The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Index of Names and Subjects
within Bibliography Items
–P– |
–P. to Palmers–
P. Sabini & Company, Inc., (2) [54], [102]
P. Silberman, Inc., (1) [45]
P.W. Shea Groceries, (1) [44]
P.T. Barnum, (3) [29], [245],[320]
Pachter, Marc, (1) [210]
Pacific Plumbing & Heating Supply Company, (1) [5]
Pacific Street, (15) [5], [23], [27], [44], [45], [50], [117], [118], [134], [161], [170], [172], [186], [257], [269]
Pacific, The, World War II (1939-1945), (2) [133], [213]
Pack family, (1) [143]
Page, Benjamin, (1) [216]
Page, Eddie, (1) [213]
Page', Victor W., (1) [87]
Pagliano, Lenny, (1) [213]
Paight, Carl, (1) [171]
Paight, Carl W., (1) [292]
Paight, Carol, (1) [292]
Paight, Joseph, (1) [179]
Paight, Mary, (1) [292]
Paint-manufacture and trade, (1) [27]
Painters, see also Art and Artists; Landscape painters; Mural painting; Portrait painters, (1) [28]
Palace Theater, (5) [4], [5], [102], [139], [246]
Paley, I. Martin, (1) [336]
Palmer, Albert I., (1) [84]
Palmer, Albert M., (2) [83], [118]
Palmer, Austin, (1) [200]
Palmer, Barbara, (1) [268]
Palmer, Barclay, (1) [4]
Palmer, Carl, (1) [268] |
Palmer, Carleton Humphreys, (1) [200]
Palmer, Charles E., (2) [84], [166]
Palmer, Charles H., (2) [72], [144]
Palmer, Delos, (2) [239], [268]
Palmer, Edward B., (2) [262], [265]
Palmer family, (6) [45], [141], [142], [143], [268], [306]
Palmer, Florence, (1) [200]
Palmer, Floyd, (1) [84]
Palmer, Francis A., (1) [298]
Palmer, Frank, (1) [23]
Palmer, George, (1) [84]
Palmer, Grace Humphreys, (1) [200]
Palmer, Harold, (1) [200]
Palmer, Helen, (1) [268]
Palmer, Jack, (1) [213]
Palmer, Jeremiah, (1) [306]
Palmer, John, (1) [45]
Palmer, Joseph, (1) [45]
Palmer, Lily, (1) [45]
Palmer, Lily Cortelyou, (1) [200]
Palmer, Lowell M., (1) [262]
Palmer, Lowell Mason, (1) [200]
Palmer, Rocco, (2) [45], [84]
Palmer's Hill Cemetery, (2) [158], [180]
Palmer's Hill, place in Stamford, (7) [75], [118], [140], [180], [208], [266], [316]
Palmer's Hill Road, (2) [53], [275]
Palmer Street, (1) [45]
Palmers Foods, (1) [45] |
–Palo to Payson– |
Palo, D., (1) [23]
Palo, Sanford, (1) [265]
Pangborn family, (2) [143], [306]
Pangborn, Richard, (1) [306]
Pangman family, (1) [143]
Pantas, Leo, (1) [51]
Papi, A., (1) [23]
Parade Hill Cemetery - New Canaan, (1) [180]
Parades, (10) [4], [5], [27], [44], [159], [171], [172], [250], [265], [267]
Paradise, Andrew W., (1) [107]
Parady, Frank, (1) [84]
Pardee, David, (1) [306]
Pardee family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Parent, Bertrand E., (1) [260]
Parish formation, (1) [103]
Park, Doreen, (1) [5]
Park commission, Stamford, (1)[163]
Park Place, (7) [28], [118], [141], [142], [170], [172], [298]
Park Row, (7) [27], [44], [85], [170], [171], [172], [266]
Park Street, (1) [45]
Parker, Frances, (1) [266]
Parker, Frances (Grandma Parker), (5) [4], [43], [102], [135], [266]
Parker, Frank S., (1) [155]
Parker, Harold W., (1) [269]
Parker, Harry W., (5) [5], [44], [171], [262], [265]
Parker, Stanley, (2) [4], [266]
Parker Travel Service, (1) [102]
Parker, Willard, (1) [179]
Parker, Wyman W., (1) [211]
Parketon family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Parkin, Arthur A., (1) [166]
Parkington, Denny, (1) [306]
Parkington, Lewis, (1) [72]
Parks, Roger, (1) [212]
Parks, Borough of Stamford
Parks, City of Stamford
Parlette, Richard, (1) [165] |
Parrella, Alberico, (3) [23], [54], [145]
Parrella, Amelia Bilotti, (1) [54]
Parry, John L., (2) [51], [292]
Parry Road, (1) [45]
Parsells, Fred, (1) [45]
Parsonage Road, (3) [84], [177], [269]
Parsons, Bromfield & Redniss, (1) [102]
Parsons, Harold A., (1) [303]
Parsons, Samuel H., (3) [40], [75], [126]
Pass of Balmaha (ship), (1) [179]
Passaro, Charles, (1) [258]
Passaro, Gennaro, (1) [171]
Passero, Marino, (1) [266]
Passero, P., (1) [23]
Pasture Lane Cemetery - Darien, (1) [180]
Patchin, William, (1) [75]
Patent for Stamford, (1) [103]
Patents, ( Inventors and invention), (10) [24], [50], [83], [87], [159], [165], [186], [202], [236], [288]
Patrick, Daniel, (6) [53], [102], [103], [118], [178], [250]
Patriotic societies, (1) [250]
Patterson, Morehead, (1) [45]
Patterson, Robert H., (2) [262], [265]
Patterson, Rufus, (1) [45]
Patton, William W., (1) [83]
Pavia, Leonard, (1) [292]
Pavia, Nick, (1) [116]
Pavia, Paul, (1) [45]
Pavia, Paul P., (2) [145], [166]
Pavia, Tony M., (2) [213], [266]
Pawnbrokers, (1) [27]
Paymer, Marvin E., (1) [270]
Payne, Christy, (1) [83]
Payne, Edward Q., (1) [251]
Payson, Laurence G., (1) [179]
Payson, William Skiddy, (1) [179] |
Peabody Engineering, (1) [45]
Pearl Harbor Day, (2) [4], [5]
Pearl Harbor, World War II (1939-1945), (2) [133], [213]
Pearlman, David W., (2) [27], [262]
Pease, Cynthia, (1) [277]
Pease, John C., (1) [214]
Peat, James, (1) [306]
Peattie, Edward S., (1) [251]
Peck family, (1) [143]
Peck, Harry T., (1) [83]
Peck's Point, place in Stamford, (4) [5], [28], [140], [275]
Pedersen, William F., (1) [234]
Pedersen, William F. & Associates (William F. Pedersen & Associates), (1) [234]
Peet, Robert L, (1) [50]
Pei, I. M. (I. M. Pei & Partners) (1) [238]
Peirce, George W., (1) [186]
Pelton Cemetery - Darien, (1) [180]
Pelton family, (2) [143], [306]
Pelton, Samuel, (2) [185], [306]
Penahay, (2) [103], [118]
Pendery, Joyce S., (4) [84], [102], [158], [212]
Peney family, (1) [143]
Penfield, Ione, (1) [158]
Penguin (ship), (1) [102]
Pennybacker, Miles, (1) [165]
Penoyer family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Penoyer, Lydia, (3) [178], [183], [280]
Pentecostal Churches, (1) [66]
People's Bank, (3) [29], [73], [102]
Peoples National Bank, (2) [102], [250]
Pepper Ridge, place in Stamford, (3) [140], [141], [142] |
Pepperwood Ridge, place in Stamford, (2) [141], [142]
Pequot Indians, (2) [141], [142]
Pequot War, (3) [84], [103], [148]
Percival, Warren, (2) [141], [142]
Periodicals, (5) [83], [99], [130], [303], [311]
Perkin-Elmer Corporation, (3) [45], [101], [181]
Perkin, Richard S., (1) [101]
Perkins, Clifford DeWitt, (1) [262]
Perkins, Henry A., (2) [104], [262]
Perkins & Will, (1) [193]
Perone, Neil, (1) [165]
Perrine family, (1) [143]
Perry, Douglas, (1) [213]
Perry family, (1) [143]
Perry, James, (1) [335]
Perry, Robert W., (1) [290]
Pershing, George Orr, (5) [158], [184], [212], [215], [220]
Persiani, Luigi, (1) [23]
Peruvian bark, see Stamford Manufacturing Company
Peters, Cyril, (1) [270]
Peters, Margaret, (1) [266]
Peters, Samuel, (2) [26], [56]
Petit, John, (1) [179]
Petroleum, (2) [90], [182]
Petroleum Heat & Power Company, (5) [5], [90], [182], [258], [262]
Petroleum products -- trade, (4) [90], [182], [265], [275]
Petrucci, Frank, (1) [171]
Pettet family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Pettet, John, (1) [183]
Pettet, John, Quintard, Isaac, (1) [178]
Pettit family, see Pettet family above
Pettit, Tom, (1) [45] |
Pharmacists, (11) [23], [28], [44], [54], [118], [141], [142], [159], [257], [258], [312]
Phelan, Sidney M., Jr., (1) [83]
Phelps, Frank, (1) [262]
Phelps, I. Newton, (3) [216], [250], [265]
Phelps, William L., (1) [54]
Philanthropists and philanthropy, (16) [4], [5], [10], [12], [29], [44], [45], [51], [152], [171], [211], [213], [272], [292], [293], [313]
Philethia Club, (1) [257]
Phillip, James F., (1) [292]
Phillip, Rosavelle Gardiner, (2) [102], [292]
Phillips, Albert, (2) [262], [265]
Phillips, Alfred N., Jr., (7) [4], [5], [30], [83], [102], [262], [292]
Phillips Camphor Wax Company, (1) [104]
Phillips, Charles E. H., (1) [262]
Phillips, Charles H., (2) [29], [45]
Phillips, Charles H., Chemical Co. (Charles H. Phillips Chemical Co)., (5) [29], [262], [265], [266], [269] |
Phillips Chemical Company, (3) [5], [102], [104]
Phillips, Edward, (2) [104], [245]
Phillips, George, (2) [84], [179]
Phillips, Halbert C., (1) [265]
Phillips, John B., (2) [29], [262]
Phillips, William, (1) [125]
Phillips, William D., (1) [262]
Philoptoch (Friends of the Poor), (1) [266]
Phoenix Carriage Company, (10) [28], [102], [104], [105], [118], [141], [142], [171], [262], [313]
Phonograph records, long-playing,, (1) [159]
Photographers and photography, (5) [28], [141], [142], [170], [172]
Photographs, see Illustrations
Physicians & Surgeons, (27) [23], [27], [28], [51], [54], [83], [103], [104], [118], [141], [142], [171], [172], [183], [185], [214], [217], [250], [253], [257], [258], [270], [292], [306], [312, [318], [336]
Physioc, Martha, (1) [268] |
Pia, Alphonse M., (1) [266]
Pia, Angelina Gulla, (1) [54]
Pia, Jerry A., (1) [54]
Pia, Thomas, (1) [264]
Pia, Tony (Old Sarge), (2) [213], [264]
Piamikin, (5) [102], [103], [118], [178], [250]
Picker, Annie, (2) [102], [171]
Picket, David, (2) [26], [289]
Picket family, (1) [143]
Pickett, Mary Crissey, (1) [84]
Picnics, (1) [117]
Pictures, see Illustrations
Pierce, W. B., (2) [253], [299]
Pierce, William D., (1) [262]
Pierson, Abraham, Jr., (1) [183]
Pierson, Carrie, (1) [292]
Pierson family, (2) [141], [142]
Pierson, Nathaniel, (1) [76]
Pierson, Norris E., (1) [265]
Pierson, Samuel, (6) [45], [217], [250], [262], [292], [293]
Pierson, Samuel F., (1) [292]
Pierson, Samuel N., (2) [262], [265] |
Pierson & Smith, Inc., (1) [102]
Pimpinella, Pasquale, (1) [145]
Pine Hill, place in Stamford, (1) [140]
Pine Island, (1) [140]
Pink Tent Festival of the Arts, (1) [5]
Pinnacle Rock Road, (1) [140]
Pinza, Ezio, (2) [84], [102]
Piper Brook, (1) [140]
Piper, Donald G., (1) [266]
Piper's Hill School, (1) [304]
Pisano, Matteo, (1) [23]
Pitkin, William, (2) [103], [183]
Pitney, Arthur H., (4) [5], [44], [50], [102]
Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Company, (13) [5], [44], [50], [102], [161], [181], [186], [212], [238], [258], [262], [266], [292]
Pitney Postal Machine Company, (1) [50]
Pitney, Robert, (1) [50]
Pitt, Alfred S., (1) [262]
Pitt, Inc., William (William Pitt, Inc.), (2) [4], [102]
Pitt, Malcolm R., (2) [262], [292]
Pitt, William, (2) [251], [314]
Pittaro, Vito, (2) [23], [145] |
–Place to Pneumonia–
Place names (Names, geographical), (43) [4], [5], [18], [22], [28], [30], [36], [38], [45], [53], [76], [77], [95], [98], [102], [103], [104], [115], [117], [118], [128], [130], [140], [141], [142], [161], [166], [171], [172], [178], [179], [180], [209], [214], [238], [250], [251], [264], [265], [266], [275], [298], [313]
Place, Willard F., (1) [83]
Planetarium, (1) [304]
Plasterers, (1) [159]
Platt family, (1) [143]
Platt, Orville H., (1) [250]
Platt, Samuel H., (1) [186]
Plaut, Edward, (1) [83]
Playground and Recreation Association of America, (1) [218]
Playgrounds, (4) [62], [218], [257], [304] |
Plaza Theater, (2) [85], [170]
Pleasant Street, (1) [45]
Plotkin, Philip, (1) [27]
Plotnick, Marian, see Plotnick, Miriam below
Plotnick, Miriam, (1) [213]
Plumbers and plumbing, (5) [3], [27], [118], [172], [204]
Plumer, Ellsworth H., (2) [132], [208]
Plumley, Mary, (1) [5]
Plunkett, Ethel Bird, (1) [84]
Plunkett, James, (1) [84]
Plunkett, Robert G., (1) [292]
Plymouth Road, (1) [45]
Pneumonia, (2) [217], [258] |
Poczabut, John S., (3) [51], [292], [336]
Podiatrists, (1) [54]
Podrazik, Frances (Parker, Frances; Grandma Parker), (5) [4], [43], [102], [135], [266]
Poets and poetry, (13) [26], [76], [77], [180], [199], [212], [243], [250], [270], [273], [303], [314], [323]
Poindexter, Albert, (1) [200]
Point Lookout, place in Stamford, (1) [84]
Poirier, David A., (1) [219]
Poisons, (2) [74], [292]
Police Commission, City of Stamford, (1) [159]
Police Department, Borough of Stamford, (3) [104], [172], [262]
Police Department, City of Stamford; Chief; Officers, (13) [5], [44], [54], [104], [116], [155], [163], [164], [172], [262], [263], [265], [292]
Police Department, Town of Stamford, (4) [45], [104], [262], [269]
Polio, (1) [197]
Polish-Americans, (13) [4], [43], [44], [60], [67], [92], [102], [135], [158], [159], [212], [266], [267]
Polish Business and Professional Club, (3) [43], [135], [159]
Polish Gymnastic Falcon Society, (2) [4], [266]
Polish language, (2) [43], [135]
Polish National Alliance, (5) [4], [43], [135], [159], [266]
Polish Welfare Society, (2) [43], [135]
Political organizations, (15) [24], [43], [54], [104], [135], [145], [158], [159], [163], [168], [212], [251], [257], [258], [266]
Political parties (see also specific parties), (12) [84], [89], [102], [104], [159], [163], [168], [205], [248], [250], [257], [258]
Pollution, (3) [70], [104], [159]
Poltrack, Edward, (1) [213]
Poltrack, Francis, (1) [213]
Poltrack, John, (1) [84]
Polymer Industries, (1) [45]
Pompey, Theophilus, (1) [179]
Pond family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Pont-Briant, Lois, (1) [1]
Ponus, (14) [15], [22], [45], [84], [95], [102], [103], [141], [142], [177], [178], [250], [266], [313]
Ponus Ridge Cemetery - New Canaan, (1) [180]
Ponus Ridge, place in New Canaan, (1) [45]
Ponus's Path, (1) [45]
Ponus Street, (3) [45], [141], [142]
Ponus Yacht Club, (3) [4], [44], [265]
Poole, Fanny H. R., (1) [83]
Poor, (4) [103], [104], [175], [313]
Poor, Frederick E., (1) [50] |
Poorhouse Brook, (1) [140]
Poorhouse Cemetery, (1) [180]
Population, (33)[3], [5], [16], [22], [29], [40], [62], [89], [95], [98], [103], [104], [117], [118], [122], [141], [142], [161], [163], [178], [214], [250], [251], [253], [257], [258], [266], [275], [284], [305], [313], [330], [331]
Populist Party, (1) [104]
Porter family, (1) [143]
Porter, Louis H., (1) [83]
Porters, (1) [257]
Portrait painters and portrait paintings, (3) [239], [268], [270]
Portraits, (43) [3], [4], [5], [7], [10], [12], [23], [26], [27], [29], [32], [33], [40], [87], [102], [103], [104], [133], [141], [142], [145], [155], [162], [165], [171], [172], [179], [200], [210], [213], [250], [260], [262], [265], [266], [268], [270], [290], [292], [293], [323], [326], [329]
Posnansky, Nina, (1) [84]
Posnansky, Ulla, (1) [84]
Post cards, (2) [4], [5]
Post, George B., (1) [292]
Post Offices, (6) [28], [44], [50], [166], [212], [214]
Post Road (Boston Post Road), (21) [4], [5], [84], [102], [103], [105], [127], [141], [142], [160], [166], [186], [215], [250], [262], [265], [266], [275], [298], [300], [316]
Postage meters, (4) [50], [212], [238], [266]
Postal History Society of Connecticut, (2) [166], [212]
Postal service, (15) [22], [44], [45], [50], [118], [123], [141], [142], [166], [172], [212], [250], [262], [265], [266]
Posters, (2) [154], [277]
Postmarks, (2) [50], [166]
Potatoes, (4) [4], [134], [214], [250]
Potter family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Potters' swamp, place in Stamford, (1) [115]
Pottery, (2) [221], [309]
Potts family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Poulos, George, (1) [121]
Poultry, (3) [27], [171], [175]
Pound, (5) [103], [140], [141], [142], [179]
Pound Ridge, N. Y., (18) [5], [27], [30], [45], [53], [76], [84], [102], [103], [118], [122], [141], [142], [158], [162], [177], [266], [306]
Pound Rocks, place in Stamford, (3) [140], [179], [250]
Powell, Bernard W., (3) [220], [221], [308]
Powell, Julie Adams, (3) [158], [212], [222]
Powelson, Charles G., (1) [171]
Powers, Andrew, (1) [306]
Powers, George, (1) [289] |
Praeger, Benjamin, (1) [213]
Praesiosa, Vito, (1) [45]
Prange, Charles E., (2) [155], [265]
Pratt, John, (1) [50]
Pratt, John H., Jr., (1) [50]
Pratt, William A., (2) [166], [262]
Preli, Angelo, (1) [84]
Preli, Benjamin, (1) [84]
Preli, Bonfalio (Buff), (1) [84]
Preli, Helen, (1) [84]
Preli, Joseph, (1) [84]
Preli's gas station, (1) [84]
Presbyterian churches, (34) [4], [5], [28], [44], [66], [93], [102], [104], [118], [141], [142], [144], [171], [200], [207], [216], [229], [230], [232], [246], [247], [250], [259], [262], [265], [266], [272], [281], [283], [294], [295], [298], [302], [304]
Prescott, George R., (1) [3]
Presidents, U.S., (11) [27], [44], [45], [51], [104], [118], [168], [171], [250], [269], [298]
Preu, Roger, (1) [213]
Preziosi, Anniello, (1) [171]
Price & Lee Co., (1) [303]
Principia Club, (1) [257]
Prindle, Paul W., (2) [212], [306]
Printing and printers (see also Newspapers; Publishers & publishing), (10) [35], [45], [141], [142], [154], [159], [211], [250], [265], [266]
Printing press, (1) [154]
Prior, A. Martin, (1) [223]
Prior, Edward M., (1) [212]
Prior, Edward Martin, (1) [223] |
Prior, Israel, (1) [262]
Prior, Phillip W., (2) [132], [208]
Prisons, (1) [183]
Pritchard, Thomas, (1) [265]
Private presses, (2) [154], [211]
Private schools, (31) [5], [27], [28], [29], [30], [39], [43], [44], [58], [102], [131], [135], [141], [142], [158], [171], [172], [203], [206], [210], [212], [222], [231], [250], [262], [265], [266], [291], [298], [303], [304]
Probate court, Stamford, (4) [81], [158], [164], [262]
Probate inventories, (1) [177]
Probate records, (5) [36], [81], [158], [289], [306]
Program In Judaic Studies And Middle Eastern Affairs, (1) [291]
Progressive Era, (2) [60], [250]
Prohibition, see Temperance
Proprietorship, (2) [103], [178]
Prospect Hill, place in Stamford, (1) [30]
Prospect Street, (8) [27], [28], [84], [118], [170], [171], [245], [298]
Protestant Episcopal churches
Provoost, William J., (2) [99], [282]
Provorce family, see Provost family below
Provost, Daniel, (1) [306]
Provost family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [306]
Provost, Henry A., (1) [172]
Provost, Henry S., (1) [262]
Provost, Norman, (3) [118], [144], [262]
Provost, Samuel, 2nd., (1) [306]
Provost, Stephen B., (1) [29]
Provost, Thomas, (1) [306]
Prudence Drive, (1) [45] |
–Psychiatric to Puts Hill–
Psychiatric hospitals, (2) [44], [292]
Psychiatrists, (2) [217], [292]
Psychiatry -- study and teaching, (2) [217], [292]
Psychiatry, Mental health(2) [44], [292]
Public health, (10) [4], [62], [70], [104], [157], [204], [249], [257], [258], [299]
Public housing, (3) [233], [304], [313]
Public lands, (16) [102], [103], [104], [105], [115], [118], [141], [142], [171], [172], [178], [179], [250], [264], [265], [275]
Public schools, Borough of Stamford
Public schools, City of Stamford
Public schools, Town of Stamford
Publishers and publishing, (4) [83], [154], [211], [301]
Pucyk, Czeslawa, (Sister M. Redempta), (1) [135]
Pucyk, Stanislawa (Sister M. Domitilla), (1) [135]
Puerto Ricans, (2) [4], [266]
Pulaski Democratic Club, (2) [43], [135] |
Pulaski Street, (3) [44], [102], [135]
Pulitzer Prize, (1) [5]
Pullman, Joseph, (1) [262]
Pump swamp, place in Stamford, (1) [115]
Pumpo, E., (1) [23]
Punnett, Thomas W., (1) [334]
Purdue Pharma, (1) [73]
Purdy, Clayton S., (2) [29], [262]
Purdy family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Purdy, Nina S., (1) [224]
Puritans, (4) [15], [45], [103], [178]
Purple Heart, American Revolution, (3) [88], [306], [310]
Putnam, Israel, (10) [15], [22], [40], [75], [118], [141], [142], [250], [266], [316]
Putnam, Rufus, (2) [102], [225]
Puts Hill, place in Greenwich, (1) [316] |
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