The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Index of Names and Subjects
within Bibliography Items
–L– |
–Labatta to Larson–
Labatto, Franck, (1) [67]
Labbadia, Patsy, (1) [67]
Labella, Joseph, (1) [67]
Labor and laboring classes, (7) [4], [50], [104], [236], [257], [258], [327]
Labor supply, (8) [104], [117], [134], [236], [257], [258], [266], [327]
Labor unions, Strikes and lockouts, (5) [50], [102], [159], [161], [285]
Laboratories, (1) [193]
Laborers, (4) [117], [134], [257], [327]
Lacerenza, Peter, (1) [213]
LaChance, Harry, (1) [213]
LaCorte, Salvatore, (1) [292]
Lacquer -- industry and trade, (1) [34]
Laddin, Cornelius, (1) [5]
Laddin's Rock, (3) [5], [84], [250]
Ladies' Henry Street Benevolent Society, (3) [4], [102], [104]
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Roch Yves Gilbert de Motier, Marquis de, (13) [5], [29], [40], [46], [102], [118], [141], [142], [250], [265], [266], [298], [316]
Laginestra, Donato, (1) [67]
Lagiora, Michael, (1) [267]
Laguardia, Saverio, (1) [67]
Lahy, Robert, (1) [165]
Lake Champlain, New York, (1) [125]
Lakeview Cemetery - New Canaan, (1) [180]
Lalley, Fred Grover, (1) [67]
Lally, Francis J., (3) [92], [260], [262]
Lally, L. Harold, (1) [81]
Lamar, Robert, (1) [247]
Lamb, Joseph A., (1) [67]
Lambert, Edward Rudolphus, (1) [212]
Lambert, James A., (1) [165]
Lambo, Jerry, (1) [213]
Laminated Shim Company, Inc., (1) [262]
Lamplugh, Joseph, (1) [50]
Land grants, (10) [53], [102], [103], [115], [141], [142], [148], [177], [178], [250]
Land records, (2) [81], [158]
Land speculators, (2) [45], [289]
Land subdivisions, (17) [16], [28], [36], [45], [102], [103], [104], [141], [142], [177], [178], [179], [180], [250], [251], [275], [297]
Land tenure, (2) [41], [258]
Land titles, (22) [1], [15], [22], [27], [29], [40], [45], [102], [103], [105], [115], [130], [141], [142], [177], [178], [179], [250], [257], [266], [289], [298]
Land use, (54) [16], [18], [22], [27], [29], [30], [36], [37], [38], [40], [41], [45], [49], [55], [63], [77], [84], [97], [98], [102], [103], [104], [105], [115], [118], [123], [128], [141], [142], [157], [175], [177], [178], [179], [180], [204], [230], [232], [238], [249], [251], [257], [258], [261], [264], [265], [266], [275], [296], [297], [313], [314], [315], [333] |
Landmark Building, (7) [5], [73], [102], [170], [171], [246], [313]
Landmark Square (7) [5], [73], [102], [170], [171], [246], [313]
Landon, Alvah M., (1) [67]
Lands, public, (16) [102], [103], [104], [105], [115], [118], [141], [142], [171], [172], [178], [179], [250], [264], [265], [275]
Landscape architects, (1) [108]
Landscape painters and landscape paintings, (1) [270]
Lane, Charles D., (1) [67]
Lane, Rita, (1) [165]
Lane, Tommy, (1) [172]
Laney, Frank (1) [213]
Laney, Frank R., (1) [262]
Lang, Carl, (1) [270]
Lang, Carol, (1) [5]
Lang, Fred, (1) [27]
Lang, Karl, (1) [268]
Lang, Samuel, (1) [172]
Langevin, Hector, (1) [166]
Language and languages, (8) [43], [58], [71], [117], [135], [161], [203], [258]
Lanyon, Herbert B., Jr., (1) [67]
Lanyon, William Jacob, (1) [67]
Lapham family, (1) [143]
Lapham, William B., (1) [183]
Lapinski, Benny, (1) [213]
Lapinski, Frankie, (1) [213]
Lapinski, John, (2) [67], [213]
LaPionte, Marcel J., (1) [50]
Lapis, Simon, (1) [67]
Laporta, Salvatore, (1) [67]
Laracco, Palma, (1) [67]
Larance's Farm, (1) [177]
Largo Park, (1) [45]
Larkin family, (1) [143]
Larkin, Fred, (1) [67]
Larkin, James, (1) [45]
Larkin, James Joseph, (1) [67]
Larkin, Louise, (1) [45]
Larkin, Patrick, (1) [45]
Larkin, Patrick J., (1) [67]
Larkin Street, (1) [45]
Larkin, Thomas, (1) [67]
Larkin, William Edward, (1) [67]
Larson, David, (1) [67]
Larson, Ernest, (1) [67] |
–Latham to Lazzari– |
Latham, John Cridland, (4) [5], [213], [262], [264]
Latham Park, Stamford, (5) [5], [73], [170], [213], [264]
Lathrop, Edward, (2) [212], [303]
Laturney, George A., (1) [67]
Laturney, Robert, (1) [265]
Laturney, Robert T., (1) [67]
Lauersen, Arthur, (1) [67]
Laughlin, James M., (1) [67]
Laughlin, John J., (1) [67]
Laundries, (2) [3], [257]
Lauper, Cindy, (1) [84]
Laurel Ledge Road, (1) [140]
Laurel Reservoir, (2) [38], [140]
Laurel Road, (1) [38]
Laurie family, (1) [143]
Law, Abigail, (2) [102], [178]
Law family, (3) [141], [142], [178]
Law, Richard, (10) [15], [102], [103], [118], [141], [142], [148], [178], [250], [262]
Law, Sarah, (2) [102], [178]
Law (see also Courts; Judges), (9) [40], [82], [103], [141], [142], [176], [178], [183], [280] |
Lawlor, John Joseph, (1) [67]
Lawn Avenue, (3) [27], [44], [275]
Lawn Avenue Park, Stamford, (1) [264]
Lawrence, Clifford W., (1) [118]
Lawrence, Clinton Charles, (1) [67]
Lawrence Drug Store, (2) [30], [265]
Lawrence, Edmund, (1) [45]
Lawrence family, (2) [143], [178]
Lawrence, George Wallace, (1) [67]
Lawrence Hill Road, (1) [140]
Lawrence, Israel, (1) [45]
Lawrence, John K., (1) [292]
Lawrence, Laura B., (1) [67]
Lawrence, Robert, (1) [45]
Laws, Leonard S., (1) [67]
Lawson, Evald Benjamin, (1) [169]
Lawton Street, (1) [45]
Lawyers, (18) [23], [26], [27], [28], [40], [54], [82], [83], [84], [103], [104], [118], [134], [141], [142], [214], [250], [258]
Lazzari, Elizabeth, (1) [258] |
League of the Sacred Heart, (2) [43], [135]
League of Women Voters of Stamford, (1) [212]
League of Women Voters of Stamford, Connecticut, (2) [163], [164]
League of Women Voters of Stamford, Connecticut, Papers
Leahy, Daniel, (1) [4]
Leaming, Jeremiah, (3) [52], [103], [303]
Learned, A. G., (1) [83]
Learned, Arthur, (1) [268]
Leary, C. O., (1) [265]
Leary, Cornelius J., (1) [67]
Leary, Joseph J., (1) [67]
Leary, Martin M., (1) [67]
Leather, artificial -- industry and trade, (1) [34]
Leavitt, Robert Keith, (1) [165]
Lebanon, Connecticut War Office, (1) [40]
Leder, Jacob, (1) [289]
Lederle, Ernest J., (2) [83], [84]
Lederle, Margaret, (1) [84]
Ledge Obstruction Light (Stamford Light), (6) [44], [118], [128], [223], [250], [265]
Ledwith, John F., (1) [67]
Lee, Anbise, (1) [67]
Lee, Charles, (2) [126], [250]
Lee, Clarence E., (2) [132], [208]
Lee, John C., (2) [83], [245]
Lee, John H., (5) [5], [44], [102], [118], [172]
Lee, John Henry Joseph, (1) [67]
Lee, John (Silver Dollar Jack), (1) [171]
Leed's Tavern, (6) [4], [5], [29], [102], [250], [265]
Leeds, Carry, (3) [45], [178], [289]
Leeds Cemetery - Darien, (1) [180]
Leeds, Charles H., (9) [4], [29], [104], [179], [186], [208], [262], [292], [327]
Leeds, Charles H., Jr., (1) [262]
Leeds, Charles Henry, (2) [141], [142]
Leeds, Edward F., (3) [29], [144], [179]
Leeds family, (5) [45], [141], [142], [143], [178]
Leeds, Francis R., (2) [29], [144]
Leeds, Francis Randolph, (2) [141], [142]
Leeds, Frank R., (2) [102], [118]
Leeds, John, (5) [102], [118], [141], [142], [178]
Leeds, John H., (1) [186]
Leeds, John Harris, (1) [179]
Leeds, John L., (1) [84]
Leeds, John W., (5) [29], [118], [172], [216], [298]
Leeds, John W., Jr., (2) [72], [179]
Leeds, John Williams, (4) [141], [142], [179], [262]
Leeds, Joseph H., (1) [216]
Leeds, Joseph L., (1) [29]
Leeds, Mary, (2) [178], [179]
Leeds, Theodore, (5) [3], [29], [118], [216], [262]
Leeds, William, (1) [216]
Leek family, (1) [143]
Lega Arena Dasa, (1) [117]
Legends, (1) [250]
Legislation - various jurisdictions, (5) [40], [50], [128], [130], [251] |
Leitch, Frank E., (1) [91]
LeMay, Ernest L., (1) [50]
Lenoci, Marguarite Darling, (1) [54]
Lenoci, Ralph J., (1) [54]
Lenox Avenue, (1) [275]
Lenz, Frederick, (2) [4], [5]
Lenz, Henry A., Jr., (1) [67]
Leonard, Joseph G., (1) [67]
Leonard, Lea Palmer, (1) [166]
Leonard, Raymond R., (1) [67]
Leonard, William A., (1) [30]
Leonard, William F., (1) [67]
Leone, Frederick, (1) [145]
Leone, Genaro, (1) [67]
Lepjar, Andro B., (1) [67]
Lepper, William H., (1) [67]
Lerner, Hannah, (1) [5]
Leslie, Frederick B., (1) [67]
Lesniowski, Zenon, (1) [135]
Levenson, Abraham, (1) [27]
Levenson, Jacob, (2) [67], [262]
Lever, Phillip B., (3) [104], [118], [144]
Levey, William A., (1) [67]
Levine, Bernard, (1) [27]
Levine, Jack, (1) [27]
Levine, Sam, (1) [85]
Levine, Samuel, (2) [67], [267]
Levine Site, Stamford, (1) [264]
Levine, Solomon, (1) [67]
Levinson, Herman, (1) [27]
Levinson, Hirman, (1) [67]
Levister, Robert L., (1) [102]
Levy, Grace Mears, (1) [27]
Levy, Newman, (1) [162]
Lewchuck, John, (1) [67]
Lewis, A. Alexander, (1) [290]
Lewis, Amzi, (3) [76], [167], [252]
Lewis, Clarence Howard, (1) [67]
Lewis, Dorothy R., (1) [83]
Lewis, Edward A., (1) [245]
Lewis family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Lewis, Garrett C., (1) [29]
Lewis, Hazel, (1) [172]
Lewis, Henry G., (1) [67]
Lewis, Howard, (1) [290]
Lewis, Howard F., (1) [67]
Lewis, Howard W. (1) [67]
Lewis, Isaac, (2) [76], [303]
Lewis, J., Jr., (1) [50]
Lewis, Wilber, (4) [44], [102], [118], [172]
Lewis, William, (1) [335]
Lewis, Willie, (1) [67]
Lexen, Eugene E., (1) [67]
Ley, Frederick, (2) [155], [172] |
Liberato, Zita, (1) [67]
Liberty, Frank J., (1) [50]
Liberty National Bank, (1) [27]
Liberty Place, (4) [44], [118], [172], [186]
Liberty Street, (4) [28], [116], [186], [257]
Libraries, (36) [4], [14], [27], [37], [44], [45], [56], [58], [61], [68], [77], [82], [84], [99], [103], [107], [118], [158], [163], [164], [171], [200], [203], [211], [214], [226], [246], [250], [256], [265], [266], [276], [277], [291], [292], [303]
Lichack, Elwood, (1) [213]
Licorice extract, see Stamford Manufacturing Company
Lieberman, Ellen, (1) [168]
Lieberman, Hadassah Freilich, (1) [168]
Lieberman, Hana Rachel "Hani", (1) [168]
Lieberman, Henry, (2) [27], [168]
Lieberman, Joseph I., (2) [27], [168]
Lieberman, Marcia, (2) [27], [168]
Lieberman, Matt, (1) [168]
Lieberman, Rebecca, (1) [168]
Lieberman, Rietta, (1) [168]
Life-saving, (1) [128]
Light, Ida, (1) [76]
Lighthouse (Stamford Light) (6) [44], [118], [128], [223], [250], [265]
Lighting, (13) [18], [45], [62], [118], [128], [141], [142], [153], [193], [229], [238], [250], [265]
Lightning, (2) [127], [187]
Lilly, Hurbert J., (1) [67]
Lily of the Valley (Daughter Elks), (1) [257]
Lincoln, Abraham, (2) [118], [248]
Lincoln Republican Club, (1) [89]
Lincrusta-Walton Mfg. Co. (Frederick Beck & Co.), (2) [118], [265]
Lind, Gustav M. E., (1) [251]
Lindberg, Luther E., (1) [169]
Lindsley, David Philip, (1) [45] |
Lindstrom Axel Waldarmar, (1) [67]
Lindstrom, Isadore G., (1) [67]
Lindy Dress Mfg. Co., (2) [23], [258]
Lines family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Lines, Holly, (1) [306]
Lingerie shops, (1) [27]
Link, Samuel B., (1) [67]
Link, Vergil G., (1) [67]
Lione, Jerry, (1) [45]
Lione, Michael F., (1) [264]
Lione Park, Stamford, (5) [5], [140], [163], [164], [264]
Lione, Patrick, (1) [67]
Lionetti, Thomas J., (1) [67]
Lions Club of Stamford, (3) [54], [152], [161]
Lippoth, Christopher John, (1) [67]
Liquor, (8) [27], [28], [84], [103], [104], [141], [142], [162]
Liquor laws (see also Prohibition/Temperance), (5) [84], [104], [141], [142], [250]
Litchfield, James L., (1) [67]
Lithographs, see Illustrations
Littel, Stafford A., (1) [67]
Little family, (1) [143]
Little, Gordon H., (1) [67]
Little Italy, (West Side), (7) [4], [102], [104], [116], [117], [204], [313]
Little, John, (1) [306]
Livery stables, (1) [3]
Livestock (see also specific species and breeds), (11) [12], [21], [36], [84], [103], [115], [175], [177], [185], [215], [323]
Livingston, Arthur Gottlieb, (1) [67]
LiVolsi, Felix, (1) [171]
LiVolsi, Frank, (1) [258]
LiVolsi, Joseph, (2) [67], [171] |
-Lloyd to Locks- |
Lloyd family, (4) [45], [141], [142], [143]
Lloyd, George L., (1) [45]
Lloyd, Henry, (4) [45], [52], [56], [250]
Lloyd, James, (1) [45]
Lloyd, John, (8) [45], [52], [56], [102], [184], [185], [250], [334]
Lloyd Library, (4) [56], [68], [208], [250]
Lloyd, Nathaniel, (1) [45]
Lloyd's Neck, place in Long Island, N.Y., (13) [5], [26], [45], [95], [118], [126], [141], [142], [179], [184], [185], [250], [266]
Lloyd, William, (1) [45] |
Lobbin, Robert W., (1) [67]
Lobozza, Carl, (8) [102], [104], [158], [170], [171], [172], [212], [266]
Lobozza, James, (1) [171]
Loccisano, Frank, (1) [67]
Locher, Leo, (1) [67]
Locke, Joseph Charles, (1) [67]
Lockhart, Eleanor, (1) [166]
Locks -- manufacture and trade, (16) [3], [4], [29], [45], [102], [104], [118], [172], [202], [212], [236], [250], [262], [265], [266], [288] |
Lockwood, Augustus, (2) [118], [250]
Lockwood Avenue, (1) [118]
Lockwood, Benjamin, (1) [292]
Lockwood, Cassandra Fallon, (1) [84]
Lockwood Cemetery, (2) [158], [180]
Lockwood Cemetery-Darien, (1) [180]
Lockwood, Charles D., (3) [29], [208], [267]
Lockwood, Charles Davenport, (9) [83], [102], [173], [212], [250], [262], [265], [298], [327]
Lockwood, Charles G., (1) [67]
Lockwood, Chester H., (1) [67]
Lockwood, Clara Hoyt, (1) [338]
Lockwood, Daniel, (5) [29], [141], [142], [178], [185]
Lockwood, Daniel, Jr., (1) [306]
Lockwood, David, (2) [185], [306]
Lockwood, Ebenezer, (2) [30], [306]
Lockwood, Edmond, (1), [335]
Lockwood, Edward, (3) [45], [262], [269]
Lockwood, Edwin R., (1) [84]
Lockwood, Elbert J., (1) [166]
Lockwood, Eliphalet, (2) [40], [178]
Lockwood, Elizabeth, (1 [335]
Lockwood, Elmer C.., (1) [67]
Lockwood, Enos B., (1) [104]
Lockwood, Ezra, (4) [141], [142], [245], [306]
Lockwood family, (6) [45], [141], [142], [143], [178], [306]
Lockwood, Fred, (1) [216]
Lockwood, George W., (2) [9], [84]
Lockwwod, Hannah, (1), [335]
Lockwood, Henry, (3) [118], [172], [262]
Lockwood, Isaac, (7) [102], [118], [141], [142], [185], [216], [306]
Lockwood, Isaac, Jr., (1) [306]
Lockwood, J. E. (J. E. Lockwood; C. L. Wood & Company), (1) [3]
Lockwood, Jacob, (2) [306], [335]
Lockwood, James L., (4) [28], [104], [144], [314] |
Lockwood, Jennie, (1) [45]
Lockwood, Jeremiah, (1) [45]
Lockwood, John D., (2) [141], [142]
Lockwood, John, Jr., (1) [306]
Lockwood, Kenneth, (1) [338]
Lockwood, Lawrence H., (1) [67]
Lockwood, Luke A., (1) [216]
Lockwood, Mary, (2) [158], [178]
Lockwood, Mary Welch, (1) [338]
Lockwood, Melancthon, (1) [338]
Lockwood, Minnie C., (1) [251]
Lockwood, Minnie S., (1) [76]
Lockwood, Nathaniel, (1) [306]
Lockwood, Noah, (1) [45]
Lockwood, Oliver, (1) [216]
Lockwood & Palmer Company, (3) [84], [217], [265]
Lockwood, Paul Lorenzo, (1) [67]
Lockwood, Robert, (3) [141], [142], [178]
Lockwood, Rufus, (1) [84]
Lockwood, Rufus A., (2) [141], [142]
Lockwood's Corners, place in Stamford, (2) [140], [166]
Lockwood's Landing, (3) [4], [5], [250]
Lockwood, Samuel, (7) [28], [29], [102], [141], [142], [216], [306]
Lockwood, Sarah E., (2) [118], [171]
Lockwood, Sylvester, (1) [84]
Lockwood, Theodore, (1) [76]
Lockwood, Timothy, (2) [185], [306]
Lockwood, Titus, (1) [306]
Lockwood, Van Buren, (2) [171], [338]
Lockwood, Walter H., (1) [67]
Lockwood, Walter S., (1) [67]
Lockwood, William, (1) [45]
Lockwood, William A., (3) [28], [118], [123]
Lockwood, William R., (2) [104], [118] |
-Locofocos to Lozier-
Locofocos, (3) [102], [118], [250]
Locomotives, (2) [5], [172]
Lodato, Phillip, (1) [213]
Loder, Daniel, (1) [306]
Loder family, (2) [143], [306]
Loder, Jacob, (1) [306]
Loeb, Louis S., (1) [67]
Lofft, Hubert M., (1) [251]
Lofgren, Carl O. A., (1) [67]
Lofgren, Ernest M., (1) [67]
Logan, Harlan, (1) [83]
Logan, Joshua, (2) [84], [102]
Loggia Aurora, (1) [145]
Loggia Operaia, (1) [145]
Logi, Norman, (1) [269]
Lohman, William A., (1) [251]
Lohr, Alene Dixon, (1) [293]
Lomazzo, Pasquale, (1) [67]
Lombard, D. O., (1) [186]
Lombardi, Ciro, (1) [67]
Lombardo, Michael, (1) [45]
Long, Harold, (1) [290]
Long Island, New York, (23) [15], [26], [45], [75], [84], [88], [95], [102], [103], [118], [120], [126], [141], [142], [185], [186], [187], [198], [223], [250], [265], [266], [310]
Long Island Sound, (37) [5], [22], [26], [28], [34], [45], [70], [75], [84], [88], [95], [102], [103], [108], [118], [120], [126], [128], [131], [179], [186], [198], [204], [214], [223], [225], [237], [238], [241], [250], [251], [264], [266], [275], [299], [310], [315]
Long Lots, (2) [77], [103]
Long Neck, place in Stamford, (2) [103], [120]
Long Ridge Association, (2) [84], [269]
Long Ridge Book and Garden Club, (1) [84]
Long Ridge Congregational Church, (6) [4], [5], [66], [84], [262], [266]
Long Ridge Dairy, (2) [171], [265]
Long Ridge Enterprises, Inc., (1) [84]
Long Ridge Fife and Drum Corps, (1) [84]
Long Ridge Fire Company, Inc., (2) [84], [269]
Long Ridge Franklin Temperance Society, (1) [84]
Long Ridge Methodist Church, (1) [66]
Long Ridge, place in Stamford, (28) [4], [15], [21], [28], [31], [42], [44], [45], [62], [84], [102], [118], [140], [141], [142], [158], [166], [171], [177], [180], [209], [245], [250], [262], [265], [266], [269], [304]
Long Ridge Players, (1) [84]
Long Ridge Road, (9) [84], [102], [118], [170], [186], [239], [266], [308] [338]
Long Ridge Shoe Shop, (1) [84]
Long Ridge Swim and Tennis Club, (1) [84]
Long Ridge Union Cemetery, (6) [42], [84], [140], [158], [180], [306]
Long Ridge Village, place in Stamford (Old Long Ridge Village), (10) [4], [44], [84], [141], [142], [158], [177], [212], [266], [304]
Long Ridge Woman Suffrage Club, (1) [84]
Long, William J., (3) [33], [83], [174]
Longo, Alma Doran, (1) [54]
Longo, Joseph W., (1) [67] |
Longo, Sullivan W., (1) [67]
Longo, Walter S., (1) [54]
Longwell, David, (1) [306]
Longwell family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Looney, John J., (3) [13], [262], [265]
Lord, Hubert Henry, (1) [67]
Lord, John, (4) [27], [29], [141], [142]
Lord, John J., (1) [67]
Lord, Mary P., (1) [84]
Lord, William Wallace, (1) [67]
Lorenti, Frank, (1) [67]
Lorenti, Giovanni, (1) [67]
Lorusso, Giuseppe, (1) [67]
Lost District (Dantown), place in Stamford and New Canaan, (8) [4], [38], [44], [140], [141], [142], [209], [250]
Lotstein family, (1) [27]
Lotstein, Nina, (1) [291]
Lotstein, Sosnowitz and, (Sosnowitz and Lotstein), (1) [27]
Loughlin, William, (1) [45]
Louis D. Brandeis Club, Zionist Organization of America, (1) [161]
Lounds, George L., (1) [216]
Lounsbury, Charles H., (9) [5], [29], [31], [84], [104], [118], [166], [262], [292]
Lounsbury, Chester, (1) [179]
Lounsbury, David, (1) [306]
Lounsbury, Edwin, (1) [45]
Lounsbury, Enos, (1) [306]
Lounsbury family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [306]
Lounsbury, George, (4) [84], [141], [142], [245]
Lounsbury, Gideon, (3) [141], [142], [335]
Lounsbury, Jackson, (1) [84]
Lounsbury, Jacob, (1) [306]
Lounsbury, James, (1) [306]
Lounsbury, Michael, (3) [178], [185], [306]
Lounsbury, Nathan, (1) [306]
Lounsbury, Peter, (1) [306]
Lounsbury, Roland A., (1) [67]
Lounsbury & Soule, (4) [5], [31], [118], [265]
Lovatt, Arthur B., (1) [262]
Love, Roger Henry, (1) [67]
Loveland, Edred, (1) [213]
Loveland, Fred, (1) [269]
Loveland, Frederick, (1) [213]
Low-Heywood School, (3) [44], [102], [262]
Lowe, William H., (1) [67]
Lowman, Lawrence W., (1) [83]
Lowndes, George, (1) [104]
Lowndes, George L., (3) [118], [123], [172]
Loyalists, American Revolution, (29) [4], [5], [22], [26], [40], [45], [52], [56], [60], [75], [84], [103], [118], [120], [126], [141], [142], [179], [184], [185], [189], [198], [250], [266], [289], [298], [301], [306], [316]
Lozier, John J., Jr., (1) [67] |
-Lucci to Lyons-
Lucci, Dominico, (1) [67]
Luce, Henry R., (1) [83]
Luckhurst, Charles A., (1) [265]
Lucksho, Andrew, (1) [67]
Luczycki, Joseph (Zdzislaw), (3) [43], [92], [135]
Luders, A. E. (Bill), (1) [84]
Luders Marine Construction, (7) [4], [5], [27], [44], [84], [171], [267]
Ludlow Street, (1) [87]
Lum, B. D., (1) [3]
Lum, B. D. & Son (B. D. Lum & Son), (1) [3]
Lum, George B., (1) [3]
Lumber trade, (9) [3], [27], [28], [44], [45], [84], [103], [118], [275]
Lumsden, Harold A., (2) [245], [262]
Lund Avenue, (1) [45]
Lund, Carl, (1) [50]
Lund, Christian, (1) [45]
Lund, Conrad, (1) [45]
Lund, Conrad A., (1) [262]
Lunghi, Attilio, (1) [67]
Lunney, James, (1) [262]
Luongo, Leonardo, (1) [67]
Lupinacci, Emilio, (1) [67]
Lupinacci, Geno J., (1) [264]
Lupinacci, William, (1) [67]
Lurie, Helen, (1) [84]
Lush, Albert Frederick, (1) [67]
Luskey, John Henry, (1) [67]
Luther Street, (3) [44], [170], [269]
Lutheran Churches, (4) [66], [169], [170], [262]
Lutts, Ralph H., (1) [174] |
Lutz, Arthur, (1) [171]
Lutz, Frank, (1) [84]
Lyden, Joseph Thomas, (1) [67]
Lyden, Patrick H., (1) [67]
Lyman, Edward, see Lyman, Joseph Bardwell below
Lyman Hoyt's Son & Company, (1) [11]
Lyman Hoyt & Son, (2) [3], [11]
Lyman, Joseph B., (2) [141], [142]
Lyman, Joseph Bardwell, (1) [175]
Lyman, Laura Baker, Lyman, Laura E., (2) [4], [175]
Lynas, James J., (1) [67]
Lynch, Albert, (2) [118], [172]
Lynch, Clarence H., (1) [67]
Lynch, James, (1) [134]
Lynch, John F., (1) [67]
Lynch, Michael, (2) [89], [205]
Lynch, Michael F., (1) [67]
Lynch, Petger, Jr., (1) [67]
Lynch, Philip, (1) [67]
Lyon, Roger, (1) [335]
Lynch, Thomas F., (1) [67]
Lynch, William (Bill), (1) [116]
Lynch, William Charles, (1) [67]
Lynch, William J., (1) [67]
Lynn, Harold S., (1) [44]
Lyon family, (1) [178]
Lyon, Howard U., (1) [67]
Lyon, Roger, (1) [306]
Lyon, Samuel, (1) [306]
Lyons, Gibbs, (3) [261], [266], [292] |
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