The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Index of Names and Subjects
within Bibliography Items
–N– |
–Na– |
Nachemson, Joseph, (1) [266]
Nagle, John, (1) [5]
Nagle, John A., (1) [51]
Nagle, William A., (2) [84], [260]
Nagurney, Michael J., (1) [203]
Nakian, Reuben, (2) [102], [154]
Naldrett, Amos W., (2) [45], [265]
Names, geographical, (43) [4], [5], [18], [22], [28], [30], [36], [38], [45], [53], [76], [77], [95], [98], [102], [103], [104], [115], [117], [118], [128], [130], [140], [141], [142], [161], [166], [171], [172], [178], [179], [180], [209], [214], [238], [250], [251], [264], [265], [266], [275], [298], [313]
Napier, Christen, (1) [73]
Nash, Charles E., (1) [245]
Nash, Davis, (1) [209]
Nash, Edward, (1) [29]
Nash, Paul, (2) [204], [262] |
Nathaniel Weed Cemetery, (1) [180]
National Cash Register Company (NCR), (1) [50]
National Council of Jewish Women, Stamford Section, (2) [27], [161]
National Guard, Connecticut, (2) [44], [250]
National Pants Company, (1) [258]
National Postage Meter Company, (1) [50]
National Reading Circle for High School Girls, (1) [257]
National Recovery Administration (NRA), (1) [50]
National Urban League, see Urban League, (2) [4], [5]
Naturalists, (2) [33], [174]
Naturalization (see also Citizenship), (3) [134], [159], [258]
Nature Fakers, (1) [174]
Naudain family, (1) [143]
Naval history, (9) [15], [141], [142], [144], [198], [213], [266], [267], [306]
Nazarene Churches, (1) [66] |
–Needlework to Newfield– |
Needlework, (2) [5], [175]
Negroes (African-Americans, see also Anti-Slavery; Slavery), (31) [4], [5], [25], [27], [50], [52], [66], [67], [84], [96], [102], [103], [129], [141], [142], [143], [144], [158], [178], [179], [200], [212], [226], [257], [264], [266], [276], [270], [290], [306], [313
Neighborhood House, (1) [102]
Neilson, Howard Stout, (1) [265]
Nelson, George, (1) [172]
Nelson, Rod, (1) [165]
Nemoitin, Bernard O., (3) [27], [102], [270]
Nemoitin, Frances, (2) [102], [270]
Nemoitin, Jacob, (3) [27], [102], [270]
Nemoitin, Joshua, (1) [270]
Nemoitin Park, Stamford, (1) [4]
Negaard, Charles F., (1) [100]
[12], [272]
Nestlé’s Milk Products, Inc., (1) [262]
Nestor, Jimmy, (1) [213]
Neubaur, Henry, (1) [171]
Neutral Ground, The, American Revolution, (1) [120]
Neuwien, Reginald A., (1) [262]
Nevas, Harry, (1) [27]
Nevens, William F., (1) [155]
New Amsterdam, (5) [53], [102], [103], [118], [178]
New Brunswick, Canada, (1) [26]
New Canaan, Conn., (17) [5], [22], [27], [45], [84], [101], [102], [104], [118], [141], [142], [162], [197], [244], [250], [266], [306]
New Canaan, Conn. Congregational Church, (3) [22], [141], [142]
New Canaan, Conn. First Presbyterian Church, (1) [22]
New Canaan, Conn. Methodist Church, (3) [22], [141], [142]
New Canaan Railroad, (6) [45], [102], [104], [141], [142], [212] |
New Deal, (2) [5], [50]
New England Conference of the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church, (1) [169]
New England Lyric Operetta, (1) [5]
New England Manufacturing Company, (1) [104]
New Haven Colony, (25) [5], [15], [22], [40], [45], [53], [60], [84], [95], [102], [103], [118], [141], [142], [148], [173], [177], [178], [192], [208], [212], [250], [265], [266], [298]
New Haven, Conn., (7) [40], [84], [102], [103], [118], [141], [142]
New Haven Railroad, see New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad below
New Hope Fire Company, Inc., (1) [269]
New Hope, place in Stamford, (6) [28], [29], [45], [140], [141], [142]
New Hope Towers, (1) [102]
New Lights, (2) [102], [103]
New London, Conn., (3) [40], [102], [227]
New Netherland (Colony), (3) [53], [102], [103]
New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, (16) [28], [45], [84], [102], [104], [141], [142], [166], [172], [186], [250], [262], [266], [275], [292], [298]
New York, New York, (11) [40], [45], [57], [84], [102], [118], [141], [142], [161], [165], [317]
New York (State), (4) [84], [118], [125], [130]
New York (State). Commissioners of the New York & Conn. Boundary, (1) [130]
New York Stove Repair Company, (1) [27]
Newfield Avenue, (5) [13], [16], [45], [169], [219]
Newfield Cemetery, (3) [140], [158], [180]
Newfield, place in Stamford, (15) [4], [5], [16], [28], [45], [76], [102], [103], [140], [141], [142], [180], [219], [250], [313]
Newfield Road, (2) [45], [275] |
–Newhouse to Niles– |
Newhouse, Victoria, (1) [93]
Newman, Daniel, (2) [178], [183]
Newman, Ezra, (5) [84], [177], [209], [306], [335]
Newman family, (5) [141], [142], [143], [178], [306]
Newman, Francis, (1) [103]
Newman gristmill, (3) [84], [102], [264]
Newman, Israel, (2) [185], [306]
Newman, John H., (1) [166]
Newman, Mary, (2) [178], [183]
Newman, Robert J., (1) [266]
Newman, Rufus S., (1) [306]
Newman, Shubal, (2) [185], [306]
Newman, Stephen, (2) [185], [289]
Newman, Thomas, (1) [183]
Newman, William, (4) [15], [102], [103], [118]
Newquist, Melvin N., (1) [83]
Newsom, William M., (1) [83]
Newspapers, (21) [3], [5], [28], [29], [37], [44], [45], [86], [102], [104], [117], [118], [141], [142], [158], [171], [172], [250], [266], [298], [313]
Newstad, Hyman, (1) [265]
Nicholas, Richard, (1) [307] |
Nicholls, Rhoda Holmes, (1) [83]
Nichols, Charles H., (5) [28], [118], [123], [144], [172]
Nichols, Daniel, (2) [185], [306]
Nichols family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [306]
Nichols, Frank W., (2) [118], [262]
Nichols, George, (1) [84]
Nichols, Gilbert, (1) [171]
Nichols, Harold S., (1) [262]
Nichols, Henry, (1) [5]
Nichols, James, Jr., (1) [306]
Nichols, John, (2) [84], [306]
Nichols, Ralph, (1) [84]
Nichols, Zebulon B., (1) [171]
Nicholson, Margaret, (1) [213]
Nicklis, John O., (2) [50], [292]
Nierenberg, Roger, (1) [5]
Niklewicz, Adam, (1) [73]
Nikolenko, Nester, (1) [266]
Nilan, John J., (1) [45]
Niles, John M., (1) [214] |
–Noah to Nutter– |
Noah, Hugh, (1) [266]
Noel-Bentley, Helen, (1) [40]
Nojima, Junzo, (2) [213], [264]
Nolan, Alfred, (1) [84]
Nolan, Martin, (1) [84]
Nolan, Thomas, (1) [84]
Nolan, William D., (1) [118]
Non-Partisan League Publishing Company, Inc., (1) [24]
Nordberg, Harry M., (1) [50]
Norma-Hoffmann Bearings Corporation, (5) [102], [161], [213], [258], [262]
Norman, Leo, (1) [262]
Norman, Mark W., (1) [29]
Noroton Dairy, (1) [265]
Noroton Gut, place in Darien, (2) [179], [209]
Noroton Heights, place in Darien, (1) [89]
Noroton Hill, place in Stamford, (5) [27], [170], [186], [208], [293]
Noroton Neck, place in Darien, (2) [103], [179]
Noroton, place in Darien, (6) [70], [95], [114], [118], [141], [142]
Noroton River, (12) [28], [44], [45], [70], [115], [118], [140], [141], [142], [179], [186], [250]
Noroton River Cemetery-Darien, (1) [180]
Norris, Mary H., (1) [83]
North and East River Steamboat Company, (1) [265]
North Avenue, (1) [28]
North Carolina Club, (1) [290]
North Castle, N. Y., (6) [52], [56], [84], [118], [141], [142]
North family, (1) [143]
North Italy Society, (1) [171]
North Stamford Academy, (1) [45]
North Stamford Cemetery, (6) [45], [140], [158], [180], [266], [306]
North Stamford Congregational Church, (17) [45], [66], [76], [84], [102], [136], [137], [141], [142], [158], [167], [192], [212], [250], [252], [262], [266]
North Stamford Lions Club, (1) [152]
North Stamford Parish, (1) [250]
North Stamford, place in Stamford, (38) [4], [5], [16], [22], [28], [30], [38], [44], [45], [70], [76], [84], [95], [103], [118], [122], [136], [137], [139], [140], [141], [142], [166], [167], [180], [192], [209], [212], [217], [242], [248], [250], [252], [266], [269], [307], [308], [313]
North Stamford Reservoir, (3) [16], [139], [140]
North Stamford Road, (1) [275]
North Stamford Synagogue, (1) [291]
North Street, (7) [44], [118], [141], [142], [170], [266], [275]
North Street Bridge, (1) [44]
North Street Cemetery, see Northfield Cemetery below
Northam Warren Company, (1) [262]
Northeast Utilities, (1) [128]
Northerly Woods Road, (1) [140]
Northfield Cemetery, (9) [28], [40], [140], [158], [180], [250], [265], [266], [306]
Northfield, place in Stamford, (14) [4], [5], [40], [102], [103], [115], [140], [141], [142], [178], [180], [250], [265], [266]
Northfield Street, (1) [28]
Northill Street, (1) [45]
Northrop, Birdsey Grant, (2) [68], [69]
Northrup, Douglas C., (2) [213], [264]
Northrup Park, Stamford, (4) [163], [164], [213], [264]
Norton family, (2) [142], [143]
Norton, Thomas, (1) [229]
Norwalk, Connecticut, (18) [3], [22], [45], [52], [56], [76], [84], [102], [103], [118], [129], [141], [142], [165], [173], [186], [187], [289]
Nova Scotia, Canada, (3) [45], [141], [142]
Nuns, see Sisters/Sisterhoods; Churches, Episcopal; Churches, Roman Catholic
Nurse, Rebecca, (1) [183]
Nurses and nursing, (7) [51], [67], [212], [217], [267], [292], [293]
Nursing education, (3) [217], [292], [293]
Nursing schools, (4) [212], [217], [292], [293]
Nut culture, (1) [4]
Nuttall, Frank A., (1) [50]
Nutter, Carl, (1) [213] |
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