The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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116. |
Genovese, John Kelly. On Liberty Street : A portrait of the Genoveses of Stamford, Connecticut. (Stamford, Connecticut); 1986. 12 pp., typescript, 28 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "On / Liberty / Street / A PORTRAIT OF THE GENOVESES OF STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT / by John Kelly Genovese / 1986"
Location: CtSHi. |
117. |
Gesualdi, Louis. Arenese, The: An Italian Community in Stamford, Connecticut. New York, New York : John D. Calandra Italian American Institute; 2000; 24 pp., bibliography, paper covers, 22 cm. (Topical Issues Series).
Notes: Title page reads: "The Arenese: / An Italian Community in Stamford, Connecticut / / Louis Gesualdi / / TOPICAL ISSUES SERIES / c. 2000 by The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute. All rights reserved. / PRINTED IN THE U.S.A."
Location: CtSHi. |
118. |
Gillespie, Edward T. W. Picturesque Stamford [Conn.] A souvenir of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of the town of Stamford, containing an historical sketch, covering salient points of Stamford's history from 1641 to 1892, ... . Stamford, Connecticut: Gillespie Brothers; 1892; 316 pp., illus., ports., folding view of Stamford, table of contents, subject index, illus. index, 34 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "1641--1892. / PICTURESQUE STAMFORD: / A SOUVENIR / OF THE TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SETTLEMENT OF / THE TOWN OF STAMFORD, CONTAINING AN HISTORICAL SKETCH. / COVERING SALIENT POINTS OF STAMFORD'S HISTORY / FROM 1641 TO 1892 / /By EDWARD T. W. GILLESPIE. / / TOGETHER WITH SPECIAL CHAPTERS ON ITS CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, SOCIETIES, / CLUBS, COMMERCIAL, MANUFACTURING AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, / MERCANTILE HOUSES AND AFFAIRS, ETC. / / - / / STAMFORD, CONN.: / PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY GILLESPIE BROTHERS. / 1892." Imprint on reverse of title reads: "The Engravings in this volume, with four exceptions, are the product of the Photo-Electrotype Engraving Company, of New York." Imprint on folding view of Stamford reads: Drawn by L. R. Burleigh (Lucien Rinaldo Burleigh), Troy N. Y., 1883. Bird's-Eye View Of Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtNbC, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtSU, CtY, DLC, NN, ViU, ViW. Wegelin (p. 25). Kaminkow (p. 705). Parks (No. 8570). For additional information on Lucien Rinaldo Burleigh, see: John W. Reps, Views and View makers of Urban America - Lithographs of towns and cities in the United States and Canada, notes on the artists and publishers, and a union catalog of their work, 1825-1925 (1984), pp. 167-170, 274.
Abstract: See: Index For Picturesque Stamford, 1641 - 1892, A Souvenir Of The Two Hundred And Fiftieth Anniversary Of The Settlement Of The Town Of Stamford, Containing An Historical Sketch Covering The Salient Points Of Stamford's History From 1641 To 1892, By Edward T. W. Gillespie, Stamford, Conn., Printed And Published By Gillespie Brothers, 1892 --- Compiled by Joseph Cottone, Produced on Computer by Allison Cooley, Typesetting by Paul Pacter, Proofread by Emmie Dubin & Eleanor Trowbridge. Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut, July 1990. Location: CtS, CtSHi. "When the project of celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the Town was first considered, the publishers conceived the idea of the present volume, as something which they hoped might be made an appropriate `Souvenir' or memorial of the event. In more definitely arranging its materials and form, they adopted the plan substantially as executed in the following pages. Besides the obvious appropriateness of devoting a very considerable part of a work designed as a souvenir of an historical event to a record of the years intervening between the Town's first settlement and the great anniversary to be celebrated, the publishers were mindful of the fact that practically no history of Stamford has been available for the information of a large majority of the present dwellers in the Town, Huntington's valuable work being out of print for many years. While the present Sketch makes no pretension to take the place of that more elaborate and comprehensive history of the Town and its people, it can hardly fail to contribute something of interest and value to the study of a subject which, it must be assumed, is one of great interest to every intelligent person associated with the Town of Stamford, whether by ancestry, citizenship or sojourn, and a subject, moreover, concerning which the easily accessible information extant is certainly inadequate. .... It is the earnest desire of the publishers that the results of their labors, and of those associated with them, as embodied in this volume, may contribute some measure of enduring influence towards awakening and imbuing with a more active and earnest vitality a spirit of just pride in the place of their birth, or the home of their choice, on the part of the people of Stamford." Gillespie Brothers, pp. 11-12. |
119. |
Gilmore, Bob. "Form Is Familiar but The Face Is Changed". Better Homes & Gardens. 1945 Sep; Vol. 24 (No. 1). pp. 22-23.; ISSN: 0006-0151.
Notes: Published by Meredith Publishing Company, Des Moines, Iowa.
Location: CtB, DLC.
Description of remodeling Mrs. Roderick Houston Baynes’ home, 247 Chestnut Hill Road, Stamford, Connecticut. Includes floor plans. Alphonse Vacca, architect. |
120. |
Goulding, Stuart D. "Another Look at the McDonald Interviews". Westchester Historian Other Title: Westchester County Historical Bulletin Other Title: Quarterly Bulletin of the Westchester County Historical Society. 1981 Fall; Vol. 57 (No. 4) pp. 84-96; ISSN: 0049-7266 .
Notes: Published by the Westchester County Historical Society, Valhalla, New York.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtH, CtS, CtSHi, DLC, NN.
For additional information on the McDonald Interviews, see: William S. Haddaway, "The Author of the McDonald Papers", Quarterly Bulletin of the Westchester County Historical Society, January 1929, Vol. 5 (No. 1), pp. 5-7 / Richard M. Lederer, Jr., "McDonald Papers Revisited - Andrew Corsa Reexamined", Westchester Historian, Fall, 1978, Vol. 54 (No. 4), pp. 79-81 / Richard M. Lederer, Jr., "McDonald Papers Revisited", Westchester Historian, Spring 1979, Vol. 55 (No. 2), pp. 37-39 / Maryhelen Clague, "The Killing of Tim Knapp", Westchester Historian, Summer 1979, Vol. 55 (No. 3), pp. 50-54. Contains information about Stamford, Connecticut during the American Revolution. |
121. |
Greek Orthodox Church of The Archangels. DEDICATION, June 14, 1959: Greek Orthodox Church of The Archangels, Bedford and Third Streets, Stamford, Connecticut. Stamford, Connecticut: Greek Orthodox Church of The Archangels; 1959; 176 pp., illus., ports., advts., index of advertisers, 29 cm.
Notes: Imprint on page 176 reads: Printed - Cosmos Greek-American Printing Co., Inc.
Location: CtS, CtSHi. Parks (No. 8611).
Abstract: Includes: Historical sketch of the Church (text in Greek) / "Byzantine Architecture" by W. Stuart Thompson (Architect) / "Byzantine Art" by Demetrios Dukas (Iconographer) / "Byzantine Music" by Chris Moulketis (Cantor). "In 1929 when the needs of the Greek community outgrew the existing church facilities, a group of far-sighted communicants started a new church community. The old St. Mary's Catholic Church structure on Elm Street was purchased and remodeled, and the church was consecrated and named `Taxiarchae' - the Church of the Archangels. In the 29 years which have passed, our community has progressed - with many growing pains, discouragements, joys and heartaches, and, finally, these years of effort have resolved into a feeling of true accomplishment. During all these years, many of our church members have worked unceasingly for our church - and it is a tribute to these people, living and dead, that we have arrived at the present state when we can joyfully have a feeling of extreme pride in our accomplishments. For it has been only two short years since the ultimate decision was made to build a new church and community building that will embody our living faith in the work of our Lord." Greek Orthodox Church of The Archangels, p. 3. (Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
122. |
Gregory, Herbert E. [Herbert Ernest]. Ground water in the Hartford, Stamford, Salisbury, Willimantic and Saybrook areas, Connecticut. Ellis, Arthur J. Arthur Jackson. Washington, (D. C.): Government Printing Office; 1916;150 pp., illus., paper covers, 23 cm. (U. S. Geological survey.; v. Water-supply paper 374.).
Notes: Title page reads: "DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR / FRANKLIN K. LANE, Secretary / - / UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY / GEORGE OTIS SMITH, Director / - / Water-Supply Paper 374 / - / GROUND WATER / IN THE / HARTFORD, STAMFORD, SALISBURY, WILLIMANTIC / AND SAYBROOK AREAS, CONNECTICUT / BY / HERBERT E. GREGORY AND ARTHUR J. ELLIS / - / Prepared in cooperation with the / Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey / [seal of the Department of the Interior] / WASHINGTON / GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE / 1916"
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 95-105. Includes: population and industries / topography / water-bearing formations / surface-water supplies /ground-water supplies / public water supplies / records of wells and springs.
Location: Ct, CtSHi, DI-GS, ICJ, ODW. Giefer and Todd (p. 47). |
123. |
Gurley, Frank B. Town Hall - Stamford, Connecticut / Erected Eighteen Hundred Seventy - Destroyed By Fire February Fourth, Nineteen Hundred Four. Stamford, Connecticut: Frank B. Gurley, Insurance and Real Estate; 1904; (12) pp., paper covers, illus., 11 x 15 cm.
Notes: Imprint on reverse of cover reads:"1904 / R. H. Cunningham Booklet Printery, Stamford." Covers are of red paper
Title page reads: "ERECTED EIGHTEEN HUNDRED SEVENTY /_____________ / / The Town Hall / STAMFORD CONNECTICUT / _____________ / DESTROYED BY FIRE FEBRUARY FOURTH / NINETEEN HUNDRED FOUR / _____________ / Published by Frank B. Gurley, Insurance and Real Estate / ______ COPYRIGHTED 1904_______ "
Location: Ct, CtSHi, NHi, NN. Wegelin (p. 24).
Abstract: Wegelin (p. 24) states, "This little booklet was printed by R. H. Cunningham. Only 2,000 copies were issued and it is now very scarce." "In the burning of the Town Hall on the night of February fourth last, Stamford lost an old landmark which for thirty years and more was looked upon as the hub of all her commercial and political activities. Although to critics it was far from the ideal public building, yet the hall stood for a distinct development in the affairs of the town, marking as it were the end of the provincial village and the beginning of the modern city. For this reason alone it must always remain as a cherished memory among those who have the interests of the town at heart." Frank B. Gurley, p. (1). |
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