The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
–F– |
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Entry |
97. |
F. W. Dodge Corporation. "Plan For Rental And Offices Of Architects". Architectural Record. 1962 Aug; Vol. 132 pp. 119-122; ISSN: 0003-858X.
Notes: Published by F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York, New York.
Location: CtDab, CtH, CtHT, CtMer, CtW, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNlC, CtU, CtWB, CtY. White (p. 4).
Abstract: "The architects (Sherwood, Mills & Smith), of this five-story and partial basement office building not only designed the building itself but also designed the interior of the top floor for their own offices. Located in the center of the downtown Stamford business area, the new office building contains 37,000 sq. ft. of rental area, of which the architects occupy 6,800. Housed in this space are the seven partners of the firm and its staff of about fifty." Architectural Record, p. 119. (Architectural Record, August 1962. Copyright 1962 by F. W. Dodge Corporation [assigned to and copyright by McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, New York]. All rights reserved. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
98. |
F. W. Dodge Corporation. "Remedy For A Common Commercial Ailment: Ridgeway Shopping Center, Stamford, Conn.". Architectural Record. 1947 Dec; Vol. 102 pp. 112-114; ISSN: 0003-858X.
Notes: Published by F. W. Dodge Corporation, Concord, New Hampshire.
Location: CtH, CtW, CtNb, NbC, CtNlC, CtU, CtY. White (p. 4).
Abstract: "Exasperation in downtown Stamford, with a bare 800 metered spaces to park the predominantly automotive shoppers of a community of 70,000, drove one citizen to serious study. At first hypothetical, Alfons Bach's conclusions regarding the best site and scheme for a relieving center seemed so logical and salutary that a corporation was formed to make them actual. From this point, it took two years of canvassing and campaigning, to modify zoning laws and resolve other conflicts of interest, before the site was secured and the way cleared for the project. .... Most of Stamford's apartment houses are concentrated near the Center. In addition it is calculated eventually to serve a shopping radius of 20 miles, with 1410 parking spaces providing for approximately 7000 cars, at a daily turnover rate of five per space." Architectural Record, p. 112. (Architectural Record, December 1947. Copyright 1947 by F. W. Dodge Corporation [assigned to and copyright by McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, New York]. All rights reserved. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
99. |
F. W. Dodge Corporation. "School Reflects Today's Teaching Trend". Architectural Record. 1940 May; Vol. 87 pp. 37-40; ISSN: 0003-858X.
Notes: Published by F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York, New York.
Location: CtH, CtW, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNlC, CtU, CtY. White (p. 4).
Abstract: "In the New Willard School in Stamford, Conn., Architects William J. Provoost and Richard Everett, Jr., have developed a thoroughly functional scheme, in line with modern educational trends, within the framework of a style that respects local tradition. The major elements are 14 classrooms, kindergarten, library, auditorium, and gymnasium." Architectural Record, p. 37. (Architectural Record, May 1940. Copyright 1940 by F. W. Dodge Corporation [assigned to and copyright by McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, New York]. All rights reserved. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
100. |
F. W. Dodge Corporation. "St. Joseph's Hospital, Stamford, Conn.". Architectural Record. 1943 May; Vol. 93 pp. 71-73; ISSN: 0003-858X.
Notes: Published by F. W. Dodge Corporation, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Includes plan of the first, second and third floors of the hospital.
Location: CtH, CtW, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNlC, CtU, CtY. White (p. 5).
Abstract: Raphael Hume, Architect / Charles F. Neergaard, Consultant. "A bold, direct design pattern characterizes this new general hospital which is conducted by the Sisters of St. Joseph. Its dignified, purposeful exterior, faced with limestone, closely follows the efficient interior arrangement. The two long lines of windows are made to count as a single motive by the use of dark brick between the piers. The fenestration is designed to conform to the necessities of plan rather than arbitrarily equalized spacing. The building is set back from the street about 260 ft., and there is a parking area directly in front of the main elevation which faces east." Architectural Record, p. 71. (Architectural Record, May 1943. Copyright 1943 by F. W. Dodge Corporation [assigned to and copyright by McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, New York]. All rights reserved. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
101. |
Fahy, Thomas P. Richard Scott Perkin and The Perkin-Elmer Corporation: (The Perkin-Elmer Corporation); 1987; xv, 271 pp., illus., ports., table of contents, appendix, 24 cm. ISBN: 0-9618075-0-4.
Notes: Title page reads: "Richard Scott Perkin / and / The Perkin-Elmer Corporation" For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 61-89, 93-94, 97, 106, 151, 257. Includes a photograph on pp. 68-69 titled, "Perkin-Elmer Employees at the Glenbrook Plant - 1942." All sixty-six employees are identified. "W. Thomas Kennedy managed the printing of the book at the Perkin-Elmer Print Shop." Thomas P. Fahy, p. xiii. Pages 269-271 blank for "Notes." Author was "a former Vice President and a 32-year associate of Perkin-Elmer". Some copies of this book are bound in a dark blue buckram with the title stamped in gold lettering on the spine. While others are bound in a dark blue cloth with the title stamped on a strip of blue buckram, mounted to the spine.
Location: AAP, CtDab, CtNc, CtSoP, CtStr, CtWill, CtWilt, DLC, DSI, MH-A, NBP.
Abstract: "Dick (Richard S. Perkin) found and studied several properties and buildings that his company might lease or buy. The decision was made to build a new plant on Hope Street in the Glenbrook section of Stamford, Connecticut, just north of the Boston Post Road a short distance from Greenwich. Acreage was purchased at 535 Hope Street, and a one-story brick building of 15,000 square feet was constructed. ....... When the Glenbrook plant was ready for occupancy, the 30 Perkin-Elmer employees from Manhattan and Jersey City moved there in September of 1941. Outgrown within three months, the plant was enlarged by 4,000 square feet in 1942. The staff grew proportionately. The scientists and craftsmen were happy to escape from the Greater New York area and to find homes in lovely rural settings, many of which surrounded the Glenbrook area." Thomas P. Fahy, pp. 61-62. (Copyright 1987 by Thomas P. Fahy. Reproduced with the permission of the author and the publisher.) |
102. |
Feinstein, Estelle F. [Estelle Fisher]. Stamford : an illustrated history. Pendery, Joyce S. Woodland Hills, California: Windsor Publications, Inc.; 1984; 199 pp., illus. color & b/w., ports., bibliography, maps, index, d.w., 29 cm. ISBN: 0-89781-114-3.
Notes: Title page reads: "STAMFORD / An Illustrated History / Estelle F. Feinstein & Joyce S. Pendery / / "Partners in Progress" by Marie Updegraff / Picture Research by Lissa Sanders / Introduction by Don Russell / Produced in cooperation with the / Stamford Historical Society, Inc. / Windsor Publications, Inc. / Woodland Hills, California" Illustrated lining-papers.
Location: ArLUA, Ct, CtBSH, CtDar, CtGre, CtMil, CtNbC, CtNc, CtNowa, CtOg, CtS, CtShel, CtSHi, CtSU, CtU, CtWtp, CtY, DLC, MB, MH, N, NBronSL, NIC, NjP, ViBlbV, WHi. Parks (No. 8568). |
103. |
Feinstein, Estelle F. [Estelle Fisher]. Stamford from Puritan to patriot : the shaping of a Connecticut community 1641-1774. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Bicentennial Corporation; 1976; iii, 236 pp., illus., port., map, appendices, notes, index, d.w., 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "STAMFORD / from / PURITAN TO PATRIOT / - / The Shaping of a / CONNECTICUT COMMUNITY / 1641-1774 / / Estelle S. Feinstein" Typographic error: Author's middle initial is F. not S., which occurs on the title page. See dedicatory statement honoring author's parents: "To Libby and Moses Fisher, Who Were Puritans of the Twentieth Century."
Location: AFmMP, CL, Ct, CtB, CtFaU, CtGre, CtHi, CtNc, CtNhHi, CtNlC, CtNowa, CtOg, CtS, CtShel, CtSHi, CtSU, CtU, CtWilt, CtY, DLC, DSoc, GEU, ICU, InGrD, IPh, KEmU, MB, MeU, MH, MnU, MoSpS, MPB, MWA, MWH, NAlf, NBuU, NcD, NcU, NhD, NjSooS, NjTeaF, OAkU, OCl, OO, OrCS, OU, PBL, PChW, PEL, ScCleU, TCU, UkCU, UPB, ViW, WHi. Buenker, Greenfield, Murin & Chudacoff (No. 800). Kemp (p. 631). Collier (p. 64). Parks (No. 8566). White (p. 2).
Abstract: Collier (p.64) states, "This is a well-informed treatment by a professional historian whose area of expertise is the Gilded Age." For reviews of this work, see: American Historical Review, Vol. 82 (June 1977) p. 731. Collier, Christopher. / Connecticut History, Vol. 20 (January 1979) pp. 48-51. Stark, Bruce P. / Journal of American History, Vol. 64 (June 1977) pp. 126-127. Fries, Sylvia D. / Journal of Urban History, Vol. 4 (August 1978) pp. 485-497. Butler, Jon. "In 1641 twenty-nine families had formed a community on the Puritan frontier of New England: in 1774 approximately twenty-five times as many families held the patriot frontier. Each of the fundamental institutions established at the beginning functioned still; yet each had been profoundly altered. New Haven colony rule, which had been deeply resented, had been supplanted by Connecticut colony controls, which were far more gentle. Land tenure had shifted from a semi-cooperative to a wholly private form; there had been inequality among the first settlers, and while there was greater inequality one hundred and thirty-three years later, there was little real destitution. The single church had given way to several parishes and produced a formidable counter-force. The town meeting, once a dynamic assembly of landowners, then a passive mechanism of limited governance, had begun to emerge as the source of community, the public instrument of decision. Behind all stood the dense, supportive network of families, a society which became more intricately bound together with the passing of each generation. By the last quarter of the eighteenth century, the party of the orthodox, secure in positions of strength in town and colony government, in the Congregational church and, in land acquisitions, had been sensitized by decades of struggle against the Church of England with its material and emotions tied to the imperial power. The native notability was ready to rally the town against threats from an alien source both to its leadership and to the very integrity of the community. One hundred and thirty-three years after its planting on the frontier of Puritanism, the town of Stamford, Connecticut, held fast on the frontier of patriotism." Estelle Fisher Feinstein, p. 202. |
104. |
Feinstein, Estelle F. [Estelle Fisher]. Stamford in the gilded age ; the political life of a Connecticut town 1868-1893. Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Historical Society, Inc.; 1973; xi, 319 pp., illus., ports., bibliography, maps, charts, notes, index, d.w., 22 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: " STAMFORD / IN THE / GILDED AGE / / The Political Life of a / Connecticut Town 1868 - 1893 / / Estelle F. Feinstein / / . / Photographic Material by Carl Lobozza / Maps and Charts by Malcolm Feinstein / . / The Stamford Historical Society, Inc. / Stamford, Connecticut / 1973 / . " Imprint on reverse of title reads: " Design & Composition by The Stamford Weekly Mail .... Lithographed by Eastern Press, Inc., New Haven, Conn." Printed on 60# Springhill vellum paper, in an edition of 3,138 copies. Bound in blue roxite cloth by the Stanhope Bindery, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts.
Location: AAP, ABAU, ArLUA, AzTeS, CaBVaS, CLS, CMalP, CoU, CSfSt, CSluSP, CSS, Ct, CtAv, CtB, CtDar, CtGre, CtHi, CtMer, CtMW, CtNa, CtNb, CtNc, CtNlC, CtNm, CtS, CtSHi, CtSi, CtSoP, CtStr, CtSu, CtSU, CtU, CtWB, CtWhar, CtWilt, CtWind, CtWrf, CtY, CU, CU-S, DLC, FU, GASU, GClaD, GEU, GStG, GU, I, IaU, ICarbS, ICD, ICIU, IDeKN, ILfC, InMuB, InNd, InU, IPfsG, KU, KWiU, LNT, LNU, MA, MAH, MB, MBCo, MBridT, MBU, MdFreH, MeU, MiAllG, MiDW, MiKW, MiYEM, MnHi, MnManS, MoSW, MoU, MSat, MU, MWA, MWalB, MWiW-C, NBronSL, NbU, NBU, NCaS, NcDurC, NCH, NcU, NcWsW, NhD, NhKeK, NIC, NjJS, NjMD, NjP, NjR, NjTeaF, NmLcU, NmU, NN, NNC, NNJJ, NNL, NNR, NNU, NPV, NRWW, OAU, OC, OClJC, OClU, OClW, OGraD, OkTU, OrSaW, OrU, OTU, OU, P, PKuS, PPiC, PPiU, PPT, RPB, RU, ScCleU, TClA, TMurS, TxArU, TxHU, TxLT, UU, ViFGM, ViLC, ViPetS, ViU, VtMiM, WaU, WHi, WMUW, WOshU Buenker, Greenfield, Murin & Chudacoff (No. 1479). Kemp (p. 631). Collier (p. 103). Parks (No. 8567). Casper (No. 1635). White (p. 3).
Abstract: Photographic Material by Carl Lobozza. Maps and Charts by Malcolm Feinstein. Collier (p. 103) states, "It is based on her dissertation (Columbia, 1970), supervised by John A. Garraty, who calls the work `both a fascinating picture of a bygone era and a way of looking at that era that enables us better to understand our own.' Feinstein's book transcends local history in that it is a model of its genre: a scholarly, well-written analysis of Stamford's growing pains as it changed from a small village to a bustling city." For reviews of this work, see: American Political Science Review, Vol. 70 (June 1976) p. 636. Welch, Richard E., Jr. / American Historical Review, Vol. 80 (June 1975) pp. 727-728. Klebanow, Diana / Connecticut History, Vol. 14 (June 1974) pp. 33-35. Heath, Frederick M. / History Teacher, Vol. 8 (August 1975) pp. 674-675. Janick, Herbert / Journal of American History, Vol. 61 (March 1975) pp. 1124-1125. Chudacoff, Howard P. / Journal of Urban History, Vol. 5 (August 1979) pp. 530-540. Tobin, Eugene M. / Reviews in American History, Vol. 2 (December 1974) pp. 498-504. Montgomery, David. "Communities may well resemble families. Every happy community may be alike, but every unhappy community may be unhappy, or at least divided, in its own way. In this book I have attempted to capture the moment in the history of one town, Stamford, Connecticut, when it struggled to adapt an ancient political structure to new demands for services and for representation. Both the expansion of the Yale & Towne factory complex and the coming-of-age of the Irish minority, as well as the growth in number and density of the central area, placed severe strains on the operation of the traditional town meeting system during the period known as the Gilded Age. The community successfully resolved some of the emerging urban problems; it tried and failed to solve others; and it ignored still others. Ultimately Stamford responded to the rising political pressures by creating a hard new City structure while simultaneously retaining the amorphous beloved town-meeting. As the nineteenth century closed, the untidy dual system continued the democratic process that lies at the very heart of American community life." Estelle Fisher Feinstein, p. ix. |
105. |
Feinstein, Estelle F. [Estelle Fisher]. Stamford Town Green in Historical Perspective. (Stamford, Connecticut); 1986 8 pp., typescript, 28 cm.
Location: CtSHi.
Abstract: Address given by Dr. Feinstein as part of a Symposium held at the University of Connecticut, Stamford, April 10, 1986; symposium titled "Community Spaces: From Town Green to Shopping Mall." A portion of her speech was published in The Advocate, May 4, 1986, p. A19. "The funny thing that really happened to me was my discovery that the history of the central space of Stamford is the history of the economic development of the community writ small, indeed scripted in miniature." Estelle Fisher Feinstein, p. 2. (Reproduced with the permission of the author.) |
106. |
Ferguson, Henry. Journal of Henry Ferguson, January to August, 1866. Ferguson, Samuel. Hartford, Connecticut: Privately Printed; 1924; 198 pp., illus., 25 cm.
Notes: Imprint on reverse of title reads: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., Hartford, Conn. Also included: the "Journal of Samuel Ferguson," May to June 1866, pp. 160-198 / copy of letters written by Henry and Samuel Ferguson to their parents, June 18, 1866, pp. 140-145 / Account of the `Hornet' from the Stamford Advocate, August 17, 1866, pp. 145-159.
Location: CtH, CtHT, CtSHi, CU, DLC, HU, MWA, TxU. Photostat copies of the original manuscripts of the journals of Henry Ferguson, Samuel Ferguson and Captain Josiah Mitchell are located in the Library of The Mariners Museum, Newport News Virginia. Two brothers of Stamford, Connecticut, Henry and Samuel Ferguson booked passage on the clipper ship `Hornet' in January 1866. It was scheduled to sail from New York to California, around Cape Horn. On May 3 they were in the Pacific Ocean, about 1500 miles west of South America, when the ship caught fire and sank. Samuel and Henry together with the captain and crew members scrambled into longboats. With only ten days worth of provisions they spent the next forty-three days on the high sea in an open boat, covering over 4,000 miles. Both brothers and the captain kept diaries which describe their ordeal. Thanks to the exceptional seamanship of Captain Josiah Mitchell they finally made landfall on the island of Hawaii. At the same time, on one of the other islands, there was a young newspaper reporter named Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain). Although physically indisposed, he sensed a story and had himself transported to interview the Hornets' survivors. He stayed up all night preparing his copy and was able to deliver it the following day to a ship that was leaving for San Francisco. The story was a sensation, newspapers throughout America reprinted it. On their return voyage to California, Clemens (Twain) further interviewed the Ferguson brothers and Captain Mitchell. They let him examine their diaries, excerpts of which he incorporated into an article titled "Forty-three Days in an Open Boat. Compiled from Personal Diaries." Submitted to Harper's New Monthly Magazine, they published it in December 1866. Thirty three years latter he reworked portions of it, gave the story a new title, "My Debut as a Literary Person" and handed it in to The Century Magazine, where the article appeared in November 1889. The story was included in The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories and Essays, Harper and Brothers, 1900. In this work Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) stated that it was not the `Jumping Frog' story that really launched his literary career, but the saga of the survivors of the clipper ship `Hornet.'
Abstract: "June 13 - Wednesday (1866) (Forty-first day in longboat) Sea calm and wind light today. It has been a most beautiful day but the heat or rather the force of the sun has been very oppressive. Getting to feel very weak but trust that we will all get through all right. God grant that our chronometer may not be far out of the way and that three or at the most four days will see us in safety. I cannot but feel that we are going to be saved since God has defended us from the dangers of the sea and kept us in health so long. Water is, I grieve to say getting very low. We have reduced our allowance and take a gill at night and morning which is the least we seem to be able to do with when we have no food. A flying fish came aboard last night. We divided him and so had a taste today. The ham rags are not gone yet and bootlegs are quite palatable we find when we get the salt out of them. A little smoke I think does a little good but I don't know. God help us and grant we may reach shore in safety. June 14 - Thursday (1866) (Forty-second day in longboat) Most lovely rainbow last evening, perfect bow with color most vivid and supplementary bow very distinct. Certainly it is a good sign. Saw new moon, God has spared us wonderfully to see it. I never expected it. It made us feel much better and gives us hopes. Hunger does not pain us so much, but we are dreadful weak. Our water is getting frightfully low. God grant we may see land soon. Nothing to eat. But felt better than I did yesterday. June 15th - Friday (1866) (Forth-third day in longboat) God be forever praised for his infinite mercy to us. Land seen today at 10-1/2 to the Westward. Rapidly neared and soon were sure of it. Made out a settlement on the shore and ran in for it, in afternoon came close and were shown where to go by native. Managed to make out to get near right among a dreadful surf or sharp coral and volcanic rocks when two noble Kanakas swam to us and aided us to guide the boat into a little bight where we were most joyfully received by two white men and the Kanakas who live here." Henry Ferguson, pp. 119-121.
For additional information on the saga of the clipper ship `Hornet' including data on Henry and Samuel Ferguson, Captain Josiah Mitchell and Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), see: Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), "Letter from Honolulu," Sacramento Union, July 16, 1866. / Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), "Letter from Honolulu," Sacramento Union, July 19, 1866. / Stamford Advocate, August 17, 1866. / Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), "Forty-three Days in an Open Boat. Compiled from Personal Diaries," Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. XXXIV, No. 199 (December 1866), pp. 104-113. / Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), "My Debut as a Literary Person," The Century Magazine, Vol. LIX, No. 1 (November 1899), pp. 76-88. / Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), "My Debut as a Literary Person," in The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories and Essays (New York and London, Harper and Brothers, 1900), pp. 84-127. / Josiah Angier Mitchell, Diary of Captain Josiah A. Mitchell, 1866 (n.p., n.d.) / Albert E. Stone, Jr., "Mark Twain and the story of the Hornet" (April 1961), Yale University Library Gazette, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 141-157. / A. Grove Day, Mark Twain's Letters from Hawaii (New York, Appleton-Century, 1966), pp. ix-x, 135-160. / Stephen E. Ambrose, Nothing Like It in the World : The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad, 1863-1869 (New York, Simon & Schuster, 2000), p. 196. The most authoritative work on this subject is by Alexander Crosby Brown, Longboat To Hawaii. An account of the Voyage of the Clipper Ship HORNET of New York Bound for San Francisco in 1866 (Cambridge, Maryland, Cornell Maritime Press, Inc.,1974). Contains an excellent bibliography. ISBN 0-87033-201-5. |
107. |
Ferguson Library, The. Catalogue Of The Ferguson Library, Stamford, Conn. 1883. New Haven, (Connecticut). : Printed by Hoggson & Robinson; (1883); viii, 155 pp., preface, notes, 24 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "CATALOGUE / OF / THE FERGUSON LIBRARY, / STAMFORD, CONN. / 1883 / / [printers' ornament] / / NEW HAVEN: HOGGSON & ROBINSON, PRINTERS, ATHENEUM BUILDING." Notation on p. v states that, "About 3,300 different volumes are catalogued in these pages." pp. vii-viii includes additions and corrections.
Location: CtS, CtSHi, NRU.
Abstract: "The very unusual combination of difficulties under which this Catalogue has been compiled and issued, made mistakes (humanly speaking) unavoidable; that they are so few and easily corrected, is a matter of congratulation to all concerned. The following lists are printed here, in order that those who wish to have their catalogues right may easily make the alterations for themselves in the proper places." (This statement is followed by a list of additions and corrections.) Private Notes - For Careful Readers Only, p. vii. |
108. |
Fessenden, De Witt H. "Three Connecticut Country Houses: Hunt & Hunt, Architects". Architectural Record. 1916 Nov; Vol. 40 (No. 5). pp. 402-417; ISSN: 0003-858X.
Notes: Published by The Architectural Record Company, New York, New York. Includes plans of the first and second floors for Mrs. Florence H. Marion's residence.
Location: AAP, C, CL, CLSU, CoCC, CoD, CoU, CSf, CSmH, CtB, CtH, CtHC, CtHT, CtW, CtNb, CtNh, CtNlC, CtU, CtY, CU, DCU, DLC, DeWI, FTS, GA, GAT, GU, I, IaAS, IaU, IC, ICN, IEN, InI, InU, IU, KU, LU, MA, MB, MBAt, MCM, MH, MNF, MNS, MdBE, MdBG, MdBP, MeB, MeBa, Mi, MiD, MiDU, MiGr, MiU, MnCS, MnM, MnS, MnSJ, MnU, MoK, MoS, MoSW, MoU, MtBC, NbU, NBuG, NcD, NcRS, NcU, NHC, NhD, NhU, NIC, NjP, NN, NNC, NNMM, NRU, NvU, OC, OCl, OClMA, OClW, ODa, OkS, OOxM, OT, OU, PP, PSt, PU, RP, ScU, SdU, TU, TxDaM, TxHR, TxU, TxWB, VtU, WaSp, WaU, Wy, WBB, WM.
Abstract: "In the case of Mrs. Florence H. Marion's house at Shippan Point, Stamford, the architects had to deal with a long, narrow strip of land sloping on the west toward Long Island Sound. It was possible either to build below the slope, toward the sea, or to place the house upon the crest of the property. The latter course won the decision and enabled the architects to develop a beautiful terrace garden commanding a magnificent view across the Sound. The house is flanked on the east by the street and occupies the highest part of the estate, which was laid out in cooperation with the landscape architects, Wadley and Smythe. The house recalls the French chateau and, like its prototype, its entrance door, to the east, gives directly upon the sidewalk, the gentle curve of the street being echoed in the contour of the house. The principal rooms are upon the western, or garden side, where the ground floor is a story below the street door level. At the south end of the estate a drive makes a winding course to a vestibuled entrance.
... In planning the residence of Mr. Thomas Robins for a site that is surrounded upon three sides by the sea at Shippan Point, the architects had in mind a fisherman's cottage. It is constructed of local field stone, and presents a rugged front to the water. The roof, sloping to the first story at one end of the house, gives an interesting appearance. There is a fitness of accord between this solid stone erection and the waters of the Sound, which lap so close to its foundations. At one side of the entrance gate is the garage, with a boathouse on the other, the drive passing between the two, circling around to the service entrance at the end of the building and continuing along the side of the house to the main entrance. The rear of the house is toward the highway, where the entrance gate opens upon a private road. There are no elaborate details, nothing in fact, to detract from the pleasure of the mason's craft in the stonework. .... ." De Witt H. Fessenden, pp. 404-417. |
109. |
Fisher, Thomas. "Trouble by the trains". Progressive Architecture. 1985 Apr; Vol. 66 pp. 28-29; ISSN: 0033-0752.
Notes: Published by Reinhold Publishing, Cleveland, Ohio.
Location: CtB, CtH, CHT, CtNlC, CtSU, CtWtp, CtU, CtY. White (p. 3).
Abstract: "Every construction project has its troubles. But few projects have troubles like those encountered in building the new railroad station in Stamford, Conn. Eighty percent complete, the $40 million station has so many structural flaws that large sections of it must be reinforced or torn apart and rebuilt. ...... The question remains: how could so many problems have eluded discovery for so long? Code officials and others responsible for design review have argued that they cannot rethink every decision or recheck every calculation in a project. The same might be said by those people responsible for construction supervision; they cannot observe everything that goes on at a building site. Yet how much longer can we accept those arguments as the claims filed against architects and engineers increase at record rates? What's disturbing about the situation at Stamford's station is not just that it occurred, but that, without better design review and construction supervision, it won't be the last project with such troubles." Thomas Fisher, pp. 28-29. (Copyright 1985 by Reinhold Publishing Corporation [assigned to and copyright by Penton Publishing Corporation, Division of Pittway Corporation, Stamford, Connecticut]. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
110. |
Forbes & Company, Ltd. "Accepted Competitive Design, Y. M. C. A. Building, Stamford, Conn.". Architecture. 1907 Aug 15; Vol. 16 (No. 2). p.136.
Notes: Published by Forbes & Company, Ltd., New York, New York. "Merged with American Architect, to form American Architect and Architecture." (Library of Congress).
Location: DLC, MB. |
111. |
"Suburban Club, Stamford, Conn.". Architecture. 1915 Feb; Vol. 31 (No. 2). plates 11, 12, 13.
Notes: Published by Forbes & Company, Ltd., New York, New York. "Merged with American Architect, to form American Architect and Architecture." (Library of Congress). Includes plan of the first and second floors.
Location: DLC, MB. |
112. |
Forbes & Company, Ltd. "Successful Competition Design, Municipal Building, Stamford, Conn." and "Competitive Design, Municipal Building, Stamford, Conn.". Architecture. 1904 Dec 15; Vol. 10 (No. 60). pp. 190-193.
Notes: Published by Forbes & Company, Ltd., New York, New York. "Merged with American Architect, to form American Architect and Architecture." (Library of Congress). Includes plans of the first and second floors.
Location: DLC, MB. |
113. |
Fox, George L. "Corrupt practices and elections laws in The United States since 1890". Proceedings of the American Political Science Association, at Its Second Annual Meeting Held at Baltimore, MD., December 26 to 29, 1905. 1906; pp.171-186; ISSN: 0003-0554.
Notes: Published by the American Political Science Association, Wickersham Press, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Current title is American Political Science Review.
Location: CaMWUC, Ct, CtH, CtNh, CtY, DLC, In, InU, MB, MH-L, OU, P, TxU.
Abstract: "With regard to Connecticut, I can speak from my own knowledge. From 1895 to 1905 the law was largely a dead letter. The first instance of prosecution against delinquent candidates that I have found record of in the United States was in Stamford, Conn., in 1899, where four candidates were prosecuted by City Attorney Galen Carter for failure to file returns of expenses. On conviction they appealed to a higher court in vain, and were released after payment of a moderate fine. It is needless to say that in Stamford since that time no candidate has failed to file the proper returns. In other parts of the state, however, the law has been very much ignored till the present year, when new teeth were put into the law." George L. Fox, p 178. |
114. |
Freer, W. D. "Golf Clubs In Connecticut". Connecticut Magazine. 1900 May-1900 Jun 30; Vol. 6 (No. 4). pp. 254-284.
Notes: Published by Connecticut Magazine Company, Hartford, Connecticut. For references to the Wee Burn Golf Club, Noroton, Darien, Connecticut, see: pp. 254-257. For references to the Hillandale Golf Club, Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 257-259.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtBran, CtBris, CtH, CtHT, CtM, CtMy, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNlC, CtS, CtSHi, CtU, CtWal, CtWhar, CtWillE, DHU, DLC, NhU, NN.
Abstract: Collier (p. 257) states, "A twenty-eight-page, profusely illustrated piece on dozens of golf clubs all over Connecticut in 1900. This is hard-to-find material." "The Wee Burn Golf Club of Noroton is one of the best known clubs along the Sound, and will be the subject of particular interest this summer, as the tournament for the championship of Connecticut is to be played on its links early in June. The course is over a picturesque stretch of ground on the old Boston Post Road. It is admirably situated, as it has all the quaint associations and scenery of a country village, and is at the same time within easy reach of the business center of Stamford. ..... It is a nine hole course, the total length being 2,800 yards." ............. "The Hillandale Golf Club has attractive links in the vicinity of Strawberry Hill at Stamford. It is a nine hole course which runs, as the name would indicate, over hill and dale. The membership is confined for the most part to Stamford people. ..... Last year the course was only 2,434 yards long. It has now been lengthened 417 yards, making the total playing distance 2,851 yards." W. D. Freer, pp. 255-259. |
115. |
Fuller, Clement A. "History of the Southern Commons or Sequest Land in Stamford, Connecticut". Stamford Historian. 1954; Vol. 1 (No.1). pp. 41-56.
Notes: Published by The Stamford Historical Society, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi, CtStr. Kemp (p. 627). Parks (No. 8569).
Abstract: "In the early days of Colonial America, it was usually the custom in laying out a new settlement, to set aside a generous portion of the land for the common use of the community as a whole. This `Commons,' as it was called, was the common property of all the people, and in many New England cities is still preserved as common ground in the form of parks or other community use. In Stamford, however, the Commons gradually passed into private hands and not even the tradition, let alone the boundaries, of the old Commons, has been remembered. We are fortunate that chance and circumstances made it possible for Clement Fuller to dig into the history of the Commons, and had the interest and diligence to preserve his findings in this article. The first installment appears below. It deals with the early history of the Stamford Commons. The second installment, describing the gradual transfer to private hands, will appear in our next issue. Mr. Fuller is a lawyer and a former Judge of Stamford Municipal Court." Editor's note, p. 41. |
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