The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Index of Names and Subjects
within Bibliography Items
–A to Actresses– |
A. E. Bounty Company, (2) [44], [172]
A.S. Barnes & Co., (1) [317]
Abbazia, Joseph, (1) [67]
Abbot, Anthony (Fulton Oursler), (1) [85]
Abbott, Horatio E., (1) [265]
Abbruzzese, Rocco, (1) [67]
Abear, Pamela Riley, (1) [73]
Abel, Warren S., (1) [262]
Aberdeen Street, (1) [257]
Abolitionists, see Anti–Slavery below
Aborn, Carlton N., (1) [262]
Abraham, Judith F., (1) [1]
Abrahamson, Robert Henry, (3) [212], [318], [336]
Acacia Lodge No. 85, A. F. & A. M., (1) [216]
Academies, see Private schools |
Academy of the Mother of God, (1) [203]
Accidents (see also Disasters), (5) [65], [129], [134], [171], [292]
Accorners, Ferdinand, (1) [67]
Accurso, Frank, (1) [67]
Aceti, Diana M. (2) [2], [304]
Achorn, Frank L., (1) [67]
Acker, Merrall & Condit Company, (1) [265]
Ackerley, Henry, (2) [103], [178]
Ackerly family, (2) [143], [178]
Ackman, Harry, (1) [45]
Acme Publishing and Engraving Company, (2) [3], [212]
Acoustics, (4) [230], [247], [295], [304]
Actors, (3) [42], [83], [84]
Actresses, (2) [83], [84] |
–Adams to Agule– |
Adams, Abraham, (2) [178], [183]
Adams Avenue, (5) [4], [28], [102], [250], [257]
Adams, Benjamin, (2) [141], [142]
Adams Express Company, (1) [44]
Adams family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Adams, Levi, (1) [84]
Adams, Morehouse, (1) [216]
Adams, Nathaniel, (5) [28], [102], [104], [118], [186]
Adams, Nathaniel E., (1) [96]
Adams, Robert, (1) [265]
Adams, Robert F., (1) [262]
Adams, Sands, (1) [29]
Adams, Saul, (3) [27], [118], [172]
Addison, James Thayer, (1) [67]
Addresses – Alvord, John Watson, (4) [15], [29], [250], [303]
Addresses – Barnum, Phineas Taylor, (1) [320]
Addresses – Cummings, Homer S., (1) [303]
Addresses – Davenport, Ebenezer, (1) [78]
Addresses – Feinstein, Estelle Fisher, (1) [105]
Addresses – Gillespie, William W., (1) [303]
Addresses – Lathrop, Edward, (1) [303]
Addresses – Lockwood, Charles Davenport, (1) [173]
Addresses – Minor, William T., (1) [314]
Addresses – Scoville, Samuel, (3) [76], [243], [303]
Addresses – Todd, Charles J., (1) [286]
Adiletta, Nicholas, (1) [67] |
Adler, Larry, (1) [5]
Adult Education, Stamford, Public Schools, (2) [258], [262]
Advertising, (7) [28], [50], [133], [171], [262], [265],[ 327]
Advocate Building, (2) [5], [44]
Advocate Place, (2) [44], [172]
Advocate Steam Printing House, (1) [303]
Advocate, The (newspaper), (4) [4], [5], [117], [158]
Affleck, Jennie S., (1) [67]
African–Americans (see also Anti–Slavery; Slavery), (31) [4], [5], [25], [27], [50], [52], [66], [67], [84], [96], [102], [103], [129], [141], [142], [143], [144], [158], [178], [179], [200], [212], [226], [257], [264], [266], [276], [270], [290], [306], [313]
Afro–American Democratic Club, (1) [102]
Afro–Americans, see African–Americans above
Agapitos, Theodore, (1) [67]
Agassiz Association, (10) [6], [7], [8], [9], [11], [12], [13], [31], [32], [265]
Agostino, Domenico, (1) [67]
Agricultural fairs, (1)[320]
Agricultural societies, (2) [84], [146]
Agriculture (19) [9], [12], [21], [22], [36], [41], [45], [84], [103], [146], [175], [178], [179], [214], [215], [250], [313], [320], [323]
Agudath Sholom, Congregation, (11) [4], [5], [27], [44], [66], [102], [161], [262], [266], [270], [291]
Agudath Sholom Cemetery, (4) [140], [158], [161], [180]
Agule, George J., (1) [165] |
–Ahern to Alvord– |
Ahern, William James, (1) [67]
Ahner, Frank, (1) [267]
Ahrling, Adelaide, (1) [247]
Aiello, Joe, (1) [213]
Aiello, Vito, (1) [67]
Aiken, Catherine, (15) [28], [29], [44], [102], [118], [141], [142], [172], [210], [250], [262], [265], [266], [298], [303]
Aiken, Henry H., (1) [172]
Air conditioning, (1) [50]
Air–Land–Sea Travel, (1)[ 27]
Air position indicator (A.P.I.), (1) [50]
Aitken, Donald E., (1) [67]
Alabama Club, (1) [290]
Albert, Herman Heinerich, (1) [67]
Albert, John E., (1) [67]
Albert, John H., (1) [67]
Albin, Eugene, (1) [118]
Albonisio, Joseph, (1) [67]
Albonizio, Dominick, (1) [213]
Albonizio, Joseph, (1) [171]
Alcohol abuse (see also Temperance), (8) [44], [71], [103], [173], [178], [187], [278], [286]
Aldrich, Lona, (1) [268]
Aldwin, Francis J., (1) [336]
Alexander, Douglas, (1) [83]
Alexander, Mary Louise, (3) [14], [226], [304]
Alfons Bach Associates, (1) [18]
Alger, John, (1) [45]
Algiers, place in Stamford, (2) [140], [161]
Algonquin Building, (1) [27] |
Algonquin Round Table, (1) [162]
Algren, William E., (1) [67]
Alhambra Theater, (2) [172], [265]
Aliterno, Creste, (1) [67]
All Stamford Club, (1) [54]
Allen, C. Loomis, (1) [251]
Allen, Clifford E., (1) [67]
Allen, Fred T., (2) [50], [261]
Allen, James, (1) [179]
Allen, Morse S., (1) [140]
Allen, Walter, (4) [83], [102], [250], [262]
Allen, Walter C., (3) [29], [67], [265]
Allen, William, (1) [67]
Allenby, James Edward, (1) [67]
Allied Stainless Company, (1)[ 45]
Allyn, John, (1) [183]
Alma Rock Road, (1) [140]
Aloha Farm, (1) [21]
Alphonse, Charles L., (4) [28], [104], [172], [250]
Alphonse, George W., (1) [262]
Alphonse, John W., (3) [118], [172], [262]
Alta Technologies, (1) [45]
Altimoro, Tony, (1) [213]
Altman, Louis M., (2) [27], [67]
Altomura, Francesco, (1) [67]
Altschul, Frank, (4) [83], [84], [211], [220]
Altschul Pond, (1) [140]
Alvord, John Watson, (11) [15], [29], [102], [118], [141], [142], [173], [212], [250], [298], [303] |
–Am– |
Amalfitano, Nick, (1) [213]
Amaroso, Joseph, (1) [67]
Ambler, Abraham, (8) [82], [103], [115], [141], [142], [148], [178], [183]
Ambler, Benjamin, (1) [306]
Ambler, David, (2) [141], [142]
Ambler, Elizabeth, (1) [76]
Ambler family, (5) [141], [142], [143], [178], [306]
Ambler, Isaac, (1) [306]
Ambler, Jacob, (1) [306]
Ambler, John, (3) [141], [142], [178]
Ambler, Joseph, (2) [76], [335]
Ambler, Joshua, (2) [289], [306]
Ambler, Mary, (3) [82], [178], [183]
Ambler, Richard, (4) [118], [141], [142], [178]
Ambler, Stephen, (3) [141], [142], [178]
Ambrey family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
American Ambulance Field Service, (1) [50]
American Architect and Building Press, Inc.,(1) [319]
American City, (3) [16], [17], [18]
American Civil War, see Civil War
American Cyanamid Company, (3) [84], [102], [262]
American Hardware Company, (1) [104]
American Hellenic Education & Progressive Association (A.H.E.P.A.), (3) [4], [121], [266]
American Indians––wars, (4) [53], [103], [141], [142]
American Legion, (2) [54], [257]
American Little League, (1) [45]
American Machine & Foundry Company (A.M.F.), (1)[45]
American Machine Typesetting Company, (1) [45]
American Optical Company, (1) [45]
American Party, (6) [89], [102], [104], [134], [205], [250]
American Postage Meter Company, (1) [50]
American Red Cross, (10) [5], [45], [84], [159], [161], [250], [258], [267], [291], [312]
American Revolution, see Revolution, American
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, (2) [84], [104]
American Synthetic Color Company, (2) [267], [292]
American Thread Company, (1) [102]
Americanization, (11) [43], [62], [89], [117], [135], [145], [159], [161], [205], [258], [262]
Amusements, (20) [5], [27], [37], [44], [45], [84], [117], [120], [159], [170], [171], [172], [179], [200], [246], [250], [262], [265], [313], [320] |
–Anable to Aquila– |
Anable, Anthony, (1) [84]
Anable, Gloria H., (1) [84]
Anastos family, (1) [156]
Ancient Order of Hibernians (A.O.H.), (4) [4], [104], [159], [266]
Andersen, Carl H. B., (1) [67]
Anderson, David, (2) [102], [313]
Anderson, David P., (2) [67], [267]
Anderson, Edward, (1) [67]
Anderson, George W., (4) [104], [144], [262], [292]
Anderson, Howard, (1) [213]
Anderson, Joel M., (3) [118], [144], [262]
Anderson, Oscar W., (1) [67]
Anderson, Paul, (1) [67]
Andreas family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Andrews, Dana, (1) [ 85]
Andrews, Francis S. F., (1) [67]
Andrews, Jeremiah, (1) [178]
Andrews, L. F., (2) [84], [245]
Andrews, Oliver H., (1) [67]
Andrews, William T., (1) [262]
Andrus family, see Andreas family above
Andrus, William S., (1) [67]
Anesthesia, (1) [217] |
Anglicanism, see Churches, Episcopal; Clergy, Episcopal
Anglo–Dutch War (1652–1654), (2) [102], [103]
Animals, (11) [12], [21], [27], [84], [103], [171], [174], [175], [178], [179], [292]
Annauziato, Samuel, (1) [45]
Annette Shop, (1) [27]
Antarctic, (4) [1], [47], [48], [235]
Anthony, Douglas Maitland, (1) [67]
Anthony Walsh & Son Construction Company, (1) [159]
Anti–Catholicism, (2) [89], [205]
Anti–Federalists, (1) [102]
Anti–Itinerancy Law (1742), (1) [102]
Anti–Masonic movement, (3) [102], [216], [250]
Anti–Semitism, (2) [161], [168]
Anti–Slavery (see also African–Americans; Slavery), (3) [25], [84], [96]
Anti–Trust Act (Sherman Anti–Trust Act), (2) [50], [104]
Antinozzi, Walter, (1) [50]
Apothecaries, see Drugs and druggists
Appel, Mark, (1)[ 27]
Appendicitis, (1) [217]
Apple culture, (1) [44]
Apthorp, Charles W., (1) [289]
Aquila, J., (1) [50] |
–Aranow to Artisans– |
Aranow, Frank, (1) [45]
Arboretums, (4) [200], [246], [264], [313]
Arcano, Edith, (1) [54]
Arcano, Edith, Studio of Modern Dancing, (1) [54]
Arcano, Francis, (1) [54]
Arcano, Rose Celosi, (1) [54]
Archaeology–Historic, (4) [1], [219], [220], [266]
Archaeology–Prehistoric, (7) [45], [84], [212], [221], [307], [308], [309]
Archibald, Richard Manett, (1) [67]
Architects and architecture, (73) [2], [3], [4], [5], [18], [27], [29], [44], [49], [54], [61], [62], [63], [64], [77], [81], [83], [84], [93], [97], [98], [99], [100], [102], [104], [108], [109], [110], [111], [112], [118], [119], [121], [128], [147], [149], [150], [151], [166], [178], [193], [194], [196], [205], [226], [228], [229], [230], [231], [232], [234], [238], [240], [245], [246], [247], [257], [258], [259], [276], [281], [282], [283], [284], [292], [294], [295], [302], [304], [313], [315], [319], [333]
Architecture, church, (39) [1], [4], [5], [15], [22], [43], [44], [92], [93], [102], [103], [105], [118], [121], [127], [135], [141], [142], [170], [171], [172], [205], [229], [230], [232], [240], [245], [246], [247], [259], [260], [266], [281], [283], [294], [295], [298], [302], [304]
Architecture, domestic (see also Historic houses), (33) [27], [31], [36], [44], [63], [64], [77], [81], [84], [102], [103], [104], [108], [116], [118], [119], [149], [151], [171], [172], [175], [178], [179], [196], [229], [246], [250], [266], [279], [304], [319], [324, [333]]
Architecture, Gothic Revival, (2) [118], [266]
Architecture, Greek revival, (1) [266]
Architecture, Victorian, (9) [5], [44], [102], [104], [118], [170], [171], [172], [266] |
Arciola, Joseph, (1) [67]
Arenese, (1) [117]
Arkovmaneas, Evangelos, (1) [67]
Armstrong, Richard, (1) [44]
Arnell, John, (1) [118]
Arnold, A. C., (2) [104], [144]
Arnold, Alfred C., (1) [118]
Arnold family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Arnold, John A., (1) [67]
Arnold, Joseph, (2) [118], [178]
Arnow, Benjamin F., (1) [67]
Arnow, Herman, (1) [279]
Arnow, William (Bill), (1) [172]
Art & artists (see also Art schools below; Landscape painters; Portrait painters) (18) [5], [37], [44], [73], [83], [84], [102], [121], [154], [170], [172], [239], [248], [250], [265], [268], [270], [324]
Art, decorative (see also Interior decoration), (1) [121]
Art schools, (1) [268]
Arthur, George Dudley, (1) [67]
Arthur, William H., (1) [262]
Artisans (search also for specific crafts and trades), (4) [32], [104], [171], [236] |
–Ascasibar to Atwood– |
Ascasibar, Lorenzo, (1) [264]
Asch, Sholem, (2) [83], [84]
Ashcroft, Harold E., (1) [67]
Ashforth Properties, Inc., (1) [102]
Ashley, B. F., (1) [104]
Asia, World War II (1939–1945), (2) [133], [213]
Askew, William, (1) [67]
Assimilation, (25) [4], [5], [23], [27], [37], [43], [45], [54], [67], [84], [89], [92], [102], [104], [116], [117], [135], [145], [161], [168], [203], [205], [258], [270], [291]
Associated Charities, (1) [265]
Associazione Nazionale Combattenti, (1) [145]
Associazione San Manghese, (1) [145] |
Athonasopoulos, Pantelis, (1) [67]
Atlantic Insulated Wire and Cable Company, (2) [44], [265]
Atlantic Square, place in Stamford, (24) [4], [5], [7], [28], [29], [44], [45], [85], [102], [104], [118], [140], [153], [166], [170], [171], [172], [186], [250], [262], [265], [266], [285], [298]
Atlantic Street, (27) [5], [23], [28], [29], [44], [73], [84], [85], [104], [105], [118], [141], [142], [159], [161], [166], [170], [171], [172], [186], [205], [217], [250], [266], [313], [326],[ 327]
Atlases, see Maps
Attanasio, Emilio, (1) [213]
Attorneys, see Lawyers
Atwan, Robert, (1) [5]
Atwood family, (1) [143] |
–Audio to Ayres– |
Audiotape Corporation, (1) [45]
Auer, Fred, (1) [67]
Augur, John, (2) [141], [142]
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church, New England Conference of the, (1) [169]
Augustyn, John S., (1) [67]
Austin, A. H., (1) [265]
Austin, Adrian, (1) [84]
Austin, Charles H., (1) [67]
Austin, Charles S., (1) [306]
Austin, Ernest Walter, (1) [67]
Austin family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Austin, Francis Mills, (1) [67]
Austin, Frank, (1) [67]
Austin, George W., (1) [84]
Austin, Hannah, (2) [178], [183]
Austin, Ida, (1) [84]
Austin, John, (4) [141], [142], [178], [183]
Austin, Walter G., (9) [4], [5], [44], [102], [171], [172], [262], [265], [292]
Austin, William T., (1) [265]
Authors, (3) [26], [83], [84]
Auto supply stores, (1) [27]
Automation Engineering, (1) [45]
Automobiles, (24) [4], [5], [18], [24], [27], [31], [44], [64], [84], [87], [97], [98], [170], [171], [217], [238], [265], [270], [275], [284], [292], [296], [313], [315]
Automobiles–manufacture and trade, (3) [87], [250], [265]
Automobiles–supply stores, (1) [27]
Automobiles–tire stores, (1) [27]
Automotive Development Corporation, (1) [87]
Avery family, (2) [141], [142]
Avery, Arthur E., (1) [67]
Avery, Benjamin B., (1) [118] |
Avery, Edward Corcoran, (1) [67]
Avery, F. C., (1) [265]
Avery, John, (5) [15], [118], [141], [142], [143]
Avery Street, (1) [213]
Avery, Willard C., (1) [67]
Aviation, (4) [44], [47], [48], [235]
Avignone, Frank, (1) [45]
Axelrod, Marjorie, (1) [277]
Aycrigg, Edward Wilcox, (1) [67]
Ayers Brook, (1) [140]
Ayers family, (5) [141], [142], [143], [178], [306]
Aylward, J. F., (1) [251]
Ayres, Bartow Nash, (1) [67]
Ayres, Benjamin, (1) [84]
Ayres Brothers, (2) [44], [118]
Ayres, Chauncey, (5) [28], [118], [141], [142], [292]
Ayres, Ebenezer, (2) [29], [306]
Ayres, Edward M., (1) [84]
Ayres, Frederick H., (2) [84], [172]
Ayres, Gilbert B., (1) [245]
Ayres, Henry M., (1) [84]
Ayres, Isaac, (1) [84]
Ayres, J. N., (1) [216]
Ayres, James R., (1) [84]
Ayres, Jonathan, (1) [306]
Ayres, Mary, (1) [84]
Ayres, Milton, (1) [84]
Ayres, Nettie C., (1) [84]
Ayres, Rebecca, (1) [76]
Ayres, Wilbur, (1) [84]
Ayres, William, (1) [84]
Ayres, Winfield, (1) [83] |
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