The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Index of Names and Subjects
within Bibliography Items
–T– |
–T.B. to Taylor– |
T.B. Smart & Company, (1) [118]
Taconic Road, (1) [140]
Taff, Charles, (1) [171]
Taff, Frederick A., (2) [118], [262]
Taff, Violetta, (1) [208]
Taft, William H., (1) [250]
Tailors, (5) [28], [44], [54], [178], [258]
Talafero, Alfred, (1) [84]
Talafero, Mabel, (1) [84]
Talbert, Mary B., Republican Club (Mary B. Talbert Republican Club), (1) [257]
Talbot, Charles G., (1) [262]
Talbot, St. George, (5) [52], [56], [102], [103], [250]
Tallmadge, Benjamin, (15) [5], [45], [75], [102], [118], [126], [141], [142], [184], [225], [250], [262], [265], [266], [298]
Tallmadge family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Tallmadge, Thomas, (2) [45], [179]
Tallmadge, William H., (4) [104], [118], [262], [265]
Tamburri, Alfonso, (1) [23]
Tamburri, C., (1) [23]
Tamburri, Crescenzo, (1) [266]
Tamburri, Dominick, (1) [213]
Tanneries, (1) [214]
Tanton, place in Stamford, (2) [141], [142]
Taphance, (6) [45], [102], [103], [118], [178], [250]
Tappe, Kevin B., (1) [269] |
Tarbell family, (1) [143]
Tarshish, Manuel B., (1) [277]
Tatlock, John T., (2) [262], [334]
Tatlock, William, (4) [45], [118], [262], [278]
Tatum, Edward, (1) [50]
Taverns, (Saloons), 11) [27], [28], [44], [71], [103], [104], [127], [171], [172], [214], [312]
Tax records, (4) [27], [81], [178], [289]
Taylor, Deems, (3) [84], [162], [279]
Taylor family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Taylor, Frederick C., (6) [29], [102], [118], [172], [250], [262]
Taylor, Frederick J., (1) [104]
Taylor, George, (1) [165]
Taylor, Gray, (1) [229]
Taylor, Joan, (1) [279]
Taylor, John J., (2) [104], [144]
Taylor, John Metcalf, (3) [82], [183], [280]
Taylor, John T., (1) [118]
Taylor, Joseph D., (1) [83]
Taylor, Lincoln, (2) [166], [262]
Taylor, Louis M., (1) [251]
Taylor, Malcolm P., (3) [261], [292], [293]
Taylor, Ralph L., (4) [67], [250], [262], [267]
Taylor-Reed Corporation, (1) [292]
Taylor Street, (1) [117]
Taylor, Warren H., (4) [44], [67], [104], [262] |
Tea, burning of, (7) [4], [5], [141], [142], [173], [250], [265]
Teachers, (13) [1], [4], [30], [62], [84], [89], [103], [141], [142], [197], [203], [262], [266]
Technology, (38) [34], [38], [45], [47], [48], [50], [51], [79], [80], [87], [90], [91], [101], [104], [118], [128], [141], [142], [153], [157], [159], [165], [179], [182], [186], [204], [230], [235], [249], [250], [262], [266], [269], [270], [288], [292], [326], [328]
Telegraph, (4) [104], [141], [142], [262]
Telephone, (3) [44], [45], [250]
Television, (5) [42], [89], [159], [168], [292]
Television, color, (1) [159]
Tella, Tommaso, (1) [23]
Teller, Harrison, (3) [84], [141], [142] |
Temperance, (11) [4], [71], [84], [89], [102], [104], [250], [257], [278], [286], [312]
Temperance societies, (5) [84], [89], [104], [286], [334]
Temple Beth El, (8) [4], [27], [66], [102], [161], [262], [266], [291]
Temple Beth El Cemetery, (3) [140], [158], [180]
Temple of Music, (1) [3]
Temple Pharmacy, (1) [54]
Temple Sinai, (4) [27], [161], [266], [291]
Ten Eyck, John A., 3d, (1) [251]
Tenements, (1) [27]
Tennis, (2) [62], [264]
Textiles, (2) [178], [185] |
–Thaddeus to Titus–
Thaddeus Lockwood Cemetery, (1) [180]
Thanksgiving, (4) [5], [84], [161], [167]
Tharp, Edward, (1) [289]
Thatcher, Linden, (1) [50]
Theal's Bridge, (2) [140], [170]
Theale family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Theale, Joseph, (1) [148]
Theater, (9) [4], [27], [44], [123], [170], [172], [224], [265], [266]
Theology, (5) [71], [84], [103], [183], [207]
Thewlis, James A., (1) [155]
Thies, Mary Marple, (1) [93]
Thomas, Harry L., (1) [292]
Thomas, John Charles, (1) [262]
Thomas, Robert J., (1) [50]
Thompson, Bert, (1) [84]
Thompson, Cecil V., (1) [83]
Thompson, Clarence E., (3) [83], [262], [292]
Thompson, Elizabeth, (1) [104]
Thompson family, (1) [143]
Thompson, Fred, (1) [44]
Thompson, Harry A., (1) [83]
Thompson, Herbert A., (1) [84]
Thompson, Marvin R., (1) [83]
Thompson, Ralph, (1) [45]
Thompson, Roland, (1) [45]
Thompson, W. Stuart, (1) [121] |
Thompson, William, (1) [306]
Thorn, Eric, (1) [284]
Thorn family, (1) [143]
Thorn & Jorge, (1) [98]
Thorp family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Thorpe, Edward O., (2) [262], [265]
Three Lakes Drive, (1) [140]
Thurston, Henry, (1) [104]
Thurton, Emma, (1) [45]
Thurton, Samuel, (1) [45]
Tidyman, William T., (1) [265]
Tierney, Michael A., (4) [89], [92], [205], [260]
Tiffany, Frank M., (1) [262]
Till family, (1) [143]
Tilman family, (1) [143]
Time, Inc., (5) [281], [282], [283], [284], [285]
Times Mirror Company, (1) [5]
Timothy, Anna B., (2) [44], [84]
Tinker, Grant, (1) [5]
Tipple, Bertrand M., (1) [83]
Tire stores (Automobiles-tire stores), (1) [27]
Tisano, Thomas, (1) [269]
Titanic (ship), (1) [200]
Titus' bridge, place in Greenwich, (1) [75]
Titus family, (1) [143]
Titus, John, (1) [29] |
Tobacco pipes, (1) [219]
Tobacco stores, (1) [27]
Todd, Ambrose S., (1) [334]
Todd, A. S., (2) [216], [250]
Todd, Charles J., (1) [286]
Todd, Elnathan, (2) [84], [166]
Todd family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [306]
Todd, John, (5) [84], [177], [185], [209], [306]
Toilsome Brook, (4) [45], [103], [140], [209]
Tolli, Charles G., (1) [152]
Tomchuk, Marjorie, (1) [73]
Tomlinson, Wilbur F., (1) [172]
Toms, Alonzo, (1) [104]
Toms, Charles R., (2) [3], [118]
Toms, Edgar A., (1) [186]
Toms, Edgar M., (1) [44]
Toms, George, (2) [45], [144]
Toms, George Washington, (4) [118], [144], [179], [241]
Toms Road, (2) [45], [186]
Toms Road Cemetery, (1) [180]
Toms, Rollin T., (1) [166]
Toner, John, (1) [104]
Toner, Joseph R., (2) [158], [287]
Toner, P. Henry, (1) [265]
Toner, Redmond F., (1) [165]
Tooher, James C., (2) [67], [265]
Tooher, Joseph J., (1) [166]
Tools (Hand tools), 4) [9], [178], [179], [185]
Toomey, Michael F., (1) [171]
Topography, (13) [36], [38], [53], [84], [95], [122], [127], [130], [160], [178], [238], [275], [300] |
Topping, Thomas, (1) [84]
Toquams, place in Stamford, (10) [15], [45], [103], [118], [140], [141], [142], [177], [178], [250]
Tories, (Loyalists) (29) [4], [5], [22], [26], [40], [45], [52], [56], [60], [75], [84], [103], [118], [120], [126], [141], [142], [179], [184], [185], [189], [198], [250], [266], [289], [298], [301], [306], [316]
Torrey, Anna C., (2) [84], [262]
Torrey, Elbridge, (1) [84]
Tower Avenue, (1) [140]
Tower, Patti, (1) [73]
Town Clerks, City of Stamford
Town Clerks, Town of Stamford, (8) [103], [104], [141], [142], [178], [183], [250], [262]
Town Crier (newspaper), (2) [104], [171]
Town halls, Borough of Stamford, (13) [4], [5], [29], [102], [104], [118], [123], [171], [172], [250], [262], [265], [266]
Town halls, City of Stamford, (20) [4], [5], [44], [85], [102], [104], [105], [112], [123], [166], [170], [171], [172], [250], [262], [265], [266], [269], [296], [303]
Town halls, Town of Stamford, , (5) [102], [103], [104], [245], [262]
Towne, Constance, School of Fine Arts (Constance Towne School of Fine Arts), (1) [54]
Towne, Frederick Tallmadge, (1) [262]
Towne, Henry Robinson, (16) [5], [29], [44], [102], [104], [105], [118], [151], [172], [179], [236], [250], [262], [265], [266], [288]
Towne, John H., (2) [104], [262]
Townsend family, (1) [143]
Townsend, Frederic M., (1) [83]
Townsend, Harry, (1) [165]
Townsend, John, (1) [179]
Townsend, Platt, (2) [141], [142] |
–Tracy to Tryon–
Tracy, Delia, (1) [200]
Tracy, Mary, (1) [200]
Tracy & Swartwout, (2) [110], [112]
Trade, see Commerce
Traffic control, (9) [18], [261], [275], [284], [296], [297], [304], [313], [315]
Transportation (see also specific types of transportation), (51) [3], [4], [5], [9], [13], [14], [22], [24], [26], [27], [29], [44], [45], [46], [47], [48], [87], [103], [104], [106], [118], [127], [141], [142], [153], [160], [170], [171], [172], [178], [186], [191], [197], [200], [215], [235], [244], [248], [249], [250], [257], [265], [266], [269], [270], [275], [300], [305], [312], [313], [316]
Travel agencies, (1) [27]
Travels, (15) [26], [46], [103], [106], [127], [141], [142], [160], [215], [237], [244], [266], [274], [300], [312]
Travis, William N., (1) [29]
Traynor family, (1) [143]
Treadway, William B., (2) [118], [262]
Treat, Charles Payson, (1) [83]
Treat, John J., (10) [4], [44], [155], [171], [172], [262], [265], [267], [292], [327]
Treat, Robert, (1) [183]
Trees, (8) [41], [44], [63], [170], [190], [200], [213], [323]
Treglia, Thomas, (1) [145]
Tresser Boulevard, (4) [5], [27], [73], [139]
Tresser, Samuel, (4) [5], [27], [67], [267]
Trials , (Courts), (15) [40], [60], [82], [95], [103], [141], [142], [176], [178], [183], [212], [250], [280], [289], [292] |
Trinity Lake, (7) [29], [84], [102], [118], [122], [250], [253]
Trinity Lutheran Church, (1) [66]
Trinity Pass, place in Stamford, (2) [140], [209]
Tripodi, Vincent, (1) [213]
Trolle, Herbert R., (1) [166]
Trolle, John A., (1) [171]
Trolley cars (Street railroads), (18) [4], [5], [44], [45], [102], [105], [118], [170], [171], [172], [186], [212], [250], [257], [265], [275], [305], [312]
Trombones, (1) [159]
Tropsa, Frank, (1) [165]
Trowbridge, William H., (4) [104], [141], [142], [144]
Trower, Arthur (Jim), (1) [213]
Troy, Daniel Q., (1) [155]
Troy, William D., (1) [336]
Trucks, (3) [27], [44], [249]
Trudel, Roland H., (1) [261]
True Reformers, (1) [257]
Truman, Harry S., (1) [51]
Trumbull, Jonathan, Sr., (5) [40], [125], [225], [250], [266]
Trump, John G., (1) [165]
Tryniszewski, Helena (Sister M. Saletynia), (1) [135]
Tryon, Benjamin, (1) [306]
Tryon family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [306]
Tryon's Raid, Danbury (1777), (2) [27], [40]
Tryon, Samuel, (1) [306] |
–Tspatsaris to Typographers–
Tspatsaris, Dimitrius, (2) [4], [266]
Tubas, (1) [159]
Tuberculosis, (2) [257], [258]
Tucker family, (1) [143]
Tucker, Solomon, (1) [26]
Tulk, Alfred, (1) [84]
Tunick, Abe, (1) [27]
Tunick Brothers, (1) [27]
Tunick, David, (1) [27]
Tunick, Jacques, (1) [27]
Tunick, Moe, (1) [27]
Tunney, James J. (Gene), (5) [27], [42], [83], [84], [162]
Tupper, Edward J., (5) [4], [44], [171], [262], [265]
Turbie, Marie A., (1) [292]
Turk, William, (2) [141], [142]
Turkey, (1) [21]
Turkington, A. R., (1) [29]
Turkington, Alexander R., (2) [118], [262]
Turkington, John, (1) [262]
Turl, Raymond E., (1) [84]
Turn of River Fire Department, Inc., (1) [269]
Turn of River, place in Stamford, (9) [28], [45], [84], [99], [102], [140], [262], [266], [269]
Turn of River Road, (1) [45] |
Turner Liedertafel Society, (1) [266]
Turner, Nathaniel, (17) [4], [5], [15], [45], [84], [95], [102], [103], [118], [141], [142], [177], [192], [250], [265], [298], [313]
Turner, Uriah, (3) [141], [142], [216]
Turney family, (2) [143], [178]
Turney, Joseph, (1) [183]
Turney, Mary, (1) [183]
Turnpikes, see Connecticut Turnpike; Streets
Turnvater Jahn Society, (1) [266]
Turpin, Clement, (1) [213]
Turrentine, James L., (1) [50]
Tuttle family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Twachtman, J. Alden, (2) [250], [262]
Twain, Mark (Clemens, Samuel), (1) [106]
Twin Brook Road, (1) [45]
Twin Hills Road, (1) [140]
Twiss, J. J., (1) [245]
Two Sisters (ship), (1) [26]
Tyler, John W., (3) [60], [212], [289]
Tyler, William, (1) [89]
Typewriters, (3) [266], [326], [328]
Typhoid fever, (2) [217], [253]
Typographers and typography, (1) [154] |
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