The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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205. |
O'Donnell, James H. History of the diocese of Hartford. Boston, Massachusetts: D. H. Hurd Co.; 1900; vii, 473 pp., table of contents, illus., ports., 27 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "HISTORY / OF / THE DIOCESE OF HARTFORD / BY / REV. JAMES H. O'DONNELL / AUTHOR OF / " Liturgy for the Laity," "Studies in the New Testament," / Etc., Etc. / / - / / BOSTON / THE D. H. HURD CO. / 1900" For references to St. John's Roman Catholic Church and the Irish of Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 5, 34, 40, 43-45, 67, 282-287.
Location: Ct, CtFaU, CtH, CtHi, CtNh, CtSHi, CtU, CtY, MWA. Collier (p. 241). Parks (No. 1326).
Abstract: "The services of the church were held for the first time in Stamford in September, 1842, in the house of Patrick H. Drew in West Stamford. The celebrant of the Mass on that occasion was the Rev. James Smyth. Three families comprised the Catholic population at that time. Mass was said here at stated intervals until 1846. When Mr. Drew removed to the old 'Webb Place' on South Street, the Divine Mysteries were there celebrated, first by Bishop Tyler. In this house and in the Town hall services were held until the completion of the church on Meadow Street in 1851." James H. O'Donnell, p. 282. |
206. |
O'Neill, Eugene. Selected letters of Eugene O'Neill. New Haven, (Connecticut) and London.: Yale University Press; 1988; xi, 602 pp., illus., ports., bibliography, index, d.w., 26 cm. (Travis Bogard and Jackson R. Bryer, Editors.) ISBN: 0300043740.
Location: CtB, CtDar, CtDer, CtFa, CtFaU, CtGre, CtGu, CtH, CtManc, CtMer, CtNbC, CtNc, CtNh, CtNhH, CtNowa, CtPom, CtRk, CtS, CtSoP, CtSU, CtU, CtWhar, CtWrf, CtWtp, CtWilt, DLC.
Abstract: For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 16-18. Includes an amusing description of a prank played on the headmaster of Betts Academy by O'Neill and his classmates in 1905. |
207. |
Ottman, Ford C. [Ford Cyrinde]. Psalm of the pilgrim. Stamford, Connecticut; 1906; 35 pp., paper covers, port., 24 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "The Psalm of the / Pilgrim / / Published for Free Distribution by Some / Friends in the First Presbyterian Church / of Stamford, Conn., June, 1904. / / [printers' ornament] / Revised by the Pastor and republished, May / 1906, at the request of many to whom it / has given joy and comfort." Imprint on reverse of title reads: "The Knickerbocker Press, New York."
Location: CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "The Twenty-third Psalm ... It is the Psalm of our childhood, which abides with us through all changes, and brings back to us again the faith of our childhood when the pilgrim journey is ending. Its sweet, familiar notes greet the dying pilgrim as he comes to the gates of the sepulcher, and fill with their melody the valley through which he must pass before he can dwell forever in the house of Jehovah; where no enemy can follow, no note of discord mar the harmony of eternal praise." Ford C. Ottman, pp. 3-4. |
208. |
Otto, Robert W. "History of The Stamford Historical Society - Especially The First Twenty Years". Stamford Historian. 1954; Vol. 1 (No. 1). pp. 21-36.
Notes: Published by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi, CtStr. Kemp (p. 627). Parks (No. 8594).
Abstract: "Although dedicated to the study of history, the Society has never undertaken to summarize its own history. This project has now been added to our agenda, and this article is the first result. In it Mr. Otto relates the history of the Society with particular focus on the first two decades of its existence. Major events in the Society's history are described, and an effort made to bring out the contributions that the Society has made to the community. Mr. Otto is the present President of the Society, having held the office since 1952. This paper was prepared for delivery before the Stamford Museum Feb. 18, 1954." Editor's note, p. 21. |
209. |
Otto, Virginia Darling. "Early Mills At Stamford". Stamford Historian. (1957); Vol. 1 (No. 2) .pp. 139-146.
Notes: Published by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi. Kemp (p. 632). Parks (No. 8593).
Abstract: "This much research in Stamford's early mills only scratches the surface. Literally the length and breadth of each stream should be explored to uncover clues of old dams and mill sites. ...... The work of the miller was completed in Stamford before the turn of the twentieth century, and need of him may never be felt again. Progress has brought about mechanization to cope with man's problem of securing his lumber and grain. But still the waterways of Stamford will continue to make their way to the sea past silent sycamores, over mossy dam stones, while timbers and artifacts lie in dampness awaiting discovery by the interested archeologist or historian." Virginia Darling Otto (Mrs. Robert W. Otto), p. 146. |
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