The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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277. |
Tarshish, Manuel B. "Expensive Control = Increased Profit". Publishers' Weekly. 1968 Sep 16; p. 62; ISSN: 0000-0019.
Notes: Published by R. R. Bowker Co., New York, New York.
Location: CtHT, CtNh, CtU, CtWillE, DLC.
Description of the Barrett Bookstore, 388 Summer Street, Stamford, Connecticut, p. 62. |
278. |
Tatlock, William. Sin of Drunkenness, and its Remedy. Sermons, Preached In St. John's Church, Stamford, February 12, and March 19, 1882. Stamford, Connecticut: Wm. W. Gillespie & Co.; 1882; 9 pp., paper covers, 24 cm.
Location: CtSHi.
Printed For Private Distribution, Wm. W. Gillespie & Co., Steam Printers. Title and imprint only on cover. There are two sermons in this pamphlet. Sin Of Drunkenness, And Its Remedy. Sermon Preached By Rev. Dr. Tatlock, In St. John's Episcopal Church, Sunday, February 12, 1882 (pp. 1-5); Practical Considerations as to Parochial Methods of Promoting Temperance. An Address Delivered In St. John's Church, Stamford, Sunday, March 19, 1882 (pp. 6-9). For additional information on the post Civil War era temperance movement in Stamford, see: Estelle F. Feinstein, Stamford in the Gilded Age. The Political Life of a Connecticut Town 1868-1893, (1973), pp. 86-93.
Abstract: "I have no new devices to recommend for obtaining spiritual strength against drunkenness and what leads to it. There are the old and well-tried means of grace, prayer and sacraments. If these will not answer, then nothing will. Only, they must be used with an earnest and true purpose; no mere formal saying of prayers, public or private, but praying, supplicating, beseeching God as for things you really want, and not merely ought to want; no mere perfunctory and conventional going up to the monthly communion, but a conscious approach with open hand and open heart to the Source of life and strength whose Body and Blood, given and shed for you, will lift you out of your low vitality, and `preserve your body and soul unto everlasting life.` You are to make religion and the church which embodies it a reality to you, to make them of your very life. This is to `walk in the Spirit,` and then `ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.` " William Tatlock, p. 5. |
279. |
Taylor, Deems. "Birthplace of a New American Opera". Home & Field. 1931 Feb; pp. 22-26; ISSN: 0018-6422. .
Notes: Deems Taylor (composer, lecturer, music critic) is perhaps best remembered as the commentator in Walt Disney's classic film Fantasia. This article describes his purchasing a home on nineteen acres during the summer of 1923. The Taylor-Kennedy house is located at 349 Haviland Road, Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: DLC |
280. |
Taylor, John M. [John Metcalf]. Witchcraft delusion in colonial Connecticut, 1647 - 1697. New York, (New York): Grafton Press; 1908; xv, 172 pp., index, bibliography, 20 cm (H. R. Stiles, series editor. Grafton historical series).
Notes: Title page reads: "THE WITCHCRAFT / DELUSION IN COLONIAL / CONNECTICUT / 1647 - 1697 / / BY / JOHN M. TAYLOR / Author of "Maximillian and Carlotta, a Story of Imperialism," and / "Roger Ludlow, the Colonial Lawmaker" / / [ Printers' mark of Richard Grafton] / / THE GRAFTON PRESS / PUBLISHERS NEW YORK" For references to the trial of Elizabeth Clason of Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 73-76, 101-116, 154, 157. Includes verbatim transcript of the indictment and testimonies submitted at the trial. An annotated copy of this work (1969 reprint) in the library at the Stamford Historical Society contains marginalia by Ronald Marcus, citing locations of some manuscript sources. Reprinted in 1969, 1971, 1974, 1984 and 1989, therefore locations are in two sections.
The following libraries own copies of the 1908 edition: CaBVaU, Ct, CtDab, CtFaU, CtHi, CtNhHi, CtSoP, CU, DLC, DNLM, GU, ICN, MB, MiU-C, MtU, MWA, NcD, NIC, NjNbS, NN, OCl, ODW, OO, OrU, PHC, PHi, PPA, PSC, RPB, RPJCB, TU, ViU, WaS.
The following libraries own copies of a reprint: CtBhl, CtBo, CtBran, CtDab, CtDar, CtDu, CtEly, CtFa, CtFar, CtGl, CtHamd, CtHC, CtManc, CtMil, CtNb, CtNh, CtNl, CtNm, CtNowa, CtPlv, CtRi, CtS, CtSHi, CtSi, CtSthi, CtSu, CtSU, CtTmp, CtU, CtWal, CtWB, CtWhar, CtWilt, CtWtp. Kemp (p. 83). Collier (p. 56). Parks (No. 1666).
Abstract: Collier (p. 56) states, "Witchcraft in the olden days has been one of the most intriguing subjects of inquiry for both the serious scholar and the amateur. And there is perhaps no other field in which the professionals and the amateurs are so far apart in their approach and understanding. Professional historians are trained to perceive past events as they were perceived by people living at the time. Amateurs are more likely to look upon attitudes and behavior of past generations as quaint or cute or ignorant. Witches really lived for our seventeenth-century ancestors, and their presence made a real difference in their lives and actions. They were as real to them as germs are to us. The subject is treated in an excellent, fairly recent bibliography by Steven H. Keeney: `Witchcraft in Colonial Connecticut and Massachusetts: An Annotated Bibliography,' in Bulletin of Bibliography and Magazine Notes 33 (February-March, 1976) 1:61-72. Keeney's annotations are lively and useful - he pulls no punches when it comes to calling junk junk. There is much there not cited below, though we have listed the most significant works, including several not listed by Keeney. The fullest Connecticut study is that of John M. Taylor, The Witchcraft Delusion in Connecticut, 1647-1697 (1908, reprinted by J. Edmund Edwards in Stratford, 1969). Taylor discovered that the first witch ever hanged in New England was hanged in Connecticut - Alse Young in 1647 - but he focuses on Mercy Disborough of Fairfield (the Westport part), the subject of Connecticut's most famous case. Taylor lists thirty-five names between 1647 and 1697 and two in the eighteenth century. Keeney considers Taylor's still the best study."
"The forefathers believed in witchcraft - entering into compacts with the Devil - and in all its diabolical subtleties. They had cogent reasons for their belief in example and experience. They set it down in their codes as a capital offense. They found, as has been shown abundant authority in the Bible and in the English precedents. They anchored their criminal codes as they did their theology in the wide and deep haven of the Old Testament decrees and prophecies and maledictions, and doubted not that `the Scriptures do hold forth a perfect rule for the direction and government of all men in all duties which they are to perform to God and men.' ..... This conspectus of witchcraft, old and new, of its development from the sorcery and magic of the ancients into the medieval theological dogma of the power of Satan, of its gradual ripening into an epidemic demonopathy, of its slow growth in the American colonies, of its volcanic outburst in the close of the seventeenth century, is relevant and appropriate to this account of the delusion in Connecticut, its rise and suppression, its firm hold on the minds and consciences of the colonial leaders for threescore years after the settlement of the towns, a chapter in Connecticut history written in the presence of the actual facts now made known and available, and with a purpose of historic accuracy." John Metcalf Taylor, pp. 23, 34. |
281. |
Time, Inc. "Brilliant canopy for worship". Architectural Forum. 1958 Apr; Vol. 108 (No. 4). cover, pp.104-107; ISSN: 0003-8539.
Notes: Published by Time, Inc., New York, New York.
Location: CtH, CtHT, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNlC, CtWB, CtU. White (p. 2).
Abstract: "One of the most strangely provocative churches yet built for a twentieth-century American congregation was dedicated last month near downtown Stamford, Connecticut. It is a monolithic structure of precast concrete sections, even glassier in its interior effect than the famed old stained-glass Sainte Chappelle in Paris. Moreover, it carries its glass in triangular patterns right up to the roof ridge, as no other church has done before. From outside, Stamford's new First Presbyterian Church looms on its grassy suburban site like a great stone whale, flashing back the sunlight from tall, faceted shields emblazoned on its sides. As worshipers enter the church through a low and dimly lighted narthex, the infiltrating sunlight reveals the structure and brings to life a breath-taking envelope of inch thick, multicolored pot glass hand chipped into rough brilliance. These glass chunks, set in cement by French Glass Artist Gabriel Loire after designs by Architect Wallace Harrison, carry fragmented scenes of the Crucifixion along the north wall, and of the joyous Resurrection along the sunnier south wall." Architectural Forum, p. 105. (Copyright 1958 by Time, Inc. [assigned to and copyright by BPI Communications, New York, New York]. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
282. |
Time, Inc. "Connecticut: Fairfield Court, Stamford". Architectural Forum. 1938 May; Vol. 68 (No. 5). pp. 354-355, 368-369; ISSN: 0003-8539.
Notes: Published by Time, Inc., New York, New York.
Location: CtH, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNlC, CtU, CtY. White (p. 2).
Abstract: Includes "Construction Outline" and unit plans. |
283. |
Time Inc. "Lofty, luminous church". Life. 1958 Mar 31; Vol. 44 (No. 13). pp. 80-81; ISSN: 0024-3019.
Notes: Published by Time Inc., Chicago, Illinois. Popularly known as: Life magazine. Title on table of contents reads: "A lofty, luminous church is dedicated in Stamford, Conn."
Location: Ct, CtBl, CtB, CtBo, CtBris, CtBSH, CtDabN, CtDer, CtFaU, CtGu, CtH, CtHT, CtM, CtManc, CtMer, CtMW, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNc, CtNlC, CtNowa, CtShi, CtSoP, CtWal, CtWB, CtWhar, CtWill, CtWillE, CtWtp, CU-Riv, DLC, MCM, MnU, NN, NcD, NcRS, NvU, OrU, OU, PU, TxCm.
Photographs and description of the First Presbyterian Church’s new edifice in Stamford, Connecticut. Designed by Wallace K. Harrison, architect. |
284. |
Time, Inc. "Shopping Center: U-Shaped plan unites chain stores and specialty shops in a unified facade, encloses a generous parking area". Architectural Forum. 1945 Dec; Vol. 83 (No. 6). pp.107-109; ISSN: 0003-8539.
Notes: Published by Time, Inc., New York, New York.
Location: CtH, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNlC, CtU, CtY. White (p. 4).
Abstract: "Lester Jorge, Eric Thorn, Architects / Alfons Bach, Designer" (Ridgeway Shopping Center) "This plan for a shopping center was made after through investigation of the problems involved in integrating store placement and design. Original tricky solutions such as underground parking space and conveyor belt delivery systems were scotched as too complicated for a town the size of Stamford and because they would add immensely to construction costs. Instead, a simple plan involving the least change to existing street patterns was finally adopted. The front parking lot, convenient to both street approach and store entrances and large enough for 150 cars, is supplemented by an 850-car parking space at rear. Two walkways cutting through the central shop section provide quick access from this rear lot and allow a continuous flow of traffic from both directions. The new project should prove a great relief to the present overcrowded center of Stamford which, in three square blocks, serves as a shopping district for 70,000 people, 85 per cent of whom own cars. The proposed site was carefully chosen in a central area north of the city proper where new housing and apartment developments are scheduled for erection. As yet no leases have been signed, but the stores have been designed to the specifications of the various clients represented." Architectural Forum, p. 108. (Copyright 1945 by Time, Inc. [assigned to and copyright by BPI Communications, New York, New York]. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
285. |
Time, Inc. "Stamford unions stage short general strike". Life. 1946 Jan 14; Vol. 20 (No. 2) pp. 30-31; ISSN: 0024-3019.
Notes: Published by Time Inc., Chicago, Illinois. Popularly known as Life magazine.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtBl, CtBo, CtBris, CtBSH, CtDabN, CtH, CtHT, CtM, CtManc, CtMer, CtMW, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNc, CtNlC, CtNowa, CtSoP, CtSthi, CtWB, CtWhar, CtWill, CtWtp, CU-Riv, DLC, MCM, MnU, NcD, NN, NcRS, NvU, OrU, OU, PU, TxCM.
Description and photographs of the demonstration in Atlantic Square before the Old Town Hall, Stamford, Connecticut. This rally was conducted in support of union employees on strike at the Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company. |
286. |
Todd, Charles J. Address on temperance, in connection with the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence: before the Temperance societies of Stamford, Ct. New York, (New York): "Published by the Committee" Piercy & Reed, Printers, No. 9 Spruce St.; 1842; 23 pp., paper covers, 22 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "AN ADDRESS / ON / TEMPERANCE, / IN CONNECTION WITH THE ANNIVERSARY OF / THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: / BEFORE THE / TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES OF STAMFORD, CT. / BY THE / REV. CHARLES J. TODD,/ JULY FOURTH 1842. / - / [quotations from Burke & Seneca] / - / Published by the Committee. / - / NEW-YORK: / PIERCY & REED, PRINTERS, No. 9 SPRUCE ST. / - / 1842" Includes a temperance song, pp.22-23, "Sung at the Celebration."
Location: CtSoP, N.
Abstract: "Now on this birth-day of our country, the united voice of freemen is, that virtue and sobriety are the bulwarks of our free institutions; and they associate, in their rejoicings, the temperance pledge with the ever-memorable Declaration of our Independence; and while they nobly maintain the glory of the one, they aver and exemplify the purity of the other. To-day, we have seen this to be an imposing reality. We have seen the banner of our country's independence, and the beautiful temperance banner, with its 'appeal to heaven for strength to conquer"* proudly floating on the same breeze. *The motto on the splendid banner, presented by the Ladies to the Young Men's Lafayette Temperance Society. This presentation was accompanied with suitable addresses. The first address ranked high, and we think that the ceremony, simple and beautiful as it was, could not have been otherwise than highly gratifying to the unusually large assembly of citizens who were assembled to witness it." Charles J. Todd, pp. 19-20. |
287. |
Toner, Joseph R. "Town Records of Stamford". Stamford Historian. (1957); Vol. 1 (No. 2). pp.178-179.
Notes: Published by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi. Kemp (p. 633).
Abstract: "Since Stamford is one of the half dozen oldest communities in Connecticut, we have a remarkable collection of old records. Mr. Toner who is Town Clerk, is always graciously helpful to the genealogical visitor. After repeated visits with new things turning up each time, we asked Mr. Toner to list the principal records for our Genealogical reference purposes." Editor's note, p. 178. "The City and Town Clerk's Office of the City of Stamford is actually the business office of the city. Within the confines of this office are filed or recorded all instruments relating to the ownership of property, both personal and real, all information relative to births, marriages and deaths, veterans' discharges, land maps showing subdivisions of property, and minutes of meetings of the various boards. This particular office of our city government normally accommodates from between 100 and 300 people per day and is administered by a City and Town Clerk and approximately ten employees. It is the office entrusted with the safe-keeping of all the records in this community and also with the issuance of various types of licenses which guide the behavior of the people eligible for the same in the area. By this, I mean, the office issues licenses for fishing, hunting, trapping, licenses for the keeping of bees, the keeping of dogs, and also licenses for the digging of clams from the Long Island Sound area of this community." Joseph R. Toner, p. 178. |
288. |
Towne, Henry R. [Henry Robinson]. Locks and builders hardware, a hand book for architects. New York, (New York) : John Wiley & Sons; 1904; 1117, (16) pp., illus., glossary, advts., bibliography, general index, numerical index, 17 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "Locks and Builders / Hardware / A Hand Book for Architects / BY / HENRY R. TOWNE / President THE YALE & TOWNE MANUFACTURING COMPANY / Past President Am. Soc. Mechanical Engineers / / Profusely Illustrated / / NEW YORK / JOHN WILEY & SONS / LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED / 1904" Imprint on reverse of title reads: "PRESS OF / GILLESPIE BROS., / STAMFORD, CONN."
"All Catalogue Numbers of Locks and Hardware used in this volume, unless otherwise specified, are those of the Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company," p. 1104.
Location: CaBVaU, Ct, CtNh, CtSHi, CLU, DLC, FMU, ICJ, KMK, MB, NIC, NN, OCl, OO, OrP, WaS. For additional information on Henry Robinson Towne, see: Dictionary of American Biography, Vol. XVIII, pp. 613-614.
Abstract: "In 1860 to 1864 Mr. Yale (Linus Yale, Jr.) made and perfected what subsequently proved to be his most important invention, and the one which was destined to give his name a permanent place in the roster of American inventors. This was the key lock now known throughout the world as the Yale Lock, and with which the public is so familiar as to render it a difficult task effectively to set forth the wide departure from all previous standards which it constituted, and the radical character of the improvements which it embodied. The United States patents covering this invention were issued to Mr. Yale on January 29, 1861 and June 27, 1865. ....... At this period Mr. Yale was operating a small factory at Shelburne Falls, Mass., the chief product of which was bank locks, although the manufacture of the flat keyed cylinder lock, with pin-tumblers, had also been commenced in a small way, and, in addition was acting frequently as consulting expert in safe and vault construction. In the summer of 1868, Mr. Yale, who was thus engaged, and Mr. Henry R. Towne, then of Philadelphia, Pa., a much younger man, who had received a thorough training as a mechanical engineer and was seeking an opportunity of forming a permanent business connection, were introduced to each other by a mutual friend, with the result, after some months of negotiation, that a partnership was formed between them under which Mr. Yale agreed to contribute his existing business, patents and inventive skill, and Mr. Towne agreed to provide increased capital and to organize and manage the manufacturing department. It may be noted here that although Mr. Yale's business at that time related chiefly to the making of bank locks, Mr. Towne was attracted to it by the conviction he then formed that the newly-invented `Cylinder' lock contained the germ of a business of far larger dimensions and one which, if properly exploited, could be developed into a large industry. By mutual consent the partnership thus arranged was organized, in October 1868, in a corporate form, under the name of The Yale Lock Manufacturing Company, and was located at Stamford, Conn., thirty-four miles from the city of New York, this point being carefully selected as combining the advantages of the skilled-labor market of New England with close proximity to the commercial metropolis of the country. A suitable site having been purchased, Mr. Towne went to Stamford to design and erect the modest factory building which was proposed, Mr. Yale continuing to conduct the existing business at Shelburne Falls pending its removal to the new location." Henry Robinson Towne, pp. 67, 68-69. |
289. |
Tyler, John W. Connecticut Loyalists: an analysis of Loyalist land confiscations in Greenwich, Stamford and Norwalk. New Orleans, Louisiana: Polyanthos, Inc.; 1977;(ix), 135 pp., (5) leaves of plates, paper covers, ports., map, appendices, notes, bibliography, index, 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "Connecticut / Loyalists / / An Analysis of Loyalist / Land Confiscations in / Greenwich, Stamford / and Norwalk / / John W. Tyler / Trinity-Pawling School / / 19 [printers' mark] 77 / POLYANTHOS / New Orleans"
Location: Ct, CtHi, CtManc, CtNb, CtNhHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtStr, CtWillE, CtY, DLC, GEU, NNU, ViW . Kemp (p. 59). Collier (p. 82). Parks (No. 1735 & 1943).
Abstract: Collier (p. 82) states, "This is only thirty-one pages, but it is a sophisticated work of scholarship. Indeed, it is a model of its genre. Included are a half dozen excellent illustrations and a short digest of statements of claims, by name, of seventy-six Loyalists of the towns named in the title." "By way of conclusion, let us once more review the major characteristics of Loyalist land confiscations in southwestern Fairfield (County). Fairfield (County) Loyalists were largely middle class farmers and artisans and not wealthy merchants and professionals. Those Loyalists who chose to join Crown forces and suffer confiscation were less wealthy than those remaining in the county. There is little evidence of any `democratization' as a result of the sale of Loyalist lands, because most purchasers of confiscated estates were considerably wealthier than the estates' former owners and ownership of the land was only slightly diffused by these sales. The fact that purchasers were wealthier than absentees does not automatically mean each purchaser was a `speculator.' The average purchaser belonged to the upper or upper-middle class, acquired moderate amounts of land and never resold them. We are safe, however, in terming those few men who did speculate in Loyalist property as `insiders', men in high government office or who possessed unusual access to information about confiscated estates. Profits among these few `insiders' were enormous and helped to cement their already pre-eminent social and economic position in the region. There is almost no evidence of poor or lower class elements profiting by the turn-over of Loyalist lands. The confiscation of Loyalist estates provided a convenient opportunity for the rich to become richer while the poor remained where they were; in this way the confiscations contributed to the advance of economic inequality in the young republic." John W. Tyler, pp. 30-31. (Copyright 1977 by John W. Tyler. Reproduced with the permission of the author.) |
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