photographs.
Location: CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "To go from the city into the wild nature of the suburbs and surrounding country the first essential is a good road. Stamford is solving the problem of making good roads economically by grinding up the stone walls. It may not be known to all residents of Stamford just how extensively and economically this work is being carried on, and certainly it will be of interest to our readers in other places to learn of the successful experiment of turning stone walls into roads." Guide To Nature, pp. 91-92. |
14. |
Alexander, Mary Louise. "Stamford Public Library Adapts House Trailer". Library Journal. 1950 Aug; Vol. 75 (No. 14).pp. 1320-1321; ISSN: 0000-0027.
Notes: Published by R. R. Bowker Company, New York, New York.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtEhar, CtH, CtHT, CtManc, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNlC, CtSoP, CtWB, CtU. White (p. 2).
Development of bookmobile services. |
15. |
Alvord, J. W. [John Watson]. Historical address, delivered in the First Congregational Church in Stamford, Ct. : at the celebration of the second centennial anniversary of the first settlement of the town. New York, New York: S. Davenport; 1842; 40 pp., paper covers, 23 cm.
Location: Ct, CtGre, CtHi, CtNhHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtSu, CtY, DLC, GEU, IC, M, MB, MBAt, MBU, MnHi, MWA, NCH, Nh, NHi, NN, NNC, NNUT, OClWHi, OFH, OO, PHi, PPL, PPULC, WHi. Sabin (No. 988). Flagg (p. 261). Wegelin (p. 22). Kaminkow (p. 705). Parks (No. 8556). Rinderknecht & Bruntjen (No. 42-112)
Abstract: "I propose to exhibit only such facts as have direct reference to the event which has summoned together this assembly: I need no apology, therefore, for giving a brief detail of what is, to most of you, familiar history. ....... But in closing, let me ask, where are those Fathers? Gone_! Where are those who first peopled this fair village? Long gone to dwell with the dead! `Dust mingles with dust - ashes to ashes,' but their spirits are with God. Where shall we be, when next this anniversary returns? Gone too!_even the youngest grown aged and passed away! Long before that time, the voice of the speaker will be hushed in death, and the ear of the hearer lie dull in the dark cold grave!_But the place will teem with another population, who will receive from us, not only their existence, but those influences which will mould their character. From us the future generations in Stamford are to receive their civil advantages, their literary institutions, and their religious privileges. Their intellectual and moral character, whatever it becomes, will be the living record of our worth and care, and in them we shall still live, either in infamy or honor. How important, then, that we act well our part, that posterity may bless, and Heaven reward us!" John Watson Alvord, pp. 5, 39-40. |
319. |
American Architect and Building Press, Inc. "House of Mrs. I. F. Wardwell, Stamford, Conn." American Architect. 1919 Dec 17; Vol. 116 (No. 2295)plates 205-210.
Notes: Published by Architectural and Building Press, Inc., New York, New York.
Location: CtHT, CtNbC, CtNh, CtSHi, DLC, MB.
Aymar Embury II, architect. Includes floor plans. |
16. |
American City Magazine Corporation. "Improved Water Service at Stamford, Conn. - New Welded Standpipe Saves Extra Pumping in Newly Developed Residential Section." American City. 1940 Oct; Vol. 55 (No. 10):p. 47.
Notes: Published by American City Magazine Corporation, New York, New York. There is an advertisement on p. 8 of this issue for the Chicago Bridge & Iron Company, with an illustration of the standpipe they built for the Stamford Water Company.
Location: CtU, DLC.
The construction of a one million gallon standpipe on Weed Hill Avenue to meet the rising demands for water by new housing and a school on Vine Road. |
17. |
American City Magazine Corporation. "Street Improvements in Stamford, Conn.". American City. 1939 Jan; Vol. 54 (No. 1).; ISSN: 0002-7936.
Notes: Published by American City Magazine Corporation, New York, New York.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtFaU, CtH, CtNb, CtNbC, CtU. White (p. 5). |
18. |
American City Magazine Corporation."Thirty-three Cars to a Store". American City. 1947 Jun; Vol. 62 (No. 6).p. 111; ISSN: 0002-7936.
Notes: Published by American City Magazine Corporation, New York, New York.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtFaU, CtH, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNlC, CtU. White (p. 5).
Abstract: "One type of competition which central city business areas will face in the future is clearly illustrated in the Ridgeway Shopping Center project, Stamford, Conn., the first section of which was dedicated recently by Mayor Charles E. Moore. The $2,000,000 development, covering a ten-acre tract, presents one of the first efforts in the East to meet the challenge of automobile shopping by providing a modern, completely integrated trading center which will eliminate parking snarls and traffic jams. The Ridgeway Shopping Center is located approximately one mile from the congested main business section on Summer Street, a thoroughfare which receives the greatest portion of traffic to the city's center. Designed by the firm of Alfons Bach Associates of New York, the center will eventually have some thirty individual stores and will provide a parking area for approximately 1,000 automobiles. It is being constructed in three units. The first is now in operation, and the last is to be completed by early 1949." American City, p. 111. (Copyright 1947 by American City Magazine [now American City & County magazine, Garland, Texas]. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
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