The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Index of Names and Subjects
within Bibliography Items
–E– |
–E.B. to Eaton– |
E. B. Hoit Co., (1) [6]
E. Machlett & Son, (1) [165]
E. R. Squibb & Sons, (1) [200]
Eads, Carter William, (1) [67]
Eagan, James, (1) [67]
Eagle Bicycle Manufacturing Company, Inc, (1) [44]
Eagles, Fraternal Order of. Aerie No. 579 (F.O.E.), (4) [54], [161], [171], [258]
Eardeley, William A. D., (1) [158]
Earl family, (1) [143]
Earl, Ralph, (5) [40], [102], [103], [141], [142]
Early Baptist Cemetery, (1) [180]
Early Learning Center, Inc., (2) [231], [304]
Earthquakes, (3) [103], [178], [187]
East Branch, (1) [140]
East Channel, (1) [140]
East Cross Road, (1) [45]
Eaton, William, (1) [67]
East Hunting Ridge Cemetery, (2) [158], [180]
East Hunting Ridge, place in Stamford, (1) [180] |
East Main Street, (5) [5], [27], [186], [292], [293]
East Meadow Redevelopment Project, (1) [261]
East Meadow Street, (1) [170]
East Meadows Industrial Project, (1) [102]
East Meadows, place in Stamford, (1) [102]
East Side, place in Stamford, (3) [117], [204], [269]
East Stamford Taxpayer's Association, (1) [179]
Easter Seal Sale Drive, (1) [124]
Eastern Produce Company, (1) [27]
Eastern Star, (1) [257]
Eastfield, place in Stamford, (11) [5], [102], [103], [140], [141], [142], [178], [179], [185], [250], [265]
Eaton, Albert E., (1) [67]
Eaton, Matthew, (1) [45]
Eaton, Otis H., (1) [251]
Eaton Road, (1) [45]
Eaton, Susan, (1) [4]
Eaton, Theophilus, (3) [103], [118], [178]
Eaton, Walter, (1) [67]
–Ebenezer to Eisenman–
Ebenezer Smith Cemetery, (1) [180]
Eberhardt, Thomas C., (1) [67]
Eberhart, Mignon G., (1) [83]
Ebers, Samuel J., (1) [262]
Eccles, Frederick, (1) [67]
Eccles, Thomas J., (1) [67]
Echo Hill Drive, (1) [140]
Eckard & Berges, (1) [27]
Eckard, Henry L., (1) [262]
Eckert, James Clendenin, Jr., (1) [67]
Eckhard, Henry, (2) [104], [266]
Economic conditions, (23) [4], [24], [27], [29], [40], [43], [45], [50], [84], [87], [104], [117], [135], [144], [161], [179], [189], [251], [255], [257], [258], [292], [313]
Eden Road, (1) [45]
Edgewood Arsenal, World War I (1914-1918), (3) [74], [267], [292]
Edgewood Avenue, (1) [45]
Edith Arcano Studio of Modern Dancing, (1) [54]
Edith Sherman Drive, (1) [27]
Editors, (1) [83]
Edmond, Ezra L., (1) [67]
Edmonds, Dean, (2) [45], [165]
Edmondson, Frederick Joseph, (1) [67]
Edson, Gus, (3) [83], [179], [264]
Edson Park, Stamford, (2) [179], [264]
Education (see also Private schools; Public schools,) (31) [4], [30], [39], [44], [45], [50], [58], [62],[ 65], [69], [84], [89], [99], [141], [142], [102], [103], [104], [118], [131], [178], [197], [203], [210], [231], [250], [258], [298], [313], [266], [291] |
Educators, (9) [30], [62], [65], [83], [84], [89], [197], [206], [210]
Edwards, Earl L., (1) [67]
Edwards, Erwin, (1) [172]
Edwards, Lucien, (1) [172]
Edwards, Norman O., (1) [262]
Edwin R. Lockwood Cemetery, (1) [180]
Eells, James, (2) [44], [172]
Eells, John, (1) [103]
Egan, Charles E., Jr., (1) [251]
Egan, Edward M., (1) [51]
Egan, James L., (1) [67]
Egan, John F., (1) [67]
Egan, John J., (2) [67], [251]
Egan, Thomas, (1) [67]
Eggers, Otto R., (1) [83]
Eginton, Warren W., (1) [266]
Ehrenkranz, Joseph, (2) [27], [168]
Ehrhart, Mathew E., (1) [67]
Eighth Street, (1) [186]
Eilertsen, Edward Herbert, (1) [67]
Eilertsen, Henry Raynor, (1) [67]
Eisenhower, Dwight D., (1) [45]
Eisenman, Lisa, (1) [73] |
–Ekstowicz to Elseberg–
Ekstowicz, Nelly Kijek, (1) [213]
Elbaum, Jerry, (1) [73]
Elbow Plain, place in Stamford, (3) [115], [141], [142]
Elder, George, (2) [104], [118]
Election sermons, (2) [189], [303]
Elections, (8) [45], [89], [102], [103], [104], [113], [168], [263]
Electors, (1) [214]
Electric lighting, (13) [45], [62], [79], [102], [104], [105], [118], [153], [193], [238], [250], [265], [293]
Electric Specialty Company, (4) [102], [181], [258], [262]
Electric utilities, (7) [102], [104], [118], [153], [179], [250], [265]
Electrification, (8) [62], [79], [80], [104], [118], [186], [292], [293]
Electronic communications, (1) [159]
Electronic machines, (1) [50]
Electronics industry, (1) [102]
Elevator operators, (1) [257]
Elijah Scofield Cemetery, (1) [180]
Elizabeth Avenue, (1) [45]
Elks, Benevolent and Protective Order of. Stamford Lodge, No. 899 (B. P. O. E.), (5) [54], [161], [171], [250], [303]
Elks Club, (1) [257]
Elliot family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Elliot, H. B. (Henry B.) (1) [96]
Elliott, George W., (1) [67]
Ellis Island, New York, (2) [117], [159]
Ellis, Jerry A., (1) [67]
Elm Brook, (1) [140]
Elm City (ship), (1) [179]
Elm Electric Company, (1) [27]
Elm Refining Company, Inc., (1) [265]
Elm Street, (11) [28], [92], [118], [140], [141], [142], [170], [171], [179], [186], [257]
Elmer, Charles W., (1) [101]
Elmer Street, (1) [45]
Elms, Howard James, (1) [67]
Elseberg, Charles A., (1) [83] |
–Emanuel to Entrepreneurs–
Emanuel, Dominick, (1) [67]
Embler, Elizabeth, (1) [84]
Embree, Albert Brainerd, (1) [67]
Embroidery (Needlework), [5], [175]
Embury, Aymar II, (1) [319]
Emery, A. H., (1) [104]
Emery, Albert, (2) [102], [262]
Emery, Albert H., (1) [83]
Emery, Julia, (1) [102]
Emmanuel Cemetery, (3) [140], [158], [180]
Emmanuel Episcopal Chapel, (3) [45], [66], [334]
Emmanuel Episcopal Church, (4) [45], [118], [262], [334]
Emmet Club, (1) [104]
Emory family, (1) [143]
Employment bureaus. (1) [257]
Engel, Charles M., (1) [262]
Engel, Leo, (1) [171]
Engel, Leo Joseph, (1) [67] |
Engel, William Conrad, (1) [67]
Engelhardt, N. I., (1) [62]
Engels, Gustav W., (1) [67]
Engineering, (3) [157], [204], [299]
Engineering-societies, (1) [104]
Engineers, (10) [50], [83], [87], [97], [130], [193], [232], [238], [299], [315]
Enginito, Vito, (1) [67]
England, (6) [15], [50], [103], [118], [141], [142]
Englund, Eskil G., (1) [169]
Engravings, see Illustrations
Ennis, John, (7) [44], [102], [104], [118], [179], [262], [266]
Ennis' Patent Swimming Baths, (1) [44]
Enniston Park, (1) [140]
Entrepreneurs, Businessmen, (35) [2], [4], [6], [7], [11], [23], [27], [28], [29], [31], [34], [45], [49], [50, [54], [83], [84], [87], [90], [103], [104], [118], [159], [161], [165], [171], [172], [179], [200], [250], [258], [271], [277], [288], [313]
Entrepreneurs, Businesswomen, (3) [27], [224], [277] |
–Epidemics to Explosions–
Epidemics, (15) [4], [52], [103], [104], [126], [178], [187], [197], [216], [217], [253], [270], [292], [293], [311]
Epifanio, Adeline Jassil, (1) [54]
Epifanio, Mary, (1) [50]
Epifanio, P. Lawrence, (3) [23], [54], [258]
Episcopal churches
Epitaphs, (4) [22], [27], [42], [212]
Epstein, Abraham, (1) [27]
Epstein Brothers Tire Company, (1) [27]
Epstein Brothers Tire Shop, (1) [161]
Epstein, Herman J., (1) [67]
Epstein, Leonard, (1) [2]
Epstein, Louis, (1) [27]
Epstein, Max, (1) [27]
Epstein, Morris, (1) [27]
Epstein-Nevas Wholesale Grocery Distributing Company, (1) [27]
Epstein, Sarah, (1) [27]
Erskine Grange, (1) [21]
Erskine Road, (5) [5], [42], [44], [84], [177]
Ervin, Don, (1) [73] |
Esposito, Gaetano (Jerrry), (1) [159]
Esposito's Orchestra, (1) [159]
Essex Market, (3) [3], [171], [266]
Ethnic groups (see also specific groups), (31) [4], [5], [27], [37], [43], [50], [53], [54], [67], [92], [102], [103], [117], [121], [135], [158], [159], [161], [168], [171], [203], [212], [250], [257], [258], [265], [266], [270], [291], [292], [293]
Evans, P. S., (3) [5], [144], [314]
Evans, Thomas F., (1) [67]
Evans, Walter J., (1) [67]
Evaristo, Josephine, (1) [54]
Evaristo, Michael, (1) [54]
Evaschuk, Nikifor, (1) [67]
Everett, Richard, Jr., (1) [99]
Evers, Samuel J., (1) [298]
Ewart, Joseph A., (1) [262]
Ewen, William H. S., (1) [166]
Excelsior Hardware Company, (3) [102], [258], [262]
Executions, (2) [103], [178]
Explosions, (1) [134] |
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