The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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19. |
Backus, Isaac. Diary of Isaac Backus. Providence, Rhode Island: Brown University Press; 1979; 3 vols., 24 cm. (William G. McLoughlin, Editor). ISBN: 0-87057-148-6.
Notes: For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: Vol. 2, pp. 769, 913-914, 921, 980.
Location: CtH, CtNhH, CtU, DLC, MWA.
The original manuscript of "Diary of Isaac Backus" 25 October 1771 - 31 December 1775 is in the collections of the Andover Newton Theological School.
Abstract: "Saturday Oct 29 (1774), Came last night to Mr. Nehemiah Brown; and today to Deacon Farres's (Ferris's) in Stamford, who was the first beginner of this baptist church, being baptized by Mr. Gano April 27, 1770. The church was formed here Nov. 8, 1773, and a meeting house of 40 feet by 30 was built that year. The church has now 32 members." Isaac Backus, Vol 2, p. 921. |
20. |
Backus, Isaac. History of New England : With particular reference to the denomination of Christians called Baptists. Second edition, with notes by David Weston ed. Newton, Massachusetts: Backus Historical Society; 1871; 2 vols., 24 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "A / HISTORY OF NEW ENGLAND. / WITH / Particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians / CALLED / BAPTISTS. / BY / ISAAC BACKUS. / - / Second Edition, with Notes. / BY / DAVID WESTON. / / - / / VOLUME 1 [also: VOLUME 2] / / NEWTON, MASS. : / PUBLISHED BY THE BACKUS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. / 1871." "Backus's published works also are frequently cited, especially his history of New England Baptists. The many references to this work are not to the original, three-volume edition (1777-96), but to David Weston's second edition, of two volumes, published in 1871 (Backus, History). The later edition is used not only because of the rarity of the originals, but because of Weston's copious annotation, based on all the Backus papers that are available now and many that have disappeared since Weston's day." William G. McLoughlin, Editor, Diary of Isaac Backus, Brown University Press, Providence, Rhode Island, 1979. Vol.1, p. xxxvi.
This edition of "A History Of New England, …" was reprinted in 1969 by Arno Press, New York, New York.
The following libraries own copies of the Newton, Massachusetts 1871 edition: CtNh, CtWB, MWA.
The following libraries own copies of the New York 1969 reprint: DLC.
Abstract: "Neither did the writings of learned ministers against the Baptists, weaken their cause, but strengthen it, as what follows will show.
Mr. Moses Mather, of Stamford, in his first piece upon the covenant, published in 1769, owns ingenuously, that the covenant of circumcision, in Gen. xvii. was not, strictly speaking, the covenant of grace, but a divine institution whereby that nation was taken into visible covenant with God; and that the ordinances of that church were appointed as means for the regeneration as well as comfort and strengthening of its members. And he labors hard to prove that the covenant is the same with the Christian church; and that the Lord's Supper is 'a converting ordinance.' And to those who hold that persons ought to profess saving faith, in order to come to full communion, he says, 'This scheme makes infant baptism a mere nullity, or thing of naught. To me this conclusion appears just and unavoidable.' Mr. Ebenezer Ferris, of Stamford, was roused hereby to such an examination of the subject, as not only brought him to embrace believers' baptism, but also to publish a defence of that doctrine at New York. And he and others called Elder Gano from thence to baptize them in 1770; and in 1773 a Baptist church was constituted at Stamford, and another at Greenwich, ten miles nearer to New York." Isaac Backus, Vol. 2, p. 170. |
21. |
Badger, Elisa H. "Craftswoman In Agriculture". Craftsman. 1906 Aug; Vol. 10, (No. 5). pp. 630-637.
Notes: Published by Gustav Stickley, Syracuse, New York.
Location: DLC, MB.
For additional information on Emma Erskine Hahn, see: John L. De Forest, Once Upon A Long, Long Ridge: A Memoir Of A Connecticut Community. (1995), pp. 59-60, 101.
Abstract: "Emma Erskine Hahn was born in St. John's Wood, London and came to America some thirty years ago; she has traveled over a great part of the world, having visited Europe, China, Japan and India. In early life a royalist and aristocrat, she is now a socialist. While bitterly opposed to anarchy or violence, she holds that socialism is the only hope for improving the condition of the masses. Her early education was merely a training for society according to the fashion of that period for the daughters of well-to-do Englishmen. In later years, being reduced to comparative poverty, she invested the little money left in an abandoned farm. She had no trade, no knowledge of manual labor, but she loved the country and decided to put what knowledge she had of it to a practical purpose.
Then she started out to find a farm all grown over with weeds. It was found in the hills above Stamford, Conn., with a magnificent view, plenty of pure water, and rich indeed in weeds. Here she installed her goats and started out to clear the land and breed Angoras. Her abandoned farm she called Erskine Grange." Elisa H. Badger, p. 635. |
22. |
Barber, John Warner. Connecticut historical collections, containing a general collection of interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, &c. relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Connecticut, with geographical descriptions. Second ed. New Haven (Connecticut): Durrie & Peck and J. W. Barber; 1836;viii, 560 pp., illus., map, 24 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "CONNECTICUT / HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS, / CONTAINING A / GENERAL COLLECTION OF INTERESTING FACTS, TRADITIONS, / BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, ANECDOTES &C. / RELATING TO THE / HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES / OF / EVERY TOWN IN CONNECTICUT, / WITH / GEPGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTIONS. / ILLUSTRATED BY 100 ENGRAVINGS. / - / BY JOHN WARNER BARBER. / - / SECOND EDITION / - / (The Seal of the State of Connecticut) / [Seal] / He who transplanted still sustains. / - / NEW HAVEN: / PUBLISHED BY / DURRIE & PECK AND J. W. BARBER. / - / Price - Three dollars. / - / PRINTED BY B. L. HAMLEN." For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 402-404. Includes the earliest known published view of Stamford on p. 403, "Southwestern view of the Borough of Stamford." For references to Darien, Connecticut, see: pp. 376-379. Includes the "Southwestern view of the Congregational Church, Darien" on p. 377. For references to New Canaan, Connecticut, see: pp. 385-387. Includes the "East view of the central part of New Canaan" on p. 386. "Other editions," Parks (No. 87).
Location: Ct, CtChh, CtDar, CtH, CtHamd, CtHi, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNhHi, CtNm, CtNowa, CtRk, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtWB, CtWilt, CtY, CU, DLC, DSI, M, MB, MiD, MiU-C, NcD, NN, OCl, OClW, PCC, PHi, PPL, ViU. Sabin (No. 3317). Collier (pp. 8, 97). Parks (No. 87). For additional information on Barber's views, see: Christopher P. Bickford & J. Bard McNulty, John Warner Barber's views of Connecticut towns, 1834-1836 (1990). ISBN 0-94078-98-3.
Abstract: The original sketch of "Southwestern view of the Borough of Stamford" is in the collections of the Connecticut Historical Society. R. M. Collier (p. 97) states, "John Warner Barber's Connecticut historical collections (New Haven, 1836, 1837, 1846) is prized for its 180 woodcuts of Connecticut scenes. It is full of marvelous descriptions of towns as they existed in the 1830s." "The numerous engravings interspersed through this work, were (with five or six exceptions) executed from drawings taken on the spot by the author of this work. ....... The view of Stamford, (see the next page,) was taken from a rocky eminence to the southwest, which rises almost immediately from the mill stream seen in the engraving, passing to the south. The iron foundery, which is very extensive, is seen on the left. The spire seen near the center of the print is that of the Congregational church; that seen on the extreme right is that of the Episcopal church. Besides these churches, there are two others in the borough, one for the Baptists, the other for the Methodists. Between the Congregational and Episcopal churches, is seen the mast of a sloop. A canal from the sea was excavated to this point in 1834. This canal is 180 rods in length, thirty feet in width, and seven in depth; the expense of its construction, including three buildings for stores, was 7,000 dollars. There are in the limits of the borough 10 or 12 stores, 1 iron foundery, one rolling mill, one wire factory, and two large boot and shoe manufactories; a bank, with a capital of 100,000 dollars, chartered in 1834. The post office in this place is a distributing office. It is 8 miles westward of Norwalk, 8 from Sawpitts, and 5 from Horseneck church in Greenwich. The number of inhabitants in the borough is about seven hundred. The harbor at the mouth of Mill river has, at ordinary tides, upwards of eight feet of water. There are two uncommonly interesting spots bordering the harbor; that on the western side is called the South Field, a rich and beautiful farm; the other is Shippan Point. This is an elegant and fertile piece of ground. The surface slopes in every direction, and is encircled by a collection of fine scenery." John Warner Barber, pp. iv, 402-403. |
23. |
Barberio, G. Chiodi. Il progresso degl'Italiani nel Connecticut. New Haven, Connecticut: Author; 1933; 802 pp., ports., illus., 24 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "G. CHIODI BARBERIO / - / / IL PROGRESSO / DEGL'ITANIANI / NEL / CONNECTICUT / / [seal of the State of Connecticut] / / NEW HAVEN, CONN. / MCMXXXIII [1933]" Imprint on reverse of title reads: "Maturo's Printing & Publishing Co., New Haven, Conn." For references to "La Colonia Italiana di Stamford", see pp. 693-747. (text in Italian).
Location: CtFaU, CtNh. Tomasi & Stibili (No. 258).
Abstract: "Within its small boundaries, Connecticut, one of the most progressive and prosperous states in the Union, proudly counts among its population a rather conspicuous number of Italian immigrants, about three hundred thousand in all. A powerful group of honest, laborious workers, who, within the last twenty years, have added their daily contribution to the prosperity and greatness of the state." G. Chiodi Barberio, preface. |
24. |
Barlow, Lester P. What would Lincoln do? A call for political revolution through the ballot. Stamford, Connecticut: The Non-Partisan League Publishing Company, Inc.; 1931;v, 229, (4), pp., ports., illus., map, d.w., 24 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "What Would Lincoln Do? / A Call for Political Revolution / Through the Ballot / / by / LESTER P. BARLOW / Mechanical Engineer / / The Non-Partisan League Publishing Company, Inc. / STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT / 1931" Imprint on reverse of title reads: "Published by The Non-Partisan League Publishing Company, Inc. / 4 South Street, Stamford, Connecticut / First Issue, 2000 copies, each numbered and registered and signed by the writer." Library of Congress card states: Deals largely with the nation's motor traffic problem, plans for its solution by a system of national express motorways, a policy of limited capitalism and proposals for a Non-partisan league of America.
Location: AzFU, AzTeS, CtSHi, DGU, DLC, IHi, ILS, InU, KyU, L, LU, M, MBU, MiD, MiDW, MnHi, MiRochOU, NdMinS, NjTeaF, NjVC, NNYU, NRU, NSyU, OKentU, OU, PSt, RPB, TxU, WHi.
For additional information on Lester P. Barlow, see: Howard Shaff & Audrey Karl Shaff, Six Wars At a Time : The Life and Times of Gutzon Borglum, Sculptor of Mount Rushmore (1985), pp. 160, 201, 212, 213, 227.
Abstract: "I have written a few articles - just a very few. This is my first attempt, and for all I know my last attempt, at writing a book. I have often thought of writing a book in order that I might express fully, through a written record, my opinions in reference to certain public matters. Up until a few weeks ago, I could not bring myself to the point of daring to start to write a book on what seems to me vital social problems. That seemed to me to be a task beyond my capabilities, but on looking back, I could see where I had succeeded in other difficult tasks, so why not write - the economic conditions of the world are bad, the confidence of the people of the nations has been greatly reduced by one vicious assault after another, by what I term `High Finance.' …I do not advocate the abandonment of the present state highway systems, nor do I propose that the states surrender jurisdiction over their roads. I am proposing in addition to the present state and municipal highways - a great system of national Express Motorways, owned by the nation and operated as toll projects, the toll received to be used in amortizing the bonds necessary for the building thereof. I am also advocating that such a system of Express Motorways shall operate under a nation-wide uniform set of traffic rules." Lester P. Barlow, pp. i, 59. |
320. |
Barnum, P. T. Phineas Taylor. Life of P. T. Barnum, written by himself. New York, (New York): Redfield; 1855;viii, [1], 10-404, 4 pp., front. (port.), illus., 20 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "THE / LIFE / OF / P. T. BARNUM / WRITTEN BY HIMSELF / [Printers' mark] / REDFIELD / 110 AND 119 NASSAU STREET, NEW-YORK / 1855"
Location: Ct, CtB, CtHi, CtNhH, CtSHi, CtU, CtY, DLC, MWA.
For additional information on Phineas Taylor Barnum, see: Dictionary of American Biography, Vol. 1, pp. 636-639.
"Barnum published his Life of P. T. Barnum Written by Himself (1855), as part of his prolific advertising. Thereafter it was often revised, reprinted, and continued to date. It is generally accurate in matters of fact, and can be checked from date to date in the daily press. Many copies he deposited with autograph letters of gift, in the libraries of the United States." D. A. B., Vol. 1, p. 639. .
Abstract: "The present season (1854) I was requested to deliver the opening speech at our County Fair, which was held at Stamford. Not being able to give agricultural advice, I delivered a portion of my lecture on the "Philosophy of Humbug." The next morning, as I was being shaved in the village barber's shop, which was at the time crowded with customers, the ticket-seller to the Fair came in.
"What kind of a house did you have last night?" asked one of the gentlemen in waiting.
"Oh, first-rate, of course. Old Barnum always draws a crowd," was the reply of the ticket-seller, to whom I was not known.
Most of the gentlemen present, however, knew me, and they found much difficulty in restraining their laughter.
"Did Barnum make a good speech?" I asked.
"I did not hear it. I was out in the ticket-office. I guess it was pretty good, for I never heard so much laughing as there was all through his speech. But it makes no difference whether it was good or not," continued the ticket-seller, "the people will go to see old Barnum. First he humbugs them, and then they pay to hear him tell how he did it! I believe if he should swindle a man out of twenty dollars, the man would give a quarter to hear him tell about it."
"Barnum must be a curious chap," I remarked.
"Well, I guess he is up to all the dodges."
"Do you know him?" I asked.
"Not personally," he replied; "but I always get into the Museum for nothing. I know the doorkeeper, and he slips me in free."
"Old Barnum would not like that, probably, if he know it," I remarked.
"But it happens he don't know it," replied the ticket-seller, in great glee.
"Barnum was on the [railroad] cars the other day, on his way to Bridgeport." said I, "and I heard one of the passengers blowing him up terribly as a humbug. He was addressing Barnum at the time, but did not know him. Barnum joined in lustily, and endorsed every thing the man said. When the passenger learned whom he had been addressing, I should think he must have felt rather flat."
"I should think so, too," said the ticket-seller.
This was too much, and we all indulged in a burst of laughter. Still the ticket-seller suspected nothing. After I had left the shop, the barber told him who I was. I called into the ticket-office on business several times during the day, but the poor ticket-seller kept his face turned from me, and appeared so chop-fallen that I did not pretend to recognize him as the hero of the joke in the barber's shop." Phineas Taylor Barnum, pp. 374-375. |
321. |
Barrington, Shute, Hon., successively Bishop of Llandaff Salisbury and of Durham. Sermon preached before the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts: at their anniversary meeting in the parish church of St. Mary-le-Bow, on Friday, February 17, 1775. London: Printed by T. Harrison and S. Brooke.; 1775;xxv, 76, [1] pp., paper covers, 21 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "A / SERMON / Preached before the / Incorporated SOCIETY / FOR THE / Propagation of the Gospel in / Foreign Parts; / AT THEIR / ANNIVERSARY MEETING / IN THE / Parish Church of ST. MARY-LE-BOW, / On FRIDAY February 17, 1775. / - / By the Honourable and Right Reverend / SHUTE Lord Bishop of LANDAFF. / - / / - / LONDON: / Printed by T. HARRISON and S. BROOKE, / in Warwick-Lane. / [printers' ornament] / MDCCLXXV [1775]."
Location: CtHT, CtSHi, CtSoP.
Includes "An abstract of the charter, and of the Proceedings of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts" has running title: "An abstract of the Proceedings of the Society."
Abstract: "The Rev. Mr. Dibblee [of Stamford, Connecticut] writes, that being blessed with an uncommon share of health in the decline of life, he is able to attend the duties of his extensive cure; that there is no material alteration in the religious state of his parish; and that notwithstanding many emigrations into the interior parts of the country, there hath been an accession to the church, and an increase of communicants. In the year he hath baptised 80 children." An abstract of the Proceedings of the Society, p. 27. |
25. |
Bartlett, Dwight K. Philosophy of the rebellion, a sermon delivered in the Baptist church, Stamford, Conn., before the union church meeting, by the Rev. Dwight K. Bartlett. Albany, (New York): Weed, Parsons and company, printers; 1864;18 pp., paper covers, 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "THE / PHILOSOPHY OF THE REBELLION. / A SERMON / DELIVERED IN THE BAPTIST CHURCH, STAMFORD, CONN. BEFORE THE / UNION CHURCH MEETING, BY THE / REV. DWIGHT K. BARTLETT. / / The following Sermon was delivered at Stamford, Conn., in November, 1862, and was printed / in the Stamford Advocate. A copy of that paper having come into the hands of a gentleman of / this city, the Sermon was read by him, and several of his friends, all of whom concurred in the / opinion that it contained truths of an important character, forcibly and eloquently set forth; / hence its appearance in its present form. / / ALBANY: / WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY, PRINTERS. / 1864."
Location: DLC, MB, MWA, NjP, NjPT, OClWHi, PHi, PPL, TxU. Wegelin (p. 22). E. B. Huntington Stamford Soldiers' Memorial (1869), pp. 31-32 states, "Rev. R. R. Booth of the Presbyterian church, who left his charge here just as the assassins of the nation were concerting the methods of their attack, in his parting words, left behind him the germs of right thoughts for the coming crisis; and his successor, Rev. D. K. Bartlett, poured into the work here, all the warmth and earnestness of a passion for loyalty and righteous indignation against treason; and went, like Mr. Evans, with his regiment, to do the service of an Army Chaplain." Reference to this sermon appears in the Stamford Advocate, November 28, 1862, p. 2. It was printed in the Stamford Advocate, December 5, 1862, pp. 1-2. After the war, Dwight K. Bartlett served as pastor of the Plymouth Church, Rochester, New York.
Abstract: "The South refuses to educate the slave, not because she hates him; she denies his right as a legal witness, not to cover the atrocities of the master; but to give him culture, or any privileges which would recognize his manhood, would overturn her whole civilization. To teach a slave to read, to admit his testimony in court, to respect his marriage, to prefer the right of the father over that of the master, to allow to him liberty of conscience, would involve a revolution whose issue would be a destruction of the institution. And this is the vice which imparts to Southern slavery its essential criminality. Not that it is involuntary servitude, but that it only exists by and through a repudiation of all the natural rights of man. Educate a slave, and you cannot hold him. Tell him that he is a man, with God-given rights, and at once the fetters will begin to spring. Regard the wife of his bosom and the children he has begotten, and the whole edifice of Southern society will begin to crumble. It is often remarked, `Don't preach against slavery, but its abuses.' Why, it is the abuses by which it is sustained! Remove the abuses, and no power of man can prevent the institution from perishing." Dwight K. Bartlett, p. 11. |
26. |
Bates, Walter. Kingston and the loyalists of the "Spring Fleet" of A.D. 1783 : With reminiscenses [sic] of early days in Connecticut : a narrative / by Walter Bates to which is appended a diary written by Sarah Frost on her voyage to St. John, N. B., with the loyalists of 1783. Edited with notes by W. O. Raymond. Frost, Sarah, Saint John, New Brunswick: Barnes and Company; 1889; 32 pp., illus., ports., map, paper covers, 22 cm. (Raymond, W. O. [William Odber], editor).
In addition to the Saint John, New Brunswick 1889 edition, there was a reprint "Printed By Centennial Print & Litho Ltd., Fredericton, New Brunswick, For Non . Entity Press." in 1980. ISBN 0-9690215-3-4.
The following libraries own copies of the Saint John, New Brunswick 1889 edition: Ct, DLC, MWA.
The following libraries own copies of the Fredericton, New Brunswick 1980 reprint: CtS, DLC.
Gephart (No. 8255)
Abstract: "A brief biographical sketch may here be given of the author of the old manuscript which now for he first time appears in print.
Walter Bates was the fourth son of John and Sarah (Bostwick) Bates. He was born March 14, 1760, in the eastern part of the town of Stamford, Connecticut - now known as Darien. The story of his early manhood is given in a very entertaining form in the narrative that follows.
After his arrival in Kingston, A. D. 1783, he soon became quite a prominent personage in the land of his adoption. Indeed during the later years of his life, the name of "Sheriff Bates" was familiar in Kings county as a household word." W. O. Raymond, p. 6.
"At length the thing I greatly feared came upon me. A small boat was discovered by the American guard, in one of these coves, by night, in which they suspected that one of my brothers, with some others, had come from the British. They supposed them concealed in the neighborhood and that I must be acquainted with it.
At this time I had just entered my sixteenth year. I was taken and confined in the Guard House; next day examined before a Committee and threatened with sundry deaths if I did not confess what I knew not of. They threatened among other things to confine me at low water and let the tide drown me if I did not expose these honest farmers. At length I was sent back to the Guard House until ten o'clock at night, when I was taken out by an armed mob, conveyed through the field gate one mile from the town to back Creek, then having been striped my body was exposed to the mosquitoes, my hands and feet being confined to a tree near the Salt Marsh, in which situation for two hours time every drop of blood would drawn from my body; when soon after two of the committee said that if I would tell them all I knew, they would release me, if not they would leave me to these men who, perhaps, would kill me.
I told them that I knew nothing that would save my life.
They left me, and the Guard came to me and said they were ordered to give me, if I did not confess, one hundred stripes, and if that did not kill me I would be sentenced to be hanged. Twenty stripes was then executed with severity, after which they sent me again to the Guard House. No 'Tory' was allowed to speak to me, but I was insulted and abused by all.
The next day the committee proposed many means to extort a confession from me, the most terrifying was that of confining me to a log on the carriage in the Saw mill and let the saw cut me in two if I did not expose 'those Torys.' Finally they sentenced me to appear before Col. Davenport, in order that he should send me to head Quarters where all the Torys he sent were surely hanged. Accordingly next day I was brought before Davenport - one of the descendants of the old apostate Davenport, who fled from old England - who, after he had examined me, said with great severity of countenance, 'I think you could have exposed those Tories.'
I said to him 'You might rather think I would have exposed my own father sooner than suffer what I have suffered.' Upon which the old judge could not help acknowledging he never knew any one who had withstood more without exposing confederates, and he finally discharged me the third day." Walter Bates, p. 10.
"The Diary Of Sarah Frost. Written on board the ship 'Two Sisters' during her voyage to Saint John's River, Nova Scotia, in the spring of A. D. 1783. The narrative of Walter Bates has supplied us with an accurate and reliable account of the departure from New York and subsequent arrival at St. John of the first fleet of A. D. 1783.
The following diary will be found to throw additional light upon the nature of the voyage with all its accompanying discomforts. It will also enable the reader in some measure to realize the trials experienced by the Loyalists in parting with near relatives and life-long friends, and give some idea of their first impressions on landing upon our rugged shores.
Sarah (Scofield) Frost and her husband [William] were natives of Stamford, Connecticut, and relatives of Walter Bates. After their settlement on the banks of the Kennebeccasis, at what is now Lower Norton, they manifested much interest in the welfare of the church at Kingston until the erection of a church more conveniently situated. The name of William Frost occurs as a member of the second vestry elected at Kingston on Easter Monday, 1785."
W. O. Raymond, p. 28.
"May 25, 1783. - I left Lloyd's Neck with my family and went on board the Two Sisters, commanded by Capt Brown , for a voyage to Nova Scotia with the rest of the Loyalist sufferers. This evening the captain drank tea with us. He appears to be a very clever gentleman. We expect to sail as soon as the wind shall favor. We have very fair accommodation in the cabin, although it contains six families, besides our own. There are two hundred and fifty passengers on board."
Sarah Frost, p. 29. |
27. |
Baulsir, Linda. Jewish communities of greater Stamford. Miller, Irwin. Charleston, South Carolina: Arcadia Publishing; 2002; (1), 2, (3), 4. (5-9), 10-128 pp., illus., ports., facsims., paper covers, 24 cm.(Images of America series). ISBN: 0-7385-1144-7.
Notes: Title page reads: "IMAGES / of America / THE JEWISH COMMUNITIES / OF GREATER STAMFORD/ / Linda Baulsir and Irwin Miller / / [printers' ornament] / - / ARCADIA / -" Illustration on cover: "DR. JACOB NEMOITIN AND HIS REGAL CAR. Born in 1880 in the Russian village of Sushkie, Jacob Nemoitin came to America with his family to escape the pogroms and anti-Semitism of the region. He practiced medicine in Stamford for more than fifty years, delivering more than 10,000 babies. He served all the immigrant communities, was fluent in seven languages, and truly embodied the dedication to his patients now associated with family practitioners of a bygone era." Text on back cover.
Location: CtGre, CtS, CtWtp, DLC.
Abstract: "The Jewish Communities of Greater Stamford presents a broad historical view of the Jewish people of Stamford, Darien, Greenwich, and New Canaan, Connecticut, and Pound Ridge, New York. The book goes back to the era just prior to the American Revolution, when lone Jewish families settled among the Connecticut Yankees to engage in trade, manufacturing, and commerce.
The earliest settlers - such as Nehemiah Marks, who was living and doing business in Stamford as early as 1720 - opened stores and other commercial enterprises. By the mid-1800s, city dwellers began coming to the region for summer vacations. After 1880, settlers arrived via the peddlers' routes and, after accumulating a little capital, stayed to open shops and establish themselves socially and politically. The greatest influx came in the 1890s and early 1900s, when many Jews arrived from the Pale of Settlements, eastern and central Europe, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Romania, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
The Jewish Communities of Greater Stamford traces the historical migration through the archived images preserved by the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Stamford. The authors are members of the historical society: Irwin Miller is past president, historian, and founding member; Linda Baulsir, archivist and board member. Together, they have carefully chosen the finest images and written detailed narrative to tell this significant history of the Jewish people and their activities centered in the southwestern corner of Connecticut." Text on back cover. |
322. |
Bearcroft, Philip. Sermon preached before the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts: at their anniversary meeting in the parish church of St. Mary-le-Bow, on Friday, February 15, 1744. London: Printed by Edward Owen and sold by J. Roberts [etc.] ; 1744; 73 pp., paper covers, 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "A / SERMON / Preached before the / Incorporated SOCIETY / FOR THE / Propagation of the Gospel in / Foreign Parts; / AT THEIR / ANNIVERSARY MEETING / IN THE / Parish Church of St. MARY-LE-BOW, / On Friday February 15, 1744. / - / By PHILIP BEARCROFT, D. D. / Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty, and / Secretary to the Society. / - / LONDON. / Printed by EDWARD OWEN in Amen-Corner. / And Sold by J. ROBERTS in Warwick-Lane; / and A. MILLAR, at Buchanan's Head in the / Strand. MDCCXLIV.[1744]"
Location: CtHT, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtY, DLC.
Includes "An abstract of the charter, and of the Proceedings of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts" has running title: "An abstract of the Proceedings of the Society."
Abstract: "the Reverend Mr. Caner, their Missionary at Fairfield, writes on Nov. 19, 1743, that there have been large Accessions to the Church of Persons, who appear to have a serious Sense of Religion at Norwalk, Ridgefield, and Stanford [Stamford]; and where the late Spirit of Enthusiasm hath most abounded, ... ." An abstract of the Proceedings of the Society, p. 43. |
28. |
Beers, F. W. [Frederick W.] Atlas of New York and vicinity; from actual surveys by and under the direction of F. W. Beers, assisted by Geo. E. Warner & others Warner, George E. New York, (New York) : F. W. Beers, A. D. Ellis & G. C. Soule; 1867; 59 pp., including 50 pp. of colored maps, 9 pp. illus. & advts., 46 cm.
Notes: Includes maps and some views of Fairfield County, Connecticut. "Town of Stamford, Fairfield Co., Conn." including inserts for North Stamford, Long Ridge and High Ridge, p. 22. "Plan Of Southern Part of Town of Stamford, Fairfield Co., Conn.," p. 22A. "Plan of Stamford, Fairfield Co., Conn.," p. 23. "The property of D. H. Clark, Stamford, Ct.," (Webb's Tavern), p.55. Variants of this work differ in the number of maps and plates.
Location: Ct, CtFaU, CtSHi, CtU, CtY, DLC, MiD, MU, N, NNU, ViU. |
29. |
Bell, Clarence W. Stamford's first century of banking, 1834 to 1934. Stamford, (Connecticut): Privately Printed; 1934 Sep;108 pp., published in both hard and paper covers, illus., ports., map, table of contents, appendix, 26 cm.
Notes: Title on cover reads: "STAMFORD'S / FIRST CENTURY OF BANKING / [printers' ornament] / THE FIRST-STAMFORD NATIONAL / BANK and TRUST COMPANY / [printers' ornament] / 1834 1934" Title page reads: " STAMFORD'S / FIRST CENTURY OF BANKING / 1834 to 1934 / / [printers' ornament] / By Clarence W. Bell / [printers' ornament] / / PRIVATELY PRINTED - STAMFORD / SEPTEMBER 1934" Imprint on reverse of title reads: "Engraving, Printing and Binding by The Gillespie Bros., Inc., Stamford, Conn."
Location: Ct, CtHi, CtS, CtSHi, CU-A, DFR, MH-BA, MnHi, NBPu, OCl, OKentC, UPB, ViU. Griffin 1934 (No. 1290). Parks (No. 8557).
Abstract: "To the general public the record of the life of a Bank, even when that life has covered a century, might seem to be of slight interest. But when, during that century, the town has grown from a village of 3,700 people to a city of 65,000 and throughout the century the Bank has been a living part of the community; has been a factor in its prosperity and has grown with its growth, then the story of the Bank is to a considerable extent the story of the town and of the men who have helped its progress. ... The President of the Bank, Mr. Clarence W. Bell, whose study and research have enabled him to compile this record, has been connected with the Bank for nearly half of its century of existence, and his ability and devotion have been a great factor in its stability and success." Schuyler Merritt, p. 5. |
30. |
Betts, Charlotte E. "Betts Family and Their Academy". Stamford Historian. (1957); Vol. 1 (No. 2). pp.163-168.
Notes: Published by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi. Kemp (p. 630). Parks (No.8558).
Abstract: Parks (No.8558) states, "Betts Academy, in operation in Stamford under various names from 1838-1840, 1844-1908." "After four years the growth of the school seemed to call for a location with easier access to New York, and in 1844 James Betts bought 60 acres of land in Stamford, on Prospect Hill, as Strawberry Hill was then called. The original main building was erected on the summit of the hill, and the young schoolmaster added to his tasks the supervision of a large farm, supplying the institution with fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Thus came a new school to Stamford, to remain for 64 years, first as Stamford English and Classical Boarding School for Boys, then, from 1872, as Betts Military Academy, familiarly abbreviated B.M.A." Charlotte E. Betts, p. 163. |
31. |
Bigelow, Edward F. "Automobile Keeps One Young". Guide To Nature. 1923 Nov; Vol. 16 (No. 6).pp. 81-87.
Notes: Published by The Agassiz Association, Sound Beach, Connecticut.
Included are two photographs of Charles H. Lounsbury's boyhood home at 484 Old Long Ridge Road, Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: Includes quotations from weekly feature article "Live Local Topics", Stamford Advocate, August 18, 1923. "In the old days, practically everybody worked. One of the men who could give you some illustrations of this is Charles H. Lounsbury, president of the Stamford Savings Bank, who will be eighty-four years old tomorrow, and who acquired habits of industry in his boyhood upon his father's farm at Long Ridge. He says that the young men in those days did a prodigious amount of work, and thrived upon it. Farms were productive then; not many of them are now, because the boys prefer to work in shops, and 'hired help' is scarce and high. The chances are that Mr. Lounsbury wouldn't be at his desk in a bank at eighty-four, in full possession of his faculties, and with his business judgment as keen as ever if he had not received his early training on a farm. He left the farm because it was apparent that he had the sort of qualities that command success in business. He was a clerk at 19, and three years later was partner in a firm that manufactured shoes in Long Ridge and later in Stamford - the predecessor to the Lounsbury-Soule Company, which is making shoes yet. Ask him how a man may attain old age and still be active, and the chances are he'll tell you that there's no secret about it at all. Build up a strong constitution by work outdoors, cultivate steady habits, fresh air and exercise - that is all." Then followed the point of view of the transformation of the headquarters of the automobile from the suburban to the city home with the statement that "Mr. Lounsbury often rides in an automobile to the place where he spent his boyhood," and the writer told of Mr. Lounsbury's work with the factory he moved to Broad Street, Stamford in 1885 and cited the changes in Long Ridge. Edward F. Bigelow, pp. 83-84. |
32. |
Bigelow, Edward F. "Beauty of the Worker and the Work". Guide To Nature. 1917 Jan; Vol. 9 (No. 8) pp. 233-236.
Notes: Published by The Agassiz Association, Sound Beach, Connecticut. Includes a portrait of Mr. Rezo Waters, basket maker, Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "In searching for beauty I have for a long time admired an aged basket maker that lives in the northern part of Stamford. He has been pictured in our pages, but the more I consider his patriarchal, picturesque beauty, the more have I desired to let the reader see him again. The artistic eye of the sculptor, the famous Gutzon Borglum, selected him as the original of The Pioneer in one of his equestrian masterpieces of that name. This has made Mr. Rezo Waters famous, and he has been sought by merchants everywhere to demonstrate in their show windows the art of basket making. It is not the making of baskets, nor the man that is doing it, that attracts attention, but the unusual portrayal of beauty." Edward F. Bigelow, p. 234 |
323. |
Bigelow, Edward F. "Crandall - The farmer-poet". Guide To Nature. 1914 Jul; Vol. 7 (No. 2)pp. 46-55.
Notes: Published by The Agassiz Association, Sound Beach, Connecticut. Includes a portrait of Charles H. Crandall, "The Farmer-Poet."
Location: Ct, CtHT, CtS, CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "Mr. Charles H. Crandall is a poet preeminently of the farm, though he has written upon other topics. To him the field, the forest, the sky and the streams, mean more than the place in which he raises his crops, gathers nuts or hews firewood, although he is engaged in all these interesting occupations as well as in other diversified pursuits characteristic of the New England farm. He lives near to nature. I wish that I could write in glowing terms of his interest in nature study, but I cannot. I wish that he were a naturalist, but strictly speaking he is not. He is a farmer and farmer-poet: he appreciates the delights of his occupation, he transmits his pleasure in it to humanity, and he interests humanity in it, but for the details of nature, as the naturalist sees them, he has no special affection. I doubt it, when he looks at a pine tree or an oak tree or an apple tree, he can describe any of the details of xylem, phloem, of cambium layer, or of stomata, but he does see in the pine tree, the oak tree and the apple tree, something perhaps more important. He sees human life exemplified and he sees various kinds of people with their characteristics and diversified occupations symbolized by the trees. It is for the farmer to be strong like the oak. It is for the pine to seem graceful and cultured and refined, but it is for the apple tree to scatter fruit for all the people. When Mr. Crandall looks at those trees he writes not of their scientific structure, nor of their physiological functions, but of what they mean to humanity." Edward F. Bigelow, pp. 48-49. |
33. |
Bigelow, Edward F. "Rev. William J. Long's Homes and Work". Guide To Nature. 1910 Feb-Mar; Vol. 11 (No.11) pp. 346-350.
Notes: The conclusion of this article is to be found in Guide To Nature, April 1910, Vol. 12 (No. 12), pp. 376-384.
Location: Ct, CtHT, CtNbC, CtS, CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "William J. Long is a scholar and a naturalist, - two men, looking at life from two different points of view, yet with the same eyes. He has recently taken possession of his new home, near to nature, in the suburbs of Stamford, overlooking a magnificent view of the Cove and Long Island Sound, and also further northward across a picturesque valley, the distant wooded hills.
Here in this home of modern architecture he has his formal study and well-equipped library. Here all is order and neatness, even to perfect adjustment of the angles of every book upon shelf or table. Here there is a polished air of finish and of classicism. Here William J. Long is the clergyman and scholar, the learned doctor of philosophy, the graduate of Harvard and of Heidelberg.
In a business block in the center of Stamford, in a front room on the noisiest part of the city square is Dr. Long's natural history study. Here he revels in a delicious confusion and disarrangement. Newspapers, letters, books, photographs, notebooks, souvenirs of days in the big woods, are everywhere, not even excepting the floor. In fact, the floor seems to have taken up all the odds and ends of overturned wastepaper baskets. One feels as if wending his way through a forest of broken trunks, quantities of leaves, and crumbling debris of all sorts. To make more realistic the impression that one is in the path of a tornado is the rumble of trolley cars, the toots of automobiles, the clatter of horseshoes and iron tires on the pavement, and the calls of drivers and peddlers.
But here in this study is the chaotic revelry that explains the naturalist let loose from the formal work of the scholar. Conditions here, while writing his books, are like the primitiveness and abandon of his camp in the wilderness, and work seems a play, not a profession. Though his literary and scientific playings, like the investigations that preceded them, have been so extensive as to seem professional, they still retain the playful point of view. It is this spirit, and the sharp contrast in his work, that have sometimes made Dr. Long's natural history misunderstood.
In his literary work, as in his professional and philosophic studies, he has been a thorough, painstaking student of facts, and it has been his aim to make these facts interesting by showing their direct bearing upon human life. As he says in the preface to his 'English Literature,' 'From beginning to end, this book is written upon the assumption that the first virtue of such a work is to be accurate, and the second to be interesting.' It seems probable that these lines were written in the home study.
But his nature writings have been, like the observations upon which they are based, his play and recreation . To an outsider it may seem as if he had unconsciously transposed his basic principle of literature and said, 'The first object of such work is to be interesting and the second to be accurate.'
When I suggested this theory to the naturalist he shook his head doubtfully. "Truth is always the first interest of a scholar,' he said, 'whether one studies life or death, a man or a blackbird, a creed or a political platform. And truth, by the way, is seldom found upon the surface of things. When one writes, however, interest must be added to accuracy, and whatever virtue appears first is merely a matter of emphasis. In my natural history studies, though the work is all play, it takes far more time and effort to verify an observation than to search out original sources in literature.' " Edward F. Bigelow, pp. 345-348. |
324. |
Bigelow, Edward F. "When the funny man goes farming". Guide To Nature. 1911 Nov; Vol. 4 (No. 7)pp. 228-232.
Notes: Published by The Agassiz Association, Sound Beach, Connecticut. Article contains a photograph of the Frederick Burr Opper house [exterior and some interiors] in Stamford. Opper was a national known cartoonist, creator of Maud the Mule, Alphonse & Gaston and Happy Hooligan. In addition his political cartoons were featured in newspapers throughout the United States. The house is located at 1295 High Ridge Road, Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtHT, CtS, CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "Mr. Frederick Opper, the well-known cartoonist and comic artist of the 'New York American,' has taken about every subject under the sun on which to be sarcastic or funny, and he is as adept at both, and furnishes the 'New York American' with three or four cartoons a week besides two or three pages of comic matter. It would be interesting to picture such a man trying to adapt his city born genius to the exigencies of a country farm. So I went to see him. The result was surprising. I found that he was not city born and bred, and when I learned that I supposed, of course, that he was making a great success at farming, but to my amazement I found that he does nothing at all in the way of farming. He lives in the country, he walks around, smokes his pipe and thinks thoughts that are long and intricate with juxtaposition of incongruous concepts. Unlike the common conception of the man who has to originate several pages of new material every week, he does not put both hands under his chin with his elbows on the table and think a thought, nor does run his hand through his hair in a desperate search for another thought. He just dreams. He takes his dogs and goes for a walk and finds some huge boulder in the orchard where, like the time-honored Josh who when asked what he did in his spare time replied that mostly he 'sot' and thought but sometimes he just 'sot.' So I imagine it is with Mr. Opper. ....... Mr. Opper's use of the farm is to live on it and love it and not worry about it. It did seem a little funny at first but then what must one expect of such an original funny man." Edward F. Bigelow, pp. 229-231. |
34. |
Bingham, L. M. "Chemicals" (The Zapon Company). Connecticut Industry. 1935 Sep; Vol. 13 (No. 9). pp.17-18; ISSN: 0010-6135
Notes: Published 1923-1970 by Manufacturers' Association of Connecticut, Inc., Hartford, Connecticut; 1971-1972 by Connecticut Business and Industry Association.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtH, CtNbc, CtNh, CtSoP, CtW.
Article on the Zapon Company, producer of lacquers, synthetic leather and rubberized fabrics. Includes a brief history of the firm. |
35. |
Bishop, John IV. "A Good Wife: Is This Stamford's First Book?" . Connecticut Ancestry. 1987 Sep; Vol. 30 (No. 1) pp. 21-44; ISSN: 0197-2103.
Notes: Published by Stamford Genealogical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
See also Item 325 immediately below.
Location: Ct, CtGre, CtH, CtS, CtSHi, DLC. For additional information, see: Bishop, John The Fruitful Vine ... . 1687.
Abstract: "A Rare Book
Reviewer's Preface: 1987
A GOOD WIFE by John Bishop 1687
Date. This little book was printed by Samuel Green, Jr. at his press in downtown Boston near the present site of Jordan Marsh department store. Comparing it with SRW [1.] 1685 and JOF [2.] 1687 will instantly relate it to his work of that time. The ragged and careless typesetting, poor inking, defective numbering, and other oddities are identical. Specifically, one can see the lone (DAPO [3.] #602) inverted "fleur-de-lis" in the long headpiece of p ( 1 ) of AGW [4.] and p. 1 of SRW [5.]. Possibly an identifying stratagem. The more complete title page of ARB [6.] and the scholarly opinion of ACB [7.] confirm the printer as Green and the date as 1687. The only known reference to AGW [8.] is found in HPA [9.] but has some misdata although it does have the year correct. After 300 years it has resurfaced.
Provenance. The manuscript was probably brought to Boston by Zachariah Walker, a step-son-in-law of John Bishop and at the time minister in a near-by CT parish. He was born in Boston GHUS [10.] in Harvard class of "1656" and was known to be in Boston in 1685, perhaps bringing the ms for SRW [11.]. His father, Robert, an original settler (DSS [12] ) was buried 30 May 1687 and "ZW" as he signed the preface to AGW [13.] was likely attending family matters soon after. There is a distinct possibility that AGW [14.] was a replacement for the CT election sermon of May 1687 by Joseph Eliot (DNR2 [15] ) which was unavailable or "unacceptable" as it is not known to be printed.
A long trail of misinformation about AGW [16] has complicated the task of firmly identifying it. Harvard catalogue reads "(Boston) printed by (John Foster?)" who had died in 1681. (DAB [17]) The microform card reads "The Fruitful Wife . . . 1690" perhaps misreading the terse inscription by "Abigail Mather, 1690". The Mather pedigree in MCA [18] shows that the most likely "Abigail" was Abigail Phillips who married Cotton Mather. Since she owned her copy of AGW [19] by 1690 it may have been inspiration for Cotton Mather's own bride's book ODZ [20] 1692 (not 1682, HPA [21]) as shown by BOCM [ 22.]. They were both meant to be given away which may explain why AGW [23] is not listed in the books of John Bishop (BJB [24]}, nor in Evans (ABE [25]). Rare indeed." John Bishop IV, p. 21.
1. SRW Sound Repentance, S. Wakeman, 1685, - at NYPL. Hereafter simply cited as SRW.
2. JOF Joy of Faith, S. Lee, 1687, Harvard Houghton Library
3. DAPO Dictionary of Colonial American Printing Ornaments, E. Reilly, 1978.
4. AGW fragment of A Good Wife in possession of ARB (Arthur R. Bishop, Manchester, England - via XGA [Exchange for Genealogical Archives, Boston/London]. see also:
a. CPB Cheerfully Provide, fragment in possession of Bishop family in Maine.
b. GMB Godly Man's Blessing (AGW) via XGA from Virginia Bishop family.
*These fragments, along with "The Fruitful Vine" once owned by Abigail Mather, now at Harvard Houghton Library (whose staff deserves the fullest acclaim for celerity and patience) comprise all the known portions of "A Good Wife". Hereafter simply cited as AGW.
5. SRW
6. ARB Arthur R. Bishop, Manchester England - via XGA [Exchange for Genealogical Archives, Boston/London]
7. ACB A(lbert) C(arlos) Bates, Connecticut Historical Society, letter to E. L. Gay 5 April 1911.
8. AGW
9. HPA History of Printing in America, Isaiah Thomas, 1874, American Antiquarian Society. Hereafter simply cited as HPA
10. GHUS Graduates of Harvard University, J. L. Sibley, 1881.
11. SRW
12. DSS Diary of Samuel Sewall, 1674-1718, M. H. Thomas, 1973
13. AGW
14. AGW
15. DNR2 Diary of Noadiah Russell 1687, Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, 1934.
16. AGW
17. DAB Dictionary of American Biography, 1917
18. MCA Magnalia Christi Americana, Cotton Mather, Massachusetts Historical Society, 1852
19. AGW
20. ODZ Ornaments ...Daughters of Zion, Cotton Mather, 1692 at Boston Athenaeum
21. HPA
22. BOCM Bibliography of Cotton Mather Works, T. J. Holmes, 1940
23. AGW
24. BJB Books of John Bishop taken 3 Jan 1694/5 by John Davenport III - at Connecticut State Library
25. ABE American Bibliography, Charles Evans, 1941
All notes and abbreviations by John Bishop IV. Numbering of notes for this bibliography by Ronald Marcus
"A good Wife is like a fruitful vine, in Rendering herself delightful, Pleasant, Amiable to her husband. The vine is a sightly, delectable, PLEASANT plant. 'The Vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of judah are His pleasant plants." Isa. 5.7. It were easie to enlarge here, I may but hint at things. How delectable is the vine in all respects!
The SMELL of the Vine is pleasant. 'The vines give a good Smell.' Cant.2.13. So the Behaviour, Carriage, Jestures, Words, Actions of a good wife, favour and smell of LOVE; a good smell indeed: her Bed & Board is perfumed with Better spice than Mirrhe, Aloes, and Cinamon: or than all the 'powders of the merchant.' Oyntment and Perfume do not so rejoice the heart of a men, as doth the Sweetness of a good Wife by hearty Affection.
The SHADE of the vine is comfortable and refreshing. Therefore Arbours are made of them: And the happiness, the tranquility, the Halcyon dayes which the people of Israel enjoyed under Solomon, is thus set forth: 'Judah and Israel dwelt safely every man under his VINE, and under his fig-tree, &c. I King. 4. 25. So doth a Good Wife render her self exceeding comfortable and Refreshing to her husband. When Good-man comes in Weary from his work, Sweating , melted out of the field; or comes down out of his Study almost 'exanimated', having his spirits exhausted and drunk up; O how doth the Amiable, Loving, Tender, Careful, Cheerful carriage of a good wife Recreate and Refresh Him, like reposing himself under a shady Vine." John Bishop, pp. 35-36. |
325. |
Bishop, John. The Fruitful Vine Growing in the Good Man's Garden; OR, The Godly Man's BLESSING in A GOOD WIFE, Shadowed out under that excellent Emblem and apt Similitude of A Fruitful Vine; As it was discoursed, illustrated, and laid forth In a SERMON, preached at the WEDDING of that pious and worthy Pair, Mr. J. W. and Mrs. R. B. Stanford in N. E. Octob. 28, 1684, By their reverened freind & kinsman Mr. J. B. (Boston, Massachusetts); 1687.
For additional references to this work, see Item 35 above: Bishop, John, IV, "A Good Wife: Is this Stamford's First Book." Connecticut Ancestry September 1987, Vol. 30 (No. 1), pp. 21-44.
Location: MH
The Harvard University copy bears an inscription on the leaf opposite title page "Abigail Mather 1690" and a library stamp stating, "HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY / FROM THE LIBRARY OF / ERNEST LEWIS GAY / JUNE 15, 1927"
Abstract: "Psal. 128.3 the former part of the verse; Thy Wife shall be like a fruitful Vine, &c. THis Psalm, with the eight foregoing and six following ( fifteen in all ) are intituled, Songs of Degrees : not because they were to be sung upon certain Degrees of Stairs or Ascents of the Temple, as some have thought, nor yet because of the Rising of the Tune [ page 1 }....... For the Psalm it self ( to give you a brief blush of the Context ) the whole Psalm is expressive of the Blessedness of the godley man, or the truly blessed man is here set forth unto us.
1. By his Qualities. 2. By the Blessings that attend him. Or we have him described. 1. By what he is, 2. By what he has or he shall have. [ pages 2-3 ] ..............
To return to our Text, which lies amongst those particular, private, Family-Blessings here promised to the man fearing GOD. There are three great Blessings of this kind here mentioned.
1. That of a prosperous outward estate in a mans Labor & Business. Thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands, happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. This is a great blessing, and as such promised, Plal. 1-3. Deut. 28.8. The contrary whereunto is threatned as a heavy Curse, ver. 31.32 of that Chapter.
2. That of a good, a vertuous WIFE. Thy Wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house. A mercy of this kind amongst those of the first Magnitude; as we shall have further occasion to say.
3. That of hopeful Children, a prosperous-promising Posterity [ pages 5-6 ]
1st. To those that have Wives to get ..
Is a good Wife so great a blessing? It concerns you that have wives to seek, to look well about you. If anywhere, in any thing any of the concerns of this life, the Proverb would be remembred, it would be here, Look, before you leap. Is a good wife so great a blessing? don't wink and chuse. Truly, they do little better, that chuse by Affection, not by Judgment. Let not a vain, empty, rash, hasty head-king fancy, transport you in a matter of so great Concernment. Take diliberation, go to counsel, use your best discretion, be well advised : with good advice make war. with good advice make your match. As in Projects of war [ latin quotation ] they that miss it once seldom recover; so to err once in the choice of a Wife, is ( usually ) to be undone for ever. And let me further say, you ought to give the more earnest heed as to this matter, because (as the Earl of Salisbury told his son ) He that seeks out for a wife, goes for a Lottery, where there are a hundred Blanks for one Prize. Remember, as he that finds a wife, a good wife, finds a good thing, so, that such wives are hard to find; who can find a vertuous woman? I have reason to think, that Solomon spake it very sensibly & experimentally : and unless the world be well amended since his time, you may look among a good-many, or rather a great many, before you find a good one; se Ecstes. 7.28 Is a good wife so great a mercy, endeavour, Sirs, to get good ones. And How? Why, be such as the Text speaks of, such, as to whom the promise is here made, fear God, and walk in his waies. A prudent wife is of the Lord : a good wife is a Boon that God gives to a man that is good in His sight. Get into God's Books : the great blessing of a good wife is an Act of Grace, an Act of favour from God. [ pages 14-16 ]
Nor meerly love her but live joyfully with her. Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest. &C. Eccl. 9.9 " John Bishop
(Note: misspellings in the text are as in the original) |
326. |
Blickensderfer, Robert. The five-pound secretary : an illustrated history of the Blickensderfer typewriter. Robert, Paul. The Netherlands: Virtual Typewriter Museum; 2003;[vi], 122 pp., paper covers, illus., ports., table of contents, appendices, 24 cm. ISBN: 90-74999-05-0.
Notes: Title page reads: "The Five-Pound Secretary / AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF THE BLICKENSDERFER / TYPEWRITER / / ROBERT BLICKENSDERFER / PAUL ROBERT / / [device of the Virtual Typewriter Museum] / The Virtual Typewriter Museum / www.typewritermuseum.org / 2003
Location: CtSHi.
Abstract: History of the Blickensderfer Typewriter Company including biographical materials regarding George Blickensderfer inventor of an advanced portable typewriter and an electric typewriter in Stamford, Connecticut. |
327. |
Blodgett, Edwin S. How Stamford is meeting her war labor problems. Stamford, Connecticut : [U. S. Employment Service ?]; 1918 Sep 6;20 pp., illus., paper covers, 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: " "HOW STAMFORD IS MEETING HER WAR LABOR PROBLEMS" / / By / EDWIN S. BLODGETT / Superintendent U. S. Employment Service / / SEPTEMBER 6, 1918 / Stamford, Connecticut"
Location: Ct, CtSHi, CtY.
For additional references to the U. S. Employment Service, see: Bernard M. Baruch, American Industry in the War : A Report Of The War Industries Board (1941), pp. 87, 93-94. / U. S. National Archives & Records Administration, Record Group 183.3, Records Of The U. S. Employment Service, 1907-49.
Abstract: "Labor conditions in Stamford began to assume an extremely serious aspect in the early Spring of 1918. Several of the larger concerns on war work were running very short of help and were spending large sums of money in an endeavor to increase their forces. Advertising was carried on extensively throughout the State. Recruiting agents were sent to distant cities, and even worked indirectly within their own city, to persuade men to leave one concern and go to work for another. There were always plenty of men waiting at the gates of the large companies to be hired; but there were always just as many of that company's men at someone else's gate. And so it went on : this constant unrest was not due alone to the competitive attitude of the manufacturers, but largely to an inclination on the part of many of the working men to seek the limit of high wages. It was not at all uncommon for a laborer, or a skilled mechanic for that matter, engaged in war work at one plant, to take a day off, visit several other factories in town, hire out to go to work at five or six different places, and finally take the job which offered the most money. Absenteeism was also bringing about a large curtailment of production. Men were making good money : they worked when they liked : and they loafed when they liked. One plant in Stamford alone, lost three thousand man-hours in one day. These conditions, serious as they were, did not differ much from those existing in other Connecticut cities. What was the result? Few persons stop to realize the enormous loss brought about by the turnover of labor, the time lost in changing, the time required to learn the new job. It is not an exaggeration to say that through the Spring of 1918 the war production of the manufacturers of Stamford was cut at least 33%, due to nothing other than the unnecessary turnover of labor.
Conditions grew steadily worse : the lack of help was appalling ; and so on June 19th a meeting of the manufacturers was held to discuss the situation and to devise ways, if possible, to increase the supply of labor.
It was brought out at the meeting, that there were in Stamford a great many people who were capable of performing war work, who were not at the time engaged in industry ; such as women, whose circumstances did not require them to work ; older men who had retired ; boys and young men engaged in non-essential forms of work. It was with the idea of reaching these people that a committee was appointed "to consider the development and mobilization of the latent labor power of Stamford and to report a plan for the accomplishment of such purpose." This committee made a thorough study of the local situation, visited other communities, and got together all possible information on the subject." Edwin S. Blodgett, pp 1-2.
36. |
Blokhine, Margery Todahl. "Concerning the Knap House, Stillwater Road". Stamford Historian. (1957); Vol. 1 (No. 2). pp. 157-162.
Notes: Published by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi. Kemp (p. 630). Parks (No. 8559).
Abstract: "In the mass of documentary information thus far accumulated about the old Knap house, 984 Stillwater Road, now owned by Robert and Virginia Davis, no conclusive evidence as to the exact age of the building has yet been uncovered. However, this central-stack type, early American farmhouse, with its dry-laid stone foundation closely hugging the ground, its plain narrow corner boards, its 12 over 8-paned window sash, and stone-floored bake oven in the back of the 14-foot fieldstone chimney, bears telling evidence of antiquity." Margery Todahl Blokhine, p. 157. |
37. |
Bohemian Review Company. "Czechoslovak Camp At Stamford". Bohemian Review. 1918 Jun; Vol. 2 (No. 6). p. 96.
Notes: Published by the Bohemian Review Company, Chicago, Illinois. "Official organ of the Bohemian (Czech) National Alliance of America."
Location: CoDU, Ct, CtY, DL, IaHi, ICU, IEN, InU, IU, MB, MH, Mi, MiD, MiU, MnU, NIC, NjP, NN, NPV, OC, OCl, PPi, PU, TxHR, WaS, WU.
Abstract: "Mr. Joseph J. Fekl, who until recently acted as business manager for the Bohemian Review, sends a description of the army camp at Stamford, Conn., where he is at present stationed. He says: The camp is located in a pleasant wooded country near Stamford. It is not intended for a training camp of recruits as are the great United States army cantonments. The volunteers get some drilling, while waiting for transportation to France, where their real military training will take place. The Czechoslovak camp is distant about four miles from the city of Stamford and it is located on the property of the well-known sculptor, Gutzon Borglum. Near the entrance is a residential building which is now used for headquarters and reading room. Nearby is a garage. Below on the river are three barracks for the men and the kitchen. Between two of these buildings is the laundry and shower bath served by a gasoline pump. Across the river a large residence has been placed by Mr. Borglum at the disposal of the invalids of the Czechoslovak Army. The camp is commanded by Vaclav Sole with the cooperation of officers and drillmasters chosen from among the volunteers. Everything is kept spotlessly clean and the sanitary conditions, as well as the health of the soldiers, are excellent. While strictest discipline is maintained, the democratic spirit of the Czechoslovak army is evident here and all are addressed as `brother'. The men spend their days in drilling and in labor for the maintenance of the camp and the raising of vegetables. There is time for recreation. The camp library contains already several hundred volumes of good reading matter, and nearly all Bohemian and Slovak newspapers are received at the camp through the courtesy of the publishers. Men go in for singing and music, fishing, ball games, etc. Mrs. Borglum, who continually adds something appetizing to the fare of the camp, undertook to teach the men French and is pleased with the progress of her pupils. Many prominent Americans and foreign guests visited the camp. To some of them the very name of Czechoslovaks had been unknown before: now we have in them warm friends." |
328. |
Bonanos, Christopher. "Blickensderfer". American Heritage of Invention & Technology. 2003 Summer; Vol. 19 (No. 1)pp. 52-57; ISSN: 8756-7296.
Notes: Published by American Heritage, an affiliate of Forbes, Inc., New York, New York.
Location: AAP, AzU, CSf, CSt, Ct, CtAns, CtDabN, CtFaU, CtHT, CtNbC, CtSHi, CtY, CU-A, CU-SB, CoFS, CoU, DLC, DNLM, GAT, GU, IEN, IaAS, IaU, LNT, MBCo, MCM, MnU, N, NCH, NN, NRU, NSyU, NcD, NcRS, NhD, NjP, NjR, NvU, OU, UPB, UU, ViU, WaU.
Abstract: Describes the life and career of George Canfield Blickensderfer, whose patents led to the development of a successful business manufacturing typewriters in Stamford, Connecticut. |
38. |
Bonner, David Jr. "Construction Methods at Laurel Road Dam, Stamford, Conn. - An Ingenious Use of Belt Conveyors for Handling Aggregate and Concrete in Dam Construction". Engineering And Contracting. 1923; Vol. 60 (No. 4 / Water Works Issue). pp. 745-750; ISSN: 0361-7564.
Notes: Published by Engineering & Contracting Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois. Author was superintendent of construction for the contractors, Henry Steers, Inc., of New York.
Location: CtB, CtU. Barney (No. 367).
Abstract: "Laurel Road dam, now under construction for the Stamford Water Co. at Stamford, Conn., presents an interesting plant layout and a clever use of belt conveyors for handling materials and for lateral distribution of the concrete. The structure itself is a gravity section concrete dam of a maximum height of 63 ft., 1,900 ft. long, containing approximately 60,000 cu. yd. of concrete and requiring approximately 40,000 cu. yd. of earth excavation and 10,000 cu. yd. of rock excavation and 75,000 bbl. of cement. The reservoir, which is for storage purposes, will, when completed, be about a mile long and 3/4 mile wide and cover an area of 285 acres and hold 2 1/4 billion gallons." David Bonner, Jr., p. 745 |
39. |
Bragg, Isaac F. Prospectus of the Shippan Academical Institute: Intended to be established at Shippan, Two Miles From Stamford, Connecticut. New York, (New York).: Printed by Vanderpool & Cole.; 1828; 12 pp.
Notes: For additional references to this item, see: Walton, Alfred Grant, Stamford Historical Sketches (1922), pp. 61-63. Stamford Advocate (newspaper), June 5, 1929, section 6, page 2.
Location: ViU.
Abstract: "This is a reproduction of a front page of a prospectus published by the Shippan Academical Institute in 1828. The pamphlet states that the school was intended to be established at Shippan two miles from Stamford, Conn., and continues 'Shippan is untainted with fever and ague-reputation concerning which afflictions' the writer states that 'it is his decided opinion that a more malignant enemy to the delicately evolving principles of vital energy is not to be found in the whole catalogue of epidemic diseases; the whole system is enfeebled, both bodily and mental; and in the place of vigorous elasticity of spirit and wholesome, bounding energy of every vital function are superinduced a puny imbecility, a listless, sallow apathy and morbid indolence.' The headmaster promises that the cultivation of the French language shall be constant and persevering but not to the detriment of English, for he has lived on terms of intimacy with families in London where French has utterly unhinged the English tongue of every child in the family, where it might be said that they mumbled and whined English and spoke French very well for English children. Tuition in this school was $150 per year for lodging, washing and instruction." Stamford Advocate (newspaper), June 5, 1929, section 6, page 2. |
40. |
Bromley, J. Robert. Abraham Davenport, 1715 to 1789 : a study of the man. Westport, Connecticut: Technomic Publishing Co., Inc.; 1976; 66 pp., paper covers, illus., ports., map, notes, 19 cm. ISBN: 0-87762-187-X.
Notes: Title page reads: "ABRAHAM DAVENPORT / 1715 TO 1789 / A STUDY OF THE MAN / by / J. ROBERT BROMLEY / / [printers' ornament] / / Published Under The Auspices / Of The Stamford Historical Society / As Part Of Its BiCentennial Series Of Monographs."
Location: Ct, CtB, CtDar, CtHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtU, CtWilt, DLC, IC, In, InI, NIC, WHi. Parks (No. 8560).
Abstract: "When John F. Kennedy was running for President of the United States in 1960, he spoke again and again of Abraham Davenport on the famous Dark Day, May 19, 1780, a day so dark at midday that human sight was almost extinguished: “…and in that religious day men fell on their knees and begged a final blessing before the end came. The Connecticut House of Representatives was in session and many of the members clamored for immediate adjournment. The Speaker of the House, one Colonel Davenport, came to his feet and he silenced the din with these words: ‘The day of judgment is either approaching or it is not. If it is not, there is no cause for adjournment. If it is, I choose to be found doing my duty. I wish, therefore, that candles may be brought.’
I hope in a dark and uncertain period in our own country that we, too, may bring candles to help light our country’s way.”
The fact that Abraham Davenport could be a member of the State’s legislative arm as well as simultaneously being a member of the State’s judicial arm, only testifies to the way Connecticut was organized in the colonial period. If Connecticut was run by “the few” in the great social and religious experiment of Connecticut Puritanism, then whether “the few” ran the legislature or the judiciary or both was fairly irrelevant.
Indeed that Abraham Davenport may not have been formally trained in the law would not preclude him from being a judge many times over. In the colonial experience many, if not most judges, were laymen. This tradition of judges not being lawyers still persists in Connecticut today where it is still not a necessary requirement that the Judges of Probate be a lawyer and some, especially, in small towns, are not lawyers.
Formal legal training was not a prerequisite to becoming either a lawyer or a judge in colonial Connecticut. However, a Bachelor of Arts from Yale, as Abraham Davenport had, would have fitted a man not only to become a clergyman, or just a “gentleman”, but also a lawyer. Even as a “practicing” lawyer, Abraham Davenport combined his practice of law with farming. “Up to the time of the Revolution, part-time lawyers formed a sizable portion of the Connecticut bar.”
Regardless of Abraham Davenport's legal training or to what extent he practiced law aside from his many judgeships, it is certain from the records he was a great political leader. His many political and judicial offices testify to this. His was a life not only of extreme usefulness to his community and state, but by his concentration of power he became a creator of laws, an interpreter of laws, a man whose “weight of character…for many years decided in (Fairfield) County almost every question to which it was lent.”
Abraham Davenport was one of those solid men who participated in community, state and national affairs on every level simultaneously, from attending meetings as Selectman of Stamford to meetings of the august Connecticut Council of Safety which, having the powers of life and death and property confiscation, for all practical purposes ran the state on a day-to-day basis during the Revolution. Again (Timothy) Dwight said of him: “…Of his country and of all its great interests, he was a pillar of granite. Nothing impaired, nothing moved, his resolution, and firmness, while destined to support, in his own station, this valuable edifice." J. Robert Bromley, pp. 1, 14-16. (Copyright 1976 by J. Robert Bromley. Reproduced with the permission of the author.) |
41. |
Bromley, Stanley W. "Original Forest Types Of Southern New England". Ecological Monographs. 1935 Jan; Vol. 5 (No. 1) pp. 61-89; ISSN: 0012-9615.
Notes: First published in: Papers from Department of Botany, the Ohio State University, No. 336. Published by Ecological Society of America, Tempe, Arizona.
Location: Ct, CtMW, CtNlC, CtWillE, CtU, DLC, MB, MChB, MWalB, MWelC, MU.
Abstract: "The picture which may be gained from the writings of the early travelers is fragmentary, but at least it gives a basis for surmise as to the character of the forest at the time of settlement by the whites. On one subject, all are in accord and that is the observation that the original forest was, in most places, extremely open and park like, due to the universal factor of fire; fostered by the original inhabitants to facilitate travel and hunting. …This original open type forest is the direct antithesis of the present day type of "brush" or coppice wood which is characteristic of southern New England , and which is partly the result of clean cutting at frequent intervals. As the country was settled, much of the land was completely cleared and cultivated, mowed, or pastured. Many of the old records state that the colonists continued burning of the woods after the expulsion of the Indians to maintain grass for pasturage in the areas not completely deforested. Progressive clearing of the land for agriculture continued until the early part of the nineteenth century. Between 1820 and 1850 the area of cleared land attained its maximum amounting to 75 or 80 per cent of the total in many southern New England counties. Since the Civil War, there has been a gradual abandonment of this cleared land in many places, and slow reversion to forest. During the seventies, the portable steam sawmill came in, and by the end of the nineteenth century, practically all of the remaining old woodland tracts had been cut. As a result of these two factors, approximately 60 per cent of southern New England is now brush land or young woods, either succeeding the older woods or invading land which was once cleared or cultivated. Woodland trees one hundred years old are scarce, and forests in which the dominant trees are several centuries old, as was the original condition, are practically non-existent." Stanley W. Bromley, pp. 64-65. |
42. |
Brooks, Patricia. Where the bodies are : final visits to the rich, famous, interesting. Guilford, Connecticut: Globe Pequot Press; 2002; (i-vii), viii-xiv, 1-257, (258), pp., illus., index, paper covers, 23 cm. ISBN: 0-7627-2337-8.
Notes: Title page reads: "WHERE THE BODIES ARE / Final Visits to the / Rich, Famous & Interesting / / Patricia Brooks / / The Globe Pequot Press / GUILFORD, CONNECTICUT" For reference to Long Ridge Union Cemetery, Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 9- 11.
Location: CtDab, CtDar, CtGro, CtHamd, CtNh, CtStr., CtWal, CtWilt, DLC.
Includes brief biographical sketches of several twentieth-century notables interred here. |
329. |
Brown, Gary. "Thoughts of a Minister in the United Church of Christ". Dovetail : a Journal by and for Jewish-Christian Families. 1997 Feb-1997 Mar 31; Vol. 5 (No. 4), pp. 9-10; ISSN: 1062-7359.
Notes: Published by Dovetail Institute for Interfaith Family Resources, Boston, Kentucky.
Previous title: Dovetail : a newsletter by and for Jewish-Christian families.
Location: CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: Aritcle on interfaith marriages by the Rev. Gary Brown, pastor of the First Congregational Church, Stamford, Connecticut. Presented to the Fifteenth National Workshop on Christian-Jewish Relations, October 21 - 30, 1996, held in Stamford. |
43. |
Buczek, Daniel S. "Ethnic to American: Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Stamford, Connecticut". Polish American Studies. 1980 Autumn; Vol. 37 (No. 2). pp. 17-60; ISSN: 0032-2806.
Notes: Published by Polish American Historical Association, Polish Museum of America, Chicago, Illinois. "A journal of Polish American history and culture."
Location: CtBSH, CtNbC, CtU, CtWB, CtY, MU, MWalB, MWH, NAlU, NBU, NBuCC, NBuU, NCaS, NEAuC, NIC, NN, NNStJ, NRNC, NRSJ, NSyL NSyU. Kemp (p. 625). Collier (p. 179). Parks (No. 8561). Gerhan and Wells (No. 9061).
Abstract: "The history of Holy Name, and of the community that blossomed around it affords an opportunity to peer through the stereotypes of older immigration history. What was it like to live in this tightly-contained parish-community? Aside from the obvious prejudices toward `foreigners,' why did these immigrants and their children of several generations find it so difficult to adjust to American life? What were the values of immigrants which differed from the values of the dominant American culture? How did this immigrant parish-community try to grapple with and finally come to terms with the disparity between these two value systems? These are profound and important questions, the answers to which lie at least in part in a historical reconstruction of the experience of the parish-community. In the case of the Polish immigrant community the parish must become the focus of such a study. We are dealing with a culture, and culture has something to do with deeply-held beliefs. Frequently these beliefs are formulated by and funneled through an institution. The culture of Poland and the culture of the Polish immigrants who settled at and around `Mrs. Lynch's Farm' was a Roman Catholic culture, similar to yet different from the culture of the Irish immigrants to Stamford in the mid-nineteenth century. The similarities are more important than the differences, yet it was the differences which led to the establishment of Stamford's second Roman Catholic but first `ethnic' parish." Daniel S. Buczek, pp. 17-18. (Copyright 1980 by The Polish Museum of America, Chicago, Illinois. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
330. |
Buell, Bradley. "Stamford studies itself". Service Midmonthly : Journal of Social Work. 1939 Sep; Vol. 75 (No. 9)pp. 270-273.
Notes: Published by Survey Associates, Inc., New York, New York.
Location: Ct, CtHT, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNhH, CtNlC, CtS, CtSHi, CtWillE, DeU, DLC, InU, NcD.
Author was Field Director, Community Chests and Councils, Inc.
Abstract: "Sliding by your train window about an hour outside New York, the town of Stamford, Conn., looks like any industrial New England town of some sixty thousand inhabitants. Nothing arrests attention. Yet Stamford may well catch the eyes of the nation, for it is the only town in America which has charted the nature and extent of social disorganization in its population.
Stamford knows that in 1936 exactly 42.6 resident families out of each thousand became socially unable to take care of themselves because of some officially recognized difficulty; that in 1937 this rate decreased to 40.8 families. In a few months the 1938 rate will be known.
In the knowledge of this annual "rate of social breakdown" Stamford has a clue to its future control. Though six years in the making, it is a simple clue and adaptable to other communities. While a social breakdown rate is not directly analogous to rates of illness and death, it should assist efforts toward social well-being in much the same way that mortality and morbidity rates have helped build programs for better health. Not only does it provide Stamford with a means of measuring its social well-bieng; it also has inspired a chain of procedures for better control and prevention of social difficulty, which can make more efficient a large part of the local program of public and private welfare services." Bradley Buell, p. 270. |
331. |
Buell, Bradley and Robinson, Reginald. "Composite rate of social breakdown". American Journal of Sociology. 1940 May; Vol. 45 (No. 6)pp. 887-898.; ISSN: 0002-9602.
Notes: Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois.
Location: CtH, CtSHi, CtSthi, CtY, DLC, IaAS, In, InU, MH, MH-L, NcRS, PPT, TxU, ViW.
Abstract: A study of social problems encountered by families residing in Stamford, Connecticut during the mid to late 1930's. |
44. |
Bull, Bonnie K. Stamford. Dover, New Hampshire: Arcadia Publishing, an imprint of the Chalford Publishing Corporation; 1997; 128 pp., illus., ports., paper covers, 24 cm.(Images of America series). ISBN: 0738534579.
Notes: Title page reads: "IMAGES / of America / STAMFORD / / Bonnie K. Bull / / [printers' ornament] / - / ARCADIA / -"
Location: CtMer, CtNbC, CtS, CtSHi, DLC.
Photographic survey of Stamford from 1860 to 1919. |
45. |
Burns, Rosemary H. [Rosemary Hickey]. Springdale remembered : the history of a section of Stamford, Connecticut, 1640-1949. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1982; viii, 216 pp., illus., port., bibliography, maps, notes, index, d.w., 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "SPRINGDALE REMEMBERED / The History of a Section / of / Stamford, Connecticut / 1640 - 1949 / / ROSEMARY H. BURNS / / The Stamford Historical Society / Stamford, Connecticut" Imprint on reverse of title reads: "Printed by Hamilton Printing Company, Rensselaer, New York." There was a second printing of this work.
Location: Ct, CtDar, CtGre, CtHi, CtNhHi, CtNowa, CtS, CtSHi, CtY, DLC, IU, Infw, MU, NcU, NN, WHi. Parks (No. 8562).
Abstract: "As a native of Springdale, intending to write a family history and also to discover the origins of the old stone wall with its well-defined opening on our land, I began to research the previous owners of our property in Springdale, as well as those of my father's and grandfather's properties, using the wonderfully-complete land records at Stamford's Old Town Hall. ... Springdale's story is the result of four years of research, using every source of information made known to me, especially the Stamford Town Meeting, Land, Probate, and Vital Records. This history covers over 300 years: from 1640 when the Indians sold land to the English settlers and retained part of Springdale for their planting ground until 1949 when the City and Town of Stamford were consolidated under one government. Many phases of Stamford's history are also revealed in this study, particularly the early commercial enterprises, details concerning the American Revolution, and Stamford's government. I believe the book will prove useful to those, who like myself, look at a stone wall and ponder, I wonder who built it." Rosemary Hickey Burns, pp. v-vi. (Copyright 1982 by Rosemary H. Burns. Reproduced with the permission of the author.) |
46. |
Butler, Frederick. Memoirs of the Marquis de La Fayette : major-general in the revolutionary army of the United States of America ; together with his tour through the United States. Weathersfield, (Connecticut).: Deming & Francis; 1825; (1)-418 pp., port., illus., 18 cm.
Location: CtHi, DLC. Sabin (No. 9635) For additional information on Lafayette's 1824 visit to Stamford, see: J. Bennett Nolan, Lafayette in America, day by day. 1934, p. 244.
Abstract: Friday, August 20, 1824 - "The cavalcade arrived at Stamford about half past five, having received a salute at Mianus's Landing; and the private Mansion of the Honorable John Davenport was thrown open for his reception. The General remained at this house for half an hour, and received the visits of many hundreds of persons of both sexes. A salute was fired, the bells rung, and this beautiful town with its gay inhabitants, particularly distinguished for many handsome women, exhibited all the life and gaiety of a city. Hundreds of ladies and gentlemen, for ten miles round, visited this town, to see and pay their respects to La Fayette. He left Stamford at six, intending if possible to reach New-Haven that night. He set out from here with fresh horses, the handsomest that could be procured in the country - four for each carriage. The Connecticut troop which met the General at the line, accompanied him through Stamford, and proceeded until they met the escort provided further east. All business was suspended during the day on the whole route ; - all persons were arrayed in their best attire, and many remained for hours upon the road, waiting for the cavalcade. Many old revolutionary soldiers met him on the route, and held hasty discourse on scenes and subjects which they never can forget." Frederick Butler, p. 242. |
47. |
Byrd, Richard Evelyn. Discovery; the story of the second Byrd Antarctic expedition. New York, New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons; 1935; xxi, 405 pp., illus., ports., maps, appendix, index, d.w., 24 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "DISCOVERY / The Story of / The Second Byrd Antarctic / Expedition / / By RICHARD EVELYN BYRD / Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Ret. / Introduction by / CLAUDE A. SWANSON / Secretary of the Navy / / - / With Illustrations and Maps / - / / G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS / New York 1935" Illustrated lining-papers. For references to Harold I. June of Stamford, Connecticut, who was a member of the expedition, see: pp. 13, 27, 31, 40-42, 44-45, 56-57, 63-65, 75-77, 80, 85-87, 90-92, 97, 104-105, 115-118, 126-127, 129, 135-136, 138-144, 146-147, 150-152, 156-157, 160-162, 164, 166-167, 173, 177, 180, 184, 200, 205, 209, 213, 236, 240-241, 243-245, 249-258, 260-261, 268, 271, 282, 288-289, 291, 293, 299-303, 305-307, 309-316, 323, 325-327, 329, 332-334, 342, 357-358, 378, 393.
Location: Ct, CtAv, CtB, CtBSH, CtChh, CtDar, CtEham, CtEhar, CtEly, CtFa, CtFar, CtGro, CtH, CtHamd, CtM, CtMil, CtNa, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNowa, CtPlv, CtPom, CtPut, CtRk, CtS, CtShel, CtSoP, CtStr, CtThms, CtWal, CtWhay, CtWill, CtWillE, CtWrt, DLC, ICU, IEN, MB, MdBP, MiU, NcD, NcRS, NIC, NN, OC, OCl, OCU, OO, OU, PHC, PPAmP, PPL, RPJCB, TU, ViU, WaU. U.S. Navy (Section 23-101.4). |
48. |
Byrd, Richard Evelyn. Little America, aerial exploration in the Antarctic, the flight to the South pole. New York, (New York), London: G. P. Putnam's Sons; 1930; xvi, 422 pp., illus., ports., maps, appendix, index, d.w., 24 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "LITTLE AMERICA / AERIAL EXPLORATION IN THE ANTARCTIC / THE FLIGHT TO THE SOUTH POLE / By / RICHARD EVELYN BYRD / Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Ret. / [printers' ornament] / / WITH 74 ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAPS / / G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS / NEW YORK LONDON / 1930" Illustrated lining-papers. "The geological sledge trip, by Dr. Laurence M. Gould": pp. 393-412.
For references to Harold I. June of Stamford, Connecticut, who was a member of the expedition and participated in the first flight to the South Pole, see: pp. 72, 81, 100, 102-103, 108, 118, 124-125, 128, 139, 141, 156, 167, 174-175, 178-183, 185-186, 200, 211, 221, 234, 242-244, 246, 248, 250, 260, 268, 280, 305, 308, 312, 317-323, 327-328, 331-332, 335, 338-341, 343, 345, 348, 351-352, 375-377, 388-389, 413. Also, see photographs opposite pp. 236, 272.
Location: Ct, CtAns, CtAv, CtBris, CtChh, CtDabN, CtDer, CtEham, CtEhar, CtFa, CtFar, CtFaU, CtGu, CtH, CtHamd, CtManc, CtMer, CtMil, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNbH, CtNc, CtNh, CtNm, CtNowa, CtOl, CtPlv, CtPom, CtRk, CtS, CtShel, CtSoP, CtStr, CtSu, CtSw, CtWB, CtWal, CtWhar, CtWhay, CtWill, CtWilt, CtWrf, CtWrt, DLC. |
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