The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Index of Names and Subjects
within Bibliography Items
–F– |
–F.D. to Fay–
F. D. Rich Company, (9) [5], [51], [86], [97], [102], [171], [195], [292], [313]
Fabbiano, Joseph, (1) [67]
Fabrizio, Ciriaco, (1) [67]
Fabrizio, Michael, (1) [67]
Fabrizio, Oswald, (1) [213]
Fabrizio, Oswald R., (1) [50]
Facciuto, William P., (1) [54]
Facer-canceller machines, (1) [50]
Factories, Industrial buildings (see also Historic buildings; Mills), (32) [4], [22], [28], [44], [45], [50], [55], [59], [84], [87], [90], [91], [101], [102], [103], [104], [118], [141], [142], [165], [170], [172], [179], [209], [228], [234], [236], [238], [241], [265], [266], [285]
FAG Bearings Corporation, (1) [102]
Fagan, James, (1) [128]
Fagan, John, (9) [4], [45], [92], [102], [104], [118], [205], [260], [266]
Fagan, Matthew, (1) [104]
Fahey, Anna, (1) [45]
Fahey, Bartholomew A., (1) [155]
Fahey family, (1) [45]
Fahey, John H., (1) [67]
Fahey, Joseph, (1) [45]
Fahey, Joseph H., (3) [67], [152], [166]
Fahey, Patrick, (1) [45]
Fahey Street, (1) [45]
Fahey, Thomas C., (1) [67]
Fahey, William J., (1) [67]
Fahy, Thomas P., (1) [101]
Fairbanks family, (1) [143]
Fairfield Agricultural Society, (1) [250]
Fairfield Avenue, (1) [275]
Fairfield, Conn., (10) [22], [40], [102], [103], [118], [141], [142], [183], [187], [274]
Fairfield County, (7) [5], [40], [75], [103], [120], [141], [142]
Fairfield Court Apartments, (2) [282], [304]
Fairfield East Association, (2) [141], [142]
Fairfield Memorial Cemetery, (3) [140], [158], [180]
Fairfield University, (1) [159]
Fairfield West Association, (3) [84], [103], [303]
Fairs, (1) [175]
Fairty, Thomas J., (1) [3]
Fairview Avenue, (2) [45], [186]
Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church, (1) [102]
Fallamal, Anna M., (1) [67]
Fallon, Daniel, (1) [84]
Fallon, Erianaldo Z., (1) [84] |
Fallon's general store, (1) [84]
Family and Children's Center, (1) [330]
Family & Children's Services, (1) [5]
Family, composition of, (26) [26], [27], [30], [35], [40], [45], [77], [84], [103], [116], [117], [118], [141], [142], [143], [178], [179], [191], [200], [213], [237], [270], [311], [313], [330], [331]
Family Welfare Society, (1) [258]
Famine, (1) [134]
Fancher, Daniel, (1) [306]
Fancher family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [306]
Fansher-Raymond Cemetery-Darien, (1) [180]
Farenga, Joe, (1) [67]
Farm life, (12) [4], [9], [12], [21], [36], [45], [84], [103], [175], [177], [178], [323]
Farmer's Advocate (newspaper), (2) [141], [142]
Farmer's and Merchant's Advocate (newspaper), (2) [141], [142]
Farms and farming, (18) [4], [9], [12], [21], [22], [26], [27], [30], [36], [45], [84], [103], [171], [175], [177], [179], [215], [323]
Farms, place in Stamford, (4) [28], [62], [140], [250]
Farrell, Arthur J., (1) [67]
Farrell, Edward, (1) [265]
Farrell, Edward C., (1) [67]
Farrell, Frank N., (1) [67]
Farrell, George E., (1) [67]
Farrell, George H., (1) [67]
Farrell, James, (2) [45], [144]
Farrell, James Willford, (1) [67]
Farrell, Joseph, (1) [213]
Farrell, Richard, (1) [51]
Farrington, Doris, (1) [266]
Farrington's News Depot, (1) [171]
Farris, Lorenzo, (1) [67]
Farruggio, John, (1) [67]
Fast, Edward N., (4) [262], [265], [267], [327]
Fastiggi, G., (1) [23]
Father Divine's Peace Mission, (1) [66]
Father's Day, (1) [161]
Faubel, Arthur L., (1) [67]
Faubel, Walter F., (1) [155]
Faucett, G. R., (1) [216]
Faucett Haberdashery, (1) [5]
Faucett's Harness Shop, (1) [44]
Fay, C. H., (1) [245]
Fay, Charles Edey, (2) [208], [265]
Fay, Emily L. B., (2) [173], [208] |
–Feake– |
Feake, Elizabeth, (1) [103]
Feake, Robert, (2) [103], [118]
Fear, Raymond D., (1) [258]
Fedeli, Frank, (1) [67]
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), (1) [50]
Federal Party, (1) [102]
Federal Street, (2) [172], [275]
Federalist Party, see Federal Party above
Feed, grain, hay and straw trade, (1) [3]
Feeney, Alfred P., (1) [67]
Feeney, William J., (1) [67]
Fein, Ronnie, (1) [4]
Feinstein, Estelle Fisher, (14) [5], [60], [84], [102], [103], [104], [105], [134], [158], [179], [183], [212], [266], [304]
Feinstein, Malcolm, (2) [103], [104]
Felder, William Oscar, (1) [67]
Feldman, Ethel, (1) [1]
Fell, Hannah, (1) [102]
Fellowship For Jewish Learning, (1) [291]
Felt, Ephriam P., (1) [83]
Feminism, see Women
Fence viewers, (2) [115], [178]
Fences, (13) [5], [13], [36], [45], [52], [103], [115], [175], [178], [179], [220], [279] [338]
Fengler, Albert, (1) [165]
Fengler, William, (1) [165]
Fennel, Justus, (2) [262], [265]
Fennell, Justus J., (1) [67]
Fennell, Minnie, (1) [251]
Ferguson, Edmund M., (2) [141], [142]
Ferguson, Edward, (1) [334]
Ferguson, Elizabeth D., (1) [262]
Ferguson family, (3) [106], [141], [142]
Ferguson, Henry, (3) [106], [141], [142]
Ferguson, Isaiah O., (1) [67]
Ferguson, John, (1) [298]
Ferguson, John Day, (17) [5], [29], [44], [68], [69], [102], [104], [118], [123], [141], [142], [144], [171], [172], [250], [262], [265]
Ferguosn, Julia Lee, (1) [334]
Ferguson Library, (31) [4], [5], [14], [29], [44], [60], [61], [73], [81], [82], [84], [85], [102], [107], [118], [158], [163], [164], [171], [172], [183], [226], [246], [250], [262], [263], [265], [266], [276], [304], [306]
Ferguson, Samuel, (5) [106], [141], [142], [144], [262]
Ferguson, Walton, (13) [29], [44], [102], [104], [107], [118], [141], [142], [144], [172], [250], [262], [292]
Ferguson, Walton, Jr., (2) [262], [334] |
Fernandez-Stein, Silvia, (1) [73]
Ferrandino, Giambattista, (1) [67]
Ferrante, Alfredo G., (1) [23]
Ferrara, Canio, (1) [67]
Ferrell, John A., (1) [83]
Ferreri, Nanette, (1) [73]
Ferries, (2) [102], [275]
Ferris, Ebenezer, (7) [1], [19], [20], [84], [102], [185], [298]
Ferris family, (5) [45], [141], [142], [143], [178]
Ferris, George A., (1) [118]
Ferris, Gould, (1) [306]
Ferris, Hannah, (2) [178], [183]
Ferris, James H., (1) [262]
Ferris, Jeffery, (2) [158], [178]
Ferris, John M., (1) [44]
Ferris, Jonah, (4) [84], [185], [289], [306]
Ferris, Joseph, (2) [178], [183]
Ferris, Joshua B., (6) [28], [29], [104], [141], [142], [250]
Ferris, Lester Saville, (1) [67]
Ferris Park, (1) [140]
Ferris, Peter, (3) [148], [178], [183]
Ferris, Ransford A., (1) [306]
Ferris, Samuel, (1) [13]
Ferris, Samuel P., (4) [118], [141], [142], [144]
Ferris, Theodore, (2) [196], [262]
Ferris' wolf pit, place in Stamford, (2) [115], [178]
Ferro, Jennie DiBrizzi, (1) [54]
Ferro, John A., (1) [54]
Ferrollo, Sebastiano, (1) [67]
Ferry family, (1) [143]
Fertig, Herman, (1) [116]
Fessenden, C. Milton, (1) [265]
Fessenden, Charles Milton, (1) [67]
Fessenden, De Witt H., (1) [108]
Fessenden, Joshua A., (3) [166], [172], [262]
Fessenden, Oliver G., (3) [5], [104], [262]
Fessenden, Samuel, (6) [5], [29], [118], [123], [144], [186]
Fessenden, Samuel C., (8) [83], [102], [104], [118], [141], [142], [250], [262]
Fessenden, Seth G., (1) [172]
Fessenden Block, (1) [44]
Fessler, M. A., (1) [90]
Festival of St. Theodore, (1) [5]
Feulner, John, (1) [213] |
–Fiction to Firestone–
Fiction, historical, (2) [175], [254]
Fidelity Title and Trust Company, (5) [45], [85], [215], [250], [292]
Fidelity Trust Company, (3) [170], [265], [266]
Fiedorczyk, Alphonse J. V., (3) [4], [43], [135]
Field, Betty, (1) [83]
Fielding, George, III, (1) [213]
Fife and Drum Corps, (4) [84], [265], [266], [ 317]
Fifth Street, (1) [45]
Figlioli, L., (1) [23]
Figmic, John A., (1) [67]
Figmic, Joseph, (1) [67]
Fillipo, Margritta, (1) [45]
Finance, public, (1) [29]
Finch, Abraham, (3) [178], [183], [280]
Finch, Abraham, Jr., (1) [183]
Finch, Charles S., (1) [118]
Finch, Daniel, (4) [103], [118], [148], [178]
Finch, Edward B., (1) [251]
Finch family, (5) [45], [141], [142], [143], [178]
Finch, H. Stanley, (3) [118], [262], [338]
Finch, Isaac, (3) [115], [178], [183]
Finch, James, (1) [306]
Finch, John, (3) [118], [178], [183]
Finch, Reynolds, (1) [198]
Finch, Samuel, (3) [115], [178], [183]
Finch, Samuel, Jr., (1) [183]
Finch, Sarah, (2) [178], [183]
Finch, Sherman, (3) [76], [141], [142]
Finchley family, (1) [143]
Fincke, C. Louis, (1) [292]
Fine, Bernard, (1) [27]
Fine, Esther, (1) [27] |
Fine, Gertrude, (1) [27]
Fine, Jacob I., (1) [67]
Fine, Joseph, (1) [336]
Fine's Shoe Store, (1) [27]
Finley, Harold Lancelot, (1) [67]
Finley, James J., (1) [155]
Finn family, (1) [143]
Finn, Helen C., (1) [29]
Finn, John T., (1) [67]
Finn, Maurice J., (1) [67]
First and Third Ward Italian-American Democratic Club, (1) [145]
Finney, Edgar Mollet, (1) [67]
Finney family, (1) [143]
Finney, Thomas J., (1) [67]
Fiore, Antonio, (1) [145]
Fiore, Pasquale, (1) [67]
Fire Department, Stamford, Borough of, (9) [4], [102], [104], [118], [171], [172], [250], [262], [269]
Fire Department, Stamford, City of, (14) [5], [44], [84], [85], [102], [104], [163], [164], [171], [172], [262], [263], [265], [269]
Fire Department, see Stamford, Town of, Fire Departments, (3) [104], [262], [265]
Fire departments--Stamford, (4) [72], [84], [104], [269]
Fire insurance, (2) [179], [271]
Fire protection, (2) [62], [84]
Firearms, (2) [178], [185]
Firebrick, (1) [28]
Fireplaces, (4) [63], [175], [266], [279]
Fires, (18) [5], [30], [68], [104], [123], [166], [171], [172], [178], [179], [241], [250], [265], [266], [269], [298], [303], [334]
Firestone Store, (1) [171] |
–First to Five Mile–
First Baptist Church of Stamford, (16) [1], [44], [66], [102], [118], [141], [142], [170], [171], [172], [212], [262], [265], [266], [298], [303]
First Church Of Christ - Scientist, (2) [66], [262]
First Congregational Church, Darien, (12) [15], [22], [95], [102], [141], [142], [188], [189], [250], [262], [266], [298]
First Congregational Church, Stamford, (43) [4], [5], [15], [22], [28], [35], [40], [44], [45], [66], [71], [95], [96], [102], [103], [104], [105], [118], [136], [137], [141], [142], [158], [170], [171], [172], [173], [178], [183], [187], [192], [208], [212], [250], [252], [262], [265], [266], [267], [298], [303], [325], [329]
First County Bank, (1) [73]
First Methodist Episcopal Church, Stamford, (20) [4], [15], [22], [28], [44], [66], [85], [102], [118], [141], [142], [158], [170], [171], [212], [250], [262], [265], [266], [298]
First National Bank, (6) [28], [44], [104], [118], [170], [265]
First National Bank Of Stamford, (1) [29]
First National store, (1) [45]
First (Old) Society, (1) [103]
First Presbyterian Church, Stamford, (31) [4], [5], [28], [44], [66], [93], [102], [104], [118], [141], [142], [171], [200], [216], [229], [230], [232], [246], [250], [259], [262], [265], [266], [272], [281], [283], [294], [295], [298], [302], [304]
First Stamford Bank & Trust Company, (1) [266]
First Stamford Italian-American Republican Club, (1) [145]
First Stamford National Bank, (1) [250]
First-Stamford National Bank And Trust Company, (5) [29], [102], [196], [212], [292]
First Street, (1) [186]
First Universalist Society, (1) [66]
Fischer, George Michael, (1) [67]
Fish Church, see First Presbyterian Church above
FISH (feel I should help) of Stamford, Inc., (1) [291]
Fish, Roberts, (1) [84]
Fish, smoked, (1) [27]
Fish stores, (1) [27]
Fisher, Edward C., (1) [262]
Fisher, Frank L., (1) [292]
Fisher, Thomas, (2) [109], [304]
Fisheries, (1) [103] |
Fishing, (7) [37], [84], [103], [179], [241], [248], [264]
Fishing Rock, (2) [28], [140]
Fishwick, Edward N., (1) [67]
Fiske, John, (4) [30], [58], [131], [212]
Fiske, Madeline, (1) [292]
Fiske, Philip O., (1) [327]
Fitch, Deodate, (1) [179]
Fitch, Elizabeth, (1) [179]
Fitch family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [306]
Fitch, Gilbert L., (2) [44], [262]
Fitch, Jabez, (3) [198], [216], [306]
Fitch, Martha Coggeshall, (1) [40]
Fitch, Perez, (5) [40], [103], [141], [142], [262]
Fitch, Richard, (1) [45]
Fitch, Sam, (1) [179]
Fitch Soldiers' Home, Noroton Heights, Darien, (3) [102], [141], [142]
Fitch, Thomas, (3) [40], [103], [118]
Fitch, William, (9) [45], [52], [118], [141], [142], [172], [179], [209], [241]
Fitzgerald, Ella, (1) [5]
Fitzgerald, John E., (1) [67]
Fitzgerald, Patrick, (1) [4]
Fitzgerald, Terence S., (1) [51]
Fitzgerald, William, (1) [67]
Fitzgibbons, William, (1) [277]
Fitzmaurice, Daniel Walter, (1) [67]
Fitzmaurice, Gardiner Morgan, (1) [67]
Fitzmaurice, William H., (1) [67]
Fitzpatrick, Arthur M., Jr., (1) [84]
Fitzpatrick, Cornelius, (1) [171]
Fitzpatrick, James A., (1) [67]
Fitzpatrick, John, (1) [67]
Fitzpatrick, John C., (2) [300], [310]
Fitzpatrick, John F., (1) [267]
Fitzpatrick, Maggie, (1) [171]
Fitzpatrick, Maureen, (1) [4]
Fitzpatrick, Stuart C., (1) [67]
Fitzsimmons, James E., (1) [267]
Five Chimney House, (4) [44], [171], [250], [265]
Five Mile River, (7) [5], [15], [118], [141], [142], [209], [266] |
–Flachsbart to Forrester–
Flachsbart, J. H., (1) [50]
Flag, Stamford, (2) [132], [208]
Flagmaid Fine Foods, (1) [27]
Flagmaid Products Company, (1) [27]
Flanagan, James J., (1) [67]
Flanigan, Ralph C., (1) [67]
Flathead Rocks, (1) [140]
Fleischer, William, (1) [67]
Fleming, Kenneth L., (1) [251]
Fleming, Kenneth L., Jr., (1) [67]
Fleming, Richard J., (1) [292]
Flemming's Dock, place in Stamford, (1) [265]
Flesh, Edward M., (1) [50]
Flint Rocks, (1) [140]
Floodgates, (2) [115], [178]
Floods, (5) [4], [170], [172], [179], [261]
Florence Building, (1) [44]
Florian, Michael J., (1) [67]
Florian, Stephen J., (1) [67]
Florists, (2) [54], [258]
Flour, (1) [214]
Flynn, Frank, (1) [67]
Flynn, John E., (1) [67]
Flynn, Joseph J., (1) [67]
Flynn, M. F., (1) [186]
Flynn, Patrick W. (Flynn, Patrizio), (2) [23], [92] |
Flynn, William, (1) [67]
Flynn, William H., (1) [51]
Fogel, Max J., (1) [67]
Foggetta, Tomaso, (1) [67]
Fogio, Flavio, (1) [213]
Folco, Paul P., (1) [67]
Folding machines, (1) [50]
Foley, Gerald F., (1) [67]
Foley, Richard, (1) [213]
Foley, Thomas, (1) [155]
Folklore, (2) [183], [280]
Fonda Gage Company, (1) [181]
Fonte, Angelo, (1) [67]
Food processing, (2) [175], [266]
Foord, William M., (1) [265]
Foord, William Malcolm, (1) [67]
Football, (6) [4], [27], [30], [44], [62], [171]
Foote, George, (1) [67]
Ford, May Harper, (1) [265]
Ford, Oliver L., (1) [118]
Forest Street, (10) [28], [44], [45], [73], [84], [118], [170], [245], [275], [298]
Forests and forestry, (2) [41], [190]
Forger, Alois J., (1) [50]
Forked Rock, (2) [128], [140]
Fornaciari, Augusto, (3) [5], [67], [267]
Forrester, William, (2) [141], [142] |
–Fort to Fox–
Fort, Frank, (1) [67]
Fort Hill, place in Stamford, (4) [1], [140], [141], [142]
Fort Stamford, (21) [4], [5], [40], [45], [75], [102], [103], [118], [140], [158], [159], [184], [198], [212], [225], [227], [250], [264], [266], [292], [306]
Fort Stamford, Park, (11) [5], [75], [84], [140], [158], [159], [184], [212], [246], [264], [292]
Fort Stanwich (Fort Stamford) see Fort Stamford above
Fort Waterbury (Fort Stamford) see Fort Stamford above Fortifications, (15) [5], [40], [75], [102], [103], [118], [140], [184], [212], [225], [227], [250], [266], [292], [306]
Fortunato, Savino Joseph, (1) [67]
Fortunes, George, (1) [67]
Fortunis, George, (2) [5], [267]
Fosdick, Robert A., (4) [118], [186], [208], [262]
Fosdick, William R., (1) [186]
Fouracre, Martha (Mari), (1) [84]
Foster, Alfred H., (1) [67]
Foster, Andrew J., (1) [165]
Foster, Arthur Dufton, (1) [67]
Foster, Dean, (1) [262]
Foster, Edward, (1) [67]
Foster, Edwin D., (1) [67]
Foster, Frederick B., Jr., (1) [67]
Foster, William James, (1) [67]
Foundries, (8) [28], [104], [118], [141], [142], [171], [236], [265]
Foundry Street, (1) [171]
Fountain, Edward, (1) [73]
Fountain, Ellen Hopkins, (1) [73]
Fountain family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Fountain, James F., (1) [67] |
Fountain, Stephen, (1) [26]
Four Brooks Road, (1) [140]
Four Corners Liquor Shop, (1) [27]
Fouracre, Anthony, (1) [84]
Fouracre, Christopher, (1) [84]
Fouracre, Elizabeth, (1) [84]
Fourth of July, (13) [29], [44], [84], [105], [131], [144], [171], [199], [200], [216], [250], [266], [286]
Fowler, Charles E., (1) [67]
Fowler, Fred S., (1) [67]
Fowler, George, (1) [172]
Fox, Charles, (1) [161]
Fox, Clary, (1) [45]
Fox, Ellsworth, (1) [45]
Fox, Esther, (1) [161]
Fox family, (2) [45], [161]
Fox, George, (2) [45], [178]
Fox, George L., (1) [113]
Fox, Isaac, (1) [161]
Fox, Jacob, (4) [27], [28], [161], [172]
Fox, James C., (1) [251]
Fox, John J., (1) [67]
Fox, Louis, (1) [45]
Fox, Mary, (1) [45]
Fox, Myles, (1) [213]
Fox, Peter, (1) [161]
Fox, Richard, (2) [44], [45]
Fox, Richmond, (1) [209]
Fox Ridge Road, (1) [140] |
–Franchina to Furniture–
Franchina, Jerry, (1) [67]
Francis, Charles E., (2) [83], [262]
Francis, E., (4) [144], [216], [245], [314]
Francotyp-Gesellschaft Company, (1) [50]
Frank, Harold Frederick, (1) [67]
Frank Martin & Sons, Inc., (1) [262]
Frank Mercede & Sons, (2) [121], [313]
Frankel, David S., (1) [165]
Frankel, Myron, (1) [67]
Franklin, Charles M., (1) [290]
Franklin, Henry J., (1) [67]
Franklin Street, (4) [73], [118], [186], [257]
Franklin, Thomas, (1) [179]
Frasca, Alfonso, (1) [258]
Frate, Anthony R., (1) [50]
Frate, Dominick, (1) [258]
Fraternal organizations, (20) [23], [54], [84], [102], [103], [141], [142], [145], [146], [159], [161], [171], [172], [216], [250], [257], [258], [265], [266], [291]
Frederick Beck & Company, (1) [118]
Frederick Webb House, Stamford, (1) [171]
Free Soil Party, (1) [102]
Freebairn, Patrick J., (1) [67]
Freed, Cora, (1) [27]
Freed, Henry, (1) [27]
Freed, Katherine, (1) [27]
Freed, Mary, (1) [27]
Freed, Stella, (1) [27]
Freeman, Jubel, (1) [306]
Freemanship, (1) [103]
Freemasons (see also particular lodges below), (10) [103], [118], [141], [142], [161], [216], [250], [257], [258], [265]
Freemasons. Connecticut. Grand Lodge, (1) [216]
Freemasons. Greenwich. Acacia Lodge No. 85, (1) [216]
Freemasons. Stamford. Commonwealth Lodge No. 129, (1) [216]
Freemasons. Stamford. Roosevelt Lodge No. 130, (2) [161], [216]
Freemasons. Stamford. Stamford Commandery No. 12, (1) [216]
Freemasons. Stamford. Union Lodge, No. 5, (7) [118], [141], [142], [172], [216], [250], [265]
Freer, W. D., (1) [114]
French and Indian War (1755-1763), (10) [40], [45], [52], [102], [103], [118], [141], [142], [250], [264] |
Frese, Walter, (1) [83]
Fresh Meadows, place in Stamford, (2) [45], [115]
Fricke, Charles H., (1) [84]
Friedman, Myer, (1) [67]
Friedrichs, Wilhelm, (1) [50]
Friend, Albert L., (1) [67]
Friend, Harold C., (1) [67]
Friend, Ralph Waldo, (1) [67]
Friends Adventure (ship), (1) [179]
Friends, Middlesex Society of, (1) [158]
Friends, Society of, (12) [1], [15], [44], [84], [102], [103], [141], [142], [178], [214], [266], [274]
Frith family, (1) [143]
Frohman, Barbara, (1) [27]
Frohman, Charles, (1) [27]
Frohman, Daniel, (3) [27], [262], [292]
Frohman, Gustave, (2) [27], [292]
Frohman, Henry, (1) [27]
Frost, Elizabeth, (1) [335]
Frost family, (1) [143]
Frost, Hannah, (1) [26]
Frost, Sarah Scofield, (2) [26], [60]
Frost, William (1) [26]
Fruit dealers, (1) [258]
Fuchs, John William, (1) [67]
Fuels, (8) [28], [90], [103], [175], [178], [179], [182], [275]
Fuertes, E. A., (4) [104], [118], [141], [142]
Fuller, Clement A., (5) [115], [158], [212], [250], [262]
Fuller, Henry, (3) [76], [141], [142]
Fuller, Royal H. B., (1) [251]
Fulling mills, (3) [103], [209], [214]
Funaros, Charles, (1) [67]
Funeral directors, (7) [3], [11], [28], [44], [54], [257], [258]
Funeral rites and customs, (18) [3], [11], [27], [71], [78], [84], [103], [161], [171], [172], [180], [200], [220], [252], [291], [303], [311], [314]
Funeral sermons, (2) [71], [252]
Funke, Francine, (1) [73]
Funke, Michael, (1) [73]
Funnell, Walter Lewis, (1) [67]
Furniture dealers, (5) [3], [27], [28], [44], [54] |
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