The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Index of Names and Subjects
within Bibliography Items
–D– |
–D'Acunto to Darragh– |
D'Acunto, Anthony, (1) [165]
D'Ademo, Joe, (1) [213]
D'Agostino, Diana, (1) [73]
D'Agostino, Domenico, (1) [67]
D'Agostino, Michael, (1) [213]
D'Alessandro, Albert, (1) [67]
D'Ambrosio, Dominico, (1) [67]
D'Andrea, Frank H., (2) [51], [292]
D'Andrea, Paul, (1) [67]
D'Aquila, Luigi, (1) [67]
D'Aquila, Michael, (1) [67]
D-Day, World War II (1939-1945, (2) [133], [213]
D'Orso, Michael, (1) [168]
Daggy, Helene, (1) [50]
Dagon, John, (1) [134]
Dagostino, Frank, (1) [67]
Dahl, Crete, (1) [83]
Dahlgren, Hildburth A., (1) [67]
Dahlin, John A., (1) [67]
Dahlstrand, Svante, (1) [67]
Daily Advocate (newspaper), (1) [265]
Daily, Allan V., (1) [67]
Daily, Charles H., (1) [67]
Daily, John, (1) [104]
Daily, Thomas F., (1) [155]
Dairy farming, (2) [84], [175]
Dairy plants, (2) [44], [265]
Dale, Nelson D., (1) [45]
Daley, Francis John, (1) [67]
Dalglish, K. Campbell, (1) [50]
Dalton, Claudia Tinnan, (1) [4]
Dalton, Hubert K., (1) [251]
Daly, Albert T., (1) [67]
Daly, Anthony Domanic, (1) [67]
Daly, Charles E., (1) [67]
Daly, Gerald H., (1) [251]
Daly, James H., (1) [67] |
Daly, John J.,. (1) [67]
Daly, Michael Henry, (1) [67]
Daly, Raymond G., (1) [251]
Daly, Thomas Joseph, (1) [67]
Daly, Thomas Patrick, (1) [67]
Dams, (15) [38], [103], [118], [120], [122], [140], [141], [142], [178], [179], [209], [241], [262], [266], [300]
Danbury, Conn., (4) [3], [40], [52], [185]
Dancing, (4) [84], [159], [246], [265]
Dancing schools, (1) [54]
Daniel family, (1) [143]
Daniels family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Daniels, Nina W., (2) [158], [290]
Dann family, (5) [141], [142], [143], [178], [306]
Dann, George Howard, (1) [67]
Dann, John C., (1) [75]
Dann, Michael, (1) [84]
Dann, Nathan, (1) [306]
Dann, Squire, (1) [306]
Dantown, place in Stamford and New Canaan, (8) [4], [38], [44], [140], [141], [142], [209], [250]
Daquillo, Marino, (1) [67]
Darby, Charles S., (1) [118]
Darby [ship], (1) [89]
Darien, Conn., (31) [5], [15], [22], [26], [27], [40], [45], [70], [84], [102], [103], [118], [120], [126], [141], [142], [158], [179], [185], [186], [188], [189], [192], [197], [212], [250], [266], [298], [301], [303], [306]
Darien, Conn. First Congregational Church, (11) [15], [22], [141], [142], [188], [189], [192], [250], [266], [298], [301]
Darien Historical Society, (2) [81], [158]
Darius, William, (2) [141], [142]
Dark Day, (15) [15], [22], [40], [77], [95], [102], [103], [118], [141], [142], [250], [265], [266], [298], [306]
Darling, J. E., (1) [292]
Darling, Marguarite, (1) [54]
Darragh, George Dewey, (1) [67] |
–Daskalakos to Daycroft– |
Daskalakos, Theofanis, (1) [67]
Daskam, Benjamin, (3) [5], [84], [102]
Daskam, Benjamin J., (2) [104], [118]
Daskam, H. Sawyer, (3) [3], [118], [262]
Daskam, Josephine Dodge, (2) [83], [208]
Daskam Park, Stamford, (2) [140], [264]
Daskam, Philander, (2) [102], [118]
Daskam, T. I., (1) [216]
Daskam, Theodore, (6) [102], [104], [118], [250], [262], [265]
Daskam, Theodore J., (2) [28], [166]
Daskam, Walter D., (8) [83], [250], [262], [264], [265], [267], [292], [327]
Daskam, William, (1) [306]
Data processing, (1) [50]
Dater, Alfred W., (5) [29], [83], [172], [262], [327]
Dater, Lois R., (3) [5], [40], [219]
Dater, Walton Ferguson, (1) [67]
Daughter Elks, (1) [257]
Daughters of a Free Poland, (1) [4]
Daughters of America, Perseverance Council, No. 4, (1) [265]
Daughters of Liberty, Emma J. Dayton Council, No. 6 , (1) [265]
Daughters of Penelope - Stentor Chapter No. 263, (1) [121]
Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.), (5) [84], [104], [179], [184], [265]
Davenport, Abigail, (1) [335]
Davenport, Abraham, (28) [15], [22], [26], [40], [45], [76], [77], [95], [102], [103], [118], [126], [141], [142], [166], [173], [184], [185], [198], [212], [216], [250], [262], [265], [266], [289], [298], [306]
Davenport, Amzi Benedict, (6) [40], [76], [77], [118], [212], [303]
Davenport and Treacy Company, (2) [118], [171]
Davenport, Deodate, (1) [76]
Davenport, Ebenezer, (2) [78], [103]
Davenport, Elizabeth, (1) [335]
Davenport, Emily C., (1) [76]
Davenport family, (10) [22], [40], [77], [141], [142], [143], [178], [191], [306], [311]
Davenport, George F., (2) [141], [142]
Davenport, Georgiana, (1) [76]
Davenport, Gould, (2) [185], [306]
Davenport, Hezekiah, (1) [306]
Davenport Hotel, (2) [171], [265]
Davenport House, (6) [46], [118], [170], [171], [217], [250]
Davenport, James, (14) [40], [76], [95], [102], [103], [118], [126], [141], [142], [208], [262], [289], [306], [335]
Davenport, James S., (2) [118], [216]
Davenport, John, (33) [5], [15], [22], [29], [40], [45], [46], [71], [76], [77], [95], [102], [103], [118], [144], [166], [173], [178], [179], [185], 1[91], [192], [198], [250], [262], [265], [266], [274], [289], [298], [303], [306], [311]
Davenport, John Alfred, (2) [141], [142]
Davenport, John, Company, (John Davenport Company), (1) [265] |
Davenport, John G., (3) [76], [212], [243]
Davenport, John, Jr., (1) [271]
Davenport, John Sidney, (2) [141], [142]
Davenport, Julius, (1) [76]
Davenport, Mary, (2) [102], [335]
Davenport, Nathan, (1) [335]
Davenport Point, place in Stamford, (1) [140]
DAvenport, Polly, (1) [335]
Davenport, Prudence, (1) [335]
Davenport Ridge, place in Stamford, (10) [40], [45], [76], [77], [118], [140], [141], [142], [212], [303]
Davenport, Sarah,
(1) [335]
Davenport, Silas, (5) [76], [102], [209], [289], [335]
Davenport, Stephen, (1) [306]
Davenport Street, (1) [171]
Davenport, Theodore, (7) [29], [40], [96], [102], [118], [262], [314]
Davenport, Theodosia, (2) [180], [311]
Davenport, William, (2) [141], [142]
David, Louis, (1) [154]
David Waterbury & Son, Inc., (3) [29], [118], [262]
David Williams Company, (2) [79], [80]
Davidoff, Harry, (1) [67]
Davidson, Arthur, (1) [67]
Davino, Rocco A., (1) [54]
Dayton, Charles I., (2) [144], [179]
Davis, Andrew, (1) [67]
Davis, Buell, (1) [67]
Davis, Charles H., (1) [67]
Davis, Chauncey J., (1) [67]
Davis, E. A., (1) [50]
Davis, Elrick B., (1) [83]
Davis, Elwood M., (1) [50]
Davis, Everett W., (1) [262]
Davis family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Davis, Harry Stevens, (1) [67]
Davis, James, (1) [290]
Davis, Jeff. (1) [336]
Davis, Robert, (2) [36], [183]
Davis, Russell E., (1) [295]
Davis, Virginia T., (5) [36], [81], [102], [178], [266]
Davis, William T., (1) [67]
Davrio, Agustino, (1) [67]
Dawless, Frank S., (1) [262]
Dawson, Michael, (1) [134]
Dawson, William, (1) [134]
Day family, (1) [143]
Day, Lloyd N., (5) [82], [83], [158], [183], [212]
Day Nursery, (2) [258], [265]
Daycroft School, (1) [262] |
–De Andrea to Delyanas– |
De Andrea, Frank, (1) [84]
De Carlo, Mario, (1) [84]
De Mar, Thomas Albert, (1) [67]
De Milia, Julius, (1) [67]
de Rochemont, Louis, (1) [85]
Deal family, (1) [143]
Dean, Aaron, (1) [84]
Dean, Abigail, (1) [183]
Dean, Ann, (2) [178], [183]
Dean Cemetery, (2) [158], [180]
Dean, Ebenezer, (2) [76], [118]
Dean, Ebenezer, Jr., (1) [306]
Dean family, (5) [141], [142], [143], [178], [306]
Dean, George W., (4) [28], [118], [141], [142]
Dean, Henry, (2) [141], [142]
Dean, John, (3) [29], [178], [183]
Dean, Kenneth, (1) [67]
Dean, Kezia, (1) [76]
Dean's Hill, place in Stamford, (1) [140]
Dean, Samuel, (6) [118], [141], [142], [178], [183], [306]
Dean, Stanley R., (1) [336]
Dean Street, (1) [257]
Dean, Thompson, (1) [67]
DeAngelis, Michael, (1) [67]
DeAngelis, Nicholas, (1) [67]
Deanville, place in Stamford, (1) [140]
Death records, (Vital records), (15) [51], [54], [62], [66], [71], [81], [129], [141], [142], [143], [158], [185], [303], [306], [311]
DeBarbieri, Andrew Louis, (1) [67]
DeBarbrie, Victor J., (1) [67]
DeBartolomeo, Carlo J., (1) [67]
DeBellis, William B., (1) [54]
Debery, Loncery, (1) [67]
DeBlasi, Giovanni, (1) [67]
DeBrisco, Lou, (1) [213]
DeBrisco, Sam, (1) [67]
DeCamp, Frank E., (1) [7]
DeCarlo, Al, (1) [165]
DeCarlo, P., (1) [23]
Dechune, George W., (3) [104], [123], [172] |
Dedda, Louis, (1) [67]
Deenihan, Joseph Michael, (1) [67]
Deep Valley Road, (1) [140]
Deer Hill Lane, (1) [140]
Deer Plain, place in Stamford, (3) [45], [140], [250]
DeFelice, David, (1) [213]
DeForest, Edward, (1) [269]
DeForest, Edward B., (1) [67]
DeForest family, (4) [84], [141], [142], [143]
DeForest, Florence H., (1) [84]
DeForest, Floyd E., (2) [67], [267]
DeForest, Harold Hoyt, (1) [67]
DeForest, John J., (1) [84]
DeForest, John L., (4) [1], [84], [184], [266]
DeForest, Lee, (1) [165]
DeForest, LeRoy B., (1) [84]
DeForest, Ralph, (1) [84]
DeForest, Reuben, (1) [306]
DeFrees family, see DeForest family above
DeGarmo, Louis, (1) [36]
DeGarmo, Mary, (1) [36]
Delacroix, Theodore, (7) [5], [102], [118], [144], [158], [262], [298]
DeLancey, Oliver, (1) [26]
DeLaney, Jimmie, (Geronimo, Vincent), (1) [54]
Delap, W.J., (1) , [327]
Delavan family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Delfini, Mauro, (1) [67]
DelGuidice, Dominic, (2) [86], [261]
Delicatessens, (1) [27]
Dellapenta, Michele, (1) [67]
Delmar, Kenny (Senator Claghorn), (1) [42]
DeLuca, Charles, (1) [247]
DeLuca, Comfort Mitchell, (1) [54]
DeLuca Construction Company, (4) [54], [232], [262], [281]
DeLuca, Frank, (1) [266]
DeLuca, Pat, (2) [232], [247]
DeLuca, Patrick, (1) [54]
DelVecchio, Salvitore J., (1) [165]
Delyanas, Adam, (1) [67]
–DeMaio to DeWitt– |
DeMaio, Luigi, (1) [67]
DeMaio, Nicola, (1) [67]
DeMarchis, Ernesto, (1) [67]
DeMarco, John, (1) [73]
Demarst, Thurlow Abraham, (1) [67]
DeMartino, James, (1) [67]
Dembowski, Wladyslaw, (1) [67]
DeMill, Anthony, (5) [45], [118], [185], [209], [289]
DeMill family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
DeMill, Peter, (2) [52], [209]
Democratic Banner (newspaper), (2) [102], [118]
Democratic City Committee, (1) [159]
Democratic Men's Club, Colored Men's Division, (1) [257]
Democratic Party, (8) [84], [89], [102], [159], [168], [250], [257], [258]
Democratic-Republican Party, (1) [102]
Democratic Women's Club, Colored Women's Division, (1) [257]
Demography (Population), (31) [3], [5], [16], [22], [29], [40], [62], [89], [95], [98], [103], [104], [117], [118], [122], [141], [142], [161], [163], [178], [214], [250], [251], [253], [257], [258], [266], [275], [284], [305], [313]
Demott, Casimer J., (1) [67]
Demott, Lawrence J., (1) [67]
Dempsey, Charles Francis, (1) [67]
Dempsey, John (1) [159]
Den Road, (2) [140], [269]
Denham, Daniel E., (1) [67]
Denham, Thomas Alfred, (1) [67]
DeNicola, Erberto, (1) [67]
DeNora, Mike, (1) [67]
Denske, William Joseph, (1) [67]
Dent, DeWitt, (1) [67]
Dentists and dentistry, (9) [23], [28], [54], [83], [118], [141], [142], [257], [258]
Denton family, (1) [178]
Denton, Richard, (12) [15], [102], [103], [118], [141], [142], [148], [178], [192], [250], [262], [65] |
Denwiddie, C., (1) [91]
DePaola, Lawrence, (1) [67]
DePol, John, (1) [154]
Depression, Great, Great Depression (1930's), (12) [4], [5], [27], [29], [45], [50], [89], [102], [159], [257], [258], [92]
Depression of 1893, (3) [29], [45], [102]
Dexter, Franklin Bowditch, (1) [40]
DePreta, Concetta, (1) [213]
DePreta, Dominick, (1) [213]
DePreta, James J., (3) [50], [213], [264]
DePreta, John, (1) [213]
DePreta, Mary, (1) [213]
DePreta, Nicholas, (1) [213]
DePreta, Palma, (1) [213]
DePreta Park, Stamford, (2) [213], [264]
DePreta, Thomas, (1) [213]
DePreta, Tony, (1) [213]
DePreta, Victor, (1) [213]
DePreta, Vincent, (1) [213]
Derato, Frank C., (1) [87]
DeRossi, Girolamo, (1) [67]
Devan, Harriet Beecher Scoville, (2) [83], [102]
DeVesto, Louis, (1) [67]
Devils Den, place in Stamford, (1) [28]
Devinne, Daniel, (1) [298]
Devitalis, Mildred, (1) [268]
DeVito, Joseph, (1) [172]
DeVito, Nicholas, (1) [67]
DeVitt, Martin J., (1) [67]
DeVitt, William M., (1) [67]
Dewing, Hiram, (3) [29], [118], [262]
DeWitt, Nellie, (1) [293] |
Dial-A-Ride, (1) [291]
Diamond Ice Company, Inc., (4) [44], [171], [172], [262]
DiAnni, John A., (1) [67]
Diaries, (18) [19], [26], [45], [84], [106], [127], [138], [160], [175], [215], [237], [244], [250], [266], [274], [293], [300], [312]
Dibble, Ebenezer, (19) [45], [52], [56], [102], [103], [118], [141], [142], [244], [250], [262], [265], [266], [298], [306], [321], [332], [334], [335]
Dibble family, (6) [52], [141], [142], [143], [178], [306]
Dibble, Frederick, (2) [26], [52]
Dibble, Fyler, (9) [26], [102], [103], [118], [141], [142], [184], [266], [289]
Dibble, George, (1) [335]
Dibble, Howard, (1) [265]
Dibble, Howard M., (1) [67]
Dibble, John, (2) [178], [306]
Dibble, Jonathan, (3) [141], [142], [335]
Dibble, Polly, (1) [52]
Dibble, Reuben, (1) [102]
Dibble, Sarah, (3) [178], [183], [335]
Dibble, Walter, (1) [26]
Dibble, William, (1) [26]
Dibble, Zachariah, (2) [178], [183]
Dibblee family, see Dibble family above
DiCarlo, Peter, (1) [67]
DiCarlo, Rocco, (1) [67]
Dichter, Celia, (1) [27]
Dichter, Charles, (1) [27]
Dichter, Irving S., (2) [292], [336]
Dichter, Mel, (2) [84], [269]
Dickoré, Marie Paula, (1) [88]
Dictator (ship), (1) [223]
Dietary laws (Kashrut), (1) [161]
DiFrancesco, Antonio, (1) [67]
DiFrancesco, Louis, (1) [67]
DiGiovanbattista, Giuseppe, (1) [67]
DiGiovanni, Stephen Michael, (1) [89]
DiLerma, Francesco, (1) [67]
DiLesano, Angelo, (1) [67]
Diller, W. H., Jr., (1) [50]
Dillon, Katherine A., Mother Sacred Heart, (2) [51], [89] |
Dillon, Peter James, (1) [67]
Dilworth, John M., (1) [67]
DiMattia, Ernest A., Jr., (1) [5]
Dinan, Burton W., (1) [67]
Diners (Restaurants), (1) [156]
Dingee, Charles, (2) [102], [118]
Dionne, Albert E., (1) [67]
Dionne, Frank, (1) [67]
DiPiettro, Thomas, (1) [67]
Dippel, Clara, (1) [179]
DiPreta, Attilio, (1) [67]
DiPreta, Giuseppe, (1) [67]
Diptheria, (2) [217], [258]
DiSanto, Vincenzo, (1) [67]
Disasters (see also Accidents), (7) [44], [103], [106], [123], [134], [171], [292]
Disborough, Mercy, (7) [82], [102], [103], [176], [178], [183], [280]
Disbrow family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Disbrow, Peter, (3) [141], [142], [178]
Discrimination (see also Racial discrimination), (1) [257]
Diseases, (232) [4], [26], [51], [52], [56], [84], [103], [104], [126], [159], [175], [197], [217], [242], [253], [257], [258], [270], [292], [293], [311], [312], [318]
DiSesa, Frank J., (1) [54]
DiSesa, Madolyn, (Wise, Madolyn DiSesa), (1) [213]
DiSesa, Marjorie Giuliano, (1) [54]
Dismal swamp, place in Stamford, (1) [115]
Ditrickstein, Leo, (1) [83]
Ditto, Pierre McKee, (1) [67]
Division Street, (1) [28]
Divorce, (3) [178], [330], [331]
DiVosta, Paul, (1) [67]
Dixon, Amos, (1) [306]
Dixon family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Dixon, Joseph, (1) [118]
Dixon Sintaloy, (1) [45]
Dixon, Thomas, (3) [102], [172], [250]
Dixon, Thomas P., (3) [44], [118], [245] |
-Dobbins to Doty– |
Dobbins, William F., Jr., (1) [67]
Dobkins, John J., (1) [336]
Dock Street, (1) [186]
Dockery, James, (1) [213]
Doctors, Physicians(25) [23], [27], [28], [51], [54], [83], [103], [104], [118], [141], [142], [171], [172], [183], [185], [214], [217], [250], [253], [257], [258], [270], [292], [306], [312]
Dodd, Harry F., (1) [67]
Dodge, J. Smith, (9) [84], [102], [104], [118], [171], [245], [250], [292], [314]
Dodge, J. Smith, Jr., (1) [107]
Dodson, Harry L., (1) [83]
Dogharty family, (2) [143], [306]
Dogherty, Andrew, (1) [306]
Dogs, (7) [47], [48], [178], [200], [235], [292], [293]
Dogwood Lane, (1) [84]
Dolan, Anthony, (1) [5]
Dolan, Walter R., (3) [5], [45], [266]
Dolph, Albert Teller, (1) [67]
Dolphin Cove, place in Stamford, (1) [5]
Domagala, Adele, (1) [268]
Domagala, Richard, (1) [268]
Dombroski, Frank B., (1) [67]
Dombroski, Joseph, (1) [45]
Domestic service, (1) [257]
Dominick, Everett, (1) [251]
Dominick, Gayer G., (1) [29]
Donahue, Alphonsus J., (1) [251]
Donahue, Alphonsus J., Jr., (1) [89] |
Donahue, Alphonsus J., Sr., (1) [51]
Donahue, Helen F., (1) [54]
Donatel, Louis, (1) [265]
Donatelli, Lelio, (4) [23], [102], [262], [266]
Donnelly, Andrew, (1) [267]
Donnelly, John A., (1) [67]
Donnelly, Joseph M., (1) [67]
Donnock, Mildred, (1) [84]
Donohue, Joseph, (1) [179]
Donohue, Michael T., (1) [67]
Donohue, Mickey, (1) [213]
Donovan, John J., (1) [67]
Donovan, Michael, (1) [172]
Doolan, Daniel, (1) [4]
Doolittle, Howard D., (1) [165]
Doolittle, James W., (1) [67]
Dora, Michael D., (1) [267]
Dora, Michael Gustav, (1) [67]
Doran, Martin F., (1) [262]
Dorcas Home and Foreign Missionary Society, (1) [290]
Dorion, Robinson H., (1) [336]
Dorr - Oliver, Inc., (1) [45]
Doswell, Robert, (1) [266]
Doswell, Sarah, (1) [266]
Doswell, William H., (1) [67]
Doty, August B., (1) [67]
Doty, Marvin R., (1) [265]
Doty, Roy, (1) [84] |
–Doughnut to Dzilinski–
Doughnut Pond, (1) [140]
Douglas, William, (1) [27]
Douglass, James W., (1) [67]
Dower, W. A., (2) [90], [91]
Dowling, Martin, (1) [171]
Dowling, Martin Neaty, (1) [67]
Downey, Arthur, (1) [67]
Downing, Charles H., (1) [67]
Downs, Nicholas C., (2) [118], [262]
Doyle, John, (1) [67]
Doyle, John B., Jr., (1) [213]
Doyle, Peter, (1) [104]
Drainage Construction Company, (1) [104]
Drake, Alfred R., (1) [67]
Drama, see Theater
Draper, Paul, (1) [5]
Dreher, Henry Meville, (1) [67]
Dreher, Monroe F., (2) [158], [212]
Drenckhahn, Inc., John A., (John A. Drenckhahn, Inc.) (2) [45], [102]
Drennan, T. J., (1) [265]
Drennon, Bert, (1) [67]
Dress Barn, The, (2) [5], [27]
Dresser, Robert, (1) [84]
Dressmakers, (1) [257]
Drew, Edward, (1) [171]
Drew family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Drew, John, (4) [141], [142], [144], [178]
Drew, Patrick, (5) [4], [89], [102], [205], [266]
Drotar, M. J., (1) [264]
Drotar, Michael, (1) [45]
Drotar Park, Stamford, (1) [264]
Drowning, (2) [129], [187]
Drugs and druggists, (11) [23], [28], [44], [54], [118], [141], [142], [159], [257], [258], [312]
Drummond, William, (3) [22], [45], [103]
Drums, (3) [103], [159], [178]
Drunkenness, see Alcohol abuse
Dry Goods, (7) [3], [7], [27], [44], [118], [257], [258]
Drysdale, Robert A., (1) [251]
Dublin, place in Stamford, (8) [4], [102], [104], [134], [140], [161], [170], [266]
Dubois, C. M., (1) [91]
Dufault, Anthony J., (1) [67]
Dufault, Hubert Elzear, (1) [67]
Duffe family, (1) [143] |
Duffy, Edward, (5) [4], [104], [118], [172], [262]
Duffy, Edward J., (1) [67]
Duffy, Edward Leo, (1) [67]
Duffy, Frank P., (1) [67]
Duffy, John F., (1) [67]
DuForest family, see DeForest family above
DuFrees family, see DeForest family above
Dugdale, Henry, (1) [172]
Duggan, Stephen, (1) [83]
Duggan, Thomas S., (2) [51], [92]
Dukas, Demetrios, (1) [121]
Dumas, Jerry, (1) [73]
Duncan, Joseph S., (1) [50]
Dunhum, Louis L., (1) [67]
Dunlop, Beth, (1) [93]
Dunn, Henry H., (1) [67]
Dunn, Isaac L., (1) [104]
Dunn, James F., (1) [262]
Dunn, Paxton T., (1) [84]
Dunn, Robert J., (1) [67]
Dunn, Wallace A., (1) [67]
Dunne, Michael, (1) [67]
Dunning family, (1) [143]
Dunning, Fred, (2) [51], [262]
Dunning, Mary, (1) [51]
Durand, Charles, (3) [102], [118], [144]
Durey, John C., (3) [29], [83], [265]
Durey, Pierson & Comley, (1) [29]
Durham, Charles J., (1) [67]
Durney, Joseph, (1) [171]
Durney, Joseph B., (1) [67]
Dusinberre, P. R., (1) [3]
Dutcher, Frederick H., (1) [84]
Dutcher, George, (1) [67]
Dutcher Grove, place in Stamford, (1) [140]
Dutcher, John E., (1) [67]
Dwight, Timothy, (12) [22], [40], [94], [95], [102], [103], [126], [141], [142], [179], [266], [303]
Dybicz, Joanna ( Sister Joan Marie) (1) [135]
Dye extracts, see Stamford Manufacturing Company
Dye woods, see Stamford Manufacturing Company
Dyer, Matthew, (2) [155], [172]
Dyke Park, Stamford, (4) [4], [163], [164], [264]
Dzekonski, Steve, (1) [67]
Dzilinski, Leon, (1) [213] |
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