The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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203. |
Nagurney, Michael J. "Teaching of Ukrainian in the United States". American Slavic And East European Review. 1945 Dec; Vol. 4 (Parts 3-4): pp. 186-194; ISSN: 1049-7544.
Notes: Published by The George Banta Publishing Company, Menasha, Wisconsin. Location: CtNbC, CtNlC, CtU, CtW, DLC. Sokolyszyn & Wertsman (D-91).
Abstract: "The need for teaching Ukrainian first became obvious in the decade before the turn of the century. Ukrainians began arriving in the United States shortly before the Civil War, but there were no permanent attempts at organization for several decades. They arrived under certain disadvantages of which the greatest was language. There were other evident disadvantages which impressed themselves upon the social and religious welfare of these people, primary among which was the fact that their written language has an alphabet unlike the English and that their religion was quite different from anything anyone in America had any acquaintance with before their arrival. The majority of the Ukrainian immigration were Catholics of the Byzantine Rite which is quite unlike the Latin Rite which was common here. One of the essential differences between the Catholics who arrived in America earlier and the Ukrainian Catholics was and still is the fact that the Ukrainians use their own language and the Old Slavonic in celebration of the Mass and other services. ..... The guiding spirit of Ukrainian pedagogy in the United States today is the bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Diocese. (footnote: Most Rev. Constantine Bohachevsky, D.D.) Soon after his arrival, in 1924, he began a program for replacement of the old-fashioned by modern-type schools. He lamented the disadvantages of the children and pleaded improvement of conditions throughout the country which is the extent of his Diocese. In response to his appeal the modern-type school is replacing the ancient type. He has also founded most of the higher educational institutions. The first of the four high schools to be established was a school for girls opened in 1930 (footnote 2: St. Basil's Academy, Philadelphia, conducted by the Sisters of St. Basil the Great.). In 1933 a high school for boys was founded by the Most Reverend Bishop (footnote 3: St. Basil's Preparatory School, Stamford, Connecticut, staffed by priests and laymen.). A college was chartered and empowered to grant degrees in 1939 (footnote 4: St. Basil's College, Stamford, Connecticut, staffed by priests and laymen.). ..... ... and a third high school for girls opened its portals in September of the present year (footnote 7: Academy of the Mother of God, Stamford, Connecticut, conducted by the Congregation of the Mother of God and staffed by priests and laymen.). The college possesses the largest collection of Ukrainian literature in the United States in addition to its ordinary library required for student research. The museum contains numerous exhibits, the greater majority of which were collected in Ukraine before the war (footnote 8: Ukrainian Museum and Library, Stamford, Connecticut.). ..... From this meager list the reader will discern that success in teaching Ukrainian depends, at least for the present, not upon extensive aids and materials but rather upon the ingenuity of the teachers and willingness of pupils. In view of the difficulties involved, particularly during the early days of immigration, it is admirable that a people was so thoroughly imbued with the idea of preserving their cultural heritage, that they seem to have transplanted it from their home in Ukraine to the overseas home of their choice (footnote 14: The reader of Ukrainian who is interested in studying historical accounts of the teaching of Ukrainian may refer to the anniversary publications of the Ukrainian Catholic Seminary and its various units at Stamford, Connecticut, in which numerous accounts are given and which contain detailed accounts of the reviews herein presented. Other publications of value in this connection can be found on the shelves of St. Basil's College Library at Stamford. Materials in the English language on this topic are non-existent." Michael J. Nagurney, pp. 187-188, 192-194. (American Slavic and East European Review, December 1945. Copyright 1945 by the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Stanford, California. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
204. |
Nash, Paul. "Sewerage system of the City of Stamford". Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers, Incorporated - Papers and Transactions for 1921-1922 and Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh and Thirty-Eighth Annual Meetings at New Haven, February 15 and 16, 1921 and New Haven, February 21 and 22, 1922. 1922; pp.111-123.
Notes: Published by The Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers, Inc., New Haven, (Connecticut), Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company.
Location: Ct, CtNlC, CtU, DLC, DNLM, ICJ, ICRL, InLP, MB, PP, PU, TxU.
Abstract: "In the years 1886-8, when Stamford, with a population of about 8,000, was still a borough (having been incorporated as such in 1830), the original sewerage system was built. After much controversy over the question as to whether to build a part gravity and part pumping or a complete pumping system; and whether separate or combined sewers should be built as advocated by two different engineers, it was finally determined to build a separate system; pumping all the domestic sewage and a gravity system for storm water sewers after plans of Col. Geo. E. Waring, Jr. of New York City. The plans called for a gravity system of sanitary sewers leading to a central pumping station from whence the sewage was to be pumped into Long Island Sound, about one and three-eighth miles. Storm water sewers were planned for a few localities where it was found convenient to empty into some nearby water course, but no attempt was made to parallel the sanitary sewers. It is the intent in this paper to consider the sanitary sewers only." Paul Nash, p. 111. |
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