The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Index of Names and Subjects
within Bibliography Items
–M– |
–Mac to Makepeace–
MacCart, Kenneth G., (1) [83]
MacDevit, John D., (1) [67]
Macdonald, James MacLean, (1) [120]
MacDonald, Robert, (1) [213]
MacDonell, Mabel, (1) [258]
MacDowall, Lee, (1) [45]
Macewic, Kostant, (1) [67]
MacFarland, Francis P., (1) [92]
Machinery -- manufacture and trade, (4) [50], [118]], [326], [328]
Machlett, Alice F., (1) [165]
Machlett, E., & Son (E. Machlett & Son), (1) [165]
Machlett, Ernst, (2) [45], [165]
Machlett Laboratories, Inc., (6) [4], [45], [102], [165], [181], [262]
Machlett, Raymond, (3) [45], [83], [165]
Machlett, Robert, (2) [45], [165]
Machlett, Robert, Jr., (1) [165]
Maciwiczus, Alexander, (1) [67]
Mack, Eddie, (1) [51]
Mack, Ernest, (1) [179]
Mack, Gus, (1) [45]
MacKay, James G., (1) [45]
MacKee, George M., (1) [83]
MacKenzie, Ruth, (2) [176], [183]
Mackey, Betty, (1) [27]
Mackey, Thomas, (1) [67]
Mackintosh, Kenneth S., (1) [67]
MacLean, Donald R., (1) [292]
MacNichol, Raymond, (1) [67]
Madam Knight (Knight, Sarah), (7) [102], [103], [141], [142], [160], [250], [266]
Madigan, J. Walter, (1) [262] |
Madigan, John W., (1) [67]
Maffucci, Alonzo, (4) [23], [54], [145], [258]
Maffucci, Elizabeth Corbo, (1) [54]
Magee Avenue, (3) [157], [257], [269]
Magee, Thomas D., (1) [118]
Magnuson, Adrian, (1) [67]
Magnusson, Helmer, (1) [45]
Maguire, Charles Franklin, (1) [67]
Maguire, Walter, (1) [171]
Maguire, Walter N., (2) [83], [247]
Maguire, Walter Norman, (1) [67]
Maher, Harry J., (1) [50]
Maher, Thomas, (1) [45]
Mahon, James H., (1) [67]
Mahoney, Robert, (1) [67]
Mahoney, Thomas, (1) [183]
Mahrt, Arthur, (1) [67]
Mahrt, John, (1) [67]
Mail Sorting machines, (1) [50]
Mailhot, Erkle E., (1) [67]
Mailomat machine, (1) [50]
Mailometer Company, (1) [50]
Main, Charles F., (1) [67]
Main Street, (26) [4], [5], [27], [28], [40], [44], [73], [84], [85], [102], [105], [118], [134], [141], [142], [161], [170], [171], [172], [186], [215], [250], [266], [275], [296], [334]
Maiorano, Andrew, (1) [67]
Majdalany, Jeanne, (8) [84], [158], [177], [178], [179], [180], [212], [304]
Makarrvich, Michael, (1) [67]
Makcemonitz, Stephen, (1) [67]
Makepeace, Charles D., (1) [29] |
–Makowsky to Market–
Makowsky Barber Shop, (2) [44], [172]
Makowsky, Frederick O., (1) [67]
Makowsky, Otto, (2) [44], [172]
Makowsky, Walter L., (1) [67]
Malachowski, Irene, (1) [170]
Malaian, Aram, (1) [67]
Malanowski, Thaddeus, (2) [4], [135]
Malashuk, Thomas S., (1) [67]
Malbon, Sweppie, (1) [290]
Malden, Karl, (1) [85]
Malezewski, William, (1) [213]
Maliszewski, Wlydyslaw, (1) [67]
Malizia, Anielo, (1) [45]
Mallory, James, (1) [29]
Malloy, Dannel P., (1) [73]
Malloy, Thomas, (1) [67]
Malloy, William, (1) [45]
Mallozzi Construction Company, (1) [102]
Malone, John, (1) [67]
Maloney, John J., (1) [67]
Maltbie Avenue, (1) [338]
Maltbie, David, (3) [179], [216], [271]
Maltbie, David, Jr., (1) [306]
Maltbie, Jonathan, (2) [103], [118]
Maltby family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [306]
Mamone, Jasper W., (1) [67]
Manaly, Martin, (1) [27]
Mancinelli, M. Joseph, (1) [51]
Mancini, Domenico, (1) [54]
Mancini, Maria Onesti, (1) [54]
Mancusi, C., (1) [50]
Mandolins, (1) [159]
Manetas, George L., (1) [67]
Manger, Minnie "Baba", (2) [27], [168]
Manhattan Street, (2) [28], [186]
Manjuck, Edward, (1) [213]
Mann, Arthur E., (1) [67]
Mann, Carol, (1) [51]
Manny, Walter B., (1) [50]
Manseau, Raymond E., (1) [67]
Mansfield, Frank, (1) [45] |
Mansfield, George W., (1) [186]
Manufacturers' Association of Connecticut, (2) [181], [182]
Manufacturing, (see also specific industries), (50) [4], [5], [22], [27], [28], [29], [31], [34], [44], [45], [50], [54], [55], [59], [74], [84], [87], [90], [91], [95], [101], [103], [104], [118], [141], [142], [161], [165], [172], [179], [181], [182], [209], [212], [214], [217], [228], [234], [236], [238], [241], [250], [257], [258], [265], [266], [267], [285], [288], [313]
MapelsDen, Roland M., (1) [67]
Maple Avenue, (2) [118], [275]
Maple Avenue Bible Protestant Church, (1) [262]
Maple Avenue Methodist Church, (1) [66]
Maple Swamp Creek, (1) [28]
Maplehurst Dairy Company, (3) [45], [262], [265]
Maps, (47) [1], [26], [28], [29], [41], [45], [53], [62], [70], [84], [97], [102], [103], [104], [120], [128], [130], [141], [142], [163], [164], [166], [170], [172], [177], [178], [179], [180], [186], [195], [215], [220], [221], [250], [251], [253], [255], [261], [266], [270], [275], [291], [296], [299], [303], [309], [315]
Mar Le Company, (1) [262]
Marble -- industry and trade, (4) [28], [45], [141], [142]
Marble, Thomas, (1) [75]
Marcel, Albert, (1) [67]
Marcel, Charles, (1) [172]
Marcus, Colman, (1) [67]
Marcus, Ronald, (14) [1], [5], [40], [60], [81], [84], [103], [141], [158], [183], [184], [185], [212], [266]
Marcus, Virginia A., (2) [183], [184]
Marczaski, Vincent, (1) [67]
Marden, Francis A., (1) [104]
Marian Pavilion, (1) [51]
Marion Castle, (2) [4], [108]
Marion, Florence H., (1) [108]
Marion, Frank J., (1) [132]
Marion Street, (1) [45]
Maritime history, (33) [3], [4], [5], [22], [44], [75], [102], [103], [104], [106], [118], [126], [128], [130], [141], [142], [179], [184], [198], [212], [214], [223], [235], [241], [250], [262], [266], [267], [275], [298], [306], [310], [315]
Mark Twain, ( Clemens, Samuel), (1) [106]
Markarian, Alesander, (1) [67]
Market Street, (1) [84] |
–Marks to Mazzola–
Marks, Charles D., (1) [67]
Marks family, (1) [143]
Marks, Mary E., (1) [265]
Marks, Nehemiah, (1) [27]
Marks, William L., (1) [29]
Marosu, Dominick, (1) [67]
Marrer family, (1) [45]
Marriage, (9) [27], [35], [103], [117], [178], [200], [217], [325], [329]
Marriage records, (Vital records), (15) [51], [54], [62], [66], [71], [81], [129], [141], [142], [143], [158], [185], [303], [306], [311]
Marriott Hotel, (2) [5], [73]
Marron, James Joseph, (1) [67]
Marron, James V., (1) [67]
Marrucco, Anthony, (1) [145]
Marrucco, Lucien, (1) [67]
Marsch, Guido E., (1) [67]
Marschall, George Clarence, (1) [67]
Marschall, Karl A., (1) [67]
Marschall, R. W., (1) [50]
Marsden, John, (1) [67]
Marshall family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Marshall & Fitch, (1) [3]
Marshall, Hickford, (3) [84], [141], [142]
Marshall, Pat, (1) [247]
Marshall, Polly, (1) [84]
Marshall, S. L., (1) [3]
Marsico, Dominick, (1) [67]
Martel, Al, (1) [165]
Martin, Albert, (Muchinsky, Alexander), (1) [267]
Martin, Arthur H., (1) [67]
Martin Brothers, (3) [27], [44], [265]
Martin, Charles H., (3) [11], [67], [265]
Martin, Edward W., (3) [158], [186], [212]
Martin, Eugene A., (1) [67]
Martin, Frank, (1) [27]
Martin, Frank & Sons, Inc. (Frank Martin & Sons, Inc.), (1) [262]
Martin, Israel, (1) [27]
Martin, Jerome F., (1) [67]
Martin, Joseph, Jr., (1) [67]
Martin, Leslie (Martin, Sidney) (1) [67]
Martin Luther King Apartments, (1) [102]
Martin Mill Supply Company, (1) [27]
Martin, Nathan, (1) [27]
Martin, Sydney, (1) [27]
Martin, Sydney R., (1) [67]
Martin, William H., (2) [11], [265]
Martinelli, Dominico, (1) [67]
Martinelli, Frank, (1) [213]
Martinelli Joseph, (1) [67]
Martinelli, William, (1) [67]
Martino, Joseph, (1) [67]
Martinoli, Santino, (1) [67]
Martylewski, Joseph, (1) [67]
Marvin family, (1) [143]
Marvin, Henry, (1) [45]
Marvin, John, (1) [45]
Mary B. Talbert Republican Club (Colored Women's Division of the Republican Woman's Club), (1) [257]
Masaryk, Thomas G., (3) [248], [250], [267]
Maskaleris, Elias Christos, (1) [67]
Mason, J. K., (1) [245]
Mason, William, (1) [67]
Masonic Hall, (2) [118], [250]
Masonic lodges, (10) [103], [118], [141], [142], [161], [216], [250], [257], [258], [265] |
Massachusetts, (4) [53], [96], [183], [266]
Massachusetts Bay (Colony), (1) [183]
Massare, Nick, (1) [116]
Massari, Jerome C., (1) [171]
Massari, Jerome C., Funeral Home, (Jerome C. Massari Funeral Home), (1) [54]
Massari, Leonora Folley, (1) [54]
Massee, Will W., (2) [83], [251]
Massimiani, Pietro, (1) [67]
Massoletti's Candy Store, (1) [265]
Mastersingers, The, (1) [5]
Mastrangelo, Angelo, Jr., (1) [292]
Mastrich, Joseph, (1) [23]
Mastropietro, Susan, (1) [73]
Le Mat, Raoul, (1) [265]
Mather Cemetery - Darien, (1) [180]
Mather, Cotton, (4) [103], [178], [187], [192]
Mather family, (6) [22], [35], [141], [142], [143], [306]
Mather, Frederic Gregory, (5) [83], [132], [208], [262], [265]
Mather, Increase, (3) [103], [183], [187]
Mather, Joseph, (5) [141], [142], [185], [250], [306]
Mather, Lillie Thompson, (1) [196]
Mather, Moses, (25) [5], [15], [20], [22], [26], [40], [45], [95], [102], [103], [118], [126], [141], [142], [184], [185], [188], [189], [250], [262], [266], [298], [301], [303], [306]
Mather, Noyes, (2) [141], [142]
Mather, Richard, (2) [141], [142]
Mather, Samuel, (1) [306]
Mathews, George Lawrence, (1) [67]
Mathews, Hugh Joseph, (1) [67]
Mathews, Thomas J., (2) [67], [267]
Mattera, Giorgio, (1) [67]
Matthews, Baxter L., (1) [290]
Matthews, Gifford, (1) [45]
Matthews, Isaiah, (1) [45]
Matthews, James L., (2) [28], [166]
Matthews, Joseph, (1) [67]
Matthews Mill, (3) [5], [28], [84]
Matthias family, (1) [143]
Matthies, Katharine, (1) [190]
Matthiessen, Erard, (1) [292]
Maurer, Ruth (Miller, Ruth Maurer), (1) [213]
Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, (1) [5]
Max Meyer's Appetizer & Smoked Fish store, (1) [27]
Maxwell, Hugh, (2) [40], [102]
May Day Demonstration, (1) [5]
Mayapple Farms, (1) [44]
Mayapple Road, (1) [84]
Mayer, Barbara, (1) [4]
Mayer, Hugo J., (1) [67]
Mayers, Thomas C., (6) [4], [5], [84], [128], [261], [292]
Mayette, William H., (1) [267]
Maync, William, (1) [251]
Mayo, Mona, (1) [247]
Mayor's Cup Race, (1) [5]
Mayors, (Stamford, City of), (17) [4], [5], [18], [29], [44], [73], [104], [128], [155], [157], [163], [164], [184], [261], [262], [265], [292]
Maziarek, Alexander, (1) [170]
Maziarek, Edward, (1) [170]
Maziarek, John, (1) [170]
Maziarek, Joseph, (1) [170]
Maziarek, Paul, (1) [170]
Mazza, David, (1) [60]
Mazzola, John, (1) [84]
Mazzola's bus station, (1) [84] |
McArdell, Archie R., (1) [51]
McAuliffe, Maurice F., (4) [45], [51], [89], [262]
McCall, Harold, (1) [45]
McCann, Guy, (1) [158]
McCarthy, George, (2) [155], [172]
McCarthy, Joseph R., (1) [50]
McCarty, Joseph, (1) [265]
McClean, Hugh, (1) [262]
McCloskey, Catharine, (1) [166]
McClough family, (1) [143]
McConkey, Harry S., (1) [216]
McConnell, George L., (1) [327]
McConnell, John, (3) [45], [84], [262]
McCormick, Charles H., (1) [166]
McCormick, Charles W., (1) [83]
McCormick family, (1) [143]
McCrackan, William Denison, (1) [191]
McCroskery, Willis R., (1) [84]
McCue, James, (2) [45], [51]
McCue, James, Jr., (1) [45]
McCue, Ruth, (1) [45]
McCullough, Hester, (1) [5]
McCullough, Willis, (1) [83]
McCullum, John, (1) [76]
McCullum, Mary, (1) [76]
McDonald family, (1) [143] McDonald, James MacLean, (1) [120]
McDonough, Edward V., (1) [50]
McElroy, Frank, (1) [171]
McElroy, T. R., (1) [50]
McFadden Express Company, (1) [44]
McFarland, Francis, (1) [89]
McFarland, Frederick W., (1) [292]
McGill, William H., (1) [166]
McGivena, Leo, (1) [50]
McGonagle, Mary Jo, (1) [73]
McGourty, David, (1) [171] |
McGown, Russell M., (3) [158], [192], [212]
McGrath, Veronica, (1) [50]
McGuiness, Cornelius P., (3) [166], [171], [262]
McGuiness, Frank, (1) [277]
McHarg, Henry K., (6) [29], [45], [83], [262], [265], [292]
McIntyre, Donald, (1) [50]
McKeithen, Angris, (2) [213], [264]
McKeithen, David, (1) [213]
McKeithen Park, Stamford, (1) [264]
McKenny family, (1) [143]
McKeogh, Arthur, (1) [83]
McKeon, Henry C., (1) [262]
McKeon, Violet Schantz, (1) [45]
McKinney, William E., (1) [179]
McLaughlin, Edward, (2) [141], [142]
McLaughlin, Edward A., (1) [76]
McLaughlin, Jack, (1) [84]
McLoughlin, Joseph, (1) [152]
McLaughlin, Jane Rachel, (1) [76]
McLaughlin, Rachel, (1) [335]
McLean, Louise H., (2) [158], [212]
McLean, Patricia, (1) [102]
McMahon, Brian, (1) [27]
McMahon, John J., (1) [155]
McMahon, William, (2) [155], [172]
McMillian, Donald C., (1) [251]
McMunn, Minnie, (1) [171]
McNally, John, (2) [171], [262]
McNamara, Edward, (1) [50]
McNerney, John P., (1) [51]
McNulty, Carrell S., Jr., (1) [229]
McRedmond, Charles, (1) [269]
McSweeney, James, (1) [51]
McTaggert, James, (1) [172]
McTammany, John, (2) [262], [266]
McTarnahan, William C., (2) [83], [90] |
Meachum, Charles T., (1) [336]
Mead, Alvah D., (2) [29], [262]
Mead, Andrew, (1) [216]
Mead, Annie, (1) [84]
Mead, Benjamin H., (4) [132], [158], [196], [208]
Mead, Caroline, (1) [84]
Mead, Charles W., (1) [179]
Mead, Daniel M., (1) [53]
Mead, Ebenezer, (2) [178], [216]
Mead, Elizabeth J., (1) [292]
Mead family, (5) [141], [142], [143], [178], [306]
Mead, John, (4) [40], [102], [178], [306]
Mead, Joseph, (3) [103], [178], [185]
Mead, Penfield C., (1) [40]
Mead, Peter, Jr., (1) [306]
Mead, Phoebe, (1) [84]
Mead, Spencer Percival, (1) [158]
Mead Street, (1) [45]
Mead, Tyler, (1) [84]
Meade, Charles H. B., (1) [292]
Meadow Street, (15) [5], [28], [44], [45], [89], [92], [102], [118], [141], [142], [170], [172], [186], [205], [298]
Meals on Wheels, (2) [5], [291]
Meat markets, (3) [3], [84], [258]
Meat packing, (2) [84], [178]
Mechaley Auto Company, Inc., (1) [265]
Mechaley, John E., (2) [171], [172]
Mechaley, Joseph, (2) [171], [172]
Mechanic Street, (3) [28], [141], [142]
Medical education, (4) [217], [270], [293], [318]
Medicine, (30) [4], [5], [26], [51], [54], [56], [62], [84], [100], [102], [104], [126], [141], [142], [159], [165], [183], [193], [212], [217], [253], [257], [258], [266], [270], [292], [293], [312], 318], [336]
Meehan, Thomas, (1) [172]
Meehan, Thomas J., (2) [67], [269]
Meeker, George, (1) [172]
Meeker, Jesse T., (1) [251]
Meeker, Lorenzo, (7) [5], [102], [118], [144], [250], [262], [298]
Meeting House, see First Congregational Church, Stamford
Meiere, Hildreth, (1) [84]
Melfi, Alexander, (1) [45]
Mellen, N. C., (1) [112]
Melrose Avenue, (1) [87] |
Melvin, Dorothy, (1) [45]
Memorial Day, (1) [27]
Men's Club of Temple Beth El, (1) [291]
Mendelsohn, Morris J., (1) [27]
Menotti, Carlo, (1) [145]
Mental health, (4) [44], [292], [330], [331]
Mental illness, (5) [52], [84], [292], [330], [331]
Mentor family, (1) [143]
Mercede Construction Company, (1) [159]
Mercede, Frank, (1) [159]
Mercede, Frank (Frank Mercede & Sons), (2) [121], [313]
Merchants, (25) [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [27], [28], [44], [45], [54], [84], [90], [98], [102], [103], [104], [150], [161], [171], [172], [178], [250], [265], [266], [313]
Merkaz Torah D'Stamford, (1) [291]
Merrill Business College, (2) [44], [118]
Merrill Business School, (2) [54], [262]
Merritt, F. M., (1) [216]
Merritt, Helen N., (1) [197]
Merritt, Irving, (1) [197]
Merritt, M. Franklin, (1) [104]
Merritt, Matthew F., (3) [141], [142], [314]
Merritt Parkway, (5) [5], [45], [84], [102], [313]
Merritt, Schuyler, (15) [5], [29], [45], [50], [83], [102], [104], [118], [145], [208], [250], [262], [265], [292], [327]
Merritt, Stephen, (1) [84]
Merton, Holmes W., (1) [83]
Mertz, Ethel (Vance, Vivian), (1) [84]
Merwin family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Meserve, Jean C., (1) [258]
Messer, Al, (1) [73]
Metal working, see Blacksmiths; Iron; Silversmiths
Metcalf, Charles H., (2) [262], [265]
Methodist churches
Metro Center, (1) [73]
Metz School of Music, (1) [44]
Metzger, George P., (2) [251], [327]
Meyer, Bella, (1) [27]
Meyer, Dora, (1) [27]
Meyer, Evelyn, (1) [27]
Meyer, Leona, (1) [27]
Meyer, Max, (1) [27]
Meyers, Sidney, (1) [213] |
–Mianus to Miller–
Mianus Iron Rolling Mills, (1) [209]
Mianus River, (13) [5], [28], [53], [70], [84], [102], [115], [141], [142], [177], [209], [264], [266]
Mianus River Glen, Stamford, (1) [264]
Mianus River Gorge, place in Stamford and New York State, (2) [84], [140]
Mianus River Park, Stamford, (1) [264]
Michaels, William R., (3) [13], [262], [265]
Micou, Creswell, (1) [165]
Micunis, Gordon, (2) [2], [73]
Micunis, Gordon, Designs, Inc. (Gordon Micunis Designs, Inc.), (1) [2]
Middle Ridge, place in Stamford, (1) [140]
Middle Ridge Road, (1) [140]
Middle Rock, (1) [140]
Middlebrook family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Middlebrook, Louis Frank, (1) [198]
Middlesex Parish, former name of Darien, (19) [5], [22], [40], [45], [95], [102], [103], [118], [126], [141], [142], [185], [189], [192], [250], [266], [298], [301], [303]
Middlesex parish, separation of, (4) [102], [141], [142], [192]
Middlesex Society of Friends, Darien, (2) [141], [142]
Middletown, Conn. Convention, (1) [103]
Midgely, Thomas, Jr., (1) [30]
Midwifery, (1) [183]
Mikvah, (1) [291]
Milestones (highway markers), (2) [264], [266]
Milewski, Stanislaus, (1) [135]
Military history, (33) [4], [5], [37], [40], [46], [53], [57], [67], [75], [88], [102], [103], [118], [120], [125], [126], [138], [141], [142], [144], [148], [171], [178], [184], [198], [213], [250], [266], [267], [306], [310], [316, [317]]
Military records, (4) [67], [138], [158], [317]
Military schools, (1) [30]
Militia, (7) [103], [141], [142], [214], [266], [306], [316]
Milk, (4) [45], [175], [217], [253]
Mill Pond, (3) [5], [27], [140]
Mill River Greenbelt, (1) [313]
Mill River Park, Stamford, (3) [5], [213], [264]
Mill River (see also Rippowam River), (31) [5], [22], [27], [28], [29], [44], [45], [70], [103], [104], [118], [134], [140], [141], [142], [171], [172], [178], [179], [186], [187], [204], [209], [214], [250], [253], [257], [264], [266], [299], [313]
Mill Road, (2) [84], [209]
Miller, Barbara S., (1) [291]
Miller, Kenneth, (1) [84] |
Miller, C.O., (7) [3], [7], [44], [141], [142], [150], [208]
Miller, C.O., Company (C.O. Miller Company) (10) [3], [7], [44], [118], [150], [170], [172], [250], [262], [266]
Miller, Charles, (1) [84]
Miller, Charles F., (2) [102], [118]
Miller, Charles O., (9) [7], [29], [118], [170], [250], [262], [266], [292], [293]
Miller, Charles O., Jr., (3) [7], [29], [262]
Miller, Chris, (1) [45]
Miller family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Miller, Franklin, (1) [262]
Miller, Fred, (1) [84]
Miller, Hannie, (2) [292], [293]
Miller, Harold L., (1) [262]
Miller, Henry, (1) [262]
Miller, Henry W., (1) [84]
Miller, Irwin, (2) [27], [291]
Miller, J. A., (1) [165]
Miller, Jacob, (3) [44], [171], [266]
Miller, Jeremiah, (1) [45]
Miller, Jeremiah H., (1) [166]
Miller, Jerry, (1) [84]
Miller, Joan, (1) [51]
Miller, John, (1) [213]
Miller, John H., (2) [50], [83]
Miller, Kenneth E., (1) [267]
Miller, Lawrence, (1) [291]
Miller, Lewis, (1) [45]
Miller, Martha Blackwell, (1) [102]
Miller, Mary Amelia, (1) [45]
Miller, Myron, (1) [45]
Miller, Ruth Maurer, (1) [213]
Miller's Bridge, (4) [44], [140], [171], [250]
Miller's Hall, (1) [29]
Miller, Sara H., (1) [262]
Miller, Sarah, (1) [84]
Miller, Seth, (2) [141], [142]
Miller, Stanley, (1) [84]
Miller, Stephen, (1) [84]
Miller Street, (2) [45], [257]
Miller, Theodore, (6) [5], [102], [118], [144], [262], [298]
Miller, Victor, (1) [84] |
–Millerites to Mix–
Millerites, (1) [250]
Milligan, James A., (1) [251]
Milligan, Thomas P., (1) [251]
Milliken, William, (1) [265]
Milliners, (1) [27]
Mills, Alexander, (2) [271], [306]
Mills, Alvin, (1) [290]
Mills, Charles, (1) [335]
Mills, Charles D., (2) [5], [267]
Mills family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Mills, George, (6) [102], [141], [142], [179], [216], [271]
Mills, George, Jr., (1) [306]
Mills, J. K., Jr., (1) [50]
Mills, John, (3) [120], [178], [306]
Mills, Richard, (3) [102], [103], [178]
Mills, Silas, (1) [335]
Mills (see also Historic buildings; Industrial buildings), (28) [4], [22], [27], [28], [36], [44], [55], [84], [95], [102], [103], [104], [141], [142], [158], [172], [177], [178], [185], [209], [212], [214], [241], [250], [264], [265], [266], [300]
Mills, Willis N., (3) [229], [247], [295]
Millstones, (1) [209]
Milne, Alexander, (2) [216], [303]
Mines and mining, (1) [45]
Minivale Street, (1) [45]
Minor, Charles W., (1) [29]
Minor family, (3) [141], [142], [143] |
Minor, Mary Catherine, (1) [334]
Minor Place, place in Stamford, (1) [44]
Minor, Simeon, (2) [172], [266]
Minor, Simeon H., (3) [44], [118], [216]
Minor, William R., (1) [262]
Minor, William T., (17) [5], [29], [89], [96], [102], [104], [118], [134], [141], [142], [144], [179], [205], [250], [262], [298], [314]
Minor, William Thomas, (1) [334]
Minturnese Club, (1) [5]
Mishley, Mike, (1) [213]
Mission Street, (1) [257]
Mitchell family, (1) [178]
Mitchell Field, (1) [140]
Mitchell, Helen F. Donahue, (1) [54]
Mitchell, Josiah A., (1) [106]
Mitchell, Mathew, (11) [15], [102], [103], [118], [141], [142], [148], [173], [178], [250], [262]
Mitchell, Milo A., (1) [54]
Mitchell, Walter, (3) [199], [303], [314]
Mitovich, John, (1) [102]
Mitscherlich, Marcele A., (1) [73]
Mix, Clarence E., (2) [67], [251]
Mix, Dorothy, (1) [138]
Mix, Elisha, (1) [327]
Mix, Frank W., (1) [262]
Mix, James E., (1) [262]
Mix, Ralph H., (1) [45] |
–Mo– |
Moehring, John, (1) [269]
Moen family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Moen, Jacob, (5) [141], [142], [178], [183], [292]
Mohan, Aniuska, (1) [73]
Mohegan Indians, (2) [141], [142]
Money, (4) [29], [75], [185], [189]
Monjo, Ferdinand N., (1) [179]
Montanaro, Carmine, (1) [145]
Montgomery, Diane Rogers, (1) [268]
Montgomery, Fletcher H., (2) [83], [251]
Montgomery, George R., (2) [83], [262]
Montgomery, James, (1) [262]
Montgomery, James C., (1) [251]
Montgomery, Robert C., (2) [251], [262]
Monuments, (18) [22], [27], [42], [44], [45], [102], [104], [105], [130], [171], [180], [184], [213], [248], [250], [264], [265], [267]
Moody, F. S., (1) [265]
Moonlight, (1) [120]
Moore, Charles E., (10) [4], [5], [18], [45], [50], [102], [157], [213], [262], [285]
Moore, Clifford, (1) [292]
Moore, J. H., (1) [245]
Moore, John G., (2) [262], [267]
Moore, Olive, (1) [258]
Moore, William C., (1) [83]
Morehouse family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Morehouse, John, (2) [102], [289]
Morgan, Andrew, (1) [266]
Morgan, Arthur, (1) [200]
Morgan, Eleanor, (1) [200]
Morgan, Ethel Palmer, (1) [200]
Morgan family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Morgan, Frank, (1) [267]
Morgan, Oliver B., (2) [118], [172]
Morgan, Sherley, (1) [200]
Morgan Stanley Company, (1) [313] |
Mori, Joseph, (1) [269]
Moriarty, James P., (1) [51]
Moriarty, Judy, (1) [313]
Morielli, Lina, (1) [73]
Morrell, Samuel W., (4) [158], [201], [212], [262]
Morrine family, (1) [143]
Morrine, Samuel, (1) [335]
Morris, Andrew, (1) [44]
Morris, Barry, (1) [27]
Morris, James J., (1) [269]
Morris, Robert H., (2) [83], [327]
Morris, Thomas, (1) [269]
Morrison, Donald, (1) [73]
Morrison, Edith H., (1) [251]
Morrison, Samuel C., (2) [118], [144]
Morrit family, (1) [143]
Morrow, Joseph J., (2) [50], [292]
Mortality, (9) [4], [103], [104], [178], [217], [253], [257], [311], [318]
Mosarra, Joseph F., (1) [54]
Moser, Charles A., (1) [262]
Mosher, Gilbert, (1) [306]
Moss family, (1) [143]
Mother of God Academy, (1) [203]
Mother Sacred Heart (Katherine A. Dillon), (2) [51], [89]
Motion pictures, (3) [5], [85], [327]
Motorcycles, (1) [27]
Mott family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Mount Harold June, Antarctica, (1) [47]
Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota, (3) [84], [102], [248]
Mountain Wood Road, (1) [140]
Mourning customs, (4) [103], [171], [180], [216]
Movers, (2) [27], [257]
Movies, (2) [5], [85]
Moving and storage companies, (1) [27]
Mownn, John, (1) [213]
Moyes, John, (1) [262] |
–Muchinsky to Myrtle–
Muchinsky, Alexander, (1) [267]
Mulaire, Victor J., (2) [292], [336]
Mulberry Street, (1) [45]
Mulford, Maxene F., (1) [4]
Mulkerin, Jean, (6) [81], [84], [158], [179], [180], [212]
Muller, Edward, (3) [83], [262], [272]
Mullins, Thomas, (1) [171]
Mulrooney, John, (1) [84]
Munday family, (1) [143]
Munday, Hannah, (1) [335]
Munday, Nathan, (1) [102]
Munday, Sarah, (1) [102]
Munshi, Rashid, (1) [2]
Munson family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Mural painting and decoration, (8) [4], [29], [84], [215], [258], [264], [266], [304]
Murder, (13) [15], [53], [84], [103], [128], [129], [134], [141], [142], [178], [187], [250], [292]
Murphy, Charles A., (1) [336]
Murphy, Deena, (1) [4] |
Murphy, George, (2) [45], [262]
Murphy, Harold A., (1) [165]
Murphy, James, (2) [4], [205]
Murphy, John Cullen, (1) [73]
Murphy, Katherine T., (5) [5], [179], [241], [265], [266]
Murphy, Kathryn, (1) [51]
Murray, Edith Scofield, (1) [179]
Murray, L. E., (1) [73]
Murray, Will, (1) [30]
Museums, (9) [4], [5], [102], [140], [228], [264], [266], [275], [313]
Music and musicians (see also Composers; Music and religion), (14) [3], [4], [27], [42], [45], [145], [159], [168], [171], [265], [266], [273], [279], [286]
Music and religion, (4) [103], [121], [247], [314]
Musical instruments, (2) [27], [159]
Musician's Local 6[26], (1) [159]
Mutual Aid Society of King John III Sobieski, (3) [4], [43], [135]
Myer, Mr., (1) [40]
Myrtle Avenue, (3) [28], [186], [275]
Myrtle Street, (1) [186] |
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