The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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Entry |
210. |
Pachter, Marc, editor. Abroad in America : visitors to the new nation, 1776-1914. ... . Wein, Frances, co-editor. Reading, Massachusetts.: Published in association with the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.;1976; xix, 347 pp., ports., illus., checklist of the exhibition, bibliography, paper covers, 26 cm. ISBN: 0-201-00031-8.
Notes: Essays written to accompany the exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. Essay 17, Georges Clemenceau, by J. B. Duroselle, pp. 167-175 . For references to Georges Clemenceau as a teacher at the Catherine Aiken School, Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 169-171.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtFar, CtGre, CtManc, CtMil, CtNbC, CtNc, CtNh, CtNhH, CtNowi, CtS, CtShel, CtSHi, CtU, CtWB, CtWhar, CtWillE, CtWtp, DLC.
Abstract: "Clemenceau went first to England, and then, in the summer of 1865, he sailed for New York on the Etna, arriving after the defeat of the South and Lincoln's assassination. His stay would last five years. In the beginning, he lived off an allowance from his father but, when he discovered that his father wished him to return to France, he decided to stay and earn his own living. He accepted a position as professor of French and riding master at a young ladies' boarding school, Miss Aiken's in Stamford, Connecticut. He also managed to be named foreign correspondent for the republican newspaper, Le Temps - quiet a departure for that paper. Clemenceau first found lodgings in a house in Greenwich Village owned by the librarian of the French community; then he lived in a room which had formerly been occupied by his arch-enemy Louis Bonaparte, who was to become Napoleon III. Clemenceau frequented the Union League as well as Tammany Hall, and was a close friend of Horace Greeley, the editor-in-chief of the New York Tribune. He went quite frequently to Washington - where he met the future President, General Ulysses S. Grant - and to nearby Virginia. He also went to see the newly pacified South, and spent some time with a Florida planter.
Clemenceau fell in love with one of his pupils, Mary Plummer, and asked her to marry him, but insisted that, he being an atheist, there be no religious ceremony. The family refused, and he returned to France. However, she soon summoned him back, he sailed for New York, married there without a religious ceremony, and brought his bride to France in August of 1870, just as the Franco-Prussian war was breaking out. It must be mentioned that after a few years of happiness, the birth of two girls and one boy, this marriage went awry, and after some infidelities here and there, it ended in a divorce in 1884 (the very year divorce was again made legal in France).
A scrutiny of Clemenceau's articles in Le Temps furnishes an interesting study of American politics at the period of the Reconstruction. It would be interesting to know if the topics were assigned by the paper or were Clemenceau's own choices. In any case, his articles were only concerned with the political scene. Unlike his predecessors Tocqueville, Michel Chevalier, Gustave de Beaumont, he did not examine social mores or economic problems. An essay on the instruction of young ladies and Miss Aiken's school in Stamford would have been entertaining, but except for a very few allusions in private letters, Clemenceau never spoke of his experience there." J. B. Duroselle, pp. 169, 171.
211. |
Parker, Wyman W. "Altschul Book Bequest". Yale University Library Gazette. 1983 Apr; Vol. 57 (No. 3-4). pp. 138-144; ISSN: 0044-0175.
Notes: Published by the Yale University Library, at New Haven, Connecticut. Author was Librarian Emeritus of Wesleyan University.
Location: AU, Ct, CtHT, CtMW, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNlC, CtSoP, CtU, CtY, DLC, InU, NvU, UU. For additional information on Frank Altschul and the Overbrook Press, see: Norman H. Strouse, "The Overbrook Press - An Example of Collecting in Depth" (1976), The Book Club of California Quarterly News-Letter, Summer issue. 200 copies were reprinted for distribution.
Abstract: "The bequest of Frank Altschul (1887-1981) of his personal book collection gives the Yale Library comprehensive holdings of the best designed and most elegantly printed books created in the last half-century. These volumes, primarily from limited and special editions, have been designed by leading typographers, illustrated by well known artists and printed on the finest papers by dedicated printers. The collection celebrates creative printing in America and England, so notable in this century. It likewise documents the Overbrook Press, Mr. Altschul's own private press, whose books rival those of any other American private press. The work of private presses has had great influence on the refinement of commercial press work in this century, and many designers have contributed notable work in both areas. The best American designers were among Mr. Altschul's friends, and he occasionally employed them for special projects of the Overbrook Press. It is also clear that the beautiful editions in his own book collection had a strong influence on Overbrook Press Printing. The major book collection in Mr. Altschul's bequest was housed in the handsome Georgian Room in a specially built wing of his Overbrook Farm home in Stamford. This paneled room contained fine press books issued by both private and commercial presses here and abroad, as well as commissioned works issued by book clubs. These books represent an historical selection of the development of fine printing in our century. They are now housed in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, where they strengthen and complement other holdings of fine printing. ..... The Overbrook Press was supported as well by a typographic library maintained in the press building across the brook. This ample collection includes many of the great basic typographic books of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in their original editions, such as Fournier's `Manual Typographique' (1764) and Bodoni's `Manuale Tipografico' (1818). All the important twentieth-century press bibliographies were collected, such as those of the Grabhorn Press and Enschede. The Stevens-Nelson paper catalog is included, as well as type specimen books from American, English and Continental type foundries and presses. The outstanding printing periodicals of the day, `The Dolphin', `Signature', `PM', and `The Colophon', are also present. Printers' catalogs and ephemera, keepsakes, Christmas booklets, fliers and printing samples from all the major presses and most of the small private presses of twentieth-century Europe and America were collected, as well as the yearbooks and newsletters of book collectors' clubs and museum publications. This aggregate made a fine resource and was available to the director and the pressmen. Mr. Altschul stipulated that this valuable typographic library join the working library of his good friend and fellow printer Carl Purington Rollins. It is now housed in the Rollins Room as part of the Arts of the Book Collection in Sterling Memorial Library. The record of the Overbrook Press is remarkable. During its initial eight years, nine press books were selected by the American Institute of Graphic Arts to be among the Fifty Books of the Year. The Overbrook Press was truly a private press, for not only was it supported solely by Frank Altschul but its printed output was usually presented to friends and acquaintances. Today its productions are eagerly sought and highly regarded. The reputation of the Overbrook Press is due to the excellent quality of each book, a fine and lasting tribute to the taste and generosity of its owner-producer." Wyman W. Parker, pp. 138, 144. (Yale University Library Gazette, April 1983. "Altschul Book Bequest," by Wyman W. Parker. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
212. |
Parks, Roger. Connecticut, a bibliography of its history. Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press Of New England; 1986; xlii, 591 pp., map, index, 29 cm. (John Borden Armstrong, series ed.). Bibliographies of New England History; v. Vol. 6). ISBN: 0-87451-361-8.
Notes: Title page reads: "Connecticut / A Bibliography of Its History / - / Volume Six of Bibliographies of New England History / / Prepared by the / [symbol of the Committee for a New England Bibliography] / COMMITTEE FOR A NEW ENGLAND BIBLIOGRAPHY / JOHN BORDEN ARMSTRONG / Boston University / Chairman and Series Editor / / Edited by / ROGER PARKS / Senior Research Associate / Boston University / / UNIVERSITY PRESS OF NEW ENGLAND / Hanover and London, 1986"
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: entries No.192, 660, 1067, 1735, 1902, 1910, 1935, 1943, 3133, 3169, 3930, 8555-8631. Printed on acid free paper.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtBran, CtBSH, CtDab, CtDar, CtDer, CtFar, CtFaU, CtGro, CtHamd, CtHi, CtM, CtManc, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNl, CtNowa, CtPlv, CtS, CtSHi, CtSi, CtSoP, CtStr, CtSU, CtU, CtWal, CtWB, CtWhar, CtWillE, CtWilt, DLC.
Abstract: "The Connecticut volume, like its predecessors in the Bibliographies of New England History series, lists published writings - books, pamphlets, magazine and journal articles - about the history of a particular New England state, its cities, towns, and counties, its people and their institutions. This is a comprehensive rather than a selective bibliography. Within the editorial guidelines of the Committee for a New England Bibliography (CNEB), it includes all titles uncovered in a systematic search of state and local history collections and numerous periodicals files. Full-time work on this volume began in the summer of 1983 and extended to the fall of 1985. Our cutoff date for comprehensive coverage is the end of 1984, but we have added as many 1985 titles as possible - some fifty in all - before going to press. Chronologically, then, the listings in this volume represent the period from earliest settlement to nearly the present time. The various works cited here were written by academic scholars, professional writers, and amateur historians. Foreign language publications are listed, as well as materials written in English. Some of the subjects dealt with are of broad, current interest to students, scholars, or general readers; others are of more local concern or reflect the interests of earlier generations of Connecticut historians and their readers. In bringing these materials together, we make no qualitative judgment. Our purpose is to identify and make accessible the many scattered references and to suggest the kinds of information that can be extracted from them through careful use of this bibliography and its index of authors, subjects, and places. Our listings provide uniform bibliographical data - name of author, full title of the work, place and date of publication, and pagination - plus one or two library locations for each book and pamphlet entry. Brief annotations are included where needed to clarify the subject or scope of a particular work." Roger Parks, p. xxix. (Roger Parks, excerpts p. xxix, from Connecticut: A Bibliography of Its History, copyright 1986 by the Committee for the New England Bibliography, reprinted by permission of the University Press of New England.) |
213. |
Pavia, Tony M. An American town goes to war. Paducah, Kentucky: Turner Publishing Company; 1995; x, 238 pp., illus., ports., d.w., index, 24 cm. (Amy Cloud, Editor). ISBN: 1-56311-270-0.
Notes: Title page reads: "AN AMERICAN TOWN / GOES TO WAR / / by / Tony Pavia / / TURNER PUBLISHING COMPANY / Paducah, Kentucky" Includes a list, on pp. iv-v, of those killed in action, during World War II, who enlisted from Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: CtDar, CtS, CtSHi, CtY, DLC.
Abstract: "In this book I have attempted to gather the stories of some of the people of Stamford whose lives were touched by World War II. ... I have done my best to gather personal interviews from a variety of battles, theaters and branches of service. These accounts were not taken verbatim from a transcript. In many cases they were edited, condensed and patched together from recorded interviews and subsequent conversations. Many times after a two or three hour visit and long after the recorder was turned off, the subject would remember an important detail or anecdote. Other times I would receive a phone call later to clarify or amplify a story. Some of these people had not talked about these events for close to fifty years, and the interview often opened a torrent of memories. ... Another relevant point must be made about the subjects themselves. Early on in the project I was warned that everyone would inflate his or her own importance in the war effort, that stories would be exaggerated. I found exactly the opposite to be true. Many were reluctant to tell their story and even more reluctant to take credit for anything heroic. They were much more willing to praise `others.` Very few volunteered information about decorations they received in combat. In most cases I had to pry it out of them. Other times a wife or relative would pull me aside and tell me. In one case after a three hour interview with one of the men, I found a photograph of him being awarded the Bronze Star. When I asked about it the subject said, `You're not going to make a big deal out of that are you?` This was the typical reaction I got to such an inquiry. I interviewed one man for hours and was long finished with his account when I stumbled upon an article in the newspaper in 1945 which announced that he had been awarded the Silver Star. He simply never mentioned it to me. He still hasn't. Many of the men who were wounded did not want me to mention it. Their typical attitude was that others had suffered more and that in comparison their troubles were minor. ... In reading their stories you will not hear about valiant or heroic deeds, nor will you hear graphic tales of blood and death, but rather of common, humble men and women describing a job that they knew was important to their country. Through these humble and underrated accounts you will conclude, as have I, that these truly were extraordinary people and that the rest of us owe them a debt that we can never truly repay." Tony M. Pavia, pp. ix, 1. |
214. |
Pease, John C. [John Chauncey]. Gazetteer of the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island : Written with care and impartiality, from original and authentic materials : Consisting of two parts ... : With an accurate and improved map of each state Niles, John M. Hartford, (Connecticut): William S. Marsh ; 1819; vii, 389 pp., table of contents, ports., maps, appendix, errata, 22 cm.
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 193-194.
Location: CSt, Ct, CtDab, CtMil, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtU, CtWal, CtWB, CtWhar, CU, DLC, I, MdBP, MiU, MoSW, MWA, NIC, OCl, OO, PHi, PPL, RPJCB, TxU, ViW. Sabin (No. 59466) Sealock and Seely (No. 1029). Kemp (p. 61). Collier (p. 194).
Abstract: "Stamford ... The staple agricultural products are Indian corn, rye and potatoes; the latter of which are extensively cultivated. From the facilities of communication with New-York, the value of potatoes is much increased, and a sure and ready market afforded; and hence their cultivation, which under other circumstances must always be a minor object with the farmer, has become in this town an important interest. It is estimated that there are about 100,000 bushels sent to the New-York market annually from this town. ... Connected with the navigation business of this town is the manufacture of flour, for exportation, which is carried on very extensively. There are two mills exclusively employed in this business; one of which is the largest in the State, containing 16 run of stones; the other contains 10 run. Besides these, there are 7 other Grain Mills in the town. Exclusive of the manufacture of flour, there are no considerable manufacturing interests in this town; not taking into view those of a domestic character. There are 2 Fulling Mills and Clothiers' works, 4 Carding Machines and 2 Tanneries. The mercantile business of the place is considerable, there being 14 Dry Goods and Grocery Stores. The civil divisions of the town consist of 3 located Ecclesiastical Societies or Parishes, and 11 School Districts. Besides the located, there are 1 Episcopal Society; 2 Baptist Societies; 1 of Methodists, and 1 Society of Friends. In the first located Society there is a delightful and interesting village, pleasantly situated upon Mill river, and the great mail road leading to New-York. It is a neat and handsome place, and comprises, about 50 or 60 Dwelling houses, some of which are large and elegant, a Post office, several professional offices, 2 Churches, and several Mercantile Stores. The Post office at this place is a distributing office. The population of Stamford, in 1810, was 4440; and there are about 450 Electors, 4 Companies of Militia, and about 600 Dwelling houses. The aggregate list of the town, in 1816, was $91,668. There are in the town 8 Public Inns or Taverns, 7 Houses for religious worship, 11 primary Schools, 2 Social Libraries, 4 Physicians, 7 Clergymen and 4 Attornies." John Chauncey Pease and John M. Niles, pp. 193-194. |
215. |
Pershing, George Orr. "Washington's Visits to Stamford". Stamford Historian. (1957); Vol. 1 (No. 2). pp. 129-134.
Notes: Published by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi. Kemp (p. 632). Parks (No. 8595).
Abstract: "Stamford's location on the King's Highway, or Boston Post Road, insured its being on the route of any overland passage east from New York. Stamford is mentioned several times in George Washington's accounts of his trips in his diary. Mr. Pershing has made a study of these references and other historical facts to draw up the following." Editor's note, p. 129. "Friday 16th (October 1789). About 7 o'clock we left the Widow Haviland's, and after passing Horse Neck, six miles distant from Rye, the Road through which is hilly and immensely stoney, and trying to Wheels and Carriages, we breakfasted at Stamford, which is 6 miles further, (at one Webb's) a tolerable good house, but not equal in appearance or reality to Mrs. Haviland's. In this Town are an Episcopal Church and a meeting house." George Washington, p. 130. |
216. |
Phelps, I. Newton. Historical sketch of Union lodge no. 5, F. & A. M. Scofield, C. Harris. (Stamford, Connecticut): Union Lodge, No. 5, A. F. & A. M., of Stamford, Connecticut; 1924; 77 pp., illus., port., 22 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "HISTORICAL SKETCH / of UNION LODGE / No. 5, F. & A. M. / / [Masonic symbol] / / 1924"
Printers' mark on flyleaf following page 77 reads: "R. H. Cunningham / Press'"
Location: CtSHi, NHi, ViU.
Abstract: "Into the history of Union Lodge for the past one hundred and fifty years there has been woven the manifold and composite character of a majority of Stamford's foremost citizens. The fraternity's high ideals of friendship, morality and brotherly love have attracted men from every walk of life, attesting the value of the doctrine of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Each passing year has brought increasing peace and prosperity. Storm and tempest have hurled their strength at this ancient Lodge but it has endured. Men have come and gone in fleeting generations, seasons have flown like hours, but it has still maintained its beneficent influence and spread it wider and wider over the earth." I. Newton Phelps and C. Harris Scofield, November 17th, 1913, pp. 53-54. "This historical sketch compiled by Worshipful Brother I. Newton Phelps and Brother C. Harris Scofield for Union Lodge, No. 5, F. and A. M., of Stamford, Conn., not only fills a long felt need in the life of the Masonic fraternity in this city, but will perpetuate for succeeding generations important data that will be valued more and more with the passing years. Brother Scofield has traced the history of Union Lodge from its inception (charter dated `November 18, A. D. 1763, A. L. 5763' R.M.) to November 17th, 1913." Alfred Grant Walton, p. 57. |
217. |
Pierson, Samuel. Fifty Years Of Medical Progress. Stamford, Connecticut; 1931; (5)-48 pp., paper covers, 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "FIFTY YEARS OF MEDICAL / PROGRESS / AN ESSAY / by / SAMUEL PIERSON, M. D. / F. A. C. S. / [printers' device] / Presented at a Special Meeting of the Stamford / Medical Association / Stamford, Connecticut / June 24, 1931 "
Location: CtSHi, CtY-M.
Abstract: "It occurred to me at the completion of fifty years in the practice of medicine that it might be interesting to recount in a cursory way the conditions of practice that were in vogue at that time, and also to indicate the many improvements and discoveries in medicine which have occurred in the last fifty years." Samuel Pierson, p. (4). |
218. |
Playground and Recreation Association of America. "Leaders in Recreation : Stamford, Conn., Shows What Can Be Done By Community Effort". Playground. 1924 Sep; Vol. 18 pp. 376-378.
Notes: Published by the Playground and Recreation Association of America, Cooperstown, New York. "From the New York Times, February 1, 1924."
Location: CtH, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNlC, CtU. White (p. 3).
Abstract: "Institutes for the training of leaders are increasing in number and influence as their value is recognized as a means of developing leadership and of enlarging the circle of volunteers who are helping to make community-wide recreation possible. Recreation executives, particularly in small communities, sometimes hesitate to attempt institutes because they do not have a staff of workers to share with them the responsibility of the lectures and demonstrations, and the task appears too great an undertaking. If, however, all community agencies are drawn into the plan from the beginning and it is made sufficiently broad in its scope to reach people of varied interests, the task can be greatly simplified, according to the Playground and Recreation Association of America, maintaining Community Service, whose headquarters are at 315 Fourth Avenue. This was the experience in Stamford, Conn., a city of 25,000 people which held its first training course in February and March, 1923, a report of which has just been published by the Association." Playground, p. 376.
219. |
Poirier, David A. "Discussion Of Two Disturbed Clay Pipe Finds From Stamford, Connecticut". Quarterly Bulletin - Archeological Society of Virginia. 1974 Sep; Vol. 29 (No. 1). pp.10-18; ISSN: 0003-8202.
Notes: Published by Archeological Society of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.
Location: CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "Stamford Pipes: A Synthesis - Although the archaeological context of both sites has been seriously disturbed, analysis of the recovered clay pipe materials has generated positive information concerning the occupational history of each site. First, the Newfield Avenue clay pipe materials offer the implication for the association of an unearthed foundation remnant with the 19th century occupational history of a known Stamford family, i.e., Amzi Scofield and his son. Secondly, the clay pipe materials recovered from a midden deposit located to the rear of the Hoyt-Barnum house possess a generally post 1750's date of manufacture and have been tentatively associated with the Barnum family's ownership of this historic structure. In addition, analysis of the clay pipe materials recovered from these two disturbed sites in Stamford has yielded supplemental data pertinent to the temporal and geographic distributional patterns of several common clay pipe varieties, such as the 'TD' and the 'WHITE-GLASGO' pipes, in the New World." David A. Poirier, p. 13. |
220. |
Powel, B. W. [Bernard W.] "Riverbank Site: Observations On An Early, Unrecorded Cemetery". Man In The Northeast. 1979 Fall; (No.18) pp. 48-59; ISSN: 0191-4138.
Notes: Published by Franklin Pierce College, Department of Anthropology, Rindge, New Hampshire.
Location: CtMW, CtNbC, CtNlC, CtU, MAnP, MBU, MeB, MeLB, MGrefC, MSC, MU, MWalB, MWelC, MWH, N, NBuB, NBuU, NHC, NhD, NhKeK, NhRP, NhU, NIC, NNM, NOneoC, NPV, NNR, NSsS, NSyU, NTR, RPB, VtLyL, VtMiM, VtU.
Abstract: "Cursory examination disclosed several apparently meaningful alignments of low, unmodified fieldstones. These were all but lost in dense growth. A similar condition was cited for The Clement Site (Sargent, 1977). The stones were roughly in parallel rows, `head-and-foot-marker' fashion, after the manner often shown for early Christian graveyards. Contact was made with the owner of the estate (F. Altschul, pers. comm.), who professed no knowledge of this spot on his land, but willingly gave permission for an investigation to establish its nature. A large ledge on the northern boundary of the site is known locally as `Revolutionary Rock'; hearsay connects it with events of the American Revolution. Colonial stone walls run along two sides of the site, and an old roadway bounds the southern end. At the time of our work, a bridle path was in use across the site (See Fig. 1-A). A stand of hardwoods grew then upon the site; some of these trees were judged to be 50 to 75 years old. In some cases, gravestones (for such they proved to be) were overgrown by expanding boles of giant oaks, and only the edges of the stones protruded from the bark. ....... No further documentation, town or state reference, or personal informant was found who could contribute anything on the Riverbank Site (which name we took from the local name for the area). ....... We suggest that Riverbank is a burial ground for Christians and (possibly) those of other religions, perhaps with mixed ethnicity, and that these persons for the most part were of low socioeconomic status, and buried here prior to the latter half of the 19th Century." Bernard W. Powell, pp. 48-49, 59. (Copyright 1979 by Franklin Pierce College, Department of Anthropology [assigned to and copyright by Institute for Archaeological Studies, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, New York]. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
221. |
Powell, Bernard W. "Ceramic Find At Hunting Ridge (Conn.)". Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society. 1959 Apr; Vol. 20 (No. 3). pp. 42-45.; ISSN: 0148-1886.
Notes: Published by Massachusetts Archaeological Society, Inc., Attleboro, Massachusetts.
Location: DLC, MB.
For additional information on this site, see: Ernest A. Wiegand II, Rockshelters of Southwestern Connecticut: their Prehistoric occupation and use. (1983), pp. 72-73.
Abstract: "As the result of continued survey in the southwestern coastal area of Connecticut, in June, 1958, I located some aboriginal material near the base of a large rock in the town of Stamford (see map). The find does not really warrant being called a 'site' as it is too restricted in a real extent and in quantity of artifacts. The location is on private land in a residential section of town called Hunting Ridge. The immediate area is wooded land marked by rock outcrops and a few glacial erratics. The material recovered was near the upright face of one of these rocks. ....... Evidently the place was visited only a few times by Indians." Bernard W. Powell, p. 43. |
222. |
Powell, Julie Adams. "Stamford, 1641-1900". Connecticut Magazine. 1900 May-1900 Jun 30; Vol. 6 (No. 4). pp. 209-223.
Notes: Published by Connecticut Magazine Company, Hartford, Connecticut.
Location: CtB, CtBran, CtBris, CtH, CtHT, CtM, CtMy, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNlC, CtSHi, CtU, CtWal, CtWhar, CtWillE. Kemp (p. 632). Kaminkow (p. 705). Parks (No. 8597).
Abstract: "The early history of Stamford is closely associated with the history of the Congregational Church." Julie Adams Powell, p. 209. |
223. |
Prior, E. M. [Edward Martin]. "Reminiscences of An Old Oyster Boat Captain". Connecticut Circle. 1938; Vol.1 (No. 3). pp. 22, 61; ISSN: 0163-1136.
Notes: Published by Wyman Publications, Inc., New York, New York.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtH, CtMer, CtNh, CtNl, CtNlC, CtSoP, CtWal, CtWB. Parks (No. 8598).
Abstract: "Captain E. M. Prior, who wrote the following article, was the owner of the old oyster sloop, `Dictator,' which first sailed in and out of Stamford Harbor during the seventies. He was born in Stamford, Connecticut, in the year 1860. At the age of fifteen, his father, Captain A. Martin Prior, taught him to sail the sloop, the `Dictator,' which belonged to Captain Prior. `I do not pretend to be a writer,' says Captain Prior, `but my friends have asked me to tell about my first experiences as a sea captain and the early oyster industry of Long Island Sound'." Editor's note, p. 22. |
224. |
Purdy, Nina S. "She Induced Her Town to Build a 'First Night' Theatre". American Magazine. 1926 May; Vol. 101 (No. 5). p. 74.
Notes: Published by Crowell Publishing Company, Springfield, Ohio.
Location: CtB, CtH, DLC.
Abstract: "Stamford, Connecticut, has at least one advantage over New York City. New Yorkers see few of the actual "first nights" of New York shows, but Stamford sees approximately two thirds of them! A city of forty thousand people, thirty-five miles from New York, in the past ten years it has become the leading "try-out town" for plays in the United States. And this theatrical importance is due largely to the foresight and the efforts of a woman, Mrs. Emily Wakeman Hartley, who eleven years ago started the fight for a Stamford theatre. ... Presently, she formed a corporation, and sold all the stock for the theatre before she began to build it. This was a difficult proposition, because many of the people with their background of Yankee thrift and caution could not see the sense in parting with their dollars merely on the strength of an idea. In order that it should be truly a community project, Mrs. Hartley pursued for the most part the policy of selling only one share of stock to a person. In this way many people had a direct interest in the theatre. They built it. Yet at a hundred dollars a share they had not put enough money into it individually to cause them to worry over the possibility of a loss. In a year and a half from the time Mrs. Hartley started her campaign, the theatre was built, at a cost of one hundred and ten thousand dollars. It opened on August 14th, 1914, with the play "On Trial" under the management of Cohan and Harris. "A title appropriate for the night and for the success of my venture," says Mrs. Hartley." Nina S. Purdy, p. 74. |
225. |
Putnam, Rufus. Memoirs Of Rufus Putnam And Certain Official Papers And Correspondence. Boston, Massachusetts and New York, New York: The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America in The State of Ohio.; 1903; xxxvi, 460 pp., port., maps, plans, 23 cm. (Rowena Buell, ed).
Notes: Houghton, Mifflin And Company, The Riverside Press, Cambridge, (Massachusetts). For references to Stamford and Greenwich Connecticut, see: pp. 87-88, 192-193.
Location: Ct, CtNb, DLC. Gephart (No. 14254). For additional information on David Waterbury and Fort Stamford, see: Ronald Marcus, Fort Stamford: A Concise Study (1973).
Abstract: "General Rufus Putnam was a man to delight the soul of a historian. He not only made history, he also recorded it. With painstaking care he preserved all his voluminous correspondence, including copies of his own letters, for most of his life kept a journal, made extensive memoranda of various sorts, and punctiliously filed all his papers, adding explanatory endorsements. His prominent position, as a trusted officer in the Revolutionary army and leader of the Marietta pioneers, brought him into contact with most of the noted men of our Republic in its early days, and gives to his papers exceptional value. This large mass of most interesting manuscript material was bequeathed to Marietta College by General Putnam's grandson, William Rufus Putnam, and is now in possession of the College." Alfred Tyler Perry, President of Marietta College.
"While I was on this Command I was honored with A Letter from Genl. Waterbury of which the following are Extracts- `HORSENECK, September 13th 1781. Sir, after my complements I would inform you, that I have recived ordors from his Excellency Governor Trumbull, to build Some places of Security for my troops to winter in, and at the Same time he would recommend it to me, to ask the favor of you to Lend your assistence in counceling with me where it is best to build, &c.' (footnote 2: Omitted in General Putnam's transcription: - `Sd place of Security for the Winter that Shall Sarve Best for the publick Good and for the Security of the troops in General: & you may Be asured I Shold take It as a Great favour If I Cold obtain your Judgement in the mator and hope I Shall have the pleasure of Seeing you in a Day or to If Nothing Extraordinary prevents - and am Dear Coll With Great Esteme, Yours to Sarve, DAVID WATERBURY.' I made the tour agreable request &c-." Rufus Putnam, pp. 87-88. |
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