The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Index of Names and Subjects
within Bibliography Items
–J– |
–J.E. to Jazz–
J. E. Lockwood, (1) [3]
J. M. Wright Technical School, (2) [164], [292]
Jablonski, Ewa (Sister Melchiora), (1) [135]
Jachimczyk, Joseph A., (1) [135]
Jack's Island, (4) [118], [140], [141], [142]
Jacklin family, (1) [143]
Jackson, David A., (1) [67]
Jackson family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Jackson, Gabrielle E., (1) [83]
Jackson, George, (1) [266]
Jackson, Jane Buckley, (1) [213]
Jackson, Lewis, (1) [213]
Jackson, Louis A., (1) [67]
Jackson, Walter B., (1) [262]
Jacksonian era, (1) [105]
Jacobs, Harry Allan, (1) [147]
Jacobs, P. S., (1) [104]
Jacobus, Donald Lines, (2) [148], [183]
Jaffray, Kennett Birdsall, (1) [67]
Jagger family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Jagger, Jeremiah, (5) [102], [103], [115], [118], [178]
Jagger, Jeremy, (2) [148], [178]
Jagger's Creek, (1) [140]
Jagger's Den, place in Stamford, (2) [141], [142]
Jails (Prisons), (1) [183]
Jaiven, Saul J., (1) [336]
James family, (1) [143]
James R. Osgood & Co., (3) [149], [150], [151]
James Starr (ship), (1) [29]
James H. Bedell Dairy, (1) [44]
Jameson, Horace E., (1) [67]
Jamrosy, Frank E., (3) [4], [258], [262]
Janitors, (1) [257]
Janocha, Bill, (1) [73]
Jansen, Edward O., (2) [155], [265]
Jansen, James L., (1) [67]
Jaquith, Harold C., (1) [83]
Jarvik, Robert, (1) [5]
Jarvis, Ebenezer, (1) [262]
Jarvis family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Jarvis, Munson, (4) [102], [141], [142], [289]
Jarvis, Samuel, (9) [52], [56], [102], [103], [141], [142], [179], [216], [271]
Jarvis, Seymour, (4) [118], [141], [142], [335]
Jaworski, Frank, (1) [168]
Jaworski, Naga, (1) [168]
Jazz, (1) [42] |
–Jeddry to Jews– |
Jeddry, David, (1) [67]
Jeffers, George Edward, (1) [67]
Jefferson-Jackson Democratic Club, (1) [104]
Jefferson Street, (1) [186]
Jeffery family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Jeffry family, see Jeffery family above
Jehovah's Witnesses, (1) [66]
Jelliff family, (1) [45]
Jenkins, George W. A., (4) [102], [104], [134], [262]
Jennings, Adrian H., (1) [67]
Jennings, Charles E., (1) [67]
Jennings, Curtis E., (1) [152]
Jennings, W. D., (2) [153], [304]
Jensen, Arthur, (1) [67]
Jensen, Werner & Korst (Werner Jensen & Korst) (1) [97]
Jerman family, (1) [143]
Jerman, Frank, (1) [45]
Jerman, William H., (2) [28], [118]
Jerome C. Massari Funeral Home, (1) [54]
Jessup, Albert D., (1) [67]
Jessup, Edward Nelson, (1) [67]
Jessup family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Jessup, Edward Nelson, (1) [67] |
Jessup family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Jessup, Frank, (2) [44], [45]
Jessup, Frank F., (1) [266]
Jessup, Helen F., (1) [334]
Jessup, Howard P., (1) [265]
Jessup, John, (2) [103], [178]
Jessup, Nelson R., (2) [166], [262]
Jessup, Ralph, (1) [213]
Jessup, William Reginald, (1) [67]
Jessup, Wilson R., (1) [262]
Jewelers, (3) [27], [28], [54]
Jewett, Richard K., (1) [50]
Jewish Center, Stamford Jewish Center, (7) [27], [66], [102], [159], [161], [258], [291]
Jewish Family Service, (1) [291]
Jewish Historical Society of Greater Stamford, (1) [27]
(now Jewish Historical Society of Fairfield County)
Jewish Reporter, The (newspaper), (1) [291]
Jewish War Veterans - Fred Robbins Post No. 142, (4) [27], [161], [247], [291]
Jews , (20) [4], [27], [40], [50], [60], [66], [67], [84], [102], [103], [158], [161], [168], [212], [216], [264], [266], [267], [270], [291] |
–Joe's to Jons–
Joe, Indian, (1) [338]
Joe's Tire Shop, (1) [27]
Johannemann, Edward J., (1) [67]
John A. Drenckhahn, Inc., (2) [45], [102]
John Davenport Company, (1) [265]
John Reed Cemetery-Norwalk, (1) [180]
Johnson, Charles, (1) [67]
Johnson, Charles A., (1) [186]
Johnson, Clifton T., (1) [67]
Johnson, Cyrus, (1) [179]
Johnson family, (1) [143]
Johnson, Fred, (1) [213]
Johnson, George, (1) [67]
Johnson, Harry W., (1) [67]
Johnson, Howard, (1) [213]
Johnson, James T., (1) [265]
Johnson, John E., (1) [67]
Johnson, Joseph H., (1) [261]
Johnson, Lincoln, (1) [333]
Johnson, N. G., (1) [266]
Johnson, Tracy A., (1) [251]
johnson, Virginia Hamill, (1) [333]
Johnson, Walter, (1) [67]
Johnson, Walter Rupper, (1) [67] |
Johnston, F. Clife, (1) [200]
Johnston, Howard A., (1) [83]
Johnstone, Thomas K., (1) [50]
Jones, Benjamin, (1) [75]
Jones, Charles, (1) [262]
Jones, Cyrus, (1) [102]
Jones, Douglas, (1) [84]
Jones, Ebenezer, (7) [103], [118], [178], [198], [250], [265], [306]
Jones, Elbert, (1) [166]
Jones, Eliphalet, (5) [118], [141], [142], [148], [178]
Jones, Ephraim, (1) [306]
Jones family, (5) [141], [142], [143], [178], [306]
Jones, Horace Carter, (1) [67]
Jones, I.S., (2) [141], [142]
Jones, Isaac, (4) [45], [166], [198], [306]
Jones, J. Latasa, (1) [67]
Jones, Josiah, (2) [306], [335]
Jones, Katherine M., (1) [154]
Jones, Paul Leon, (1) [67]
Jones, Robert Miller, (2) [154], [266]
Jones, Squire, (1) [306]
Jones, William, (1) [183]
Jones, William H., (2) [44], [262]
Jons, Cornelios, (1) [179] |
–Jordan to Juvenile–
Jordan, James E., (1) [67]
Jordan, John, (1) [265]
Jordan, John W., (1) [67]
Jordan, Thomas, (2) [67], [267]
Jorge, Lester, (1) [284]
Joss, James Joseph, (1) [67]
Josselyn, E. A., (1) [112]
Journalist, Eugene J., (1) [165]
Journalists and journalism, (see also Newspapers), (9) [4] ,[84], [104], [118], [141], [142], [162],[250], [298]
Joyce, Arza F., (1) [67]
Joyce, William F., (2) [155], [265]
Judd, Arthur N., (1) [67]
Judd, Jonathan, (1) [250]
Judd, William H., (3) [262], [292], [327]
Judges, (14) [12], [22], [29], [40], [54], [84], [95], [103], [118], [141], [142], [176], [250], [292]
Judicial history, (5) [40], [95], [118], [176], [183]
Judson family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Judson, John, (1) [306]
June, Alice Louise, (1) [84]
June Cemetery, (2) [158], [180]
June, Charles, (1) [84] |
June, Charles K., (1) [179]
June, Clarence E., (1) [67]
June, Ezra, (2) [185], [306]
June family, (5) [141], [142], [143], [178], [306]
June, George, (1) [84]
June, George W., (1) [84]
June, Harold I., (6) [1], [47], [48], [102], [235], [262]
June, Harrison, (1) [84]
June, Joel, (1) [306]
June, Joshua, (2) [1], [185]
June, Minnie, (1) [84]
June, Reuben, (1) [306]
June Road, (1) [209]
June, Silas, (1) [306]
June, Stephen, (1) [306]
June, Thomas, (3) [178], [185], [306]
June, William, (2) [185], [306]
Junger, Harry P., (1) [155]
Junior League of Stamford, (2) [84], [124]
Juraschek, Francis, (1) [251]
Justices of the peace, (3) [54], [84], [185]
Juvenile delinquency, (3) [258], [330], [331] |
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