The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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163. |
League of Women Voters of Stamford, Connecticut. Stamford, Our City. 2nd. ed. Stamford, Connecticut: League of Women Voters of Stamford, Connecticut; 1959 Aug; 53 pp., paper covers, map, charts, table of contents, bibliography, 23 cm.
Notes: Imprint on title reads: Second Edition, August 1959. Printed by The United Publishing & Printing Corp., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: CtHi, CtS, CtSHi. Parks (No. 8578).
Abstract: Parks (No. 8578) states, "Includes historical sketch." "The original version of Stamford, Our City came out in 1953 as the result of the voluntary labors of some hundred members of the League of Women Voters over a two-year period. The League of Women Voters, in preparing the booklet, received full cooperation from city officials and invaluable help from a committee of teachers in the public school system. The first edition received wide distribution in the community. School children, the public library, new voters, new residents, civic and service organizations - all found it helpful and informative. Early in 1959, no more copies of the first edition were available. Therefore, to meet the continuing demand, the League of Women Voters prepared this second edition. Once again, city officials were extremely helpful. ...... Stamford, Our City is a brief, non-technical survey of the history, government and politics of Stamford. For a thorough study of any of these aspects of the city, additional reading would be necessary. For example, one would have to read state statutes and the City Charter itself for a legally exact and technically complete picture of our city government. Our effort has been to provide a readable portrait of Stamford for the broadest possible use." Grace Orlansky, President, League of Women Voters of Stamford, Connecticut, p. vi. (Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
164. |
League of Women Voters of Stamford, Connecticut. This Is Stamford: A Guide to Stamford - its government and services. 3rd. ed. Stamford, Connecticut: League of Women Voters of Stamford, Connecticut; 1965; 52 pp., paper covers, illus., map, charts, table of contents, 21 cm.
Location: CtHi, CtSHi. Parks (No. 8577).
Abstract: Parks (No. 8577) states, "Includes historical sketch." "THIS IS STAMFORD has been prepared by the League of Women Voters of Stamford. The first two editions were published in 1953 and 1959 under the title STAMFORD, OUR CITY. In this, our third edition, we provide a readable, concise and up-to-date portrait of this city's government and its major services - public works, planning and zoning, education, health and welfare services and parks and recreational facilities. Detailed information is provided on Stamford's urban renewal program, voting procedures and the court system, as well as explanatory charts and a map showing schools and recreational areas. We are proud of what Stamford has accomplished in the past. We now look to the future. Each of us can help Stamford's progress by being informed and by actively participating in its affairs. Elections, public hearings, letters to our representatives are among the citizen's most important tools in making improvements and changes. The extent to which these tools are used on an informed basis by the people of Stamford will determine the future well-being of this city. The League of Women Voters dedicates this book to the informed and active participation of the citizens of Stamford in their government. We are indebted to the many people who helped with the preparation of this book and especially to Mr. Albert J. Forman for his invaluable advice. We gratefully acknowledge that it could not have been published without the full cooperation of city officials and other interested citizens." Mrs. E. Kennedy Langstaff, President, League of Women Voters of Stamford, Connecticut, p. 2. (Copyright 1965 by the League of Women Voters of Stamford , Connecticut . Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
165. |
Leavitt, Robert Keith. Raymond R. Machlett, 1900-1955. (Springdale, Connecticut) : Machlett Laboratories, Inc.; (1955); 121, (4) pp., illus., ports., map, 29 cm.(Alice F. Machlett, ed.).
Notes: Title on cover reads: Cathode Press Memorial Issue. Art Director, Edward J. Bulger. Illustrator, Rosamond Rollins. Current Photography, Gene Dauber. Typography, Finn's Linotype Service. Lithography, Kipe Offset.
Location: CtSHi, DLC.
Abstract: "Yet an understanding of Machlett Laboratories and of its place in the scientific, social and economic structure cannot be reached by merely taking apart and analyzing its products and operations. The company is an individuality, and a strong one. Its character is even more important than its procedures. The procedures themselves are best understood by seeing how they grew. And the character of the company - like that of a man - can only be appreciated by knowing its background, by seeing it in terms of deeds, not encomiums. This is the more so because a very great deal of Machlett's character derives from one man. Raymond Robert Machlett, who died in the prime of life at the very beginning of the year 1955, led the building of the company that bears his family name. Like all great builders, he built a thing able and worthy to endure of itself after him. But, again like every truly great leader, he left upon it the impress of his personality, his abilities and his character. To know Machlett Laboratories you must know Ray Machlett. So this is the story both of an organization and of a man. In fact, as Ray Machlett himself saw it and outlined it in notes made not long before his passing, the story really begins with his father, Robert Herman Machlett. For it was the elder Machlett who first began the making of x-ray tubes more than half a century ago, who made the name Machlett famous in radiology, who transmitted to his son the still-glowing embers of an x-ray business which the son built into a business greater than it had ever been. And he passed on to that son and to those associated with him certain principles and a very positive integrity which are still the heart of the name Machlett." Robert Keith Leavitt, p. 11. |
166. |
Leonard, L. P. [Lea Palmer]. Stamford Post Offices & Postmasters 1790-1977: Postal History Society of Connecticut.; 1977 May; (No.1.): 22 pp., paper covers, illus., map, 22 cm. (Connecticut Postal History Monograph.)
Notes: Includes a "Concise History Of The Post In Stamford," a Post Office location map, lists of all known Post Offices and Postmasters, list of subsidiary Post Office locations. Also included is an errata slip titled ARCHIVAL CORRECTIONS & ADDITIONS "Published in association with The Stamford Historical Society, Inc."
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi. Parks (No. 8596).
Abstract: "Before the establishment of the USPOD most of the post offices were kept in stores or the home of the then acting postmaster. In the earliest times they were usually in a tavern or inn that also served as a stop for the post rider or stage coach. The first Posts arrived monthly or fortnightly; later twice weekly, not until the coming of the railroad did daily service materialize. Stamford, being the halfway point on the post road between New York and New Haven required a place for the changing of horses and a new Stage House and Stage Yard was erected at the corner of East Main Street and Stage Street to handle both the horses, passengers and the mails. ........ The mails for the main Stamford Post Office were sent via the Lower Post Road from New York via New Haven to Boston until the arrival of the New York & New Haven RR in 1847. The main or upper route went via White Plains to Bedford and thence to Ridgefield, Ct., and on to Hartford via Danbury." Lea Palmer Leonard, pp. 4, 7. |
167. |
Lewis, Amzi. Duty of praising God for his mercy and judgement. : A sermon, delivered (for substance) at North Stamford, November 27, 1794, being a day of public thanksgiving. By Amzi Lewis, V. D. M. Danbury, (Connecticut): "Published By Request", Printed By N. Douglass; 1795; 30, (2) pp., booksellers’ advts., paper covers, 18 cm.
Location: NjPT, NNUT Evans (No. 28971) For additional references to Amzi Lewis, see: Dexter (Vol. 3, pp. 287-289).
Abstract: "If we consider the blessings bestowed upon the families and societies, with which we are connected, the towns or states to which we belong, or to our nation and land in general we shall find abundant occasion to give thanks. The truly thankful will easily recollect particular instances of the goodness of God towards their own connections. And a kind providence may be traced through various merciful dispensations towards our land from the first settlement of it to the present day. What great blessings has our country enjoyed? How many deliverances has it experienced? What abundance of temporal and spiritual favors have been bestowed upon it? The success of that great struggle, which terminated in the liberty and independence of our nation, and all the happy consequences of glorious revolution, ought to be remembered with gratitude, and celebrated with praise. The general prosperity of our country; our freedom from foreign war, while many of the nations of the earth are involved in the most destructive contentions, and the hopeful prospect of the continuance of our national privileges and blessings, call us aloud to give thanks to the Lord, to sing of his mercy, and celebrate his wonderful dispensations towards our land." Amzi Lewis, pp. 22-23. |
168. |
Lieberman, Joseph I. In praise of public life. D'Orso, Michael. Simon & Schuster: New York, (New York); 2000;174 pp., d.w., index, 23 cm. ISBN: 0-684-86774-5.
Notes: Title page reads: ' _____________ / / IN PRAISE / OF / PUBLIC LIFE / [printers' ornament] / Joseph I. Lieberman / with Michael D'Orso / / SIMON & SCHUSTER / NEW YORK . LONDON . SYDNEY . SINGAPORE / / _____________"
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 25-28, 68, 74, 91, 137.
Location: CtDab, CtFaU, CtGre, CtH, CtNbC, CtNc, CtS, CtSHi, CtWilt, CtWtp, DLC.
Abstract: Though not a biography, this work contains numerous references to the author's youth in Stamford, Connecticut. |
169. |
Lindberg, Luther E. 50 years in New England : a history of the New England Conference, 1912-1962. n. p.: New England Conference of the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church; [1962]; xvii, 314 pp., paper covers, illus., map, 22 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "50 Years in New England / A History of the New England Conference / 1912 - 1962 / LUTHER E. LINDBERG, Editor / / Published by the New England Conference of the / Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church" Includes "Sketches For The Family Album ....... A brief history of the New England Conference of the Augusta Lutheran Church" by Evald Benjamin Lawson, pp. 1-31.
For references to Saint John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 144-145.
Location: CtB, CtEhar, CtNh. |
170. |
Lobozza, Carl. Changing Face of Stamford, Connecticut. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1979; 80 pp., paper covers, illus., map, 27 cm.
Notes: Printed in a edition of 6,000 copies. Imprint at bottom of p. 1 reads: Prepared by Greylock Publishers, 13 Spring St., Stamford, Ct. 06901.
Location: Ct, CtHi, CtNc, CtNowa, CtS, CtSHi. Kemp (p. 631). Parks (No. 8579).
Abstract: Parks (No. 8579) states, "Photographs and captions, with historical introduction." "With sincere esteem, dedicated to Sara Mead Webb." "In the recording of history, the camera is a unique instrument, capable of capturing a fleeting glimpse of time and preserving it for posterity. A photograph may not be worth a thousand words, but it can provide, at a glance, the main impression while a concise commentary may bring the reader's attention to its high points. This is a book of pictures, which acts upon that assumption. By using available old photographs and corresponding contemporary scenes, I have attempted to depict the changing face of Stamford in a sequential format." Carl Lobozza, p. 1. |
171. |
Lobozza, Carl. Stamford, Connecticut - Journey Through Time. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1971; 80 pp., paper covers, illus., index, 28 cm.
Location: Ct, CtNc, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP. Kemp (p. 631). Parks (No. 8580).
Abstract: "With the photographic material at hand, I have set forth some of the more interesting features of the 1875 - 1925 period, a brief nostalgic view of the years following to the present time, and a glimpse into what Stamford will be like in the near future on completion of the present Urban Renewal Program. Photographs have a unique descriptive force - unattainable by the printed word. The pictures herein offered are intended to convey the main impression, with concise captions, unencumbered by superfluous text." Carl Lobozza, p. 1. |
172. |
172. Lobozza, Carl. Stamford, Connecticut - Pictures From The Past. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1970; 80 pp., paper covers, illus., map, index, 28 cm.
Notes: Imprint on inside of back paper cover reads: Composition & Design by The Stamford Weekly Mail and Shopper.
Location: Ct, CtBSH, CtFaU, CtMil, CtNc, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, NN, OC. Kemp (p. 631). Parks (No. 8581).
Abstract: "In this book, an account of the development of Stamford is followed from as far back as photographic records are available. The text is necessarily limited to a descriptive commentary relative to the photographs we have to offer. The purpose of this book is twofold. To those who are interested in local history, may it sharpen that interest and increase their knowledge. Much more important, to those who have not yet been introduced to the living history of Stamford, may it kindle a lasting interest." Carl Lobozza, p. 1. |
173. |
Lockwood, Charles Davenport. Story Of Stamford - Historical Address - On the occasion of the celebration of the 275th anniversary of the founding of the Town of Stamford, Connecticut - Delivered in the Stamford Theatre on June Eleventh, 1916. (Stamford, Connecticut); 1916; 29 pp., paper covers, 23 cm.
Notes: The full text of this address was published in the Daily Advocate, June 12, 1916, p. 11. Location: CtS, CtSHi. Parks (No. 8582).
Abstract: "This meeting today is particularly a Stamford congregation, and we are here primarily to congratulate ourselves over the proud history of our town, to pay a tribute to those who have labored in times past for the development of Stamford, and perhaps to consider whether we are in a proper way upholding and continuing the work so nobly instituted and carried on by those who are with us no longer, and whose monument is the town in which we dwell. ..... Within the next twenty-five years many questions and reforms should receive the attention of our citizens. All admit that in our town and city governments with a duplicate set of officials we have a cumbersome, ineffective and expensive system of local government. ..... Who will change the system? If the partners in this municipal enterprise will live up to their obligations, improvements in all these directions will come - not in a day or a year, for it takes a generation for an innovation to become a custom, but this does not excuse us from making a beginning." Charles Davenport Lockwood, pp. 3, 27-28. |
174. |
Lutts, Ralph H. "Nature Fakers: Conflicting Perspectives Of Nature" Schultz, Robert C. Ecological Consciousness: Essays from the Earthday X Colloquium; 1980 Apr 21-1980 Apr 24; University of Denver. Washington, D. C. University Press of America; 1981xxi, 488 pp., 22cm.ISBN: 0819114960.
0819114979 (paperback).
Notes: For references to the "Nature Fakers" controversy and Dr. William J. Long of Stamford, Connecticut, see pp. 183-208.
Location: DLC.
Account of the “Nature Fakers” debate; with Theodore Roosevelt & John Burroughs on one side and Ernest Thompson Seaton of Greenwich & Dr. William J. Long of Stamford on the other. |
175. |
Lyman, Laura Baker. "Leaves from the Diary of a Young Housekeeper: Prize Essay By Mrs. Laura E. Lyman, Stamford, Ct.". Lyman, Joseph Bardwell. American Agriculturist. 1867 Feb; Vol. 26February, pp. 65-66 / March, pp. 105-106 / April, pp. 145-146 / June, pp. 223-224 / July, pp. 259-260 / August, pp. 295-296 / September, pp. 331-332 / October, pp. 371-372 / November, pp. 413-414 / December, p. 454.
Notes: Published by Orange Judd & Company, New York, New York.
Location: CtSHi, CtU.
Although a work of fiction, I have included it in this bibliography because of its description of agriculture and farm life, set in Stamford, Connecticut during the post-Civil War era. At the time this was written, the authors were residents of Stamford, Connecticut. Excerpts from the scrapbook and journal (1851-1868) of Laura Baker Lyman and Joseph Bardwell Lyman, Lyman Family Papers, Yale University Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. "July 14, 1865 - Stamford. Affairs had improved materially. I was engaged in writing historical sketches of the war and in compiling the Agricultural and Mineral Wealth of the Pacific States. We had settled in a pleasant village by the sea. Our house was comfortable and society agreeable. Our two boys were gambling on the greensward, growing, active and intelligent youths. Our Health was absolute." "July 14, 1866 - We are passing the summer out at Bangall, 4 miles N. of Stamford. Allie (Alexander) had been to the school at the crossroads and there taken the `acurus scabei' which was in order communicated to the rest of the family." "July 14, 1867 - We were fairly launched on a stream of authorship. A favorable contract had been made with publishers and the manuscript of the Philosophy of Housekeeping was nearly compleated." "November 15, 1866 - On this day I was in New York and Orange Judd called my attention to two prizes offered by him. One of $100 for the Best Essay on Housekeeping and another of $400 for the best treatise on Cotton Culture. Laura and I sat down at once and wrote the Diary of a Young Housekeeper, submitting it as required by the 1st of January." "Earnings of 1866: $100 - with Laura for Diary of a Young Housekeeper / $400 - Treatise on Cotton Culture ..... ." For additional information on Laura Baker Lyman and Joseph Bardwell Lyman, see: E. B. Huntington, History Of Stamford, Connecticut, From Its Settlement In 1641, To The Present Time, Including Darien, Which Was One Of Its Parishes Until 1820 (1868), p., 461. / Richard B. Sewall, The Lyman Letters: New Light on Emily Dickinson and Her Family (1965), p. 479. / Richard B. Sewall, Emily Dickinson, I, pp. 134-140; II, pp. 422-427. / Peter Gay, The Bourgeois Experience: Victoria To Freud - Education of the Senses (1984), I, pp. 124-127, 148-149, 245-246, 334-335, 338, 437, 480.
Abstract: "A few days ago we came here to our new home, and, while Edward has driven over to the village with a load of wheat, I have been folding and stitching together some sheets of paper, on which I design to keep a record of my successes, perplexities and observations as a housekeeper. This idea was suggested by looking over Edward's farm books with him last night, in which he has an admirably-kept journal of everything he has done, and everything he has learned since he purchased the farm three years ago." Laura E. Lyman (Laura Baker Lyman and Joseph Bardwell Lyman), February, 1867, p. 65. |
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