The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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176. |
MacKenzie, Ruth. "Connecticut Justice And Mercy". Connecticut Bar Journal. 1965 Dec; Vol. 39 (No. 4). pp. 558-573; ISSN: 0010-6070.
Notes: Published by the Connecticut Bar Association, Hartford, Connecticut.
Location: ABH-L, ArLUA-l, ArU, A-SC, AU, AzTeS, AzU, CaOTLS, CLavC, CLU, CSfH, Ct, CtHT, CtNbC, CtNlC, CtMW, CU-S, DLC, ICU, MChB, MH-L, MoKU, MU, OAkU, TxWB.
Abstract: "The troubles that the officials had come to resolve had originated, not in Fairfield itself, but in the neighboring village of Standford (Stamford). Here, in the home of Daniel Wescot, lived a seventeen-year-old French bound girl named Catherine Branch. From depositions taken at the time, it is obvious that this Catherine, or Kate was subject to some kind of seizures, probably epileptic in nature. The girl was perhaps ridden by the fear of losing her comfortable niche in a prosperous home if the true nature of her affliction became known, but the attacks couldn't be hidden. In the beginning she attempted to explain them away by the simple cry of, `Bewitched!,' but that did not long suffice; it was common knowledge that witches were not in the habit of wreaking their evil in anonymity for long. So, yielding to public pressure, Kate began to describe, and, later to name her tormentors. Once launched in the role of star performer in a drama that held the rapt attention of all the village, the temptation to improve upon her own histrionics became irresistible, and she showed shrewd and calculated cunning in her choice of victims. ..... Kate took care of the suspicions of her mistress by adding a new name, that of Elizabeth Clausen, to the witches' roll. A full-scale feud, typical of a small town, had long been enjoyed by Abigail Wescot and Goody Clausen; each was only too ready to believe the worst in the other." Ruth MacKenzie, pp. 561-562. (Copyright 1965 by the Connecticut Bar Association. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
177. |
177. Majdalany, Jeanne. Early History Of Long Ridge Village 1700-1800. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1977; (4), 60 pp., paper covers, illus., charts, notes, maps, bibliography, 21 cm.
Location: Ct, CtHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtU, CtY, DLC, NIC, NjP, OC, WHi. Kemp (p. 632). Parks (No.8585).
Abstract: "This history of Long Ridge Village between 1700 and 1800 is based almost entirely on two kinds of source material: the recorded land deeds, which are so fortunately available at the Stamford Town Hall, and the genealogical material that can be collated from sources at both the Town Hall and the Ferguson Library. ..... Those who are fortunate to live in Long Ridge today have a precious heritage. The little settlement is one of the few areas in and around Stamford to preserve its early nature. Although the fight to keep gaudy business, modern-style houses, and efficient wide thoroughfares away is a fight that never ends, it is to be hoped that Long Ridge Village will become widely recognized by all for its unique background and still evident charm and that it will be carefully preserved for future generations to enjoy." Jeanne Majdalany, pp. (3), 42-43. |
178. |
Majdalany, Jeanne. Early settlement of Stamford, Connecticut, 1641-1700. Wicks, Edith M. Bowie, Maryland: Heritage Books, Inc.; 1990; c1991 xiv, 211 pp., paper covers, illus., maps, appendix, notes, bibliography, index, 22 cm. ISBN: 1-55613-394-4.
Notes: Title page reads: "The Early Settlement of Stamford, Connecticut / 1641 - 1700 / / by / Jeanne Majdalany / / - / including / Genealogies of the Stamford Families / of the Seventeenth Century / by Edith M. Wicks and Jeanne Majdalany" Statement on foldout map reads: "The following maps are based on maps drawn by the author in 1985, which were taken from the W. H. Holly Map of 1837."
Location: CCarl, Cop, CStcl, Ct, CtB, CtDar, CtGu, CtHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtSu, CtWill, CtWilt, CtWtp, DLC, KMrJ, MWA, OC, OCl, OClCo, OT, Tx, WaT.
Abstract: "To the memory of Virginia T. Davis. Whose inspiration, sense of fun, and dedication to achievement encouraged and delighted all who worked with her.", p. iii. "This important work chronicles the development of the Stamford settlement from its difficult and demanding early days to its later period of relative prosperity and independence. Details of the hardships and triumphs of the young village include: the constant threat of Indian incursion, the development of military order and strong defenses, and King Philip's War which decimated the Indian force; conflicts which arose with the Dutch over boundaries; the struggle of Stamford to break free from New Haven, to free itself of the taxes levied by the Colony and its overwhelming judicial control. These are just a few of the notable incidents that occurred during the first sixty years of Stamford's existence. Many aspects of everyday life are also described in this book. A lengthy chapter provides outline genealogies covering the first three or four generations of all the families which arrived in the 17th century and stayed for an extended period." Statement on back cover of book. "This book has been written in an effort to recapture the Stamford of 1641-1700. My experience with its early history developed primarily during the bicentennial years of 1975 and 1976 when I was quite unexpectedly called by a stranger (Mrs. Virginia Davis) to see if I would be interested in doing research on Stamford's oldest houses to determine whether they were built prior to the American Revolution." Jeanne Majdalany, p. vii. (Copyright 1991 by Jeanne Majdalany. Reproduced with the permission of the author.) |
179. |
179. Majdalany, Jeanne. History Of The Cove In Stamford, Connecticut. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1979; (6), 122 pp., paper covers, illus., maps, notes, bibliography, index, 20 cm.
Notes: Printed on 60# Monadnock White Laid Paper, in an edition of 1000 copies. Imprint on reverse of title reads: Printed in cooperation with Printers, Inc. Location: CtB, CtHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtSU, CtU, CtY, NjP, WHi. Kemp (p. 632). Parks (No. 8586).
Abstract: "Along the Connecticut shore of Long Island Sound, just at the boundary line between Stamford and Darien, there has grown up in recent years an extensive playground where the inhabitants of Stamford may enjoy their leisure hours. There was a time in the 1950's when Stamford, through negligence, almost lost control of this attractive area; belatedly, a sudden resolve gave rise to popular demand for rescuing the site from the Connecticut Light and Power Company at the cost of $485,000. Since that time it has been developed slowly and with care. Today there are tennis courts, an ice rink, and a boat marina on the mainland, and on what is now called Cove Island there are open spaces for ball games and kite flying, picnic areas scattered among the locusts and maple trees, and two lovely beaches known as East Beach and Horseshoe Beach, which are backed by tasteful pavilions containing only essential facilities. This last summer a new attraction was added; rowboats were made available so that one could lazily explore the reaches of Holly Pond to the north of the island. In the summer the parking lot adjacent to the bridge over to the island is often filled to capacity, but the Cove area is large enough so that one experiences the happy spirit of fun and relaxation. In the winter a lonely walk along the beach with the wind blowing stiff and fresh gives a sense of being far from any city. A stroll to Pound Rocks, a promontory on the southeast tip, is rewarded by a glorious view: nearby are wheeling seagulls and little jagged-edged islands, and across the Sound, its waters dotted often with ships and boats, lies the soft shore of Long Island." Jeanne Majdalany, p. 1 |
180. |
180. Majdalany, Jeanne. Poems on Stone In Stamford, Connecticut. Mulkerin, Jean. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1980; (6), xii, 188 pp., paper covers, illus., maps, index, 22 cm.
Notes: Imprint on reverse of title reads: Printed by Stamford Shopper.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtGre, CtHi, CtNc, CtNhHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtStr, CtU. Kemp (p. 625). Parks (No. 8587).
Abstract: "This book is dedicated to the late Russell C. Roberts. A highly respected lawyer in Stamford and well known for his deep interest in New England and local history, he was a very active member of the Stamford Historical Society for over twenty years, serving as its president from 1966 to 1970. Photographing the gracious Connecticut churches and churchyards was one of his hobbies." "A number of graveyards contained no stones with poetry inscribed on them, or no legible poetry, so that the total number of graveyards represented in this study is forty-five out of the grand total of seventy existing burying grounds with early (1740-1911) Stamford graves in them." "This attempt at a chronological evaluation of Stamford's burying-ground poetry, though sketchy, might lead to fuller studies in the future. Most of all, this entire study has been made largely in the hope that others will be drawn into forming a sound, practical program for saving what little is left, the few traces of the rugged, sincere people who built the foundations of our large and prosperous city of Stamford." Jeanne Majdalany and Jean Mulkerin, p. 24. |
181. |
181. Manufacturers' Association of Connecticut, Inc. "Final Summary of Army-Navy `E' Awards in Connecticut". Connecticut Industry. 1946 Mar; Vol. 24 (No. 3). pp. 8-9, 25; ISSN: 0010-6135.
Notes: Published 1923-1970 by Manufacturers' Association of Connecticut, Inc., Hartford, Connecticut; 1971-1972 by Connecticut Business and Industry Association.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtBris, CtH, CtMer, CtNbc, CtNh, CtNlc, CtSoP, CtW.
Abstract: "War workers and management of 175 Connecticut industrial plants received the coveted Army-Navy `E' award for their part in the defeat of the Axis powers, according to a recent Army-Navy `E' release summarizing the awards for the entire country. These same companies received 448 stars for continuation of their outstanding record of performance for each six months after receiving the original award, until four stars had been won, after which the star was awarded for continuous periods of outstanding performance for one year. The overall total `E' awards to topflight war production facilities numbered 4238 for the nation, which included Navy `E' awards made prior to July, 1942, when the Navy `E', the Army `A' and the Army-Navy Munitions Board `Star' awards were merged and became known as the Army-Navy `E' Award. Representing only 5% of the estimated war plants in the nation, those meeting the stringent eligibility requirements ranged in size from the one-man plant to large corporations and included facilities that converted from peace to war production, as well as new plants built especially for war purposes. Approximately 50% of the awards went to plants having less than 500 employees, which were generally considered as `smaller war plants'. In Connecticut there have been 15 five-star awards, 45 four-star awards and 34 three-star awards, with a majority of the remaining facilities falling within the one and two-star categories. Final awards were granted at the August meeting of the Army and Navy Boards for Production Awards and both boards have since been dissolved. Plants which have won the Army-Navy `E' are at liberty to continue flying the award flag and to make use of the award insignia in their publicity and advertising, while their employees who were entitled to receive Army-Navy `E' award pins may continue to wear them. Since the average number of Army-Navy `E' awards for each state in the Union fell just under 90, it will be noted that Connecticut, with its 175 awards, stood nearly 100% above the average and far above all other states with a similar population. `Connecticut Industry' takes pride in listing the names of the companies receiving Army-Navy `E' awards and stars as furnished to it by the Army Service Forces, Springfield Ordnance District: .... Cinaudagraph Corp., Stamford, 2 (Stars) .... Electric Specialty Co., Stamford .... Fonda Gage Co., Stamford, 1 (Star) .... Machlett Laboratories, Inc., Power Tube Division, Norwalk .... Machlett Laboratories, Inc., Springdale Plant, Springdale, 4 (Stars) .... Perkin-Elmer Corp., Glenbrook, 4 (Stars) .... Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Stamford, 3 (Stars) .... Stamford Rolling Mills Co., Springdale, 4 (Stars) .... Yale & Towne Manufacturing Co., Stamford Division, Stamford, 2 (Stars)." Connecticut Industry, pp. 8-9, 25. (Copyright 1946 by the Manufacturers' Association of Connecticut [now the Connecticut Business & Industry Association, Inc.]. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
182. |
Manufacturers' Association of Connecticut, Inc. "Petroleum Heat and Power Company". Connecticut Industry. 1948 Jun; Vol. 26 (No. 6). pp. 6-8, 26; ISSN: 0010-6135.
Notes: Published 1923-1970 by Manufacturers' Association of Connecticut, Inc., Hartford, Connecticut; 1971-1972 by Connecticut Business and Industry Association.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtBris, CtH, CtMer, CtNb, CtNh, CtNlC, CtU, CtW, CtWB.
Abstract: "By 1919 the sale of burners had increased to the point where it was considered necessary to build a factory in New England for their production. At about the same time it was decided the next move of expansion would be the New York market. Here stringent regulations governing the installations of oil burners and oil storage facilities had retarded progress by making costs higher than other localities. These new ventures required additional capital and as a result the company was reorganized, and in December 1919, was incorporated as the Petroleum Heat and Power Company. The following year a factory was constructed at Stamford and Mr. Fesler was assigned to operate it, continuing actively with the company until 1927 when he retired because of ill health. Over the years Petro had gained a dominant position in the industrial burner field. But the management had been very alert to the beginnings of the domestic oil burner business. Actually the development of a market for oil burners for home use had begun just prior to World War I. And during the conflict itself the coal scarcity resulted in great public interest in oil heat." Connecticut Industry, p. 8. (Copyright 1948 by the Manufacturers' Association of Connecticut, Inc. [now the Connecticut Business & Industry Association of Connecticut, Inc.]. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
183. |
Marcus, Ronald. "Elizabeth Clawson... thou deseruest to dye" : an account of the trial in 1692 of a woman from Stamford, Connecticut who was accused of being a witch. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1976; 20 pp., paper covers, illus., notes, 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: " "ELIZABETH CLAWSON ... / THOU DESERUEST TO DYE" / / An Account of the Trial in 1692 / of a Woman from Stamford, Connecticut / Who Was Accused of Being / a Witch / / by / Ronald Marcus / / [ woodcut illus. from Witches Apprehended ... London, 1613. Reproduced with permission of The Huntington Library, San Marino, California] / The Stamford Historical Society, Inc. / Stamford, Connecticut / 1976" '''Imprint on reverse of title reads: "Produced by Communication Corporation, Stamford, Connecticut"
Location: Ct, CtB, CtGre, CtHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, DeWint, DLC, InU, MWA, NIC, WHi. Collier (p. 57). Parks (No. 8588).
Abstract: Collier (p. 57) states, "A short pamphlet account of a woman tried for witchcraft in 1692. She was acquitted and lived to be eighty-three. Happily?" "The witchcraft delusion of 1692 swept through western Connecticut as a storm that comes quickly, raises havoc, and then disperses. Because the friends and neighbors of Elizabeth Clauson in Stamford stood their ground, courage and good sense triumphed over hysteria." Ronald Marcus, p. 13. |
184. |
184. Marcus, Ronald. Fort Stamford: A Concise Study. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1973; iii, 24 pp., paper covers, notes, 22 cm.
Notes: Printed in an edition of 2,500 copies. Imprint on reverse of title reads: Design and Composition by Stamford Weekly Mail / Printed At Holly Press, Stamford. Includes "Plan of the Fort near Stamford..." 9th December, 1781.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP. Parks (No. 8589).
Abstract: "The hardships of the people of Stamford during the American Revolution are well known. Destruction of civilian property by British foraging raids, the loss of men who served in the patriot army and navy, and emigration of the Loyalists are some of the adversities they endured. These and other factors eventually influenced the State of Connecticut to order the construction of a garrison here." Ronald Marcus, p. 1. |
185. |
Marcus, Ronald. Stamford Revolutionary War Damage Claims. Essex, Connecticut: Pequot Press, Inc. c1968 xii, 83 pp., paper covers, illus., introduction, notes, indices, bibliography, 23 cm.
Notes: Copyright 1968 and 1969 by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtDar, CtEly, CtHi, CtNc, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtU, CtWrf, CtY, DGU, DLC, ICU, MB, NjP, ViU. Gephart (No. 1730). Kaminkow (p. 705). Parks (No. 8623).
Abstract: "The manuscripts herein were compiled by the citizens of Stamford, Connecticut during the American Revolution for the purpose of abating their state taxes. While Stamford was not invaded and burned as Norwalk was, nevertheless a large portion of the civilian population suffered considerable personal property loss. The town was so close to the British lines that foraging or raiding expeditions from Long Island, New York presented a constant threat. Even more menacing were those individuals in Stamford who remained loyal to the King. The Loyalists, or Tories as they were called, plundered their neighbors of anything that was of value and movable. What could not be conveyed to the British troops for immediate use was retained either for barter or as spoils of war." Ronald Marcus, p. vii. |
186. |
Martin, Edward Warren. "Stamford Street Railroad Co.". Transportation Bulletin. 1976 Jan-1976 Dec 31; (No. 83): pp. 1-80; ISSN: 0-910506-19-1.
Notes: Published by Connecticut Valley Chapter, Inc., of the National Railway Historical Society, Inc. Roger Borrup, Editor, Warehouse Point, Connecticut. Printed at Warehouse Point, Connecticut. Published in both hard and paper covers. "This ISSUE is dated 1976 while being printed in 1978. Ever hopefully, No. 84 will be issued before the end of the year." p. 3. Location: Ct, CtB, CtH, CtNc, CtS, CtSHi, DLC. Kemp (p. 632). Parks (No. 8590).
Abstract: Includes chapter titled A Ride Over the Stamford Trolley Lines in 1927 by Ed Wadhams. "In editing Ed Martin's manuscript, writing various paragraphs from Ed Wadham's many notes and recollections - and in writing the chapter on Stamford's bus operations from Ed Wadham's notes - I have gained a certain familiarity with the Stamford trolley system. Though it was the familiar yellow Connecticut Company trolley cars that ran on the streets of Stamford, the division had a character of its own quite apart from the Connecticut Company. At this late date in time (January 1978) I recognize the Stamford Division as a trolley operation just a little bit different from others. I now realize that I didn't have much interest in or appreciation of Stamford car lines when I rode by trolley car from East Hartford to Stamford one Sunday back in the summer of 1932." Editor's note, p. 3. (Copyright 1978 by Roger Borrup and Edward Martin. Reproduced with permission.) |
187. |
Massachusetts Historical Society. Collections Of The Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, (Massachusetts): Massachusetts Historical Society; 1868; 736 pp. (Fourth Series; v. Vol. 8.).
Notes: Imprint on title reads: Boston: Published by Wiggin And Lunt. "The `Mather Papers,' from which the contents of this volume have been principally selected, are contained in seven volumes of manuscripts, belonging to the `New-England Library,' collected by the Rev. Thomas Prince, which was many years in the custody of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and is now deposited in the Public Library of the City of Boston. These manuscripts came into the hands of Mr. Prince in a miscellaneous mass, and were by him chronologically arranged in fasciculi, with occasional annotations." Preface, p. xv. For John Bishop's letters to Increase Mather, see: pp. 298-316. For additional references to John Bishop see: pp. 585-586, 623-626, 661.
Location: CaBVaU, CoU, Ct, CtNlC, CtSoP, CtU, CU-SB, DAU, DLC, DNLM, GEU, ICJ, ICN, INS, KyU, MBAt, MdBP, MH, MH-A, MH-AH, MH-L, Mi, MiD-B, MtU, MWA, MWiW-C, NbU, NcD, NcGU, NHi, NjP, NN, NPV, OOxM, OrP, OrU, P, PPA, PPL, PLF, PMA, PPPrHi, PSt, RP, RPJCB.
For additional information on the "Prince Collection", see: Boston Public Library, The Prince Library. A Catalogue of the collection of books and manuscripts which formerly belonged to the Reverend Thomas Prince, and was by him bequeathed to the Old South church, and is now deposited in the Public Library of the city of Boston (1870).
Abstract: Estelle F. Feinstein, Stamford from Puritan To Patriot - The Shaping of a Connecticut Community 1641-1774 (1976), p. 38 states, "One of our few sources of primary materials on Stamford, other than official documents, is a series of letters that the Rev. John Bishop wrote to the Reverend Increase Mather, the President of Harvard College, that were delivered in the vessels of a wealthy local merchant, Captain Jonathan Selleck and have been preserved in the Collections Of The Massachusetts Historical Society." John Bishop to Increase Mather, Stamford, 5 m. 11 d. 1678. "Reverend Sr. & Dear Brother, - Yours of 3 mo. 28, '78, I received; and as touching reports you enquire of (though in great haste, by reason of the vessels hastening away) I canot but make a short returne. There have been, doubtles things of a prodigious nre. among vs, by which we should be awakened; but it is to (be) bewailed, that the awful workes of God are so variously & vncertainly spoken of; as many times I find that we know not what to beleeve, nor how to be affected as we should with what we heare. .... As touching the Earthquake lately in these parts, I can speak to that as being sensible thereof, & many others in this Town, & other Townes also perceived the same; though more westward of vs it was more perceived, & more eastward, lesse. It was on an evening after the Sabbath viz. 12 m. 3. 77. Likewise on 4 m. 20, 78, a like noise was heard here by myself & many others, who took it to be an Earthquake, rather then thunder, considering circumstances, though the terrae-mocon not so perceptible. On the last day, same month, here was a violent storme of hail in several plantacons, one west & others east of vs, that did much damage as its said, & I do verily beleeve, though I forbear to mencon the quantity of that hail & the effects of it, because I canot fully beleeve all thats said of it. At Stamford it was only a storme of wind & rain, & that but short. This 5 m. 6 & 7 dayes, it pleased the Lord, after a great & threatning drought, to send a plentifull, sober & soaking rain, that sweetly refreshed the earth & revived its dying product." John Bishop, p. 306. |
188. |
Mather, Moses. America's Appeal to The Impartial World. Wherein the Rights of the Americans, as Men, British Subjects, and as Colonists; the Equity of the Demand, and of the Manner in which it is made upon them by Great Britain, are stated and considered. And, The opposition made by the Colonies to Acts of Parliament, their resorting to Arms in their necessary Defence, against the Military Armaments, employed to enforce them, Vindicated, ... Hartford, (Connecticut): Printed by Ebenezer Watson; 1775; 72 pp., paper covers, 19 cm.
Location: CSmH, Ct, CtHi, CtSHi, CtY, DLC, ICN, InU, MB, MBAt, MWA, MiU-C, NjPT, NN, NNUT, RPJCB, ViU.
Sabin (No. 1276 & 46770 note). Evans (No. 14253). Holmes (No. 11). Dexter (Vol. 1, pp. 626-628). Adams (No. 182). Gephart (No. 3825). Published anonymously. Sabin (No. 1276 & 46770 note) credits the authorship to Mather and states in 46770 note, " America's Appeal, Vol. 1., No. 1276, is probably by Moses Mather." Evans (No. 14253) credits the authorship to Moses Mather. Holmes (No. 11) credits the authorship to Moses Mather. Dexter (Vol. 1, pp. 626-628) credits the authorship to Moses Mather and states "He has also been thought to be the author of the following anonymous tract: America's Appeal to The Impartial World. ... Hartford, 1775." Adams (No. 182) states, "Advertised in the Connecticut Courant for April 3, 1775. Attributed to Mather by Evans." Gephart (No. 3825) attributes the work to Moses Mather and states "Appendix, containing some thoughts on government, and American independence": p. 65-72. Horace E. Mather Lineage Of Rev. Richard Mather (1890), p. 120 states, "Rev. Dr. Moses Mather graduated at Yale College 1739, and was settled in Darien, Conn., formerly the parish of Middlesex, in the town of Stamford, Conn." For additional references to this pamphlet, see: Bernard Bailyn, Ideological Origins of the American Revolution (1967), pp. 57, 67, 73, 79, 174, 183, 193, 224, 233, 235. "INDEPENDANCE consists in being under obligation to acknowledge no superior power on earth. The King by withdrawing his protection and levying war upon us, has discharged us of our allegiance, and of all obligations to obedience." Moses Mather, pp. 68-69. |
189. |
Mather, Moses. Sermon, preached in the audience of the General Assembly of the state of Connecticut, :in Hartford, on the day of their anniversary election, May 10, 1781. New London, (Connecticut): Printed by Timothy Green, printer to the Governor and Company.; 1781; (5)-22 pp., paper covers, 21 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "A / SERMON, / PREACHED IN THE AUDIENCE / OF THE / GENERAL ASSEMBLY / OF THE / STATE OF CONNECTICUT, / IN / HARTFORD, / ON THE DAY OF THEIR / ANNIVERSARY ELECTION, / MAY 10, 1781./ / - / By MOSES MATHER, M. A. / Pastor of the CHURCH in Middlesex. / - / / NEW - LONDON: / Printed by TIMOTHY GREEN, Printer to the GOVERNOR / and COMPANY. M,DCC,LXXXI [1781]" Half title reads: " [printers' ornament] / MR. MATHER'S / ELECTION / SERMON, ' MAY 10th, 1781. / [printers' ornament]"
Location: Ct, CtSHi, MWA.
Sabin (No. 46768). Evans (No. 17236). Holmes (No. 15). Dexter (Vol. 1, p. 628). Vail (p. 240).
Abstract: "Some have acted an open part, and have gone and joined the enemy; while others have chosen still to continue at home among us; who have been much more hurtful to us, and helpful to the enemy, than those who have gone off, and openly joined them. They, many of them, maintain a secret correspondence with the enemy, give them intelligence, carry on a clandestine trade with them; they lie as a dead weight, throwing every clog and hindrance in the way of all our movements and efforts for our own defence; to them it is principally owing, that our paper currency has suffered such a great and rapid depreciation; and our land so exhausted of provisions to feed the enemy, as greatly to distress and discourage our own army. Every argument therefore, which will justify us in our opposition to Great Britain, strongly plead for our most vigorous efforts to detect, and make examples of such secret enemies as endeavour to conceal themselves among us." Moses Mather, pp. 11-12.
For additional references to Election sermons, see: R. W. G. Vail, "Check list of New England election sermons." Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. New Series, 1936 Oct 16; Vol. 45, Part 2, 36 pp.
For additional references to counterfeiting and passing bogus Continental Congress currency by British agents during the American Revolution, see: Kenneth Scott, Counterfeiting In Colonial America (1957), pp. 253-263. |
190. |
Matthies, Katharine. Trees Of Note In Connecticut: Connecticut Daughters of the American Revolution; 1934; 34 pp., illus., map, 24 cm.
Notes: For references to the Hequetch Sycamore tree in Stamford, Connecticut, see: p. 15. Imprint on page following map reads: The Printing-Office of the Yale University Press.
Location: Ct, CtAns, CtBran, CtBris, CtDab, CtDer, CtFa, CtFaU, CtH, CtHi, CtManc, CtMil, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNm, CtNowi, CtOl, CtPut, CtRk, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtTmp, CtWal, CtWB, CtWhav, CtWind, CU, DLC, N, NN.
For additional information on trees in Connecticut, see: Glenn D. Dreyer, Connecticut's Notable Trees, Memoirs of the Connecticut Botanical Society No. 2, 1989. Revised and Updated (1990). ISBN 0-924771-25-9.
Abstract: "It was originally planned to call this book `Historic Trees in Connecticut,' but there are so few trees that are really historic that it seems best to give it its present title. The trees here included are noted for their size, beauty, or age, or some incident connected with their history. ....... HEQUETCH SYCAMORE STAMFORD This tree stands on ground which was the planting ground reserved for the Indians in their first deed to the white men at Stamford although later in 1667 the Indians also gave this planting ground to the white settlers. The original deed conveying it, and signed by the Indians, is in the custody of the Town Clerk. The land was known as `Hequetch' and now belongs to Mrs. James S. Kline." Katharine Matthies, pp. (7), 15. |
191. |
McCrackan, W. D. [William Denison], Editor. Huntington letters, in the possession of Julia Chester Wells. New York, New York: Appleton Press; 1897;(3), 220 pp., 18 cm.
"The correspondents are various members of the family of Benjamin Huntington, of Norwich, Conn., the period covered being from 1761 to 1799. Most of the letters passed between the Hon. Benjamin Huntington himself and his wife Anne, when he was serving in the General Assembly of Connecticut at Hartford, or in the Continental and United States Congresses at Philadelphia, Princeton, and New York. Others were written by a daughter, Rachel Huntington, when on visits in New York, Stamford, (Connecticut), and Rome, N. Y., to her sisters, Lucy and Anne, in Norwich. ..... The children of Benjamin and Anne Huntington were all born in Norwich: ..... Rachel, April 4, 1779 ..... Rachel married at Rome, N. Y., January 19, 1800, William Gedney Tracy, a merchant of Whitestown, N. Y., who was born in Norwich, Conn., November 15, 1768." Editor's notes, pp. 2-3, 8.
Location: Ct, CtSHi, CtSoP, DLC, ICU, MWA, NcD, NjP, NN, OCl, OClW, Or. Goodfriend (pp. 8-9).
Abstract: "STAMFORD day after fast 1797. MY DEAR SISTER, the enclosed was written several days ago, & the careless postmaster neglected to send it to Norwich, but I am determined to send it by the next stage with the addition of another sheet, & I hope you will be glad to see it. - This afternoon the stage stop'd at the Stage house opposite here & Genl. E. Huntington & Mr. Zach Huntington were the first persons who met my eyes, & I felt as much delighted as I should at home at the sight of old acquaintance. General H calld to see Major Davenport, & was very polite to me, he told me all the Norwich news he could think of, & wish'd he could tell me better news about my father, but he was very lame, though much better than he had been. Mr. H - says that he believes his niece is very soon to be married to Mr. Mumford, & more dependance may be placed on that, than on the New York tattles, therefore I wish you not to mention what I have written concerning him in my other letter, to any one.... Sunday I have been to Church this day & heard Mr. Burnet, (who was at our house last Summer) preach, he dined here, & enquired after father, was very sociable & agreable in conversation, but no great orator ..... ." R(achel) Huntington to Anne H(untington), pp. 137-139. |
192. |
McGown, Russell M. "Rippowam Ripples - A Story of the Relations of Church and Town in the Beginnings of Stamford". Stamford Historian. (1957); Vol. 1 (No. 2). pp. 111-116.
Notes: Published by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi. Kemp (p. 626). Parks (No. 8583).
Abstract: "The Rev. Dr. McGown is the 20th in a distinguished series of ministers of the First Congregational Church over the 316 years of its existence in Stamford." Editor's note, p. 111. "We have been looking at the first century of life in Stamford, when the story of the town and of the First Congregational Church were so closely woven together. In these modern days when separation of Church and state and freedom of worship are such a cherished part of our American heritage, it is interesting to discover that this has not always been the case. The story of this little settlement on the banks of the Rippowam shows how different it was in the beginning, at least here in Connecticut." Russell M. McGown, p. 116. |
193. |
McGraw-Hill Company. "Flexible lab is built using off-the-shelf components". Architectural Record. 1974 Aug; Vol.156 pp.147-148; ISSN: 0003-858X.
Notes: Published by McGraw-Hill Company, New York, New York.
Location: CtDab, CtH, CtHT, CtMe, CtNbC, CtNc, CtNlC, CtU, CtW, CtWB, CtWtp, CtY. White (p. 3).
Abstract: "A high degree of flexibility and modularity are practically sine qua non for laboratories these days. But beyond these requirements, the Stamford Hospital Laboratory Addition by architects Perkins & Will had to be both designed and built rapidly. For this reason the architects and their engineers turned to simple, off-the-shelf items requiring a minimum of special fabrication: precast floor planking, package air-handling system, and modular laboratory furniture." Architectural Record, p. 147. (Architectural Record, August 1974. Copyright 1974 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
194. |
McGraw-Hill Company. "Stamford, Connecticut becomes a center for suburban offices". Architectural Record. 1977 Oct; Vol.162 p. 41; ISSN: 0003-858X.
Notes: Published by McGraw-Hill Company, New York, New York.
Location: CtDab, CtH, CtHT, CtMer, CtW, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNc, CtNlC, CtWB, CtWtp, CtU, CtY. White (p. 5).
Abstract: "A 58,000-square-foot office building has been designed by architects Robert Wagenseil Jones & Associates." Architectural Record, p. 41. (Architectural Record, October 1977. Copyright 1977 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
195. |
McGraw-Hill Company. "Upgrading Downtown: Victor Gruen Associates - Stamford: Plan for a Fast-Growing City". Architectural Record. 1965 Jun; Vol.137 pp.184-185; ISSN: 0003-858X.
Notes: Published by McGraw-Hill Company, New York, New York.
Location: CtDab, CtH, CtHT, CtMer, CtW, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNc, CtNlC, CtU, CtWB, CtWtp, CtY. White (p. 5).
Abstract: "Stamford, Connecticut, unlike many other East Coast cities, has had a continuous population growth - both within city boundaries and in the surrounding region. So the basic economic conditions for renewal have long been favorable. Its major problems: One-fourth of all downtown buildings are substandard or deteriorated beyond repair, traffic is chaotic, and there is a severe shortage of parking space. The city government, from the time it first began considering renewal, elected to use urban renewal assistance; and in an unusual move, it chose the sponsor on the basis of direct negotiations before the preparation of any specific redevelopment plan. The sponsor (S. Pierre Bonan and F. D. Rich Company) was committed to retain a planning and architectural firm `of good reputation, acceptable to the city.' The city then retained its own consultants." Architectural Record, p. 184. (Architectural Record, June 1965. Copyright 1965 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
196. |
Mead, B. H. [Benjamin Heath]. "Acquisition of the Betsy Barnum Home". Stamford Historian. 1954; Vol. 1 (No. 1). pp. 19-20.
Notes: Published by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi, CtStr. Kemp (p. 627).
Abstract: "Judge Mead was President of the Stamford Historical Society from 1941 to 1947. It was during this time that the Society purchased the Betsy Barnum house which is now our Headquarters Building. Mr. Mead acted as the Society's agent in the transaction. The house is believed to be the oldest remaining house in Stamford. A decade ago two others predated it, but one was torn down, and the other taken down and moved to Darien. In this article Mr. Mead records some of the details of the negotiations and early history of the house. Mr. Mead, a legal partner of Mr. Fuller, another of our authors, was a Judge of the Stamford City Court some years ago." Editor's note, p. 19. "The writer and the then President of the Society learned that the Agnes C. Bemish home on Bedford Street was on the market for sale. We negotiated with the First Stamford National Bank and Trust Company, which was Trustee for the Bemish Estate, and a gentleman's agreement was made with the bank to give us time to bring the matter before the membership before selling to another. There was another who wanted the property. The Society finally voted to buy at the price arrived at after some negotiations of $13,500., all cash. The Bank was happy to sell to us, as it felt our Society should own it, as it was one of the oldest houses in Stamford. The date of the purchase was July 23, 1943. But it was not until 1950 that the Society was able to take over the house for public use as its headquarters. At the time of purchase, there were two other houses believed to be older, one stood on the corner of West Main Street and Clinton Avenue which in 1941 was removed and erected somewhere else. The other was the old red house which stood a short distance above the Bemish house and was owned by the late Theodore Ferris. We examined that house but found it in such bad condition, that we abandoned hope of owning it. This house has also been torn down, so that our new home is the oldest building in Stamford." Benjamin Heath Mead, pp. 19-20.
Hoyt Barnum House |
197. |
Merritt, Helen N. Memoirs of a Darien high school teacher. n. p.: [Privately printed]; (197-?); (ii), 65 pp., table of contents, paper covers, 28 cm.
Notes: Title on cover reads: "MEMOIRS / OF / A DARIEN / HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER / / Helen N. Merritt"
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 10-14, 18, 29-30, 49, 61.
Location: CtDar, CtNc.
For additional information on Dr. Helen N. Merritt's years as a student at Stamford High School, see: Quarterly [Graduation Issue], June 1918, Vol. 15, No. 4, p.166.
Abstract: "When we were in Stamford High School, Dr. Kohler, the Latin teacher asked me why Irving and I seemed so much better prepared than the other New Canaan pupils. The only answer I could think of was that we were the only ones who had my aunt as a teacher in the first six years.
Our high school years were only three and a quarter years due to the coal shortage, a polio epidemic and new construction on the building. In college I felt that the shortened years left something to be desired in my background when compared to my peers. Despite the travel by train and the walk from Stamford Station to the Burdick School, at that time the High School, I lost but part of one day by going late and leaving early because of a cold. My only infraction during the years was talking in class for which I was told to stay after school. I did not stay but never heard of my omission. I was careful not to be guilty of talking thereafter. Why I, always an obedient pupil, dared to not stay after school I cannot understand. Perhaps it was the fact that my late arrival at three-thirty instead of one-thirty might concern my mother or perhaps the thought of a four o'clock lunch might have influenced me.
When I was later offered a position in New Canaan High School I thought that Darien was better as in New Canaan I would know many of the parents which might have made teaching more difficult. I forgot, however, that many of the Darien parents had been my classmates in Stamford High School. In those days neither Darien nor New Canaan had a high school. As the years rolled on I did not find that these parents offered any problems." Helen N. Merritt, pp.10-12, 18. |
198. |
Middlebrook, Louis F. [Louis Frank]. History of maritime Connecticut during the American revolution 1775-1783. Salem, Massachusetts: Essex Institute; 1925; 2 vols., illus., ports, maps, index, 24 cm.
Notes: Imprint on reverse of title reads: "Copyright 1925, by / THE ESSEX INSTITUTE / Edition limited to 1250 copies / / NEWCOMB & GAUS, Printers / SALEM, MASS." For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: Vol. 1, pp. 9, 15, 43, 130-132, 135, 197, 205, 208-209. Vol. 2, pp. 1, 17, 119, 122, 137, 189-190, 205, 255-258, 260-264, 268.
Location: CaOTP, C-S, Ct, CtAns, CtB, CtChh, CtDer, CtEly, CtFar, CtFaU, CtGu, CtH, CtHi, CtM, CtMer, CtMil, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNhHi, CtNm, CtNowa, CtNowi, CtOl, CtS, CtShel, CtSi, CtSoP, CtStr, CtU, CtWal, CtWB, CtWhav, CtWind, CtWtp, CU, DLC, DN, DSI, GU, KMK, MB, MiU, MoU, MWA, NcGW, NcRS, OClWHi, OO, OrU, PHi, PP, PPL, TU, TxU, UU, WaS. Kemp (p. 71). Collier (p. 78). Gephart (No. 7346). Parks (No. 1227).
Abstract: "Towards the western end of the Sound, in Fairfield County, the naval activities were of a more desperate nature, and most of the raids on the British shipping were made by means of whale-boats and galleys from Fairfield, Norwalk, Stamford and Greenwich, where the Sound is narrow, and where nocturnal expeditions were frequent, both by the British and the Colonists. The British would form night parties from their camps on Long Island and make depredations on the farms over in Connecticut, taking off cattle, sheep, produce, and hostages when possible; and the Colonists would make counter excursions, and bring back British, Hessians and Tories as hostages, and any British shipping they could lay their hands on. Of the latter there was considerable, because of the necessity of drawing upon all of Long Island - as well as what could be seized in Connecticut - to provide and transport fuel, forage and food for their forces in and about New York. Long Island, being subdued early in the war, was occupied and controlled by the British. This made it a retreat for Tories and a valuable terrain for camps and supplies of all kinds. Whole estates were crippled and confiscated quite generally for this purpose, and many of the best families of Long Island fled, with what effects they could bring with them, to Connecticut for asylum, as shown by the numerous memorials and petitions to the Connecticut General Assembly." Louis Frank Middlebrook, Vol. 2, p. (1). |
199. |
Mitchell, Walter. Poem delivered at the Flag - Raising, Stamford, July 4th, 1861. (Stamford, Connecticut): Stamford Advocate; 1861; (3)-8 pp., paper covers, 19 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "Poem / Delivered At The Flag - Raising, / Stamford, July 4th, 1861. / By / Rev. Walter Mitchell. / - / Published By Request / - / 'Stamford Advocate' Print / 1861"
Location: Ct, CtY, PU, RPB. Wegelin (p. 28). For additional references to this poem, see: Elijah Baldwin Huntington, Stamford Soldiers' Memorial (1869), pp. 18-19. / Stamford Advocate, July 12, 1861, p. 2. Author was assistant, latter rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, Stamford, Connecticut.
Abstract: "For more, we ask not - only this, to see
That Flag triumphant where it used to be;
Again restoring what our sires begun,
Its ancient watchword - `OUT OF MANY, ONE!'". Walter Mitchell, p. 8. |
200. |
Morgan, Ethel Palmer. Reminiscences by Ethel Palmer Morgan. Princeton, New Jersey: Privately printed [by] Haskins Press; 1964; (5)-55-(3) pp., paper covers, ports., illus., 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: " "All of this I saw, and part of this I was." / (Vergil) / / Reminiscences / by / Ethel Palmer Morgan / / Privately printed at Princeton, N. J. / HASKINS PRESS / 1964"
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 5-6, 8, 13-17, 54.
Location: NjP.
Abstract: "OUR FAMILY spent six months of the year at our country home 'Edgewood' (or Fernwood), Stamford, Connecticut. It comprised one hundred acres and Frederick Law Olmstead, the famous landscape architect laid out the grounds. Father was a great lover of Nature and collected plants, evergreens, shrubs, azaleas, rhododendron, ferns and roses from all over the world. I can honestly say that our grounds had more varieties of flora than any garden in the country except the Arnold Arboretum in Boston. Professor Sargent, who was then head of the Arboretum, came each year to see what was new and Sir Harry Veitch, the famous British horticulturist visited us also.
There was a beautiful planting of evergreens of various hues inside the main gate, with choice weeping beeches, cut leaved Japanese maples, rare oaks, and blue Mount Atlas Cedars along the drive to the house. From the kitchen down to the stables the road was bordered with lilacs and flowering shrubs.
The rose garden was beyond. It had fifty beds radiating out from a stone well house ornamented with iron work depicting the spider and the fly. An avenue of splendid oaks made a background for this garden and underneath the oaks was a winding path with moss-covered rocks and three hundred varieties of ferns. A bed three hundred feet long was in front of this filled with hybrid rhododendrons brought from England, azaleas, andromedas, etc. The brilliant colors of these plants were gorgeous in late May and early June. Beyond this was a vast lawn and then our Bowling Alley with more beautiful plantings. ....................................................................................................................................
'Edgewood' should have been given to the State of Connecticut as an arboretum when my mother died in 1919, as none of us children could afford to keep it up alone. But the craze for gardens had not developed as yet, so the place was sold for a song. Later many trees were moved to embellish other famous estates. The modern arboretums I have since visited have a pitifully small collection when compared to the truly magnificent varieties chosen by my father with such loving care and without regard to expense." Ethel Palmer Morgan, pp. 13, 14.
201. |
Morrell, Samuel W. "My Search For Veterans' Graves". Stamford Historian. (1957); Vol. 1 (No. 2). pp. 135-138.
Notes: Published by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi. Kemp (p. 625). Parks (No. 8591).
Abstract: "The number of Stamford veterans has increased almost geometrically thru the years due both to population growth and to the increasing proportion of the population inducted in later wars. The number of veteran graves has increased almost as fast. Government agencies and veteran organizations would be expected to keep track of such things, but it has remained for a private citizen, Mr. Morrell, himself a non-veteran, to locate and mark all Stamford veterans' graves. With a dedication that is almost a sacred duty, he has assumed the obligation of methodically recording the passing of all Stamford veterans, and seeing that their graves all are properly marked. This unique and patriotic service is not fully appreciated. We hope that by publishing this article we can bring greater recognition to this unselfish American." Editor's note, p. 135. |
202. |
Munn & Company. "Ancient Egyptian Versus Modern Pin Locks". Scientific American. 1899 Sep 2; Vol. 81 (No. 10). p.155; ISSN: 0036-8733.
Notes: Published by Munn & Company, New York, New York.
Location: DLC, MB.
Abstract: "Our engravings represent a typical Egyptian lock and the mechanism for working it. ... The lock consists of two parts, the staple or locking device and the bolt proper, which slides back and forth, securing the door to the door jamb. ... The key consists of a block of wood in which a number of small iron pins, three, four, five or more in number, are secured. This key is thrust into a recess in the bolt, the rear wall of the recess limiting the lateral distance which the key can traverse. The key is raised and the iron pins pass through holes bored in the bolt and raise the pins of the locking device to a height which prevents them from interfering with the lateral motion of the bolt, so that if the right key is slipped in, the bolt can be moved forward and backward at will. The pins are provided with heads which prevent them from entirely slipping through the locking device and the bolt. The heads of the pins rise and fall in special channels provided for them. The pins in the key are all of the same height, and the pins, or pin-tumblers, as we may term them, for the locking device are also of the same height. By the insertion of a larger number of pins, and by arranging them irregularly in the locking device, the difficulty of picking the lock is increased. .......
The most remarkable development of the pin lock is, however, what is known as the 'Yale lock,' which is an example of how the inventive American can take a crude idea and make a remarkable invention from it. Linus Yale, Jr., who died in 1868, invented the Yale lock in the early sixties, ....... . Scientific American, p. 155. |
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