The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
–K– |
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155. |
K., M. T. [Kane, Martin T.] History of the Police Department - Stamford, Connecticut - From 1894 to 1917. (Stamford, Connecticut); 1917; (72) pp., paper covers, ports., illus., advts., 26 cm.
Notes: The foreword on p. (3) is signed M. T. K. I believe the author of this work to be Martin T. Kane. In 1917 he was a reporter for the Stamford Advocate. His obituary in the Stamford Advocate, July 19, 1944 states: "Mr. Kane was born in Stamford, Dec. 28, 1878, a son of Martin and Catherine McInerney Kane. He was educated in the Stamford public schools and graduated from Stamford High School with the Class of 1896. He entered Yale University upon his graduation and at the end of two years returned to Stamford where he was employed on the Stamford Telegram first as a hand compositor and later as a reporter. Joining The Stamford Advocate in 1900, Mr. Kane covered various assignments for the newspaper and for several years served as sports editor before being named city editor. Upon the death of Paul Lockwood, managing editor, in November, 1934, Mr. Kane was elevated to the post of managing editor, in which he served until his retirement on Dec. 11, 1943." R. M. "Published for the Benefit of the STAMFORD POLICE RESERVE FUND", [statement at bottom of title page]. Title on cover reads: “SOUVENIR HISTORY / of the / Stamford Police Department / [port. of Chief Wm. H. Brennan] / ISSUED ON THE OCCASION OF THE / FIRST GRAND BALL / of the Stamford, Conn., Police Force / MONDAY, APRIL NINE, NINETEEN SEVENTEEN / For the Benefit of the Pension Fund”.
Location: CtSHi. For additional information on Martin T. Kane, see: Stamford City Directory - 1917, p. 221. / Stamford City Directory - 1945, p. 489. / Stamford Advocate, July 19, 1944, pp. 1, 4, 6. / Stamford Advocate, July 22, 1944, pp. 1, 6.
Abstract: "Foreword - In the publication of this history in behalf of the police department, the editor has endeavored to present some of the more important facts disclosed in research to the records of the Common Council and of the department. It has not been the object to make this little book the register of the follies and misfortunes of those with whom it deals, and care has been taken, without doing violence to historical truth, to set forth the good rather than the bad. As a matter of fact, there is, and has been, little to censure in the police department of Stamford. It is the honest opinion of the editor, who has had close relations with the department for a score of years, that, in point of efficiency and the general character of personnel, the Stamford police department ranks second to none. Chief of Police William H. Brennan possesses in large measure the qualities that go to make the ideal executive, and it is believed to be due largely to the capable manner in which he discharges his duties that the department ranks so high today. Every member of the department is worthy of respect and encouragement. There are no laggards, no cheats and no cowards among this band of men who, day and night, risk life and limb in the performance of their duty. The thanks of the department are very cordially extended to the business men and to others who assisted to make this book a financial success, also to Henry J. Flick for the pictures herein reproduced. April 9, 1917. M. T. K. .... Stamford may well be proud of its police organization. In these days of unrest and stress, it is comforting to know that this branch of the municipal government is so excellent. It is the purpose of this book briefly to record the progress and improvement in the system since it was organized." Martin T. Kane, pp. (3), (9). |
156. |
Kaplan, Donald. Classic diners of the Northeast : from Maine to New Jersey, visits to the best of the old-fashioned eateries that made road food famous. Revised edition of: Diners of the Northeast, from Maine to New Jersey. 1st edition copyright 1980. ed. Bellink, Alan. Boston (Massachusetts) and London (England): Faber and Faber; 1986; 160 pp., paper covers, illus., 18 x 23 cm. ISBN: 0-571-12950-1.
Notes: Title page reads: "CLASSIC DINERS / OF THE NORTHEAST / (originally titled Diners of the Northeast) / / From Maine to New Jersey, / visits to the best of the old-fashioned eateries that / made road food famous / [printers’ device] / BY DONALD KAPLAN AND ALAN BELLINK / PHOTOGRAPHS BY JOHN BEAN" For chapter on Curley's Diner, Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 32-35.
Location: CtGro, CtNbC, CtWB, DLC.
Includes an interview with Curley, whose real name was Herluf Svenningsen. |
157. |
Keis, F. J. "Sewage treatment and garbage incinerator plant for the City Of Stamford, Connecticut". Annual Report of The Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers, Inc. 1944; pp. 57-68.
Notes: Published by The Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers, Inc. Presented at their 60th Annual Meeting at Hartford, Connecticut, March 21, 1944.
Location: Ct, CtNlC, CtU, DLC, DNLM, ICJ, ICRL, InLP, MB, PP, PU, TxU.
For additional information on the construction of this sewage treatment and garbage incinerator plant, see: Stamford Advocate, October 8, 1942, p. 11.
Abstract: "Until 1943 the sanitary sewage was discharged to the old treatment plant between Magee Avenue and Stamford Harbor. The plant consisted of a mechanical bar screen, a pumping station for raising the sewage from the outfall, four batteries of concrete Imhoff tanks of three units each, a general utility building, two open sludge drying beds and a discharge main to the harbor. Due to the City's growth and general plant obsolescence, it had become inadequate to properly treat the sewage and most of it had to be run through the tanks quickly or by-passed. The outfall sewer to the plant was in bad order and infiltration was very heavy. The situation was further aggravated by the inadequacy of the refuse incinerator on the same site. The refuse and garbage that could not be burned in the incinerator had to be placed near the treatment plant units, with the result that garbage and refuse accumulated to depths of from four to ten feet. The sewage plant found itself virtually in the midst of the City dump. The constant smoke from the refuse fires, the odors from decaying garbage and partially treated sewage together with the discharge of almost raw sewage into the harbor created a condition which made action imperative. Accordingly, in 1941, Mayor Edward A. Gonnoud and the City Council authorized the preparation of plans and specifications for a new sewage treatment plant and garbage incinerator, with instructions to salvage as much of the old plant as possible for use with the new one." F. J. Keis, p. 57. |
158. |
Kemp, Thomas Jay. Connecticut researcher's handbook. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research Company; 1981; xx, 755 pp., table of contents, general index, 22 cm. (Gale Genealogy and Local History Series; v. 12). ISBN: 0-8103-1488-6.
Notes: Title page reads: "Connecticut Researcher's / Handbook / - / Volume 12 in the Gale Genealogy and Local History Series / / Thomas Jay Kemp / Head / Turn of River Library / Stamford, Connecticut / / Gale Research Company / Book Tower, Detroit, Michigan 48226"
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 622-633. For references to Darien, Connecticut, see: pp. 209-214. For references to New Canaan, Connecticut, see: pp. 443-455 "Thomas Jay Kemp is the head of the Turn of River Library, a branch of the Ferguson Library in Stamford, Connecticut. Formerly he was the head of the Weed Memorial Library in Stamford, and for eight years he was responsible for the Genealogy and Local History Collection of the Ferguson Library. He has lectured widely and is the author of numerous books and articles." VITA, p. (vi).
Location: Ct, CtAns, CtAv, CtB, CtBran, CtBris, CtChh, CtDab, CtDar, CtFa, CtFaU, CtGre, CtGro, CtH, CtHamd, CtHi, CtM, CtMer, CtMil, CtNb, CtNc, CtNh, CtNhHi, CtNm, CtNowa, CtNowi, CtOl, CtPlv, CtPut, CtRk, CtS, CtShel, CtSHi, CtSi, CtSoP, CtStr, CtU, CtWal, CtWB, CtWhar, CtWillE, CtWrt, DLC, MWA. Parks (No. 484).
Abstract: "To my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Henry and Eleanor Frances Huse Kemp, Jr. and to the late Miss Grace Hope Walmsley." p. (v). "This guide has been compiled to assist the local historian and genealogist in researching Connecticut's past. It is not a `how to,' but a `where to,' listing the name, address, and telephone number of every cemetery, genealogical society, historical society, library, newspaper, probate court, and town clerk in the state. It also brings together the largest and most complete bibliography of articles, books, dissertations, microfilmed records, and original records held in archives and libraries ever prepared for Connecticut. The scope was designed to include all materials published up to and including 1980. The author personally reviewed almost every article and book cited. The only materials specifically excluded were family genealogies published as books or articles. However, if a family genealogy contained significant local history material not duplicated else ware, as James P. Boughman's THE MALLORYS OF MYSTIC: SIX GENERATIONS IN AMERICAN MARITIME ENTERPRISE (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1972. 496 p.), it was included. ... The CONNECTICUT RESEARCHER'S HANDBOOK has taken five years to compile. It began as an article and grew to its present size. Bringing together all of this information was like trying to record everything you could see in the extensive Carlsbad Caverns. After recording everything in one chamber, the path would lead on to the next room full of more objects and natural wonders even more impressive than the first, then on to the next, and than on to another. Likewise, each repository opened up new records, books and articles that led to the next `cavern' opening up even more information leading on to the next. Each time it seemed that the book was complete there was one more library to visit or periodical to index that pointed to still more areas to explore. No handbook or bibliography is ever complete, but it is the editor's desire to have made this as complete as possible to assist local historians and genealogists in their research." Thomas Jay Kemp, pp. xv, xviii. (Copyright 1981 by Thomas Jay Kemp. Reproduced with the permission of the author.) |
159. |
King, Susanne D. Connecticut's Twentieth Century Pilgrims : As interviewed and photographed by Susanne D. King : American Revolution Bicentennial Commission of Connecticut; 1977; (1-16), 17-198 pp., illus., ports., paper covers, 28 cm. ISBN: 0-918676-00-2.
Notes: For references to residents of Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 68-69, 82-83, 124-125, 190-191, 196-197.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtBo, CtBran, CtBris, CtDer, CtDu, CtEha, CtEhar, CtEly, CtFar, CtH, CtHamd, CtManc, CtMil, CtNb, CtNc, CtNh, CtNowa, CtNowi, CtPom, CtPut, CtS, CtSi, CtSu, CtSw, CtStr, CtThms, CtWal, CtWB, CtWhar, CtWhev, CtWill, CtWilt, CtWrf, CtWrt, DLC.
Abstract: "When the Twentieth Century Pilgrim Program was launched last November, we asked our Bicentennial Committees to nominate persons in their communities who were naturalized citizens and who, by their lives, had given something back to their chosen country. Given something beyond material goods. The something we were looking for was 'themselves.'
As we read the biographies of those nominated, we realized how difficult it must have been for those Committees to make their choices, for most of our Pilgrims came to this land through efforts which reflect strong courage, sacrifice and self-denial. They came, many of them , literally penniless, but with an undeniable determination to achieve a destiny for themselves that they could not achieve elsewhere. .............
Here today we honor ninety-six individuals, diverse in their backgrounds, their lives, their human individuality. Yet with a commonality that earns them the right to share equally with each other a unique honor. They have given back to their adopted land on a grand scale something of themselves. Their gifts have been their abilities, their talents, their knowledge. They have given, many of them, beyond themselves for they have given a portion of their very immortality through their children. ..............
Today's celebration, our celebration of people, is a celebration of that America which is the result of two centuries bought with the courage and determination of a vigorous and varied people - a people of immigrants.". Whitney L. Brooks, Vice-Chairman, American Revolution Bicentennial Commission of Connecticut. June 25, 1976. "As a child of pilgrims, I embrace you." Governor Ella T. Grasso. June 25, 1976. State Capitol, Hartford, Connecticut. |
160. |
Knight, Sarah Kemble. Journals of Madam Knight and Rev. Mr. Buckingham. From the original manuscripts, written in 1704 & 1710. New York, (New York): Wilder & Campbell; 1825; vii, (2), 10 - 129 pp., 20 cm.
Notes: Imprint on reverse of title reads: "C. S. Van Winkle, printer Thames - Street, New- York" Library of Congress card states: “The private journals kept by Rev. John Buckingham of the expedition against Canada, in the years 1710 & 1711, pp. 71-129.” In addition to the New York 1825 edition, there are numerous others. One of the best was published in Albany, New York by Frank H. Little, edited by William Law Learned, and printed by Joel Munsel in 1865. Since references to Stamford, Connecticut appear on different pages in each issue, citations and locations are in separate sections. For references to Stamford, Connecticut in the New York 1825 edition, see: pp. 60, 64.
Location: The following libraries own copies of the New York 1825 edition: CtHi, CtU, CU, DLC, MB, MH, MiU-C, MiU, MWA, NcU, NjN, NN, OClWHi, OU, PPL, PPiU, RPJCB. Sabin (No. 38124). For references to Stamford, Connecticut in the Albany 1865 edition, see: pp. 74, 79.
The following libraries own copies of the Albany 1865 edition: CtHi, CtSoP, CU, DNW, IaU, ICU, MH, MiU, MWA, NBuG, NcGU, NIC, NjN, NN, OC, OCl, OCU, PBL, PHi, PPL, RPB, RPJCB, ViU. Sabin (No. 38125). Matthews (p. 17). Goodfriend (p. 2).
For additional information on Sarah Kemble Knight, see: Anson Titus, Madam Sarah Knight - Her Diary And Her Times 1666-1726 (1912), Bostonian Society Publications, Vol. 9, pp. 99-126. / Howard H. Peckham, Narratives Of Colonial America 1704-1765 (1971), pp. 5-49.
Abstract: Matthews (p. 17) states, "Travel diary, October 1704-January 1705: journey from Boston to New York and back; remarkable for its lively descriptions, character sketches, conversation pieces, sharp-tongued wit, romanticism, and literariness; one of the best feminine diaries extant." Friday, December 22, 1704, "Here we took leave of New York government and descending the mountainous passage that almost broke my heart in ascending before, we came to Stamford, a well compact town, but miserable meeting house, which we passed, and through many and great difficulties, as bridges which were exceeding high and very tottering and of vast length, steep and rocky hills and precipices (bug-bears to a fearful female traveler). ...... The government of Connecticut colony begins westward towards York at Stamford (as I am told) and so runs eastward towards Boston (I mean in my range, because I don't intend to extend my description beyond my own travels) and ends that way at Stonington. And had a great many large towns lying more northerly. It is a plentiful country for provisions of all sorts and it's generally healthy." Sarah Kemble Knight, pp. 60, 64, New York, 1825 edition. |
161. |
Koenig, Samuel. An American Jewish community, 50 years, 1889-1939 : the sociology of the Jewish community in Stamford, Connecticut. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Jewish Historical Society; 1991;xxv, 175 pp., paper covers, illus., table of contents, charts, footnotes, appendices, index, 23 cm. ISBN: 0-9629560-0-7.
Imprint on reverse of title reads: "Designed and Produced by Romax Communications, Stamford, CT. / Cover Design by Joel Tanner." Printed on acid-free paper.
Location: Ct, CtGre, CtH, CtS, CtSHi, CtSU, DLC, ICU, InLP, MH, MU, MWalB, NIC, NN, OU, WHi. Collier (p. 178).
Abstract: "In 1938, Samuel Koenig, director of the Connecticut Ethnic Survey, conducted a study of the Jewish community in Stamford. Titled, `An American Jewish Community: the Story of the Jews in Stamford, Connecticut,' Koenig's goal was to give a comprehensive, historical, economic and social picture of a Jewish community, with special emphasis on the organizations and institutions that Stamford's Jews had created to help them assimilate into American society while preserving their cultural heritage. ..... Koenig concluded that the Jews were a vital part of the Stamford community, and they were evolving from an immigrant community to an American one. The Jewish community is still evolving, and so this valuable book serves as a benchmark for where we stood 50 years ago, and a reminder of the debt we owe to preceding generations." William J. Gottlin, pp. xvii, xxiv. "Thus while the Jews undoubtedly constitute a unit in the city's population, they also form an integral part of the society within which they live. They participate actively in every phase of the town's life. They think, act, and behave as their neighbors. Like any other immigrant group, they share in the cultural heritage of their ancestors, but this heritage is constantly acquiring new meanings and undergoing modifications and changes that bring it into harmony with the American environment. Their social life is still largely confined to intra-group relationships, but, as we have seen, it differs little from what is commonly called the American pattern." Samuel Koenig, p. 146. (Copyright 1991 by the Stamford Jewish Historical Society, Stamford, Connecticut. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
162. |
Kramer, Dale. Heywood Broun, a biographical portrait. New York, New York: Current Books, Inc., A. A. Wyn, publisher.; 1949; (x), 316 pp., ports., illus., index, 24 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "Heywood Broun / A BIOGRAPHICAL PORTRAIT / by DALE KRAMER / [sketch of Broun by Hendrick van Loon] / NEW YORK . 1949 / CURRENT BOOKS, INC. / A. A. WYN, PUBLISHER" "The sketch of Broun on the title page was drawn by Hendrick van Loon and appears by the courtesy of Frank Shay", p. (viii)
For references to Sabine Farm, home of Heywood Broun at 531 Hunting Ridge Road and the concurrent home of his wife Ruth Hale Broun at 469 Hunting Ridge Road in Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 131, 138-141, 147, 179, 182, 189, 217, 257, 259, 265-266, 268, 285, 295, 299, 302-303.
Location:CtB, CtEhar, CtNb, CtNc, CtNh, CtU, CtWhav, DLC. |
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