The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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Elliot, H. B. [Henry B.]. Nation's sin and reproach: A discourse. New York, (New York): J. F. Trow, Printer; 1856; (1-5), 6-28 pp., paper covers, 24 cm.
Author was pastor of the First Congregational Church, Stamford, Connecticut and delivered this sermon on June 8, 1856. In it he comments on the disturbing incidents in "bleeding" Kansas between pro and anti slavery forces and the physical attack on Charles Sumner, U. S. Senator from Massachusetts. It was published at the request of several local citizens, whose letter to Rev. Elliot is printed on p. (3).
Location: CtSoP, NNC.
Abstract: "The thoughts thus far expressed are imperatively suggested and pungently enforced by two startling events with which your minds are all doubtless filled. There is a territory under our care, beautiful in its surface, luxuriant in its productiveness, healthful in its climate. It was recently thrown open for occupancy, and many hardy, honest families, invited by the promise of rich harvests and thrifty homes, gathered there. By every guarantee which human legislation could afford, by every right which previous concessions, compromises and pledges could give, by every natural and divine right, it was committed only to freedom. In good faith our citizens removed to it; purposing to establish the customs, laws, religion, education and household life of New England, and to transmit them to their posterity. Soon others of different sentiments and different habits joined them, bringing with them that institution, which, like the deadly upas, was stretching on every side its branches, and dropping its seeds to stealthily take root and form new shades to blight further and ever further this garden of the earth. Unmolested, accorded every privilege, they commenced their settlements and opened their traffic. But ere long the real virus of despotism begins to work and to exhibit itself. With its foot upon the consecrated soil, its hand upon the forces of government, its head at the capitol, and its mouth full of bitterness and wrath, it demands possession where it had only existed awhile on sufferance, and where it had deliberately and under its own hand and seal renounced all claim. Presently stratagems and plots are discovered in high places, and all the arts of political intrigue, with the insolence of shameless perjury are employed to further its designs. The friends of freedom, the kindred and co-patriots of the rightful settlers, awake to the peril and begin openly, honestly, with high-minded, noble fidelity, to cast in their lot with the pioneers, seeing only by peaceful and lawful means to secure what had always been acknowledged as theirs. Then began scenes on which even the usurper of France might look with wonder. Across the border pour hordes of invaders, provisioned only for an incursion, with no thought nor plea of actual settlement, the dust of their own State scarce shaken off when they return to it. They rush upon those quiet towns and hamlets, thrust aside the guardians of the polls, deposit votes by handfuls, make even the ballot box their spoil, and proclaim slavery enthroned over the realm. And now the sons - aye, and the daughters too, of liberty declare their repudiation and resistance of the authority of robbers, under whatever forms established; and again rush down the savage mob, and federal officers marshal them, and federal arms equip them, and tragedies are enacted over which humanity weeps. My hearers, I care not for the detail of these events. It matters nothing whether rumors of individual bloodshed on either side are true or false - let them be contradicted and disproved an hundred times; there is the outstanding, out crying fact on which the sun shines scorchingly, and which no denials can blot out. There is civil war, there are beleaguered villages, there is blood, and "He that is higher than the highest regardeth it.' ............. In the midst of all this, and as another phase of it, comes that outrage in the Senate Chamber, news of which have caused the ears of millions to tingle. It is not merely its brutality nor its dastardly character as between man and man, which gives importance to that act. No words are too strong to express its shamefulness in these respects, yet that is of minor account. Nor is it chiefly that free speech was assailed. This, indeed, were enough to evoke a burst of indignation from every honorable breast. I cannot justify the language which was the immediate occasion of the scene, though I fully accord with the sentiments, which it was designed to express. As an instance of personal invective, I have deemed it unnecessary, undignified, and wrong, sorely as it may have been provoked. It is, however, but a single specimen of that disposition to vituperation so lamentably prevalent the Church as well as State, in the religious and secular press, in ecclesiastical assemblies, sometimes, alas! in the pulpit, often on the platform and at the bar. It sadly marks and mars our times, and is to be earnestly deprecated. I take the opportunity to utter a protest against all such personalities from whatever source and in whatever place. But while conceding this, I would not for an instant be supposed to intimate that it palliates that infamous assault - never. No words, however galling, can excuse what in heart was murder, and except for an interposing Providence, would have been so in very deed. ............. ." H. B. (Henry B.) Elliot, pp, 22-24, 25-26. |
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