The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
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Entry |
238. |
Sachner, Paul M. "Pillar to post". Architectural Record. 1988 Jun; Vol.176 pp.122-127; ISSN: 0003-858X.
Notes: Published by McGraw-Hill Company, New York, New York.
Location: CtDab, CtNbC, CtGre, CtH, CtHT, CtMer, CtW, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNc, CtNlC, CtU, CtWB, CtWtp, CtY. White (p. 4).
Abstract: "Seven years ago the Pitney-Bowes corporation announced plans to consolidate 1,000 employees scattered among 19 facilities in Fairfield County, Connecticut, into a new world-headquarters building in the South End of Stamford, just a few blocks from the spot where the company was founded in 1920. By electing to reaffirm its ties to this modest residential and industrial district, the venerable manufacturer of postage meters, facsimile equipment, and other business machinery presented I. M. Pei & Partners with something of a contextual dilemma - how to insert nearly half a million square feet of office space and parking for 1,000 cars onto a 10.5-acre building site that lies between the heavily wooded knoll of Kosciuszko Park to the south and a dense working-class neighborhood of frame houses and low-rise factories, including Pitney-Bowes's own main plant, to the north." Paul M. Sachner, p. 122. (Architectural Record, June 1988. Copyright 1988 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
239. |
Schultz, Ken R. "Master Painter". Westchester Life. 1952 Mar; Vol. 8 (No. 3). pp. 21, 30.
Notes: Published by Westchester Life, Inc., Rye, New York.
Location: CtSHi (copy).
Article on Delos Palmer. His studio was located at Roxbury Corner (corner of Roxbury and Long Ridge Roads), Stamford, Connecticut. |
240. |
Schuyler, Montgomery. "Work of William Appleton Potter". Architectural Record. 1909 Sep; Vol. 26 (No. 3). pp.176-196; ISSN: 0003-858X.
Notes: Published by Architectural Record Company, New York, New York.
Location: CtB, CtH, CtNh, CtNlC, DLC.
Abstract: "A parochial 'plant,' including rectory and parish house, with the church itself, a group to be done all at once and by the same hand, is one of the most alluring problems that can be submitted to the right designer. One of the ripest works of Mr. Potter was such a plant for St. John's, (Episcopal Church) Stamford, Conn., and this is about the most successful example in the neighborhood of New York (Figs. 22, 23). It has, indeed, scarcely any rival in its own communion excepting St. John's, Yonkers, New York. ....... In the group of St. John's, Stamford, it will be seen that dignity is quite compatible with animation and picturesqueness. In the church, which is designed on quite conventional lines, there has evidently, nevertheless, gone much of individual thought and feeling to the designing (Fig. 24). Here, is to be sure, the provisional finish, if, indeed, it be provisional, which we were just now praising in the tower of the Lutheran church is lacking. The building, as one may say, advertises the necessity of the spire to its completion, and one perceives the necessity, not only to the church, but to the balance and completeness of the group. The interior, equally free from freakishness and from purism, is one of the most seemly and dignified of the suburban parish churches of the communion to which it belongs (Fig. 25). That is high praise, considering the lead which, ever since the beginning of the Gothic revival, the Episcopal church has taken and held in ecclesiastical architecture." Montgomery Schuyler, p. 196. |
241. |
Scofield, Edward C. "Story Of The Cove". Stamford Historian. (1957); Vol. 1 (No. 2). pp.147-151.
Notes: Published by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi. Kemp (p. 632). Parks (No. 8599).
Abstract: "Cove Island has long been a fascinating place. In its history it has run the gamut from rural to urban to industrial and now is returning to an almost natural state, with embellishments, as a new City park and beach. As such it will serve many more Stamfordites than it ever before served." Editor's note, p. 147. "In its final stage The Cove is a public park. Those who love it know that change is inevitable. But we hope for the sake of future generations of girls and boys, The Cove is not shorn of its charm." Edward C. Scofield, p. 151 |
242. |
Scofield, Hannah. Memoirs of Miss Hannah Scofield, of Stamford. New Haven, (Connecticut): Printed by Nathan Whiting; 1820; 123 pp., 19 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "MEMOIRS / OF / MISS HANNAH SCOFIELD, / OF / STAMFORD. / / [printers' ornament] / / NEW - HAVEN: / PRINTED BY NATHAN WHITING./ - / 1820." Author was born on 24 July 1795 and died on 22 January 1820; see pp. 5, 10, 55, 112.
Location: Ct, CtSHi, MiD-B, MWA, NCH. Shoemaker - 1820 (No. 3125).
For additional information on pious memoirs written by Christian women, see: Joanna Bowen Gillespie, "`The Clear Leadings Of Providence': The Problems Of Self-Realization For Women In The Early Nineteenth Century," Journal Of The Early Republic, Summer 1985, Vol. 5, No. 2., pp. 197-221. ISSN: 0275-1275.
Abstract: "In the following pages, Miss Scofield will appear her own Biographer. The Memoirs are taken exclusively from her own writings, excepting the account of her sickness and death, which is from the hand of her sister. The compiler has done nothing more than abridge, and make some slight corrections; but no alteration has been made in the sentiments, as expressed by herself. Without an abridgement, the volume would have been too large; and it will not be thought strange, if some corrections were necessary in writings, penned from day to day, amidst various avocations, and frequently, as seems, under great mental depression; and especially, as they were originally intended to meet only her own eye. It is believed she had not the most distant idea they would ever be published; while she wrote as occasions and circumstances dictated, merely to record her experience of divine goodness, her convictions of personal unworthiness, and to state her feelings and exercised, as they existed for the time being. These writings had been carefully concealed, and were known, only by herself, to have an existence; till a few days before her death, she mentioned them to her sister, where they might be found. Several friends, who cherish, with peculiar fondness, the memory of the deceased, having examined detached parts of these memoirs, were desirous to see them in print. After it was determined to publish them, methods were adopted to obtain copies of many of her letters, which will be found interspersed, nearly in the order of time in which they were written." Preface, p. 3.
"I was born in the year 1795, was early by baptism, devoted to God, and instructed in my duty to him, by my dear Parents, who exhibited good examples before me. At the age of seven, I went with them to the house of God, and was ever taught to reverence the Holy Sabbath. At this early period of my life, they procured for me a Bible, and urged me, daily to peruse some parts of that sacred volume. .... North Stamford, May 30, 1817, 6 o'clock, P. M. My dear Sister, While I am engaged in writing to you, I indulge the hope, you are in the enjoyment of sweet Society, or preparing for the worship of God. My heart would exult at the thought of hearing our dear Pastor this evening; but feel contented with my situation; hope I enjoy the smiles of my Savior’s countenance; and were I exiled to the remotest part of the earth, if the Lord beamed his love on my soul, what could I want more? Have here many good books, and some profitable society. O that I may not be so cold and lifeless as I sometimes am, but ever remember the obligations lying upon me, to devote every faculty of my soul to the service of my great Benefactor. .... June 3d. Monday morning. Attended in the house of God yesterday; heard the Rev. Mr. B___ deliver two most excellent sermons. I enjoyed much of the afternoon sermon; felt some peace and comfort; thought it good for me to be there. June 4th I have arisen this morning in perfect health. What cause for gratitude, to that protecting hand which guarded me through the silent watches of the night; and whose kindness and mercy are ever passing before me? I ever remain your affectionate sister, H. S." Hannah Scofield, pp. 5, 34-35.
243. |
Scoville, Samuel. 250th anniversary of the Congregational Church, December 22, 1885, Historical address by Rev. Samuel Scoville, poem by Rev. John G. Davenport. - The address and poem, in full, as corrected and revised by the authors, together with a condensed report of all the proceedings, from the Stamford Advocate. Stamford, Connecticut; 1885; 23 pp., paper covers, 24 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "250TH ANNIVERSARY / OF THE / Congregational Church, / DECEMBER 22, 1885. / - / HISTORICAL ADDRESS, / BY REV. SAMUEL SCOVILLE. / - / POEM, / BY REV. JOHN G. DAVENPORT. / - / THE ADDRESS AND POEM, IN FULL, AS CORRECTED AND / REVISED BY THE AUTHORS, TOGETHER WITH A / CONDENSED REPORT OF ALL THE PRO- / CEEDINGS, FROM THE STAMFORD / ADVOCATE. / - / STAMFORD, CONN.: / 1885." Poem titled 1635 - Stamford, December 22 - 1885 by John G. Davenport on pp. 18-21.
Location: Ct, CtNhHi, CtSHi, CtY, NHi, NN, RPB. Wegelin (p. 29). Parks (No. 8609).
Abstract: "The departures from her (The Congregational Church) which began in the last century have continued, and a separation that hurt her more than any that preceded took place when, in 1853, twenty-six members took letters to form the Presbyterian church in Stamford, and again, when, in 1863, eleven took letters to form the Presbyterian church in Darien. The invasion of her territory and the separation of her members has gone on for two hundred years. It has always been painful. She has always resisted and lamented, but look at the result. See what God hath wrought. The territory which was once hers is now occupied by more than twenty-five churches of evangelical faith of various methods of administration, giving different emphasis to the matters of our common heritage, but recognizing one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and together better meeting and satisfying the want, and doing more work than any single church, however powerful and excellent, could possible accomplish. For more than a hundred years she supplied all the spiritual instruction and all the ordinances of the gospel that was given in this town, and still she stands. From her has come many of the influences and from her much of the material that has gone into the other churches and helped them to make them the strong and efficient churches that they are." Samuel Scoville, p. 17 |
244. |
Seabury, Samuel. Miles to go before I sleep - Samuel Seabury's journal from 1791-1795. Hartford, Connecticut: Church Missions Publishing Company; 1982; (viii), 64 pp., paper covers, illus., map, notes, 23 cm. (Anne W. Rowthorn, ed.).
Notes: Title page reads: "MILES TO GO / BEFORE I SLEEP / Samuel Seabury's Journal From 1791 - 1795 / / Edited by: / Anne W. Rowthorn / Illustrated by: / Jane D. Hooker / / CHURCH MISSIONS PUBLISHEING COMPANY / HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT" Imprint on reverse of title page reads: "Printed in the United States of America By The Brew Printing Company Stratford, Connecticut."
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 34-35.
Location: CoDCB, CoDI, CtHT, CtNh, CtSHi, DLC, ICNPT, KyLos, MB, MCE, NcD, NcU, NjPT, NNG, NRCR, TSewU, TxAuE, ViW, WNa.
For additional information on Samuel Seabury, see: Bruce E. Steiner, Samuel Seabury 1729-1796 - A Study in the High Church Tradition (1971).
Abstract: "The journal which follows is Samuel Seabury's `Journal B' and it covers the period from 1791-1795, the last years of the Bishop's life. There were almost certainly other journals but `Journal B' is the only one to have survived into the present. ...... The energy and determination required of the Anglican Church in America, thrown completely on its own following the Revolution, is no where illustrated more forcefully than in Seabury's own account of his last years, from 1791 to 1795. It is the record of his travels in Connecticut; his diary of episcopal actions, of confirmations, of ordinations, of consecrations of new churches; his travels to Rhode Island and Massachusetts; journeys to conventions of Connecticut clergy; trips to New York and to the General Convention. This indeed is Seabury's story. He tells it himself. It does not answer the question - who was Samuel Seabury? Rather it addresses the more important question, and finally the only one that really matters: who did Samuel Seabury become?" Anne W. Rowthorn, pp. (vii), 5. "September 27th (1792): proceeded to Rye, to the lodging of the Rev. Mr. Foote at Mrs. Hunt's, eight miles. The next day Mr. Foote accompanied me to Mr. D. Bush's at Horseneck, eight miles. (On the) 29th, preached at Horseneck and returned to Mr. Bush's three miles. After dinner went with the Rev. Dr. Dibble to his house at Stamford, six miles. Sunday (the) 30th, preached at Stamford; morning (on) 1 John 3:8; afternoon on 2 Peter 1:4. Congregation large; confirmed forty. October 2nd; rode to Canaan, eight miles. Preached from 2 Corinthians 6:1; confirmed fifty-two. Lodged at Capt. Betts'. Here the Rev. Mr. Ogilvie of Norwalk met me and here I parted with good old Dr. Dibble who had accompanied me from Stamford." Samuel Seabury, pp. 34-35. (Copyright 1982 by Anne W. Rowthorn and Jane D. Hooker. Reproduced with the permission of the editor and the illustrator.) |
245. |
Second Universalist Society. Story of one hundred years, 1841-1941: The Second Universalist Society of Stamford, Connecticut - In commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of its organization. Stamford, Connecticut; (1941); (20) pp., paper covers, illus., 27 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "A Story of / ONE HUNDRED YEARS / 1841 [illustration:"Sketched from specifications of the first Church, 1845"] 1941 / . . . / The Second Universalist Society of Stamford, Connecticut - / In commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of its / organization./ . . . / IN MEMORY OF - / John Clarence Lee; 1856 - 1940. Doctor of Philosophy, Doc- / tor of Sacred Theology, College President, Minister at / Stamford, 1932 - 1934." Imprint on last page reads: "Printed by printing apprentices at The Stamford State Trade School."
Location: Ct, CtSHi. Parks (No. 8618).
Abstract: "In the town of Stamford, Universalism began in the early 1830's, when Fred A. Smith and George Lounsbury served as agents for the Christian Messenger. The Reverend L. F. Andrews preached in the Stamford Town House `at early candle light' on the seventeenth of August, 1831. That same year, the Reverend T. J. Sawyer preached at the home of Aaron Dean of North Stamford." Second Universalist Society, p. (2). |
246. |
Selsberg, Carol. "Discovering Stamford". Connecticut. 1991 Jun; Vol. 54 (No. 6). pp. 92-101; ISSN: 0889-7670.
Notes: Illustration by Rodica Prato. Published by Communications International, Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtAns, CtB, CtBhl, CtBl, CtBran, CtChh, CtH, CtHT, CtManc, CtMer, CtMil, CtMy, CtNbC, CtNh, CtS, CtSU, CtWB, CtWilt.
Abstract: "Stamford has been, is now and will probably always be a mix of cultures, creeds, colors and classes. It will likely also remain one of the most sophisticated small cities in the world. While the shock of urban redevelopment was profound, and a substantial 50-plus population remembers the small-townness of Stamford and often yearns for it, few cities of Stamford's size can match the depth and breadth of its cultural, commercial, corporate and residential assets. The city has grown grand and tall (and fast). It stands today not so much as a bedroom community but as a living room for its natives and corporate families. Stamford is also a city of diversity and charm that offers many surprises. What follows is a guide to some of the city's special features." Carol Selsberg, p. 92. (Copyright 1991 by Connecticut Magazine, Bridgeport, Connecticut. Reprinted with permission of Connecticut Magazine, June 1991.) |
247. |
Seth, Mary. "Like a giant jewel : Faceted with structural glass, the unique church nearing completion in Stamford, Connecticut, will serve an adventurous congregation". Presbyterian Life. 1957 Feb 16; Vol 10 (No. 4) cover, pp. 17-22; ISSN: 0032-7557.
Notes: Published by Presbyterian Life, Inc., Dayton, Ohio. Issued by General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, 1948-June 15, 1958. [Union Theological Seminary catalog entry]
Location: NNUT, DLC. |
248. |
Shaff, Howard. Six wars at a time : the life and times of Gutzon Borglum, sculptor of Mount Rushmore. Shaff, Audrey Karl. Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Darien, Connecticut: The Center for Western Studies, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, South Dakota - In cooperation with Permelia Publishing, Darien, Connecticut ; 1985; xv, 379 pp., illus., table of contents, notes, index, 24 cm. ISBN: 0-931170-27-3 Hardcover 0-931170-26-5 Paper.
Notes: Title page reads: "Six Wars At a Time / The Life and Times of Gutzon Borglum / Sculptor of Mount Rushmore / / by / Howard Shaff and / Audry Karl Shaff / / with a Foreword by / Mary Ellis Borglum Vhay / / Published by / The Center for Western Studies / Augustana College, Sioux Falls, South Dakota / / In cooperation with / Permelia Publishing / Darien, Connecticut / 1985"
Location: CtB, CtDar, CtNowa, CtS, CtSHi, CtSi, CtWal, CtWilt, CtWtp, CtU, DLC. Gutzon Borglum was a resident of Stamford, Connecticut. For additional information, see: Dictionary Of American Biography, Supplement Three (1941-1945), pp. 87-90.
Abstract: "We first saw Mount Rushmore in 1977 when like so many others, we visited the monument on our way to Yellowstone National Park. At that time we did not intend to write this biography, but we were thrilled by the carving. So many questions had occurred that when we returned to our Connecticut home we tried to learn more about the man and his work and became swept up in the idea of writing this book. In the course of our research we have spent endless hours in many places and have tried, to the best of our ability, to be as accurate and honest as possible. We hope this biography will not be the final word on Gutzon Borglum, but that others will explore and deal with the questions that remain unanswered." Howard Shaff and Audrey Karl Shaff, p. ix. (Copyright 1985 by Howard Shaff. Reproduced with the permission of the author.) |
249. |
Shattuck, C. P. "Garbage Disposal by Incineration in Stamford, Conn.". American City. 1927 Feb; Vol. 36 (No. 2).pp. 182-184; ISSN: 0002-7936.
Notes: Published by American City Magazine Corporation, New York, New York.
Location: DLC, MB. Harvey (p. 43).
Abstract: "Stamford, Conn. disposes of its garbage and light materials, such as wooden boxes, etc., by incineration. The plant in operation was established in 1924. It is the usual brick structure and is located on the outskirts of the city near the water. The structure is 45 feet by 35 feet approximately and three stories high. The ground story is largely given over to the dump from the grates, and the material for the fill is dumped into industrial cars and rolled to the fill on tracks. The incinerator proper is on the second floor, with the charging floor above. ..... Collection. A mixed transportation system is used. There are eight two-horse wagons with 5-cubic-yard dump bodies, and all have canvas covers which roll from the center or top of the body. Each vehicle has hooks on the side for carrying large boxes and cartons and even old baby carriages. The tail chain is also used to hold large articles, and canvas bags serve to carry extra material, the bags being hung on the hooks. The city supplies the wagons and keeps them in repair, there being a shop for this purpose. The owner-drivers are paid $9.50 per day for their services, which includes the supply of the horses. There are two Ford one-ton trucks which serve the west side of the district. These are equipped with Woonsocket Manufacturing Company metal dump bodies. The other motor units are two 2-ton Reo trucks with a Wood hydraulic hoist operation on the dump body, and an American-LaFrance 3 1/2-ton equipped with a Van Dorn hoist and dump body. This motor equipment has been used for about one year." C. P. Shattuck, pp. 182, 184. |
250. |
Sherwood, Herbert F. [Herbert Francis]. Story of Stamford. New York, New York: States History Company; 1930; x, 379 pp., illus., ports., maps, appendices, bibliography, index, d.w., 21 cm. (Sectional History Series).
Notes: Title page reads: "THE / STORY OF / STAMFORD / By / Herbert F. Sherwood, A. M. / President of Department of / Sociology, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and / Sciences; Trustee of Stamford Historical Society; / Author of Historical Works. / - / SECTIONAL HISTORY SERIES / - / [seal of The States History Company] / - / THE STATES HISTORY COMPANY / 156 Fifth Avenue / New York City"
Location: Ct, CtB, CtDar, CtH, CtHi, CtNh, CtNm, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtStr, CtU, CtWhav, CtWill, CtY, DLC, MnHi, MWA, NHi, OClWHi, ViW. Kaminkow (p. 705). Kemp (p. 632). Parks (No. 8600).
Abstract: "The Story of Stamford has been life-long in its growth. I well remember my first days in Stamford. They were spent in its High School. Always interested in pictures and photography, fresh incidents in the growth of the town were duly recorded on the glass plate. Without any special preparation and almost overnight, I found myself a member of the staff of the `Advocate.' Somehow or other the stories of personalities and changing conditions appealed to me. Before 1900 the School Committee had approved a suggestion of mine that a Story of Stamford be prepared. An outline was already in existence. However, the time was not ripe for the Story. The Story of Stamford, therefore, is a labor of love for the town which has contributed so much in the way of spiritual values and friendship to the author. One of these friendships was that of E. T. W. Gillespie. It began with my days on the `Advocate,' of which he was the editor, and continued through many years of association in the activities of the Stamford Historical Society. There was an affinity of spirit which will never be forgotten. His Picturesque Stamford has been of great assistance to me in the preparation of this book and his spirit an inspiration. Running through my mind as I have worked upon this book has been the recollection of the part that Robert Whittaker took in the development of Stamford through the many years he was associated with the `Advocate' and with the public life of the town. We were in close relationship for five years and on many occasions at other times. There seemed hardly anything of importance in the progressive growth of the community in which his ideas were not sought and utilized. He gave me great assistance. I am indebted to the Ferguson Library and Miss Colt, its able librarian, for assistance in the provision of material and for stimulation in interest." Herbert Francis Sherwood, p. v.
Excerpts from Picturesque Stamford |
251. |
Shippan Town Charter Committee. Shippan : who we are, where we are, what we want. Stamford, Connecticut: Shippan Town Charter Committee; 1927; 16 pp., paper covers, map, list of Committee, 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "SHIPPAN / Who we are / Where we are / What we want/ / [printers' ornament] / / Issued by / SHIPPAN TOWN CHARTER COMMITTEE / 1927" Imprint on p. 16 reads: "The Stillson Press, Incorporated, New York."
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi (copy).
For additional information on the attempted secession of Shippan, see: Estelle F. Feinstein and Joyce S. Pendery, Stamford - An Illustrated History (1984), p. 109.
Abstract: "Just as Bridgeport was created out of Fairfield and Stratford, Manchester out of a part of Hartford, Plainville out of a part of Farmington, Shippan wishes to become a town out of a part of Stamford. In area it is a small part. In population, it is not so small. In wealth and ability to govern itself, it is a veritable giant, with every promise of making future good reports of itself to the state. Our petition is before the General Assembly of 1927. We ask the frank consideration suggested by the foregoing brief outline of facts." Shippan Town Charter Committee, p. 14. |
252. |
Smith, Daniel. Believer's rest: a sermon, delivered April 7, 1819, at the funeral of the Rev. Amzi Lewis, A. M., pastor of the church in North Stamford. Poughkeepsie, (New York): Printed by C. P. Barnum; 1819; 15 pp., paper covers, 21 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "BELIEVER'S REST: / A / SERMON, / Delivered April 7, 1819, at the Funeral / OF THE / Rev. AMZI LEWIS, A. M. / PASTOR OF THE CHURCH IN NORTH STAMFORD / - / BY DANIEL SMITH, A. M. / Pastor of the first Church in Stamford / - / POUGHKEEPSIE: / PRINTED BY C. P. BARNUM / 1819" Half title page reads: "FUNERAL SERMON"
Location: CtSoP, MWA, PPPrHi. Sabin (No. 82424). Shaw & Shoemaker (No. 49430). For additional references to Amzi Lewis, see: Dexter (Vol. 3, pp. 287-289); to Daniel Smith, see: Dexter (Vol. 4, pp. 731-732).
Abstract: "A bereaved widow, a daughter and other near relations, an affectionate people, his brethren in the ministry, together with a large concourse of friends now present, mourn the death of the Rev. Amzi Lewis. A brief view of his character, will evince, that however affecting the bereavement, it is not without its consolations.
Mr. Lewis was on many accounts very honorably distinguished in life. He possessed a strong and discriminating mind; maintained a high standing as a man and a scholar among his co[n]temporaries in Yale College, where he graduated in 1768; and has uniformly through his ministerial life, maintained a high standing as a scholar and a theologian: but his most distinguishing excellence consisted in being an eminent Christian, a laborious, faithful, and in a good degree successful minister of the gospel. All the treasures of his mind, both natural and acquired, were apparently devoted to the service of his divine Master, and the good of souls. In ministerial qualifications he had few equals - he was capable of detecting and exposing error; and was singularly happy in his method of illustrating and enforcing the most important and interesting truths of the Christian system; he could prepare milk for babes, and strong meat for such as were able to bear it. With a coolness and self-possession that rarely forsook him, and a prudence almost unexampled among the sons of men, he was able to establish and support an uncontrolled influence over the minds of those with whose he was most conversant; an influence which, it is believed, he always endeavored to improve to the glory of God, and their own spiritual good. During a long life, he maintained, to human view, a conscience void of offence - was constant and laborious in the duties of a gospel minister, with very few interruptions from sickness, till within a few months of his death. The life of this great and good man, this venerable father in the ministry, was closed on Monday the fifth of the present month; and while his mortal remains are shrouded for the grave, his soul, we humbly trust, has entered into the joy of his Lord. Let the afflicted widow, the daughter and other relatives, bless God for this consolation, and remember that however severe their loss, and affecting their privation, the change has been immensely happy to their beloved friend. May God grant you all needed consolation under this bereavement, and grant you grace, that you may be followers of those who through faith and patience have inherited the promises, and that you may finally share in that rest which remains for the people of God." Daniel Smith, pp. 12-13. |
253. |
Smith, Herbert E. [Herbert Eugene]. Report On The Stamford Typhoid Fever Epidemic. (Hartford, Connecticut?): (Connecticut State Board of Health?); (1895?); 19 pp., paper covers, map, 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: " - / REPORT / ON THE / STAMFORD TYPHOID FEVER EPIDEMIC / BY PROF. HERBERT E. SMITH / - / Chemist Of The Board. Includes foldout map "City Of Stamford Conn. 1895, Drawn By W. B. Pierce, C. E., Gillespie Brothers Publishers" 36 x 39 cm.
Location: Ct, CtY-M, DNLM, MH, NN, PP.
Abstract: "On Monday, April 22d (1895), information was received at the office of the Connecticut State Board of Health, from Dr. C. R. Hexamer, Health Officer of Stamford, that there had recently occurred a considerable outbreak of typhoid fever in that city. Prof. C. A. Lindsley, M. D., Secretary of the Board, at once visited Stamford, and finding a serious epidemic prevailing requested me to inquire into the facts and report to the Board. Accordingly I proceeded to Stamford Tuesday afternoon and put myself into communication with Health Officer Hexamer, from whom I learned what was then known of the outbreak.
The disease had been first diagnosed on the preceding Thursday and there had already been reported about eighty cases. There had been a meeting of the physicians of the city, at the office of the Health Officer on Sunday, to discuss the situation, and at this time it became apparent that a considerable number of the cases were customers of one milk dealer, H. B. As results of the meeting, the physicians agreed to inquire into the possible sources of infection in each of their cases, and the Health Officer, acting on the information in his possession, very properly directed the dealer to discontinue the sale of his milk, pending further inquiry. ....... The real responsibility for such occurrences rests with the communities in which they occur. They may make it unlawful for anyone to engage in this business " Herbert Eugene Smith, p. 1. |
254. |
Smith, William Lockwood. Westward ho! : A narrative based upon episodes in the life of Hiram Smith Holly. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Dorrance & Company; 1950; 157 pp., illus., d.w., 20 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "WESTWARD HO! / A Narrative Based Upon Episodes / in the Life of / Hiram Smith Holly / By / WILLIAM LOCKWOOD SMITH / [illustration of Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania} / DORRANCE & COMPANY / PHILADELPHIA"
Location: CoD, CtMW, DLC, NPour.
Although a work of fiction, I have included it in this bibliography because of its description of both High Ridge, a place in Stamford, Connecticut and Pound Ridge, New York. R. M. "Excerpts from letter addressed to Marjorie Seymour from the author, dated April 21, 1955", tipped in a copy of this book, located at the Hiram Halle Memorial Library, Pound Ridge, New York. "I am glad there is still some interest in Westward Ho!. I had the feeling that it should have carried the title Westward Hi! since the narrative centered around one Hiram Holly of High Ridge ........ the publisher decided to go along with Westward Ho! even though that was the title of a classic by Charles Kingsley, which he write (sic) in the 1850's, the copyright having long since expired..... . (William Lockwood Smith). |
255. |
Snead, Louise Willis. Silver and gold. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Trust Company; 1916; 58 pp., illus., map, bibliography, 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "SILVER AND / GOLD / / By / LOUISE WILLIS SNEAD / With Illustrations from the Author's Sketch Book./ / STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT / ONE THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN" Imprint on reverse of title includes the printers' mark of The Gillespie Brothers, Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtY, DLC, MiU-C, ViU. Kemp (p. 632). Kaminkow (p. 706). Parks (No. 8601).
Abstract: Parks (No. 8601) states, "Stamford history, including history of the Stamford Trust Co." "Twenty-five years ago Stamford was celebrating her Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary, when the dawn of the golden era of her great prosperity brought into being the Stamford Trust Company. To-day Stamford is rejoicing in her Two Hundred and Seventy-Fifth Anniversary, and the Trust Company commemorates a quarter-century of progress. While Stamford points to eleven quarter-centuries and the Trust Company to but one, still it is a matter of congratulation that they will always celebrate coincidentally and mutually ..." Louise Willis Snead, p. 13. |
256. |
Social Reading Rooms. Catalogue and regulations of the library of the Social reading rooms, Stamford, Conn. - March 1876. Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania): James B. Chandler; 1876 Mar; iv, (5)-24 pp., paper covers, 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "CATALOGUE / AND REGULATIONS OF THE / LIBRARY / OF THE / SOCIAL READING ROOMS, / STAMFORD, CONN. / / [printers ornament] / / MARCH, 1876." Imprint on reverse of title reads: "Philadelphia: James B. Chandler's Steam Printing Establishment."
Location: DLC. Sabin (No. 90123). Wegelin (pp. 22-23).
There are actually 514 books listed in the catalogue, even though the last item is number 503. This is due to the fact that eleven books carry a duplicate number and are distinguished apart by prefixing one of them with the letter a. In addition, there is an unsigned and undated penned notation on p. 24 in the Library of Congress copy which states, "Some 40 volumes have been added since this catalogue was issued." |
257. |
Social Work Council, Colored Problems Committee of the Stamford Community Chest Inc. Study Of The Need For Social Work Among The Colored People of Stamford, Connecticut. (Stamford, Connecticut): Stamford Community Chest, Inc. 1932 Jan; (37) leaves, paper covers, charts, 28 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: “A STUDY OF THE NEED FOR SOCIAL WORK / AMONG THE COLORED PEOPLE / of / STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT / / January, 1932 / / By / COLORED PROBLEMS COMMITTEE / of the / STAMFORD COUNCIL OF SOCIAL WORK / / Thirty-five cents a copy" Printed on rag content paper.
Location: CtS. Abstract: “FOREWORD
This report on factors which affect Negro life in Stamford, is an attempt on the part of the Colored Problems Committee to present to the Stamford Council of Social Work and to local social agencies, a tangible picture of the outstanding community problems of the colored people of Stamford, and to suggest methods of overcoming conditions which give rise to these problems
The Committee has made no attempt to prepare a complete technical and statistical study, but it has given particular attention to fact gathering and the presentation of these facts in a usable and interesting manner.
The Study would have been impossible had it not been for the liberal assistance given the Committee by local social agencies, the Stamford Woman’s Club and other civic organizations, members of local Negro churches, and the cooperation of municipal departments. To each individual and organization who has given time and interest, the Colored Problems Committee extends its sincere appreciation.” |
258. |
Social Work Council, Italian Study Committee of the Stamford Community Chest Inc. Italian Study, Stamford, Connecticut. (Stamford, Connecticut): Stamford Community Chest Inc.; 1932 Aug; 34 leaves, paper covers, 28 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "THE ITALIAN STUDY / Stamford Connecticut / / August 1932 / / by / The Italian Study Committee / of the / Social Work Council / Stamford Community Chest / / Fifty cents a copy" Printed on rag content paper.
Location: CtS.
Abstract: "The purpose of the Italian Study, as sponsored by the Social Work Council of the Community Chest of Stamford was to determine the extent of the recreational, educational and cultural needs of the Italians of Stamford and how the Italian Institute can best meet these needs.
The Italian Study Committee, in considering their problem, felt it best to divide it into the two parts mentioned in the purpose; first, a study of the Italian Colony, its characteristics, needs and contribution to the community of Stamford, and second, a study of the extent and manner in which the Italian Institute is an aid to the Colony in community expression. That plan was adhered to in the actual fact-finding process and is evident in this presentation of findings." ....... "No community can disregard a part of it with the assurance that the whole will not suffer. To ignore the needs of the Italian Colony and their struggle to meet them unaided, would not be in keeping with the fine spirit of social-mindedness so characteristic of Stamford citizens. The year of 1932 has been a most difficult one for the community and its social agencies, but it has always been the policy of the far-sighted to prepare and build for peace and prosperity in the time of war and depression./" Social Work Council, Italian Study Committee of the, Stamford Community Chest, Inc., pp. 2, 33. |
259. |
Spence, Hartzell. "Story of Religions in America : The Presbyterians". Look. 1959 Jun 9; Vol. 23 (No. 12) pp. 64-68, 70, 73-74; ISSN: 0024-6336.
Notes: Published by Cowles Magazines, Inc., Des Moines, Iowa. Issued also as offprints.
Location: CtB, CtDabN, CtEhar, CtFa, CtH, CtManc, CtMer, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNowa, CtWillE, DLC.
Article includes photographs of the newly constructed First Presbyterian Church, Stamford, Connecticut. Wallace K. Harrison, architect. |
260. |
St. John's Roman Catholic Church. Centennial of love and grace: St. John Catholic Church. Stamford, Connecticut: St. John's Roman Catholic Church; 1976; 24, 48 pp., illus. color & b/w., ports, advts., 28 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "A Centennial / Of / Love and Grace / / - / - / / ST. JOHN / CATHOLIC CHURCH / / - / 1976 / This Limited Edition Publication Was Produced Especially For / St. John Church - Stamford, Connecticut / By Custombook, Inc., The Custom Building, So. Hackensack, N.J. 07606"
Part I (24 pp.) includes an historical sketch of St. John's, portraits of Pastors, photographs of some of the stained glass windows, a list of societies and organizations within the Church, and an account of the 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Dedication of the Church of St. John.
Part II (48 pp.) is titled The Bicentennial History of Catholic America: From Columbus to the Bicentennial 1492-1976, "Written and Edited by E. Phillips Mantz and Reverend Michael J. Roach. c. 1975, C.E.S., So. Hackensack, N. J."
Location: CtS, CtSHi. Parks (No. 8615).
Abstract: "This St. John Centennial Book has been a labor of love. The Parish Council elected Mr. Matthew H. Kenealy, Jr. as chairman for this Centennial Book. His original committee of Mrs. William Sanislo, Arnold Saxe, and William E. Thomson did herculean work to compose the St. John's Centennial Book we now enjoy. Our deep thanks to them and all who later aided them. Our special thanks to Matthew Kenealy. May God bless them and all of you most abundantly." Rev. William A. Nagle, p. 4. "For the handful of Catholics who populated the Stamford of 1842, it was as important to hear Mass as it was to live and work. The fact that there was no Catholic church in the town did not deter them from holding religious services. Entire families, fathers with work-worn hands, mothers clutching small babies and young children would gather at the home of a local resident, Patrick Drew, to hear Mass. This was done with the sanction of the Most Reverend Bishop William Tyler, under the care of Reverend James Smythe and later of Reverend Michael Lynch, both of Bridgeport. Among the earliest settlers who were Catholic were Patrick Drew, Daniel Doolan, Patrick Fitzgerald, Peter Hoag, James Kiley, and Daniel Leahy. Writing to Bishop Tyler under the date of February 16, 1846, Father Lynch said, `I was at Stamford on the 8th and 9th inst., and administered the Sacraments to twelve or fourteen persons there; said Mass for them and baptized two children. This makes eleven visits to them these three years past, most of them on Sundays.' In this same letter Father Lynch gave the number of Catholics of Stamford as `fifteen to twenty-five.'" St. John's Roman Catholic Church, p. 5. (Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
261. |
Stamford Advocate. Seven Years To Success: A Special C. A. C. Report to Stamford Citizens On Urban Renewal: 1963-1970. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Advocate; 1963 Jan 8;12 pp., illus., ports., 41 cm.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi.
"This supplement has been paid for by the Citizens' Action Council at regular advertising rates", p. 1.
Abstract: "In May of 1959 Mayor Webster C. Givens asked a group of Stamford businessmen and civic leaders to form a Citizens' Action Council to promote public participation in the planning of the Southeast Quadrant redevelopment project. Upon taking office in December of 1959 Mayor J. Walter Kennedy asked the CAC to continue its efforts and has lent his continued support to this citizens' organization.
During the past four years the members of the CAC have carefully and critically studied the proposed plans. We have analyzed the need for such a project, the area selected for redevelopment, the proposed public improvements and private construction, the costs, estimates, proposed financing, estimates of tax return, plans for business relocation, the impact of high-rise apartments, and the alternatives to redevelopment. Some of our findings have been presented in published reports, such as those on financial feasibility, high-rise apartments, cost justification and tax impact.
We have studied the other capital needs of the City, and the present and future demands on the taxpayers.
We have made recommendations at various points during the development of the plans, and have seen many of those recommendations incorporated in the plan that will be presented at a public hearing next Tuesday. We have received full cooperation from the Urban Redevelopment Commission, the mayor and all City boards and departments in our search for complete, documented information on every phase of this proposal.
We see no reasonable alternative to immediate redevelopment of the downtown business district, if Stamford is to continue to prosper and avoid ruinous decay.
We believe that the proposed plan is a fiscally sound basis for maintaining a strong tax structure which can eventually provide additional tax revenues to help pay for needed new schools, roads, sewers, recreation facilities and other public improvements.
We are convinced that the plan makes fully adequate provisions for the relocation of residents and businesses, which are now suffering from substandard conditions. We have faith in the future of Stamford as a regional retail marketplace, and in the continued growth of the city. We feel that the proposed plan represents a conservative financial approach to that future.
In the following pages we have summarized our findings. We believe this report fully supports the conclusion that Stamford must go forward with the Southeast Quadrant (extended) redevelopment plan.
It is our strong conviction that the project is necessary, feasible and promising. This conviction stems not from uncritical acceptance of the judgments of others but from our own careful and continuous analysis.
We urge you to study this report carefully, and then attend the public hearing in the Burdick Junior High School auditorium at 8 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 15, and voice your support for the building of a better Stamford." Dominic DelGuidece, Executive Director and Secretary. Gibbs Lyons, Chairman for the Citizens' Action Council, p. 2 |
262. |
Stamford Advocate. Stamford Advocate presents an historical review of the industrial, business and civic life : of the town of Stamford during the past 300 years. Tercentenary edition ed. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Advocate; 1941 Jun 7; 208 pp., published in both hard and paper covers, illus., ports., advts., 42 cm.
Notes: Title on cover reads: "STAMFORD ADVOCATE / Tercentenary Edition / Town of / Stamford, Conn. / 1641 [Seal of the Town of Stamford] / COMMEMORATING Stamford's achievements and prog- / ress over a period of three hundred years, with / illustrations of Stamford past and present as well as / sketches of men and industries to whom she is indebted for / her development. / To the continued progress of Stamford and the welfare of / her loyal citizens this edition is dedicated. / / Supplement of the STAMFORD ADVOCATE, Saturday, June 7, 1941" Title page reads: "STAMFORD ADVOCATE / Weekly Founded 1829 Daily Established 1892 / / Presents / AN HISTORICAL REVIEW /of the / Industrial - Business / and Civic Life of / The Town of / STAMFORD / during the past / 300 Years"
Location: Ct, CtHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtY. Parks (No. 8621).
Abstract: See: Index, Stamford Advocate, Tercentenary Edition, Town of Stamford, Connecticut, 1641-1941, by Grace Hope Walmsley and Marguerite Roberts. The Ferguson Library, Stamford, Connecticut, 1941.( Location: CtS, CtSHi. Kemp (p. 629).) "Today's special edition of The Stamford Advocate is a recording in pictures and in print of the history of the town and the city of Stamford. The recording of history is in many respects as important as the history itself. To a considerable extent the past influences the future, and the central purpose of such celebrations as this of the three hundredth anniversary of the settling of Stamford is to benefit the Stamford of tomorrow. Through our knowledge of the past we can better affect the course of events. .... This three hundredth anniversary edition of the Advocate is made possible by the support of enterprising manufacturers and mercantile houses, and by the cooperation of many forward looking citizens who believe in a progressive Stamford. Although superficially the pages seem to show the eyes looking backward over the past, between the lines can be read a profound faith in the future and a belief that the best is yet to be. Along with the pride in the past, there is patriotism as to the future. We become convinced that we are citizens of no mean city. The thought foremost in the preparation of these pages was to give a sketchy history of the town, the borough and the city of Stamford. This involved careful research of the official records, study of the files of The Stamford Advocate and other newspapers, of Huntington's history, of Picturesque Stamford, published by Gillespie Brothers in 1892; and the aid of men and women directly associated with industries, churches, educational institutions, utilities and governmental institutions. This aid and cooperation is gratefully acknowledged, and it is the hope of the publishers that the tercentenary souvenir will be enlightening and interesting to the people of Stamford. To the members of the staff of The Stamford Advocate, who undertook the collection of this data and preparation of it in limited time, there is also a word of appreciation of their loyalty and cooperation." The Gillespie Bros., Inc., p. (3). |
263. |
Stamford, Connecticut Charters. Stamford Charter - Consolidating the Town and City of Stamford, Connecticut. (Stamford, Connecticut); 1947; 84 pp., paper covers, chart, table of contents, 23 cm.
Notes: Statement on title reads: Special Act No. 312, Acts of the General Assembly, 1947. "This charter is published in the Special Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, Special Session May, 1946 and January Session, 1947, pages 408 to 486. The charter is effective on and after April 15, 1949. The first biennial election under the charter will be conducted April 4, 1949." p. (6).
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi.
For additional information on the consolidation of the Town and City of Stamford, see: Estelle F. Feinstein and Joyce S. Pendery, Stamford - An Illustrated History (1984), p. 118. / Rosemary H. Burns, Springdale Remembered (1982), pp. 107-109, 158, 174. / Robert Franklin, The Consolidation of the Town and City of Stamford, Connecticut. Master's thesis. University of Connecticut, 1952.
Abstract: "CHAPTER 92. REFERENDUM. SEC. 921. Conduct of Referendum. At a special town meeting which shall be held in the town of Stamford on the first Monday of November, 1947, which meeting shall be warned, held and conducted in accordance with the provisions of the general statutes concerning town elections, the electors of said town shall vote by voting machines in the several districts upon the question of the adoption of an act for a consolidated government for Stamford. Those electors favoring the adoption of the act shall cast a vote bearing the words, `FOR the act for a consolidation government for Stamford', and those opposing the adoption thereof, shall cast a ballot bearing the words `AGAINST the act for a consolidation government for Stamford.' If the majority of the votes cast shall be in favor of the adoption of this act, the act shall thereupon take effect as provided herein and a certificate showing the result of such election, signed by the town clerk, shall, within one week thereafter, be filed in the office of the secretary of the state. If the majority of such votes shall be against the adoption of this act, this act shall not take effect. The town clerk of Stamford shall cause to be published in the STAMFORD ADVOCATE on or before September 15, 1947, a complete copy of the act for a consolidated government for the city and town of Stamford. The expenses for conducting the referendum herein provided for shall be paid by the town of Stamford. The officials charged with the responsibility of conducting said referendum shall request of the board of finance an appropriation sufficient to defray the expenses of said referendum and the printing of the act for a consolidated government for the city and town of Stamford, and for all public notices connected therewith, and the board of finance shall appropriate such sums as it deems necessary. Such appropriation shall not require approval of the town meeting. Approved, May 21, 1947. Adopted at special election held November 3, 1947." Stamford Charter - Consolidating the Town and City of Stamford, Connecticut, 1947, pp. 83-84. |
264. |
Stamford, Connecticut Department of Parks & Natural Resources. Public Open Space Park And Recreation Facilities - Stamford, Connecticut. Stamford, Connecticut: City of Stamford, Connecticut; 1984; (7), 27 pp., paper covers, 22 cm.
Notes: "This brochure was prepared by the Staff of the Department of Parks & Natural Resources, with assistance from the Board of Recreation and Board of Education. Particular appreciation is extended to Marilyn Salata, Rink Secretary, for her research work, Robert Woodside, Park Planner, and Jean McGrath, Park Department Secretary, who prepared the manuscript. Also, to Central Services for printing and collating the brochure." Robert B. Cook, Superintendent, Parks & Natural Resources, p. 27.
Location: CtSHi.
Abstract: "Welcome to the system of Open Space, Parks and Recreation facilities offered by the City of Stamford. This brochure provides a current listing of park lands and recreation facilities, as well as Park Regulations, Curfews and Permit requirements. A brief history has been included for some of the parks, since a number of them reflect the changes and growth of Stamford, while others are named for outstanding personalities of the times. Stamford is justly proud of its parks and its recreational facilities. This reflects the public's concerns for the quality of life in the community. This brochure is to aid in the enjoyment of the parks, and invites each one to use them with care and consideration for others." Janet Vanderwaart, Chairman Park Commission and Thomas Pia, Chairman Board of Recreation, p. (1). |
265. |
Stamford, Connecticut Publicity Committee. Official souvenir program of the 275th anniversary of the Town of Stamford, Connecticut - Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, June eight, nine, ten, eleven. Nineteen Hundred and Sixteen. Stamford, Connecticut: Publicity Committee ; 1916; (8), 50, (42) pp., paper covers, illus., ports., music, advts., folding view of Atlantic Square, 26 cm.
Notes: Imprint on reverse of title reads: Published Under the Auspices of The Publicity Committee. The Gillespie Bros. Inc., Stamford, Conn. The photographs from which this book is illustrated were made by Brown & Dawson, Stamford, Conn.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi. Parks (No. 8602).
Abstract: See: Index For Official Souvenir Program Of The Two Hundred Seventy Fifth Anniversary Of The Town Of Stamford, Connecticut. 1641 - 1916 --- Compiled by Anne Cook, Produced on Computer by Allison Cooley, Typesetting by Paul Pacter, Proofread by Betty Tolli and Eleanor Trowbridge. Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut, September 1990. Location: CtS, CtSHi. "The first formal suggestion for the celebration of this anniversary was made by Mayor John M. Brown, in his inaugural address in January, 1915. A committee was appointed by him to take the subject under consideration. Before definite plans were made, the town was saddened by the death of Mayor Brown, in December, 1915. A committee was organized, in January, 1916, and, with various sub-committees, all working in harmony and with enthusiasm, perfected plans that will be carried out on June 8, 9, 10 and 11. These plans are explained in detail in the program printed elsewhere in these pages." Robert Whittaker, p. 5. |
266. |
Stamford, Connecticut Stamford Bicentennial Committee. Stamford : past & present - 1641-1976. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Bicentennial Corporation; 1976; 96 pp., paper covers, illus., ports., maps, 28 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "STAMFORD / Past & Present / 1641 - 1976 / / [device of the Stamford Bicentennial Committee] / / The Commemorative Publication / of the / Stamford Bicentennial Committee / / 1976" Statement on p. 96 reads: "This book has been printed on Champion's Carnival Cover, Felt Finish and Carnival Offset, Felt Finish. The text is set in Linotype American Garamond by Communication Corporation. The display and headings are Caslon Antique and the sub-heads and by-lines are Farmers Old Style Italic (with oversize vowels) and were hand-set at The Glad Hand Press. Printed at Communication Corporation, Stamford, Connecticut."
Location: Ct, CtBSH, CtDar, CtHamd, CtHi, CtNbC, CtNc, CtNhHi, CtNowa, CtS, CtSHi, CtSoP, CtU, CtY, DLC, WHi. Parks (No. 8606).
Abstract: Table of Contents lists: "A Message from the Mayor" by Louis A. Clapes / "Foreword" by J. Walter Kennedy / "Introduction" by Thomas Hume / Celebration Calendar / "The Purchase of Stamford" by Harriet Gayle / "Dissent and Establishment" by Mary Moon Hemingway / "Stamford and the American Revolution" by Ronald Marcus / "Archeology at Fort Stamford" by Elizabeth G. Gershman / "Stamford's Fight For Independence" by Patricia Q. Wall / "Education Spelled Freedom" by Marie Updegraff / "Stamford Architecture" by Virginia T. Davis / "Open Hearth Hospitality" by Doris Farrington / "Early Travelers on the Old Post Road" by Tony M. Pavia / "Magnificent Mansions" by Renee Kahn / Downtown Stamford in Early Photographs" by Carl Lobozza / "That Special Blend - Stamford's Melting Pot" by Wayne Russell / "Stamford Industry, Then and Now" by Edward A. Connell / "Stamford Profile" by Don Ross / "Heritage Tours of Historic Stamford" by John L. DeForest / Contributors / Acknowledgements. The Commemorative Publication of the Stamford Bicentennial Committee. Published in observance of the two hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. "Many have said that a rootlessness and a lack of identity are eroding the faith of the American people in themselves. This volume itself, and the events that have taken place in Stamford in celebration of the Bicentennial, show that Stamford is aware of its beginnings. It is thankful for them, and for the long sweep of history that has changed Stamford from a handful of English settlers to a people of diverse racial, religious and national backgrounds who came together from many parts of the world to make a life for themselves." Don Ross, p. 80. |
267. |
Stamford, Connecticut Welcome Celebration Committee. WELCOME To those who, by their service and sacrifice, their courage and devotion, helped to achieve victory in the Great War. ... Stamford, proud of their achievements, greets its Sons who served in the Army and Navy, and all others who, in field, camp and hospital, ministered to their welfare. - Stamford, Connecticut October 10, 11, 12 and 13, 1919. Stamford, Connecticut; 1919 Oct; (36) pp., paper covers, illus., introduction. Some editions measure 25.4 cm., others are 26.5 cm.
Notes: Imprint on reverse of title reads: The Gillespie Bros., Inc., Stamford, Conn. Title on cover reads: STAMFORD'S Welcome / to the / Soldiers and Sailors / of The Great War / (illus.) / October 10, 11, 12 & 13 / 1919
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi.
Includes "List of Stamford Men Who Served in the Army and Navy During the Great War," pp. (25-34). Kemp (p. 628). Parks (No. 8603).
Abstract: Parks (No. 8603) states, "Includes historical sketch of Stamford in World War I and brief biographical sketches of local men who were killed." "STAMFORD'S chief contribution to the cause for which the nation fought in the Great War was about 2,400 of its young men, who represented this town in the army and navy. In this work, a brief record is given of the service of three artillery units, each of which was recruited largely from Stamford. To relate a complete story of the active participation of Stamford men in the war, it would be necessary to refer to every division of the army and most of the ships of the navy; to many of the mobilization and training camps, to operations at every fighting front in Europe. And then the story would not be complete, for numerous Stamford women, trained as nurses, cheerfully volunteered and ministered to the sick and wounded, while others helped in the work of the Red Cross, the Y.M.C.A., the Knights of Columbus and other welfare agencies with the expeditionary forces, while the people at home proved their loyalty in substantial support of the various Liberty loans and by giving generously to all welfare movements. Through its manufacturing industries, Stamford was able to supply a large quantity of munitions of war. In showing loyalty to the Government, through word and deed, the entire population of the town became co-workers, with a common aim, that of helping to achieve the victory so gloriously won. As soon as the armistice was signed, Stamford began planning to welcome its returning soldiers and sailors, and plans for the reception were put in charge of a committee appointed by Mayor John J. Treat, under a resolution adopted by the Common Council." Welcome Celebration Committee, p. (3). |
268. |
Stamford Historical Society, Inc. Delos Palmer (1890-1960) Stamford Artist. Stamford, Connecticut : Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1991; 32 pp., paper covers, illus. color & b/w., ports., bibliography, 28 cm.
Notes: Title page on cover reads: "[Self-Portrait (Catalogue No. 10) 1941] / / Delos Palmer / (1890-1960) / Stamford Artist / / Stamford, Connecticut Historical Society / January 15 - April 14, 1991" Cover illustrations printed in color. Photos by Don Piper. Designed by Print Connections, Inc., Darien, Connecticut. Printed by American Graphics, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: CtSHi.
Abstract: "For more than forty-five years Delos Palmer (1890-1960) lived and worked in the community of Stamford, Connecticut. Primarily a portraitist, he painted many prominent members of society, took part in the Federal Arts Projects program and was a teacher to many aspiring art students. This exhibition traces Palmer's career from the 1920s to the 1950s as a portraitist and illustrator. Throughout his career Palmer envisioned himself as a perpetual student and apprentice, a man in an unending state of learning. An undated self-portrait (Catalogue Number 11) reflects his passion for his profession. The audience witnesses a man tightly gripping his paintbrushes, pausing only a moment to consider his own appearance on the canvas. All those who knew Palmer rarely saw him without a brush or easel nearby. Painting consumed his life." Russell Bastedo and Joanna Gardner, p. 3. |
269. |
Stamford Historical Society, Inc. FIRE! FIRE! : a history of Stamford firefighting, paid and volunteer. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1991; 36 pp., paper covers, illus., 28 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "FIRE! FIRE! / A History of Stamford Firefighting / Paid and Volunteer / THE STAMFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY / and / THE FIREFIGHTERS OF STAMFORD / PAID and VOLUNTEER / in honor of / the 350TH BIRTHDAY of / The CITY of STAMFORD / are proud to present for your pleasure / this exhibit and commemorative booklet of / STAMFORD FIREFIGHTING HISTORY / Exhibit June 8 - August 10, 1991 / at / THE STAMFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM / 1508 HIGH RIDGE ROAD / STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT." Cover title and illustration printed in red.
Location: CtSHi, Infw.
Abstract: Includes: "A brief history of the Stamford Fire Department" by Kevin B. Tappe / "A history of the Springdale Fire Company" by Thomas Tisano / "History of the New Hope Fire Company, Inc. and the Glenbrook Fire Department" by Mark Kubar / "A history of the Belltown Fire Department" by Joseph Coppola / "A history of the Long Ridge Fire Company" by John Keenan / "A history of the Turn of the River Fire Department" by Steve Heilner, editor / "A history of the Stamford Firefighters Burn Foundation" by Timothy Conroy / "In appreciation" by Chester W. Buttery. |
270. |
Stamford Historical Society, Inc. Stamford's healer & humanitarian : Dr. Jacob Nemoitin 1880-1963 - exhibition at the Stamford Historical Society. September 1989 Stamford Jewish Historical Society. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc. / Stamford Jewish Historical Society; 1989 Sep; 12 pp., paper covers, illus., ports., map, introduction, prologue, biography, acknowledgements, 28 cm.
Notes: Title on cover reads: "[photograph of Dr. Jacob Nemoitin and his Regal car] / Stamford's Healer & Humanitarian / Dr. Jacob Nemoitin / 1880-1963 / / EXHIBITION at THE STAMFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY . SEPTEMBER 1989"
Imprint on back cover reads: "Special Recognition: Joel Tanner of Beacon Advertising for his invaluable advice and services in the production of this catalogue."
Location: CtSHi.
Abstract: "During the 56 years he practiced in Stamford, Dr. Jacob Nemoitin became a legend in the community. The personification of a `country doctor', he treated all, regardless of their ability to pay. He accepted whatever the patient could give, whether it was money, goods or services. It was not unusual for the doctor to leave money for food, a bucket of coal or other bare necessities of life. An excellent diagnostician, he saved the lives of many patients through his hands-on expertise. Our exhibit illustrates through photographs, paintings and artifacts, the many environments in which Dr. Nemoitin lived and worked." Prologue by Jean Seidler, p. 3.
"Four days before he died, Dr. Nemoitin did the next best thing to completing his autobiography; he was interviewed for an oral history which was recorded on tape for the Stamford Historical Society. This remarkable document outlines the salient points of his life, and, more importantly, gives the measure of the man. ...... The best way to sum up the philosophy of this selfless man is in his own words (unedited), from his oral history. `If any young man wants to study medicine, I think the very first requirement: if he loves people. If he wants to do good, this is one of the best opportunities, because in no profession can you do so much good to people as you can do in medicine ... So if anybody is inclined to be that way, by all means, he should take up medicine. If I would like to live over again, I would want to practice medicine.' Spoken like a true humanitarian." Biography: Dr. Jacob Nemoitin (1880-1963), by Marvin E. Paymer, inside back cover.
see also:
Dr. Jacob Nemoitin (1880-1963), Stamford's healer & humanitarian, painter & poet May 2001 Photo Selection of the Month, on this site. |
271. |
Stamford Mutual Insurance Company. Constitution Of Stamford Mutual Insurance Company. New York, (New York): Printed by J. Harrison, at Peck-Slip; (1797?); 8 pp., paper covers, 17 cm.
Location: CtSHi, MH-BA.
"Aware of the danger of fire in the growing village and anxious to reduce the high cost of insurance coverage, a mutual fire insurance company was formed by John Davenport, Jr., David Maltbie, Samuel Jarvis, George Mills and John Wm. Holly. The constitution of the Stamford Mutual Insurance Co., dated Feb. 20, 1797, limited it to houses valued at $500 or more. Policies were to be activated when 30 subscribers signed. It is not known if the company actually got going." Robert D. Towne, STAMFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT - Records of Historic Origins and Events, (1993). For additional information on insurance in Connecticut, see: Collier (p. 206).
Abstract: "We whose names are hereunto subscribed, do severally send greeting: Whereas the Insurance of Houses from loss by Fire hath been found of great and public utility, wherever it hath been practised. Now know ye, That we the said subscribers hereunto, for our mutual security and with a view to promote the Insurance of Houses from loss by Fire, upon the most equal terms, and without any views of private or separate gain, have of our own motion unanimously resolved, and by these presents, do covenant, promise, and agree, for ourselves severally and respectively, and for our several and respective heirs, executors, and administrators, each to and with the other, to form, erect, settle, and become, immediately after the execution of these presents, a Company or Association, by the name of STAMFORD MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, for the purpose of Insuring our Houses from loss by Fire ... Done in Stamford this 20th day of February, Anno Domini 1797." Stamford Mutual Insurance Company, pp. 1, 8. |
272. |
Stewart, George. Story Of A Carillon - Being an account of a token of friendship from the Nestle' Company to provide a carillon for the Presbyterian Church of Stamford, Connecticut, U. S. A., as a gesture of faith and international good will, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-four. New York, (New York): Privately Printed; 1944; (40) pp., paper covers, illus. color & b/w., map, 29 cm.
Notes: Imprint on last page reads: Designed And Printed In The United States Of America By J. C. Dillon Company, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Location: Ct, CtHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtY, GEU, IdU, InU, MH, NcD, NCH, NjP, NNC, NNU, NNUT, PBL, PSC, WU. Parks (No. 8625).
Author was the 12th minister of the First Presbyterian Church, Stamford, Connecticut.
Abstract: "When the storm broke over Europe in late summer of nineteen thirty-nine, one of Switzerland's largest business concerns with branches throughout the world was faced with a dilemma. Should the members of the parent group remain at Vevey, unable to make quick communication with its personnel who were playing a vital role in the nourishment of nearly forty peoples, or place themselves in a position wherein they could meet obligations which world conflict imposed on men highly trained to international commerce? They wisely chose the latter course, moving their headquarters of the Nestle' Company, first to England and then to America. Several score Swiss and English families and their children departed from their homes overnight, leaving behind them a land whose beauty, order, traditions and hospitality have endeared it to all the earth, a land which was the first to achieve a government of the people and by the people, and which has bred in its citizens an unsurpassed devotion for their native soil. Most of these families settled in Stamford, Connecticut, where their presence quickly won the hearts of the townspeople. Their children went to local schools, their men and women joined in community affairs. They enriched all cultural and spiritual endeavor, taking to themselves much of what we hope is best in America. The work which fell upon them as the central body operating other companies in varied and distant countries was heavy, but they shared their life, and took even more than their part in enterprises for civic betterment and international relief. Having achieved in their own nation wisdom to live in harmony with other tongues and faiths, they brought that wisdom with them, giving us, unknown to themselves, an example of that which is prayed for in the ancient collect - grace to live well. Sons and daughters of a country which gave to the world the Red Cross and other agencies that have lifted the hope of the race, their Company, through their President, Doctor Edouard Muller, gave a fund to provide a carillon of twenty-six bells, as an earnest of the peace to come, to add richness and beauty to our city and nation, to proclaim liberty as they have known it, and to awake in human hearts that filial piety which knows no frontier, nor is silent for want of speech." George Stewart, pp. (2)-(3). |
273. |
Stoddard, Roger E. "Oscar Wegelin, Pioneer Bibliographer of American Literature". Papers of The Bibliographical Society of America. 1962; Vol. 56 pp. 237-247; ISSN: 0006-128X.
Notes: Published by The Bibliographical Society of America, New York, New York.
Location: Ct, CtMW, CtNbC, CtNlC, CtU, MB, MChB, MWalB, MWelC.
Includes "A List of Oscar Wegelin's Bibliographical Works," pp. 242-247.
Abstract: He published the first bibliography of Stamford, Connecticut. "Mr. Wegelin is famous as a champion of American verse; that he is an amateur poet himself is less well known. His first published work was the lyrics for the sheet music, White Winged Columbia Song, published in August 1899, in honor of the entrant in the America's Cup Race. (White Winged Columbia Song. Words by Oscar Wegelin. Music by Edward Schleicher. Published by A-J and E-G Schleicher, Stamford, Conn.) Mr. Wegelin reports with his usual care that the back cover occurs in two states, with and without the advertisement. He collected his contributions to newspapers and magazines in two pamphlets. When Conscience Sleeps and Other Poems, 1908; and The Fanatic's Prayer and Other Verse, 1923. Both were issued privately at Stamford, Connecticut, the first anonymously in twenty-five copies, the second in fifty. ..... Wegelin also issued privately, in 1916, a memorial to his sister, Lydia E. W. Schleicher. ..... Booksellers of Wegelin's stature are seldom met with in the trade. His integrity as a businessman, his eye for books (and consequent serendipity), his flair for bibliography, and his eagerness to share his knowledge have distinguished him among his colleagues as one of the booksellers most influential in the collecting and appreciation of American literature. He has endeared himself to more than one generation of librarians, and while most of the private collections he helped to form have been long dispersed, more than one library owes him a lasting debt." Roger E. Stoddard, pp. 240-242. (Copyright 1962 by Roger E. Stoddard. Reproduced with the permission of the author.) |
274. |
Story Thomas. Journal of the life of Thomas Story, containing an account of his remarkable convincement of and embracing the principles of truth as held by the people called Quakers and also of his travels and labours in the service of the gospel, with many occurrences and observations. Newcastle upon Tyne. Printed by I. Thompson. 1747; (4), iv, 768, 8 pp., 35 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "A / JOURNAL / OF THE / LIFE / OF / THOMAS STORY: / Containing, an ACCOUNT of his / REMARKABLE CONVINCEMENT / Of, and EMBRACING the / PRINCIPLES of TRUTH, / As held by the PEOPLE called / QUAKERS; / And also, of his TRAVELS and LABOURS in the / SERVICE of the GOSPEL: / With many other OCCURRENCES and OBSERVATIONS./ - / / = / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE: / Printed by ISAAC THOMPSON and Company, at the New Printing-office on the Side. / - / MDCCXLVII [1747]"
For references to Stamford, Connecticut and to the Rev. John Davenport, see: pp. 177-193, 249, 254.
Location: CSmH, CtY, CU, DeU, DLC, FU, IaU, ICN, ICU, MBAt, MH, MiU, MiU-C, MnU, MoSW, MoU, MWA, MWiW-C, NBu, NBuG, NcD, NIC, NjP, NjPT, NmU, NN, NPV, NNUT, OCl, OOxM, OU, PBL, PBm, PHC, PLF, PPiU, PU, RPB, RPJCB, Vi, ViU, ViW, WaS, WHi. Smith (p. 638). Sabin (No. 92324).
For additional information on Thomas Story and his travel companion Roger Gill, see: William Evans and Thomas Evans, editors, "The Friends' Library" (1846), vol. 10, pp. 99-107. / E. B. Huntington, History of Stamford, Connecticut 1641-1868. (1868), pp. 131-134 (contains an extract from Roger Gills' journal). / Sidney Lee, editor, Dictionary of National Biography. (1898), vol. 54, pp. 431-432 ("Story accompanied (William) Penn to Ireland in 1698, ... . In November of that year he sailed for Pennsylvania, where, at the request of Penn, who shortly followed, he remained sixteen years. He was chosen the first recorder of Philadelphia by a charter of 25 Oct. 1701, was a member of the council of state, keeper of the great seal, master of the rolls, and in 1706 elected mayor of Philadelphia."). / Harriette Merrifield Forbes, New England Diaries, 1602-1800. A Descriptive Catalogue Of Diaries, Orderly Books, And Sea Journals. (1923), p. 276. / Walton H. Rawls, Century Book Of The Long Island Historical Society. (1964), pp. 175-176. / Estelle F. Feinstein, Stamford from Puritan To Patriot - The Shaping of a Connecticut Community, 1641-1774. (1976), pp. 133-135, 227 (notes 15, 16.).
Abstract: "Anno 1699 .......
On the 26th, we set forward for Rhode Island, about 200 Miles by Land, accompanied by Horseman Moliueux and Samuel Palmer, to Stanford, in the Colony of Connecticut. It is a considerable Village; and we coming in before Night, inclined to have a Meeting there. We acquainted the Widow Weed, our Landlady, with our Intention, and desired of her the Liberty of her House for that Purpose; which she readily granted, so far as it was in her Power; for their Laws and Magistrates were very strict and severe against Friends, of whom there was not one in all that Country. To secure the good Woman from any Hurt, by her Good-will toward us, we went to a Justice of the Peace, and informed him of our Intention. He was an ancient Man, and moderate in his natural Temper, but worse for his Religion. He questioned the Sufficiency of our Calling to that Service. What Call, said we, dost thou think is necessary in that Case? The Call of the People, said he. Our Calling is of GOD, said we; and if the People hear us, let the Truth in their Hearts (to which we desire to be made manifest) judge whether we be called of GOD; and any other Calling we do not regard. Then, said he, I will not tolerate you. We do not come for thy Toleration, said I, ye being Presbyterians or Independents; but only to acquaint thee with our Purpose, as thou art a Magistrate, and we being Strangers, there might be no Surprize by such a Concourse of People. Then he gave us a Hint, that he would use Means to deter them from coming to hear us; and so we returned to our Inn. ......
The Time came, and many of the People; and, whilst we sat in Silence, came a Constable, and another to assist him, with a Warrant from one John Sillick, the Mayor of the Town; in which were several Invectives and false Charges against us, as Hereticks, Blasphemers, Deniers of CHRIST, and the like; dictated (as we conjectured from some Circumstances) by their Priest, who went out of the Town and left his flock.
The Warrant being read, I stood up and acquainted the People with the Law of Toleration in England, the Moderation of the King, and Temper of the Government and People there toward us; and that they of Connecticut ought not (by their Charter) to have any Law there to the contrary: But the Constable and his rude Assistant replied, They did not depend upon the Laws of England, but stood upon their own Foundation; and they had a Law, that no Quaker should have any Meeting among them, and none there should be; and then commanded us to be gone. .......
The Constables, not being able to effect their Purpose upon us, commanded the People to disperse; some of whom still remaining, they at last commanded our Hostess to forbid us her House; which she did with trembling; and then we went into the Streets, and through them, my Companion crying with a loud Voice all along, 'Wo, wo, wo, to the Inhabitants of this Place, who profess God and Christ, without the Knowledge of God, and void of his Fear', with some such other Words, in that Power and Dread that amazed many of the People; and we going back towards the Inn, and standing before the Door in the Street, many came about us; and there he had a pretty full and good Time among them. .......
That Evening we went forward to Fairfield, about 20 Miles, and lodged at the House of one Philip Lewis; He told us there was to be a great Meeting of their People, and a Quarterly Lecture, in that Place next Day, to the Inhabitants of severl Townships and all their Ministers. We took notice of it, but said nothing; but, in the Morning, my Companion told me, he thought he could not go clear from thence if he did not go to the Lecture; at which I was well pleased, for I had likewise a secret Inclination to be at the Meeting; ... . .......
And, returning to my Companion at the Inn, thither came the Priest of Stanford, before mentioned, to enquire privately of our Landlord, whether we intended to appear at their Lecture; which he not knowing, but as he conjectured by our staying, told him he would enquire of us; and then we were free to tell him, it might so fall out; which he told the Priest; who took it for granted, and returned to the rest; ... ". Thomas Story, pp.178-179, 181. |
275. |
Swan, Herbert S. [Herbert Siegfried]. Plan of a metropolitan suburb, Stamford, Connecticut. Stamford, Connecticut: (Stamford) Town Plan Commission; 1929; 127 pp., paper covers, illus., maps, diagrams, 27 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "Plan of a Metropolitan Suburb / STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT / / Town Plan Commission / / 1929 / / HERBERT S. SWAN / City Planner, New York / GEORGE W. TUTTLE / Engineer / ERWIN T. MULLER WALTER S. DIVER / Associate City Planners" Statement on reverse of title page reads: "This report of Herbert S. Swan was received and accepted by the Town Plan Commission / at a meeting on May 20, 1926, but publication was delayed until September, 1929." Imprint on reverse of last page reads: "THE R. H. CUNNINGHAM PRESS, INC. / STAMFORD, CONN."
Location: Ct, CtMW, CtS, CtSHi, CU, DLC, FMU, InLP, MB, MNS, MiU, MnU, NcD, NhD, NIC, NjP, NjR, NSchU, TM, ViU. Harvey (p. 42).
For additional information on this report, see: Estelle F. Feinstein and Joyce S. Pendery, Stamford - An Illustrated History (1984), p. 111. For other articles and planning studies by Herbert Siegfried Swan, see: McNamara (pp. 38, 47, 58, 68, 70, 91, 96, 116, 117, 118, 121, 140, 147).
Abstract: "Conclusion. - Many things need be considered in building a city. Viewed in a detailed and technical way such things as streets, railroads, freight stations, railroad grade crossings, land subdivisions, parks, playgrounds and schools are exceedingly dry and uninteresting. That is probably why most people are so indifferent to them. Yet these are the very flesh and bone of which every community is made. The chief difference between a well-ordered and ill-ordered community lies in the detailed execution and adjustment of these improvements to one another. The Stamford Town Plan takes care of these improvements both individually and collectively." Herbert Siegfried Swan, p. 125. |
276. |
Swartwout, Egerton. "Ferguson Library, Stamford, Conn.". Architecture. 1913 Feb 15; Vol. 27 (No. 2). pp. 27, 29, 31, 34. plates 11 , 12.
Notes: Published by Forbes & Company, Ltd., New York, New York. "Merged with American Architect, to form American Architect and Architecture."(Library of Congress). Includes plan of the first and second floors.
Location: DLC, MB.
Abstract: "The general appearance of the building was governed by the location and the amount of money at the disposal of the library board. The latter was not sufficient for a stone building, nor even for stone columns and cornices, nor could elaborate furniture be provided, nor decorations, but after all I don't regret its lack of these things. It is a simple library in a large country town; it is fireproof and light, and seems satisfactorily adapted to its purposes; it is well located, at the head of the Main Street with the pediment on the axis of the street; and - it is not an imitation of a project for a Palace of Justice done in terra cotta in that modest and unassuming way which is characteristic of the early Carnegie style of architecture." Egerton Swartwout, pp. 29, 31. |
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