The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Items in alphabetical order by author, including abstracts
–C– |
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Entry |
49. |
C., C. C. [Crane Catherine C.] "Success in the suburbs : Or how Combustion Engineering grew out of its city place, found space in the suburbs and created conditions promoting productivity and profitability". Interiors. 1973 Sep; Vol. 133 (No. 2). pp. 114-115; ISSN: 0020-5516.
Notes: Published by Whitney Publications, Inc., New York, New York.
Location: AzFU, AzTeS, AzU, CLSU, CLU, CtB, CtH, CtW, CtNh, CtNlC, CtS, CtU, CtWtp, CU-S, DCU, DeU, DSI, FTaSU, GA, GASU, GMW, GU, IaU, ICarbS, ICU, IDeKN, ILS, InLP, KMK, LNT, MBSi, MNS, MoU, N, NbU, NBU, NcGU, NFQC, NGcA, NhD, NIC, NjR, NNU, NRU, NSyU, OAkU, OAU, OO, OU, PP, PPi, PPiC, PPiU, PPT, PU, TxCM, TxDN, TxDw, TxU, Vi, WU. White (p. 5).
Abstract: "Accessibility is often the reason why a company chooses a city site for its corporate headquarters. Actuality is the opposite in the case of Combustion Engineering. The company had grown out of its corporate headquarters in New York City, needed easy communication with its operations center in Windsor, Connecticut, and had many of its personnel, including the President, residentially situated in the suburbs. Corporate headquarters were established in Stamford, Connecticut." Catherine C. Crane, p. 114. (Copyright 1973 by Interiors, New York, New York. Reproduced with the permission of the publishers.) |
50. |
Cahn, William. Story of Pitney-Bowes. New York, New York: Harper and Brothers, Publishers; 1961; x, 262 pp., illus., ports., footnotes, index, d.w., 22 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "THE STORY OF / PITNEY- / BOWES / / by William Cahn / / Harper and Brothers, Publishers, New York"
Location: Ct, CtB, CtFaU, CtH, CtHi, CtNb, CtNc, CtNhHi, CtS, CtSHi, CtSU, CtU, DLC, MB, MH-BA, NcU, NIC, NjP, NN, NNC, PP. Parks (No. 8563). Parks (No. 8563) states, "Manufacturer of postage meters."
Abstract: "Sooner or later, perhaps sooner than we think, as competition mounts with the closed economies of Russia and China, America may have to formalize the institutional place of the corporation. Obviously it is a kind of power center with five publics to serve: its stockholders, its employees, its customers, its suppliers, and the community at large, represented by both the local community and the national government. If it seriously fails in any of these duties its position in the good society becomes shaky if not untenable. When the time comes to analyze corporate behavior, to the end that the institution may be more soundly grounded, no company will better reward study in the fields of employee and community relations than Pitney-Bowes. Here is a model for a civilized industry within a civilized, open society." Steuart Chase, p. x. (Story Of Pitney-Bowes, by William Cahn. Copyright 1961 by William Cahn. Harper and Brothers, Publishers [assigned to and copyright by HarperCollins Publishers]. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
51. |
Callahan, Ann E. Promise of a Hospital. Wallace, Brian. Stamford, Connecticut: St. Joseph Medical Center; 1992; (x), 86 pp., illus. color & b/w., ports., table of contents, 34 cm.
Notes: Imprint on p. 86 reads: "Andy Glad Graphic Design: Andy Glad, Janet Klinko. Printing: Pro Color, Brookfield, CT. Typography: Graphic Image, Milford, CT. Published to commemorate the "50th Anniversary, 1942-1992," of St. Joseph Medical Center." Title on spine reads: "The Promise Of a Hospital: The History Of St. Joseph Medical Center." Note on p. (v) reads: "The title phrase is taken from a 1939 speech in which Father Nicholas Coleman declared his intention to make good on "the promise of a hospital" for the growing city.'
Location: CtBSH, CtDar, CtFaU, CtS, CtSHi.
Abstract: "For fifty years, St. Joseph Medical Center has responsibly and compassionately ministered to the healthcare needs of the Stamford Community. We have witnessed many changes, some far-reaching and others closer to home. We have witnessed growth from our humble beginnings of 85 beds in 1942 to a state-of-the-art, 200 bed medical facility in 1992. Our mission of maintaining and restoring health to all those who come to be healed has remained constant: providing health services in a religious atmosphere and perpetuating the belief that every individual is a person of dignity and worth created by God. It sets us apart. A half century of rapid medical advances and shaken societal mores have not changed our mission. Our Faith in God, our Faith in our fellow man, and our Faith in what we are and where we have come from have made St. Joseph Medical Center what it is today. We dedicate this book to the people of greater Stamford who have been associated with St. Joseph's past and present: The Sisters of St. Joseph, Board of Directors, employees, medical staff, auxiliary members, donors, volunteers, and patients. We dedicate this book to those who have believed in our mission, who have supported our mission, and to the many people everywhere who, in their loyal and loving hearts, are friends of St. Joseph Medical Center." Preface, p. (vii). (Copyright 1992 by St. Joseph Medical Center, Stamford, Connecticut. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
52. |
Cameron, Kenneth Walter, Editor. Church of England in pre-Revolutionary Connecticut: new documents and letters concerning the loyalist clergy and the plight of their surviving church. Hartford, Connecticut: Transcendental Books; 1976; 350 leaves, (3) leaves of plates, illus., 29 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND IN / PRE-REVOLUTIONARY / CONNECTICUT / NEW DOCUMENTS AND LETTERS CONCERNING THE / LOYALIST CLERGY AND THE PLIGHT OF / THEIR SURVIVING CHURCH / Edited by / KENNETH WALTER CAMERON / [cut of a church] / TRANSCENDENTAL BOOKS - DRAWER 1080 - HARTFORD 06101" For references to St. John's Episcopal Church of Stamford, Connecticut and its Rector, Rev. Ebenezer Dibble, see leaves 51-53, 67-68, 72-73, 75-77, 79-80, 83-86, 88-89, 93, 98-99, 101-103, 106, 109-110, 112, 117-118, 120, 124-125, 128, 132-133, 138-141, 145, 151, 154-158, 165, 173, 175-176, 180, 184-187, 189-192, 194-200, 209-218, 223-226, 230-231, 237-238, 241-242, 246-247, 267, 284-287.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtDab, CtGre, CtS, CtStr, CtU, CtWB, DLC. Abstract: "The first significant collection of early papers on the Anglican tradition in Connecticut was issued in two small volumes in 1863 under the title, Documentary History of the Protestant Episcopal Church ... in Connecticut, edited by Francis L. Hawks and William Stevens Perry. Its importance for historians during the past one hundred and fourteen years cannot be overemphasized. No Anglican study of Colonial times or of the earliest parishes has escaped its influence. Produced during the Civil War under distressing conditions and high costs, it is a remarkable example of the best scholarship of that period, whatever may be its limitations by modern editorial standards. One laments, of course, the fact that it printed only excerpts instead of complete letters and that it provided no index of names, places, institutions and subjects; but the scope and quality of its contents attest to the historical acumen of its compilers, who knew exactly what was required in their day to advance the cause of historiography then and now.
Though an independent work, the present volume, the only large collection of early Anglican papers to appear in more than a century, may be regarded as extending "Hawks and Perry" and supplementing it. Benefiting from modern editorial techniques and committed as far as resources have permitted to the editing of complete manuscripts, it is indebted principally to the resources of the Archives of the Diocese of Connecticut, the holdings of which have only in our own times been sufficiently calendared to be accessible and useful. Although Colonial-Church-of-England materials predominate herein, I have included a few papers of the Dissenters -- for example, the Stratford petition of March 7, 1669 -- for the light they throw upon the Anglican situation. Because historiography depends as much upon documents as upon letters, I have here edited for the first time a block of ecclesiastical papers in the Connecticut State Library -- Chiefly petitions or "memorials" to the General Assembly -- and planted here and there in my chronological sequence a will, a deed, or a relevant business memorandum.
With regard to the surviving eighteenth-century manuscripts from which the present collection is derived, the scholar should be aware of the impossibility, in every instance, of handling what might be called the letter as posted. Occasionally he must settle for a good summary, a rough draft, a copy sent to the New England Commissary or to Dr. Caner or to Dr. Johnson or to the Archbishop of Canterbury -- the original having been directed elsewhere and, perhaps, lost. Sometimes, when the writer believed his polished communication to the S. P. G. had failed to arrive, he would send an emended duplicate months or even years later -- modified in accordance with new circumstances." Kenneth Walter Cameron, Introduction. |
332. |
Cameron, Kenneth Walter. Letter-book of the Rev. Henry Caner, S.P.G. missionary in colonial Connecticut and Massachusetts until the Revolution ; a review of his correspondence from 1728 through 1778. Hartford, (Connecticut): Transcendental Books; (1972); 224 pp., port., illus., index, 29 cm.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtDab, CtH, CtHT, CtMil, CtNh, CtSoP, CtStr, CtU, CtWB, CtY, DLC.
Abstract: "The present digest of the Letter Book, supplemented by pages devoted to Caner in Henry Wilder Foote's admirable Annals of King's Chapel and other relevant matters, together with a detailed index, however, at once reveals his central concerns and the notable people involved in his important life."
Kenneth Walter Cameron, p. 5.
"Nov. 1, 1745, at Fairfield. To Rev. Dr. PHILIP BEARCROFT, sec'y of the S. P. G.: Yesterday he congratulated Joseph Lampson on his safe arrival in Conn. and thanks S. P. G. for appointing him to Ridgefield and providing for Richard Caner on Staten Island. Laments that the more promising Norwalk and Stamford churches appear now, under the new plan, without a clergyman. Norwalk is building its second church bldg., which Caner describes. Stamford is also advanced in building a church, the dimensions of which are given. ..." Henry Caner to Philip Bearcroft, p. 98. |
53. |
Carder, Robert Webster. "Captain John Underhill In Connecticut." Bulletin Of The Underhill Society Of America Education And Publishing Fund. 1967 Dec; pp. 22-36; ISSN: 0501-0918.
Notes: Tipped in a copy of this bulletin, located at the Stamford Historical Society is a slip which states, "This special BULLETIN of the Underhill Society of America Education and Publishing Fund is being sent to the members of STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INC. through the kind cooperation of the Society and with the compliments of the Underhill Society of America Education and Publishing fund." Published by The Underhill Society Of America Education And Publishing Fund, Greenwich, Connecticut.
Location: CtNbC, CtS, CtSHi, CtWhar, Infw, MoS, N, NbB, NBU, NGcA, NHemH, RHi, TxDa, WHi. Collier (p. 188).
For additional information on John Underhill, see: Oliver Ayer Roberts, History Of The Military Company of the Massachusetts, Now Called The Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts. 1637-1888. 4 vols., (1895), vol. 1, pp. 31-33. / Robert Charles Anderson, Great Migration Begins - Immigrants to New England 1620-1633. 3 vols., (1995), vol. 3, pp. 1859-1865.
Abstract: "In the spring of 1642, Captain John Underhill, residing in Boston and not having employment `that would maintain him and his family,' received from Stamford, Connecticut, an offer of `employment and maintenance,' to act as its military commander. Stamford at this time was a new community, having just been settled during the spring and summer of 1641 by a group of some twenty-nine families, mostly from Wethersfield, Connecticut, a number of whom had earlier migrated from Watertown, Massachusetts. By the end of 1642, a total of some fifty-nine families had settled in Stamford." Robert Webster Carder, p. 22. (Copyright 1967 by the Underhill Society of America Education and Publishing Fund. Reproduced with the permission of the publisher.) |
54. |
Carlevale, Joseph William. Who's who among Americans of Italian descent in Connecticut. New Haven, Connecticut: Carlevale Publishing Company; 1942; iv, 416 pp., 21 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "WHO'S WHO / AMONG AMERICANS OF ITALIAN DESCENT / IN CONNECTICUT / / By / JOSEPH WILLIAM CARLEVALE / Author, Teacher, Traveler. / With / PREFACE / By / WILLIAM LYON PHELPS / / [printers' ornament] / / Published by / CARLEVALE PUBLISHING CO. / 174 Commerce Street / New Haven, Conn."
For references to residents of Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 19, 49-51, 84-85, 97, 107, 121, 131-132, 159, 165, 168-170, 175, 185, 192-193, 195-196, 224-225, 230, 235, 241, 254-255, 270, 276, 285, 294, 307, 318, 326, 328, 338, 344, 356, 359, 363, 367, 369, 372, 411.
Location: CtBris, CtDer, CtH, CtHi, CtM, CtNb, CtNowa, CtShel, CtU, CtWal, CtY, DLC. Kemp (p. 41). Parks (No. 1846). Most entries include a portion of the following: name, occupation, place of birth, date of birth, names of parents, year of arrival in America if born in Italy, year of settling in Connecticut and name of town or city, name of spouse, name of town or city where spouse resided, year of marriage, names of children, academic record, business record, names of fraternal, political, business, social and community affiliations, military service, avocations, place of father's birth, year of father's arrival in America, year of father's settling in Connecticut and name of town or city, business address, home address. |
55. |
Chilton Company. "Plant Devoted to Making German Silver - The Rapidly Widening Field Signalized by a Rolling Mill Built at Stamford, Conn., Exclusively for Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloys.". Iron Age. 1914 Apr 9; Vol. 93 (No. 15). pp. 895-897.
Notes: Published by Chilton Company, New York, New York.
Location: CtB, CtH, CtU, CU-S, DLC, ICRL, ICU, IaU, In, InU, MB, MCM, MU, NcD, NcRS, NhU, OrU, TxLT, TXU, VtU.
Abstract: "Two facts of industrial interest were recently learned of in a visit to Stamford, Conn. One is that the consumption of German silver has been gradually expanding at a rate not generally apprehended and that its field of usefulness has widened greatly and promises to grow rapidly to still larger proportions. The other is that a plant has been erected in outlying Stamford for the exclusive manufacture of German silver in sheet and wire form, whereas the production of the copper-nickel-zinc alloys has been, usually, if not always, an adjunct of the brass rolling mill. ... In the works at Stamford, which are really at Springdale, a suburb of the city, there are two main departments, one containing the melting furnaces and designated as the casting shop, as the molten alloys are cast into billets or bars, and the other, the rolling mill, where the bars are cold rolled and thus reduced by steps to the thickness wanted." Iron Age, pp. 895-896. |
56. |
Chorley, E. Clowes. "Letters Of The Reverend Doctor Ebenezer Dibblee, Of Stamford, To The Reverend Doctor Samuel Peters, Loyalist Refugee In London - 1784-1793". Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 1932 Jun; Vol. 2 (No. 2). pp. 51-85; ISSN: 0018-2486.
Notes: Published by Church Historical Society, under the authority of the General Convention. Introduction and notes by the Editor (E. Clowes Chorley). "The Letters of the Reverend Ebenezer Dibblee form part of the Jarvis Papers which have recently come into possession of Professor Howard C. Robbins, of the General Theological Seminary." E. Clowes Chorley, p. 50.
Location: CaMWUC, CaNBFU, CtHT, DLC, ICRL, InU, LU, N, NBuU, NSyU, OrU, PHi, PU.
Abstract: "The Reverend Ebenezer Dibblee, D. D. (Columbia College, New York), rector of St. John's Church, Stamford, Connecticut, is the writer of the following letters addressed to the Reverend Samuel Peters, who at the time, was a loyalist refugee in London, England. ..... When the War of the Revolution did break out it had a disastrous effect on the Church in Connecticut. The Church of England clergy were the objects of suspicion, persecution and, in some cases, of actual violence and imprisonment, and added to all this, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel withdrew its grants to the missionaries. A few of the Connecticut clergy removed, at the instigation of the Society, to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia where they were liberally provided for and protected. Fourteen of them remained at their posts; among them, Ebenezer Dibblee. ..... These letters afford a graphic account of the sufferings of this devoted missionary, as well as a picture of the Church in Connecticut. Personal dangers, family troubles and stark poverty were his lot. Cut off from stated support by the S. P. G.; his congregation scattered and the tax for his support not levied from 1775 to 1783, he was haunted by the specter of want. His lands were wasted; his son banished and his daughter driven insane through fright. Yet, through it all, he stuck to his post. His loyalty to the mother country and his undying love for the Church of England stand out conspicuously in this correspondence. It is clear that he cordially approved of the choice of Samuel Seabury as Bishop, and equally clear that he shared the strong objections of men like Samuel Provost to the action of Seabury in seeking consecration at the hands of the non-juring Bishops of Scotland. And in that attitude he was far from standing alone. Men who felt as he did regarded Seabury's action as an act of disloyalty alike to the English crown and to the Church of England. The Correspondence ends in February, 1793. Dr. Dibblee happily was spared to see the American Church emerge from her troubles. He saw the breach with Seabury healed and Connecticut enter the fellowship of the dioceses. He rejoiced in the Constitution and Book of Common Prayer, and his declining years were spent in peace." E. Clowes Chorley, pp. 51, 58. "Stamford, State of Connecticut, September 10th, 1784. My Dear Sir, I am happy to find by your favour of the 17th of May, the Sunshine of Safety and security in the late Civel Tempest, hath not blotted out of your rememberance of your aged Friend and Brother, whose grey hairs will go down with sorrow to the grave. Many and great, my dear friend, hath been the interpositions of Divine providence, in preserving me and my family, in the late troublesome times, from falling a sacrifice. ..... Nevertheless, what ever I have suffered personally or relatively; Under God, our preservation hath been owing to some worthy Characters, in Civil Authority, and Officers of the Military Line; from whom, I have received protection from Violence, countenance and encouragement to preserve in attending upon the Duties of my Office, Public and private, since the opening of my Chh. on Christmas, 1779; having been shut up from the declaration of Independency to that period. ..... ." Reverend Ebenezer Dibblee to Reverend Samuel Peters, p. 60. |
57. |
Clark, A. H. [Alzamore H.] Complete roster of Colonel David Waterbury jr.'s regiment of Connecticut volunteers : The first regiment of infantry responding to a call for volunteers for the defence of New York City against the British in the American revolution Now for the first time printed from manuscript records in the possession of the publisher, with notes, compiled from authentic historical sources, by A. H Clark. New York City: A. S. Clark; 1897; 20 pp., paper covers, "historical notes", 25 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "A / COMPLETE ROSTER / OF / Colonel David Waterbury Jr.'s / Regiment of / Connecticut Volunteers. / / THE FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY RESPONDING TO A CALL / FOR VOLUNTEERS FOR THE DEFENCE OF NEW YORK / CITY AGAINST THE BRITISH IN THE / AMERICAN REVOLUTION / - / Now for the first time printed from manuscript records in the possession / of the publisher, with notes, / compiled from authentic historical sources. / By A. H. Clark. / - / 1897. / A. S. CLARK. / 174 Fulton Street, (opposite St. Paul's), / New York City."
Location: CL, CLU, Ct, CtAns, CtB, CtHi, CtNb, CtNh, CtS, CtSoP, CU, DLC, DSoc, IHi, Infw, MiD, MnHi, Mok, MoS, NBPu, NBU, NBuHi, NcD, NWM, PCar1MH, RPB, TxF, WHI, WM. Gephart (No. 7932). For additional information on David Waterbury, see: Edith M. Wicks and Virginia H. Olson, Stamford's Soldiers : genealogical biographies of Revolutionary War patriots from Stamford, Connecticut (1976), pp. 292-293.
Abstract: "The call (for enlistment) seems to have been promulgated on or about the 15th day of January 1776, and on that day many men responded, as the 15th is set opposite their names on the roll. There is no recorded date later than the 28th, though it is evident that names were added after the regiment started on its march. Colonel Waterbury was in New York when the call was issued, he and the ever busy (Isaac) Sears having been engaged in an attempt to interest the Committee of Safety in a scheme for the nucleus of a navy. Waterbury remained in New York for a short time, while Sears hastened to Stamford, where shortly after his arrival he was appointed by General Lee as Deputy Adjutant General, and under that, to him pleasing title the first `General Order' in the book is signed. Waterbury joined his regiment on the 27th of January. Under date of January 29th, Colonel Waterbury is directed to move to Horse Neck, Rye and Mamaroneck, these three places marking the first three stages of the journey of the regiment citywards." Alzamore H. Clark, p. 8. |
58. |
Clark, John Spencer. Life and letters of John Fiske. Boston, Massachusetts and New York, New York : Houghton Mifflin Company; 1917; 2 vols., illus, ports., 23 cm.
Notes: For references to John Fiske at Betts Academy, Stamford, Connecticut, see:Vol. 1, pp. 55-70.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtM, CtNh, CtS, CtSoP, CtU, CtWillE, DLC.
Abstract: "The letters during the remainder of the term [at Betts Academy] have but little general interest, save as showing his faithfulness to his studies and as reflecting somewhat the seething adolescent impulses that were coursing through his brain. His school record for the whole term (1856-1857) was very high - the highest ever attained in the school - deportment, perfect; lessons, 353.85 out of a possible 380 as perfect.
At the close of the term there was the usual school exhibition, with speaking and prizes for both composition and speaking. John won the first prize for an oration on 'Silent Influences' - the prize, awarded by three clergymen of Stamford, being for both the composition and the delivery. In a long letter to his mother John gives a graphic account of the exhibition and the awarding of prizes. This letter is marked not only with all the felicities of style we have had occasion to notice in previous letters; it also shows an innate trait of character remarkable in a boy of his years - a clear sense of justice and a desire to do justice to others, and especially when unfortunate in presenting their claims. Although John was the hero of the occasion, - the youngest in the graduating class, having the highest school record ever attained in the school, and the winner of the first prize, - yet in his account of the affair he says as little of himself as possible, while he warmly praises his competitors and shows his greatest interest in the boy who failed through embarrassment; in short, he gives a clear idea of the excellence of his own performance by the generous praise he gives his competitors.
John received for his prize a copy of Cowper's 'Works' in one octavo volume bound in morocco; he also received from his teacher, Mr. Osborn, 'a Greek Testament, a cunning little thing with maps.' These volumes he always prized as mementoes of his happy days at Stamford; and they remain today, in his library at Cambridge, among the cherished souvenirs of his educational period.
And thus, having just passed his fifteenth birthday, John's schooling at Stamford came to an end; he left the Betts Academy with the affectionate regard of his classmates, his teachers, and Mr. Betts; and he returned to Middletown, wearing, as he tells us, 'a tall silk hat as an emblem of manhood.' " John Spencer Clark, vol. 1, pp. 69-70. |
59. |
Clegg, Robert I. "Training Women for Record Output". Iron Age. 1919 Jan 16; Vol. 103 (No. 3). pp. 169-174; ISSN: 0021-1508.
Notes: Published by Iron Age Publishing Company, New York, New York.
Location:DLC, MB.
Abstract: "Women have made an entrance into the machine shops and have taken up the duties there with surprising results. Much of what might have been expected failed to occur. From facts brought to the front by war-time pressure, managers are checking up the totals of their observations and recasting their views in the light of these fresher experiences of the industrial plants. .......
There are reported some cases from English practice where a girl is doing some of the graphical calculations in turbine design; another is carrying out electrical tests on armatures, and in our own country, girls are to be found, as in an instance at the Yale & Towne plant at Stamford, Conn., designing small tools very creditably. .......
A part of the upper floors was set apart for a school and equipped with the necessary machinery. Here R. F. Bryant, the company’s superintendent of the production efficiency department, installed a carefully chosen and competent teaching staff of men and women in charge of W. G. Palmer, chief of the instruction division.
From the very first two things were decided upon as landmarks along the way of shop education. One was the use of actual shop products and shop operations as the only materials and processes on which the training efforts of the trainers and the trained should be expended. There was to be no imitation of shop work. When a woman graduated from school to shop she went thoroughly informed of what she was to do and capable of doing it well. There were no misgivings on that head.
Secondly, and emphatically, no one in the plant must be openly unfriendly to the educational plan or in opposition to the women graduated. Plain instructions were quietly conveyed to everybody concerned to the positive effect that this was no temporary experiment but that it had come to stay, and that no one could resist it or interfere with its successful introduction and operation without immediate danger of dismissal. There was not a solitary evidence of ill will. All co-operated cordially, and to-day the women have won a secure place in the esteem of their associates of the opposite sex." Robert I. Clegg, pp. 169, 170-171. |
60. |
Collier, Christopher. Literature of Connecticut history Collier, Bonnie B. Middletown, Connecticut: Connecticut Humanities Council; 1983; xv, 377 pp., paper covers, table of contents, subject index, name index, 23 cm. (The Connecticut Scholar. Occasional Papers of the Connecticut Humanities Council.; v. No. 6).
Notes: Title page reads: "THE CONNECTICUT SCHOLAR / The Literature of / Connecticut History / [seal of the State of Connecticut] / by / Christopher Collier / with / Bonnie B. Collier"
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 1, 16, 47, 57, 64, 80, 82, 103, 122, 129, 162, 178-179, 277, 302.
Location: Ct, CtAv, CtB, CtBl, CtBo, CtBris, CtDab, CtDar, CtEham, CtEly, CtFa, CtFar, CtFaU, CtGre, CtGro, CtH, CtHi, CtManc, CtNb, CtNbC, CtNh, CtNhHi, CtNm, CtNowa, CtNowi, CtOl, CtPlv, CtPut, CtRi, CtRk, CtS, CtShel, CtSHi, CtSi, CtSoP, CtSU, CtThms, CtU, CtWB, CtWillE, CtWilt, CtWind, CtWrf, CtWrt, CU-Riv, DLC, DSoc, IaU, Infw, MB, Me, MeBa, MH, MS, MStuO, MU, NcU, NhD, NhKeK, NjP, NN, NWM. Parks (No. 373).
Abstract: "This study grew out of an assignment that was part of my role as seminar leader of the Yale Teachers Institute on Connecticut History in the summer of 1980. That assignment led to A Bibliography of Connecticut History for Teachers, published by the Yale Institute in 1980. That work, in turn, had drawn on a collection of some 4,000 entries compiled by Bonnie Collier in the mid-1970s. A second summer at the Institute, additional grant money, and an invitation from the Connecticut Humanities Council to publish the work led to this more ambitious volume. I have enjoyed this job more than anything else I have done in years and am better pleased with the results - ragged as they may be - than with any other work that has come from my pen in a long time. .... The work contained within these covers is not a comprehensive bibliography of Connecticut. It is, rather, a set of short essays on, list of, and annotations for works dealing with the state's history compiled in an effort to provide students and teachers with a quick and easy survey of the published literature. We have attempted to be comprehensive within those areas we think most useful to the general student of Connecticut history; certain other areas have been omitted." Christopher Collier, pp. xii, xiv. (Copyright 1983 by Christopher Collier. Reproduced with the permission of the author.) |
61. |
Colt, Alice M. "Ferguson Library, Stamford, Conn.". Library Journal. 1913 Jun; Vol. 38 (No. 6) pp. 342-344; ISSN: 0000-0027.
Notes: Published by R. R. Bowker Company, New York, New York. Includes plan of the first floor. Location:Ct, CtU, DLC.
Abstract: "The Ferguson Library at Stamford, Conn., which was started originally as a subscription library, was made free by a city appropriation in 1909, and in 1910 the directors and the city cooperated in the purchase of a site and the erection of an $85,000 building. An excellent location overlooking the intersection of the main business streets, and yet convenient for the residences and schools, was procured. The building erected by the directors is of red brick with white trimmings, and of the Colonial style of architecture.
There is at present a capacity for 40,000 volumes and, when the additional stacks are placed, the total capacity, exclusive of reference room and children's room, will be 60,000 volumes." Alice M. Colt, pp. 343-344. |
62. |
Columbia University, Teachers College Institute of Educational Research Division of Field Studies. Report of the survey of the public school system of the town of Stamford, Conn. School year, 1922-1923. Made by the Institute of educational research Division of field studies. Strayer, George D., Director. New York, New York: Teachers College, Columbia University; (1923); xiii, 237 pp., paper covers, illus., tables, diagrs., 26 cm.
Notes: Title on cover reads: "REPORT / of The Survey / of the / Public School System / of the Town of Stamford, Conn. - / [printers' ornament] / School Year / 1922 - 1923 / / Made by / THE INSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL / RESEARCH / Teachers College, Columbia University / New York City"
Title page reads: "Report of the Survey / of / The Public School System / of the / Town of Stamford, Conn. / School Year, 1922 1923 / / Made by / THE INSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH / DIVISION OF FIELD STUDIES / / GEORGE D. [George Drayton] STRAYER, Director / N. L. [Nickolaus Louis] ENGLEHARDT, Assistant Director in Charge of Survey / COLLABORATORS / PROFESSOR ALLAN ABBOTT / PROFESSOR F. G. BONSER / PROFESSOR T. H. BRIGGS / PROFESSOR E. S. EVENDEN / PROFESSOR PATTY S. HILL / PROFESSOR M. B. HILLEGAS / DR. J. R. McGAUGHY / PROFESSOR ALBERT SHIELDS / PROFESSOR C. B. UPTON / PROFESSOR J. F. WILLIAMS / PROFESSOR CORA M. WINCHELL / Teachers College, Columbia University / New York City"
Location: Ct, CtS, CtSHi.
Abstract: "The Town of Stamford, Conn., has developed a program of education which includes the kindergarten, eight years of elementary school, four years of high school, courses for children in special training, courses in Americanization for the foreign born, night school courses and courses in trade education. It has placed its schools under the direct administration of a School Committee. The schools are being operated by this School Committee which acts as the agent of the state in carrying out the provisions for education which have been enacted into state law.
Court decisions have made clear the relationship existing between the School Committee of such towns as Stamford and the State Board of Education. These have been rendered showing that 'Town School Committees form part of the agencies of the State for the due performance of the obligations, which it has always assumed of providing for the proper education of the young. In exercising its powers which are largely discretionary, such a committee is not the agent of the town but of the law." Columbia University, Teachers College, Institute of Educational Research, Division of Field Studies, pp. 2-3 |
63. |
Condé Nast Publications, Inc. "Country House In New England". House & Garden. 1927 Apr; Vol. 50 (No. 4) pp. 110-111; ISSN: 0018-6406.
Notes: Published by Conde' Nast Publications, Greenwich, Connecticut. Includes floor plans.
Location: DLC, DNGA, DCU, GU, IaU, KMK, MCM, MNS, MiU, NhD, NN, NNStJ, TxArU, ViBlbV.
Description of the stone house of Carl Knobloch, Stamford, Connecticut. |
333. |
Condé Nast Publications, Inc. "Modern in Connecticut" . House and Garden. 1937 Aug; Vol. 72 (No. 2) pp. 30-33; ISSN: 0018-6406.
Notes: Published by Conde' Nast Publications, Inc., Greenwich, Connecticut.
Location: CtSHi, CtY, DLC, DNGA, DeU, GU, IaU, InU, KMK, MB, MCM, MH, MiU, MNS, NNStJ, NhD.
Abstract: The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Johnson, at Stamford, Conn.ecticut. Designed by the firm of Holden, McLaughlin & Associates, architects. |
64. |
Condé Nast Publications, Inc. "Residence of Howard Chapman, Architect, at Stamford, Conn.". House & Garden. 1918 May; p. 47; ISSN: 0018-6406 .
Notes: Published by Conde Nast Publications, New York, New York. Includes floor plans. The house is located at 95 Hope Street, Stamford, Connecticut.
Location: DLC, DNGA, DCU, GU, IaU, InU, KMK, MCM, MNS, MiU, NhD, NN, NNStJ, TxArU, ViBlbV. |
65. |
Condon, Anna A. "Launching A School Safety Education Program". Bulletin Of The Department of Elementary School Principals. 1930 Apr; Vol. 9 (No. 3) pp. 410-420; ISSN: 0027-920X.
Notes: Published by Department of Elementary School Principals, National Education Association of The United States, Washington, D. C. Alternative title: National Elementary Principal. Location: DLC.
Abstract: "The time is opportune to launch a cooperative teachers' project for the purpose of building a Safety Education program based upon the needs, interests, and capacities of these children. This program is to permeate the daily activities of the school, becoming as it were, an integral part of the life of the school. I. Need of safety education in Waterside School - Safety education becomes imperative for the following reasons:
a. Location of the school on a dangerous corner - a highway of trade where accidents could readily occur.
b. Many mothers are factory workers, leaving their children to care for themselves in the home and on the street before and after school hours.
c. Stamford has its quota of accidents. In 1927 4 children were killed, 112 children were injured, 9 adults were killed, 288 adults were injured, and 1002 accidents occurred.
d. Incidental teaching of safety is inadequate.
e. Safety education is a means of teaching the child
1. To value and conserve human life.
2. To adjust himself to modern civilization in all its complexity.
3. To live an active, happy and satisfying life.
If children are to be happy, useful and intelligent citizens of the complex life today, they must receive adequate instruction in accident prevention." Anna A. Condon, pp. 410, 415. |
66. |
Connecticut Historical Records Survey. Guide to vital statistics in the church records of Connecticut. Prepared by the Connecticut Historical Records Survey, Division of Service Projects, Work Projects Administration, Sponsored by the Connecticut State Library. New Haven, Connecticut: The Connecticut Historical Records Survey; 1942 Dec; xiii, 190 pp., paper covers, 28 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "GUIDE TO VITAL STATISTICS / IN THE / CHURCH RECORDS / OF / CONNECTICUT / / Prepared by / The Connecticut Historical Records Survey / Division of Service Projects / Work Projects Administration / / Sponsored / by / The Connecticut State Library / / New Haven, Connecticut / The Connecticut Historical Records Survey / December 1942" Reproduced from type-written copy. "Publications of the Connecticut Historical records survey", p.190.
For references to church records of Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 145-150.
Location: Ct, CtAns, CtB, CtBhl, CtBris, CtDab, CtDar, CtEly, CtFar, CtGre, CtHamd, DLC.
Kemp (p. 25)
Abstract: "One important way to establish a delayed certificate of birth in Connecticut is by means of a baptismal record. It will be immediately apparent that any detailed listing of churches in the state by towns with their earliest records will be of tremendous value. Knowing the date of birth, the place of birth, and the church where the baptismal record may be expected to be found, it will be immediately apparent that the church mentioned may have the record.
It is frequently the case that persons do not know the church in which they have been baptized but know the town where the birth occurred. With a listing of all churches in the place of birth, it would be a relatively simple matter to write to the churches of proper denomination." William C. Welling, Director, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Connecticut Department of Health, p. i.
The Connecticut Historical Records Survey began operations in 1936 as a project unit of the Work Progress Administration, later the Work Projects Administration, of the Federal Government. Essentially the Survey's program called for the preparation of inventories of the records of the towns and cities in the State, to the end that information as to such records might be more generally available to persons interested in them. The inventories were to be based on notes and abstracts of the records made by field workers stationed in the offices of the various municipalities. .......
In addition to its treatment of the municipal archives the Survey also made a review of the records of the churches in Connecticut. This program was conducted by Dr. Nelson R. Burr of West Hartford and Washington, D. C. The field staff of the Survey normally engaged with the work on the municipal archives was utilized as necessary to assemble the original data on the church records, except that two or three workers were regularly assigned to work with Dr. Burr in this respect. The material so gathered was checked, edited, and compiled by Dr Burr. During the active period of work on the church records, that is to say from 1936 to 1940, the records of substantially all churches, church societies, and related institutions in Connecticut were located and treated by the Survey as just outlined, with the exception that coverage as to the Congregational units was only about 85% complete and as to the Roman Catholic only about 60% complete. The deficiency as to these two major denominations was due to their being the last considered; work on them was in process when suspension of operations became necessary." Theodore P. Moser, Former State Supervisor, Historical Records Survey. p. ii |
334. |
Connecticut Historical Records Survey. Inventory of the church archives of Connecticut. Protestant Episcopal. Prepared by the Connecticut Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service projects. Work Projects Administration. Sponsored by the Connecticut State Library. New Haven, Connecticut: The Connecticut Historical Records Survey; 1940 September; iv, 309 pp., maps, diagrs., bibliography, paper covers, 28 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "INVENTORY OF THE CHURCH ARCHIVES / OF CONNECTICUT / / PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL / / Prepared by / / The Connecticut Historical Records Survey / Division of Professional and Service Projects / Work Projects Administration / / Sponsored / by / The Connecticut State Library / / New Haven, Connecticut / The Connecticut Historical Records Survey / September 1940" Reproduced from type-written copy. "Publications of the Connecticut Historical Records Survey", p. 309.
A revised edition by Kenneth Walter Cameron was published in 1966 under title: Historical records of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut.
For references to records of St. John's Episcopal Church, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, St. Luke's Episcopal Chapel and St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, of Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 42, 86-88, 176-177.
Location: Ct, CtHamd, CtHC, CtNh, CtSHi, CtU, DLC.
Abstract: "This volume contains an inventory of extant diocesan and parochial records of the Protestant Episcopal Church, a brief resume of the essential facts in their history and organization, and a bibliography of primary and secondary writings concerning them. A separate entry has been prepared for each ecclesiastical unit and these entries have been numbered successively throughout the volume to facilitate ready reference. It was deemed advisable to use several entries (7-20) for the Diocesan Archives because of the bulk of this material.
The typical entry is divided into four parts: (1) name and address of the ecclesiastical unit; (2) pertinent facts about its history, organization and architecture, briefly stated; (3) a complete list of the extant records so far as the Survey has been able to locate them; and (4) a bibliography of printed and manuscript materials concerning the unit." Connecticut Historical Records Survey, p. 3. |
335. |
Connecticut Society of Genealogists. "Connecticut headstones before 1800". Connecticut Nutmegger. 1975 Mar; Vol. 7 (No. 4) pp. 508-512; ISSN: 0045-8120.
Notes: Published by Connecticut Society of Genealogists, Inc., West Hartford, Connecticut
Location: Ct, CtBran, CtBris, CtFaHi, CtGre, CtNcHi, CtNl, CtS, CtSHi, CtWal, CtWB, DLC, In, P.
Abstract: Connecticut headstone inscriptions before 1800, extracted from those compiled under the direction of Charles E. Hale, State Military Necrologist. Original records are located in Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Connecticut. For references to cemeteries in Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 508-512. |
67. |
Connecticut, State of. Office of the Adjutant General. Service records : Connecticut men and women in the armed forces of the United States during World War 1917-1920. New Haven, Connecticut: United Printing Services, Inc.; n.d.; 3 vols., index, 26 cm.
For references to service records of Stamford, Connecticut residents, see: Vol. 3, pp. 2468-2550.
Location: Ct, CtAns, CtFa, CtGro, CtMil, CtNh, CtNm, CtPom, CtRk, CtS, CtShel, CtSHi, CtWB, CtWhar, CtWill, CtWrf, CtWrt, CtWtp. Kemp (p. 79).
Most entries include a portion of the following: name, serial number, race, address, place and date of birth, place and date of enlistment or induction, ranks, names of camps and/or ships, names of corps, names of places stationed, awards, wounded in action, killed in action or died in service, date of death, deserted, honorably or dishonorably discharged, date of discharge.
Abstract: "Foreword - This Roster is prepared and published under the authority of Section 123f, Supplement of the General Statutes, Revision of 1930, Act of the General Assembly, 1941. It is arranged by listing in alphabetical order, by towns, the names of the men and women of Connecticut, who served in the armed forces of the United States during World War I and whose services are accredited to this State by the War and Navy Departments and the Marine Corps. The work of preparing the records for publication has been an arduous task and considerable time was consumed, owing to the many discrepancies which appeared in the records received from Washington. The uniform policy of accrediting all veterans to that state claimed as residence by the veteran at the time of entry into service, of necessity, has governed the compilation. It is possible the names of some Connecticut men and women who served during the War will not be recorded herein because of the naming of another state as their place of residence, and similarly the names of others who entered the service who can be claimed as transient residents only, may appear as accredited to Connecticut by the sources referred to above. It is inevitable that errors and omissions will be found despite the care exercised and it is anticipated that corrections and additions will be received from various sources. As such changes come to hand, they will be kept for compilation in a supplementary list to be published when found practicable. In future years these pages will be consulted freely and the services rendered, herein recorded, will be used as evidence to show that the men and women of Connecticut performed their duty in World War I, and the State is justly proud of their accomplishments." R. B. DeLacour, Brigadier General, The Adjutant General, (iii). |
68. |
Connecticut, State of. State Board of Education. Annual report of the Board of Education of the State of Connecticut presented to the General Assembly, May Session, 1868 : Together with the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board. New Haven, (Connecticut): Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers; 1868; 155, clxxii pp., table of contents, index, 23 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "ANNUAL REPORT / OF THE / BOARD OF EDUCATION / OF THE / STATE OF CONNECTICUT, / PRESENTED BY THE / General Assembly, May Session, 1868, / TOGETHER WITH THE / ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE BOARD. / / [printers' ornament] / / NEW HAVEN. / TUTTLE MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR, PRINTERS. / .......... / 1868." For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 101, 109, 111, 115, xii, xxv, xxvi, xxviii, xxx, xxxii, xxxiv, xxxvi, xxxix, xli, xliii, xlv, xlvii, xlviii, l, lii, ci, cxxvi, cxxxv. Includes a report on the status of libraries throughout Connecticut by Birdsey Grant Northrop, Secretary of the State Board of Education, pp. 79-115.
Location: Ct, CtB, DLC, M.
Abstract: "The general usefulness of libraries, and their value as an educational force, are strongly set forth in the following letters from School Visitors:- (p. 92) ....... STAMFORD, John Day Ferguson, Esq. - There is, at the present time, no public library in Stamford, though a `Lending Library and Reading Room' under the auspices of the Episcopal Churches, is just established. In addition to this, `The Stamford Lyceum,' a literary association, incorporated last year, has subscriptions towards its library fund of nearly $1,200, but will not probably call them in, or begin the purchase of books, until eight hundred or a thousand dollars more shall have been subscribed. This library, when established, will belong to the Association, and will be similar in its character and general management to Lyceum or Institute Libraries in other places. St. John's, one of the Episcopal parishes, has a library of some two hundred volumes, (chiefly theological), presented by a friend of the parish, in London, in the latter part of the last century. It is valuable for reference, but as may be supposed, not popular in its character. Some years ago there was a circulating library of several hundred volumes in Stamford, the property of an unincorporated association, but the company falling into difficulties, the books were sold and scattered. Some of them were purchased for the First School District, which had a small library, but this was destroyed by fire, with the school-house, in Nov., 1865. I have no doubt of the great advantage of a public library to any community." John Day Ferguson, p. 101. |
69. |
Connecticut, State of. State Board of Education. Annual Report Of The Board Of Education Of The State Of Connecticut, Presented To The General Assembly, May Session, 1875, Together With The Annual Report Of The Secretary Of The Board. New Haven, (Connecticut): Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers; 1875; 274 pp., table of contents, index, 23 cm.
Notes: For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 112-117.
Location: Ct, CtB, DLC, M. For additional information on the issue of "Reform of the Public Schools" see, Estelle F. Feinstein, Stamford In The Gilded Age: The Political Life of a Connecticut Town 1868-1893, (1973), pp 49-69.
Abstract: "Public sentiment throughout the country is steadily growing in favor of the union of (school) districts. This is now the general plan in the Middle and Western States. ....... The people are learning that it is truly democratic - equalizing both the expenses and advantages of schools, relieving the poorer districts, securing better and more permanent teachers, and promoting unity, harmony and efficiency in the management of schools and that the union of districts need not necessarily change the location of a single school house and does not imply centralization of power - that no other office gives such an opportunity 'for the one man power' as that of District Committee. ....... Instead of discussing this subject at length, I present the following statement of the mode of procedure in Stamford, kindly furnished by John Day Ferguson, Esq." Birdsey Grant Northrop, pp. 112-113. "The Union System Tested In Stamford.
In October, 1872, the school districts of this town were abolished, and its schools taken under town management. The new system has worked well, and it has been suggested that a statement should be furnished of the methods adopted in carrying out the necessary details of such a change.
The consolidation was effected by the passage of the following resolutions by the town at its annual meeting; due notice having been inserted in the warning:
Resolved, That from and after this date all the school districts and parts of districts within this town be abolished; and that the town henceforth assume control of the public schools therein, subject to the requirements and restrictions imposed by law.
Resolved, That the Selectmen and Assessors be a committee to appraise the property belonging to the several school districts and estimate the amount of their debts. Such committee to report at a special meeting to be called by the Selectmen within ( ) weeks.
The town also voted the proceeds of 1 1/4 mills on the grand list in the town tax for the support of schools. To give time for consideration and for the nomination of acceptable candidates for School Committee, the election was held at an adjourned meeting a few days later. The Committee was composed of friends of the measure, and was made to represent as far as possible different sections of the town, and each political party. The appraisement committee reported at a subsequent meeting, with an appraisal in detail of the property of the several districts and a statement of their debts, as far as the same could be ascertained, and the following resolutions perfecting the organization, and giving necessary powers not clearly conferred by the law, were submitted to the meeting and passed." John Day Ferguson, pp. 113-114. |
70. |
Connecticut, State of. State Board of Health. Report on the investigation of the pollution of streams : report presented to the General Assembly of 1915 / by the State Board of Health , under authority of chapter 220, Public Act of 1913. Hartford, Connecticut: Published by the State; 1915; 144 pp., illus., maps, list of illus., index, paper covers, 22 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "State of Connecticut / PUBLIC DOCUMENT - SPECIAL / = / / REPORT / ON THE / INVESTIGATION / OF / POLLUTION OF STREAMS / BY THE / State Board of Health / Under Authority of Chapter 220, / Public Act of 1913 / - / Report Presented to the General Assembly of 1915. / - / HARTFORD / PUBLISHED BY THE STATE / 1915"
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. 129-132.
Location: Ct.
Abstract: "We will now proceed to the consideration of the rivers themselves. The method adopted can, we believe, be followed readily. Each river with its tributaries is treated separately. First, there is a short description of its general characteristics and its condition, followed by tabulations of sampling stations, dissolved oxygen, statistics of towns on it and such diagrams and photographs as are necessary to make clear the results of the investigation.
........ The Mill River enters the Sound at Stamford. It has a drainage area of about 30 square miles. It flows slowly through a rolling well wooded region. Stamford is about the only town from which it receives pollution, at which place the condition of the river is not very good. ....... * Stamford discharges its sewage into Long Island Sound through two outlets. (See map.)" Connecticut, State of. State Board of Health, pp. 9, 130-131. |
336. |
Connecticut State Medical Society. "Military biographies of members of the Connecticut State Medical Society who served in the Armed Forces of the United States, World War II." [/]. Connecticut State Medical Journal. 1948 Apr; Vol. 12 (No. 4).; ISSN: 0096-0179.
Notes: Published by the Connecticut State Medical Society, New Haven, Connecticut.
Compiled from data collected by the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Society and published in the Connecticut state medical journal beginning with Vol. XII, no. 4, April 1948.
For references to military biographies of Stamford, Connecticut residents, see: April 1948, Vol. 12 (No. 4), pp. 369-371, 375-376 / May 1948, Vol. 12 (No. 5), pp 456-459, 462 / June 1948, Vol. 12 (No. 6), pp. 571-574 / August 1948, Vol. 12 (No. 8), pp 753, 755-757 / September 1948, Vol. 12 (No. 9), pp. 879-883, 885, 887 / October 1948, Vol. 12 (No. 10), p. 967.
Location: Ct, CtNbC, CtSHi, CtU, CtY-M, DLC.
Abstract: "These brief sketches of military experience of members of the Society have been compiled from data taken from questionnaires completed by each medical officer. Biographical material for some officers is lacking because questionnaires were not returned." |
337. |
Connell, Edward A. Consolidation in Stamford. (Stamford, Connecticut); 1945;8 pp., paper covers, 22 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "Consolidation / In / Stamford / [printers' ornament] / By / EDWARD A. CONNELL / 1945"
Location: CtS, CtSHi.
Abstract: Pamphlet presenting both sides of the issue of Consolidation of Town & City Governments in Stamford, Connecticut. The author later became Park Commissioner of the City of Stamford. |
71. |
Cooke, Samuel. Necessarius : the continuance of an able and godly minister very needful to a people : a sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Mr. John Davenport, late Pastor of the church in Stamford : who died on Fryday, Febr. 5, 1730-1, in the 62 year of his age, and 36 of his ministry : and was decently interred on Munday folowing. New York, (New York): Printed by J. P. Zenger; 1731; 62, [2] pp., 16 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "Necessarius. / - / THE Continuance of an able and Godly / Minister very needful to a People. / - / A / SERMON / Preached at the Funeral of the Reve- / rend Mr. JOHN DAVENPORT, / late Pastor of the Church in Stam- / ford ; who died on Fryday, Febr. 5, / 1730-1, in the 62 Year of his Age, / and 36 of his Ministry : And was / decently interred on Munday folow- / ing. / - / By the Rev. SAMUEL COOKE, Pastor of the / Church of Christ in Stratfield. / - / 2 Reg. ii 12. My Father, my Father! the Chariot of / Israel, and the Horsemen thereof. / - / Printed by J. P. Zenger in New-York, 1731."
Location: CtY, DLC. Sabin (No.16345). Evans (No. 3409) For additional references to Samuel Cooke, see: Dexter (Vol. 1, pp. 28-33).
Abstract: "I know not how better to Amplify on this Head, of Improvement; than by Considering, as I can how that Precious Life, the close whereof we are now heartily Bemoaning, was an eminent Exemplification of those things in the Character of Able and Godly Ministers, which were before taken notice of, rendring their Continuance verry needful and their Departure verry Deplorable. I am not prepared, and if I were, there seems not an Absolute necessity, of greatly enlarging here in the Character of the Departed; when I signifie to you, once for all, that my Design in the Explication was, not only to Characterize in general a desireable Gospel Minister; but also to express my sincere Sentiments of the Deceased, whom I set before me for my Direction in drawing every Stroke. And yet because perfect silence in this Place would be almost an unpardonable Piece of Injustice and Ingratitude I shall Attempt something more expresly of his Character in the Relation of a Gospel Minister.
1. NONE that well knew him, can be Ignorant, how eminently he Answered the Character of a Mediatour in such a Sence as is applicable to a mere Creature; he was excellently acquainted with the sacred Oracles; and so richly furnished with the knowledge of God's will to impart to his People. He had the Advantage of an Accurate knowledge of those Languages, wherein the Scriptures were given by Divine Inspiration, probably far beyond the Compass of any of his Survivers, within many Scores of Miles every way: And so could drink immediately out of the sacred Fountain. Those Languages being almost as familiar to him as his Mother Tongue. Witness his steady improvement of the Bible in those Languages in Family-Religion. He was endowed with a peculiar Penetration and Acuteness of mind accompanying a tenacious Memory, from which Treasury he was ready on all Occasions, to bring forth things New and Old; for his own Direction and the Instruction of others. .......
5. HE was a Watchman on the Walls of Gods Jerusalem here; and such an one as was Eagle-eyed to discern the Approaches of Sin and Danger, and faithful to give Warning thereof; whether Men would hear or whether they would forbear. Witness the zealous Testimony, which he hath most publickly born once and again and many Times, against that Crime in particular, which awfully threatens us with a Deluge of Woe: I mean Intemperance in Drink, and what is the Fore-runner and Concomitant of it, Tavern Haunting. You of this Place I conclude, can't so soon forget how Solemnly and Affectionately he warned you against the same verry lately, when he was just ready to take his final leave of this Desk. I pray God, that such a Pathetick Warning from the mouth of a dying Friend, Father, Pastour, Watchman, may make a lasting Impression on your Hearts, and may be happily Influential on your futrure Conduct; ........
6. The Person, whose Exit now calls for our deep Lamentation and Mourning, was both our Crown and our Bulwark, our Glory and our Defence. Our Crown is fallen from our Heads, and our Defence is departed. We have our Chariot and our Horsemen taken away. Wo unto us that we have sinned. It was many Years since lookt upon by the serious and judicious as a special Favour of divine Providence, that a Person of such Distinction as we have now lost, was seated so near to the Western Limits of New-England, as a Bulwark against any Irruptions of corrupt Doctrines and Manners. Wo to us, our Hedge and Wall in that Respect is broken down. .......
BUT the greatest Weight of this Calamity lies on poor Stamford; which is sorely broken as in the Place of Dragons and covered with the Shadows of Death. .......
II. To the People of this Church and Town, I shall take this Occassion, to Offer some articles of Advice briefly.
1 WITH the most serious and Solemn Reflection on your own selves, Enquire; what Improvement you have made and how you have profited under his Ministry, who is now removed. The Preacher bids us, in the Day of Adversity to consider, And we find, that such Improvement the People of God, in former Ages, have made, of sorrowful Providences, ..... ." Samuel Cooke, pp. 41-43, 47-49, 53-54. |
338. |
Coombs, Elizabeth Lockwood. Bulletin - Early Sites Research Society 1991; Vol. 18 (No. 1). pp. 19-20; ISSN: 0192-6993.
Notes: Published by Early Sites Research Society, Danielson, Connecticut.
Location: CaBVaS, CtSHi, CtWillE.
Abstract: Description of the ruins of a group of twelve stone huts which stood on the east side of Long Ridge Road, Stamford, Connecticut; a little south of where Maltbie Avenue intersects. |
72. |
Cove Engine Company, No. 1. By-Laws, of the Cove Engine Company, No. 1. : organized, April 21st, 1856. New York, (New York): Printed by Nathan Lane & Co.; 1856; 12 pp., paper covers, 12 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "BY - LAWS, / OF THE / Cove Engine Company, / NO. 1. / ORGANIZED, APRIL 21st, 1856. / [illustration of a fire engine] / NEW YORK: / Nathan Lane & Co., Stationers and Printers. 69 Wall & 91 Beaver St. / - / 1856."
Location: CtSHi. "Cove Engine Company No. 1 was organized April 21, 1856, and chartered in May 1856. Their distinctive `rig' consisted of black pants, red shirt with a star on each side of the collar, a white belt with `Cove 1' thereon, black silk glazed cap with gilt binding and letters `COVE 1' on the front. That they were active is shown by a handbill [pg. 66, Stamford - An Illustrated History by Feinstein & Pendery] promoting a parade on August 19th, 1858 in which the Cove Fire Engine Company was featured, as were the No. 1 & No. 2 companies. The Advocate reported Aug. 24, 1858 that 30 Cove men marched in this parade." Robert D. Towne, STAMFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT - Records of Historic Origins and Events, (1993). For the resolution passed by the Connecticut General Assembly "Incorporating Cove Fire Engine Company No. 1 of Stamford", see: Resolves And Private Laws Of The State Of Connecticut, From The Year 1836 To The Year 1857 (1857), Vol. 3, p. 513.
Abstract: "General Assembly, May Session, 1856. RESOLVED by this Assembly: That John W. Leeds, Jr., Andrew Sniffin, George W. Smith, Lewis Parkington, Dwight Waugh, Thomas Gibbins, John Beecher, Charles H. Palmer, Charles E. Scofield, Samuel S. Slater, and such other persons, residing in Cove Village, in the town of Stamford, as they shall associate with them by voluntary enlistment, not exceeding forty men in the whole, and they and their successors are hereby incorporated as a Fire Engine and Hose Company, to be located in said Cove Village, by the name of `Cove Fire Engine Company, No. 1,' and by that name shall have power to sue and be sued, to own and convey real and personal estate, not exceeding in value in the whole at any one time the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars; to have a common seal, to appoint such officers as they may deem expedient, to make By-Laws proper for the regulation of its concerns, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of this State, and enforce the same by penalties not exceeding five dollars for any one offence; to impose taxes on themselves, and to fill up all vacancies in their number, by voluntary enlistment. And said Company and its members, shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities, which are by law granted to Fire Engine and Hose Companies in this State. No neglect to appoint officers shall work a dissolution of the corporation, and all officers shall hold their places until others are appointed in their stead. This Act may be altered or repealed at the pleasure of this General Assembly." Cove Engine Company, No. 1, p. 2. |
73. |
CowParade Holdings Corporation. CowParade Stamford. New York, New York: Workman Publishing Company, Inc.; 2000; xi, 86 pp., color illus., index of sponsors, index of artists, 21 x 24 cm. ISBN: 0-7611-2293-1.
Notes: Catalog of "CowParade 2000 Stamford," a sculpture exhibition displayed in Stamford. Text written by Thomas Craughwell and Jennifer Griffin. Street photography by Anthony Lowe. Cow silhouettes by John DeSalvo with CowParade corporation. Cover background photograph by Chris Sorensen/The Stock Market. Cover cow photograph by Anthony Lowe. Location: CtOg, CtNc, CtS, CtWillE, DLC. |
74. |
Crowell, Benedict. America's munitions 1917-1918 : report of Benedict Crowell, the Assistant Secretary of War, Director of Munitions. Washington, D. C.: United States Government Printing Office; 1919; 592 pp., illus., tables, plates, 24 cm.
Notes: Title page reads: "America's Munitions / 1917 - 1918 / [printers' ornament] / / REPORT / OF / BENEDICT CROWELL / THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF WAR / DIRECTOR OF MUNITIONS / / [seal of the United States War Office] / / WASHINGTON / GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE / 1919"
For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp.305-306, 398-401.
Location: Ct, CtB, CtH, CtNh, CtSHi, CtY.
Abstract: "The fragmentation bombs produced by the Ordnance Bureau were smaller than the demolition type, the size most commonly used weighing 24 pounds. These bombs had thick cases and were constructed so that they would explode a few inches above the ground. As the bombs reach a velocity downward of over 500 feet per second, the mechanism had to operate to an accuracy of less than one-thousandth of a second. They were designed for use against bodies of troops.
The fragmentation bombs were a late development in this class of work. The timing device to explode the bomb at the proper distance from the ground was undertaken by three concerns. The contracts for approximately 600,000 of these devices were let in July 1918. The John Thompson Press Co. of New York City completed its contract for 100,000 mechanisms by the end of October, 1918. The National Tool & Manufacturing Co. of St Louis completed its contract for 100,000 shortly after the armistice was signed. The Yale & Towne Manufacturing Co., Stamford, Conn., which had contracted to build approximately 400,000 of these devices, had turned out 150,000 by the end of November 1918." p. 305. "The Government discovered that 3-inch shell rejected for various reasons could be remachined and used to make these airplane fragmentation bombs. The various arsenals had a large supply of them in storage. In August and September 1918, contracts were let to large numbers of concerns to convert over 500,000 of these shell into fragmentation bombs, and by November 30, nearly 21,000 of the new bombs had been delivered. ....... The nose-firing mechanism for these bombs was produced by the Yale & Towne Manufacturing Co., Stamford, Conn..; the National Tool & Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Mo.; and the John Thomson Press Co., New York City; ....... ." p.306. "Meanwhile the Government had at last been able to persuade a number of private chemical firms to manufacture toxic gases. The Government agreed to finance all new construction, but the operation was to be in the hands of the contracting companies. At each plant the Government stationed one of its representatives with necessary assistants. In the spring of 1918, these scattered factories by official order were made part of the Edgewood Arsenal, each plant being designated by the name of the city or town where it was located. Thereafter in Army usage the term "Edgewood Arsenal" embraced not only the group of factories on the Edgewood reservation, but also included the following projects: ....... In addition to these, the Edgewood Arsenal built at points advantageous to supplies of raw materials four other plants, and operated them as well. These were as follows:
Stamford, Conn., plant. Project - the manufacture of chloropicrin. ............. ." p.398. "With the exception of chlorine, chloropicrin was the first war gas to be manufactured on a large scale in this country. When pure, chloropicrin is a colorless liquid which boils at a temperature approximately of 112 C. The compound has been known since 1848. While not so poisonous as some of the other products used in gas warfare, it is nevertheless, an active poison, and has the additional advantage of being a fair lachrymator, or tear producer." p. 400. "In developing this process the Government was assisted by the Dow Chemical Co., the Semet-Solvay Co., and the American Synthetic Color Co., of Stamford, Conn., the principal work being done by representatives of the Bureau of Mines at the Stamford plant. America's whole supply of chloropicrin during the war came from the American Synthetic Color Co. and the Edgewood Arsenal. The Stamford plant was the first to reach large-scale production.
The contract with the American Synthetic Color Co. was dated December 13, 1917; and the company shipped over 111,853 pounds of the gas to Edgewood on March 11. This, when mixed with the necessary stannic chloride, supplies of which were already on the ground, was sufficient to fill approximately 100,000 75-millimeter shell. In the spring of 1918, due to certain internal troubles at the Stamford plant, it was agreed that the United States should lease this factory and operate it as a Government plant. Under Government operation the total production of chloropicrin at the Stamford plant amounted to 3,226,000 pounds, of which 2,703,300 pounds were shipped overseas in 600-pound drums.
The chloropicrin plant at Edgewood went into entire operation on June 14, 1918. Up to the signing of the armistice this plant had produced 2,320,000 pounds of chloropicrin.: pp. 400-401. |
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