Murals: Stamford scenes from yesteryear
George Washington
October 1789
Tavern once occupied the site at the western end of Bank Street. A bronze tablet
now marks the location. It is known that George Washington, who had been
the Country's first President in April, 1789, stayed at Webb's Tavern in October
of that same year.
Washington's arrival created great
interest and excitement among the townfolk. They gathered about the Tavern to
greet the great soldier and statesman. Almost all the people came to cheer with
the exception of a few Tories. One of the outraged Tories is shown in the extreme
left foreground of the mural. His face is turned away from the scene so he need
not look upon the President.
Webb's Tavern was reputed to have
the best food between New York and Boston on the Old Post Road.
The news of that day told of our still
unsettled frontiers. More than fifteen hundred settlers had been killed by Indians
in Ohio and Kentucky during the few preceding years. President Washington, greatly
distressed, sent General Harmer, then General St. Clair, to subdue the Indians.
They both failed in the mission and were succeeded by the victorious General
Anthony Wayne.
This was also the year of the outbreak
of the French Revolution. It was natural that the struggle of the French people
for political freedom should excite great sympathy among the Americans, who
had so recently undergone similar struggle.

of 1642: Settlers observe the Sabbath
About 1655: Setting the boundaries
October 1789: Townfolk greet George Washington
About 1842: Canal to the sound
Christmas Day 1848: First train to Stamford
Atlantic Street 1905
Stanley J. Rowland: About the artist
Other Webb Tavern images
Image © The Stamford Historical Society