Murals: Stamford scenes
from yesteryear
the artist
Stanley J. Rowland
six murals pictured in this brochure were painted by the artist, Stanley
Rowland. They adorn the walls of the main banking office of The Fidelity
Trust Company, Stamford, Conn.
Mr. Rowland was well
known for his portraits and water colors, as well as his murals. Some of his
best known murals decorate the walls of Yale University and Williams College.
Others beautify many public buildings and private homes. Perhaps the most
famous of all Mr. Rowland's murals is the Whaling Saga in Nantucket.
As a muralist, Mr.
Rowland demonstrated more than artistic skill. He showed a great knowledge
and a feeling for the historic in both the large sense and its minutest details.
One feels that he penetrated into the very era and lives of our forbears in
these historic murals of Stamford's past.
The natural talents
given Mr. Rowland were more fully cultivated at the Rhode Island School of
Design, the Art Students League, the Beaux Arts and various ateliers abroad.
Oddly, Mr. Rowland majored in biology at Brown University. He served with
the Roosevelt Unit at General Headquarters Hospital in Chaumont, France during
the first World War. He was Assistant Curator in the Department of Arms and
Armour at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.
Mr. Rowland lived in
Long Ridge Village, Stamford, with his wife, the former Harriet S. Bailey,
and three sons, Stanley J. Rowland, Jr., Jere and David. His son Jere assisted
in the painting of Panels 5 and 6. Mr. Rowland painted in a barn studio at
the foot of his garden from nine to five, rain or shine. He devoted about
twelve months to the research for and painting of the historical murals of
Stamford which were started in 1949 and completed and installed in July 1950.

of 1642: Settlers observe the Sabbath
About 1655: Setting the boundaries
October 1789: Townfolk greet George Washington
About 1842: Canal to the sound
Christmas Day 1848: First train to Stamford
Atlantic Street 1905
Stanley J. Rowland: About the artist
Image © The Stamford Historical Society