The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
–W– |
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296. |
Wachter, Walter A. "Central Traffic Distributor". American City. 1959 Apr; Vol. 74 (No. 4). p. 109; ISSN: 0002-7936.
Notes: Published by Buttenheim Publishing Corporation, New York, New York.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtFaU, CtNb, CtNbC, CtU. White (p. 5).
Abstract: "The Planning Board of Stamford, Conn. has prepared a `suggested development plan' for downtown Stamford that includes the central business district, multi-family housing, a municipal center and a central traffic distributor or `strainer.' The `central traffic distributor' is the key to a markedly more efficient traffic network within the center of Stamford. This `distributor' would encircle the central business district. Its purpose is that of an umbrella, as traffic would be prevented from raining into the city center. One dozen parking facilities are located either adjacent to the distributor or one block distant, making the shopping tour pleasurable, and keeping much of the vehicular traffic completely removed from the core of the central area, yet leaving any and all shopping, parking, housing and cultural facilities easily accessible. A highlight of this over-all plan for the ultimate development of downtown is the municipal center. The plan provides space for all city departments under one roof in a city hall two blocks west of its present location." Walter A. Wachter, p. 109. (Copyright 1959 by the Buttenheim Publishing Corporation [now American City & County magazine, Garland, Texas]. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
297. |
Wachter, Walter A. "Stamford Plans a Balanced Growth". American City. 1955 Sep; Vol. 70 (No. 9). pp. 156-157, 204; ISSN: 0002-7936.
Notes: Published by American City Magazine Corporation, New York, New York.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtFaU, CtH, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNlC, CtU. White (p. 5).
Abstract: "Caught in a cross fire of rapid residential growth and a need for more commercial and industrial properties to help finance its expanding governmental services, Stamford, Conn., has focused its planning and redevelopment program on the `pre-design' of residential subdivisions and the use of slum clearance to produce new commercial and industrial sites. These activities, together with the annual preparation of a city-wide, six-year capital improvement budget, form the backbone of day-to-day planning in this city of over 75,000 persons. All of the work is anchored, however, on a long-range master plan adopted in 1953 that outlines a development pattern to accommodate an additional 45,000 people in Stamford by 1980." Walter A. Wachter, p. 156. (Copyright 1955 by the American City Magazine Corporation [now American City & County magazine, Garland, Texas]. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
298. |
Walton, Alfred Grant. Stamford historical sketches. Stamford, Connecticut; 1922;100 pp., published in both hard and paper covers; includes list of "Interesting Dates In Stamford's History," 21 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "STAMFORD / HISTORICAL / SKETCHES / BY / ALFRED GRANT WALTON" Imprint on reverse of title reads: "Copyright 1922 / BY ALFRED GRANT WALTON / / CUNNINGHAM PRESS / STAMFORD, CONN."
Location: CLU, Ct, CtDar, CtHi, CtNc, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtWill, CtY, DLC, IHi, Infw, MnHi, MoS, MWA, NBPu, NHi, ViU, ViW. Kaminkow (p. 706). Parks (No. 8628).
Abstract: "The purpose of this little booklet is not to give a complete historical record, but to furnish the reader with brief sketches dealing with some of the outstanding events and traditions associated with the town. By means of this simple compendium, one should be able to glimpse, without too much effort, something of the life of Stamford in the long ago." Alfred Grant Walton, p. 5. |
299. |
Waring, George E. [George Edwin], Jr. Sewerage and land-drainage. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company; London, E. & F. N. Spon; 1889; 406 pp., illus., 31 pl., maps, 33 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "SEWERAGE / AND / LAND = DRAINAGE. / / - / / BY / GEORGE E. WARING, JR., / Honorary Member of the Royal Institute of Engineers (Holland) ; Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (England) : / Fellow of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain ; Corresponding Member of the American Institute of Architects. / / - / / NEW YORK: / D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY. / LONDON: / E. & F. N. SPON. / - / 1889"
Includes : map "Sewerage of Stamford, Conn., Double System, 1885" plate IX; "Stamford, Conn., Plan and Vertical Section of Pumping Station, With Details of Storm-Water Inlets, and Method of Repairing Brick Sewer" plate IX B., and "An ordinance fixing and regulating the use of sewers by private individuals in the Borough of Stamford", pp. 214-217. For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 42, 150-154, 214-217.
Location: CU, DLC, DNLM, ICJ, IdU, KU, MB, MH, MiU, Nh, NIC, NjP, NN, OCU, OO, OU, PP, PU, WaS.
For additional information on the issue of sewerage, see: Estelle F. Feinstein, Stamford in the Gilded Age : The Political Life of a Connecticut Town 1868-1893, (1973), pp. 162-185.
Abstract: "The sewerage of Stamford (plate IX.) is, to a considerable extent, on what may be called the double system. A large part of the area is low and the conformation is such as to lead to the accumulation of storm-water at a number of different points. A considerable amount of rough surface-sewerage work had been done from time to time, and wooden drains, stone drains and here and there a pipe drain were found as the work progressed. One portion of the area is pretty nearly down to tide-water. This was seriously affected by all heavy rains. The storm-water system, as constructed, is a gravity system which delivers at points where it would be improper to deliver foul sewage. In fact, no point for the proper delivery of this by gravity could be found. The combined system was therefore entirely out of the question, and the separate system with pumping outlet was adopted. ............. The foul system delivers by two main lines into a pumping-well at a depth of 13 feet below ordinary high tide. The mean range of tide is from 9 feet to 16 1/2 feet above datum. Extreme tides run 3 feet lower and considerably higher. The sewage is pumped from the well by three ten-inch pumps, each driven by a spur-geared connection with an Otto gas-engine. The pumps deliver into a stand-pipe from which a twelve-inch outlet, consisting of 5,981 feet of vitrified pipe and 1,200 feet of cast-iron pipe, is carried in a direct line across a salt marsh, discharging on the floor of the Sound about 900 feet beyond ordinary low-water mark and 300 feet beyond extreme low water." George E. Waring, Jr., p. 152. |
300. |
Washington, George. Diaries Of George Washington 1748-1799. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company; 1925; 4 vols., 23 cm. (John C. Fitzpatrick, editor.)
Notes: For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: Vol. IV, pp. 22-24. Published for The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association Of The Union.
Location: Ct, CtNowi, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtU, DI, DLC, FMU, IdPI, IdU, MB, MBAt, MH, MH-A, MiU-C, MtU, MWA, NcD, NcU, NN, NNJ, NSyU, OClW, Or, OrCS, OrP, OrPR, ORSaW, OrU, PHC, PPAmP, PSC, RPJCB, TU, TxU, UU, WHi, WaS, WaSp. Matthews (p. 50).
Matthews (p. 50) states, "This edition supersedes the myriad earlier editions of separate journals and parts of journals; on pp. xv-xviii, Mr. Fitzpatrick gives a complete list of the different journals and diaries with notes of their principal contents."
The original manuscript of "Diaries Of George Washington" 1789, October 1 - 1790, March 10, is in the collections of the Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Michigan.
Abstract: "Friday, 16th (October 1789). About 7 o'clock we left the Widow Haviland's and after passing Horse Neck, six miles distant from Rye, the Road through which is hilly and immensely stoney, and trying to Wheels and Carriages, we breakfasted at Stamford, which is 6 miles further, (at one Webb's) a tolerable good house, but not equal in appearance or reality to Mrs. Haviland's. In this Town are an Episcopal Church and a meeting house." George Washington, Vol. IV, p. 22. Saturday, 17th (October 1789). ...... From the Ferry it is abt. 3 miles to Milford, which is situated in more uneven and stony grd. than the 3 last villages through wch. we passed. In this place there is but one Church, or in other words, but one steeple - but there are Grist and Saw mills, and a handsome Cascade over the Tumbling dam; but one of the prettiest things of this kind is at Stamford, occasioned also by daming the water for their mills; it is near 100 yds. in width, and the water now being of a proper height, and the rays of the sun striking upon it as we passed, had a pretty effect upon the foaming water as it fell." George Washington, Vol. IV, pp. 23-24. |
301. |
Weed, Joseph. Recollections Of A Good Man, Nathan Weed. Of Stamford, Connecticut. - Born September 17, 1760. Died October 19, 1819. - By His Son, Joseph Weed, Of San Francisco, California. January, 1880. San Francisco, California: A. M. Slocum, Book And Job Printer; 1880; 17 pp., paper covers, 20 cm.
Location: CtS, CU-BANC.
Abstract: "In writing the imperfect recollections of my good father, NATHAN WEED, it suggested itself to me that it would be interesting to his descendants to trace back his and their ancestry as far as possible. .... Being a warm personal friend and great admirer of his pastor, Rev. Moses Mather, D. D., in 1813, long after the death of the good Doctor, he (Nathan Weed) published, mainly at his own expense, a religious work written by his loved pastor and friend, entitled, A View of Divinity, which he greatly admired, and believed calculated to do good, as correct in doctrine, and a plain statement of the reasons for his belief important to be known. I well recollect going with him to the office of Alden Spooner, in Brooklyn, L. I., when he made the contract for printing the work; and as it was the first printing press I ever saw, it was quite an event in my young life. Indeed, such a clumsy affair with its wooden frame, and the dirty boy, who, with his dabbers, inked the types for every sheet that was printed, would be looked at with wonder in these days of improved lightning steam presses." Joseph Weed, pp. 3, 14. |
302. |
Weekly Publications, Inc. "The Symbol Is Old". Newsweek. 1958 Mar 17; Vol. 51 (No. 1) p. 100; ISSN: 0028-9604.
Notes: Published by Weekly Publications, Inc., Dayton, Ohio.
Location: DLC.
Article describing the First Presbyterian Church, Stamford, Connecticut. |
303. |
Wegelin, Oscar. "Bibliographical List Of Books And Pamphlets Relating To Or Printed In Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut". Papers Of The Bibliographical Society Of America. 1912; Vol. 7 (No. 1-2). pp. 22-32; ISSN: 0006-128X.
Notes: Published by The Bibliographical Society of America, Chicago, Illinois. University of Chicago Press. Issued also as offprints.
Location: CtHi, CtHT, CtNbC, CtNlC, CtS, CtSHi (copy), CtU, MB, MH, MiU, MnU, NN, NRU, OCl, OCU, OU. Griffin 1913 (No. 38). Parks (p. 474).
Abstract: The first bibliography of Stamford, Connecticut. "Not without some personal sacrifice to a flourishing book business (in New York, New York. R.M.) Wegelin had diverted his energy into a series of outstanding bibliographies. In the space of seven years he published the first bibliographies of early American plays, fiction, and poetry. By 1912 he was not only a frequent contributor to The Literary Collector, but he had published three subject bibliographies, three author bibliographies and one imprints bibliography." Roger E. Stoddard, Oscar Wegelin, Pioneer Bibliographer of American Literature (1962), Papers of The Bibliographical Society of America, Vol. 56, p. 239. (Copyright 1962 by Roger E. Stoddard. Reproduced with the permission of the author.) |
304. |
White, Anthony G. Architecture Of Stamford, Connecticut: A Selected Bibliography. Monticello, Illinois : Vance Bibliographies; 1989 Nov; 6 pp., paper covers, 28 cm.(Architecture Series): Bibliography; v. A 2254). ISBN: 0-7920-0344-6.
Location: CtU, DLC, IaAS, InU, OU.
Abstract: "Located at the southern tip of Connecticut, Stamford sits on Long Island Sound less than 15 miles southwest of Bridgeport. Founded as a Puritan community in the 1640's, Stamford in the 20th century has had some notable architectural successes. From a planning standpoint, Stamford was one of the early New England towns to consciously try to control growth in the post-World War II era. Adaptive and innovative, among its `firsts' or near firsts were attention to children's playgrounds, modular school facilities, architecture for the physically challenged, traffic design and control, and integrated housing. In the period just after the second World War, a vehicle-oriented shopping center arose. Urban renewal had its turn, and in the 1970's, Connecticut corporations found Stamford a pleasant place to relocate corporate headquarters. Michael Graves was attracted to the area and provided some master plan assistance. In short, Stamford is perhaps a microcosm of the old-time New England town adapting to the late 20th century. Its architecture has adapted along with it." Anthony G. White, p. 1. (Copyright 1989 by Anthony G. White. Reproduced with permission.) |
305. |
White & Warner. Trolley trips through southern New England. Hartford, Connecticut: White & Warner; 1902; 112 pp., paper covers, illus., maps, advts., table of contents, trolley schedules, 17 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "TROLLEY TRIPS / THROUGH / SOUTHERN / NEW ENGLAND / / ILLUSTRATED / / [illustration of a tree] / / PUBLISHED BY / WHITE & WARNER / HARTFORD CONN / 1902" Imprint on reverse of title reads: "The 1902 edition of this book is Number 4 of the series. / Numbers 1 and 3 are out of print, but the publishers would / state, for the benefit of libraries or individuals wishing to / complete their sets, that a limited number of copies of / Number 2 remain and will be mailed upon receipt of twelve cents. / First Edition, June 14, 1902. / Second Edition, August 1, 1902. /..... PLIMPTON PRESS, / Hartford, Conn." For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 12-13.
Location: DLC, MH, NN, PPeSchew.
Abstract: "With quite speed enough, and without dust, smoke or cinders, we are carried in the electric cars through lovely streets with arching trees, past village Greens with glimpses of old houses on either side, and, leaving the highway now and then, through meadows sweet with wild flowers - the very breadth of the country. If we wish to stop over at any point it is easy to do so, and the next car will carry us along on our journey. A great many people have found a trip, even as long as from New York to Boston, delightful and profitable, and the number of `long-distance' trolley travelers is increasing rapidly. .... Stamford. ... It has at present a population of about 16,000, and is the seat of many important manufacturing industries. The New York and Stamford steamer may be taken and connection made here with the trolley line, if desired. At Stamford the car takes one to the city line. Crossing a little bridge the cars of the Connecticut Railway & Lighting Company are found." White & Warner, pp. 9-10, 13. |
306. |
Wicks, Edith M. Stamford's Soldiers : genealogical biographies of Revolutionary War patriots from Stamford, Connecticut. Olson, Virginia H. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Genealogical Society and Ferguson Library of Stamford, Connecticut; 1976; x, 407 pp., introductory notes, bibliography, index, 24 cm.(Paul W. Prindle, editor.).
Notes: Title page reads: "STAMFORD'S SOLDIERS / Genealogical Biographies / of / Revolutionary War Patriots / from / Stamford, Connecticut / / compiled by / Edith M. Wicks and Virginia H. Olson / / Edited by / Paul W. Prindle, F. A. S. G. / / Published by / The Stamford Genealogical Society / and / The Ferguson Library / of Stamford, Connecticut / as a cooperative venture to mark the / Bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence / 1976" Imprint on reverse of title reads: "500 Copies / Printed in the U.S.A. by / POLYANTHOS, INC. / New Orleans, Louisiana"
Location: CtB, CtDar, CtHi, CtNhHi, CtS, CtSi, CtSHi, CtSoP, DLC, OCl. Kemp (p. 628). Parks (No. 8624).
Abstract: "The compilers and the undersigned are pleased to acknowledge with warm thanks the willingness of The Ferguson Library, its Special Gifts Committee and Miss Marie Hurley, Library Director, to publish this book in cooperation with The Stamford Genealogical Society. As a scholarly work of permanent significance and a joint contribution by two community groups, the venture represents a worthy addition to the many activities undertaken by organizations in Stamford in commemoration of the Bicentennial of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The Library and the Society hope this book will stimulate interest in the roles played by Stamford's citizens in the Revolutionary War and that this interest may in turn lead to a fuller understanding of those dramatic years of American history." H(arold) B. Hubbell, p. ix. (Copyright 1976 by The Stamford Genealogical Society, Inc. [now the Connecticut Ancestry Society, Inc.]. Reproduced with the permission of the Connecticut Ancestry Society, Inc.) |
307. |
Wiegand, Ernest A. II. "Rockrimmon Rockshelter (6-FA-116)". Bulletin Of The Archaeological Society Of Connecticut. 1980; (No. 42): pp. 15-28; ISSN: 0739-5612.
Notes: Published by The Archaeological Society of Connecticut c/o American Indian Archaeological Institute, Washington, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtDabN, CtH, CtHi, CtHT, CtMW, CtNbC, CtNhH, CtNlC, CtS, CtStr, CtU, CtW, CtY, DLC. Parks (No. 8629).
Abstract: "The Rockrimmon Rockshelter, a multi-component site of the Middle and Late Archaic periods, was excavated by members of the Norwalk Community College Archaeology Club during the 1974 season under the direction of the author. The site was chosen for excavation when the possibility of its destruction became apparent. After several months of work, the landowner, Richard Nicholas, of Stamford, informed us that he had decided not to destroy Rockrimmon Rock or its immediate surroundings should the land be developed. Excavation was halted shortly thereafter, leaving an unexcavated portion for future research. The results of the excavation and interpretation of recovered materials are presented here." Ernest A. Wiegand, II, p. 15. (Reproduced with the permission of the author.) |
308. |
Wiegand, Ernest A. II. Rockshelters of southwestern Connecticut: their prehistoric occupation and use. Norwalk, Connecticut: Norwalk Community College Press; 1983;vi, 191 pp., paper covers, illus., maps, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, bibliography, 29 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "Ernest A. Wiegand / ROCKSHELTERS / of Southwestern Connecticut: / their Prehistoric occupation and use / / Norwalk Community College Press"
For references to three sites located in Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. i, iii-iv, 4, 7-8, 28-50, 72-73, 98-108, 133-134, 148, 150, 152-154, 161. "Author's Note: The basis of this study is my Master's thesis, The Southwestern Connecticut Rockshelter Survey, submitted in 1982 to the Department of Anthropology, Hunter College, City University of New York." p. v. Included is an errata slip. Cover design by Brad M. Pearson.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtBSH, CtDab, CtDar, CtFa, CtFar, CtFaU, CtGre, CtGro, CtH, CtMil, CtNh, CtNlC, CtNowa, CtRi, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtU, CtWilt, CtWtp, MDeeH, NcU, NOneoC, PPiU, RPRC.
Abstract: "This study has attempted to examine several aspects of rockshelter occupations in southwestern Connecticut. Whether or not a shelter was to have been used by prehistoric peoples would have been predicated on one or more of the shelters' attributes as well as on the needs and wants of the people themselves. The apparent importance of site size and drainage in regard to the amount of use of a site (man-hours of occupation time), as measured by the density of artifacts per cubic meter of deposit, must be viewed as a general observation. This is due to the fact that stratigraphic separation of components at the majority of sites was found to be poor or nonexistent. When artifact densities of individual components can be determined, the seeming importance of site size and drainage may not be valid. Conversely, factors considered unimportant may turn out to be significant when viewed in this manner and it may be possible to see if such factors are of differential importance culturally and/or temporally." Ernest A. Wiegand, II, pp. 170-171. (Copyright 1983 by Ernest A. Wiegand, II. Reproduced with the permission of the author.) |
309. |
Wiegand, Ernest A. II. "Unique prehistoric vessel from Stamford, Connecticut". Bulletin Of The Archaeological Society Of Connecticut. 1998; (No. 61): pp. 21-25; ISSN: 0739-5612.
Notes: Published by the Archaeological Society Of Connecticut, Meriden, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, DLC.
Abstract: "The collections of the Stamford Historical Society include a small, intact and very unique prehistoric clay pot (Catalog #S421e-48). It was donated in 1962 by Edward Candee Scofield, whose family had also donated several other artifacts from the Cove Island section of Stamford. According to the acquisitions records, the vessel had been found in the Cove section of Stamford by William C. Banks (b. August 27, 1868; d. February 11, 1948), whose father worked at the Cove Mills prior to the Civil War. The Cove Island area is located in the extreme southeastern corner of Stamford in the Area immediately north of Cove Harbor and west of Holly Pond (Figure 1).
The vessel is shown in Figures 2 - 4. It weights 148.2 grams (5.23 ounces), is 66 mm (2.60 inches) high and ranges from 84 - 91 mm (3.30 - 3.58 inches) in diameter. It was probably hand-modeled, as evidenced by a slightly uneven yet smoothed exterior surface (a few striations from wiping are visible). The interior surface is also smoothed and has depressed areas that had probably resulted from finger pressure. .......
The pot is unique in that it has two pairs of holes just below the rim. These were made by punching the wet clay in from the exterior, leaving a slight excess of clay around the holes on the interior surface (Figure 4). While the pairs of holes are not quite directly opposite each other, their placement still allows the vessel to be suspended in a level manner. To the best of the author's knowledge, this is the only example of such a feature reported for the Northeast. .......
Although the determination of the vessel's age and cultural affiliation is made difficult by the lack of information concerning its original context, comparison of attributes with other prehistoric ceramics from the area of southwestern Fairfield County, Connecticut and adjacent portions of Westchester County, New York allow some inferences. Chief among these attributes is the use of crushed shell temper. In a survey of prehistoric ceramics from this region, it was found that shell temper makes its initial appearance during the latter portion of the Middle Woodland period and continues throughout the Late Woodland period (Wiegand 1987). This has also been the case for other ceramic studies of adjacent and nearby regions, including south-central Connecticut (Lavin and Kra 1994:46) and Nantucket (Pretola and Little 1988). The vessel's firm, compact paste and rounded base are also characteristics found in Late Woodland pottery in the area (Wiegand 1987) and, with the shell temper, form the basis for assigning this vessel to the Late Woodland period of ca. 1000-1600 A. D." Ernest A. Wiegand, II, pp. 21, 25. |
310. |
Willey, W. L. [William Lithgow]. Order of military merit, the badge of military merit of the continental army. Exeter, New Hampshire: Society Of The Cincinnati In The State Of New Hampshire; 1925; xii, 33 pp., illus. color & b/w., 24 cm.
For references to William Brown of Stamford, Connecticut, who was one of the recipients, see: pp. 7-8, 15, 25-26, 30-31. Imprint on flyleaf following page 33 reads: "Five hundred copies of The Order of Military Merit were printed at the Harvard University Press in Cambridge, Massachusetts, February, 1925, and the type was distributed." Includes "The Story Of The Purple Heart," by John C. Fitzpatrick, Assistant Chief, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, pp. (13)-33.
Location: Ct, DLC, ICN, MB, NcD, NWM, PHi, TxU, ViU. Gephart (No. 7624).
Abstract: "The second Heart, awarded to Sergeant William Brown, was gained on the historic field of Yorktown. On the evening of October 14, 1781, the two British redoubts that checked the progress of the siege were stormed and taken by the Allied troops. The French took the inner, the Americans the outer redoubt, or the one nearest the river. Sergeant Brown led a `forlorn hope,' as it is called, because, being the advance party and the first to attack, the hazard is so great that the attackers can have but a forlorn hope of coming through alive. ..... Sergeant William Brown of Captain Samuel Comstock's Company of the Fifth Regiment, Connecticut Line, was born in Stamford, Connecticut, February 12, 1761. After the war he removed to and settled in Columbia (now part of Cincinnati), Hamilton County, Ohio, where he died in 1808." John C. Fitzpatrick, pp.25-26. |
311. |
Williams and Whiting. "Obituary" (Theodosia Davenport). Christian's Magazine: Designed To Promote The Knowledge And Influence Of Evangelical Truth And Order. 1810 Apr; Vol. 3 (No. 4).pp. 239-240.
Notes: Published by Williams and Whiting, At Their Theological And Classical Bookstore. ... J. Seymour, Printer, New York, (New York).
Location: CtHC, CtHT-W, CtNbC, CtSoP, CtY, DLC, GDC, ICMcC, ICU, IEG, MB, MBAt, MiU, MnHi, MnU, MWA, N, NCH, NN, NNG, NNUT, NSchU, NcD, NjPT, NjR, OCHP, OMC, OO, PP, PHi, TxU, WBB, WHi.
Jeanne Majdalany and Jean Mulkerin Poems on Stone In Stamford, Connecticut (1980), pp. 62-63 include a photograph of Theodosia Davenport's tombstone and the text of the poem carved on it.
Abstract: "Died, at Stamford, Connecticut, on the 8th of Feb. last, Miss Theodosia Davenport, daughter of the Hon. John Davenport, having just completed the 21st. year of her age. ... She fell a victim to the epidemic which prevailed in Stamford last winter. The common apprehensions of personal danger did not deter her from making every exertion in her power to alleviate the distresses of the sick and the dying, at whose beds she assiduously attended night and day." Christian's Magazine, p. 239. |
312. |
Wilson, Ellis E. "Duffle Bag Diary Of An American Red Cross Worker In France". Annals Of Iowa. 1939; Vol. 22 (Third Series): pp. 64-76, 128-170, 201-247.
Notes: Published by State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa. Diary kept by a Red Cross worker from Waterloo, Iowa.
Location: ArU, C, CL, CLU, CoCC, CoU, CSt, CU, DLC, FU, IaAS, IaHi, IaU, ICF, ICU, IdU, In, InU, IRA, IU, KHi, KU, MB, MeB, MiU, MnHi, MnU, MOSW, MsU, MWA, N, NcU, NdU, NIC, NN, NNC, OCHP, OCl, OClW, OHi, OrU, OU, PP, PU, WaU, WHi, WM. Arksey (No. 5570).
Abstract: "There was a similarity in the tasks of most American Red Cross workers who went overseas during the World War Period, 1914 to 1918. It was nearly a year later before A. R. C. activities lessened. The experience of one laborer in its ranks tells the story of many. Similar duties brought like ordeals. True there were often personal contacts which made particular impressions. A daily record hurriedly written could only be a jumble. A hop, skip and jump diary. A duffel bag into which was thrown promiscuously each day's doings and observations. Comrades are now widely scattered, yet in my memory there abide many names, several distinctive personalities, and numerous kindly faces. My early training being somewhat puritanical, may explain some of my impressions. Herein is given a nine months daily memorandum as copied from my personal diary and from letters with some amplifications, and clarifying written to my wife mostly from Paris, France. It is not put into print because of any particular worth it may possess but to visualize to persons interested, the every day occurrences the Armageddon-like conflict brought to those engaged in auxiliary war services. ....... By order of the War Department, the American Red Cross is militarized and mobilized and conducted as a regular military organization. Wednesday 10-2-1918 On guard duty. Short time drill today. Major Harding advised us Company A would leave for Greenwich, Connecticut, in about ten days. ....... Tuesday 10-15-1918 Arrived at New York City ... Went back to our coach but were routed out and transferred to New Haven Railway. Reached Sound Beach, Connecticut about 6:00 A. M. Marched south about one mile to `Ye Old Greenwich Inn' located on Long Island Sound. Had a nice breakfast. At beach looking for shells. Helped the doctors inoculate in afternoon. Trunks and grips arrived by truck in afternoon. The Inn is a large wooden building and a well furnished summer hotel which had closed for the season. Leased to Red Cross, and used to house the boys until sent overseas. Inoculation against fevers started at once. Three shots. ....... Saturday 10-19-1918 Attended to my duties as medical sergeant. Dr. Irvine also Dr. Huffington went back to Chicago and Dr. Henderson of Stamford, Connecticut is to take their place. ....... Monday 10-28-1918 Office work. Took walk on sea wall. Went to Stamford on street cars to get medical supplies. Dinner there at hotel $1.50. Sergeant Lundin with me. Let jeweler repair wrist watch which wife gave me. It stopped in one-half hour after I returned to camp. The village drug stores of Sound Beach do not carry a variety of hospital supplies sufficient to meet the demand of the camp making it necessary to go to Stamford to secure them. Take this trip daily. Red Cross guards in most towns and villages to keep watch of the boys that they do not visit saloons or violate orders when away from headquarters on leave. Local residents say Connecticut will never have prohibition. Yankees were against such a law." Ellis E. Wilson, pp. 64, 66-67, 70-71. For additional information on The American Red Cross during World War I, see: American Red Cross, Work Of The American Red Cross During The War : A Statement Of Finances And Accomplishments For The Period July 1, 1917 To February 28, 1919 (October 1919). |
313. |
Wise, Nicole. "Story of Stamford". Connecticut. 1991 Jun; Vol. 54 (No. 6). pp. 83-88, 101; ISSN: 0889-7670.
Notes: Photography by William Hubbell. Published by Communications International, Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtAns, CtB, CtBhl, CtBl, CtBran, CtChh, CtGre, CtH, CtHT, CtManc, CtMer, CtMil, CtMy, CtNbC, CtNh, CtS, CtSU, CtU, CtWB, CtWilt.
Abstract: "Stamford is nothing if not a city of contrasts, a city of wealth and poverty that many decry as leaving no room for anyone in between; a city of the past and future that is criticized for having forgotten about the present. ... In Stamford it seems, as in most cities, residents, workers and visitors take the good with the bad. Its not perfect, but on balance things have turned out pretty well. `Oh sure, there are a lot of things we might do differently if we had the whole thing to do over again,' says planning and zoning director (Jon) Smith. `There are always the old-timers who say, how did you let this happen? But I believe the majority of people who are here are happy here. People come here from other places and say, `God, how did you guys do all this? It's terrific.'" Nicole Wise, pp. 84, 101. (Copyright 1991 by Connecticut Magazine, Bridgeport, Connecticut. Reprinted with permission of Connecticut Magazine, June 1991) |
314. |
Woodland Cemetery Association. Proceedings at the dedication of Woodland Cemetery: also, articles of association, by-laws, rules and regulations. Stamford, (Connecticut): "Advocate" Print; 1861; 44 pp., paper covers, 19 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "PROCEEDINGS / AT THE / DEDICATION / OF / WOODLAND CEMETERY: / ALSO, Articles of Association, / BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS. / / [printers' ornament] / / Stamford: / "ADVOCATE" PRINT. / 1861."
Location: Ct, CtHi, DeU, DLC. Kaminkow (p. 706).
For additional information on the dedication of Woodland Cemetery, see: Stamford Advocate, August 2, 1861, p. 2.
Abstract: "But experience has shown that society burying-grounds situated in the midst of cities and villages must give place to the march of improvements around them. Alas! how many of them are now covered over with buildings erected under the fancied or real necessity of a business community! How many others laid out into new streets and highways to satisfy the wants of a new generation! While we may most sincerely condemn this almost desecration of the buried dead, and raise our voice and action against it, hitherto it has been found impossible to prevent it, and the same thing, in all human probability, will hereafter continue to be done. Very many of those present will doubtlessly recollect that thirty years ago, the spot where is now located the small park, just west of our village center, was a small hill on which was situated the Methodist church, surrounded by a large number of graves and monuments, all old and covered with moss, very many of them broken and scattered over the ground - all have given place to the desire to beautify our village, yet not then without a feeling of opposition on the part of the grand-children of those there buried. Very many of us know by tradition, and perhaps some from actual presence, the intense feeling of indignation created when, about sixty years since, by an act of our legislature, the Connecticut turnpike, now the main street of our village, was laid out over the same burial-place. The resentment of those having near relatives buried there was exhibited in almost armed hostility to the project; night after night, as they were removed during day, huge rocks were deposited in the new pathway to prevent the passage of vehicles over the consecrated spot. It may be that when another century shall have passed away, when only remote descendants of those resting there shall feel an interest to prevent it, other burial-places in our village may give place to new things demanded by the restless spirit of the age. To obviate, then, the difficulty of a completely deserted and neglected burial-place, and to insure for all time a spot where the remains of friends might rest undisturbed, the attention of the best citizens of different localities has been given to the establishment of cemeteries so far removed from the busy marts of enterprise, that they might forever be protected from encroachment and only devoted to the purpose for which they are intended. Influenced by these feelings, a large number of our citizens, with a deep interest in the matter, met together in the summer of 1859, and appointed a committee to look up and select a site for a cemetery in the neighborhood of our village." William T. Minor, pp. 7-9. |
315. |
Woods, Mary. "On The Waterfront". Architectural Record. 1983 Sep; Vol. 171 pp.108-111; ISSN: 0003-858X.
Notes: Published by McGraw-Hill Company, New York, New York.
Location: CtDab, CtGre, CtH, CtHT, CtMer, CtW, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNc, CtNlC, CtU, CtWB, CtWtp, CtY. White (p. 5).
Abstract: "The site's proximity to downtown Stamford, a mecca for Fortune 500 companies, and its magnificent views convinced developer Arthur Collins that this boatyard site presented a unique opportunity. Its redevelopment could include not only the predictable shops and restaurants but also offices for a major corporation. Constructing such a huge office complex essentially on spec, architect Do H. Chung recalls, was more like designing a car than a building. He had to come up with a distinctive design but one that could accommodate the eventual corporate client's customized interiors. Harbor Plaza's five buildings follow the shoreline along a narrow 18-acre peninsula. The three buildings at its tip contain the world headquarters for the Continental Group, Inc., while Group W/Westinghouse's broadcast facilities occupy the fourth structure. Restaurants, shops, and professional suites are housed in the building adjacent to the complex's entrance." Mary Woods, p. 109. (Architectural Record, September 1983. Copyright 1983 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
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