The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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290. |
Union Baptist Church. Reflections : a day of dedication and cornerstone laying. (Stamford, Connecticut): Union Baptist Church; 1978 Oct 22; (122) pp., paper covers, illus., ports., 28 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "Reflections ... / [sketch of Union Baptist church] / UNION BAPTIST CHURCH / "A Day of Dedication / and / Cornerstone Laying" / October 22, 1978 / 805 Newfield Avenue Stamford, Connecticut / Reverend Robert W. Perry, M. Div., Pastor"
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi. Kemp (p. 625). Parks (No. 8619).
Abstract: Parks (No. 8619) states, "Black church. Includes historical sketch." "To each of you that share the experience of this book, join with us in reflections, revelations and rejuvenation. In this ninetieth year of existence, we have arrived at a new land of promise, a new home, a new page of history. It is our hope that this new station for God's healing will provide for our community a resource for service and a bulwark of truth. Share with our congregation our legacies and hopes that this journal committee has so aptly prepared." Reverend Robert W. Perry, p. (2). "The Purpose of this `Booklet' is to trace graphically and in words the significant events in the growth and development of Union Baptist Church. The history of our race is still being written, and the church has played, and is playing a very vital part in that history. We have tried to express herein the philosophy of our inspired leadership; a leadership that gave birth to a broad concept of the spiritual, and social obligations of the Church of God. We also have tried to indicate with a reasonable degree of fidelity and gratitude, how a vast majority of our great membership caught the spirit and made it possible for all hands working under divine inspiration to forge this dream into tangible realities. We, the members of the committee, commend this modest piece of work to the members of Union Baptist Church. It is our wish and prayer, that it will prove to be a satisfactory expression of your ideas. We also hope that it will be read with the same empathic understanding, that guided us through the many days of work, days of fears, some gladness and some sadness, but our labor has been a fruitful one. We deeply appreciate the cooperation received directly and indirectly from the congregation; and in addition, would like to express our gratitude to the friends in the community who supported this effort." Nina W. Daniels, Chairperson, p. (1). (Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
291. |
United Jewish Federation of Stamford, Shalom Stamford Committee. Shalom Stamford - A Guide to the Stamford Jewish Community. Stamford, Connecticut: United Jewish Federation of Stamford; 1985 Summer-5745 Summer; 36 pp., paper covers, illus., maps, index, 14 x 22 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "SHALOM STAMFCRD / A Guide to the / Stamford Jewish Community"
Location: CtSHi.
Abstract: "Shalom Stamford is a cooperative effort of the United Jewish Federation, the Jewish Community Center, the synagogues, and all of the Jewish organizations in our community. Its purpose is to greet Jewish families who have moved to Stamford, to provide newcomers with information about the many Jewish social, religious and organizational activities and facilities available here, and to help people quickly feel at home in our community." United Jewish Federation of Stamford, Shalom Stamford Committee, p. 3. |
292. |
Updegraff, Marie. Story of the Stamford Hospital, 1896-1971: Seventy five years of service, with more than 100 photographs. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Hospital; 1971 Dec; (vi), 97 pp., illus., ports., 28 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "The Story of / THE STAMFORD HOSPITAL / 1896 - 1971 / / by Marie Updegraff / / Seventy five years of Service / / with more than 100 photographs / / Published by The Stamford Hospital / A Community - Supported, / Non - Profit Hospital / Stamford, Connecticut / December, 1971" Imprint on last page reads: "Book designed by Florence H. Pettit / Editorial Consultant, Kay Farmer / Cover photograph by Charles F. Bernhard / Printing by T. O'Toole & Sons, Inc., South Norwalk, Conn."
Location: CtHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtY-M. Parks (No. 8626).
Abstract: "This book is dedicated to Judge John Clason, founder of The Stamford Hospital, and to the many others who had the courage, compassion, generosity and vision to give to this community a hospital which provides the best possible treatment to all patients regardless of race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex or religious creed." Marie Updegraff, p. (i). "This book, which commemorates the 75th anniversary of The Stamford Hospital, is written especially for the many people who have, over the years contributed so much in time, effort, service and money to make The Stamford Hospital an outstanding health center. An anniversary year is the time to review past events. This book provides us with an opportunity to reflect over the spectacular growth of The Stamford Hospital in just 75 years - growth not only in its physical facilities, but also in the quality and number of its services to the people in the community." Thomas F. Richardson, p. (iv). (Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
293. |
Updegraff, Marie. Story of the Stamford Hospital School of Nursing 1901-1976: seventy five years of service to humanity. (Stamford, Connecticut): (Stamford Hospital); 1976; (iv), 57 pp., paper covers, illus., list of graduates, 26 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "The Story of / THE STAMFORD HOSPITAL / SCHOOL OF NURSING / 1901-1976 / / by Marie Updegraff / / Seventy Five Years of Service to Humanity"
Location: CtS, CtSHi. Parks (No. 8627).
Abstract: "This book is dedicated to the 953 graduates of The Stamford Hospital School of Nursing whose lives were motivated towards the alleviation of human suffering. Through their compassion, learned skills and devotion to duty, they have helped to make Nursing the noble profession it is today." Marie Updegraff, Dedication on reverse of title page. "This book has been written to commemorate 75 years of nursing education at The Stamford Hospital and the contribution of the 953 graduate nurses to this Hospital and to the many communities they have served. It provides an opportunity for all of us to look back and reflect on the hard work of becoming a nurse as well as the many good times shared as students. As nursing education has engaged in a continuous process of growth and change, we now look ahead to a collegiate base rather than a hospital base setting for nursing education. The School will be closing at the end of this 75 years. We look to the future with the knowledge that we can be proud of its heritage, its students and its faculty - a heritage which will live on in the memories of all those who have been touched in any way by The Stamford Hospital School of Nursing." Patricia Szczech, p. (i). (Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
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