The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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124. |
Hackler, Greta. "Rehabilitation and the Community : What the Rehabilitation Center for the Physically Handicapped in Stamford, Conn., is doing for the community and what the community does for the Center". American City. 1952 Mar; Vol. 67 (No. 3). pp. 122-123; ISSN: 0002-7936.
Notes: Published by American City Magazine Corporation, New York, New York.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtFaU, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNlC, CtU. White (p. 3).
Abstract: "The Center opened its doors to the handicapped in October 1944. Before the opening the Stamford Social Work Council (now the Community Council) appointed a nominating committee that presented candidates for election to a Board of Directors composed of interested individuals and of representatives from community agencies and organizations. The Board included a wide geographic, social, and economic cross-section of members. A medical advisory committee, composed of local physicians, was also formed to develop health and treatment policies. The Junior League of Stamford adopted the Center as one of its projects for the first two years, contributing financially and with volunteer service. The Service Club also contributed equipment. Other clubs, organizations, and individuals in the community have volunteered and served in numerous capacities at the Center since its opening. In the seven years since the Center was started, the professional staff has increased from two members to eight. There were five patients at the beginning. In 1951, 373 persons received treatment and training, and 57 persons worked in the Sheltered Shop for a total of 23,928 hours." Greta Hackler, p. 122. (Copyright 1952 by American City Magazine Corporation [now American City & County magazine, Garland, Texas]. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
125. |
Hadden, James M. Hadden's journal and orderly books : a journal kept in Canada and upon Burgoyne's campaign in 1775 and 1777 / by Lieut. James M. Hadden, Roy. art : also orders kept by him and issued by Sir Guy Carleton, Lieut. General John Burgoyne and Major General William Phillips, in 1776, 1777, and 1778 : with an explanatory chapter and notes by Horatio Rogers. Albany, New York: Joel Munsell's Sons; 1884; 581 pp., [6] p. of plates, illus., maps, 22 cm. (Munsell’s historical series : no. 12)
Notes: Title page reads: “Hadden’s Journal and Orderly Books, / A / JOURNAL KEPT IN CANADA / AND / UPON BURGOYNES CAMPAIGN / IN 1776 AND 1777, BY / LIEUT. JAMES M. HADDEN, ROY. ART. / ALSO / Orders kept by him and issued by SIR GUY CARLETON, LIEUT. GENERAL JOHN BURGOYNE and MAJOR GENERAL WILLIAM PHILLIPS, in 1776, 1777 and 1778. / WITH AN EXPLANATORY CHAPTER AND NOTES BY / HORATIO ROGERS / - / ALBANY, N. Y. / JOEL MUNSELL’S SONS, 82 STATE ST. / M.DCCC.LXXXIV [1884]” For references to David Waterbury of Stamford, Connecticut, see: Appendix No. 8, “Gen. David Waterbury” p. 439. Reprinted in 1970 and 1972.
Location: The following libraries own copies of the 1884 edition: Ct, CtHT, CtSoP, CtY. The following libraries own copies of the 1970 reprint [ISBN: 0836954629] : CtNhH, DLC.
The following libraries own copies of the 1972 reprint [ISBN: 083981772X] : CtDabN, CtU, DLC.
Abstract: “At the May Session, 1776, the General Assembly of Connecticut (i)n view of the alarming movements of the British troops, voted to raise two regiments, and appointed David Waterbury, Jr. to be colonel of one of them to be stationed at or near New London. Gov. Trumbull called the General Assembly together again on the 14th of June to take into consideration the requisitions of Congress of the 1st and 3d of June, for reinforcements to the armies at New York and in Canada. It accordingly met and cheerfully granted the reinforcements required. That for the Northern Department consisted of two regiments, and Col. Waterbury was appointed a brigadier general for that Department. This force was promptly raised, and arrived at New York, July 5th and 6th, at Saratoga July 12th, and two or three days later at Skenesborough, where a dock yard had been established, in which a fleet was being constructed for Lake Champlain; and to the command of that post Gen. Waterbury was assigned.” James M. Hadden. |
126. |
Hall, Charles S. Life And Letters Of Samuel Holden Parsons - Major General In The Continental Army And Chief Judge Of The Northwestern Territory, 1737-1789. Binghamton, New York: Otseningo Publishing Company; 1905; xii, 601 pp., plan, index, 25 cm.
Notes: For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 77, 90, 124, 233, 254-255, 258, 286, 343-345, 347, 354, 391, 397-403, 407, 431, 437. Reprinted in 1968.
Location: The following libraries own copies of the 1905 edition: Ct, CtSoP, CtU, CtWillE, DLC, MB, MWA, NN, OCl, OClWHi, OrU, OU, PHi, PPL, TU, ViU.
The following libraries own copies of the 1968 reprint: CtM, CtOl, CtS, CtSHi. Gephart (No. 14161).
Abstract: "During the whole war but six general officers in the Continental or regular army were appointed from the State of Connecticut. ... Reviewing the careers of these men, no one of them seems to have been so largely and intimately connected with the affairs and interests of Connecticut as was General Parsons throughout the whole of his active life." Charles S. Hall, pp. 4, 6. |
127. |
Hamilton, Alexander. Hamilton's Itinerarium; Being A Narrative Of A Journey From Annapolis, Maryland, Through Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts And New Hampshire, From May To September, 1744. Saint Louis, Missouri: Privately Printed by W. K. Bixby; 1907; xxvii, 264 pp., port., map, illus., index, 24 cm. (Albert Bushnell Hart, ed.)
Notes: For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 207-208. Imprint on reverse of title reads: “The DeVinne Press. Four hundred and eighty-seven copies of this work have been printed for private distribution only. The forms have been broken up and the type distributed.”
Location: CSt, Ct, CtHi, CtSHi, CtSoP, CU, CU-A, DLC, DNLM, IaU, M, MB, MdBP, MiU, MnU, MWA, NcD, NjP, NjR, NN, NNNAM, OCl, OClWHi, OO, PBm, PHi, PMA, PPC, RPJCB. Matthews (p. 41). Matthews (p. 41) states, "Hamilton, Dr. Alexander (1712-1756) of Scotland, and Annapolis, Md. Travel diary or `Itinerarium,' May-September 1744; health trip from Annapolis to New Hampshire and back; extensive and vigorous descriptions and ironical comments on social and religious life, with many excellent scenes involving medicos and sectarians; some literary matters and conversation pieces; an excellent diary by a skeptical Scottish physician." The original manuscript of "Hamilton's Itinerarium" is in the collections of the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, California.
Abstract: "Thursday, August 30th (1744). - I left Norwalk at seven in the morning, and rid ten miles of stony road, crossing several brooks and rivulets that run into the Sound, till I came to Stanford (Stamford). A little before I reached this town, from the top of a stony hill I had a large open view or prospect of the country westward. The greatest part of it seemed, as it were, covered with a white crust of stone, for the country here is exceedingly rocky, and the roads very rough, rather worse than Stonington. I breakfasted at Stanford at one Ebenezer Weak's. In this town I saw a new church, which is now a-building, the steeple of which was no sooner finished than it was all tore to pieces by lightning in a terrible thunder-storm that happened here upon the first day of August in the afternoon. I observed the rafters of the steeple split from top to bottom and the wooden pins or trunnels that fastened the joints half drawn out. While I was at breakfast at Weak's, there came in a crazy old man, who complained much of the hardness of the times and of pains in his back and belly. `Lackaday for poor old Joseph!' said the landlady. A little after him came in one Captain Lyon, living at Rye bridge. He wore an affected air of wisdom in his phiz, and pretended to be a very knowing man in the affairs of the world. He said he had travelled the whole world over in his fancy, and would fain have persuaded us that he understood the history of mankind completely. Most of his knowledge was pedantry, being made up of commonplace sentences and trite proverbs. I asked him if I should have his company down the road. He replied that he would be glad to wait on me, but had an appointment to eat some roast pig with a neighbour of his, which would detain him till the afternoon. So I departed the town without him." Alexander Hamilton, pp. 207-208. (Thursday, August 30th, 1744) ....... "I passed thro' Horseneck (Greenwich), a scattered town, at half an hour after eleven o'clock, and passed over Rye Bridge at twelve, the boundary of Connecticut and York Government, after having rid 155 miles in Connecticut Government. `FAREWELL, Connecticut' (said I, as I passed along the bridge), `I have had a surfeit of your ragged money, rough roads, and enthusiastick people'." Alexander Hamilton, p. 209. |
128. |
Hamilton, Harlan. Lights & Legends : a historical guide to lighthouses of Long Island Sound, Fishers Island Sound and Block Island Sound. Stamford, Connecticut: Wescott Cove Publishing Company; 1987; 286 pp., paper covers, illus., port., map, references, bibliography, index, 23 cm. (Julius M. Wilensky, ed.)
ISBN: 0-918752-08-6.
Notes: Title page reads: "LIGHTS & LEGENDS / A HISTORICAL GUIDE TO LIGHTHOUSES / OF / LONG ISLAND SOUND, FISHERS ISLAND SOUND / AND BLOCK ISLAND SOUND / by Harlan Hamilton / Edited by Julius M. Wilensky / All photos by the author unless otherwise noted / / Copyright by Harlan Hamilton / published 1987 by Wescott Cove Publishing Company / P.O. Box 130, Stamford, CT 06904 / / All Rights reserved / / No part of this book may be reproduced in any form / without written permission of the publisher / 1st Edition - 1987 / / Library of Congress Card No. 87-50764 / ISBN No. 0-918752-08-6 / SAN No. 210-5810" For references to Stamford Light (Chatham Rock Light), Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 41-45, 264.
Location: Ct, CtBSH, CtDar, CtEly, CtFa, CtGro, CtGu, CtNl, CtNowa, CtNowi, CtOl, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtStr, CtWrf, DLC, DSI, FBo, FTaSU, MdAN, MiAa, MnM, NjJS, NKipM, NN, NNSU-MC, RWe, ViU, WHi.
Abstract: "The needs of ship borne commerce created a demand for aids to navigation which always passed and sometimes exceeded the technological capacity of the United States Lighthouse Service. The imposing structures which stand today are not only a sign of the Lighthouse Service's success at building in the most extreme environmental conditions, but are also parts of the maritime heritage of their area and the nation. ... Beset with shoals and reefs, the entrance to Stamford's twin channels was not always easy to find. As early as 1871, a large number of people petitioned for a light to mark Forked Rock, or `The Ledge,' at the east side of the entrance. Officials at the time recommended that a day beacon be placed there, with a lighted beacon on the opposite side. The total cost, they estimated, would be $8,000. There was a lapse of nine years before anything further was done, .... . On June 16, 1880, a preliminary appropriation (by Congress) of $7,000 was voted, and a further appropriation of $23,000 on March 3, 1881. The site chosen was Chatham Rock, opposite Forked Rock, and the State of Connecticut deeded the land for a lighthouse on March 16, 1881. A temporary pier was built to receive the cement, brick and iron necessary for construction, and the work began in earnest in mid-summer of 1881 ... ." Harlan Hamilton, pp. 19, 41. (Lights & Legends : a historical guide to lighthouses of Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound, Fishers Island Sound and Block Island Sound by Harlan Hamilton. Copyright 1987 by Harlan Hamilton. Published by Wescott Cove Publishing Company, P.O. Box 130, Stamford, Connecticut. Reproduced with permission.) |
129. |
Haslam, Patricia L. "Deaths Untimely: Fairfield County, Connecticut, Superior Court Inquests 1715-1793" . New England Historical and Genealogical Register. 1990 Jan; Vol. 144 pp.39-47; ISSN: 0028-4785.
Notes: Published by New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSoP, DLC, MB.
Included are the deaths of 17 residents of Stamford, Connecticut. Based on original coroners’ inquest records located in the Connecticut State Library, Hartford. |
130. |
Hasse, A. R. [Adelaide Rosalie]. "North Eastern Boundary". Bulletin Of The New York Public Library. 1900 Nov; Vol. 4 (No. 11). pp. 359-378; ISSN: 0028-7466.
Notes: Published by The New York Public Library, New York, (New York). For references to Stamford, Connecticut and the New York-Connecticut boundary, see: pp. 362-365.
Location: Ct, CtH, CtU, DLC, NN.
Abstract: See: Indexes, Vols. 1-50 (1897-1946). Location: CtU, NN. Collier (p. 15) states, "The particular boundary that has developed the largest literature is the western border, the New York line. This line was not definitively settled until 1882 and was still being resurveyed in the 1920s. There are several curious stories associated with it." "References to (selected) maps, documents, reports and other papers in the New York Public Library relating to the North Eastern boundary controversy." Adelaide Rosalie Hasse, p. 359. |
131. |
Higgins, John E. "John Fiske at Betts Academy". Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin. 1965; Vol. 30 (No. 2). pp. 58-61; ISSN: 0885-4831.
Notes: Published by The Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtBris, CtFaHi, CtH, CtHi, CtHT, CtMer, CtW, CtMy, CtNb, CtNcHi, CtNlC, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtU, CtWrf. Parks (No. 8571).
Cover illustration of this issue is a view of "James Betts Stamford Classical English Boarding School, Prospect St."; reverse of cover states, "Betts Academy, founded 1838, where John Fiske attended school, 1855-1857. This school appears as a vignette in a map of the town of Stamford, Fairfield County, published by Richard Clark, Philadelphia, 1851." For additional references to John Fiske at Betts Academy, see: John Spencer Clark, Life and letters of John Fiske (1917), Vol. 1, pp. 55-70.
Abstract: "This article is based primarily on letters in the John Fiske Collection at the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, California." Author's note, p. 61. "John Fiske, the nineteenth-century historian and popularizer of evolution, grew up in Middletown, Connecticut, and attended several Connecticut preparatory schools before entering Harvard. He liked them all but had the pleasantest memories of Betts Academy in Stamford (see Cover). ... On a typical day, he got up at five o'clock, washed, dressed and prepared for prayers at five-fifteen. ... Breakfast was at six, followed by free time until classes began at eight. From eight to ten, Fiske, studied Greek. After a half hour recess, he had Latin from ten-thirty to twelve. After lunch he had another Latin class from two to four. Supper was at six, followed by fifteen minutes of prayer at seven. Seven-thirty to eight-fifteen, he studied Greek grammar. Then he usually read from eight-thirty until nine when he went to bed. Play hours were from one to two and four to six. Every Wednesday morning he had drawing instruction, while Saturday mornings were devoted to oral and written compositions. ... The weekly excursions on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons were a welcome change. Mr. Betts had a large covered wagon, open at the sides, which could carry twenty boys. Since fifteen or sixteen students usually had to stay behind and study, Mr. Betts could accommodate every one in the single wagon. In the warm weather the trip was generally to Long Island Sound, three or four miles away, where there was good fishing and bathing. Family visitors also varied the daily schedule." John E. Higgins, pp. 58-59. (Copyright 1965 by the Connecticut Historical Society. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
132. |
Hilliard, Mary P. "Contribution of The Stamford Historical Society to Stamford". Stamford Historian. 1954; Vol. 1 (No. 1). pp. 70-75.
Notes: Published by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi, CtStr. Kemp (p. 627). Parks (No. 8572).
Abstract: "The Stamford Historical Society has made many valuable contributions to Stamford. In this article Mrs. Hilliard recounts some of the activities sponsored by the Society which have served to commemorate various patriotic anniversaries and other events in the half-century existence of the Society. The emphasis here is on the past three decades, with some recollections of the early members who gave the Society its start. Mrs. Hilliard was Secretary for much of this period (1921-1950) and is now a member of our Board of Directors." Editor's note, p. 70. |
133. |
Historical Briefs, Inc. War Years 1939-1945 : a living history of Stamford as recorded in the pages of The Stamford Advocate. Verplanck, New York: Historical Briefs, Inc.; 1991; (176) pp., paper covers, foreword, ports., illus., 36 cm. ISBN: 0-89677-016-8.
Notes: Title page reads: "The / WAR / YEARS / 1939 - 1945 / A LIVING HISTORY / OF / STAMFORD / as recorded in the pages of / The STAMFORD ADVOCATE / WEEKLY FOUNDED 1829 DAILY ESTABLISHED 1892" Imprint on reverse of title page reads: "Printed by Monument Printers & Lithographers, Inc./ Sixth St. & Madalyn Ave., Verplanck, N. Y. 10596"
Location: CtS, CtSHi.
Abstract: Full page reprints of selected pages from The Stamford Advocate during World War II. |
134. |
Hogan, Neil. Cry of the Famishing : Ireland, Connecticut and the Potato Famine. North Haven, Connecticut: Connecticut Irish-American Historical Society ; 1998; (vi), 1-201 pp., illus., ports., bibliographical references, index, paper covers, 28 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "The Cry / of the / Famishing / [illustration of a mother and her two daughters, Famine victims] / IRELAND, CONNECTICUT AND THE POTATO FAMINE / BY NEIL HOGAN” Imprint on reverse of title page reads: "Design & Typesetting, Iniscealtra, Wallingford, Connecticut / Printing, Imprint, North Haven Connecticut" For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 4, 8, 28, 64, 112, 122-123, 128, 149, 164, 169, 181-183.
Location: Ct, CtBSH, CtChh, CtFaU, CtGl, CtGre, CtHamd, CtMer, CtNh, CtNowa,CtRk, CtSHi, CtWal, CtWhey, DLC. |
135. |
Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church. 75 years: Church and A people. Monsignor Alphonse J. V. Fiedorczyk, Editor in chief. (Stamford, Connecticut): Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church; 1979; 176 pp., illus. color & b/w., ports., advts., 29 cm.
Notes: Title appears on cover. Printed by the Delmar Company, Charlotte, North Carolina. Includes: "Ethnic to American: Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Stamford, Connecticut" by Daniel S. Buczek, Professor European History, Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut, pp. 49-96. This study was later published in Polish American Studies; Autumn, 1980; Vol. 37 (no. 2): pp. 17-60; Holy Name Of Jesus Parish Chronology (in Polish and English) 1874-1978: pp. 97-106; Priests, Religious Brothers and Sisters from the Parish: pp. 107-109; List of Parish members who served in WWI and WWII: pp. 128-129.
Location: Ct, CtFaU, CtNbC, CtS, CtSHi, CtU, CtWillE, DLC. Parks (No. 8613).
Abstract: "We are celebrating seventy five years of our existence as a parish - Holy Name of Jesus - the Polish American Roman Catholic Community of Stamford, Connecticut, USA. In the history of the world a span of seventy five years is almost a zero. In the history of a country - placed alongside Poland, a venerable patriarch of over one thousand years of birthdays, our parish on its seventy fifth birthday is merely an infant. Placed alongside the beloved country, the United States of America, which gave birth to and nurtured our parish, we can stand tall and proud of our seventy five years. As a parish community we are far past the adolescent stage in the making of the history of our country. We have contributed our blood, sweat and tears to the growth of this nation for over one third of its existence in the history of the world. Now here lies the final reason for the importance of observing seventy five years of existence - the human reason - the importance to each individual human being - and this is what makes the world go around. Seventy five years in the life of an individual is the history of his world. It's the beginning and end of his world. The average life span in our beloved USA is an average of seventy one years of existence on God's earth. It is with these thoughts that we present this Diamond Jubilee Memorial Volume. Through the history and the chronology and the illustrated manifestations of activities, may it emphasize the necessity and the importance of a celebration and commemoration such as ours. May the untold, unsung and unheralded sacrifices of our parents and grandparents inspire us to follow in their footsteps. May our devotion and sacrifice and generous heart inspire our children to follow in our footsteps." Monsignor Alphonse J. V. Fiedorczyk, p. 1. (Copyright 1979 by Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church, Stamford, Connecticut. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
136. |
Hopkins, Samuel. Sketches of the life of the late Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D. D., pastor of the First Congregational church in Newport, written by himself; interspersed with marginal notes extracted from his private diary: to which is added; A dialogue, by the same hand, on the nature and extent of true Christian submission; also, A serious address to professing Christians: closed by Dr. Hart's sermon at his funeral: with an introduction to the whole, by the editor. Published by Stephen West, D. D., pastor of the church in Stockbridge. Published according to act of Congress. Hartford, (Connecticut), Printed by Hudson and Goodwin.; 1805; xxii, (23)-240 pp., port., 17 cm.
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: p. 77.
Location: CSmH, Ct, CtHC, CtHt-W, CtSoP, IaU, ICN, ICU, IEG, InU, MB, MBAt, MBCo, MH, MHi, MiU, MnHi, MPB, MWA, NcD, NCH, NcU, NjMD, NjPT, NN, NNG, OO, OClWHi, PBm, PPL, PPPrHi, RHi, RPB, TU, WHi. Sabin (No. 32953). Shaw & Shoemaker - 1805 (No. 8640).
Abstract: "I spent great part of the summer of 1777 at Newburyport, preaching to the congregation, which was then, I believe, the largest in America, being destitute by the then late death of Mr. Parsons. The next winter I spent at Canterbury in Connecticut, preaching to a destitute congregation there. And early in the spring I went to Stamford, to a destitute congregation, to which I preached during the summer of 1778. And in the fall of that year I left the old town of Stamford, and preached to a parish in the same town, then called Woodpecker-Ridge, now called North Stamford. Here I had my wife and one daughter with me, and continued here through the winter and summer of 1779, and the winter of 1780. In the spring of that year my wife and daughter went to Great Barrington and I went to Newport, the British having left it the fall before." Samuel Hopkins, p. 77. |
137. |
Hopkins, Samuel. Works of Samuel Hopkins, D. D., First Pastor of The Church in Great Barrington, Mass., Afterwards pastor of The First Congregational Church in Newport, R. I.: With A Memoir Of His Life And Character. Boston, (Massachusetts).: Doctrinal Tract and Book Society; 1854; 3 vols., 24 cm.
Location: CU, ICRL, ICU, MeB, MH, MWA, NcD, NjPT, NNC, NNUT, NRCR, PPPrHi, TxDaM. Sabin (No. 32955).
Abstract: "During the spring and summer of 1778, he supplied the pulpit of his deceased classmate, Dr. Noah Wells, at Stamford, Connecticut. From the autumn of 1778 to the spring of 1780, he preached in North Stamford, which was then a missionary field. He endeavored to cultivate it by a system of pastoral visitation. But he found here, as elsewhere, that the people were afraid of him. 'On one occasion he called on a family, and as soon as he was descried by the younger members of it, they all fled. After sitting some time, he told the father that he wished to offer prayer, and to have the youth and children called into the room. After much lingering and many expressions of timidity, on his part as well as on theirs, he began to pray; and he manifested so much pathos and tenderness, that all the members of the family were affected to tears, and one or two of them became, from that interview, personally interested in religion.' * (MS Letter of Rev. Fuller) From his correspondence we learn, that he adopted measures for organizing a church in this parish. One was formed soon after he removed to his Newport (R. I.) home." Vol. 1, pp. 96-97. |
138. |
Hoyt, Noah Webster. Civil War diaries of Noah Webster Hoyt : 28th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1996; xix, 30, 22, 22, 23, 22 pp., paper covers, 22 cm. ISBN: 1-886054-14-2.
Notes: Title page reads: "THE CIVIL WAR DIARIES / OF NOAH WEBSTER HOYT / 28th Regiment / Connecticut Volunteers / / The Stamford Historical Society, Inc. / Stamford, Connecticut / 1996 / Special Edition"
Location: CtHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtWilt, DLC.
Introduction by Dorothy Mix.
The original manuscript of the "Civil War Diaries of Noah Webster Hoyt : 28th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers" is in the collections of the Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Abstract: "Noah Webster Hoyt, a carpenter and a single man, was 26 when he answered the call and became part of this Company and part of the last of the nine months' regiments to be formed in Connecticut. Noah kept a diary. His entries were accurate, informative, often humorous. Contained in five small notebooks, the simple phrases of his diary tell a story that reaches across more than a hundred years to touch the heart" Dorothy Mix, p. ii. "June 15, 1863
I forgot to say before, that after the Stars and Stripes wer hoisted over Port Hudson, A Salute of 34 guns wer fired, But oh, how much Different the Booming of those Same guns, Sounded in our ears on that Day the 9th of July, from What it did on the 14th of June (A Day Long to be Remembered) Especially by the 28th Ct Regt, for our Loss in killed and wounded, missing on that Day was more than any other one, Regiment in the Division, for our Regt, when we marched for the field numbered but 325 men, and just one quarter of them wer killed, Wounded and taken Prisonors." Noah Webster Hoyt. |
139. |
Hubbell, William. "Faces of a City". Connecticut. 1991 Jun; Vol. 54 (No. 6). pp. 90-91; ISSN: 0889-7670.
Notes: Photography by William Hubbell. Published by Communications International, Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtAns, CtB, CtBhl, CtBl, CtBran, CtChh, CtGre, CtH, CtHT, CtManc, CtMer, CtMil, CtMy, CtNbC, CtNh, CtS, CtSU, CtU, CtWB, CtWilt.
Abstract: "Diversity in all things - landscape, culture, people - stands as a major strength of Stamford." William Hubbell, p. 90. (Copyright 1991 by Connecticut Magazine, Bridgeport, Connecticut. Reprinted with permission of Connecticut Magazine, June 1991.) |
140. |
Hughes, Arthur. Connecticut place names. Allen, Morse S. Hartford, Connecticut: Connecticut Historical Society; 1976; xx, 907 pp., map (on lining papers), appendixes, bibliography, index, 28 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "Connecticut / Place Names / [seal of the Colony of Connecticut] / By / ARTHUR H. HUGHES / and / MORSE S. ALLEN / / The Connecticut Historical Society / 1976" For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 552-561.
Location: Ct, CtAv, CtBran, CtDab, CtEham, CtEly, CtFaU, CtGl, CtGre, CtGro, CtGu, CtH, CtHamd, CtHi, CtM, CtManc, CtMer, CtMil, CtNb, CtNh, CtNhHi, CtNl, CtNm, CtNowa, CtNowi, CtOl, CtPlv, CtPut, CtRk, CtS, CtSoP, CtStr, CtTmp, CtU, CtWal, CtWB, CtWillE, CtWrf. Sealock and Seely (No. 1026). Collier (p. 10). Parks (No. 481).
Abstract: Collier (p. 10) states, "The work lists, ` 25,000 names, past and present, of counties, cities, towns, hamlets, as well as mountains, hills, rivers, ponds, lakes and brooks in the State of Connecticut.' (p. v) The bibliography of hundreds of items consists largely of local histories. There is an index by place name which refers searchers to pages, since the organization is by towns. ...... Hughes and Allen have covered the area so comprehensively that no search beyond their volume should be necessary." |
141. |
Huntington, E. B. [Elijah Baldwin]. History of Stamford, Connecticut, 1641 - 1868, including Darien until 1820. Harrison, New York: Harbor Hill Books; 1979; ix, viii, 483, 69 pp., illus., ports., map, index, d.w., 23 cm. ISBN: 0-916346-36-6.
Notes: Title page reads: "HISTORY / OF / STAMFORD / CONNECTICUT / 1641 - 1868 / INCLUDING / DARIEN / UNTIL 1820 / By / Rev. E. B. Huntington, A. M. / A Corrected Reprint / of the 1868 Edition / - / with a New Index / by / GRACE H. WALMSLEY / - / Added Source References / and a New Preface / by / RONALD MARCUS / / HARBOR HILL BOOKS / Harrison, New York / 1979" Half title reads: "HISTORY / OF / STAMFORD / CONNECTICUT / 1641 -1868" This edition was reprinted on acid free paper in 1992 by the Picton Press, Camden, Maine. ISBN: 0-89725-78-8 The index compiled by Grace Hope Walmsley was re-typeset and revised with "additions, corrections, and expansions made in 1992 by ... Lewis Bunker Rohrbach", p. 485.
The following libraries own copies of the 1979 reprint: CoD, Ct, CtDar, CtGre, CtHi, CtNhHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtU, CtY, DLC, GEU, MWA, NjP, OCl, ViU.
The following libraries own copies of the 1992 reprint: CtSHi, CStcl, DLC, OC, OClCo, UPB, WaS. Parks (No. 8573).
Abstract: "The Stamford Advocate of November 13, 1868, reported completion of the History Of Stamford and went on to describe and praise Huntington's coverage of the town's settlement, the Revolutionary War, separation of Darien, sketches of prominent citizens, and the lists of public officials for both Stamford and Darien. As to the research, effort and time devoted to the book by the author it was stated that `no one can judge, excepting those who have attempted similar tasks.' .... One week before Thanksgiving it was reported in the Stamford Advocate that the first two hundred copies were finished at the binder's and due to arrive before the holiday: `... in all probability many of our readers can peruse it while waiting for Thanksgiving dinner.' Inasmuch as most of Thanksgiving Day, 1868, was cold and rainy, many citizens of Stamford no doubt took this advice and began to examine the Reverend Huntington's book which would endure from their century to the next and beyond." Ronald Marcus, pp. vii-viii. ("The Harbor Hill Books rights were purchased in 1992 by Picton Press," Camden, Maine. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
142. |
Huntington, E. B. [Elijah Baldwin]. History of Stamford : Connecticut, from its settlement in 1641, to the present time, including Darien, which was one of its parishes until 1820. Stamford, Connecticut: Published by the Author; 1868; ix, 492 pp., illus., ports., map, index, 22 cm.
Location: Ct, CtDar, CtDarHi, CtDer, CtFaU, CtGre, CtGreHi, CtHi, CtMil, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNc, CtNcHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtSu, CtWB, CtWilt, CtWtp, CtY, DLC, GEU, M, MB, MBAt, MBU, MdBP, MiU, MnHi, MWA, NcD, NCH, Nh, NjP, NN, OClW, OClWHi, OFH, PHi, PPL, ViU. Sabin (No. 33955). Flagg (p. 261). Wegelin (p. 25). Kaminkow (p. 705). Kemp (p. 631).
Abstract: Estelle F. Feinstein, Stamford from Puritan To Patriot - The Shaping of a Connecticut Community 1641-1774 (1976), p. 215 states, "The Rev. Huntington was a Congregational Minister and an avid local historian who produced a valuable compendium." For a review of this work, see: New Englander and Yale review, Vol. 28, Issue 107, (April 1869), pp. 435-436. "After my Introductory Chapter, which is largely prefatory, there is need of but a very brief, formal preface. My dedication expressed my sense of obligation to seven of the sons of Stamford, without whose pecuniary aid the publication of this work must have been deferred. To another son of the town, whose name I must not give, I am under the same obligation. To many others of our citizens my obligations cannot be forgotten, as long as the record remains which they aided me in making, or while my long subscription list reminds me of their interest in my work. To all these, I now gratefully submit this History of the beautiful town, which I know they delight to honor. In doing so, I could wish its omissions and its faults were fewer: yet I am most of all content, that whatever of either are noticed, were unavoidable. For one omission, rendered necessary both by the size and the expense of the volume, and still more by the merits of the subject itself, demanding fuller and more careful treatment, I trust my readers will find the best possible compensation in the forthcoming STAMFORD SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL. Of its mechanical execution, the History will speak for itself. For the few typographical errors here found, the considerate reader will surely find large amends in the general accuracy of the work; and both the author and his townsmen have just occasion for pride, that our local press has been able to send forth so large a volume, to which so few exceptions can be taken. If nothing further is done, in this contribution to our local history, the author is happy to submit these first fruits, at least, of the full harvests of these two hundred and twenty eight years." Elijah Baldwin Huntington, p. viii. |
143. |
Huntington, E. B. [Elijah Baldwin]. Stamford registration of births, marriages and deaths : including every name, relationship, and date now found in the Stamford registers, from the first record down to the year 1825. Stamford, Connecticut; 1874; 139, (1) pp., paper covers, introductory note, preface, errata and addenda, 22 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "STAMFORD REGISTRATION / OF / Births, Marriages and Deaths, / INCLUDING / EVERY NAME, RELATIONSHIP, AND DATE / NOW FOUND IN THE / STAMFORD REGISTERS. / From the First Record down to the Year 1825. / / - / BY REV. E. B. HUNTINGTON, A. M. / - / / STAMFORD, CONN.: / WM. W. GILLESPIE & CO., STEAM PRINTERS. / 1874." There is a complete set of galley proofs with manuscript notes, consisting of 172 pages, containing numerous additions, corrections and deletions by the author in the Genealogical Division, New York Public Library, New York, New York. A bound photo static copy of these sheets is in the Office of the City & Town Clerk of the City of Stamford, Connecticut. Many of these changes are to be found on p. (1), ERRATA AND ADDENDA. "In the following table of ERRATA we note only errors of name and date. For the very few other typographical blemishes which will not escape the critical eye, our only apology will be the want of time for a second proof-reading." Elijah Baldwin Huntington, p. (1).
Location: CN, Ct, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, DLC, I, M, MnHi, MWA, NBuG, NHi, NN, PHi, ViU. Sabin (No. 90124). Flagg (p. 262). Wegelin (pp. 25-26). Kaminkow (p. 706). Kemp (p. 630).
Abstract: "The records contained in this volume are all found in the first three folios, containing this class of records, in the Town Clerk's office. ... The following changes in the form of the record have been made: A transposition, which brings all of the children of the same parents together in the same paragraph with the parents' name when the record has justified such transposition. ... He (the author) wishes also to express his sense of the public service which our excellent town clerk, EDWIN SCOFIELD, JUN., rendered at the very beginning of his official work, in gathering up and binding together for preservation, the broken fragments of the older records, without which a large part of these materials would long since have perished." Elijah Baldwin Huntington, p. 1. |
144. |
Huntington, E. B. [Elijah Baldwin]. Stamford soldiers' memorial. Stamford, Connecticut: Published by the Author; 1869;166 pp., table of contents, index, 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "STAMFORD / SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL, / BY / Rev E. B. HUNTINGTON, A. M., / AUTHOR OF HUNTINGTON FAMILY MEMOIR AND HISTORY OF STAMFORD. / / - / STAMFORD, CONN. : / PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. / 1869." Imprint on reverse of title reads: "E. HOYT & CO., Printers, / 120 William St., N. Y." "For the exceedingly tasteful typographical execution of the work, our readers are indebted to Lieut. Edgar Hoyt, of the firm of E. Hoyt & Co., New York City, - himself a son and citizen soldier of the town; and for the occasional mistakes detected on these pages, there will be found abundant compensation in the general accuracy and beauty of the work." Elijah Baldwin Huntington, p. 7.
Location: AU, CLU, Ct, CtHi, CtNhHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, DLC, GEU, GU, IC, InI, LRU, M, MB, MHi, Mi, MiD, MnU, MWA, NBPu, NjP, NN, P, PCarlMH, RHi, ScU, TxU, ViU, ViW, VtU. Sabin (No. 33956 & 90126). Flagg (p. 262). Wegelin (p. 25). Kemp (p. 628). Kaminkow (p. 705). Parks (No. 8574).
Abstract: Wegelin (p. 25) states, "Contents. - Citizen Service, Military Service, Naval Service, Obituary. Also Families represented by two or more sons, and Index to names of volunteers. This work is confined to the Civil War exclusively." "This STAMFORD SOLDIER'S MEMORIAL has no higher aim than to report worthily the service which the representatives of the town rendered during the recent civil war. Believing it to have been an honorable and patriotic service, it seemed to the author, due to the men who rendered it, that some record of it should be preserved. Nor did it seem less due to the credit of the town, that so important a feature of its history should be sketched while the materials for it were still within our reach. Indeed, the record which follows is but a fulfillment of the first intent of the author, in projecting the History of the town, and very appropriately follows as its supplement. ... In this MEMORIAL, we have aimed to include every name which has represented the town, in the military and naval service which it is its special aim to report. No one of these names could well be spared from the list. Every one had its value in the great contribution, thus made. Even deserters had already, though unwittingly, it may have been, contributed the influence of numbers to the cause, often, when numbers have answered instead of battles. ... The author in bringing these pleasant labors of months to an end would here express his heartiest thanks to the many personal friends, whose words of kindly encouragement have been a frequent benediction on his work. Never, altogether unrewarded, is any toil which draws its inspiration from the sympathy of such friends. To them, therefore, and to all the good citizens of the town, who share in the honor of every record which honors the town itself, these humble contributions to its history and patriotism are most gratefully commended by the author." Elijah Baldwin Huntington, pp. 5-8. |
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