The Stamford Historical Society
Stamford, Connecticut – A Bibliography
Index of Names and Subjects
within Bibliography Items
–H– |
–H.W. to Hanson– |
H. W. Collender Company, (2) [104], [118]
Haas, Bernard David, (1) [27]
Hackett, Allen, (1) [262]
Hackett, Raymond E., (1) [83]
Hackler, Greta, (2) [124], [304]
Hadassah, Stamford Branch of Hadassah, (1) [27]
Hadden, James M., (1) [125]
Hadden's Hotel, (1) [179]
Haenlein, Joy L., (1) [4]
Haff, Jno. J., (1) [265]
Hagan, Frank F., (1) [67]
Hagan, Maurice, (1) [265]
Hagen, James E., (1) [67]
Hagen, Philip, (1) [67]
Hagstrom, Victor Charles, (1) [67]
Hahn, Emma Erskine, (2) [21], [84]
Haig Avenue, (1) [45]
Haig Avenue Park, Stamford, (1) [264]
Haight family, see Hoyt family
Haight, Nathaniel D., (5) [28], [141], [142], [166], [216]
Haine, John W., (1) [336]
Hains, Edmont, (1) [262]
Hait Cemetery, (1) [180]
Hait family, see Hoyt family
Haitian Resource Center, (1) [102]
Hale Lake, (1) [162]
Hale, Ruth (Broun, Ruth Hale) (1) [162]
Hale, William G., (1) [83]
Half Way House, (2) [171], [186]
Hall, A. Oakley, (1) [102]
Hall, Albert Allen, (1) [67]
Hall, Albert C., (2) [118], [262]
Hall, Charles, (1) [104]
Hall, Charles F., (1) [67]
Hall, Charles S., (1) [126]
Hall, Frank W., (1) [251]
Hall, Jonathan M., (1) [29]
Hall, Kenneth, (1) [213]
Hallam, Alfred, (4) [104], [118], [250], [298]
Halle, Hiram, (1) [27]
Hallett, William, (1) [103]
Hallman, Harold E., (1) [67]
Hallock, B. B., (1) [245]
Halloran, Thomas P., (1) [171]
Halloran, Walter J., (1) [67]
Halloween Basin, (1) [140]
Halloween Park, Stamford, (9) [5], [44], [102], [140], [250], [264], [265], [275], [298]
Halpin, Nelson R., (1) [67]
Hamblen, Gordon, (1) [165]
Hamernik, Frances (Sister M. Ellen), (1) [135]
Hamernik, Peter, (1) [135]
Hamilton, Alexander (doctor), (4) [102], [103], [127], [266]
Hamilton, Andrew, (1) [265]
Hamilton Avenue, (1) [275]
Hamilton, Bertha, (1) [172]
Hamilton, Burgoyne, (2) [67], [265]
Hamilton Cemetery, (1) [180]
Hamilton, Edward, (1) [67]
Hamilton family, (1) [143]
Hamilton, Harlan, (1) [128]
Hamilton, John C., (1) [36]
Hamilton, John Franklin, (1) [36]
Hamilton, John P., (1) [29]
Hamilton, John S., (1) [36]
Hamilton, John S.M. (1) [336]
Hamilton, Julia Ann Scofield, (1) [36]
Hamlet, Johnie Winstead, (1) [67]
Hamlin, Conde, (1) [83]
Hamlin, Howard Leslie, (1) [67]
Hammers, Morgan J., (1) [262]
Hanchuck, Afansas, (1) [67]
Hand tools, (4) [9], [178], [179], [185]
Handel, Edmund M., (1) [67]
Handicapped, (2) [124], [226]
Hanford, Albert, (3) [5], [44], [102]
Hanford, Thomas, (3) [102], [183], [187]
Hanley, Joseph E., (1) [67]
Hanley, Willam James, (1) [67]
Hanna, Matthew E., (2) [262], [265]
Hanna, Matthew E., Jr., (1) [262]
Hanrahan, Daniel, (5) [104], [118], [155], [262], [266]
Hanrahan, John T., (3) [51], [102], [262]
Hanrahan, Patrick, (4) [104], [118], [262], [266]
Hanson, Charles A., (1) [67] |
–Happy to Hazel– |
Happy Hill Road, (1) [140]
Harbor Plaza, (1) [315]
Hard, William, (1) [83]
Harding Woolen Company, (1) [104]
Harding Woolen Mills, (3) [102], [118], [172]
Hardware-manufacture and trade, (10) [3], [27], [28], [102], [118], [172], [179], [265], [266], [288]
Hardy, Ann, (2) [178], [183]
Hardy family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Hardy, Rebecca, (1) [183]
Hardy's Hole, place in Stamford, (3) [140], [141], [142]
Hardy, Samuel, (2) [178], [183]
Harford, Kieran, (1) [262]
Hazzard, Charles, (1) [262]
Harris, B. T., Corporation (B. T. Harris Corporation), (1) [262]
Harris, Benjamin, (3) [27], [262], [265]
Harris, Byron M. P., (1) [67]
Harris Company Real Estate, (1) [27]
Harris family, (1) [143]
Harris, Frank, (1) [297]
Harris, Frank E., (1) [67]
Harris, Jay, (1) [158]
Harris, Lena, (1) [27]
Harris, Morris (1) [27]
Harris, W. O., (1) [290]
Harrison & Abramovitz, (4) [230], [232], [247], [281]
Harrison, Benjamin, (1) [298]
Harrison, Francis M., (1) [67]
Harrison, Frank, (1) [54]
Harrison, Frank H., (1) [51]
Harrison, Frank M., (1) [51]
Harrison, Joseph James, (1) [67]
Harrison, Wallace, (10) [93], [232], [246], [247], [259], [281], [283], [294], [295], [302]
Harrison, William L., (1) [67]
Harry Bennett & Associates, Inc., (1) [102]
Harry Rosenbaum Library of Judaica, (2) [27], [291]
Harson family, (1) [143]
Hart, Charles E., (1) [262]
Hart, Esther, (1) [4]
Hart, Esther Levy, (1) [27]
Hart, Eugene, (1) [213]
Hart family, (1) [143]
Hart, Harry, (1) [67]
Hart, Harry T., (2) [258], [265]
Hart, Miriam, (1) [27]
Hart, Moses, (1) [27]
Hart, Nathaniel R., (2) [104], [118]
Hart, Samuel, (1) [27]
Hart, Thomas J., (1) [67]
Hart, William H., (1) [67]
Hartfield, Joseph J., (1) [67]
Hartford Avenue, (2) [45], [186]
Hartford, Conn., (7) [22], [40], [84], [102], [141], [142], [185]
Hartford Electric Light Company (Helco), (1) [128]
Hartford National Bank, (1) [45]
Hartford Provision Company, (1) [27]
Hartlett, Ernest U., (1) [67]
Hartlett, Leonard C., (1) [67]
Hartley, Emily Wakeman, (4) [102], [224], [250], [265]
Hartman, Emil J., (1) [67]
Hartman, Jesse, (1) [264]
Hartman Park, Stamford, (2) [164], [264] |
Hartman, Rosa, (1) [264]
Hartman Theater, (2) [4], [102]
Hartson family, (1) [143]
Hartstein, Elizabeth, (1) [73]
Hartstein, Larry, (1) [4]
Harttley, James, (1) [67]
Hartwell-Delap Company, (1) [265]
Hartwell, Harold, (1) [251]
Harvard Avenue, (1) [275]
Harvard College, (1) [103]
Harvest Hill Lane, (1) [140]
Harvey, George, (1) [51]
Harvey, Holman, (1) [83]
Harvey Knapp Cemetery, (1) [180]
Haskins, Moses J., (1) [290]
Haslam, Patricia L., (1) [129]
Hasse, Adelaide Rosalie, (1) [130]
Hatch, Albert J., (1) [262]
Hatch, Alfred H., (1) [264]
Hatch & Bailey Company, (2) [45], [262]
Hatch, Edward L., (1) [262]
Hatch Field, Stamford, (4) [163], [164], [257], [264]
Hatch, Prentice M., (1) [262]
Hathaway, B. F., (1) [314]
Hats--manufacture and trade, (1) [118]
Hatter, George T., (1) [67]
Hatter, Henry Clay, (1) [67]
Haug, William J., Jr., (1) [67]
Haughs, Frederick George, (1) [67]
Hausman, Dona E., (1) [84]
Hausman, Fred, (1) [84]
Havey, E. J., Jr., (1) [50]
Haviland Brook, (2) [140], [308]
Haviland Cemetery, (3) [140], [158], [180]
Haviland China Company, (1) [45]
Haviland, Floyd Hobby, (1) [67]
Haviland Road, (1) [84]
Haviland, Winfield, (1) [267]
Havoc, June, (1) [84]
Hawaii, (1) [106]
Hawley, Charles, (9) [29], [102], [118], [141], [142], [172], [250], [262], [298]
Hawley, Charles A., (3) [29], [118], [292]
Hawley, Charles W., (1) [158]
Hawley, Elisha, (2) [141], [142]
Hawley family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Hawley, Francis M., (3) [141], [142], [144]
Hawley, Wallace, (1) [265]
Hawley, Wallace E., (1) [67]
Hawthorne Street, (4) [27], [44], [161], [257]
Haxton family, (1) [143]
Hay, John Russell, (1) [67]
Hay, William H., (1) [186]
Hay, William R., (1) [67]
Hayes, George G., (1) [67]
Hayes, John, (2) [5], [89]
Hayes, Paul F., (2) [67], [171]
Hayes, Walter Joseph Lockwood, (1) [67]
Haying, (1) [9]
Haynes, Oliver E., (1) [67]
Hayt-Hoyt Cemetery, (1) [180]
Hazard, Carl Harwood, (1) [67]
Hazel Street, (1) [257] |
Heacock, Bethuel, (1) [306]
Heacock, Ebenezer, (1) [306]
Healy, Frank J., (1) [67]
Healy, Wendy S. (1) [4]
Hearne, Richard C., (1) [67]
Heath, William, (3) [102], [184], [266]
Heating equipment, (3) [175], [182], [250]
Hebard Cemetery, (2) [158], [180]
Hebrew Free Loan Society, (1) [161]
Hebrew Institute, Inc., (4) [4], [27], [102], [161]
Hebrew Ladies' Educational League, (3) [27], [168], [291]
Hebrew language, (1) [161]
Hecht, Abe, (1) [27]
Hecker, Georgiana Bell, (1) [173]
Hecker, John V., (1) [173]
Hedden, Zadoc, (1) [306]
Hedman, Martha, (1) [83]
Heerdt, Edward E., (1) [67]
Heffernan, James, (2) [155], [262]
Heffernan, Joseph, (1) [45]
Heider, Lewis George, (1) [67]
Heilner, Steve, (1) [269]
Heintz, Howard R., (1) [67]
Heldt, Albert Lee, (1) [67]
Hellenic Orthodox Church, Taxiarche, (2) [66], [262]
Helms, Arthur, (1) [5]
Hemingway, Booth, (1) [84]
Hemingway, Mary Moon, (2) [84], [266]
Hempstead, Charles Stilson, (1) [67]
Hempstead, Charles T., (1) [262]
Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y., (5) [15], [102], [103], [141], [142]
Hemsley, Stanley F. (1) [84]
Henchar, Gustave, (1) [67]
Henderson, Alfred C., (2) [292], [312]
Henderson, Skitch, (1) [51]
Henderson, Jean, (1) [336]
Hendrickson, Judson C., (3) [132], [208], [262]
Hendrickson, Verner August, (1) [67]
Hendrie, Charles, (3) [104], [118], [262]
Hendrie, Charles W., (2) [118], [262]
Hendrie, Frederic B., (1) [262]
Hendrie, Joshua B., (1) [29]
Henneberger, Herman, (1) [262]
Henneberger, William Herman, (1) [67]
Hennesey family, (1) [143]
Hennessey, Charles B., (1) [67]
Hennessy, Jonathan S., (1) [216]
Henrickson, Emmy A., (1) [165]
Henrikson, Hugo, (1) [67]
Henry, J. F., (1) [29]
Henry Street, (3) [44], [171], [292]
Henry Street Benevolent Society, (3) [4], [102], [104]
Henry, William, (1) [165]
Henryk Sienkiewicz Society, (2) [43], [135]
Hepner, Bob, (1) [73]
Hequetch, place in Stamford, (5) [4], [45], [140], [190], [250]
Herbert, James, (1) [262]
Herman, John Julius, (1) [67]
Herman, Ray, (1) [27]
Hermann, C. W. A., (1) [104]
Heroy, Dorothy, (3) [258], [262], [264]
Heroy Recreation Complex, Stamford, (2) [163], [264]
Heroy, William W., (1) [262]
Herrick, William, (1) [50]
Herrman, Frederick William, (1) [67]
Hertz, John D., (1) [51]
Hertzberg, George R., (1) [292]
Hertzberg, Reinhold F., (1) [336]
Herzog, Stanley J., (1) [67]
Heseler, D., (1) [3]
Hess, Raymond C., (1) [262]
Hewes, Edward, (1) [102]
Hewes, Edward B., (2) [29], [264]
Hewitt, Alfred F., (1) [262]
Hewitt, Alfred Frank, (1) [67]
Hewitt, Peter Cooper, (1) [165]
Hexamer, Carl R., (3) [118], [253], [262]
Heyer, Frederic K., (1) [67]
Heyn, Roman H., (1) [50] |
Hibbard, Arthur, (1) [84]
Hickcox family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Hickey, Charles, (1) [45]
Hickey Construction Company, (1) [45]
Hickey, Daniel, (3) [45], [155], [266]
Hickey, Daniel F. B., (2) [67], [265]
Hickey, Daniel, Jr., (1) [44]
Hickey family, (1) [45]
Hickey, George, (1) [45]
Hickey, George Wm., (1) [67]
Hickey, John, (1) [45]
Hickey, John J., (1) [67]
Hickey, Mary, (1) [45]
Hickey, Thomas, (1) [45]
Hickey, Thomas H., (1) [166]
Hickey, William, (3) [4], [5], [45]
Hickock, Samuel, (1) [306]
Hickox, Samuel, (1) [198]
Hicks, Russell E., (1) [67]
Hickson, George William, (1) [67]
Hickson, James H., (1) [67]
Hidden Brook Drive, (1) [45]
Higginbotham family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [178]
Higgins, John E., (2) [131], [212]
Higgins, Mary, (1) [208]
High Ridge Cemetery, (4) [140], [158], [180], [306]
High Ridge Golf Club, (1) [84]
High Ridge Industrial Park, (1) [102]
High Ridge Methodist Church, (3) [66], [84], [212]
High Ridge, place in Stamford, (14) [28], [84], [102], [140], [141], [142], [166], [180], [212], [250], [254], [262], [266], [269]
High Ridge Road, (2) [44], [186]
High Rock Road, (1) [140]
High Water Rock, (1) [140]
Highview Avenue, (1) [45]
Highways, see Streets and Road building
Hildebrandt, Arthur J., (1) [67]
Hildebrandt, Robert, (1) [67]
Hilder, John, (1) [165]
Hill, Alfred W., (1) [67]
Hill, Charles E., (1) [104] |
Hill, Charles H., (1) [67]
Hill, Edward, (1) [29]
Hill, George Washington, Jr., (1) [84]
Hill, John Henry, (1) [67]
Hill, Louis A., (1) [67]
Hill Street, (1) [257]
Hillandale Golf Club, (3) [45], [114], [222]
Hillandale Park, (1) [140]
Hilliard, Ernest Greenfield, (1) [67]
Hilliard, Mary P., (4) [132], [158], [208], [212]
Hillside Street, (1) [45]
Hilltop Street, (1) [45]
Hillyer, Shaler J., (2) [84], [245]
Hine, Charles S., (3) [29], [104], [262]
Hiram Halle Library, (1) [27]
Hispanics, (3) [4], [89], [266]
Historic buildings -- Darien, (1) [22]
Historic buildings -- New Canaan, (1) [22]
Historic buildings -- Stamford, (61) [1], [4], [15], [22], [27], [28], [29], [33], [36], [40], [44], [45], [61], [62], [81], [84], [93], [102], [103], [104], [105], [110], [111], [112], [118], [123], [128], [141], [142], [147], [150], [166], [170], [171], [172], [178], [179], [196], [205], [209], [210], [229], [236], [239], [240], [241], [247], [250], [257], [259], [264], [265], [266], [276], [277], [281], [283], [294], [298], [302], [326]
Historic houses -- Darien, (2) [178], [250]
Historic houses -- Stamford, (39) [4], [21], [27], [28], [31], [36], [40], [44], [45], [46], [63], [64], [77], [81], [84], [102], [103], [108], [118], [128], [141], [142], [149], [151], [170], [171], [172], [178], [179], [196], [237], [250], [264], [266], [279], [319], [324], [326], [333]
Historic Neighborhood Preservation Program, (1) [5]
Historic preservation, (2) [184], [266]
Historic sites, (39) [1], [4], [22], [27], [28], [40], [44], [45], [46], [53], [62], [76], [84], [102], [103], [104], [105], [112], [118], [123], [141], [142], [170], [171], [172], [178], [179], [180], [184], [196], [205], [236], [241], [245], [250], [264], [265], [266], [298]
Historic trees, (1) [190]
Historical Briefs, Inc., (1) [133]
Historical fiction, (2) [175], [254]
Historical markers, (6) [27], [184], [245], [250], [264], [265]
History Book Club, Inc., (1) [102]
Hitchcock, F., (1) [245] |
–Hluboky to Hollander–
Hluboky, Frank J., (1) [67]
Hobart, Noah, (1) [303]
Hobbie, Charles A., (6) [5], [44], [102], [118], [144], [298]
Hobbie, Charles E., (3) [44], [262], [265]
Hobbie Post, No. 23, Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.), (4) [44], [118], [265], [298]
Hobby, B. Franklin, (1) [209]
Hobby, Horace, (1) [102]
Hobby, John, (2) [178], [216]
Hodge, Harriet W., (1) [158]
Hodges, Silas, (1) [198]
Howes, Paul Griswold, (1) [67]
Hoffman, Barry, (1) [5]
Hoffman, Henry J., (1) [165]
Hog, Peter, (1) [4]
Hogan, John, (2) [67], [104]
Hogan, John Joseph, (1) [67]
Hogan, Joseph B., (1) [67]
Hogan, Larry, (1) [172]
Hogan, Lawrence James, (1) [67]
Hogan, Michael David, (1) [67]
Hogan, Neil, (1) [134] |
Hogan, Neil, (1) [134]
Hogan, Thomas F., (1) [292]
Hogan, Thomas J., (1) [292]
Hogan, Thomas Michael, (1) [67]
Hollander, Milton, (1) [45]
Hollow Tree Ridge, place in Darien, (2) [141], [142]
Hoge family, (1) [143]
Hoit, E. B., Co. (E. B. Hoit Co.), (1) [6]
Hoit, E. B. (Hoyt, E. B.), (3) [3], [6], [84]
Hoit family, see Hoyt family below
Holbrook, Edward, (2) [29], [262]
Holbrook, Frances, (1) [269]
Holby, Worrell Hansell, (1) [67]
Holcomb, Marcus H., (1) [265]
Holden, McLaughlin & Associates, (1) [333]
Holiday, Austin J., (1) [262]
Holidays, (10) [27], [84], [105], [131], [161], [167], [171], [175], [250], [266]
Holland, Abbie M., (1) [67]
Holland, Henry, (1) [67]
Hollander, Betty, (1) [45]
Hollander, Frederick, (1) [67] |
Holly, A. N., (2) [28], [216]
Holly, Abigail, (1) [335]
Holly, Abraham, (2) [185], [306]
Holly, Abraham, Jr., (1) [306]
Holly, Alfred A., (3) [141], [142], [216]
Holly, Alfred Apollos, (1) [179]
Holly, Ann Glover, (1) [179]
Holly, Augustus, (1) [335]
Holly, C. M., (1) [104]
Holly Cemetery, (2) [179], [180]
Holly, Charles, (1) [84]
Holly, Charles E., (2) [118], [262]
Holly, Charles F., (3) [141], [142], [166]
Holly, Charles M., (2) [29], [216]
Holly, David, (7) [102], [118], [172], [178], [179], [216], [335]
Holly, David, Jr., (1) [216]
Holly, Ebenezer, (1) [289]
Holly, Ebenezer, Jr., (1) [306]
Holly, Edwin S., (6) [3], [15], [44], [104], [118], [262]
Holly, Elisha, (4) [141], [142], [178], [335]
Holly, Elizabeth, (3) [178], [179], [183]
Holly, Elizabeth Abigail, (1) [179]
Holly family, (6) [45], [141], [142], [143], [178], [306]
Holly, Flora May, (1) [262]
Holly, Francis, (2) [15], [173]
Holly, Francis Manton, (3) [141], [142], [144]
Holly, H. Hudson, (3) [5], [144], [151]
Holly, Hannah, (1) [335]
Holly, Hiram Smith, (1) [254]
Holly House, (3) [170], [171], [172]
Holly, Increase, (5) [45], [115], [178], [179], [183]
Holly, Isaac, (1) [306]
Holly Island, (1) [140]
Holly, Jabez, (1) [306]
Holly, John, (16) [15], [45], [84], [102], [103], [118], [141], [142], [148], [177], [178], [179], [262], [266], [306], [335]
Holly, John Melancthon, (2) [144], [179]
Holly, John W., (2) [209], [216]
Holly, John William, (7) [52], [141], [142], [172], [179], [241], [271]
Holly, Maria Theodosia, (1) [179]
Holly, Martha, (1) [335]
Holly, Mary, (1) [335]
Holly, Nathan, Jr., (1) [306]
Holly, Numan, (1) [335]
Holly, Pierre R., (3) [141], [142], [144]
Holly Pond, place in Stamford, (4) [28], [140], [179], [275]
Holly Pond Road, (1) [275]
Holly, Rebecca, (1) [335]
Holly, Rebecca Welles, (1) [179]
Holly Rock, (1) [140]
Holly, Samuel, (4) [141], [142], [178], [280]
Holly, Selleck, (1)[335]
Holly, Stephen, Jr., (1) [306]
Holly, Susanna, (1) [84]
Holly, William Henry, (13) [5], [29], [84], [96], [102], [118], [141], [142], [172], [216], [250], [262], [266]
Holly, William Welles, (4) [141], [142], [179], [334] |
–Holmberg to Howes–
Holmberg, Theodore A., (1) [67]
Holmes family, (5) [141], [142], [143], [178], [306]
Holmes, John, (2) [102], [178]
Holmes, John, Jr., (1) [306]
Holmes, Martha, (2) [178], [183]
Holmes, Samuel, (1) [183]
Holmes, Steven, (1) [183]
Holmes, Taylor, (1) [85]
Holt, Walter, (1) [247]
Holy Name Athletic Club, (4) [4], [43], [135], [159]
Holy Name Of Jesus Roman Catholic Church, (12) [43], [44], [60], [66], [89], [92], [102], [135], [159], [212], [262], [266]
Holy Name School, (3) [43], [135], [159]
Holy Name Society, (2) [89], [145]
Home Court, (1) [27]
Homeopathic Hospital Aid Society, (1) [292]
Honey, (1) [175]
Honey Hill Road, (1) [140]
Hood, Raymond M., (1) [83]
Hooker, Thomas, (1) [103]
Hop Grounds, place in Stamford, (2) [141], [142]
Hope Street, (9) [13], [27], [28], [45], [101], [141], [142], [186], [334]
Hope Street Park, Stamford, (1) [264]
Hopkins, Barry, (1) [290]
Hopkins, James, (1) [67]
Hopkins, James Jordan, (1) [67]
Hopkins, Samuel, (3) [15], [136], [137]
Hopkins, T. Ewell, (1) [290]
Hopkins, Woolsey R., (5) [104], [118], [132], [208], [262]
Hopson, Elizabeth F., (1) [102]
Hopper, Edward B., (1) [336]
Horan, Audrey Vivian, (1) [213]
Horan, James J., (2) [3], [172]
Horan Park, Stamford, (2) [213], [264]
Horan, Vincent, (2) [213], [264]
Horkheimer, B. S., (1) [265]
Horn, James A., (1) [67]
Hornaday, William Temple, (3) [83], [174], [262]
Horne, Joseph A., (7) [29], [83], [250], [262], [265], [292], [327]
Hornet (ship), (2) [102], [106]
Hornez, August J., (1) [67]
Hornez, Henry L., (1) [67]
Hornibrook, Edward W., (1) [67]
Horse Pasture, place in Stamford, (3) [140], [179], [250]
Horse racing, (1) [4]
Horseneck, place in Greenwich, (12) [40], [52], [56], [75], [120], [141], [142], [216], [225], [244], [266], [316]
Horses, (25) [3], [5], [9], [13], [27], [40], [44], [46], [75], [84], [103], [127], [160], [170], [171], [178], [185], [186], [200], [217], [249], [292], [300], [316], [323] |
Horticultural Hall, (1) [216]
Horticulture (see also Gardens and Gardening), (2) [175], [200]
Horton, Claude, (1) [269]
Horton, Earl C., (1) [67]
Horton, Frederick Benjamin, (1) [67]
Hospitals (see also Psychiatric hospitals), (21) [4], [5], [44], [51], [89], [100], [102], [104], [141], [142], [171], [193], [212], [217], [229], [265], [270], [292], [293], [304], [318]
Hostos, Charles, (1) [67]
Hotchkiss, Clayton E., (1) [265]
Hotchkiss, Eli Hubbell, (1) [50]
Hotels, (17) [3], [27], [28], [40], [44], [102], [118], [141], [142], [170], [171], [172], [179], [250], [257], [65], [298]
Hotges, Andrew M., (1) [67]
Hoth, Fred, (1) [266]
Hoth, Frederick, Jr., (1) [172]
Hoth, Frederick, Sr., (1) [172]
Hotz, Barbara S., (1) [73]
Hotz, Barbara Sarner, (1) [27]
Hotz, Walter, (1) [27]
Houdini, Harry (Ehrich Weiss), (1) [84]
Hough, John, (2) [141], [142]
Hough, Walter, (3) [141], [142], [262]
Houghton, Frederick M., (2) [250], [265]
Houghton, Joseph G., (3) [13], [208], [250]
Houghton, Walter E., (1) [250]
Houriet, Susan, (1) [4]
House & Garden, (1) [64]
House painters, (1) [3]
Household furnishings, (1) [178]
Household of Ruth, (1) [257]
Household utensils, (1) [178]
Housemen, (1) [257]
Housing, (20) [27], [63], [64], [102], [104], [116], [117], [118], [134], [149], [151], [161], [178], [233], [251], [257], [261], [282], [313], [327]
Housing, public, (3) [233], [304], [313]
How, Bowers, (1) [306]
How, Ebenezer, Jr., (1) [306]
How family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [306]
How, James, Jr., (1) [306]
How, Nathan, (2) [185], [306]
How, Nathaniel, (1) [306]
Howard, Arthur J., (1) [67]
Howard, Lester, (1) [267]
Howard, Lucy, (1) [50]
Howard, Ralph P., (1) [67]
Howe, George, (1) [83]
Howe, Joseph, (2) [141], [142]
Howes, Edward L., (1) [251]
Howes family, (1) [143] |
–Hoyt to Hoytville–
Hoyt, Aaron, (1) [306]
Hoyt, Abigail, (1) [335]
Hoyt, Abraham, (3) [141], [142], [335]
Hoyt, Alfred, (7) [45], [84], [102], [118], [141], [142], [262]
Hoyt, Amos, (5) [45], [141], [142], [306], [335]
Hoyt-Barnum House, Stamford, (12) [4], [5], [44], [102], [103], [158], [178], [196], [208], [219], [246], [266]
Hoyt, Bates, (21) [306], [335]
Hoyt, Benjamin, (5) [45], [118], [178], [183], [306]
Hoyt, Calvin, (1) [84]
Hoyt, Carey, (1) [306]
Hoyt, Carrie, (1) [171]
Hoyt Cemetery, (4) [45], [158], [180], [306]
Hoyt, Charles D., (1) [216]
Hoyt, Charles E., (1) [67]
Hoyt, Charles Lyman, (1) [118]
Hoyt, David, (6) [45], [118], [185], [289], [306], [335]
Hoyt, Deodate, (1) [306]
Hoyt, E. B., (3) [3], [6], [84]
Hoyt, Ebenezer, (3) [45], [76], [306]
Hoyt, Edgar, (4) [5], [102], [118], [144]
Hoyt, Edward C., (2) [83], [262]
Hoyt, Edwin, (2) [141], [142]
Hoyt, Elijah, (1) [306]
Hoyt, Emily, (1) [335]
Hoyt, Enoch, (2) [45], [306]
Hoyt, Epenetus, (1) [306]
Hoyt, Ezra, (2) [118], [179]
Hoyt family, (7) [44], [45], [141], [142], [143], [178], [306]
Hoyt, Fitch, (1) [338]
Hoyt, Fitch A., (4) [170], [171], [172], [262]
Hoyt, Frank H., (1) [104]
Hoyt, Frederick, (1) [306]
Hoyt, George, (3) [102], [144], [262]
Hoyt, George A., (9) [29], [44], [104], [118], [123], [134], [170], [266], [314]
Hoyt, George H., (7) [29], [104], [118], [172], [250], [292], [298]
Hoyt, George S., (1) [262]
Hoyt, Getman & Judd, (2) [3], [29]
Hoyt, Gideon, (1) [306]
Hoyt, Gloriana, (1) [335]
Hoyt, Hanford, (3) [45], [289], [306]
Hoyt, Hannah, (5) [45], [76], [178], [183], [335]
Hoyt, Harvey, (2) [45], [209]
Hoyt, Henry, (5) [45], [118], [141], [142], [306]
Hoyt, Hezekiah, (1) [306]
Hoyt, Isaac, (1) [306]
Hoyt, Isaac Lockwood, (4) [118], [141], [142], [262]
Hoyt, J. King, (1) [247]
Hoyt, Jabez, (1) [45]
Hoyt, Jachen, (1) [306]
Hoyt, Jacob, (3) [45], [118], [306]
Hoyt, James, (1) [306]
Hoyt, James H., (12) [5], [29], [104], [118], [123], [140], [141], [142], [172], [250], [262], [292]
Hoyt, James Henry, (2) [141], [142]
Hoyt, James, Jr., (1) [289]
Hoyt, James Lindsay, (1) [67]
Hoyt, James R., (2) [118], [216]
Hoyt, Jane King, (1) [45]
Hoyt, Jared, (1) [306]
Hoyt, Jean, (1) [247]
Hoyt, Jean W., (1) [83]
Hoyt, Jemima, (2) [45], [178]
Hoyt, Jerome, (1) [45]
Hoyt, Jesse, (2) [185], [306]
Hoyt, Joel, (1) [306]
Hoyt, John, (8) [45], [115], [118], [141], [142], [144], [178], [306]
Hoyt, John Benedict, (2) [141], [142] |
Hoyt, John, Jr., (2) [185], [306]
Hoyt, John L. C., (1) [84]
Hoyt, Jonas, (1) [335]
Hoyt, Jonathan, (7) [45], [103], [115], [118], [141], [142], [306]
Hoyt, Joseph, (11) [45], [102], [118], [141], [142], [178], [179], [289], [298], [306], [335]
Hoyt, Joseph, 5th., (1) [289]
Hoyt, Joseph B., (7) [29], [45], [104], [118], [170], [298], [314]
Hoyt, Joseph, Jr., (2) [185], [306]
Hoyt, Joseph Warren, (1) [335]
Hoyt, Joshua, (5) [115], [118], [141], [142], [178]
Hoyt, Josiah, (2) [185], [306]
Hoyt, Julia, (1) [45]
Hoyt, Justice, (1) [209]
Hoyt, LeRoy Weed, (1) [67]
Hoyt, Lorenzo, (1) [45]
Hoyt, Lyman, (5) [28], [144], [170], [172], [262]
Hoyt, Lyman, & Son (Lyman Hoyt & Son) (2) [3], [11]
Hoyt, Martha, (3) [5], [44], [266]
Hoyt, Martha W., (1) [265]
Hoyt, Mary, (1) [335]
Hoyt, Mercy, (2) [76], [178]
Hoyt, Nancy, (1) [335]
Hoyt, Nancy Emeline, (1) [45]
Hoyt, Nathan, (3) [45], [178], [306]
Hoyt, Nathaniel, Jr., (1) [306]
Hoyt, Neazer, (2) [185], [306]
Hoyt, Noah W., (2) [138], [144]
Hoyt, Noah Webster, (1) [138]
Hoyt, Oliver, (6) [102], [104], [107], [118], [144], [314]
Hoyt, Oliver C., (1) [67]
Hoyt, Peter, (2) [45], [306]
Hoyt, Phillip, (2) [141], [142]
Hoyt, Phillip L., (1) [216]
Hoyt, Raymond Haslam, (1) [67]
Hoyt, Reuben, (1) [45]
Hoyt, Roswell, (6) [104], [118], [141], [142], [166], [216]
Hoyt, Rufus, (2) [170], [171]
Hoyt's Hall, (5) [102], [118], [170], [216], [250]
Hoyt, Salmon, (1) [45]
Hoyt, Salome, (1) [335]
Hoyt, Samuel, (10) [45], [103], [115], [126], [141], [142], [178], [179], [183], [306]
Hoyt, Samuel, 5th., (1) [289]
Hoyt, Samuel B., (2) [45], [144]
Hoyt, Sarah, (4) [45], [178], [179], [335]
Hoyt, Seth, (1) [306]
Hoyt, Shadrach, (3) [45], [102], [118]
Hoyt, Sherman, (3) [45], [141], [142]
Hoyt, Silas, (1) [306]
Hoyt, Stephen, Jr., (1) [29]
Hoyt Street, (3) [45], [118], [186]
Hoyt, Sylvanus, (2) [289], [306]
Hoyt, Thaddeus, (5) [102], [141], [142], [289], [306]
Hoyt, Theodore R., (1) [29]
Hoyt, Thomas, (1) [118]
Hoyt, Timothy, (1) [306]
Hoyt, Uriah, (2) [45], [306]
Hoyt, W. C., (1) [104]
Hoyt, W. & R. (W. & R. Hoy), (1) [29]
Hoyt, Warren, (2) [45], [306]
Hoyt-Waterbury Cemetery-Darien, (1) [180]
Hoyt, Willard S., (1) [67]
Hoyt, William, (5) [45], [96], [118], [170], [306]
Hoyt, William, 3rd., (1) [166]
Hoyt, William C., (4) [141], [142], [186], [314]
Hoyt, William R., (1) [262]
Hoytville, place in Stamford, (8) [4], [5], [102], [104], [118], [134], [140], [172] |
–Hubbard to Hynes–
Hubbard Avenue, (3) [28], [275], [292]
Hubbard family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [306]
Hubbard Heights Cemetery, (1) [180]
Hubbard Heights Golf Club, (1) [54]
Hubbard Heights, place in Stamford, (2) [180], [258]
Hubbard, Henry, (2) [262], [306]
Hubbard, Henry A., (1) [118]
Hubbard & Holly, (1) [3]
Hubbard, Isaac, (1) [289]
Hubbard, Nathaniel, (6) [45], [52], [140], [141], [142], [289]
Hubbard's Corner, place in Stamford, (2) [141], [142]
Hubbard's Hill, place in Stamford, (5) [28], [118], [140], [208], [217]
Hubbard, William, (4) [29], [178], [245], [289]
Hubbell, Harold B., (2) [158], [306]
Hubbell, James E., (1) [292]
Hubbell, William, (2) [5], [139]
Huckleberry Ridge, place in Stamford, (1) [177]
Hudson, Henry, (1) [179]
Hudson, Hugh Lonnsburg, (1) [67]
Hudson, Maria Louisa, (1) [179]
Hudson, Maria Theodosia, (1) [179]
Hudson, Radcliffe, (1) [250]
Hughes, Arthur H., (1) [140]
Hughes Avenue, (1) [45]
Hughes, Edgar H., (1) [67]
Hughes, James, (1) [67]
Hughes, Owen, (1) [262]
Hughes, Peter W., (1) [51]
Hull, Esther, (1) [45]
Hull family, (3) [141], [142], [143]
Hulse, Lealia Joel, (1) [265]
Hume, Raphael, (2) [51], [100]
Hume, Thomas, (1) [266]
Humphrey, H. M., (4) [29], [141], [142], [314]
Humphries, E. H. B., (1) [265]
Hungarian-Americans, (1) [159]
Hungerford, Harry, (2) [104], [118]
Hunt, Charles G., (1) [152]
Hunt, E.M. (1) [327]
Hunt, Edward, (1) [264]
Hunt, Elmer M., (1) [251]
Hunt family, (4) [45], [141], [142], [143]
Hunt & Hunt (Architects), (1) [108]
Hunt, Joseph, (2) [45], [178]
Hunt Recreation Complex, Stamford, (1) [264]
Hunt's Hill, place in Stamford, (1) [45]
Hunter, Benjamin M., (1) [49]
Hunter, G. Scott, (1) [262] |
Hunting Ridge Men's Club, (1) [84]
Hunting Ridge Methodist Church, (3) [66], [84], [262]
Hunting Ridge, place in Stamford, (12) [28], [62], [84], [118], [140], [141], [142], [177], [221], [262], [266], [308]
Hunting Ridge Road, (1) [84]
Hunting Ridge Rockshelter, (1) [308]
Huntington, Anne, (1) [191]
Huntington, Benjamin, (1) [191]
Huntington, Elijah Baldwin, (24) [5], [26], [29], [40], [45], [84], [96], [102], [103], [104], [107], [118], [141], [142], [143], [144], [158], [173], [183], [184], [212], [250], [266], [303]
Huntington family, (1) [191]
Huntington, George, (2) [141], [142]
Huntington, Long Island, N. Y., (4) [26], [118], [141], [142]
Huntington, Rachel, (1) [191]
Hurd, Millard (Eddie), (1) [50]
Hurlbutt, Augustus Moen, (3) [262], [292], [293]
Hurlbutt, Lewis, (2) [217], [292]
Hurlbutt, Lewis Raymond, (5) [96], [141], [142], [144], [293]
Hurlbutt, Ralph, (1) [67]
Hurley, Marie V., (3) [82], [183], [226]
Hurley, Robert A., (2) [51], [89]
Hurricane of 1938, (5) [4], [102], [179], [241], [269]
Hurricanes, (3) [4], [102], [179]
Hussey, Edmund, (1) [51]
Hussey, Patrick, (1) [67]
Husted family, (5) [45], [141], [142], [143], [178]
Husted, Peter, (1) [45]
Husted, Thaddeus, (2) [185], [306]
Husted, Zebulon, (1) [76]
Hustis family, (2) [143], [178]
Hutchinson, Robert H., (2) [45], [166]
Hutton family, (4) [141], [142], [143], [306]
Huttom, Rebekah, (1) [335]
Hutton, Samuel, (3) [185], [306], [335]
Huyssen, Roger, (1) [73]
Hyatt family, (1) [178]
Hyde & Company, (1) [303]
Hyde, John, (1) [45]
Hyde Street, (1) [45]
Hyland Field, Stamford, (1) [257]
Hyland, George, (1) [213]
Hyland, George Joseph, (1) [67]
Hyland, William H., (1) [262]
Heymovich, Leo, (1) [336]
Hynan, Jerome J., (1) [67]
Hynes, John Joseph, (1) [67]
Hynes, Thomas Patrick, (1) [ 67] |
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