The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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75. |
Dann, John C. Revolution remembered : eyewitness accounts of the war for independence. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press; 1980; xxvi, 446 pp., illus., ports., maps, index, d. w., 25 cm. (John C. Dann. Clements Library Bicentennial studies). ISBN: 0-226-13622-1.
Notes: Title page reads: "THE / REVOLUTION / REMEMBERED / Eyewitness Accounts of / the War for Independence / / Edited by / JOHN C. DANN / [printers' ornament, circle of 13 stars] / / THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS / Chicago London"
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 37-40, 77, 86, 327-329.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtBhl, CtDabN, CtDar, CtEham, CtEhar, CtFa, CtFar, CtFaU, CtGu, CtH, CtHamd, CtMil, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNc, CtNh, CtNhH, CtNm, CtNowa, CtPut, CtRi, CtS, CtSi, CtSoP, CtSU, CtU, CtWhar, CtWillE, CtWilt, CtWrf, CtWtp, DLC.
Includes abstract from pension application of Joseph Wood, who served at Fort Stamford. In February 1782 he encountered one hundred British light horse who came up to Palmer's Hill on a foraging expedition. At the beginning of March, 1783, he and his fellow soldiers were marched to Stamford and discharged. |
76. |
Davenport, A. B. [Amzi Benedict]. Centennial Celebrations 1782-1882. In two parts. - Part I. An account of the observance of the one hundredth anniversary of the organization of the Congregational Church of North Stamford, Ct., June 6th, 1882; including an historical address, by Rev. Samuel Scoville, of Stamford, and a poem, by Rev. John G. Davenport, of Waterbury, Conn. - Edited by A. B. Davenport. (Note the following title page for part 2 is on p. 39.) Centennial Celebrations 1782-1882. In two parts. - Part II. An account of the celebration of the one hundredth birthday, Mrs. Clarissa (Davenport) Raymond of Wilton, Conn., April 25th, 1882; including a poem, by Rev. John G. Davenport, of Waterbury, Conn. - Edited by A. B. Davenport. Stamford, Connecticut: Printed by The Stamford Advocate; 1882; 54 pp., paper covers, 22 cm.
Notes: Printed at The Stamford Advocate Office. Poem titled North Stamford by John G. Davenport on pp. 24-31.
Location: Ct, CtNhHi, CtY, DLC, MB, MBAt, MnHi, NHi, NNUT, OCl, WHi. Flagg (p. 261). Parks (No. 8592).
Abstract: "In these hundred years a new world, socially, politically, at home and abroad, in material advancement, in humanitarian, philanthropic and religious enterprises has arisen. When our fathers and mothers met in these places at the organization of this Church the cannon of the war of the Revolution was still sounding in their ears, some of their sons were still in camp, the enemy were still in possession of the metropolis and peace was not declared until eighteen months after." Samuel Scoville, p. 12. |
77. |
Davenport, A. B. [Amzi Benedict]. Davenport Ridge, Stamford, Connecticut. Historical Sketch. Printed for private use. Brooklyn, New York: Published by the Author; 1892; 16 pp., illus., ports., paper covers, 21 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "DAVENPORT RIDGE, / STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT. / - / PRINTED FOR PRIVATE USE. / - / A. B. DAVENPORT, / GARFIELD BUILDING , (ROOM 44), / BROOKLYN, N. Y. / 1892." Poem titled Abraham Davenport by John Greenleaf Whittier on pp. 10-12. Poem titled Davenport Ridge by C(harles) H(enry) C(randall) and dedicated to M(ary) V(ere) D(avenport) on pp. 15-16.
Location: Ct, CtHi, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtY, DLC, ICN, Infw, MB, MWA, NHi, NN, ViU. Flagg (p. 261). Wegelin (p. 23). Kaminkow (p. 705). Parks (No. 8564).
Abstract: "In Huntington's History of Stamford, appears the following account of this site, pp. 481-2: `This structure occupies a most commanding view from the west slope of Davenport Ridge. It is about five miles, north by east, from the Stamford Depot. The panorama stretching around it is, at any season of the year, well worth a study, and in summer is very beautiful. This locality was voted to the Rev. John Davenport, of Stamford, by the proprietors of the town, in January, 1705-6, in consideration of his hundred pounds interest in the `Long Lots,' as agreed upon at the time of his settlement here in 1693. By his will, January 20, 1728, he gave it to his eldest son, John, who occupied the house upon it, and died there in 1742. He was one of the original members of the Congregational Church, formed in the parish of Canaan by members from the Norwalk and Stamford churches, June 1733. The township of New Canaan was not organized till 1802. The property passed next into the hands of the third John, who died in 1756, leaving it to the fourth John, a deacon in the North Stamford Church, who died in 1842. A portion of the land was bought of the heirs by Amzi B. Davenport, a grandson of this deacon John, and on it he built the residence represented in our cut. It occupies the site of an old residence removed about eighty years ago.' A few rods to the north-east stands the dwelling formerly occupied by his grandfather, who erected it with his own hands in 1775." Amzi Benedict Davenport, pp. 13-14 |
78. |
Davenport, Ebenezer. Oration on the death of Gen. George Washington, delivered at Stamford, Connecticut, on the 22d day of February, A. D. 1800. New York, (New York): "Published By The Committee Of Arrangements", printed by John Furman, at his blank, stamp and stationary shop, opposite the city-hall.; 1800; 15 pp., paper covers, 11 x 15 cm.
Location: CSmH, NHi. Sabine (No. 18697). Evans (No. 37292). Stillwell (No. 313).
Abstract: "But scarcely had the noise of battle ceased - scarcely had this new-born empire began to taste the sweets of existence and rejoice in the beams of peace - scarcely had this illustrious father of his country rested from his toils, when the frenzied spirit of dissention burst forth, and spread among a people thus great and thus greatly blessed, with rapid and deadly progress. In the short period of time which elapsed from the commencement of peace to the establishment of our present constitution of government, were the baleful effects of this spirit deeply and widely experienced. A destruction of public and private confidence - a general prostration of morals - convulsions which shook the first states of the Union to their centre - the bands of our union and government dissolving, and all our dearest interests hastening to their extinction, were the existing effects of this dissention - effects rapidly plunging us into complete wretchedness among ourselves, and sinking our name into a proverb, a hissing, and a bye-word through the world.
To rescue us from this gulph into which we were then rapidly precipitating ourselves, the impressive example, the comprehensive wisdom, the all commanding love of WASHINGTON, strengthened by his enlightened and virtuous compatriots, were called forth into the most anxious and vigorous exertions. By these exertions were the interesting principles on which our individual and national existence and happiness invariably depend, unfolded and established in our minds. By these exertions, was brought home to our bosoms, an irrefutable conviction of the necessity of burying our dissentions, of uniting every heart, of an energetic government; a government commensurate to the extent of the territory, the foreign and internal relations, and the character of the people, of our country." Ebenezer Davenport, pp. 10, 12. |
79. |
David Williams Company. "Electric Power at the Yale & Towne Works". Iron Age. 1899 Sep 14; Vol. 64 (No. 11). pp. 15-16.; ISSN: 0021-1508.
Notes: Published by David Williams Company, New York, New York.
Location: DLC, MB.
Abstract: "The Yale & Towne Mfg. Company, Stamford, Conn., have remodeled their works by introducing electrical power in place of steam for driving the machinery in various departments. The works cover 5 acres, consisting of several buildings for each department of their product.
The Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Company of Pittsburg provided the electrical equipment, which at present consists of a 120 kilowatt Westinghouse two-phase, compound wound generator, 7200 alternations, 240 volts, shown in Fig. 1. The steam engine, of 400 horse-power, is belted to the generator already installed and will provide power for a further generator, as at present only part of the works have been electrically equipped. The polyphase alternating current system is peculiarly adapted for the distribution of light and power from a central plant in manufacturing works." Iron Age, p. 15. |
80. |
David Williams Company. "Yale & Towne Mfg. Company's Power Plant. - One of the Pioneers in the Use of the Steam Turbine". Iron Age. 1904 Apr 21; Vol. 73 (No. 16). pp. 1-5; ISSN: 0021-1508.
Notes: Published by David Williams Company, New York, New York.
Location: DLC, MB.
Abstract: "The power plant of the Yale & Towne Mfg. Company, at Stamford, Conn., will always hold a position of peculiar interest from the fact of its having been the first in this country in which the use of the steam turbine was commercially attempted outside of the works of the builders of the turbine, the Westinghouse Machine Company.
The distinction of being the first such plant in existence did not remain with it for long. The installation of steam turbines was then under consideration by many of the more progressive engineers, and as the time and circumstances were ripe for its more general adoption, others were shortly put in operation. The steam turbine side of this plant was the subject of a most interesting paper read before the American Society of Mechanical Engineers last June during the convening of that body at Saratoga by Frederick A. Waldron, superintendent of the power plant." Iron Age, p. 1. |
81. |
Davis, Virginia T. "How to research historic buildings" . League Bulletin. 1975 Sep; Vol. 27 (No. 4) (No. 111): pp. 83-86.
Notes: Published by The Connecticut League of Historical Societies, Inc., Darien, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtNcHi, CtNlC, CtNowi, CtS, CtSHi, CtWB.
Abstract: "No single approach may be set up as the ideal one for gaining information about `Historic Buildings.' The pages that follow summarize an approach to research work on an old building in terms of its structural and social history. There are really four different steps in this approach which may be followed in the order numbered below, or they may be followed in an order depending upon your own interests, historical knowledge, academic training, and accumulated information about the house under investigation. However, a beginner will soon find out, as the information accumulates in the various steps, that he will have to move back and forth at times to other steps for cross reference, addition of newly discovered facts (often found in unexpected places), or clarification of information derived in an earlier stage of the research. .... ." (Prepared by the Buildings Survey Committee, Stamford Historical Society, Chairman: (Mrs.) Virginia T. Davis, January 1975), pp. 83, 86. (Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
82. |
Day, Lloyd N. "1692 Witchcraft Document At Stamford". League Bulletin. 1968 May; Vol. 20 (No. 2). (No. 77): pp. 36-37.
Notes: Published by the Connecticut League of Historical Societies, Inc., Wallingford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtNcHi, CtNlC, CtNowi, CtS, CtSHi, CtWB.
Abstract: "An original document used in the 1692 witchcraft trial of a Stamford woman has been given to the Stamford Historical Society by the Ferguson Library of that city. The library had received it as a gift from Tom Mahoney, a Poughkeepsie author and collector who made use of its books when he lived in Greenwich in the 1930's. Mr. Mahoney purchased the document for $40 in 1963 at an auction of the Manuscript Society in Washington, D. C. The two-page document is an affidavit attesting to the good character of Elizabeth Clason, accused by a neighbor's servant girl of being a witch. ..... The affidavit, along with other favorable testimony in court, led to Mrs. Clason's acquittal by Governor Robert Treat. ..... According to Russell C. Roberts, president of the Historical Society and an attorney, `This is a rare document, perhaps the only one of its kind in the state. It is of great interest to lawyers as an example of proof of good character of a person accused in what was a criminal proceeding of the time'." Lloyd N. Day, pp. 36-37. (Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
83. |
Day, Lloyd N. "Stamford in Who's Who". Stamford Historian. (1957); Vol. 1 (No. 2). pp. 117-128.
Notes: Published by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi. Kemp (p. 631). Parks (No. 8565).
Abstract: "Ever since the founding of the publication in 1899, biographies of illustrious Stamford residents have been included in the pages of Who's Who in America. ... It must be mentioned that the first appearance from Stamford is not necessarily the person's first appearance in Who's Who. For example, William T. Hornaday was first listed from Stamford in Volume 11; however, he was in all the previous volumes, as from New York. Again, to keep this study within bounds it is confined to people who live or lived in Stamford. This has excluded many names - of 36 Stamford representatives in the 1956-7 edition, more than half are `commuters' whose homes are elsewhere. Other names will not be found here because though the people are bona fide residents, they chose to be listed as from New York, their place of business." Lloyd N. Day, p. 117. |
84. |
De Forest, John L. [John Le Roy]. Once upon a long, long ridge : a memoir of a Connecticut community. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1995; xix, 235 pp., paper covers, illus., ports., maps, index, 28 cm. ISBN: 1-886054-03-7.
Notes: Title page reads: "ONCE UPON A LONG, LONG RIDGE / A MEMOIR OF / A CONNECTICUT COMMUNITY / / by / John L. De Forest/ / The Stamford Historical Society, Inc. / Stamford, Connecticut / 1995"
Location: CtHi, CtS, CtSHi.
Abstract: "A conscientious and ardent memorialist, DeForest has arranged his chapters first on the basis of topics and then on the basis of chronology. After a sweeping review of the role of native Americans in the area, he focuses in succeeding chapters on a variety of subjects: religion and the establishment of churches; education and the rise of schools; forms of early manufacturing; rise and fall of general stores; a number of diverse voluntary organizations, including the only woman's suffrage association in Stamford; the rhythm of daily routines; and types of amusement. There are also sections on the participation of Long Ridge men in American wars and sketches of resident celebrities and a final chapter on the movement for the conservation of such areas as Old Long Ridge Village. In each chapter DeForest explains how each institution or activity began and how each fared during the century and three-quarters since Old Long Ridge Village was founded. Ample quotations from the diaries add to the charm of the volume and make events vivid and immediate.
The appeal of the memoir is two-fold. It will attract the attention of local historians, genealogists, journalists, researchers, and readers. It will also be welcomed as a resource by historians and scholars interested in the development of communities across the United States. The residents of Old Long Ridge Village and of the Town of Stamford are, indeed, fortunate that John DeForest has provided so engaging a remembrance of the place he loves." Estelle F. Feinstein, PhD., Professor of History Emeritus, University of Connecticut, p. vi. |
85. |
de Rochemont, Louis, producer; Elia Kazan, director. Boomerang! [Motion picture]. Twentieth Century-Fox; 1947. 88 minutes
Notes: b/w., sound. Screenplay by Richard Murphy; based on the article "The Perfect Case" by Anthony Abbot (Fulton Oursler), Reader's Digest, December 1945. Location: CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "Louis de Rochemont, who initiated the `March of Time' series in 1934, was one of the most influential and innovative film producers of the postwar era. ... His acknowledged best film (with The House on 92nd Street a close runner-up) is Boomerang!, based on the unsolved murder of an Episcopalian (Roman Catholic : Rev. Hubert Dahme - R. M.) clergyman in Bridgeport, Connecticut in 1924. The city fathers of Bridgeport feared adverse publicity, so Boomerang! was shot entirely in nearby Stamford. With its picturesque New England ambience, Stamford proved an ideal substitute. Many local citizens appeared in bit parts and as extras. Even playwright Arthur Miller, who was simply visiting the set for a conference with director Elia Kazan, was cast as a murder suspect in a line-up. ... As in the `March of Time,' a narrator describes many of the events to the viewer. Closely followed are the details of the actual crime, commencing with the minister's murder on the town's Main Street. No suspect or motive is imminent, and the community, outraged and alarmed by the killing, clamors for a scapegoat. Local politicians must produce a sacrificial lamb, so John Waldron (Arthur Kennedy), an ex-serviceman, is accused of the crime. The man appears to be doomed: `eyewitnesses' agree that Waldron was seen leaving the scene of the murder and, after two days of constant grilling by police, the tired and tormented suspect confesses. State's Attorney Henry L. Harvey (Dana Andrews), however, believes that Waldron is not the killer. The character of Harvey is based on United States Attorney General Homer S. Cummings, who handled the actual case and whose identity is cited at the end of the film. The identities of all other participants are not acknowledged; indeed, the locale is described as only `a small city in Connecticut.' de Rochemont and screenwriter Richard Murphy took one major liberty in recording the facts: while Henry L. Harvey is young and unheralded, Homer S. Cummings, although not yet Attorney General, was then a nationally known public figure. It is a presumption of the filmmakers to dub him the `hero' of the original proceedings. Despite political pressure and the hostility of the townspeople, the steadfast Harvey proves Waldron's innocence in a climactic courtroom encounter. The real killer is never discovered. ... Boomerang! can be faulted in that it is perhaps a bit too colorless and unsensational. Nevertheless, it is a strikingly realistic, unglamorous depiction of a crisis in a small community. The townsfolk are collectively nervous, harassed, and eager for a resolution to the senseless, shocking crime. The police are no Kojacks or Columbos: they are peevish, almost boring men, as overworked and overtired as the reporters who cover the story. Boomerang! is closer to reality, to the way things actually are, than are the hundreds of glossy murder melodramas filmed inside the soundstages of Hollywood." Rob Edelman, pp. 309-311, Magill's Survey Of Cinema - English Language Films, Second Series, Vol. 1, A-CLU: Frank N. Magill, Editor. Salem Press, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1981. ("Boomerang!" reprinted from Magill's Survey of Cinema: English Language Films, Second Series, volume 1, pages 309-311. By permission of the publisher, Salem Press, Inc. Copyright, 1981, Salem Press, Inc.) For additional information on this case, see: Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, (November 1924) pp. 406 et seq. / American Law Review (1925), Vol. 50, pp. 161-190. / Homer S. Cummings, State of Connecticut vs. Harold Israel (1937), 4, 1, 44 pp. |
86. |
DelGuidice, Dominic. "Citizen Participation". Journal of Housing. 1963 Sep 30; Vol. 20 (No. 8). pp. 430-434; ISSN: 0272-7374 (Cancelled ISSN: 0022-1635 0164-646X).
Notes: Published by the National Association Of Housing And Redevelopment Officials, Washington, D. C.
Location: DLC. For additional information on the Citizens' Action Council for the Improvement of Stamford, see: Stamford Advocate, Seven Years To Success: A Special C. A. C. Report to Stamford Citizens On Urban Renewal: 1963-1970, January 8, 1963. (Second Section)
Because of requirements for citizen participation, the Citizens’ Action Council for the Improvement of Stamford was created. |
87. |
Derato, Frank C. Victor W. Pagé: automotive and aviation pioneer. Norwalk, Connecticut: Cranbury Publications; 1991; x, 334 pp., paper covers, illus., ports., bibliography, index, 28 cm. ISBN: 0-9629323-0-2.
Notes: Title page reads: "VICTOR W. PAGE / [photograph of Victor W. Pagé] / AUTOMOTIVE and AVIATION PIONEER / / by / Frank C. Derato / / Cranbury Publications / Norwalk, Connecticut"
For references to the Victor Pagé Motors Corporation and the Automotive Development Corporation of Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 54, 144-148, 155, 159-163, 168, 171, 175, 178, 181, 191, 202-203, 206-207, 209-214, 216-217, 221, 224, 228-229, 234-235, 238, 244-245, 249.
Location: CtNowa, CtS, CtSHi, DLC, DSI, MiD, MiDbEI, PP, RHi, TxCM, WHi.
Abstract: "Victor W. Pagé began his automotive career in 1902, just nine years after the Duryea brothers built the first American car, and by 1910, he had established himself as one of the country's leading authorities on automobiles. Pagé was the foremost technical writer of his day. He wrote a great many articles and books on the theory of operation and repair of automobiles. He also wrote extensively on airplanes and airplane service, and he wrote books about motorcycles, tractors, and boats. In short, he wrote about anything that was powered by an internal-combustion engine. But Pagé was more than a writer: he was a talented engineer and inventor who designed - and attempted to manufacture - an airplane and several automobiles and trucks. I bought my first Pagé book at a second-hand bookstore in Passaic, New Jersey, many years ago. Pagé's name meant little to me then, but as my automotive library grew, I noticed that more and more of the books I acquired had been written by him. I began to wonder who Pagé was and how he had become such an authority on automobiles. Then, one day at an antiquarian book sale, someone commented that he had heard that Pagé had tried to manufacture automobiles in Stamford, Connecticut, in the 1920s, but that there had been a problem with the sale of the company's stock. This was something of a coincidence, because at the time, I was employed in Stamford, teaching automotive mechanics in one of the high schools. The possibility that someone had tried to produce automobiles in Stamford intrigued me, so I decided to do some research to learn what I could about Pagé and his automobile company. A trip to the local public library confirmed that Pagé had lived in Stamford and that there had been a company called the Victor Pagé Motors Corporation." Frank C. Derato, p. vii. (Copyright 1991 by Frank C. Derato. Reproduced with the permission of the author.) |
88. |
Dickoré, Marie Paula. Order Of The Purple Heart - An Account of Sergeant William Brown Who Brought His Badge of Merit to Columbia, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio: Society Of Colonial Wars In The State Of Ohio; 1943; 35 pp., paper covers, "references", 23 cm.
Notes: "500 copies printed"
Location: Ct, DLC, MiD, OCl, OOxM, PP, WaS.
Account of Sergeant William Brown of Stamford, Connecticut, recipient of the second Purple Heart, the badge of merit originated by General George Washington. It was bestowed upon him May 3, 1783, for meritorious service performed in a `forlorn hope' action at the Siege of Yorktown. |
89. |
DiGiovanni, Stephen Michael. Catholic Church in Fairfield County, 1666 - 1961. New Canaan, Connecticut: William Mulvey, Inc.; 1987;xxix, 296 pp., [8] pp. of plates, illus., table of contents, notes, bibliography, d. w., 25 cm. ISBN: 0-934791-12-0.
Notes: Title page reads: "[illustration of old St. Mary Church, Norwalk, (c. 1858)] / THE CATHOLIC CHURCH / IN / - / FAIRFIELD COUNTY 1666 - 1961 / - / Stephen Michael DiGiovanni / / WILLIAM MULVEY, INC. / NEW CANAAN, CT."
Location: Ct, CtB, CtBhl, CtDab, CtFa, CtFaHi, CtFaU, CtGre, CtNowa, CtS, CtSoP, CtY, DLC.
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. xiii, xvi, xxviii, 4-6, 10, 16-20, 27, 81-82, 89, 95, 98-99, 101, 107, 109-113, 121, 123-128, 134-135, 138-139, 142, 144, 155, 166, 173-174, 181, 183, 186, 193-194, 199, 202, 208, 211, 213-215, 225-226, 236, 240, 242-243, 245-248. |
90. |
Dower, W. A. "New Industries of Connecticut - No. 5. The Petroleum Heat & Power Company". Connecticut Industry. 1927 Jun; Vol. 5 (No. 6). p. 12; ISSN: 0010-6135.
Notes: Published 1923-1970 by Manufacturers' Association of Connecticut, Inc., Hartford, Connecticut; 1971-1972 by Connecticut Business and Industry Association.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtH, CtNbC, CtSoP.
Abstract: "The Petroleum Heat & Power Company of Stamford traces its beginnings back into the pioneer days of the industry. The company's present technical advisor, M. A. Fessler, was one of the earliest inventors of oil-burning apparatus, and much of the oil-burning equipment on the market today is legitimately descended from his early experimentations. Mr. Fessler early became associated with William C. McTarnahan, the present president of the company, and out of that association has come much of the present progress of the industry. The beginnings of the enterprise were on the Pacific coast where the Fess System Company was organized in San Francisco in 1907. ...... The present corporation was formed in 1920. The Petroleum Heat & Power Company lately purchased the entire capital stock of the Fess System Company and now operates it as a subsidiary. ....... A complete line of oil-burning equipment is manufactured here (at Stamford), from the household furnace and kitchen range types up to the largest industrial or power installations. The Petroleum Heat & Power Company combines the merchandising of fuel oil with the manufacture of oil-burning equipment, the installation of the equipment creating a market for the fuel oil. Its oil sales amount to about three million barrels yearly." W. A. Dower, p. 12. |
91. |
Dower, W. A. "New Industries of Connecticut - No. 8. The Stamford Wall Paper Company". Connecticut Industry. 1928 Feb; Vol. 6 (No. 2). p.11; ISSN: 0010-6135.
Notes: Published 1923-1970 by Manufacturers' Association of Connecticut, Inc., Hartford, Connecticut; 1971-1972 by Connecticut Business and Industry Association.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtH, CtNbC, CtU.
Abstract: "The Stamford Wall Paper Company, the concern which made this record, came to Connecticut as a newly-formed corporation in July, 1924, and started operations shortly afterward in the former Kahler shoe factory, which abuts on the main line of the New Haven Railroad in the west end of Stamford. The property consists of a two-story brick main building with about 30,000 square feet of manufacturing space, and a separate boiler house. The company manufactures engraved wallpapers exclusively, and is about the only company in the United States specializing in the higher grades of engraved papers. The manufacturing method used is known in the trade as the calco-sanitary process. The papers are printed in oil colors from hand engraved copper rollers on a fine grade of tough paper, and then embossed with engraved steel rollers. The designs used are all original and are created by the firm's own artists. The engraving, too, is done under the same roof. `Stamford Decorations,' the market name of the product, are all washable and light-fast." W. A. Dower, p. 11. |
92. |
Duggan, Thomas S. [Thomas Stephen]. Catholic Church in Connecticut. New York, New York: States History Company; 1930; (Centennial Edition): xx, 622 pp., ports., illus., appendix, bibliography, index, d.w., 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "THE / CATHOLIC CHURCH / IN CONNECTICUT/ By / RIGHT REVEREND THOMAS S. DUGGAN, D. D. / Vicar-General of the Diocese of Hartford / / - / CENTENNIAL EDITION / - / [arms of the Bishop of Hartford, Connecticut] / - / THE STATES HISTORY COMPANY / 156 FIFTH AVENUE / NEW YORK CITY"
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 7, 11, 266, 452-461.
Location: Ct, CtAns, CtBSH, CtDab, CtDer, CtEhar, CtFaU, CtHi, CtMil, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNowa, CtPut, CtS, CtSHi, CtStr, CtU, CtWB, CtWhar, CtY, DLC, IaU, MWA, NcD, NjPT, NNC, PV. Vollmar (No. D 273). Kemp (p. 32). Collier (p. 240). Parks (No. 613). Bibliography on pp. 209-210.
Abstract: "It is the conviction of experienced teachers of history that the minor happenings, the episodes, the incidents and the anecdotes of one generation should be recorded and passed on for the enlightenment of posterity, near and remote. It is by reading and reflecting on matters both major and minor that the people of one age are enabled to form a just appreciation of those who have gone before. I shall not be accused of departing from the purpose of his book if I pause now and again to chronicle an episode or an enlightening incident. The dry-as-dust historian may affect the attitude and the garb of solemn truth, but his severity should not discredit the narrative of those who refuse to despise the manifold and legitimate claims of human interest. It has fallen to my lot to record the passing of nearly every priest who died in the Diocese of Hartford in the past thirty-three years. Usually I gave an appreciation gathered from my own observation and from the observation of others more felicitously placed. What I then wrote is now accessible, and I shall not be noted and proscribed as an unconscionable plagiarist if I reproduce, without apology and without ceremony, the points of distinction and traits of character, which appealed to me as I stood by the bier of the departed. I shall give my own words with formality and to the neglect of the asterisk and the quotation mark. What is written with due reflection and in presence of indisputable facts does not change with the passing years." Thomas S. Duggan, p. vi. |
93. |
Dunlop, Beth. "House of worship, the inside story : in Stamford, Connecticut, the massive gray whale like facade of First Presbyterian, known as the fish church, gives no indication of the glory within : a dramatic display of color and light". House & Garden. 2003 Oct; Vol. 172 (No. 10). pp. 100, 102, 104; ISSN: 1522-0273.
Notes: Published by The Conde Nast Publications (A division of Advance Publishers Inc.), New York, New York.
Location: DLC.
Description of the interior of the First Presbyterian Church and the dramatic effect of sunlight on it. Also, a statement from its’ architect Wallace K. Harrison. |
94. |
Dwight, Timothy. Sermon, preached at Stamford, in Connecticut, upon the general thanksgiving December 18th, 1777. Hartford, (Connecticut): Printed by Watson and Goodwin; 1778; 16 pp., paper covers, 20 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "A / SERMON, / PREACHED AT / STAMFORD, / IN / CONNECTICUT, / UPON THE / GENERAL THANKSGIVING, / DECEMBER 18th, 1777. / - / HARTFORD : / Printed by WATSON AND GOODWIN, / - / M.DCC.LXXVIII. [1778]."
Location: CtHi, CtSoP, CtY, DLC, ICN, MiU, NjPT, PPL, ViU. Sabin (No. 90122). Evans (No. 15788). Dexter (Vol. 3, pp. 321-326). Wegelin (p. 24). Blanck (No. 5036). Published anonymously. Sabin (No. 90122) credits the authorship to Timothy Dwight. Evans (No. 15788) credits the authorship to Timothy Dwight. Dexter (Vol. 3, p. 326) credits the authorship to Timothy Dwight and states on p. 322, "At the end of March, (1777, Yale) College was broken up by the war; and Mr. Dwight spent the most of the time until September in Wethersfield, in charge of a portion of the students. Early in June he was licensed to preach by a committee of the Northern Association in his native county, and during the summer he preached in Kensington Parish in Farmington. He resigned the tutorship early in September, 1777, and on October 6 was appointed by Congress chaplain to General S. H. Parsons' Connecticut Continental Brigade, joining the army soon after at West Point. During the year in which he remained in the field, he performed the appropriate duties of his office with uncommon reputation. He also wrote several patriotic songs (including `Columbia! Columbia! to glory arise!') which were universally popular." Wegelin (p. 24) credits the authorship to Timothy Dwight. Blanck (No. 5036) credits the authorship to Timothy Dwight. For additional information on Timothy Dwight during the American Revolution, see: Gephart (No. 13267) / Charles S. Hall, Life and letters of Samuel Holden Parsons - Major General in the Continental Army and Chief Judge of the Northwestern Territory 1737-1789 (1904) / Wayne C. Tyner, `Timothy Dwight on the American Revolution,' "Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin," Vol. 41, No. 4, (October 1976), pp. 107-118.
Abstract: "Who hath raised up those powerful armies, with which we now resist our foes? Who gave us a person to direct our military affairs, whom the tongue of envy acknowledges to be thoroughly qualified for so difficult and dangerous a station? Who, when our hearts died within us, at the success of our enemies, the last campaign, dispelled the gloom by the timely and illustrious victories of TRENTON and PRINCETON? Who, in a manner still more extraordinary, enabled us with a handful of troop, to keep the field against a mighty force, during the last winter? Who collected a sufficient body of militia to destroy Colonel BAUME'S detachment, by the glorious and most beneficial victory of BENNINGTON. For it must by no means be forgotten, that they were so far from being collected to oppose this force, that some of them, had actually marched to join the northern army, without dreaming that an enemy was near. Who gave into our hands the whole army of General BURGOYNE, and infixed such a wound upon BRITISH pride, as it hath scarcely received, during the present century? Who, finally, hath so infatuated the counsels of our enemies, that their measures have, almost in every instance, been as advantageous to us, as our own? He, who sitteth on the circle of the heavens, answers most loudly and clearly in the language of his Providence `I THE LORD DO ALL THESE THINGS.' May we not then, with singular propriety, address AMERICA, in the words of the second verse of our text, `Fear not, O land! be glad and rejoice, for the Lord will do great things'." Timothy Dwight, pp. 13-14. |
95. |
Dwight, Timothy. Travels in New-England and New York. New Haven, (Connecticut): S. Converse, Printer; 1821 22; 4 vols., 23 cm.
Notes: In addition to the New Haven 1821-22 edition, there was one published in London, 1823 and a more recent edition published in Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969. Since references to Stamford, Connecticut appear on different pages in each issue, citations and locations are in separate sections. For references to Stamford, Connecticut in the New Haven 1821-22 edition, see: Vol. 1, pp. 34, 35. / Vol. 2, p. 505. / Vol. 3, pp. 496-503, 519.
The following libraries own copies of the New Haven 1821-22 edition: AU, CLSU, CLU, CSf, CSmH, Ct, CtHT, CtSoP, CtY, CU, DeWI, DLC, FU, GDC, GHi, ICN, ICU, IEG, IU, IaAS, IaU, LNT, M, MB, MBAt, MChB, MdBE, MdBP, MeB, MeBa, MeU, MH, MHi, MiD, MiGr, MiU, MNF, MnHi, MnU, MoSM, MU, MWA, NbU, NBuG, NcD, NCH, NcU, Nh, NIC, NjN, NjNbS, NjP, NjR, NN, NNC, NNG, NPV, NUt, OC, OCHP, OClW, OClWHi, OO, OOxM, OU, PHi, PPL, PU, RP, RPJCB, ScC, ScU, TxU, ViU, VtMiM, VtU, WaS, WaU, WHi.
For references to Stamford, Connecticut in the London 1823 edition, see: Vol. 1, pp. 10, 11. / Vol. 2, p. 483. / Vol. 3, pp. 476-482, 499.
The following libraries own copies of the London 1823 edition: Ct, CtHi, CtS, CtSoP, CtU, CtY, CtY-M, DLC, IC, KyU, MdBP, MiU, MU, NN, OCl, OClWHi, OCU, OFH, OrCS, PCC, PHC, PU, TU, TxU, ViU.
For references to Stamford, Connecticut in the Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969 edition, see: Vol. 1, pp. xvi, 20, 21. / Vol. 2, pp. 355, 411. / Vol. 3, pp. 348-353, 365, 410-411.
The following libraries own copies of the Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969 edition: Ct, CtBran, CtEly, CtFaU, CtGu, CtHamd, CtHamd, CtManc, CtS, CtSHi, CtU, CtWB, CtWillE.
Sabin (No. 21559). Shoemaker - 1821 (No. 5221). Blanck (No. 5075). Collier (pp. 7-8, 113, 256). J. Robert Bromley Abraham Davenport - 1715 to 1789 : a study of the man (1976), p. 57 states, "For another similar formulation of Abraham Davenport's Dark Day Speech (which may have been one of the original sources), see Timothy Dwight, late President of Yale College, Travels in New England and New York, New Haven, 1822, Volume III, p. 497 ... ". Collier (pp.7-8) states, "The granddaddy of the Connecticut travel guides is Travels in New England and New York, by Timothy Dwight. The best edition by far is the four volumes edited by Barbara Miller Solomon (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969). Dwight, appointed president of Yale in 1795, each fall for ten years beginning in 1798, when the boys went home to help with the harvest, took trips by horseback and sulky, and sometimes another trip in the winter. He comments on every aspect of society and daily life and describes each town he passed through."
Abstract: "In this town (Stamford) lived the Hon. Abraham Davenport, for a long period one of the Councillours of the State, and, before that, of the Colony of Connecticut. ... The 19th of May, 1780, was a remarkably dark day. Candles were lighted in many houses; the birds were silent and disappeared; and the fowls retired to roost. The Legislature of Connecticut was then in session in Hartford. A very general opinion prevailed that the day of Judgement was at hand. The House of Representatives, being unable to transact their business, adjourned. A proposal to adjourn the Council was under consideration. When the opinion of Col. Davenport was asked, he answered, `I am against an adjournment. The day of Judgement is either approaching, or it is not. If it is not, there is no cause for an adjournment; if it is, I choose to be found doing my duty. I wish therefore that candles may be brought.' ... There are three uncommonly interesting spots in this township: one on the Western side of the harbour, which is called the South field, a rich and beautiful farm. Another is a peninsula on the East side of the harbour, mentioned above under the name of Shippan, the property of Moses Rogers, Esq., of the City of New York. This also is an elegant and fertile piece of ground. The surface slopes in every direction, and is encircled by a collection of exquisite scenery. The Sound, and Long Island beyond it, with a gracefully indented shore, are directly in front, and both stretch Westward to a vast distance, and Eastward till the eye is lost. On each side also lies a harbour bounded by handsome points. A train of groves and bushy islands, peculiarly pleasing in themselves, increase by their interruptions the beauty of these waters. The farm itself is a delightful object, with its fields neatly enclosed, its orchards, and its groves. Here Mr. Rogers has formed an avenue, a mile in length, reaching quite to the water's edge. At the same time, he has planted on the grounds, surrounding his house, almost all the forest trees which are indigenous to this country. To these he has united plantations of fruit trees, a rich garden, and other interesting objects, so combined, as to make this one of the pleasantest retreats in the United States. The third, named the Cove, is on the Western side of Noroaton River. On this spot, in very advantageous situations have been erected two large mills for the manufacturing of flour and a small village, or rather hamlet, for mechanics of various kinds. The view of the harbour in front; the points, by which it is limited; the small, but beautiful islands, which it contains; the Sound; the Long Island shore; a noble sheet of water in the rear; the pleasant village of Noroaton, and the hills and groves, in the interior, is rarely equaled by scenery of the same nature, especially when taken from a plain, scarcely elevated above the level of the ocean." Timothy Dwight, Vol. 3, pp. 497, 498, 500-501, New Haven 1821-1822 edition. |
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